Lisnaskea, a small market town in the parish of Aghalurcher, barony of Magherastephana County of Fermanagh, 89 miles N.N.W. from Dublin, 20 N.W. from Cavan, 11 S.E. from Enniskillen, 6½ N.N.W. from Newtown Butler and about the same distance south, from Five-Mile-Town, situated on the road leading to Enniskillen, Cavan and Dublin.
This town which is the property of the Earl of Erne, consists principally of 1 street, the houses, of which, are for the most part well-built and roof-slated The proprietor has made considerable improvements in the town, among these, a good market-house is a conspicuous and useful building, while in the centre of the town and an ornament to that part, stands a handsome stone structure erected by the earl for a museum or collection of agricultural implements, upon the most approved principle for the inspection of and patterns for his tenantry.
Lisnaskea is but little, if at all, interested in manufactures, its corn trade is good and that of a general character has decidedly improved lately, its markets and fairs are well attended and the place enjoys some facilities of communication from being only about 2½ miles from Upper Lough Erne. The principal Inn, a very comfortable house, is Armstrong’s Hotel.
The places of worship are a chapel of ease to the parish and one each for Roman Catholics and Methodists; and the benevolent institutions are a union work-house, a fever hospital, and a dispensary. The market is held on Saturday and the fairs on the Monday next before Easter Sunday, the Monday after Ascension day, and October 10th. The town contained in 1841, 915 inhabitants.
Maguire’s Bridge, is another small market town in the same parish and barony as Lisnaskea, about 3 miles W. by N. from it, situated at the eastern verge of the parish, on the road from Enniskillen to Clones and on the banks of the Colebrook river. In former times a MAGUIRE, one of the princes of Ulster, swayed a large district in this part of Ireland, and from this personage and the bridge by which the river is crossed, the place derives its name. The town presents a clean and comparatively neat appearance, and the country round, which is fertile, produces good crops of grain. There are several seats of the landed gentry in the neighbourhood, that of Sir Arthur BROOKE on the Clogher road, is a very elegant residence. The business of the place is mainly confined to retail shops, which supply the inhabitants and those of the immediate vicinity, with the usual articles of consumption and wear. A very good inn, the Hayward Arms, is the only prominent trade establishment.
The places of worship are the parish chapel of ease; a handsome Catholic chapel of hewn stone; a Presbyterian meeting-house and a Methodist chapel. A branch of the Lisnaskea dispensary is established here, and there is a loan fund. The market entitled to be held on Wednesday, and formerly a good one for corn, has all but, if not entirely fallen into disuse; but fairs continue to be held on the 1st Wednesday monthly. The town contained in 1841, 685 inhabitants.
Brookeborough is a post village, in the parish of Aughavea, same barony as the previously described places, about 5 miles N.E. by N. from Lisnaskea on the road to Five-mile-town and Clogher. One short street comprises the village; the houses of which are neat and well roofed. There is little or no trade belonging to the place, but what is induced by its fairs, which are held on the 3rd Tuesday monthly, and so the interchange of commodities, with those attending them, there are several good shops.
The only public establishments are a dispensary and stations of the revenue and constabulary police. Divine service of the established church is performed every Sunday in a parochial school-room and there is a place of worship for Wesleyan Methodists. The village contained in 1841, 491 inhabitants.
Post Office
Lisnaskea- John SMYTH post-master, Letters from Dublin and all ports of the South of Ireland, also from England arrive every morning at 20 minutes before 7 and are despatched every evening at 20 minutes before 6. Letters from Belfast and the North of Ireland, also from Scotland, arrive every morning at 6 and are despatched every evening at 6:30. Letters from Enniskillen and all parts of the West of Ireland, arrive every evening at 20 minutes before 6 and are despatched every morning at 20 minutes before 7.
Letters from Maquire’s Bridge, Brookeborough and Five-Mile-Town arrive every evening at ¼ past 5 and are despatched every morning at 7.
Maquire’s Bridge – Elizabeth CARBERY Post Mistress, Letters from Dublin and all parts arrive every morning at 7:30 and are despatched every afternoon at 10 minutes before 5.
Brookeborough – Susan ARMSTRONG Post Mistress, Letters from all parts arrive from Dublin every morning at 5 minutes past 8 and are despatched every afternoon at 4:30.
Nobility & Gentry
BERRY Rev. William, Brookeborough
BETTY Mr William, Maguire’s Bridge
BREADON Rev. William, Forthill
BRIMSIDE Rev. W. Smith, Corcreevy
BROOKE Sir Arthur B., Bart. M.P. (and Deputy Lieutenant), Colebrooke
BROOKE Rev. Butler, Aghavea Glebe
BROOKE George Esq. J.P., Ashbrooke
CHARTERS John Esq., Maguire’s Bridge
DICKSON Colonel J.P., Hollybrook
ELLIOTT James Esq., Maguire’s Bridge
ERNE the Right Honourable, the Earl of Crum Castle
GRAHAM Robert Esq., Drumgoon
GRASSON Hy. Esq. J.P., Shebeg House
GRAYDON Rev. John, Carrickmacosker
HAIRE Rev. H., Corard
HAIRE Henry Esq., Glassdrummond
HURST Rev. Alexander, Lisnaskea
IRVINE Major Hamilton J.P., Greenhill
IRVINE Mrs Mary, Lisnaskea
LENNARD Rev. Luke E., Maguires Bridge
LESIE Blayney Esq. J.P., Nutfield
MACARTNEY Jas. Esq., Abbey Lodge
MACARTNEY Thomas Esq., Drumcrew
MACKEN Mr Thomas, solicitor, Brookeborough
M’WILLIAMS Rev. James, Ardmore
MAGUIRE Rev. Peter, Maguire’s Bridge
MOORE Rev. James, Mullafad
MOORHEAD Capt. Chas., Ballymakenny
OVENDON Chas. Esq. J.P., Whitepark
PORTER Rev. John Gray J.P.
ROE Rev. Thos. Willesby, Maguire’s Bridge
SMITH Rev. Geo. Sidney D.D., Ardunsion House
SIDNEY D.B. Arthur Esq., Lisnaskea
TAYLOR John E. Esq. J.P., Cranbrook
WINDSLOW Blaney Esq., Maguire’s Bridge
Academies & Schools
Church Society’s School, Maguire’s bridge – Jas. WILSON, master
Endowed School, Brookeborough – Ann COX and Mary Jane COX, mistresses
Infants School, Lisnaskea – Mary WADE, mistress
National School, Lisnaskea – Wm BEATTY master, Ann BEATTY mistress
National School, Lisnaskea – Robert RENNICK, master
National School, Maguire’s Bridge – John COAR, master
ARMSTRONG William, Brookeborough
CARBERRY Elizth., Maguire’s Bridge
FORSTER James, Lisnaskea
HENDERSON James, Lisnaskea
MAGUIRE Peter, Brookeborough
NOBLE William, Lisnaskea
CONNELLY James, Lisnaskea
COWAN William (& agricultural implement maker), Lisnaskea
FARIS James, Brookeborough
FAULKNER Patrick, Lisnaskea
KELLY James, Lisnaskea
Boot & Shoe makers
CHIDDICK George, Brookeborough
FANNON William, Maguire’s Bridge
IRWIN Arthur, Maguire’s Bridge
KEAN Edward, Lisnaskea
RENNICK Thomas, Lisnaskea
SKARRITT William, Brookeborough
WOOD Francis, Brookeborough
Carpenters & Cart Makers
ARMSTRONG William, Brookeborough
CRAIG George (& builder), Lisnaskea
GAVIN James, Lisnaskea
M’CABE Henry, Lisnaskea
M’COSKER John, Maguire’s Bridge
M’NEICE John, Lisnaskea
MAGEE Thomas, Lisnaskea
MILLS Charles, Lisnaskea
ORR Alexander, Brookeborough
ARMSTRONG Francis, Maguire’s Bridge
JACKSON William, Maguire’s Bridge
M’MANUS Michael, Lisnaskea
M’MANUS Patrick, Lisnaskea
M’MANUS Thomas, Lisnaskea
Corn Merchants
ARMSTRONG James, Lisnaskea
CLARKE James, Manor Water-house Mills
Earthenware & Dealers
ARMSTRONG Margaret, Brookeborough
ARMSTRONG William, Brookeborough
EBBITT Thomas, Lisnaskea
FORSTER William, Maguire’s Bridge
HALL Ann, Maguire’s Bridge
M’ANULTY Hugh, Lisnaskea
RUTHERFORD James, Maguire’s Bridge
ROBINSON James, Lisnaskea
ANDERSON Mary Ann, Lisnaskea
ARMSTRONG Edward, Brookeborough
ARMSTRONG Hugh, Maguire’s Bridge
ARMSTRONG Margaret, Brookeborough
ARMSTRONG William (and agent the Star Life Office), Brookeborough
ATWELL Thomas, Maguire’s Bridge
CRAWFORD Gerrard, Lisnaskea
EBBITT Thomas, Lisnaskea
FORSTER John, Maguire’s Bridge
FORSTER William, Maguire’s Bridge
GREHAM James, Maguire’s Bridge
HALL Ann, Maguire’s Bridge
JOHNSTON Margaret, Brookeborough
KIDNEY James, Lisnaskea
M’ALOON James, Maguire’s Bridge
M’ANULTY Hugh, Lisnaskea
M’HUGH Michael, Lisnaskea
M’INTYRE James, Maguire’s Bridge
M’NAME William, Maguire’s Bridge
MAGUIRE Edward, Lisnaskea
POTTS John, Maguire’s Bridge
ROBINSON James, Lisnaskea
RUTHERFORD James, Maguire’s Bridge
RYAN Richard, Maguire’s Bridge
SMYTH John (and butter and egg merchant), Lisnaskea
WILSON John, Lisnaskea
WYLIE Rachael, Maguire’s Bridge
Hotels – see also Spirit and Porter Dealers
ARMSTRONG James (commercial & posting) Lisnaskea
ARMSTRONG William Hayward Arms (and posting) Maguire’s Bridge
SMYTH John Erne Arms (and posting) Lisnaskea
Iron Mongers and Hardware Men
ARMSTRONG Edward, Brookeborough
ARMSTRONG William, Brookeborough
ATWELL Richard, Maguire’s Bridge
ROBINSON James, Lisnaskea
SMYTH John, Lisnaskea
Leather Sellers
ARMSTRONG Edward, Brookeborough
ATWELL Richard, Maguire’s Bridge
CRAWFORD Gerrard, Lisnaskea
EBBITT Thomas, Lisnaskea
M’ALOON James, Maguire’s Bridge
M’HUGH Michael, Lisnaskea
Linen Drapers & Haberdashers – Marked thus * are also Woollen Drapers
ANDERSON Mary Ann, Lisnaskea
ARMSTRONG Edward, Brookeborough *
ARMSTRONG Hugh, Maguire’s Bridge *
ARMSTRONG James, Brookeborough *
ARMSTRONG Margaret, Brookeborough
ARMSTRONG Susan, Brookeborough
ARMSTRONG William, Brookeborough
ATWELL Thomas, Maguire’s Bridge
FORSTER John, Maguire’s Bridge *
HALL Ann, Maguire’s Bridge
JOHNSTON Margaret, Brookeborough *
JOYCE John (and millinery warehouse) Maguire’s Bridge
KIDNEY James (and Manchester warehouse) Lisnaskea
MAGUIRE Edward, Lisnaskea
ROBINSON James, Lisnaskea
RYAN Richard, Maguire’s Bridge
SMYTH John, Lisnaskea *
WILSON John, Lisnaskea *
CLARKE James Manor Waterhouse Mills
Milliners & Dress makers
BREDIN Margaret, Lisnaskea
MORAN Ann, Lisnaskea
SCOLES Jane Eliza, Brookeborough
Painters & Glaziers
COAR Christopher, Maguire’s Bridge
RYAN William, Maguire’s Bridge
WRIGHT James, Lisnaskea
Physicians & Surgeons
M’NIECE Thomas, Maguire’s Bridge
MANSFIELD George, Lisnaskea
OVENDON Charles M.D., Whitepark
WEST John, Brookeborough
Spirit & Porter Dealers
ARMSTRONG John, Lisnaskea
CLARKE Alexander, Brookeborough
CORRIGAN Michael, Maguire’s Bridge
FORSTER James, Lisnaskea
GLENHOLM John, Lisnaskea
HAMILTON Christr., Maguire’s Bridge
IRVINE Rebecca, Brookeborough
JOHNSTON Thomas, Brookeborough
KENEDY David, Brookeborough
LAIRD Robert, Maguire’s Bridge
LUNNY Hugh, Maguire’s Bridge
LYONS Hugh, Maguire’s Bridge
M’ALOON Andrew, Maguire’s Bridge
M’MANUS Michael, Lisnaskea
M’MANUS Patrick, Maguire’s Bridge
MONTGOMERY Gabriel, Lisnaskea
RENNICK Edward, Lisnaskea
SALISBURY Joseph, Maguire’s Bridge
WRAY James, Lisnaskea
WRIGHT David, Lisnaskea
Straw Bonnet Makers
BEREDIN Margaret, Lisnaskea
KELSH Ellen, Maguire’s Bridge
M’AFFREY Ann, Lisnaskea
MORRISON Irwin, Maguire’s Bridge
SCOLES Frances, Brookeborough
KANE Henry, Brookeborough
KANE Hugh, Brookeborough
KEENAN James, Brookeborough
M’MULLAN James, Maguire’s Bridge
MAGUIRE Samuel, Lisnaskea
MAXWELL John, Brookeborough
NEAL Martin, Maguire’s Bridge
OWENS Patrick, Brookeborough
WHITE Adam, Maguire’s Bridge
Watch & Clock Makers
COLEMAN Andrew, Lisnaskea
DUNN James, Maguire’s Bridge
ADAMS William, whitesmith Lisnaskea
BRADY Andrew, Thos. druggist Lisnaskea
CAIRNS Peter, butcher Lisnaskea
COAR Anthony, land surveyor Maguire’s Bridge
FUNSTON George, tanner Brookeborough
GOODWIN William, turner & wheelwright Maguire’s Bridge
HAIRE James, clerk to the board of Guardians Lisnaskea
JOHNSTON James, tallow chandler Maguire’s Bridge
M’MANUS Arthur, clothes broker Lisnaskea
MAIR Andrew, agriculturist Lisnaskea
NOBLE John, saddler Lisnaskea
Places of Worship And their Ministers
Parish Church Aughavea – Rev. George Sidney SMITH D.D. rector
Chapel of Ease Lisnaskea – Rev. Alexander HURST curate
Chapel of Ease Maguire’s Bridge – Thomas W ROE curate
Roman Catholic Chapel Lisnaskea – Rev. Peter MAGUIRE, Parish priest, Rev. Luke E. LENNARD curate
Roman Catholic Chapel Maguire’s Bridge – Rev. Peter MAGUIRE parish priest, Rev. Luke E. LENNARD curate
Presbyterian Meeting-house – Maguire’s Bridge – Rev. James M’WILLIS or M’WILLIAMS (?), minister
Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Brookeborough, ministers various
Primitive Methodist Chapel – Maguire’s Bridge, ministers various
Primitive Methodist Chapel – Lisnaskea, ministers various
Public Institutions
Constabulary Station Brookeborough
Robert ORMSBY sub-inspector
J. JOYCE head constable
William HUG? constable
Constabulary Station Lisnaskea
Thomas RUSSELL constable
Constabulary Station Maguire’s Bridge
Beatty JACKSON constable
Dispensary Lisnaskea
George MUNSFIELD M.D. surgeon
Dispensary Maguire’s Bridge
Thos. M’NIECE surgeon
Dispensary Brookeborough
John W?
Fever Hospital Lisnaskea
Geo. MUNSFIELD M.D. surgeon
Rebecca __LIE? nurse
Margaret SHEILS nurse
Loan Fund Office Lisnaskea every Saturday from 10 – 6
Thomas SCHOLES clerk
Museum (Agricultural Implement) Lisnaskea
Andrew MAIR keeper
Reading Room & Library Lisnaskea
Rev. Alexander HURST
Revenue Police Station Brookeborough
John HILL lieutenant
_? LAVERY sergeant
Stamp Office Maguire’s Bridge
Elizabeth CARBERY sub-distributer
Stamp Office Lisnaskea
John SMYTH sub-distributer
Stamp Office Brookeborough
Edward ARMSTRONG sub-distributer
Union Work-House Lisnaskea
Michael JOHNSTON master
Mary JOHNSTON matron
James HAIRE clerk to the Guardians
William RENNICK schoolmaster
J. BEATTY schoolmistress
Transcribed by Teena from Slater’s National Commercial Directory of Ireland 1847 http://goo.gl/ECmJA5