Photograph & Comment by Kenneth Allen
This bright yellow crop in the distance, looks like it is rape seed, the first one that I have seen in Northern Ireland for a while.
A hamlet and a celebrated agricultural school in the p (parish) of Faughanvale, Co. Londonderry; 1½ m S.W. by S. of Muff on the road to Strabane. The agricultural school stands 7 furl. S.S.W. of Muff* and 5 m. E.N.E. of Londonderry, upon a farm of 172 acres. The buildings cost £2,400 and are capable of accommodating, not less than, 70 boarders. The annual expense of board and instruction amounts to £10 a year. Parents or landlords pay this for the largest proportion (the parents paying for about one-third), the Drapers and Grocers companies, the Irish society and the Commissioners of the Woods and Forests for the remainder. The lowest age for admission is 14. The school is open to all classes and persuasions, and is frequented from all parts of Ireland. It is divided into two equal divisions; one remains in school, while the other is occupied abroad. The class in school pursue, under the head-master, reading English, English grammar, writing, arithmetic, geography, construction of maps, book-keeping in reference to their special occupations, farmers accounts, &c. Euclid’s elements, trigonometry, in its application to heights and distances, land surveying, together with the use of the water-level, theodolite, chain, &c. The other division works the farm and garden, under the head-farmer divided into bands, each superintended by its respective monitor, who is responsible for the conduct of his band. The situation of the establishment is beautiful. The house stands near to the top of a steep hill, looking down upon a wooded glen, and abroad over the rich levels stretching to the lough and over the lough to the mountains of Donegal and the grand Coleraine rocks. Besides feeding the whole establishment, the produce brings in a yearly increasing profit. Within ten years, there have been additions of new dormitories, an infirmary, washing rooms, a museum of models of farming implements, an improved cow house, and an excellent house for sheep, the introduction of which, with all modern improvements in the management of them, is an important new feature in the education given. The land is divided into nine portions; five of which, are regularly tilled on the five-shift rotation and the other on the four-shift. Every part of the work is, sooner or later, done by the hands of each pupil, the only help hired being for the drudgery, which would be mere waste of time when once learned. From the first attempt to plough a furrow, or set a fence to the highest skill in judging of stock at fairs and markets, the pupils are exercised in the whole of their art.
(A Gazetteer of the World, Vol. 7 by A. Fullarton, 1856)
*The town of Muff is now known as Eglinton. (Eglinton encompasses Muff and Coolafinny townlands and there is also a townland called Muff in Lissan Parish)
Resources for Eglinton http://www.billmacafee.com/derryancestors/eglinton/eglinton.htm
To the Editors of the Irish Farmer’s and Gardener’s Magazine
Gentlemen; – You will render a service to Ireland and advance the interests of that branch of her industry agriculture, whence she derives her principal resources, by giving a place in your widely circulated pages to the following account of an establishment, now in operation for 10 years; the extension of which, and the formation of similar schools elsewhere, are the sole rewards aimed at by the noblemen and gentlemen who were the founders of it, of whom many are still zealous as the committee of management in promoting its success.
I have the honor to remain, Gentlemen, your obedient humble serv’t. One of the Committee
The Agricultural Seminary of Templemoyle was originated at a very numerous meeting of the North West of Ireland Farming Society, at Londonderry and it was at first intended that it should consist of 2 establishments, taking Mons. Fellenberg’s Institution at Hoffwyll, in Switzerland, in some degree as the model. The first to be a school; comprising instruction in every science and accomplishment aimed at by the children of the higher orders; the 2nd, for the education of the sons of respectable farmers and tradesmen, in the hope of disseminating the advantages of an improved system of farming, by combining the practice and theory of it in the instruction of those who were afterwards to make agriculture their pursuit.
It was hoped that the extended scale of the Institution would allow of a greater variety of masters and lecturers and that the profit derived from the superior school would have contributed towards the maintenance of a secondary one. But a short experience convinced the subscribers that such a scheme was impracticable without much larger and more certain funds than those on which they could rely. They then gave their undivided attention to the Agricultural Seminary, which, through their unceasing exertions, has attained such eminence as may justly entitle them to look forward with confidence to its increasing usefulness and to its becoming a model for establishments of a similar nature in other parts of Ireland.
The school and farm of Templemoyle are situated about 6 miles from Londonderry, about a mile distant from the mail-coach road leading from Londonderry to Newtonlimavady; the house, situated on a small eminence, commands an extensive and beautiful view over a rich and highly cultivated country terminated by Lough Foyle. The base of the hill is occupied by a kitchen and ornamental garden cultivated by the youths of the establishment, under an experienced gardener. The ground between the garden and house is laid out in beds, in which all the different grasses, clovers, &c. are cultivated with the greatest care. The house, with an extensive range of farming offices behind and containing spacious, lofty, and well ventilated school-rooms, refectory, dormitories, apartments for the masters, matron, servants, &c.
Each pupil occupies a separate bed; the house can accommodate 76, and the number now amounts to 60 pupils. They receive an excellent education in reading, writing, arithmetic, book-keeping, mathematics, land-surveying and geography. This department is managed by an excellent master and assistant-master, both resident in the house. The pupils are so classed, that one half are receiving their education in the house, while the remainder are engaged in the cultivation of a farm of 130 Cunningham or 105 statute acres, in the management of which they are directed by a head farmer, an experienced and clever man, a native of Scotland, who has a skillful plough-man under him. The pupils who are employed one part of the day on the farm, are replaced by those in the school; so that the education always advances, in and out of doors. ‘parsi passu’.
The pupils are thus instructed in all the practical parts of farming and are also lectured several times a week on the theory of agriculture. They are also made acquainted with all the numerous varieties of cattle and their various qualities, such as early maturity in some breeds, hardihood in others; and have strongly impressed on them, that one of the most essential points in farming, is to suit the cattle to the situation, soil, &c.
The stables, harness-rooms, cow-houses, winter feeding houses, piggeries, barn, tool-houses, are arranged in the best manner, and the pupils are required to keep them and their contents in the highest order. A respectable matron has the superintendence of the dairy, cooking and cleaning the house and has the charge of the domestic servants.
The formation of this establishment has caused its founders an expenditure of above £4,000; of which about £3,000 were raised at it’s commencement by shares of £25 each, by the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and members of the North West Society. The Grocer’s Company**; on whose estate it is situated, have been most liberal in their assistance and have earned a just reward in the improvement of their property by the valuable example the farm of Templemoyle presents to their tenantry; and it is gratifying to state, that the effect of this example is not confined to so limited area, but it is followed to a very great extent by the farmers even at a considerable distance.
In sending a pupil to Templemoyle, it is necessary to have a nomination from one of the shareholders, or from a subscriber of £2 annually. The annual payment for pupils is £10 a-year, and for this trifling sum they are found in board, lodging and washing; and are educated so as to fit them for land-stewards, directing agents, practical farmers or surveyors, schoolmasters or clerks.
From 15 to 17 is the age best suited for entrance at Templemoyle, as 3 years is quite sufficient to qualify a student, possessed of ordinary talents and a knowledge of the rudiments of reading and writing, to qualify a student to occupy any of the above situations.
NB – Upwards of 200 young men, natives of 16 different counties in Ireland, have passed through or remain in the School. Of these, between 40 and 50 have been placed in different situations, such as land stewart, agents, school-masters, and clerks, or employed on the Ordnance Survey. Nearly one hundred are now conducting their own or their fathers’ farms in a manner very superior to that of the olden time; and the accounts of those who have proceeded from the Seminary, are such as to gratify the Gentlemen who have its interests at heart, and to convince them that the good seed sown is producing all ample and valuable harvest.
**The Grocers Company Estate lies on the north-west corner of the County of Londonderry, between Derry and Muff. It consists of forty two townlands, containing in the whole 12,168 statute acres. The Government valuation in 1858 was £7,007. The Rental is £6,000 per annum.
(The Irish Land Question and the Twelve London Companies, pub. 1868)
Map showing the location of Templemoyle

Templemoyle Seminary (opened 1827, closed 1866)
Rules –
1. The pupils are required to say their prayers in the morning, before leaving the dormitory and at night, before retiring to rest, each separately, and after the manner to which he has been habituated.
2. The pupils are requested to wash their hands and faces before the commencement of business in the morning, on returning from agricultural labor and after dinner.
3. The pupils are required to pay the strictest attention to their instructors, both during the hours of agricultural and literary occupation.
4. Strife, disobedience, inattention, or any description of riotous or disorderly conduct, is punishable by extra labor or confinement, as directed by the committee, according to circumstances.
6. Diligent and respectful behavior, continued for a considerable time, will be rewarded by occasional permission for the pupil so distinguished to visit his home.
6. No pupil, on obtaining leave of absence, shall presume to continue it for a longer period than that prescribed to him on leaving the Seminary.
7. During their rural labor, the pupils are to consider themselves amenable to the authority of their agricultural instructor alone and during their attendance in the school-room, to that of their literary instructor alone.
8. Non-attendance during any part of the time allotted either for literary or agricultural employment, will be punished as a serious offence.
9. During the hours of recreation the pupils are to be under the superintendence of their instructors, and not suffered to pass beyond the limits of the farm, except under their guidance, or with a written permission from one of them.
10. The pupils are required to make up their beds and keep those clothes, not in immediate use, neatly folded up in their trunks and to be particular in never suffering any garment, book, implement, or other article belonging to or used by them, to lie about in a slovenly or disorderly manner.
11. Respect to superiors and gentleness of demeanor, both among the pupils themselves and towards the servants and laborers of the establishment, are particularly insisted upon and will be considered a prominent ground of approbation and reward.
12. On Sundays the pupils are required to attend their respective places of worship, accompanied by their instructors or monitors and it is earnestly recommended to them to employ a part of the remainder of the day in sincerely reading the word of God and in such other devotional exercises as their respective ministers may point out.
Breakfast – 11 oz. of oatmeal made in stirabout, one pint of sweet milk.
Dinner –
Sunday – ¾ pound of beef stewed with pepper and onions, or ½ pound of corned beef with cabbage, and 3½ pounds potatoes.
Monday – ½ pound of pickled beef, 3½ pounds of potatoes, 1 pint buttermilk.
Tuesday – Broth made ½ pound of beef, with leeks, cabbages, and parsley, and 3½ pounds potatoes.
Wednesday – 2 ounces of butter, 8 ounces of oatmeal made into bread, 3½ pounds of potatoes and 1 pint sweet milk,
Thursday – ½ pound of pickled pork, with cabbage or turnips, and 3½ pounds potatoes.
Friday – 2 oz. of butter, 8 oz. wheat meal made into bread, 1 pint of sweet milk, or fresh buttermilk, 3½ pounds potatoes.
Saturday – Two ounces of butter, 1 pound of potatoes mashed, 8 oz, of wheat meal made into bread, 2½ pounds of potatoes, 1 pint buttermilk.
Supper –
In summer, flummery* made of 1 pound of oatmeal seeds, and 1 pint of sweet milk. In winter, 3½ pounds potatoes, and 1 pint of buttermilk, or sweet milk.
*Flummery – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flummery
Articles transcribed by Teena from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Derry Journal, Dublin Evening Post, Londonderry Journal and the Londonderry Standard. (unless otherwise noted)
3 Feb. 1827
On the 1st January 1827, a seminary will be opened at Fallowlee and Templemoyle, five miles from the city of Londonderry, under the immediate superintendence of the North-West of Ireland Society. The situation is very salubrious, and combines all the advantages arising from the proximity of the sea, the Belfast mail-coach road, and the new post town of Muff. The establishment will consist of two perfectly distinct schools, nearly a quarter of a mile asunder.
First, or Literary Department at Fallowlee (Fallowlea) –
The scientific course will be two-fold, the one branch comprehending logic, natural philosophy, and the usual routine of mathematical science, adapted for the future student of the Irish, or any of the British universities; the other intended for practical application and including, engineering, navigation, surveying, &c.
The classical course will be regulated according to the destination of the pupil and consist therefore, of such portions of the Greek and Latin writers as form the subject of the entrance examination at Trinity College, Dublin, or are calculated for ensuring admission into any of the universities of Great Britain. The studies connected with this course will be so conducted as to unite the various modern improvements adopted in these countries, with those suggested by a careful investigation of the most distinguished continental seminaries, which have been lately visited for the purpose. Particular attention will be devoted to composition, both Greek and Latin.
The Hebrew language will be taught with or without points, according to the exigencies of the pupil. The French language will constitute part of the general course and be taught grammatically & colloquially. Instruction will also be given in Italian, Spanish and German, when required by parents.
The English department, which is intended to be very extensive, including composition, elocution, &c. will be committed to a classical scholar. An initiatory course of lectures on the Anglo-Saxon language will be delivered to advanced pupils, in order to supply its deficiency in the popular mode of teaching etymology, Elementary instruction in the Irish language will be given, when required. Writing, arithmetic, book-keeping, geography, the use of the globes, &c. will be taught, after the most highly approved system. The best masters will be selected for the usual accomplishments of drawing, dancing, &c.
A portion of the play-ground will be fitted for gymnastic exercises, which, however, the pupils will be admissible only at the request of their parents. Courses of elementary lectures geology, mineralogy, chemistry and botany will be delivered periodically.
Terms – Sixty guineas annually, to be paid quarterly in advance and three guineas entrance, for board, lodgings, washing and instruction, in all the above detailed branches of education. No additional charge whatever will be made, with the exception of mending, breakage and medical attendance. Day scholars will be received at £15 annually, to be paid quarterly in advance.
Vacation – Six weeks in summer, on the arrival of which parents will be expected to remove their children, as the business of the seminary will be completely suspended. There will also be recesses of a week each, at Christmas and Easter, during which it will be optional with parents to remove their children, or let them remain at the establishment.

Photograph by the Ulster Architectural Heritage Society
Second, or Agricultural Department at Templemoyle
This part of the establishment will be open on the 1st March, and will be, in some of the more important details, assimilated to that of Mr. Von Fellenberg, at Holwyl in Switzerland. For this purpose a very extensive building has been erected and an adequate portion of the grounds (which consist of 120 acres) as an experimental farm, to which, in process of time, a botanic garden will be annexed. Individuals destined for agricultural pursuits will be here instructed in the theory and practice of every branch of rural economy, according to the methods most highly approved and also in English, writing, arithmetic and surveying. Courses of elementary lectures will also be delivered in this department of the establishment, on geology, mineralogy, chemistry and botany. A collection of appropriate specimens will gradually be amassed for the use of the pupils.
Terms – £10 annually, to be paid quarterly in advance, for board, lodging, washing and instruction. Pupils can only be admitted on the recommendation of a shareholder, at the proportion of one for every subscription of £25. None will be received into the institution under the age of fourteen, nor retained longer than 6 years. The most satisfactory testimonials of the good character of the individual recommended will be required by the committee of management.
Day scholars will be admissible at £4 annually to be paid quarterly in advance. No regular vacation will be given. Any indulgence of this nature will be granted by the committee to such pupils alone as may have merited it by superior diligence and general good conduct.
N.B. – The schools at Fallowlee and Templemoyle will constantly be inspected by visitors selected from the committee of management.
Communications respecting the Agricultural Seminary, to be made to Wm. MARSHALL Esq. secretary, North West Society, under cover to the Right Hon. Sir G. F. HILL Bart. Londonderry.
1 May 1828 – Principal of the school George DOWNES A.M.
11 Feb. 1832 – Annual Ploughing Match of the Strabane Branch of the North-West Society
Held on Thursday last, at Liggartown – One of the judges, Mr. M’CHLERY, is the highly talented conductor of the Templemoyle School.
“Mr. M’CHLERY, was at a loss to express what he felt on the present occasion. He had now been four years a servant of the society, conducting a school called Templemoyle Seminary and he felt himself called on to state to them in what manner he had been employed during that period. His sole object was to instruct them in the practical part of agriculture; at the same taking care to impress on their minds their strict moral responsibility. He endeavoured to teach the pupil how to commence, carry on and conduct a farm. Suppose a farm all in disorder – he made him take an inventory of all he had – set him out to see how he would arrange all things – taking care to correct his mistakes. He thus taught them their necessary qualifications as steward and how to conduct everything in the modern system of agriculture. Many a labourer could be found for 10d. or 1s. per day, who could labour in a general way better than any of them – but it was a different case to take charge of an extensive farm. He endeavoured to teach them their responsibility to their master. The mutual benefit resulting from an honest discharge of their duty – to know the proper quantity of work each man should perform; or, in case of his absence, what should be done and to get it thus brought into systematic arrangement he had often found a very difficult task. He had also endeavoured to suppress party feeling, so that a stranger might not know, on visiting the place, to what sect the person belonged. Numbers of the young men thus instructed were now employed, either for themselves, or in the employment of gentlemen and their conduct was such as was highly honourable to both themselves and the institution.
On the other hand, he had met with some boys who would not attend to instruction, who, when they felt themselves restrained, would not submit to it, and would go away, and sometimes their parents and patrons foolishly encouraged their conduct, but he considered that 20 boys well instructed, were worth four score such bungling botches. The Society had had many difficulties to encounter, and like every other human institution had been liable to mistake, but it was now overcoming them all and promised to be one of the most useful institutions in Ireland and he had no doubt that the benefit of it would be felt when he was in the dust.”
18 Jul. 1833 – Show of Green Crops
The annual show of Vetches in Tirkeeren branch, North-West of Ireland Society, took place on Tuesday. The judges, Messrs. SEMPLE, WILLS and CANNING, after a tedious examination, there being many claimants, awarded the first premium to Mr. PATCHELL, Ardlough. The first premium for ‘saving the seed of Vetches’ was adjudged to Mr. William STEVENSON Tullyally, in the month of February last. At the late show of ‘Clover and Grass’, in this branch, Mr. FAIRLY, Muff, obtained the first premium among a host of candidates, having most luxuriant crops. The judges of Clover and Grass having been requested to visit Templemoyle, in the course of their rounds, returned the following report –
We, the judges of Clover and Grass, Tirkeeran Branch, North-West of Ireland Society, having visited the Agricultural Seminary at Templemoyle, were much gratified by the high state of cultivation in which the farm is at present. We examined a twenty-four acre field of clover and grass, (the sub-soil gravelly and blue clay), and found it fully equal to the best we had seen during the day. Mr. M’CHLERY deserves the highest praise for the superior manner in which he conducts the farming department of that most useful institution.
6 Oct. 1835 Address To MR. Robert MAXWELL, Templemoyle Seminary
The following Address from the pupils at this establishment was presented to Mr. MAXWELL, the Literary Master, on the 28th September.
Respected Sir,
It was with no ordinary feelings of regret that we contemplated your resignation the situation of Head Master of this Institution a situation which, for a number of years, you have filled with honour to yourself, with advantage to those placed under your care, and, we may also add, to the entire satisfaction of the Committee of Management. But, to our infinite satisfaction, we are now informed that you have been induced to retain your situation, at least for some time longer.
We cannot, therefore, allow the present opportunity to pass, without presenting you our sincere congratulations on the recent change of your determination and acknowledging, in the warmest manner, the many obligations which we individually owe you, for the vigilance, attention, and parental solicitude, which have ever been most conspicuous in your conduct towards us, while under your care. Your mode of conveying instruction, combining simplicity with elegance, and adapted to the meanest capacity, evinces you the kind, warm hearted, and zealous friend and has made such an indelible impression on our minds as time will not easily obliterate.
We would willingly bear testimony to your eminent qualifications for the situation which you now fill, and to your abilities, as a distinguished scholar; but, as you must be well aware of our sentiments in this respect, and as our encomiums might perhaps appear to you as flattery, we shall content ourselves by merely remarking that, in the event of your removal, a step which we would sincerely regret, we wish you a wider field for the exercise of those talents and abilities which you eminently possess and a situation where your worth will be fully appreciated.
We request your acceptance of the accompanying books, as a small tribute of our respect and gratitude and we beg to assure you, with the utmost sincerity, that you are in full possession of the best wishes of your affectionate pupils.
Thomas EAGAN
Alexander WILLIAMS
Alexander MOUTRAY
Robert ADAMS
Henry M’HUGH
Joseph ADAMS
Timothy LEARY
Thomas M’HUGH
Robert COWAN
George M. LITTLE
Lindsay CLARKE
George BOGGS
7 Nov. 1835 – Examination results
Having alluded to the public examinations held at this Seminary (Templemoyle) in our last, it only remains for us now to give, as we promised, the names of such of the pupils as distinguished themselves; at the same time, expressing the hope that present rewards will serve a stimulus to future exertion. At the close of the examination the various prizes were awarded as follows –
John SPROULE, Castlederg, Tyrone
Lindsay CLARKE, Porthall, Co. Donegal
Denis LEARY King William’s Town, Co. Cork
John M’CREA, Grange, Strabane
Andrew HUNTER, Castlederg
Denis LEARY, King William’s Town
Andrew HUNTER, Castlederg
John M’CREA, Grange
John SPROULE Castlederg
Thomas HOURIGAN, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
Samuel HASSON, Muff Glen, Co. Derry
George M. LITTLE, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone
John M’CREA, Grange
Thomas HOURIGAN, Dungarvan
Alexander MOUTRAY, Ballygawley
John SPROULE, Castlederg
John M’CREA, Grange
Robert MONTEITH, Castlederg
James WARNOCK, Kilkeeragh, Co. Derry
Denis LEARY, King William’s Town
Samuel HASSON, Muff Glen
John M’CREA, Grange
Alexander MOUTRAY, Ballygawley
Samuel HASSON, Muff Glen
Alexander MOUTRAY, Ballygawley
Lindsay CLARKE, Porthall
William OWENS, Dublin
John SPROULE, Castlederg
Second Class
Timothy CRIMMON, Co. Cork
John SPROULE, Castlederg
Robert ADAMS, Castlederg
Lindsay CLARKE, Porthall
Farming – Crops, Feeding, Breeding, Diseases of cattle
John SPROULE, Castlederg
Thomas LENDRUM, Co. Tyrone
George CLARKE, Muff, Co. Derry
Alexander MOUTRAY, Ballygawley
Smith DAVISON, Moneymore, Co. Derry
George BOGGS, Derry
Robert MONTEITH, Castlederg
8 Mar. 1836 Cumber and Banagher Farming Society
The first ploughing match of this society took place on 3rd March in a field belonging to Mr. CRAIG, Ballymaclanagan in the valley of the Foreglen. The day was fine and the assemblage of persons the largest we have seen at any kind of meetings for a number of years. Fourteen well appointed ploughs started. The horses and harness were not inferior to those of the Tirkeeran or Kenaught Societies; and it was most gratifying to see the excellence of the work, which exceeded the expectations of the most sanguine friends of this infant institution.
The Messrs. CRAIG entertained, to a substantial lunch, many of the farmers and ploughmen. At 6 o’clock the gentlemen and farmers dined at Mr. M’SPARRON’S inn in Claudy. Arthur SAMPSON Esq. in the chair and the Rev. Elliot BURROWS acted as Vice President.
Both Mr. WILLS and Mr CATHER congratulated the society on it’s successful beginning. The decision of the judges;
1st Samuel CRAIG, son of Robert CRAIG Ballymaclanagan
2nd William EAKIN, son of James Eakin Drumcovitt
3rd Henry HAMILTON, servant to Mr. James CRAIG Ballymaclanagan
4th Thomas MULLAN, son to Mr. James MULLAN Kincullbrack
5th Pat. DOUGHERTY, servant, to the Rev. James HUNTER Straid lodge
6th William Dunn, son, to Mr. William Dunn Ardground
Mr. Samuel CRAIG remarked the first prizes for this year in the Tirkeeran, Kennaught, Cumber Banagher Societies had been won by pupils of the Templemoyle Seminary. He himself had been educated in this institution.
23 Mar. 1836 Londonderry Assizes
Thomas M’CAULEY was indicted for stealing a shirt and several articles of wearing apparel out of an office at Templemoyle Seminary, the property of John SPROULE. Guilty to be transported 7 years. His Lordship, on account of his youth and from a representation in his favour, commuted the sentence of transportation to 3 months imprisonment, with hard labour and to be sent at the expiration of that time to America.
22 Feb. 1837
Venerate the plough;
And o’er your hills sod long withdrawing vales,
Let autumn spread her treasures to the sun.
While the above wholesome admonition may be found on the shelf of almost every man of taste in the kingdom, still it remained for the inhabitants of Tirkeeran most successfully to reduce it to practice. The unanimity, perseverance, and zeal of its members have rendered this society not only not excelled but unrivalled in any district in Ireland in the art of ploughing. On Monday last, the 16th anniversary ploughing match was held on the grounds of the Agricultural Seminary at Templemoyle in the vicinity of the Grocers beautiful village of Muff.
Twenty well appointed ploughs started and notwithstanding the severity of the day, the assemblage of spectators, not only from this but from all the neighbouring baronies, was immense.
In the evening, at least 60 of the resident gentry and gentlemen farmers assembled at CLARK’S hotel, Waterside, to partake in an excellent dinner furnished by Mr. CLARK in his best style. At 6 o’clock, Sir Robert BATESON Bart., Bond hill, was requested to take the chair. On the right of the chairman sat Henry WIGGINS Esq., President of the Tirkeeran Farming Society. Amongst the other gentlemen present were;
Hon. and Rev. Charles DOUGLAS
Major SCOTT Willsboro’
Rev. Mr. MOORE of Faughanvale
William Hamilton ASHE
Stewart GORDON
Robert M’CREA
The secretary, Mr. PATCHELL, at the request of the chairman, here read the decision. Those names (in brackets) are those of the challengers of the Alexander cup.
1st (J. A. SMITH Esq.) the Alexander silver challenge cup
2nd Henry THOMPSON
3rd Thomas Scott Esq.
4th (S. CRAIG)
5th James CRAIG
6th Robert RAY
7th Richard CRAIG
8th Rev. John HAYDEN
9th (James MULLINS)
10th (Ezekiel HATRICK)
11th (Samuel PAINE)
12th James CLARKE
13th Edward LITHGOW
14th James HYNDMAN
15th (Leslie ALEXANDER)
16th John CAMPBELL, plough held, one of the pupils of the Templemoyle Seminary
17th David SMITH
18th A. NOBLE
19th ( John WILLS)
The servants who obtained premiums were those of the following gentlemen;
J. A. SMYTH Esq.
13 Sept. 1837
At a public examination of this Seminary, which was held on Friday 1st Sept. 1837, the following premiums were awarded by the committee to pupils in the different classes.
Premiums List
1st class
1 John BOYD, Belfast
2 Henry MATHEWS, Dublin
3 Thomas SPROULE, Castlederg
2nd class
1 James M’ELROY, Kilrea
2 Robert KENNEDY, Gorticross
3 Andrew TALBOT, Castleisland, Kerry
3rd class
William ROSS, 2, Clones, Monaghan
Hugh WILSON, 3, Grange, Moy, Tyrone
1st Class
1 John BOYD, Belfast
2 Alexander ANDERSON, Dungiven, Derry
3 John INCH, Whitehill, Derry
2nd class
1 Jos. GIBSON, Moneymore, Derry
2 Andrew TALBOT, Castleisland, Kerry
3 Michael CAVANAGH, Stradreagh, Derry
3rd class
1 Hugh WILSON, Grange, Moy
2 John COWAN, Derryarkin, Derry
3 John YOUNG Coleraine
4th class
John M’HUGH 3d. Castlederg
1st class
1 Alexander ANDERSON, Dungiven
2 Arthur M’CORMACK, Castlederg
3 Alexander M’KIM, Burt
2nd class
1 Patrick CONNOR, Elphin, Roscommon
2 Jos. GIBSON, Moneymore
3 John COWAN, Derryarkin
1st class
1 Michael CAVANAGH, Stradreagh
2 Thomas SULLIVAN, Castleisland
3 Fredk. W. MOUTRAY, Ballygawley
2nd class
1 Hugh WILSON, Grange, Moy
2 John COWAN, Derryarkin
3rd class
1 Robert HAYES, Cookstown, Tyrone
2 John M’HUGH Castlederg
3 Ewing GILFILLAND, Falloward, Derry
1st class
John BOYD Belfast
2nd class
1 Thomas SULLIVAN, Castleisland
2 Alexander ANDERSON, Dungiven
Thomas EAGAN, Dungarvan, Waterford
Andrew Talbot, Castleisland
Alexander M’KIM, Burt
Thomas EAGAN, Dungarvan
Henry MATTHEWS, Dublin
Thomas WADE Moneymore
Alexander ANDERSON, Dungiven
1st class
Andrew TALBOT, Castleisland
Thomas EAGAN, Dungarven
John HYNES, Loughrea, Galway
2nd class
Marcus SULLIVAN Castleisland
Alexander M’KIM, Burt
Thomas SULLIVAN and Henry MATTHEWS, equal
1st class
1 John BOYD, Belfast
2 John HYNES, Loughrea
3 Frederick W. MOUTRAY, Ballygawley
2nd class
Thomas SULLIVAN, Castleisland
Alexander M’KIM, Burt
Arthur M’CORMICK, Castlederg
1 John BOYD, Belfast
2 Thomas SULLIVAN Castleisland
3 Henry MATTHEWS, Dublin
1 Thomas EAGAN, Dungarvan
General Exemplary Conduct
1 Thomas EAGAN, Dungarven
2 Alexander M’KIM, Burt
3 Andrew TALBOT, Castleisland
4 John BOYD, Belfast
5 Thomas SPROULE, Castlederg
6 John COOPER, Castlederg
7 Arthur M’CORMACK, Castlederg
8 Alexander ANDERSON, Dungiven
9 Robert SMYTH, Kilrea, Derry
18 Sept. 1839
The following is a list of the pupils to whom premiums were awarded at the close of the examination. The premiums for Botany have not yet been adjudged.
1st class
Joseph ROSS, Tullanee, Muff
Robert KENNEDY, Gorticross Derry
2nd class
Thomas ROSBOROUGH, Ballycallaghan, Bonds Glen
Rodger CARTON Gortilea, Claudy, County Derry
3rd class
Robert ANDERSON Largy, Nn-Limavady
William SCOTT, Farm hill, Enniskillen
4th class
William KELSEY, Plantation, Lisburn
1st class
Henry MATTHEWS, Castleknock, Dublin
Thomas SULLIVAN, Castle Island, County Kerry
2nd class
Alexander ANDERSON, Lismore, Waterford
3rd class
Joseph GREER, Ballynahinch, Richhill, Armagh
James QUINN, Lismoney, Moneymore
4th class
Robert SMYTH, Kilrea
1st class
Arthur M’CORMICK, Ballylennan, Castlederg
2nd class
Rodger CARTON, Gortilea, Claudy, County Derry
Joseph ROSS, Tullanee, Muff
3rd class
John POTTER, Castletroy, Limerick
1st class
Clement COOPER, Aghadoe, Killarney
2nd class
Samuel DAVIDSON, Moneyhaw, Moneymore
3rd class
James QUINN, Lismoney, Moneymore
1st class
Thomas SULLIVAN, Castle Island, Kerry
Robert YOUNG, Knowhead, Coleraine
2nd class
Patrick KELLY, Castle Hacket, Tuam
John Smyth BARR, Tyrbracken, Derry
3rd class
Samuel PATTERSON Gortaid, Maghera
4th class
Rodger CARTON, Gortilea, Claudy
John M’CABE, Drumanena, Monaghan.
1st class
Thomas SULLIVAN, Castle Island, Kerry
Robert YOUNG, Knowhead, Coleraine
2nd class
Patrick KELLY, Castle Hacket, Tuam
John Smyth BARR, Tyrbracken, Derry, by cut from Patrick O’CONNOR, Mount Trenchard, Foynes
Thomas SULLIVAN, Castle Island, Kerry
Thomas MATHEWS, Castleknock, Dublin
Robert YOUNG, Knowhead, Coleraine
Thomas SULLIVAN, Castle Island, Kerry
Thomas SULLIVAN, Castle Island, Kerry
1st class – undecided
2nd class
John Smyth BARR, Tyrbracken, Derry
Edward SPROULE, Clover Hill, Drumquin
3rd class
Samuel PATTERSON, Gortaid, Maghera
James GRESHAM, Molenan, Derry
Henry MATTHEWS, Castleknock, Dublin
Edward SPROULE, Clover Hill, Drumquin
Patrick BOURKE, St. Clerans, Tuam
Rodger CARTIN, Gortilea, Claudy
Henry MATTHEWS, Castleknock, Dublin
Robert KENNEDY, Gorticross Derry
John Smyth BARR, Tyrbracken, Derry
Robert YOUNG, Knowhead, Coleraine
Alexander ANDERSON, Lismore, Waterford
1st class
Arthur M’CORMICK, Ballylennan, Castlederg
Robert KENNEDY, Gorticross, Derry
2nd class
John HENDERSON, Rusky, Enniskillen
Patrick O’CONNOR, Mount Trenchard, Foynes
18 Feb. 1840 – Tirkeeran Farming Society
At the 19th annual ploughing match, challengers for the silver cup
3rd – Henry LEONARD- pupil at Templemoyle
17 Sept. 1840 – head farmer of seminary- John CAMPBELL
14 Sept. 1841 – married
On the 11th instant, at Coleraine by the Rev. Andrew Macaldin, Mr. John CAMPBELL, Templemoyle, to Mrs CLARK, Waterside Hotel, Derry.
3 Sept. 1842
The annual examination of the pupils of this Seminary commenced on Tuesday, several classes having been examined, and prizes awarded as follows;
1st class, 1st Division examined by Mr. LEATHEM
George KENNEDY Gorticross, Derry
Robert RUTLAGE, Aughnahoe Tyrone
John H. PHIBBS, Sligo
1st class 2nd Division – examined by Mr. COYLE
William Knox FINLAY, Killcranny, Coleraine, Derry
JOHNSTON, Aughearin, Castlederg, Tyrone
Robert MILLS, Ballyoughry Derry
2nd class – examined by Mr. OSBORNE
William H. RODDEN, Gortnamucklagh, Glenties, Donegal
Walter OSBORNE, Killea, Derry
Adam H BOYLAN, Coleraine, Derry
3rd class – examined by Mr. GRAY
William KENNEDY, Barrowbane, Waterford, Kilkenny (?)
George __ (left blank), Lisnacloon, Castlederg
James SHERWOOD, Ballinacarrigy, Westmeath
4th class – examined by Mr. SKIPTON
Edward PENNEFATHER, Mecklenburg Street Dublin
Joseph PATTERSON, Ballyb_gan? Lifford, Donegal
James BRACKEN, Templenifferin, Blacklion, Fermanagh
5th class – examined by Mr. GRAY
Robert M’KELVEY, Doe, Dunfanaghy Donegal
John SHORT, Portstewart, Antrim
James ATCHISON, Glencush Tyrone
1st class 1st Division examined by Mr. SIMPSON
Thomas DAVYS, Sligo
Hugh G. ROGAN, Derry
George WENSLEY, Dunnybraggy Moneymore, Derry
1st class 2nd division – examined by Mr. LEATHEM
Robert RUTLAGE, Aughnahoe, Castlederg, Tyrone
Robert MILLS Ballyoughry Derry
John C. COCHRANE, Castrues, Derry Donegal (?)
2nd class – examined by Mr. GRAY
Adam H. BOYLAN Coleraine, Derry
William RODDEN Gortnamucklagh, Glenties, Donegal
Walter OSBORNE, Killea, Donegal
3rd class – examined by Mr. OSBORNE
Daniel JUNK, Drumrott Moneymore, Derry
Andrew HART, Killelen, Ballilore, Kildare
Anthony BLACK, Clonacurrow, Coloony?, Sligo
4th class – examined by Mr. COYLE
Thompson Edward LYNN, Ballinaguard, Limerick
Thomas PHELAN, Cuddagh, Mountrath, Queen’s County
Samuel PORTER, Ballymoney, Spenagh(?) Donegal
5th class – examined by Mr. SKIPTON
James ATCHISON, Glencush, Tyrone
Robert M’KELVEY, Doe, Dunfanaghy, Donegal
John FLETCHER, Donemana, Tyrone
1st class 1st division – examined by Mr. SIMPSON
John PHIBBS, Sligo
Ben JOHNSTON, Lancaster, England
Robert YOUNG, Knowehead, Coleraine
These 3 were equal and divided by cut.
1st class 2nd division – examined by Mr. LEATHEM
Robert JOHNSTON, Aughearin, Castlederg, Tyrone
John CHERRY, Broighter, Nn.-Limavady, Derry
Thomas DAVYS, Sligo
2nd class – examined by Mr. COYLE
Alexander MILLS, Ballyougry, Derry
Alexander BROWNE, Tamnamore, Claudy Derry
William RODDEN, Gortnamucklagh, Glenties, Donegal (by cut)
3rd class – examined by Mr. GRAY
William KENNEDY, Narrowbane, Waterford, Kilkenny (?)
William KANE, Muff, Derry
Henry M’KAY, Bushmills, Antrim
4th class – examined by Mr. GAMBLE
William GRAHAM, Drumall, Lowtherstown, Fermanagh
Edward PENNEFATHER, Mecklenburg St. Dublin
Joseph PATERSON, Ballybogan, Lifford, Donegal
1st class examined by Mr. SKIPTON and Mr. GRAY
William Henry RODDEN, Gortnamucklagh, Glenties, Donegal
John H. PHIBBS, Sligo
John WRIGHT, Redhall, Ballycarry, Carrickfergus, Antrim
James GRENAN, Castlegrove, Letterkenny, Donegal
Adam H. BOYLAN, Coleraine, Derry
2nd class also examined by Mr. SKIPTON and Mr. GRAY
Joseph PATERSON, Ballybogan, Lifford, Donegal
Hugh WILLS, Craig, Gortnessy, Muff, Derry
James BRACKEN, Templenifferin, Blacklion, Fermanagh
1st Class – Examined by Mr. SIMPSON
George KENNEDY, Gorticross, Muff, Derry
John C. COCHRANE, Cartrues, Derry, Donegal
Robert MILLS, Ballyoughry, Derry (by cut from Thomas STEWART)
2nd class 1st division – examined by Mr. LEATHEM
William BALLINTINE, Ballyhumpton, Larne, Antrim
Jas. AULL, Nn.-Limavady, Derry
James GRENAN, Castlegrove, Letterkenny, Donegal
2nd class 2nd division – examined by Mr. OSBORNE
Thomas DAVYS, Sligo
John WRIGHT, Redhill, Ballycarry, Carrickfergus, Antrim Daniel JUNK, Drumott, Moneymore, Derry
3rd class – examined by Mr. GRAY
Anthony BLACK, Clonacurrow, Coloony, Sligo
Francis MITCHEL, Dungiven, Derry
Wm. GRAHAM, Drumall, Lowtherstown, Fermanagh
4th class – examined by Mr. GAMBLE
Solomon RAWSON, Dundrum, Dublin
John FLETCHER, Donemana, Tyrone
Edward PENNEFATHER, Mecklenburgh Street Dublin
1st class – examined by Mr. SIMPSON
Robert YOUNG, Knowehead, Coleraine, Derry
John H. PHIBBS, Sligo
George WENSLEY, (by cut from Ben. JOHNSON)
2nd class 1st division – examined by Mr. COYLE
George KENNEDY, Gorticross, Muff, Derry
John COCHRANE, Cartrues, Derry, Donegal (?)
Robert H. MILLS, Ballyougry, Derry
William Knox FINLAY, Kilcrany, Coleraine, Derry
2nd class 2nd division – examined by Mr. LEATHEM
Wm. SMITH, Cross, Derry
William H. M’FEETERS, Nn-Stewart, Tyrone
Charles BLACK, Clonacurrow, Coloony, Sligo
3rd class – examined by Mr. GAMBLE
William KANE, Muff, Derry
Wm. BALLINTINE, Ballyhumpton, Larne, Antrim
Andrew NELSON, Rory’s Glen, Larne, Antrim
1st class – examined by Mr. SIMPSON
Robert YOUNG Knowehead, Coleraine, Derry
John H. PHIBBS, Sligo
George WENSLEY, Dunnybraggy, Moneymore, Derry
1844 – following from a report printed in “Account of the Templemoyle Seminary”
The following is a list of the noblemen, gentlemen, and public bodies, who subscribed respective sums for establishing and supporting the institution.
ASH. W Hamilton
BATESON Sir Robert bart., Belvoir
BATESON Sir Robert bart., Castruse
Earl of Blessington
BOWEN Rev. Edward
BROWNLOW Rev. Francis
BRUCE Sir James bart.
BRUCE Stewart C.
Earl of Caledon
CAMPBELL William John
Worshipful Company of Clothworkers
DAWSON Right Hon. George Robert
Lord Bishop of Derry (KNOX)
DOUGLAS Hon. and Rev. Charles
Worshipful Company of Drapers
FERGUSON Sir Robert A., bart.
Worshipful Company of Fishmongers
GALBRAITH Sir James bart.
GAGE Conolly
Grocers Worshipful Company of
General HART
HAY Rev George
HAYES Sir Samuel bart.
HUNTER Richard
KIRWAN Mrs, county Galway
KNOX Rev. J. S.
KNOX Rev. William
LYLE Acheson
LYLE Hugh Esq., Oaks
LYLE Hugh Esq., Knockenteran
Worshipful Company of Mercers
MILLER William
Lord Bishop of Raphoe
SCOTT Thomas
The North East Agricultural Society
STAPLES Sir Thomas bart.
STEWART Alexander B.
STYLE Sir T Charles bart.
WARNER Charles
Marquess of Waterford
The Commissioners of Woods and Forests
YOUNG Rev. John
YOUNG George
YOUNG Richard
The Committee for the year 1843 consisted of the following gentlemen;
W. H. ASH esq.
Sir Robert BATESON, Bart.
Sir Robert A. FERGUSON, Bart.
Thomas SCOTT
Alexander SKIPTON, M.D.
Pitt SKIPTON, Honorary secretary
John A SMYTH, treasurer
Richard YOUNG
The masters subject to the control of the committee and appointed by them to carry on the business of the institution at present are;
Mr Robert MAXWELL, head master who has superintended the literary department for nearly fifteen years
Mr Charles CAMPBELL, assistant master
Mr John CAMPBELL, head farmer who has discharged the duties of that situation for nine years
Mr Robert YOUNG, assistant to head farmer
5 Oct. 1850
The annual examinations of the pupils of this valuable institution were held on Saturday, the 14th, and Monday, the 16th ult., before the managing committee. James ANDERSON Esq. of Lisnacloon, conducted the examination of the agricultural class in a manner even more effective than on former occasions, he succeeded in eliciting replies from the young men in their own words, instead of the language of authors and was thus enabled to ascertain with greater precision the extent of their knowledge upon the several subjects, respecting which they were interrogated. The following pupils distinguished themselves in their respective classes;
Frederick R. PRIOR, Rawross, Carrigart, Donegal
Robert JUNK, Drumrott, Moneymore, Londonderry
Wm. M’CLEARN, Terherrin, Manorcunningham, Donegal
Charles HEMPHILL, Castlederg, Tyrone
Matthew JOHNSTON, Donaghanie, Omagh, Tyrone
James BLACK, Ballysally, Coleraine, Londonderry
John HAIRE, Ardara, Donegal
Frederick R. PRIOR, Rawross, Carrigart, Donegal
Wm. M’CLEARN, Terherrin, Manorcunningham, Donegal
Charles HEMPHILL, Castlederg, Tyrone
Samuel ALCORN, Coolnagard, Omagh, Tyrone
Matthew JOHNSTON, Donaghanie, Omagh, Tyrone
James BLACK, Ballysally, Coleraine, Londonderry
English Grammar
Robert SCOTT, Termeil, Dungiven, Londonderry
John HAIRE, Ardara, Donegal
William GRESHAM, Molenan, Londonderry
Robert JUNK, Drumrott, Moneymore, Londonderry
Edwd. TOY, Strand, Londonderry
Henry MUNNIS, Carncullagh, Dervock, Antrim
William M’CLEARN, Terherrin, Manorcunningham, Donegal
James PORTER, Ballymoney, Burt, Donegal
Robert SCOTT, Turmeil, Dungiven, Londonderry
James MILLER, Coole, Claudy, Londonderry
John GALLAGHER, Lough Eske, Donegal
Robert JUNK, Drumrott, Moneymore, Londonderry
Charles HEMPHILL, Castlederg, Tyrone
Robert BARNHILL, Ballylawn, Manorcunningham, Donegal
E. TOY, Strand, Londonderry
William M’CLEARN, Terherrin, Manorcunningham, Donegal
Andrew MAGURIE, Latton, Enniskillen, Fermanagh
James BLACK, Ballysally, Coleraine, Londonderry
John MICHAELS, Moneybuoy, Muff, Londonderry
Robert SCOTT, Termiel, Dungiven, Londonderry
Wm. GRESHAM, Molenan, Londonderry
Edwd. TOY, Strand, Londonderry
Jas. PORTER, Ballymoney, Burt, Donegal
James WITHEROW, Birdstown, Burnfoot, Donegal
Frederick R. PRIOR, Rawross, Carrigart, Donegal
James MILLER, Coole, Claudy, Londonderry
James MITCHELL, Killycor, Claudy, Londonderry
Robert MICHAELS, Edenreagh, Muff, Londonderry
James PORTER, Ballymoney, Burt, Donegal
James MITCHELL, Killycor, Claudy, Londonderry
Robert SCOTT, Termeil, Dungiven, Londonderry
John HAIRE, Ardara, Donegal
James WITHEROW, Birdstown, Burnfoot, Donegal
James MILLER, Coole, Claudy, Londonderry
Frederick R. PRIOR, Rawross, Carrigart, Donegal
John GALLAGHER, Lough Esk, Donegal
Robert SCOTT, Termeil, Dungiven, Londonderry
James PORTER, Ballymoney, Burt, Donegal
James WITHEROW, Birdstown, Burnfoot, Donegal
Edward TOY, Strand, Londonderry
Robert MICHAELS, Edenreagh, Muff, Londonderry
Robt. SCOTT, Termeil, Dungiven, Londonderry
James PORTER, Burt, Donegal.
Edward TOY, Strand, Londonderry
James PORTER, Ballymoney, Burt, Donegal
James BLACK, Ballysally, Coleraine, Londonderry
Henry MUNNIS, Carncullagh, Dervock, Antrim.
Robt. SCOTT, Termeil, Dungiven, Londonderry
James PORTER, Ballymoney, Burt, Donegal
William GRESHAM, Molenan, Londonderry
James WITHEROW, Birdstown, Burnfoot, Donegal
Edward TOY, Strand, Londonderry
James PORTER, Ballymoney, Burt, Donegal
James BLACK, Ballysally, Coleraine, Londonderry
James MILLER, Coole, Claudy, Londonderry
William GRESHAM, Molenan, Londonderry
Robert SCOTT, Termeil, Dungiven, Londonderry
Robert MICHAELS, Edenreagh, Muff, Londonderry
(Coleraine Chronicle)
In 1856, Templemoyle Seminary Agricultural School became connected to the Board of National Education in Ireland.
29 Jan. 1857 Templemoyle Agricultural School and Religious Exercises
Our observations on the annual report of the Templemoyle Agricultural School have induced two communications which we, this day, publish viz;
a letter on the religious part of the question by Mr. John STORY, previously one of the teachers at Templemoyle and another letter by ‘A Member of the Committee’ explaining some matters of finance relating to the establishment. Mr. STORY’S statement is perfectly consistent with all that we have said in our animadversions on the absence of divine worship and religious instruction from the ordinary every day arrangements of Templemoyle school, previously to its connexion with the board of National Education. This was plainly the meaning of the committee in the paragraph of their report to which our comment immediately applied. The committee never intended to insinuate that ‘private’ prayer had not been offered to God within the walls of the Templemoyle Seminary long before the period referred to. The committee’s meaning obviously was that ‘public’ prayer, at the opening and closing of the school, together with stated religious instruction, had formed no part of the regular school system and it was in this sense that we understood and commented upon the committee’s expressive avowal. Mr. STORY’S account is that on sabbath mornings, it was his custom to assemble the pupils to engage in religious exercises and to instruct the youth committed to his care. All this, on his part, was very laudable, but still, relatively to the school arrangements, it must fall under the category of ‘private’, and wholly ‘voluntary’ service. The sabbath day is no portion of ‘school’ time, and Mr. STORY does not even hint that during the week, a single word of prayer was ever offered up in course of the ordinary school business. The ‘member of committee’ frankly acknowledges that in this respect, the committee have begun to ‘amend’, while Mr. STORY’S explanation serves only to make the matter more equivocal looking than before. The teachers, it appears, were fully impressed with the propriety and duty of directing the attention of their pupils to religious subjects, but from some cause or other, they fulfilled this duty only on ‘Sundays’, that is, on the one special day of the week which did not belong to the school curriculum at all, the duty in question having been systematically ignored during the whole secular week which did belong immediately and directly to the curriculum stated. Mr. STORY’S explanation is, therefore, no contradiction either of the committee’s report, or of our commentary upon this report. On the other hand, there is in the account given by that gentleman, an evident want of explanatory information relative to the marked contrast which his letter points out as having existed between Sunday and week day piety, under the former regimen at Templemoyle.
The ‘member of committee’, while candidly owning the religious deficiency of the old system, rather unfairly tries to excite a little prejudice against us, as if we had represented the sons of our friends and subscribers as having been sent out to the world in a state of ‘agricultural heathenism.’ Now, this ‘member of committee’ knows perfectly well that our remarks applied, not to the spiritual condition of individuals as actually existing, but to the provision made by the committee’s own educational system. This system took no cognizance of religious instruction and had the latter not been supplied from external sources, the system in question would have left the pupils in a state of heathen ignorance, as our correspondent himself must acknowledge.
As to financial matters, we are very much indebted to the ‘member of committee’, for the information which he has afforded. This information, so far from disturbing our argument, absolutely confirms it beyond all chance of successful contradiction. According to our correspondent’s own arithmetical calculations, whenever the debts are cleared off and the £10 arrangement, in regard to landlord nominations, can be carried out, the difference between the sum mentioned and the absolute cost of each landlord nominee – that is, on the committee’s estimate, £5 10s. a year, per head – must be paid for each pupil of this class out of the funds supplied by the Board of National Education! This is precisely what we said and it involves the system to which we have all along decidedly objected. Besides, we believe the “landlords of the North- West” to be able enough to pay for their own estate conveniences, without touching the funds dedicated by parliament, to the education of Ireland’s poorer classes. Mr. STORY’S letter proves that in his time, the institution was nearly twice as prosperous as at present, thus affording an undesigned, though remarkable, contrast to the representations of the ‘member of Committee’ and proving conclusively the ability of landlords to keep it up if they ‘choose.’ We have a very high opinion of Templemoyle as an agricultural seminary, especially when compared with the prodigal system adopted in the National Board’s other ‘model establishments’ and we shall sincerely rejoice to see its usefulness extended by every legitimate instrumentality. If the state of the finances shall ever admit of it, the plan adopted ought to be to give agricultural education, as far as possible, to the sons of practical tenant-farmers, at reduced prices to parties able to pay only moderate sums and at purely nominal rates to others less favourably circumstanced. This would be a perfectly fair and beneficial application of the education funds, but to train up, at the public expense, battalions of estate functionaries for the uses of “North-West landlordism,” instead of bringing agricultural education within reach of the masses of the tenant people, appears to us a gross misapplication of the money so liberally granted by the State. What is more, in frankly recording our protest against this suggested appropriation, we believe that we are consulting the true interests both of the community and of the seminary itself, for there is considerable danger, even at present, that parliament may put its veto upon the wasteful extravagance in which the National Board has permitted itself to be involved by its agricultural experiments, nearly £9,000 sterling having been lost during the past year, by follies of this description.
21 Aug.1858 Visit of His excellency the Lord Lieutenant to Templemoyle National Agricultural Seminary
On Thursday morning at 11 o’clock, his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant visited this useful and well-managed institution. His Excellency proceeded by the Londonderry and Coleraine Railway as far as Muff and from thence, he proceeded to the Seminary in the carriage of the High Sheriff. At Muff, most of the inhabitants were assembled to greet his Excellency and over the road was suspended a white flag having the words, “Welcome, Eglintoun” inscribed upon it. Over the entrance to Foyle Park, through which his Excellency passed, also appeared a flag bearing the word “Eglintoun,” and above this floated the British and American flags.
From Muff, the name of which, is now changed to Eglintoun, onto Templemoyle Seminary. The appearance of this Seminary reflected great credit on those who have charge of it: not a weed, we are confident, could be found on the farm. In it there are 2 different departments, the agricultural and the literary; Mr. Thomas O’HARA being principal of the former and Mr. John H. HOUSTON, of the latter.
This institution has now been established about 30 years and became connected with the National Board of Education in 1855. What, more than anything else, shows the ability with which it is conducted, is the fact that it is self supporting. Besides his Excellency, a great many of the nobility and gentry were present, among whom we observed the following:
Earl of Clancarty
Lord Talbot de Malahide
Sir Robert BATESON
Lord Bishop of Derry
Colonel DUNNE
S. M. ALEXANDER, High Sheriff
Acheson LYLE
Thomas KNOX
Frederick HEYGATE
James MAJOR, Q.C.
Dr. PATTEN Head Inspector of National Schools
W. KENNEDY, District Inspector
A. J. MACRORY, Drumcarn, Belfast
Robert MACRORY, Ardmore Lodge
His Excellency on his arrival, proceeded to the schoolroom, where were assembled 40 boys, who were examined on agricultural subjects by Mr. O’HARA. The questions put related to practical farming, the pupils being questioned to the modes of treating the soil, of draining, of getting rid of water, of making parallel drains &c.; and their answers were most satisfactory. Mr. HOUSTON also examined the pupils on geometry and mensuration and on these subjects also most satisfactory answers were returned by the pupils. C. GRAHAM Esq. Inspector of National Schools, then examined the pupils in geography and natural science, with a like result.
15 Sept. 1858 – Death
Sept. 5th at his residence, Killyman street, Moy, Co. Tyrone, Mr. Robert MAXWELL, for many years literary superintendent at Templemoyle Seminary. Deceased was possessed of a kind and generous disposition and was much respected by all who knew him.
5 Sept. 1861
The public examination of the Templemoyle Seminary or Eglinton Agricultural Model School, was held in the School room of that excellent establishment. The walls of the school room were surrounded with maps, diagrams, and all the apparatus necessary for illustrating the various instructions communicated.
Acheson LYLE Esq. lieutenant of the County, presided and there were also present deputations from the Grocers and Fishmongers Companies and several local gentlemen, who take an interest in the welfare of the institution. The deputation from the Grocers Company consisted of;
J. THOMPSON, master
Cornelius PAINE jun., and J. Norman LAYTON, wardens
W. T. STEINWITZ, James LAYTON, Robert GARRARD and James COTTON, Members of Court
William RUCK, clerk and Henry WIGGINS, J.P., agent
The deputation from the Fishmongers Company consisted of;
Joseph UNDERWOOD, James SPICER and Walter Charles VENNING, wardens
Wm. Beckwith TOWSE, Clerk
Wm. Charles GAGE, agent accompanied by Mrs. UNDERWOOD, Mrs. SPICER, Mrs. W. B. TOWSE, Miss GAGE and Conolly GAGE.
11 Oct. 1861 – Youthful Merit Reward
At the late examinations held at Templemoyle Seminary, one youth, Master Samuel MERCER, son of Mr. MERCER, Newtownlimavady, particularly distinguished himself. The Fishmonger’s company, to mark their appreciation of merit, have presented this young gentlemman as one of their free scholars.
17 Oct. 1861 – married
October 3rd in Ballykelly Presbyterian Church by the Rev. T. Y. Killen, Mr. Wm. GILLESPIE, Templemoyle Seminary to Eliza, second daughter of Mr. James HYNDMAN, Greysteel.
5 Jul. 1862 – Patent Flax-Steeped Process
MR. James KANE, Patentee. This patent, obtained in 1861, was granted for improvements in treating flax, by subjecting it, when being steeped, to the action of certain ingredients which promote fermentation, whilst they preserve and strengthen the fibre. This invention has only been tried by a few individuals, but the experiments have been eminently successful, in some instances the increase in yield and price, amounting to £40 per cent.
With a view to convince agriculturists of its utility, the patentee has made arrangements for this season, to supply to a limited number of persons the ingredients required for Steeping a single acre of Flax, which will be forwarded to a selected number of applicants on payment of £1 each, on condition that the directions of the Patentee shall be strictly adhered to, and a report supplied to him of the result. Full directions for use will be sent with the ingredients.
Apply to the Patentee, James KANE, Templemoyle, Dungiven, County Derry, or to the following persons, at whose offices samples of Flax, Steeped under the Patent, may be seen.
Derry – James GILMOUR Foyle street, with whom the patent is deposited.
Belfast – Orr M’CAUSLAND 25 North street
Ballymena – William RAPHAEL, Galgorm
Strabane – Samuel DONNELL
Dungannon – John STEVENSON
Cookstown – lsaac HOUSTON
Newry – George M’CRACKEN
Banbridge – George F. LONG, Banville
Maghera – James LYTLE
Newtownlimavady – Samuel HUNTER
(Farmer’s Gazette and Journal of Practical Horticulture)
22 May 1867 Templemoyle Seminary and Eglinton Agricultural National Model School Notice
This establishment having been closed, it is requested that all parties who are indebted to the committee will call and settle with the secretary and that all persons having claims against the committee will furnish their accounts to me, on or before 6th Jun. next, to enable the committee to make a final Settlement.
Great James street Derry
23 Nov. 1867 Auctions
Geo. WALTERS & Son sales. (This Day) Furniture Blankets, quilts, Hair mattresses books &c., at Templemoyle Seminary, to be sold by auction, without reserve, on Saturday 27 Apr. at 11 o’clock, prompt, all the Furniture &c., at Templemoyle Seminary, consisting of parlour furniture, about cribs, 40 Hair mattresses, bed-room furniture &c.
desks and forms, about 400 volumes of school and other books &c.
Kitchen furniture &c.; dairy utensils; and numerous other articles.
As it is intended to sell the whole in one day, an early attendance is particularly requested. Terms – cash. Purchasers to pay auction fees
Geo. WALTERS & son, Auctioneers
Richmond street, Derry
15 Nov. 1889 – Heirs Wanted -To the Editor of the Tyrone Constitution-
Dear Sir
Under this title I see an interesting clipping from the Irish Times in T.C. of current issue (November 8th).
I am quite sure the names there mentioned are those of two school fellows of mine. I knew Thomas and John HARRIS intimately, especially the latter. They were natives of County Derry, Moneymore, I think, though of the precise town, I am not certain. They were Presbyterians and true types of stalwart Irishmen. I should say, Tom, if living now, would be about 62, and Jack, his familiar name, 5 or 6 years less. Thomas O’HARA Esq.. D. I. National schools, at present in Tipperary, I believe, was head farmer at Templemoyle Seminary, County Derry, where the HARRISES and I were boarders at the same time (in 1859). As he had a special liking for the younger brother, it is more than likely he knows something of their subsequent movements after leaving, which happened about the Christmas of 1860. Miss Isabella M’MEEKIN, housekeeper at Pellipar, Dungiven, was housekeeper at Templemoyle when we were there. Our head master was John A. HUSTON of Malin, now a teacher at Enniskillen Model school, or was sometime back. I should be happy if these remarks would aid in any way towards tracing their relatives and its accruements is well worth looking after.
I am, dear sir, yours faithfully
F. H. H., Omagh
(Tyrone Constitution)

(adjoins the townland of Templemoyle)
Other sources include;
Newspapers and the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol.22 & Vol. 26 http://goo.gl/4vrXGf
Account of the Templemoyle Agricultural Seminary 1844 http://goo.gl/2HNpe8
The Irish sketch book by William Makepeace Thackeray 1848
Co. Londonderry by S. Lewis Ordnance survey 1837