The Civil Parish of Errigal Keerogue, is also the Roman Catholic Parish of Errigal Kieran, Barony of Clogher, County Tyrone. Other spellings include Errigle Keerouge, Kerogue, and Kerrogue.

Townlands in the Parish of Errigal Keerogue
Altamooskan, Altcloghfin, Altnagore, Annaghilla,
Ballygawley, Ballylagan, Ballymackilroy, Ballynany, Ballynasaggart, Bloomhill, Brackagh,
Carran, Cavey, Cleanally, Coolageery, Crew, Crossboy, Cullenbrone, Culnaha,
Derrymeen, Drumcorke, Drumcullion, Drumnamalta, Dunmoyle,
Fallaghearn, Feddan, Fernamenagh, Findrum, Foremass Lower,
Garvaghy, Glenchuil, Gort, Grange, Green Hill Demesne,
Keady, Kilgreen Lower, Killymorgan, Knockbrack, Knockonny,
Lettery, Lisgonnell, Lismore, Lisnabunny, Lisnawery, Lurganboy,
Rarogan, Richmond, Rough Hill, Roughan,
Sess, Sess Kilgreen, Shantavny Irish,
1) Church of St. Matthew, Ballygawley Parish Church (Church of Ireland 1831) in the townland of Richmond, near Ballygawley. Address – 38 Old Omagh Rd, Ballygawley, Dungannon BT70 2EZ
2) Errigal Old in the townland of Gort (Church of Ireland)
3) Ballynasaggart Church of Ireland Graveyard address 25 Ballynasaggart Road, Ballygawley Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland, U.K. BT70 2AZ
4) Ballynanny Methodist Church, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone UK BT70 2LZ
5) Ballygawley Presbyterian Church – address – Church St. Ballygawley Dungannon, Co. Tyrone Northern Ireland, U.K BT70 2EZ
6) Ballygawley Roman Catholic Church (Errigal Ciaran) Church of the Immaculate Conception address Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone U.K BT70 2AG
7 ) St. Malachy’s Ballymacilroy Roman Catholic Church
8) St. Mary Dunmoyle Roman Catholic Church address Foremass Road Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland, UK BT79 7EN
9) St. Matthew, Garvaghy Roman Catholic Church address 70 Rarogan Rd, Garvaghy, Dungannon, UK (the corner of Curr Road & Rarogan)
12 July 1889 – Some Tyrone Cemeteries – Errigal Keerogue
Death brings alone the soul’s release
From all this weary, worldly strife.
For Life is Death and Death is Life,
And through the grave we pass to peace.
Over the green hills the sun cast his resplendent rays, and oh how serenely! How softly rippled the dark, inky-looking waves of the Ulster Blackwater beyond, the Blackwater that has witnessed the temporary defeat of the Elizabethan forces under Bagnal and the transitory victory of the hero of Benburb, the Blackwater that has been immortalized in song and story by our native bards and minstrels – ay, and the Blackwater that could tell many a sad, weird, blood-curdling tale of the olden, golden times, long, long ago,” when, Dr. Jason says, Ireland was the school of the West, the quiet habitation of sanctity and when, as Bishop Wordsworth says, the pilgrims of all nations were wafted by all the winds of heaven to the beautiful holy shores of Ireland. And this was the day I chose to visit Errigal Keerogue, when the landscape in this locality was scarcely equaled in beauty by those of the Vale of Avoca, the Giant’s Causeway, or Killarney and when, as I have said, the eye of Heaven cast his rays from mountain top to hill top, from hill top to valley, from valley to dell and from dell to where “many a flower is born to blush unseen” as only a midsummer sun can. It was a day set apart by my numerous friends and confidants for relaxation, gaiety and what not and it was universally acknowledged that yours truly would join them for a day’s outings but from the midst of that motley crowd of living mortals, I betook myself, always preferring, like Plato, solitude and went to visit the graves of my sires in Errigal Kcerogue, and see what I could see, and learn what I could learn. In a short time I arrived at my destination and was soon lost in imagination. I thought of the days when Niall of the Nine Hostages, advancing as far as Boulogne, met his tragic death in the Land of the Lilies – when Dathi penetrated to the foot of the Alps, to be killed by a flash of lightning -when stone axes, stone hammers, and iron flails were favourite weapons used in war – when the scythed carabad drawn horses clad in spiked mail bore the Irish chiefs through the battlefield – when the yew, the rowan, the sloe and the hawthorn were sacred to the Irish Druidical priests – when St. Patrick preached at Tara before King Layary in spite of fierce opposition from the Druids – when Scotia was the splendid source of whatever learning and civilization existed in Europe during the Dark Ages – and later still of the days; “When Malachi wore the collar of gold, That he won from the proud invader.”
The cemetery is situated on the once-renowned Errigal Braes, and is inside the triangular tract made by the towns of Aughnacloy, Ballygawley and Clogher and is about a mile south-west of the second-mentioned. It comprises I should say, about an acre of ground and is encompassed by a recently renovated boundary wall about 5 feet high and with an admirable coping. Dr. Joyce says that Aireagal primarily means a habitation, but in a secondary sense it was often applied to …. a small church. Errigal, we are told, is the usual English form. The church of Errigal Keerogue, continues the Doctor, which gives name to a parish in Tyrone, was once a very important establishment. It is often mentioned by the annalists and called by them Aireagal Dachiarog, the church of St. Dachiarog, Dr. Joyce gives the meaning which he finds for Aireagal Dachiarog in the Annals of the Four Masters, with apparent approval and with all due deference to such an unimpeachable authority, I am not inclined to favour it. Aireagal, we know, means in this sense a small church, but does it follow that Aireagal Dachiarog – English form, Errigal Keerogue – means the Church of St. Dachiarog? I believe that Errigal Keerogue means the Church of St. Kieran and for these reasons First, it is universally believed that it was St. Kieran superintended the building of the church, and if he was the superintendent it is more than probable it would be called after him; second, in anything I ever read bearing on this subject, I never could find St. Dachiarog figuring prominently; then if this is the case, why should the church be called after him? and third, I don’t believe that Aireagal Dachiarog was the original name, although we find it in the Annals of the Four Masters, but I think that the original name was Aireagal Keerogue and Keerogue evidently approaches more to Kieran than it does to Dachiarog. The church was built exactly in the centre of the burying-ground. It is of quadrangular form and is externally about 65 feet long and 21 feet wide. The walls are nearly all level with the adjoining ground, except a portion of the eastern gable, which is about 19 feet high. This portion of the ruins is regarded with fear and awe, and indeed, I might add, is never approached anyone bearing the name of MacMAHON, and I shall now hasten to tell why.
When the church of Errigal Keerogue was being built, St. Kieran, I have said, was supervisor of the work and at that time bullocks were the animals used for drawing heavy loads, and of course, they were employed to draw stones and other materials for the erection of this ecclesiastical edifice. One of these bullocks was very strange fellow. He could be killed, roasted and eaten every night by the architects and hodsmen, and the next day he would be as ready for his day’s work as on the previous day, provided none of his bones were broken whilst the artizans were enjoying the feast. He was eaten, it is said, on 130 successive nights, but on the last night a mechanic, whose name was M‘MAHON, unconsciously broke a bone of the bullock. “Where is the bullock” asked St. Kieran the next morning when all were assembled to begin their work. “He,” said a mason, pointing to M’MAHON, “broke one of his bones last night.” “I pray,” remarked St. Kieran, as he looked at the walls which were now pretty high,” I pray that this church may never fall until it kills 3 M’MAHON’S” And by the by, it is said that 2 persons whose names were M’MAHON have met their fate at this church, and the portion of the eastern gable which still stands may yet make another M’MAHON bite the dust.
There is nothing now remaining to show what kind of windows were used in its construction, but I have it from tradition that they were pyramidal headed and that they inclined like the windows in the oldest remains of cyclopean buildings. The doorways were constructed in the Roman manner with a horizontal lintel, semicircular arch and were without ornament of any kind. We are told that this graveyard was used as a burial ground long before the erection of the church and consequently, long before the conversion of Ireland, and I would rather be inclined to believe this, because is well known that our Pagan ancestors had a particular fancy for elevated situations as their final resting-places and because it is also well known that before Christianity was introduced into this country, our forefathers resorted largely to the practice of cremation, and I often heard that cinerary urns containing ashes and burned bones were unearthed at Errigal Keerogue. There is nothing in the monuments in this caltragh to win one’s love or challenge his admiration, except a sense of their antiquity, and there, their attractiveness begins and ends. There is one rude cross, however, which deserves a passing notice. The pedestal of it is about 4 feet high, and each of its arms about 13 inches. The characters on it resemble the runes of the Germans and Scandinavians, and are most probably Ogham writing, and about which I know little and care less. l couldn’t decipher the date, but if the characters are Ogham, the person over whom it is erected may not have died in Druidic days, for its use on sepulchres continued in Christian times as is shown in the existing inscriptions in Cork and Kerry, and in West Wales. (From the Tyrone Constitution)
“Topographical Dictionary of Ireland” Vol 2 (1840) by Samuel Lewis
A parish in the barony of Clogher, on the river Blackwater and on the road from Aughnacloy to Omagh; containing, with the greater part of the district parish and post-town of Ballygawley 9782 inhabitants. This parish, which is also called Errigal-Kieran, from the supposed dedication of its ancient church to St. Kieran, comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 21,139¾ statute acres, including 18 townlands, which now form part of the district parish of Ballygawley. The greater portion is rich arable, meadow and pasture land, with a large extent of profitable mountain and a considerable tract of waste. The hills towards the south are low and fertile but towards the north they rise into mountains, the flat summits of which are bog and heath; the mountain of Shantavny rises, according to the Ordnance survey, 1035 feet above the level of the sea. The valleys are watered by streams which, in their descent from the mountains, form numerous picturesque cascades and in one of them are found fossils and shells, washed down from the beds of limestone. There are extensive quarries of limestone and freestone, from the latter of which was taken the stone for building several of the churches and gentlemen’s seats in the neighbourhood and thin veins of coal have been found near Lismore, but though lying very near the surface, they have not been worked. The scenery is strikingly diversified; the glen called “Todd’s Leap” abounds with romantic features and at the southern extremity of the parish is a very handsome bridge of 1 arch over the Blackwater, which river is also crossed by 2 other bridges.
The principal gentlemen’s seats are Ballygawley House, the residence of Sir H. STEWART Bart., situated on a rising ground, sheltered in the rear by the conspicuous precipice called the “Craigs”; Cleanally, of G. SPIER Esq.; Bloom Hill, of T. SIMPSON Esq. and Ballygawley Castle, of R. ARMSTRONG Esq. There are several large corn-mills and a tuck-mill for finishing the woollen cloths made in the various farm-houses. The manors of Donoughmore, Favour Royal, Cecil and Ballygawley, are in this parish; in the first a court is held monthly, in which debts to any amount may be recovered and in the 3 others are held similar courts every 3 weeks, with jurisdiction limited to £2.
The living is a rectory, in the diocese of Armagh and in the patronage of J. C. MOUTRAY Esq.; the tithes amount to £380. The glebe-house is at Richmount, near Ballygawley, on a glebe of 266 acres and there is another glebe of 297 acres, constituting the townland of Gort. The church, a handsome edifice in the later English style, with an embattled tower, was erected in 1831, near the site of the ancient structure at Ballinasaggard, at an expense of £1300, of which £1100 was a loan from the late Board of First Fruits. The R. C. parish is co-extensive with that of the Established Church; the chapel is a small plain edifice and there are two stations or altars, where service is occasionally performed.
There are places of worship for Presbyterians in connection with the Synod of Ulster of the 3rd class, Independents and 2 for Wesleyan Methodists. About 700 children are taught in the public schools, of which the parochial school is chiefly supported by the incumbent, one by Miss MONTGOMERY and another by Mr. LESLIE and there are 3 private schools, in which are about 180 children.There are some remains of the old church, in which are several of the carved stones of an ancient friary, founded by Con O’NIAL; in the churchyard is a large stone cross and near it a holy-well. The friary was of the 3rd order of Franciscans, and near it was an ancient round tower. There are many conical raths in the parish, of which the most remarkable is that on the steep height called the Craigs; it is supposed that the native chiefs of Eirgal, or Uriel, had their seat in this parish, near which a monastery was founded by St. Macartin. In the townland of Sess Kilgreen is a carved stone, part of a kistvaen and in that of Lismore are the ruins of a square bawn, with round towers at the angles.
News Articles– From the Belfast Newsletter, Derry Journal, Derry Sentinel, Tyrone Constitution, and the Tyrone Courier (unless otherwise noted) transcribed by Teena
13 Jan 1818 Died
10 Jan. at W. STURCH’s Esq. of Southampton street, Bloomsbury, Helen, eldest daughter of the Rev. G. V. SAMPSON Rector Errigal, (?) in the diocese of Derry. (Public Ledger & Daily Advertiser)
Mon. 25 April 1825 – Murdered
On the night of Monday, the 28th ult. as Patrick M‘KENNA of Ballinanny, in the parish of Errigal Keron and county of Tyrone, was returning from a neighbour’s house, he was waylaid by a number of ruffians, who knocked him down and gave him several wounds in the head and body and left him for dead. He survived speechless to the 1st April, on which day he died. Charles MONTGOMERY has been lodged in the gaol of Omagh, charged as a principal the murder. (Belfast Commercial Chronicle)
25 Sept. 1828 Irish Insolvent debtors, to be heard (all listed)
At Omagh County of Tyrone 2 October, at nine.
BOYLAN John, Aughnacloy, pensioner
DEVLIN Patrick, Derrychrun, pensioner
HAGAN Patrick, Knocknatoy, pensioner
KELLY John, Dunmoyle, farmer
LAMNISE Edward, Edendark, labourer
REED John, Derryveen, pensioner
ROGERSJohn, Annahavele, labourer
TURNER James, Drumguin, publican.
(Perrys Bankrupt Gazette)
10 July 1830 Distress in Garvagh and Praiseworthy Liberality of two Clergymen
The Rev. Robert ALEXANDER Rector of Errigal and the Rev. William SMITH Rector of Errigal have, within the last week, done a service to the poor of the neighbourhood of Garvagh, which will long be remembered there. On Friday the 2nd inst. Mr. SMITH purchased all the meal in the market, except about 6 cwt and had men appointed to sell it out, at 6s. 8d. per cwt under the price which he paid for it. Up to the hour when this was done, (1 o’clock,) no meal was to be had by retail at any price and it is hard say to what pitch it would have been raised, but for the benevolent interference of Mr. SMITH. On Monday, the Rev. Robert ALEXANDER purchased a large quantity of meal, which he has stored at Garvagh, for the purpose of being partly sold at a reduced price, in small quantities, to those who can command but small sums of money by the week, and who, in the ordinary course of markets, could not obtain so little as their money would reach and partly to be gratuitously distributed to the indigent.
24 May 1831 Marriage
On the 16th inst. Mr. Thomas KENNEDY of Brackagh, county Tyrone, to JANE, eldest daughter of William ANDERSON Esq. of Irvinestown
17 Dec. 1834 – Murder
On the night of the 17th ult., as Michael MAGARITY of Dunmoyle, was returning from the fair of Sixmilecross, he was waylaid and beaten in such a savage manner that he lingered until Friday, the 28th and then died. An inquest was held on the body by the Coroner Joseph ORR Esq., at which the Rev. C. C. BERESFORD J. P. attended, when a verdict of wilful murder was returned against a man called Michael MULLAN, who has as yet escaped the vigilance of the police.
7 May 1836 Marriage
On the 21st ult. by the Rev. John Armstrong at the house of her father, Thomas LOVE Esq. Listemore, to Miss Jane, second daughter of George DUNCAN Esq. of Lurganboy, county Tyrone
30 Aug. 1845 Death
Thomas KENNEDY Esq of Brackagh, county Tyrone, aged 43 years
17 Mar 1846 Manslaughter
James MOSES for having, on the 26 January last, at Knockonny, assaulted Bernard M’ELMEEL with a pitchfork and inflicted on him grievous wounds, in consequence of which he died. There was a 2nd count for assault with a stick. Verdict guilty – To imprisoned 3 months from committal. (Armagh Guardian)
24 July 1857 -Lamentable and Fatal Accident
A melancholy accident from incautious use of firearms, occurred in Augher on Tuesday last The facts are, a man named Joseph SMITH, a blacksmith, went into the house John STINSON, who keeps a public house in Augher, with a loaded gun in his hand; it was raining at the time and he proceeded to take the barrels from the stock. In doing so, one of them exploded and the contents lodged in the neck and head of an industrious man named Alexander THOMPSON, of Culnaha, and nearly shattered the head to pieces; he fell and instantly expired. An inquest was held on the body Wednesday last, by James BUCHANAN Esq. coroner, when the verdict of the jury was accidental death. Deceased has left a wife and 8 orphan children totally unprovided for. Mr. BUCHANAN told SMITH that from the deplorable state in which they were left, he was imperatively called upon to act as their friend and benefactor-that they had been left in a state of dependence by his incautious use of fire-arms and that it was expected he would make every atonement in his power to them.
8 Mar. 1862 Marriage
February 24, Ballymackilroy, by the Rev. Matthew Mullan, C.C., Mr. Bernard KERR merchant, to Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Alexander MULLAN merchant both of Ballygawley.
25 Jun 1864 Marriage
June 21st in St. James’s Church, Aughnacloy, by the Venerable the Archdeacon of Armagh, assisted by the Rev. J. G. Stokes, A.M., tho Rev. John Maxwell MOUTRAY A. M., eldest son of the Rev. John James MOUTRAY Rector of Errigal Keerogue to Jane, youngest daughter the late David HARREL Esq., J.P. of Downpatrick.
1 Oct. 1864 Death
September 24, at Balbriggan, Maria Dorothea, wife of the Rev John James MOUTRAY rector of Errigal Keerogue, county Tyrone.
27 Nov. 1868 Notice
Strayed from her home, on the night of Saturday the 31st October, Catherine AGNEW of Ballymackelroy. She is an old woman of about 75 years of age, about middle size, had on a blue stuff Dress, a cap on her head, a dark Woolen handkerchief about her neck, blue drugget Apron and was barefooted. Any person giving information to her son, David AGNEW of Ballymackelroy or the Ahoghill Police, it will be thankfully received.
22 July 1870 Marriage
July 19th in Ballymackelroy Roman Catholic Church by the Rev. Mr. Malone, C.C., Mr. Felix HACKETT son of Mr. Peter HACKETT Curr House to Miss Catherine M’CRORY only daughter of the late Mr. James M’CRORY of Turnaskey, Ballygawley.
11 Aug 1871 Notice
A Charity Sermon will be preached in the Catholic Church Dunmoyle Parish Errigle-Keiran, On Sunday 27 August, by the Rev. Father DALEY, of the Order St. Dominick. Mass to commence at 11 o’clock. admission by Ticket; Reserved Seats 2s. 6d. Donations from those unable to attend will be thankfully received by Rev. J. FAIRON P. P., Errigle-Keiran, by Bernard GRIMES Treasurer and Daniel M’GARVAY, Secretary of the Dunmoyle Committee.
2 Dec 1871 Death
Nov. 22 at Dunmoyle Lodge, co. Tyrone, Ireland, William JEFFCOCK Esq. J.P., late major 1st West York Yeomanry Cavalry, aged 71 years
6 Jun. 1873 Dunmoyle Church
At 4 o’clock p.m. Sunday 1st June, being Whitsunday, the above new church was opened for Divine service by license from the Primate, prior to its consecration next September. The service was conducted by the Rev. William CHARTRES A.B. of Omagh and the Rev. W. WEIR A.M. Ex-Sch.T.C.D, Incumbent of Sixmilecross. The Rev. Robert Vicars DIXON D.D. Ex-F.T.C.D., Rector of Clogherney preached an eloquent and impressive sermon in scholarly and perspicuous style. The church was densely thronged with worshipers, many of whom came from a distance, no doubt anxious to be present at the opening of the edifice. The Rev. W. CHARTRES has kindly undertaken to continue the services every Sunday pending the appointment of a permanent minister. On next Sunday the 8th inst., services will commence at 12 o’clock noon and 4 o’clock p.m. The harmonium was presided over by Miss L. BEUN (BEAN?) and we heard competent judges passing high encomiums on her rendering of the music, especially that of several new and difficult voluntaries. The choir cannot yet be said to be fully trained (excepting the ladies and gentlemen from Dunmoyle Lodge, who heartily took part in the singing) but their singing was above that normally heard in the country or village churches; thanks to Miss L. BENN and Miss C. MANN, who have, we are informed, taken great pains instructing and bringing them up to their present state of efficiency.
We noticed over the outer door of the Vestry a stone bearing the inscription ‘Christ’s Church Dunmoyle A.D.1871’, so it would seem that the shell of the building had been standing about 2 years, that time having been occupied in fully fitting up and embellishing the interior.
The church is in the Gothic style of architecture and over the chief entrance rises a handsome and graceful tower, upon which a spire will yet be reared and which contains a chime of 3 bells, the generous gift of the late Major W. JEFFCOCK. The chiming of the bells before service, greatly attracted the attention of the inhabitants of the locality, very few of whom had ever heard the like on any previous occasion. The interior of the edifice is in the form of a cross the head of which is occupied by the Communion table. The East window of stained glass, as a work of art, is well worthy of attention. At the base of the window is a brass plate let into the cut stone and hearing an inscription showing to have been erected by Captain Deane MANN in memory of his parents, the late Deane MANN Esq. and Mrs MANN of Corvey Lodge. The truly beautiful execution shown in the above subject reflects great credit upon Mr WAILES of Newcastle-on-Tyne, who supplied this, and all the other windows, in the building. The whole edifice is well lighted, but owing to the judicious arrangement of the tinted glass introduced, there is an absence of that bright glare which often strikes the eye so painfully in places for public worship. In fact, the light is so tone down, that when you enter after leaving the bright rays of the sun, the eye experiences a feeling of repose, which has a very soothing effect upon the whole frame. The poet’s idea of “The dim religious light,” insensibly occurred to us. On the north wall, in the body of the building, is a handsome marble tablet erected by Captain Deane MANN in memory of the late Major JEFFCOCK, bearing the JEFFCOCK arms and a suitable inscription. The seats are after the most modern design, forming a somewhat marked contrast with the old high and box-like pews yet to be seen in some churches and are capable of accommodating upwards of 300 people.
Arrangements are made for the comfort of the congregation during the winter months by the building being heated by means of a hot water apparatus. On the whole, the interior presents a neat, tasteful, and comfortable appearance, the various fittings, &c., harmonizing admirably with each other and with the building itself. This church owns its existence to Captain Deane MANN Dunmoyle Lodge, who, in the face of what might have appeared to many, insuperable obstacles, persevered until his efforts have been crowned with success. At a great expenditure of time, labour and money, he has carried to completion, a building which is an ornament to the locality in which it stands, and a credit to its founder. He has, besides, built and fitted up a comfortable and commodious glebe house with 4 acres of land attached, thereto he gives rent free. He has also created an endowment, to pay in part, the minister’s salary. A few evenings since, we had the pleasure of viewing a very handsome Communion Service, bearing the inscription;
“Presented to Christ’s Church, Dnnmoyle, by Capt. Deane Mann, 1872.”
Thus nothing has been left undone by Captain MANN to bring the means of grace to the very doors of the Protestant population of this retired district and to establish amongst them, a permanent minister of the gospel. The blessing he has thus conferred upon Dunmoyle and its neighbourhood will descend to posterity, and cannot fail to perpetuate his name as long as a stone of Christ’s Church Dunmoyle, stands upon another.
It might not be out of place here to remark that some 28 years ago, where the mansion known as Dunmoyle Lodge now stands, there was nothing better than a deep bog, covered with long heather, a fit resort for the hare and moor-fowl. The greater part of the bog has now disappeared, what was formerly waste, if not barren ground, has, for the most part, been brought under cultivation. A plantation of various kinds of forest timber and which has made great progress for its time, ornaments the vicinity of the Lodge. A number of comfortable and picturesque labourers dwellings are dotted around the outskirts of the plantation. The church is situated a short distance N.W. from the Lodge and around the West side of the church, and almost within its shadow, are grouped a cottage, a large shop in which is also a post office, a beautiful and well-furnished little school-house and a teacher’s residence, while a few perches farther to the West, stands the glebe-house. By the side of the public road, about half way between the church and the glebe-house, there is a neat and convenient drinking fountain, over which is a stone bearing the JEFFCOCK crest, and the following inscription;
“Erected by Major W. JEFFCOCK for the use of the inhabitants of Dunmoyle.”
Upon an eminence in the grounds adjoining the Lodge, there was formerly an old dun, or fort, which gave its name to the townland. Thus dun-fort and Mael, Mwail or Moyle; flat at top; hence Dunmoyle. Occupying the former site of this old fort there now stands a curious Belvidere tower, erected by Captain MANN and when he stands upon its summit this glorious weather and surveys the results of his labours around and beneath him, it must be to him, both a pride and a pleasure to know and feel that he has literally made “the desert rejoice and blossom as the rose” His example as a resident landlord delighting in improvements, thus creating employment for many of the poor of his tenantry, might be copied, very advantageously, by many of the landed proprietors of Ireland. We hope Captain MANN will long live to enjoy the fruits of his labours, and to see yet, many other improvements carried to successful termination.
14 Feb. 1874 Death
February 11th Mr. John CHAMBERS Ballynanny aged 74 years.
16 Jan 1875 Death
Jan. 14, at his residence, Dunmoyle,Co. Tyrone, Francis M’DERMOTT Esq. P.L.G., brother-in-law of the Rev. Michael HUGHES, P.P. Pomeroy aged 80 years.
6 Mar. 1875 Death of Rev Anthony MALONE C.C. Ballygawley
We deeply regret to have to announce the death of this good priest. The sad event, which occurred on the 27th ult. has cast a gloom over the inhabitants of the district for miles around but more especially is his loss deplored by those who had the happiness to come within the scope of his religious administrations. By his piety and zeal during the 12 years of his missionary labours in the parish of Erriglekeerogue he had earned the esteem and love of all who knew him. Humble and homely in his manners and disposition, it was his delight to visit and console the poor and the afflicted and cheer and encourage them to fight the good fight courageously to the end. His remains were removed to the new church of Dunmoyle for intermment on Tuesday last. After the solemn office and Mass for the dead had been said, at which a large number of the priests of the diocese assisted, the coffin was lowered into its last resting place amidst the tears end prayers of a vast concourse of people who had assembled to pay their last tribute of respect to all that was earthly of their friend, father, and counsellor.
4 Mar. 1878 Death
At Dunmoyle Glebe on the 28th February, after a painful illness, borne throughout with exemplary patience and resignation, and sustained by the faith and hope of a Christian, Bessie, the beloved wife of Rev. T. G. IRWIN
24 Sept. 1881 Death
September 14, at the residence her husband, Mary Jane, the beloved wife of Mr. Henry AGNEW Ballymackilroy, aged 45 years.
24 Jan 1885 Death
The deeply regretted death of Rev. Michael TALLY, the pious and highly revered parish priest of Errigal Kieran, County Tyrone, occurred on Thursday last. The deceased had been ailing for some time past and many will hear with deep sorrow of his sad demise. The funeral was largely attended by priests and people from the surrounding districts.
28 Aug. 1885 Erection of New Chapel at Ballymacleroy Parish of Errigal Keiran
Steadily and with an unceasing effort the above new chapel is advancing towards size, shape, and beauty. Too much credit cannot be given to the rev. gentlemen (Rev. Bernard DALY P.P.) and (Rev. John LOUGHRAN C.C., D.D.) who are in charge the parish. The building of this chapel was a want long felt by the parishioners of the old and historic parish of Errigal Kieran. This parish is called after its own great saint viz. St. Kieran, whose bones lie mouldering within the precints of its ancient walls. Father DALY appealed to the parishioners for their aid and they have shown themselves ready to do anything he would desire. The parish is proud of their energetic and zealous pastor, Father DALY. He was appointed parish priest of this parish some 6 or 8 months ago, in room of the late rev. and deeply regretted Father TALLY. Although but a short time in the parish, Father DALY has won the golden opinion of the parishoners. The walls of the church are completed and ready for all sorts of timber. About 3 weeks ago over two hundred parishioners turned out with their horses and carts and proceeded to Tynan station to draw home the timber lying there. The timber for the occasion was supplied by the well known firm of Messers. Redmond & Co., Newry. The stone used the exterior of the church was supplied by Mr. EARLY, Errigal and left on the ground free of all charge.
Historical Notice- Last Mass Rock
Upwards of 2,000 people prayed in a little glen at Altamuskin (Altamooskan) Sixmilecross Tyrone when the annual procession of the Blessed Sacrament, over the mile long route from the Church of Mary Immaculate Dunmoyle, took place to an altar erected where Mass was offered less than 100 years ago. Altamuskin a hilly townland in the parish of Errigal Kieran, is in the Archdiocese of Armagh. Prior to 1810 it was in a secluded spot in these hills known as “Gleann an Aifrinn” that the faithful gathered to assist at Mass. Later in the century it was found convenient to change the place of Sunday Mass to a little glen on the border of the same townland. It was here that the last Mass Rock in Ireland was used. That was in 1868 and in that year permission was granted for the erection of a church on a piece of land in Dunmoyle, 1 mile away. In 1929 the centenary year of Catholic Emancipation, a memorial altar, built in stone with a cross bearing an Irish inscription, was erected in the Glen. Every year since then a solemn procession of the Blessed Sacrament has been made from the church in Dunmoyle to the Glen. (Catholic Standard 1850 all names omitted)
18 Nov 1887 Notice- Loans to Tenants
Edward STARS of Dunmoyle having applied (application #11550) for a Loan £50 to improve the lands of Dunmoyle Barony of Clogher. County of Tyrone, under Section 31 of the land Law (Ireland) Act 1881, the commissioners of Public Works hereby give notice that all parties whom it may concern are hereby required on or before the 22nd November, 1887 to transmit the said Commissioners their dissent or objection with their reasons for such Dissent or objection. W. SOADY, Secretary Office Public Works, Dublin
11 Dec. 1891 Married
December 4, at Strand Presbyterian Church, Londonderry, by the Rev. Dr. Stuart, David MARCUS, Londonderry, to Jane daughter of John KERR, of Millicks (Errigal Keerogue parish) county Tyrone
2 March 1892 Concert at Rarogan National School Beragh
A very successful and entertaining concert came off in Rarogan School the other night. The Beragh Ethiopian Troupe gained universal applause by their performance, which was varied and humorous and they stand pre-eminent as the best actors in this part of the country.
Mr. P. M’ALEER N.T., Beragh, presided
Programme (song & singers)
“The March of the Men of Harlech” by the company
“Clara Nolan’s Ball” and “The country I’m leaving behind” by Mr. P. M’ALEER
“Enniscorthy’ by Mr. F. OWENS
“The Oration” by Mr. Michael DONNOLLY
“Michael Murphy” by Mr. Thomas MORRIS
“Jemima Brown” by Mr. M. DONNELLY
“Dick Darling the Cobbler” by Mr. P. M CUSKAR
“Two lovely black eyes” by Mr. Jas. HACKETT
reading by Mr H. K. M’ALEER “Paddy M’Quiilan’s courtship”
recitation by Mr. F. CONWAY N.T. “The Doctor and the tooth”
recitation by Mr. M’GINN N.T. “The travelling Philosopher”
(other participants in the program included:)
Hugh, Jonnie, Francis, & Art OWNS, Patrick OWNES, Tom KERR, J. CANNON
5 Aug. 1893 Mission at Ballymacilroy
The mission which was opened in Ballymackilroy Roman Catholic Church, near Ballygawley, on Sunday the 16th uIt, by Fathers Daniel, Mark, and Raphael, of Passionist Fathers, is largely attended morning and evening by large crowds, the sermons are clear, and are listened to with attention. The mission will close on Sunday the 6th inst. Nothing was wanted on the part of the Rev. Father DALY P.P., Father M’ELKENNEY and Father M’GURKE, the curates of the parish, to make the mission a good success. Strangers were all times met by the rev. gentlemen and kindly looked after, the Rev. Father M’CRORY C.C. of Maynooth College, was also in attendance to lend his service.
6 Oct 1893 Opening the New National School
The new national school, which was erected some time ago in Ballygawley through the exertions of the Bernard DALY P.P. the respected pastor of Errigal-Keerogue parish, was formally opened by the rev gentleman on Monday morning, 2nd, last. This building replaces the unsanitary old hovel situated in a back yard formerly used as school, where more colds were usually contracted than proficiency in any branch of learning. Miss CONNOLLY, the principal, has been installed in her new position to the seeming delight and satisfaction of the juvenile portion of our community, who-
“Blessed the day,
When toil remitting, lent its turn to play.”
The youngsters, male and female, doffed their head gear and made sundry fantastic displays in honour of both the patron and Miss CONNOLLY, whom they cheered to the echo, Mr James EVANS, Clogher who was the contractor, carried out the work satisfactorily.
22 Dec. 1893 sudden death
Much regret is felt in this locality in connection with the sudden death of Mr. M’GARVEY, principal teacher in the Tirnaskea National School. The sad event occurred last week after an exceedingly brief illness. The deceased, who was a quiet, unobtrusive man, gained the esteem of parents and guardians alike and his demise has therefore cast a gloom over the entire neighbourhood. The interment took place in Dunmoyle R. C. Churchyard. The death of Master M’GARVEY has been rendered tenfold more melancholy by the announcement of his wife’s death, which took place on Monday 18th last. At the time of her husband’s decease the poor woman had been ill and she succumbed, as stated, on Monday from the indisposition. Three small orphan children are left to mourn the loss of a father and loving and kind mother and heartfelt sympathy is extended to the little ones in the district.
23 December 1893 – Death of Mr. Daniel M’GARVEY
It is with feelings of sincere regret that I have to record the death of Mr. Daniel M’GARVEY, National School Teacher of Tirnaskea, whose death took place at his residence Drumoyle, on Wednesday of last week, after only a few days illness. He was a young man in the prime of life and was greatly respected in the neighbourhood for his kind and gentle manner. His sudden death was a shock to the neighbourhood, as he was held in great respect by his brother teachers. He was son of the late Mr. Terence M’GARVEY of Lurganboy, and cousin of Mr. John M’GARVEY of Omagh. At an early age Mr. M’GARVEY was sent to school at Tullagherine, taught by a Mr. DONNELLY, he was not long at the school, when he began to distinguish himself, and come under the notice of the late Rev. James FAIRN P.P., who was the manager of the school. On the Inspector making his inspection at the school, he soon saw that young was a bright youth. He was appointed as a monitor of the school. He did not hold this position long, when he was noticed for to hold himself in readiness for an examination for the important position of teacher. On the day of the examination he attended and after it was over, he was told to go home, for that he had passed as teacher. He returned to his friends overjoyed and every one was glad of the news. He was then appointed to the old school at Tallagherine. There was still greater joy in the neighbourhood. He was not long in charge of the school when children began to come from all parts; frequently was he complimented by the Inspector. The late Father QUINN P.P., who was in Beragh parishes and who was afterwards transferred as Dean to Dungannon, erected a school in the townland of Cloughfin. The late Father TALLY P.P., who was parish priest, then agreed to let Tullagherine school be closed on the understanding that Mr. M’GARVEY should be the teacher. This was agreed to and for a length of time he taught at Clonghfin. On the death of the late Mr. Michael MONTAGUE who teached at Tirnaskea School, he was appointed by the Rev. Bernard DALY P.P., teacher of the School, where he taught up till a few days of his death.
6 Apr. 1894 Lisgonnell
What legendary associations have we connected with the townland of Lisgonnell a few minutes walk from here (Ballygawley). Some never heard of that interesting spot, but the majority of residents in the elevated region can relate startling and weird stories about a former “old fort” where “wee” people had many sanguinary conflicts. Generally after such battles. Pat M’GIRR, a story-teller of no mean order, was eye-witness to one- it was no uncommon thing to find the fields strewn with small bones, blood, etc. Few now living, at least, as far as I can discover in the district, know anything of the late Sir Hugh STEWART’s school, which flourished in the locality at an early date. This seems remarkable, since almost every juvenile can tell a “plain, unvarnished tale” concerning the hideous apparitions witnessed at the “Ghost House” lying immediately beneath Knockonny Hill, where a little man once heard the strains of fairy music, I am of opinion that this “Ghost House” was a school. Its appearance indicates an educational establishment and the now dilapidated boundary wall evidently formed the enclosure of a play-ground. ‘Lis’ is a fort, and Lisgonnell, taken as a whole, means “the fort of the candles.” Ghosts,both headless and shirtless, were always seen at Lisgonnell and many a poor benighted individual was unconsciously led by the fatal candle shining brightly in the vicinity of the haunted house, into a watery grave in the Findrum meadows. Near Murphy’s lane on one occasion, an apparition appeared carrying its head under one arm. “Very often”, says the author of Irish Names of Places, ” when you pass a lonely fort on a dark night, you will be astonished to see a light shining from it; the fairies are there at some work of their own and you will do well to pass on and not disturb them. From the frequency of this apparition it has come to pass that many forts are called Lisnagonnell and Lisnagunnell, ‘fort of the candles’, and in some instances, they have given names to townlands, as, for example, Lisgonnell, in Tyrone. We must not suppose that these fearful lights are always the creation of the peasants imagination; no doubt they have been, in many instances, actually seen and we must attribute them to that curious phenomenon, ‘iqnus fatuus’, or “will-o’-the-wisp” People will, at the present time, tell you that the light now sometimes seen in “Turner’s Bottoms” has nothing to do with will-o’ the-wisp. but that it’s the work of the good people.21 Dec. 1894 – Ballygawley Death of the late Miss CAIRNS
After a brief illness Miss Mary CAIRNS , third daughter of the late Mr John CAIRNS Lettery and sister David CAIRNS J.P., Lettery House, Ballygawley, expired at her residence here, on Thursday morning, the 13tb inst. Deceased was an exceedingly kind and benevolent lady and her demise, which has caused much regret in the district, will be most keenly felt amongst the poor, to whom she was always warm hearted and a generous friend. The long line of vehicles which followed the remains to their last resting place bore ample testimony of the high esteem which the deceased was held in the neighbourhood.
12 Apr. 1895 – Death and Funeral of Miss STUART late post-Mistress
On the 6th inst Miss Sarah STUART who had been postmistress here for upwards of 35 years, passed peacefully away after a very brief illness. In the month of October the deceased resigned her position as postmistress after a long and honourable career as a public official On the 25th ult. she was prostrated with sadden illness which terminated fatally on last Saturday evening to the inexpressible grief of all sections of the community. As a philanthropist the deceased had few equals and her demise will be keenly felt by the poor to whom she was ever a generous benefactor. Mr William STUART, only surviving brother, has the widespread sympathy of a large circle of friends in his melancholy bereavement.
On Monday evening the remains of the late Miss Sarah STUART were removed from the residence of her brother for interment in the family burying ground at Ballynasaggart. The massive oak coffin was covered with many exquisite wreaths forwarded by friends of the deceased. The chief mourners were Mr Wm.STUART (brother) Ballygawley, Rev. D. SMYTH the Manse, Ballygawley, Messrs. Robert SIMPSON, Ballynasaggart, Thomas BUCHANAN, James NEELY, Glenroyal, William NEELY. Glencoll. Amongst others present were Revs., D G SMYTH, the Manse, Thomas NASH, Incumbent, Patrick M’ELKENNY C. C. do; (Drs?) William Thomas BEATTIE, Wm R. ABERNATHY,do; Messrs. John LOUGHAN M.R.C.V.S., do; John S. GERVAN J P, Stewart Arms, David CAIRNS J P. Lettry House; Edward DEVLIN J P. Tullyglush House, W CHAMBERS, senior in charge of Ballygawley Post Office, Thomas HOPPER Armaloughey, Archibald M’CAUGHAN, Robert NEELY, Archibald TURNER, Francis O’NEILL, James O’NEILL P.L.G, Adam PATTERSON P. L. G., Samuel M’MINN, Jno. FRAZAR Mr, Daniel M’GONNELL, James FAIR, Wm. HENDERSON, Robert EWING, John O’DONNELL, John RAFFERTY, Robert BUSBY, John IRWIN, P.J. FANNING, John F.S. DEVLIN C.P. S., John PATTERSON, William WILLIAMSON, Nat DUFF, Constables DeLACY, GIFF, and SHERIDAN, etc. Rev. D. G. SMYTH officiated and Mr J. GERVAN carried out the funeral arrangements.
14 May 1897 Death
The man Richard BARRET, from County Tyrone, who was so badly injured a week ago by being thrown violently from his cart while coming from Aughnacloy market, in consequence of his horse running away, has just died from the injuries then received. BARRETT was a large farmer and his untimely end has cast a gloom over the locality in which he resided. The interment took place on Saturday in the Episcopal Churchyard, Ballynasaggart.
15 Apr 1898 Death of Centenarian, Hugh TURBITT Ballymackilroy, has died here at the age of 103 years.
17 Feb 1899 – Notice of Charitable Requests
In the Goods of John M’KREERY, late of Crossboy, in the County of Tyrone, Farmer, Deceased. Notice is hereby given Pursuant to Statute 30 & 31 Vic., Cap. 64, that the above named deceased, who died on or about the 11 January 1899, by his last Will and Testament, bearing date the 19th August, 1898, made the following Charitable requests viz the poor of the Congregation of the Ballygawley Presbyterian Church the sum of £10. To the poor of the Congregation of the Ballygawley Protestant Episcopal Church the sum of £10. To the poor of the Congregation of the Ballyreagh Presbyterian Church the sum of £10. To the poor of the Congregation of the Ballynasaggart Protestant Episcopal Church the sum of £10. Testator directed his Executors therein named immediately after the realization of his Estate to pay the above named sums of £10 to each of the present Ministers or their successors of the aforesaid Congregations to be deposited by them in the Ulster Bank, Aughnacloy, in their own names on behalf of the Congregation, said sums to be distributed among the poor of each congregation at the discretion of the Ministers thereof in the manner therein mentioned. To the Treasurer for the time being of the Ulster Institution Belfast for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind, the sum of £10 for the benefit of that institution. And the testator directed his executors in the event of certain contingencies mentioned in the said will to distribute the residue of his Estate in the following manner, viz; To the Ministers for the time being of the Presbyterian Church at Ballygawley, the Protestant Episcopal Church at Ballygawley, the Presbyterian Church at Ballyreagh and the Protestant Episcopal Church at Ballynasaggart, in the proportion of two-fifths of the said residue to Ballygawley Presbyterian Church and one-fifth to each of the other three Congregations aforesaid, to be distributed among the poor of each Congregation at the discretion of each Minister in the manner therein mentioned. And Probate of said will, with one codicil, was on the 27th January, 1899, granted forth of the District Registry at Armagh of the High Court of Justice in Ireland, Queen’s Bench Division, Probate, to Anketell MOUTRAY of Favor Royal Esq. D.L. and Reverend D G SMYTH of the Manse Ballygawley, Presbyterian Minister, both in the County of Tyrone the Executors named in the said will. Dated this 1st February 1899. Edward HAMILTON, Solicitor for said Executors, No. 6, Westmoreland St, Dublin, and Aughnaoloy. The Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests in Ireland and all whom it may concern.
14 Dec 1899 – Fashionable Marriage Ballygawley
On the 30th ult., an interesting function took place in St. Malachy’s Church, Errigal Kieran, A marriage was solemnized between Mr James HIGGINS, merchant, Ballygawley, (7th son of James HIGGINS Esq., Longfield House, Desertmartin, County Derry and brother of Dr HIGGINS the medical officer of Dungiven Dispensary County Derry and Miss Nellie M’MAHON postmistress, Ballygawley, (2nd daughter the late Patrick M’MAHON Esq. merchant.
23 Aug 1900 – death of Miss Ellen MULGREW Ballygawley
Death has removed a respected member of society in the person of Miss Ellen MULGREW. The deceased belonged to an old and respected family residing in the parish of Errigal Kieran. For some time the lady was in delicate health, but nothing serious was expected till about a week ago, when it was found that the end was near. On Tuesday night she breathed her last, much to the regret of many friends. The funeral on Thursday was largely attended. We noticed the following chief mourners; Mr J.MULGREW, Mr Francis MULGREW, Mr Michael MULGREW. Among the general public we noticed the following others Messrs. John FORD, Arthur LITTLE, George IRVINE, A. TURNER, James O’NEILL, John M’MAHON, John DUGAN(?), Patrick SLERIN. The remains were buried in Errigal Kieran graveyard. The Rev. Michael M’GURK P.P. official at the grave.
23 Aug 1900 – Funeral of Mrs. M’ANESPIL Glencill
On Sunday the remains of Mrs M‘ANESPIL were removed from her late residence to the family burying ground at Errigal Kieran. The deceaced was the sister of Mr Patrick FADDEN, the celebrated carpenter now working at Aughnacloy. Her illness was not of a long duration and the attendance of Dr BEATTIE, Ballygawley, was at once procured. She died fortified in the rights of the Catholic Church to which she belonged. The funeral was the largest seen in the district for many years. We noticed the following. Mr Patrick FADDEN, mr. Joseph FADDEN, Mr James FADDEN, Messers. Thomas M’CRORY John MULGREW, Francis MULGREW, Michael MULGREW, John M’Kenna, Francis M’Kenna, John COOKE, Wm. LITTLE, Owen KELLY, S. Kelly, Michael MONTAGUE, John M’MAHON, Stewart LITTLE, Henry M’CRYSTAL, Patrick DONNELLY, John M’GIRR, Patrick FARRELL, &c. The Rev M M’GURK, P. P. officiated at the grave.
7 April 1902 – Legal Notice
Pursuant to an Order of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland, made in the Matter of the Estate of William Henry MANN, Deceased, and in a cause O’KANE v MANN (1898. No. 1300).
All Persons claiming to be Incumbrancers affecting all that Plot of ground or Tenement in Ballygawley next to John M’DOWELL’s Tenement, parish of Errigal Keerogue, Barony of Clogher and County Tyrone, comprised in the lease dated the 1st day of December 1813, made between the Right Hon. Sir John STEWART Bart., of the one part and Thomas MANN on the other part; and all that Plot of Ground or Tenement in Ballygawley next Robert UIN’S Tenement, Parish of Errigal Keerogue Barony of Cloghe, and County of Tyrone, comprised in the Lease dated the 1st day of December 1812, made between the Right Hon. Sir John STEWART Bart., of the one part, and Hugh SHORT of the other part, are be their Solicitors, come and prove their claims at the Chambers of the Right Hon the Vice-Chancellor Four Courts, City Dublin, before the 1st day of April 1902, or in default thereof they peremptorily excluded from the benefit of said Order, Every Claimant holding security is to produce the same before the Right Hon. the Vice- Chancellor, at his Chambers, Four Courts, Dublin, on the 26th day of April 1902, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims.
Dated this 27th day March, 1902.
H. COSGRAVE, Chief Clerk.
EDWARD V. HAMILTON, Solicitor for Defendants, 6 Westmoreland Street. Dublin and Omagh