Irish Emigrants in 1805.
The following interesting list of names has been transcribed by H. Honiton Ball. The list was evidently made in pursuance of the law preventing the emigration of skilled labour; so many of the passengers describe themselves as “labourers”, which may or may not be quite correct. The ages show the men to have been young. Ed. (Transcriber note- except the 1 woman listed)
List of the Crew and Passengers who intend going to Newcastle and Philadelphia on board the ship “Brutus” of Philadelphia
George CRAIG, Master. Burthen, 500 Tons.
George CRAIG, master
Samuel BARKLEY Jr., mate
Tutus HALBERT, sailor
Samuel CHOISE, sailor
William HAY, sailor
William FERRER, sailor
Benjn. SMITH, sailor
Peter ROYSON, sailor
William HAMILTON, sailor
Danl. ROSS, sailor
Josia THOMPSON, sailor
John HOLLYWOOD, sailor
all are labourers (*except 1 woman)
Thomas KENNAN, 25, Stewartstown
Patrick CURLEY, 20, Stewartstown
Bennet BOLES, 22, Stewartstown
John WILKINSON, 23, Nn. Stewart
Michl. KELLEY, 25, Omagh
Thomas CALLAUGHAN, 23, Strabane
John WILSON, 19, Nn. Conningham
James WILSON, 20, Nn. Conningham
James GLENDINING, 18, Nn. Conningham
Patrick CUE, 22, Aughnacloy
Wm. STEWART, 25, Coleraine
Alexr. EAKIN, 28, Coleraine
James THOMPSON, 24, Donigall
Isac COCHRANE, 27, Ballynaconey
James FERRIER, 24, Bushmills
George MORROW, 28, Bushmills
John McCAD, 29, Bushmills
James PEOPLES, 23, Letterkenny
John PEOPLES, 21, Letterkenny
Darby BAYLE, 24, Letterkenny
Alexander THOMPSON, 30, Letterkenny
Stephen ALLEY, 24, Derry
James EWING, 20, Derry
James SMILY, 27, Derry
Thomas MURPHY, 26, Derry
Patrick MURPHY, 30, Derry
John HASSON, 24, Cumber
Jean BAYLE, a spinster, 21, Derry*
John JOHNSTON, 23, Derry
David KING, 29, Derry
George CRAIG Master of the ship “Brutus” of New York, now bound for Philadelphia, maketh oath that the said Ship is of the burthen of Five hundred tons and upwards, and that the foregoing list contains a just and true account of all persons on board, or intended to be taken on board said ship, with the names, age, and occupation of each person, as also of the crew. And he does further swear that to the best of his knowledge and belief there is neither artificer, manufacturer, seaman, or seafaring man, except the crew belonging or being subject to the King of Great Britain on board, or to be taken on board said ship. Sworn before me at the Custom House, Derry, 21st September 1805.
(Sgd.) George CRAIG
R. G. HILL, Colr.
George BRAY master of the Ship ‘Rover’; now bound for New York maketh oath that the ship is of the burthen of 217 65/95 tons and upwards, and that the annexed lists contains a true and just account of all persons on board, or intended to be taken on board said ship with the names, age, occupation, of each person and also the crew . And he does further swear to the best of his knowledge, there is neither artificer, manufacturer, seaman, or seafaring man, except the crew, belonging or being subject to the King of Great Britain on board, or to be taken on board said ship.
Sworn before me at the Custom House Dublin
27th September 1805
(signed) Edward HAMERTON
(signed) G. BRAY
(only those from Ulster listed)
Robert GREER age 38 occupation Chapman from Dungannon
Francis EVATT 21, labourer, Co. Cavan
Jno. MacNEILL 19, labourer, Co. Cavan
Peter SMITH 12, clerk, Co. Cavan
Andrew MURPHY, 21, labourer, Co. Cavan
from the Ulster Journal of Archaeology Vol XII 1906 https://bit.ly/3mOPNGb
with our Thanks to the PRONI (Public Records Office Northern Ireland) for the following, Reference D2892/1/1
List of passengers booking for the ship “Superior” 18 Feb. -17 Mar. 1847 for a voyage from Co. Londonderry to Philadelphia U.S.A.
Joseph and Jane LOWRY, Newtown Cunningham, Co. Donegal.
Mary MITCHELL, Drumskallen
Mary McLAUGHLIN, St. Johnston, Co. Donegal
John and Bridget DOHERTY of Raphoe, Co. Donegal and their children John, Catherine, Mary 7, Patrick 5, Biddy 3, and James 1.
John McCLOSKEY Feeny, Co. Londonderry
James MILLER Raphoe, Co. Donegal
William and Ann CAMPBELL, Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone and their children James 4, Matilda 7 and Jane 1.
Jane HOUSTON, Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone
John GRAY and James GRAY of Gortin, Co. Tyrone and Eliza Jane, John 3 years and William 3 months.
William James ORR, Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone
Bernard and Isabella MORRIS, Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone
Bryan and Ellen McCLOSKEY, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry and children Michael 6 months, James, and Rose.
Michael GALLAGHER, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry
Sally KANE, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry
George and Isabella HAWKS, Omagh, Co. Tyrone and children Eliza, Mary Ann 11 years, George 10, Isabella 6, John 4, William 2 and Martha 6 months.
James McELONEY, Clonmany, Co. Donegal
Pat HARKIN, Clonmany, Co. Donegal
Martha JONES, Castlefoward, Co. Donegal
William SIMPSON, Ballyarton, Co. Londonderry (?)
Miles McCROREY, Castlederg, Co. Tyrone
William and Margaret NEILL, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Mathew SMYTH, Londonderry
Michael McALEER Fannett, Co. Donegal
John GREEN, Fannett, Co. Donegal
George GALLAGHER Fannett, Co. Donegal
Peggy and Martha MOORE, Fannett, Co. Donegal
William and Elizabeth McGARVEY, Fannett, Co. Donegal
Sarah STARK, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone
Patrick McBRINE, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone
Hugh McCAY, Clonmany, Co. Donegal
Patrick and Catherine DONAGHY, Clonmany and children Biddy 12, John 8, James 4 and Ellen 2 years.
Charles and Catherine DOHERTY Clonmany, Co. Donegal and children Michael, Owen and Peggy.
Patrick McCLOSKEY, Feeny, Co. Londonderry
Charles LYNCH, Feeny, Co. Londonderry
James and Nancy CAMPBELL, Ture, Co. Donegal
Eliza SHAW, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
Mary CRAIG, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
William and Ann Jane HUTCHISON, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
William MOORE, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Jane CONNEL, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Samuel McAFEE, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Susan BRISON, Carndonagh, Co. Donegal and children Catherine 8 and William 2.
Margaret and William MOORE, Beragh, Co. Tyrone and children Ann, Mary and Thomas 10 years.
James GILMOUR, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
Andrew and Jane STEEN, Racecourse [Londonderry] and children Thomas 3, Alexander 2, and Jane 3 months.
Margaret McCLEAN, Milford, Co. Donegal
Catherine McBRIDE, Milford, Co. Donegal
Hanna COYLE, Milford, Co. Donegal
Charles and Mary MONEGAN, Milford, Co. Donegal
Mary McCAY, Clonmany, Co. Donegal
Ann and Rebecca CAMPBELL Donemana, Co. Tyrone and children Jane, Ann 12 and David 9 years.
Mary Jane and Ann MILLAR, Banagher, Co. Londonderry
Moore and Rebecca VERNER
Michael GALLON
Samuel FISHER, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
William YOUNG, Castlederg, Co. Tyrone
John McGURK, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
John McCAUSLAND, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
James, Christy, Nancy and Pat McGUIGAN, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry
Michael and Nancy DUFFY, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry
Margaret McCORD, Milford, Co. Donegal
Margaret DURNIN, Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal and children Mary 9 and Charles 6 years.
Cornelius and Fanny KERR and children Ann 12, William 9, Catherine 7, Charles 5, Julia 3 and James 1 year.
Andrew and Martha GLASS, Drumquin, Co. Tyrone and children Alexander 111⁄2, Edward 10, Samuel 7, Margaret 5 and Andrew 2 years.
William and Rosanna KIRKWOOD, Leck, Co. Tyrone and children Sarah 10, Robert 6, William 3 years and James 6 months.
William BALATINE, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone
Charles and Lilly O’DONNELL, Letterkenny and children John 4 and James 2 years.
Anne MURRY, Strabane and children Catherine 7 and Rosannah 4 years.
Hugh and Fanny McGEADY, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal and William 10 years.
Edward STARRS, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
Bridget McPIKE, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
Eliza McCARAHER, Armoy, Co. Antrim and children Sarah 12 and Neil 9 years.
Sarah DOHERTY, Castlederg and children Nancy 12, James 10, Samuel 8, Patrick 6, John 3 and Hugh 1 year.
James and Martha TAYLOR and children James, Stephen and Thomas.
Susan and John MULLEN, Beragh, Co. Tyrone and children Thomas and Betty 10 years.
Arthur and Elizabeth LOWRY and child Isabella 12 years
Bridget and Margaret DOUGHERTY, Fahan, Co. Donegal
John and Jane O’DONNELL, Castlefin, Co. Donegal and children Domnick 12, Edward 10, John 8, Margaret 6, Charles 4 and James 2 years.
Margaret CANNON
Patrick McGUIGAN, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry
Rose DONNELLY, Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone
Mary Ann CONWAY, Ramelton, Co. Donegal
John and Catherine Ann SWEENEY, Ramelton, Co. Donegal
William DOHERTY, Raphoe, Co. Donegal
John KELLY, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry
Daniel McCORMICK, Killygordon, Co. Donegal
Total 202 souls making 166 adults (1⁄4 on Messrs. CRAIG’S order)
James and Eliza GALLAGHER and children Sarah 3 and William 1 year; also William COLL
Joseph DUNCAN of Plumbridge, Co. Tyrone.
Hugh and Peggy CRILLY, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry and child Mary 9 months.
Susan and Michael MULLEN, Beragh, Co. Tyrone.
John HARLY (?) of Fannett, Co. Donegal.
Nola (?) CONWAY, Newtownstewart and child John 11 years.
Daniel and Ellenor McCONLOGUE, Carndonagh, Co. Donegal and children Mary 12, James 10, Catherine 8, David 6, Ellen 4, Susanna 3 months.
Patrick COYLE, Milford, Co. Donegal.
Francis KELLY Fintona, Co. Tyrone.
Sarah Jane McGRILLAN, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry.
List of passengers booking for the ship ‘Hartford’ for Philadelphia, 16th March – 24th April 1847
burthen per register 510 tons
Henry STIRLING, Coleraine and family, Elizabeth, James, Esther, Henry, Robert, Wilson 11 years, Eliza 9.
Arthur WATT, Coleraine and family Ann and Betty Ann 2 years.
Sally and Rosy McCULLOUGH, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Patrick CALLIGHAN, Carndonagh
James HOUTEN, Carndonagh
Margaret and Catherine HARRIS, Letterkenny
(Booking cancelled for Robert HARRIS, Letterkenny)
Charles and Margaret GAILEY, Letterkenny
Frances KEENAN, Letterkenny
(Bookings cancelled for Eliza KEENAN, Mary 6 years and John 3)
Mary McGARITY, Letterkenny
William CAREY, Carndonagh and family Ann, William and Jane 7 years.
Daniel TOLAND, Clonmany, Co. Donegal
John SHERRA (?), Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
George and Rosan McLAUGHLAN, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
Jane LYNCH, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
John and Margaret McFARLAND, Omagh
James and Matilda COCHRAN, Ballykelly, Co. Londonderry and their children William James 11 years, Matilda Jane 9, Isabella 8, Robert Hay 7, Adessa 6, Mary Ann 4 and Elizabeth 2.
Archibald and Mary Jane McCLEAN, Ballykelly, Co. Londonderry and children Martha 2 years and Robert 3 months.
John and Fanny CAMPBELL, Ballykelly, Co. Londonderry
Samuel and Mary DUNLOP, Carigans, Co. Donegal and infant, Mary 9 months.
William and Sarah MITCHELL, Cloughfin
John NELIS, Derry
Martin CRAWFORD, Downhill, Co. Londonderry and family, Elizabeth, Peggy, Peggy Jane 8 years, Nancy 4 and Robert 2.
John WISELY, Downhill, Co. Londonderry
Sarah McILENNEY, Portlough, Co. Donegal and child John 11⁄2 years.
Natty GREER, Churchill, Co. Donegal
Mary J. CLARKE, Trimra (?)
Edward CLARKE, Fahan, Co. Donegal
John and James MITCHELL, Fahan, Co. Donegal
John and Bridget BOYLE, Rosses, Co. Donegal and children Daniel, Charles, John 13 years, Mary, Magy 5, Ann 3, Nora 3, Michael 2, Bridget 6 months and Peggy.
Neal SWEENEY, Carrygart, Co. Donegal
John SHARKEY Dungloe
Andrew SPEER, Omagh
Mary MOSSEY, Omagh
Robert EATWELL, Omagh
David WALKER, Omagh
John and Hannah SPEIR, Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal and children Catherine, Mary, Rebecca J., Eliza, Robert, Margaret 9 years, Andrew 7, Gerred 5, Hannah 5.
John and Catherine DOLAN, Strabane
Mandy DOHERTY, Rathmullan
James HILLEY, Ballintra, Co. Donegal and family Hugh, Ellen and Mary.
Margaret and Martha AWL (?), NewtownLimavady, Co. Londonderry
Rose BOYLE, Gweedore, Co. Donegal
James GILLESPIE, Gweedore, Co. Donegal
John Alexander BUCHANON, St. Johnston, Co. Donegal
Margaret McILENNY, Londonderry
James McCRACKEN, Cookstown and family Mary, Henry, Jane 3 months, with Jane KERR and Ann KIRGAN
George and Eliza McCUTCHEON, Omagh and children Margaret Jane 13 years, Martha 10, Mary 7 and George 4.
Mary CALDWELL, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Jane ALEXANDER Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Joseph WALKER, Fahan, Co. Donegal
David NICHOLL Fahan, Co. Donegal
John COCHRAN, Coleraine
Mary MEAHAN, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
Roseanna KYLE, Beragh, Co. Tyrone and family Jane, Margaret and Catherine 9 years.
John and Mary GIBSON, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
John COLLINS, Cappagh, Co. Tyrone
Patrick NUGENT, Cappagh, Co. Tyrone
Margaret STEWART, Letterkenny
Letitia GALLAGHER, Ramelton
Mary DOHERTY, Malin
Susan and John KELLY, Castlefin, Co. Donegal
Nancy FAITH, Garvagh, Co. Londonderry
Thomas and Susan RODGERS, Castlederg
Bridget DUFFY, Churchill, Co. Donegal and Mary 11 years.
James RUSSEL, Churchill, Co. Donegal
John HASTINGS, Carrick, Co. Donegal
James BOYLE Convoy, Co. Donegal
Mary Ann and Francis FLEMMING, Churchill, Co. Donegal
Ellen REED, Churchill, Co. Donegal
Margaret McGLENSEY, Churchill, Co. Donegal
Ann SAMPLE, Fintona, Co. Tyrone and family Isabella, James, Mary Ann 11 years, Hamilton 7, John 4 and Andrew 2.
Isabella CUTHBERTSON, Fintona, Co. Donegal
Unity DEERY, Ardmalin, Co. Donegal and family Mary, Rose 6 years and Patrick 1.
Patrick DEERY, Ardmalin, Co. Donegal and Daniel 12 years and Bridget 8.
Thomas and Mary DORAN, Loutherstown (Irvinestown), Co. Fermanagh and family Catherine, Mary 7 years, Sarah 4 and Margaret 2.
Rose CONWAY, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Ann CALLAGHAN, Carrigans, Co. Donegal
Peter and Hannah CONWAY, Ramelton and Bernard 13 years and Rose 7.
John and Mary O’Neill, Lowtherstown (Irvinestown), Co. Fermanagh
Thomas and Eliza BLOOMER, Cookstown
Barney HARKIN, Moville (on ticket No. 404 security for change)
James and Elizabeth CRESWELL and children Mary 8 years, Samuel 6, John 4 and Elizabeth 6 months.
Charles and Isabella FRIEL and Ellen 11 years.
Robert BONAR, Ramelton and family Ann, Jane and Catherine
Sarah and Mary Ann JAMIESON, Moville
Elizabeth CARLIN, Moville
John McFADDEN, Creeslough
Michael O’DONNELL, Crossroads, Co.
John McFADDEN, Crossroads, Co.
Total 204 souls equal to 1761⁄2 adults
(72 passages making 621⁄2 full on orders of Messrs. CRAIG, Philadelphia)
Agents in provincial towns:
Miss MOORE, Castlederg
P. DOHERTY, Carndonagh
J. MADDOCK Letterkenny
Hunter STEWART, Newtownlimavady
J. CARSON, Omagh
‘Allowed Captain £1 for 2 passengers, William and Sarah MITCHELL, going in cabin.’
James HASSON, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
Biddy McGLINCHY, Castlederg
Robert HARRIS, Letterkenny
Eliza KEENAN, Letterkenny and Mary 6 years and John age 3.
Margaret CONNAGHAN, Derry 8 years, James 7 years and Mary.
Margaret STIRLING, Derry
List of passengers booking for the ship ‘Montpellier’ for Philadelphia, 21st April – 5th May 1847
(264 tons )
Susan MELON, Clogher, Co. Tyrone and child Margaret 1 yr.
John and Mary FEENY, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
Robert and Hannah ORR, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
James HANY, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
Thomas MILLER, Claudy, Co. Londonderry and family Martha, James 6 years, John 4, William 1½.
James CAMPBELL, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Samuel ARMSTRONG, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
James CONNER, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Andrew McFARLAND, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
John HEGARTY, Derry
John McCAFFERTY, Ramelton, Co. Donegal and family Elizabeth and Catherine
Pat McMONEGLE, Ramelton, Co. Donegal
Thomas HANLAN, Ramelton, Co. Donegal
James COCHRAN, Cumber, Co. Londonderry
George GODFRY, New Buildings, Co. Tyrone (Co. Londonderry)
Charles and William McCROSSAN, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone
Mary Ann CHAMBERS, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone
Mary DILLON, Londonderry
Matilda KERRIGAN, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone
Ann DOUGHERTY, Londonderry
Charles COLL, Rathmullan, Co. Donegal
Margaret McCANNY, Strabane, Co. Tyrone and child Francis 9 yrs.
Edward McQUADE Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh
Barny and Henry O’Brien, Cross Roads
Thomas COYLE, Cross Roads
Sophia and Henry O’BRIEN, Cross Roads
John FERRY, Cross Roads
David DOAK, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Rose DONAGHY, Knockan, Co. Londonderry
Francis and Thomas McASHIE (?), Strabane, Co. Tyrone
James and William McCREA, Strabane, Co. Tyrone
Mary GRAHAM, Strabane, Co. Tyrone
Andrew FINLAY, Raphoe, Co. Donegal
Susan HANY, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
John CAROTHERS, Moville, Co. Donegal and family Ann, James, Mary Ann 11 years, Robert 9 and John 6.
James McGINLY, Cross Roads
Robert JOHNSTON, Castledawson, Co. Londonderry
Daniel McCULLOUGH, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Grace McGETTIGAN, Craghedoey, Co.
Mack DONNELLY, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
Charles SWEENY, Cross Roads
Peggy ROBINSON, Draperstown, Co. Londonderry
John DARRAGHTY, Dromore, Co. Tyrone
Henry and Jane CORRIGAN, Lowtherstown [Irvinestown], Co. Fermanagh and children Isabella 4 yrs. and Jane 9 months
William and Ann AIRLS, Lowtherstown [Irvinestown], Co. Fermanagh and infant Robert 6 months
William BROWN, Lowtherstown [Irvinestown], Co. Fermanagh
Elizabeth CORRIGAN, Lowtherstown [Irvinestown], Co. Fermanagh
Edward ARMSTRONG, Lowtherstown [Irvinestown], Co. Fermanagh
Elleanor McGETIGAN, Coaghadoey (?)
Hugh and Catherine FLINN, Kesh, Co. Fermanagh and children Isabella 11 years, John 9, Jane 6 and Catherine 2
Bridget GALLAGHER, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal and children John 7 and Bridget 5 yrs.
Margaret CARLIN, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
George and Biddy McANULTY, Derry and children Edward 10 Catherine 7 and George 4 yrs.
William JOHNSTON, Castledawson, Co. Londonderry and family Nancy, James, George, Rachael 8 yrs.
James McNAMEE, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Biddy BRADLEY, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Michael and Ann McILHILL, Beragh, Co. Tyrone
Bridget GORMAN, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Ann and Ellen HANEY, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
Hugh McCUE, Castlederg, Co. Tyrone
_ (?) McCREA, Farmhill, Co. Tyrone
Peter CONWAY, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Daniel GALLAGHER, Cross Roads
Total 105 souls equal to 93½ adults, 32 (25½ ful) on the orders of Messrs. A. CRAIG & Co., Philadelphia
Agents in provincial towns include: Mr. SPROULE, Ramelton
Bookings cancelled;
Torrence McMASTER, Garvagh, Co. Londonderry
Abraham and Elizabeth PHILLIPS, Clogher, Co. Tyrone and family, Abraham, Nancy, Elizabeth, Mary Jane, William James and Matilda.
Catherine J. SMILEY, Derry
Catherine and Elizabeth LOUGHRY, Strabane, Co. Tyrone
John DOHERTY, Buncrana, Co. Donegal
Hugh McCUE, Castlederg, Co. Tyrone
List of passengers booking for the ship ‘Alleghany’ for Philadelphia, 26th April-15th May 1847
Note – Information in brackets is from ships manifest in the National Archives, Washington
(398 tons)
Rebecca WATSON (Age 40), Strabane, Co. Tyrone
John CHAMBERS (Age 38), Strabane, Co. Tyrone
Catherine GALLAGHER (Age 36), Strabane, Co. Tyrone
John (age 40) and Ann SHEERIN (age 37?) Strabane, Co. Tyrone and children Ann 6 yrs.
Catherine DEVINE, Strabane, Co. Tyrone (Died 2 June 1847 Age 38).
Thomas SWAN, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry and family Matilda, John 3 years and Samuel 1 (Thomas STEVAN? age 39, Matilda 36).
William FERGUSON (age 30), Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry.
Henry FLEMMING (age 30), Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry.
Mary WALLACE, Muff, Co. Donegal.
Patrick (age 39) and Hugh (age 29) DOHERTY, Rathmullan, Co. Donegal
William (Age 30) and Catherine MOYN, Castlefin, Co. Donegal (Catherine missing in manifest)
Francis and Ann KELLY, Castlefin, Co. Donegal and children Patrick, Catherine 11 years, Bernard 8, Francis 6, Charles 2 and Ann 6 months
(Francis 59, Ann 55, Patrick 28, Catherine 14, Bernard 13, Francis 11, Charles 9, Ann 6).
Unity (?) ALLEN, Castlefin, Co. Donegal (Nancy ALLEN age 40)
Dennis KELLY, Castlefin, Co. Donegal and children Patrick 14 years, Charles 12, Dennis 9, Francis 7 and Mary 2
(Denis KELLY 45, Patrick 22, Charles 19, Denis 16, Francis 13, Mary 7)
James McLAUGHLIN, Glengivney, Co. Donegal and family Nancy, James, Ann and Catherine (James 46, Nancy 44, James 18, Ann 15, Catharine 11).
John DOHERTY, Glengivney, Co. Donegal and family Rosey, William 3 years, James 3 months and Margaret Ann 4 (John 38, Rosey 36, William 16, James 13, Mary Ann 9).
Michael, Denis and Ann CONWAY, Strabane, Co. Tyrone (Michael 30, Denis 22, Ann 11)
William (age 38) and Margaret (age 29) MONTGOMERY, Waterside, Londonderry
Alexander MOORE, Rossgull, Co. Donegal (?) and family Catherine, Petter child Matty 2 years with Elizabeth SPEER (SPEAR age 36, Alexander 30, Catharine 30, Peter 14, Martha 9).
John BOYLE (age 19), Londonderry
James FLEMMING (age 17), Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
Moses (age 38) and Rebecca CUTHBERTSON, Milford, Co. Donegal with Rebecca Buchanan 8 years and Catherine Russell, Nancy McLAUGHLIN 45 Additional name, Moses 38, Rebecca 36, Rebecca Buchanan 8).
Henry TEDLEY, (age 38) Muff, Co. Londonderry
John McLAUGHLIN (age 36), Magilligan, Co. Londonderry and John Junior (age 34)
Margaret MOORHEAD, (age 40) Magilligan, Co. Londonderry
Catherine BRANNEN (?), (age 40) Magilligan, Co. Londonderry
Hugh HOAN (?), (HONE age 38)
Elleanor McCORMICK (age 42), Glenmorning, Co. Donegal
John and Catherine DUNN, Glenmorning, Co. Donegal
(John DEVINE 41, Catherine DEVINE 38)
John SCOTT, Glenalla, Co. Donegal (?) and family William, John and James, with Robert, Margaret CHAMBERS and Mary McGHEE (age 30). (John 43, William 40, John 19, James 22, Robert CHAMBERS 37, Margaret 31).
William CAREY, Templemoyle, Co. Londonderry and family Ann, Mary and Jane with Edward KELLY and family Patrick, Edward and Magy. (William 29, Ann 26, Mary 13 and Jane 10).
Elleanor and Mary Ann KELLY, Dungiven, Co. Londonderry
(Edward KELLY 44, Patrick 40, Edward 30, Edward 28, Eleanor 20 and Mary Ann 15).
Isabella CONAGHAN (age 32), Carrigans, Co. Donegal
William GORDAN (age 38) Ballyskeagh, Co.
George DREW, Stranorlar, Co. Donegal and family Nancy and Jane with Ann J, BAUN 8 years (George 36, Nancy 36, Jane 14, Ann Jane BAUN 1½).
James ANDERSON (age 30), St. Johnston, Co. Donegal
John ROULSTON (age 36) St. Johnston, Co. Donegal
Patrick (age 34) and Catherine SWEENY (age 32), Buncrana, Co. Donegal
Martha CRAIG (age 28), Dungiven, Co. Londonderry
Charles (age 21) and Catherine McELWEE (age 24) Ramelton, Co. Donegal
Sarah McKINNEY (age 20), Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
Catherine KANE (age 31), Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
(Susan KELLY 34 ? Additional name)
Elleanor McCLAY, Ballybyly (?), Co. and family Daniel, Patrick, Margaret and Philip (Eleanor McCLAY 40, Daniel 38, Patrick 31, Margaret 20, Philip 16).
James McBRIARTY, Glenmorning, Co. Donegal (?) and family Bridget, Francis (in room of Archy) 3 years and Rose Ann 1 (James McBRIARTY 30, Bridget 24, Francis 15, Rose Ann 10).
Lawrence MURPHY, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone and family Margaret Elizabeth, Sarah, Andrew 12 years and Ann 10. (Laurence MURPHY 50, Margaret 44, Elizabeth 18, Sarah 14, Andrew 12, Ann 10).
James CLARKE, Stranorlar, Co. Donegal (age 38)
James McMENAMIN, Castlederg, Co. Tyrone and family Sarah, John 5 years, Margaret 3 and Hugh 1. (James McMENAMIN 32, Sarah 30, John 14, Margaret 11, Hugh 9).
Rosey McKAY (age 26), Glenmorning, Co. Donegal
Thomas KIRK (age 24), Glenmorning, Co. Donegal
Isabella McCLOSKY, Ballykelly, Co. Londonderry and child Owen 2 years (Isabella 20, Owen 20).
Jane DUNLOP, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone and children Thomas 10 years, Sarah 6 and John 2 (Jane 30, Thomas 26, Sarah 10, John 8).
Hamilton ELLIOTT, Strabane, Co. Tyrone and family Nancy, Margaret, William 10 years, Thomas 8, Andrew 6 and Hamilton 4 (Hamilton ELLIOTT 43, Nancy 40, Margaret 19, William 17, Thomas 14, Andrew 10, Hamilton 7).
Thomas (age 20) and William (age 20) CRAIG, Dungiven, Co. Londonderry.
Alexander MOORE, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry and family Nane, William and Rebecca. (Alexander MOORE 30, Jane 20, William 6, Rebecca 2).
Henry GORMLEY (age 30), Coleraine, Co. Londonderry.
Edward LYNN (age 30)
John (age 28) and Susan age 20) SCALLON, Ederney, Co. Fermanagh.
Charles McGUIRE (age 22), Ederney, Co. Fermanagh.
Mary FEE, Fintona, Co. Tyrone and children Ann 12 and Sarah 10 yrs (Mary FEE 28, Ann 8, Sarah 7).
William and Hannah MOONEY and family William, Hannah and Rebecca 11 years (William MOONEY 38, Hannah 30, William 14, Hannah 11, Rebecca 7).
Susan KELLY Faughanvale, Co. Londonderry.
(Catharine MOYN age 28 – additional name.)
Total passengers 159 equal to 139 adults, 53 on the order of Messrs. CRAIG, Philadelphia
One less than in their return; was not room for him
Bookings cancelled:
Mary Jane DUDGEON, Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal
William BRADLEY, Gortin, Co. Tyrone and family Mary Ann and Pat.
Jane TEDLEY, Muff, Co. Derry
Nothry (?), Drumquin, Co. Tyrone
John YOUNG, Donemana, Co. Tyrone
Andrew THOMPSON, Donemana, Co. Tyrone
Ann McCAFFERTY, Donemana, Co. Tyrone
Ann ROBINSON, Donemana, Co. Tyrone
James CLARKE, Newtownlimavady
Margaret McDIVETT, Ballykelly, Co. Londonderry
List of passengers booking for the ship ‘Mary Stewart’, for Philadelphia 1st – 14th May 1847
Captain DRING
(216 tons)
William and Patrick BRADLEY, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Margaret BROWN, Ballindrait, Co. Donegal
Mary McLAUGHLIN, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
Moses McKEEMAN, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Michael LOUGE (LOGUE?), Rosnakill, Co. Donegal and family Fanny, James 13 years, Mary 10, Patrick 8, Grace 5, Nelly 3, Nancy 1 yrs., Neal PADDY, Grace, Neal and Thomas
Michael SHIELS, Rosnakil, Co. Donegal and family Magy and Ellen.
Denis and John KERR, Rosnakil, Co. Donegal
Kate SHEILS, Rosnakil, Co. Donegal and child Hannah 1 yr.
Biddy SHIELS, Rosnakill, Co. Donegal
Michael FRIEL, Rosnakill, Co. Donegal
Mary CALLAGHAN, Rosnakill, Co. Donegal
May Ann SUMMERVILLE, Strabane, Co. Tyrone
John CARLIN, Strabane and family Sarah, Michael 13, Catherine 11, Wiliam 9, Hugh 7, Jane 5 and John 1 yrs, with Jane REED.
Daniel GALLAGHER , Greeslough, Co. Donegal
William McANULTY Creeslough, Co. Donegal
James McGARVEY Creeslough, Co. Donegal
Farrigle (?), DOUGAN, Creeslough, Co. Donegal
Mary WEIR, Creeslough, Co. Donegal
Farrigle (?), CORRIN, Creeslough, Co. Donegal
William McCALISTER, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry and family William and Sarah Jane, with James TAYLOR and James GARDENER.
John GALLAGHER , Kilmacrennan, Co. Donegal
Catherine and Ann LUNGAN, Killygordon, Co. Donegal
Mary, Patrick and Jane CARLIN, Killygordon, Co. Donegal
Jane MOGIE, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Jane McINTYRE, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
Fanny and Mary GALLAGHER Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
Elizabeth BENSON, Whitecastle, Co. Donegal
Thomas and Margaret FRAME, Strabane, Co. Tyrone
Anne WILSON, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal and child Martha 10 yrs.
Maria and Letitia CANAVAN, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
Robert and Mary HAMILTON
Margaret GRAHAM, Kilmacrennan, Co. Donegal and children Mary 7, John 5, Joseph 3 and Isabella 1 yrs.
Robert DOHERTY and children Catherine 11 years, Eliza 9 and James in lieu of Henry and Ellen 2 children.
Isabella CHESTNUTT and family Samuel, Margaret, Benjamin and George 1½ yrs.
Margaret REED
Total 86 souls equal to 74½ adults, 33 on the orders of Messrs. CRAIG, Philadelphia
Bookings cancelled;
Mary Ann BRADLEY, Gortin, Co. Tyrone
Sarah McKINNEY, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
Catherine KANE, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry
David MAGIE, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
John McINTYRE, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry
John and Isabella NUGENT, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone
Ellina (?) McMULLAN, Coleraine, with child Cornelius 6 months and Margaret McCURDY
Thomas and Mary GRAHAM, Tempo, Co. Fermanagh
List of passengers booking for the barque ‘Barbara’ for Philadelphia, 10th – 22nd May 1847
Captain PURSS
(325 tons)
Thomas and Jane HOPKINS, Claudy, Co. Londonderry and infant Ann 3 months.
Matilda HOPKINS, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
Samuel CLARKE, Claudy, Co. Londonderry and family Jane, Matilda and Eliza.
Ann KERR, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
Nancy WILSON, Garvagh, Co. Londonderry and family John, Mary Ann, Ellen 13, Christiana 8, Samuel 5 and Matilda 3 yrs.
Patrick and Mary GALLON, Killygordon, Co. Donegal and children Margaret 5 yrs. and Mary 9 months
James McMENAMIN, Killygordon, Co. Donegal
Sarah GAMBLE, Craig, Co.
Catherine MILLER Claudy, Co. Londonderry
David SMYTH, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry and family Jane, Joseph, William, David 12 and Martha J. 12 yrs.
Thomas GRAHAM, Tempo, Co. Fermanagh and family Mary and William.
Robert and Betty DOHERTY, Claudy, Co. Londonderry
David and Margaret KERR, Waterside, Londonderry and family Margaret and Martha, with William LITHGOW.
Joana PEOPLES, Ramelton, Co. Donegal
Bridget QUINN, Moun[t]field, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Mary Ann CRAWFORD, Moun[t]field, Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Ann M. GASTON, Strabane
Alice HOLTON, Fintona, Co. Tyrone and child Margaret 11 yrs.
James and Hugh KELLY, Carrigart, Co. Donegal
Betty McBRIDE, Carrigart
Matty McNUTT, Carrigart
Michael MURRAY, Sixmilecross, Co. Tyrone
Eliza McMULLAN, Coleraine and child Cornelius 3½ years with Margaret McCURDY.
Neal and Uny (?) McFADDEN, Carrigart and child Paddy 4 yrs.
Margaret MULLEN, Derry
Margaret McCurdy, Camus (Carn?)
William WILSON, Killygordon
Fanny TAYLOR, Derry
John CHAMBERS, Grorty, Co. Donegal (?)
Chary (?), Inch, Faughanvale, Co. Londonderry
Eliza MATSON, Milford, Co. Donegal
William GIBBONS, Letterkenny and family Rose, James 12, Ellen 6, Julia 4 and Neil 2½ yrs.
Sarah Jane MONTGOMERY, Waterside, Londonderry
Charles KEE, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal and family Eliza, John, Mary, Thomas 3 and George 1 yrs.
James and Sally McCOLGAN, Ballygorman Co.
James McCLINTOCK, Whitehouse, Co. and family Mary, Susanna, John, Rebecca, Mary 11 and Elizabeth 9 yrs.
Catherine and Margaret CARSCADEN, Donegal
Alice McCULLOGH, Omagh
David BAIRD, Hornhead, Co. Donegal
Bernard and Catherine McLAUGHLIN, Letter, Co. Donegal (?)
Andrew COLHOUN, Omagh
James DUNCAN, Baronscourt, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone
Robert GAMBLE, Craig, Co.
Margaret McCLELLAND, Strabane and child Ross 10 yrs.
John McFARLAND, Faughanvale, Co. Londonderry
John LYNCH, Donemana, Co. Tyrone with James DONAGHY 11 and Mary Ann DONAGHY 9 yrs.
Bernard CAMPBELL, Glenties, Co. Donegal and family Catherine, John, Biddy, Bernard 10, Daniel 1 and Cicily 5 yrs.
Dennis GREEN, Killygordon, Co. Donegal and family Catherine, Sarah 6, Michael 4 and Hugh 2 yrs., with Ellen O’DONNELL.
Eliza GREEN, Killygordon, Co. Donegal
Columb McDIVETT, Letterkenny
John McMENEMIN, Letterkenny
Anton (?) McKEE, Glenswilly, Co. Donegal
John LEONARD, Gavin (Carn?)
Paul BOGAN, Cavin (Carn?)
Biddy McQUADE, Baronscourt, Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone
Catherine IRWIN, Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal
Hugh and John McCRORY
Sarah McLAUGHLAN, Caw, Londonderry
Mary and Ellen McCOACH, Tamney, Co.
Bridget SWEENY, Ramelton, Co. Donegal
Total passengers on board 128, 55 on the order of A. C. CRAIG & Co., Philadelphia Total £346 15s.
Bookings cancelled;
Margaret and Ross McCLELLAND, Claudy
Catherine MILLER
Thomas KIRK and Rose McKAY, Glenmorning
John PEOPLES, Ramelton
William KNOX, Londonderry
William O’BRIEN, John and Elleanor IRWIN, Ramelton
PRONI https://bit.ly/2Hfmnkt