Transcribed and compiled by Teena from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle, and Saunders Newsletter, unless otherwise noted.
15 Nov. 1799 died
Newtown-Stewart, Charles CRAWFORD Esq., late a Captain of the Royal Tyrone militia, and also of the Newtown-Stewart yeomanry.
18 Mar. 1805 died
At Rock Lodge in the 71st year of her age, Mrs. Jane HOOD widow the late Mr. Wm. HOOD of Newtown-Stewart.
19 Oct. 1816
On the night of Wednesday se’nnight, an unfortunate circumstance occurred in the town of Newtownstewart. Mr. G. IRVINE officer of excise, accompanied by two constables, seized a load of illicit spirits on the street, when he and the party were violently assaulted by persons throwing stones, attempting to rescue the whiskey. Mr. IRVINE, after ineffectually endeavouring to remove the spirits, discharged a pistol at the assailants, whereby a man by the name of M’GINTY was severely wounded. Hopes are entertained for his recovery.
20 Sept. 1817 Insolvent Debtors
Andrew ADAMS of Newtown-Stewart a creditor of John KNOX
24 Jun. 1820 Married
At Newtown-Stewart, Mr. James M’FARLAND to Jane WAUCHOB of Ardstraw.
12 Apr. 1823
On Friday evening last, about seven o’clock, Mr. Wm. HAMILTON, Lisnatunny, about a mile and a half from Newtown-Stewart, was returning home from the fair in that town, he was attacked, within a hundred yards of his own house, by three men who lay in wait for him behind a hedge, one of whom stabbed him in the heart with a butcher’s knife. A few minutes after the perpetration of this murderous deed he was found quite dead by his father. The murderers have not yet been taken; three persons were apprehended but were discharged, nothing appearing to warrant their detention.
5 Feb. 1825 died
In Nice, South of France, universally regretted, the Rev. Edward CAMPBELL, Newtown-Stewart, County Tyrone.
19 Apr. 1827 died
At Newtown-Stewart on the 5th instant Mrs. TURKINGTON, wife of William TURKINGTON, officer of Excise and second daughter of Mr. W. CLARKE of Lifford.
19 Jun. 1828 Bankrupts
William BURNSIDE, gent. of Newtown-Stewart, to appear at Omagh Court 21 Jun at nine.
25 Jul. 1829 Methodist Conference
Preachers of Newtown-Stewart – Rev’s. Alex. STURGEON, James LYNCH.
19 Feb. 1830
Joseph ORR Esq., coroner for the County Tyrone, held an inquest, on the 3rd and 4th instant, on the body of Thomas DEVLIN. In the course of a very minute and patient investigation, the following circumstances were elicited; Thomas DEVLIN, who had been turnkey in the gaol of Omagh for many years, went to Newtownstewart Friday morning, the 29th of January last, and on leaving that town he met with John RODGERS, who had been confined some time ago in the gaol of Omagh, in consequence of derangement, occasioned by drinking spirituous liquors. RODGERS, on his coming into the house where the deceased had been warming himself, accosted him, charging him with having neglected to forward a letter to his mother when he was in gaol; he afterwards, under the mask of friendship, treated the deceased to some spirits, and having left the house together, at a short distance from it, RODGERS beat and abused deceased; he, by the assistance of another man, returned to Omagh on that night and died on the Tuesday following. A most respectable jury having heard the testimony of a great number of witnesses, returned a verdict, that “the deceased came to his death in consequence of a beating received from John RODGERS.” A warrant was issued for the apprehension of RODGERS, who had absconded previous to the death of the deceased. (Newry Telegraph)
22 Jun 1830 bankrupt
James DOAK of Newtown-stewart, said co. pensioner
25 Jan. 1831 died
At Newtown-Stewart, on the 16th inst. aged 76, King BARTON Esq.
26 May 1831 marriage
On the 19th instant, in the Cathedral, Londonderry, by the Rev. Mr. Seymour, Mr. HARRISON, Newtownstewart, to Miss GASTON. also Mr. BARNWELL of same town to Miss Mary Anne GASTON, daughters of Mr. GASTON, Buncrana.
23 Jun. 1831 marriage
On the 8th inst., at the house of the lady’s mother in Newtownstewart, James LOVE Esq. surgeon of Termon dispensary Co. Tyrone, to Miss Mary Ann McDONNELL. (Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet)
23 Mar. 1832 Insolvent debtor
Pat. KIRK, late Newtown-Stewart, Co. Tyrone, dealer.
5 Apr. 1832 marriage
At the home of Mrs. Caldwell, Lisna_s? near Newtown-Stewart, by the Rev. Mr. Martin, Mr. George FRAZER, aged 69, to Miss QUIGLEY, aged 21. The happy bridegroom was just 10 days a widower, and has been blind for a number of years past.
5 May 1832 marriage
on the 26th ult. in the house of Mr. John Ross, Pubble, Mr. Nathaniel HOOD jun., to Catherine Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. John LEARD of Newtown-Stewart.
27 Jun 1834 died
At Stranraer, Scotland, on the 10th inst. Edward HEUGHS aged 102, he was in the engagement at Quebec when Wolfe fell. He retained his faculties to the last, and wallked to Newtown-Stewart, a distance of 26 miles in one day, in May last.
26 Sep. 1834
A most disastrous accident occurred on the 15th inst. at Birnaghs, near Newtownstewart, by which a respectable family has been plunged into the deepest distress. On that day, three children belonging to Mr. John PATTEN, were riding on an empty cart; the elder child, who was about twelve years of age, unfortunately goaded the horse to urge him forward. The animal started off in consequence and they were thrown out of the cart. One of them had his neck dislocated by the fall and there being no assistance at hand, instantly expired. The other children were also injured; one had his arm broken and the other received some severe contusions. It is expected they will both recover. It added much to the distressing circumstance, that Mr. PATTEN had been confined to bed by severe illness for some time previous. (Ballyshannon Herald)
11 Dec. 1834 Northern Whig
-In Montreal on the 29th October last Mr. James MATHEWSON late of Newtown-Stewart, Ireland, to Eliza, only daughter of Mr. John MATHEWSON of Montreal.
-On Friday sen., Newtown-Stewart, Mr. Samuel HOOD merchant, to Mary, daughter Mr. ANDERSON both of Newtown-Stewart.
16 May 1835 Outrage
A young man, a native of this town,(Londonderry) of the name of FODEY, who had been employed as a cooper for some time in Newtownstewart, on his return to Strabane, about 11 o’clock on Sunday last, met a dog cart, on which were two men and the driver, one of them asked some questions in Irish, of which he did not know the meaning and upon receiving answer, the fellow got out of the cart and commenced beating FODEY in the most brutal manner, with a heavy bludgeon. So soon as FODEY was sufficiently recovered he followed the person who had assaulted him, upon which the fellow returned and beat him again very severely. FODEY’S cries brought two men to his assistance, and they, very much to their credit, pursued the assailant, who, however, succeeded in reaching the car, the driver of which, having taken him in, drove off at furious rate. The men still followed and kept the car in view, until they saw it stop at a house about two miles from the place where the man had got in. Information of the facts having reached this town, Captain FITZMAURICE C.C.P. accompanied by Sergeant CLARKE and two sub-constables, lost no time in proceeding to the house the persons got into. Mr. FITZMAURICE was in advance of the police and on his being seen approach the place, M’LAUGHLIN (the principal in this outrage,) ran off through a bog, on which Mr, FITZMAURICE followed and after a long chase, succeeded in arresting him, brought him back to a house where the other person took refuge, and kept both there until the police came up, when they were escorted into this town. Informations were sworn before Sir John James BURGOYNE, who committed the three persons, including the driver of the cart, to take their trial at the next sessions. Were it not for the promptitude and activity displayed by Captain FITZMAURICE on this occasion, it is more than probable, the individuals concerned in this wanton and unprovoked outrage would have effected their escape. The car driver is from Cookstown.- Strabane Paper
6 Jul. 1835 died
On the 19th ult., universally regretted. In the 49th year of his age, Mr. Lavens MATHEWSON, of Newtownstewart.
6 Aug. 1835
A school, house in Crosh, within two miles of Newtown-Stewart, was maliciously burned on the morning the 23rd ult. So complete was the destruction that the roof and fixtures were entirely consumed, as were also a number of books and other school requisites. A reward has been offered for the discovery of the perpetrators of this atrocious act and it is hoped they receive the punishment such offenses deserve.
24 Feb. 1836 Died
At her residence, Newtownstewart, on the 5th inst. Sidney, relict of the late King BARTON Esq. aged 69 years.
8 Apr. 1836 Melancholy Accident
As Mr. Oliver ROSS of Termogen, near Newtownstewart, a most respectable and independent farmer, was proceeding to the market of Strabane, on Tuesday week, with three cart loads of barley, he was, from the bad state of the road betwixt his house and Douglass bridge, thrown into the ditch and one of his carts upon the top of him, in consequence of which he was so dreadfully bruised as to survive only until the Monday following, when death put an end to his sufferings. He was a young man of the most exemplary conduct, and whose unexpected death has been an object of universal regret. (Derry Sentinel)
2 Aug. 1836 Extraordinary birth
On the 19th inst., at Magheracotton, near Newtownstewart, the wife of Mr. Andrew WELSH, of four fine boys! The mother and children are all doing well. (Newry Telegraph)
20 Oct. 1836 Accident
Mr. James HAMILTON of Grange, near Newtown-Stewart, met with a very serious accident a few weeks ago, in examining some of the works of a scutch-mill; by some means his left arm got entangled between the rollers and was dreadfully lacerated. Mortification ensued rapidly to an alarming extent, and the only hope of saving his life was to amputate the arm at the shoulder joint, which he consented to, after a great deal of persuasion. The operation was performed on Tuesday last, the 11th instant, by surgeon PATTON R.N., assisted by surgeon HAMILTON R.N and Surgeon LOVE. The man is now doing well and no doubt will ultimately recover. (Dublin Morning Register)
15 Feb. 1837 Bankrupts
Benjamin GRAHAM, late of Newtown-Stewart, County Tyrone, farmer and yarn buyer. (Dublin Morning Register)
24 Jun. 1837 Insolvent Debtors
FEETERS Robert, of Newtownstewart, innkeeper. Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette
19 Oct. 1837 Fire
On Thursday night sen., about 7 o’clock, when about two and half miles from Newtownstewart, the passengers on the Omagh coach observed on the other side of the water, from Douglas-bridge, a tremendous blaze, which they afterwards learned to have proceeded from the house of person named VAUGHAN, who, in addition to other property, had some of his cattle burned; and, most lamentable to relate, one of his children became prey to the devouring clement. We have not heard how the fire originated, but the above should be a caution to farmers, to be careful in extinguishing the fires which they may have been using during the day, in drying their flax at their flax kilns and which they, in most cases, have very incautiously, too near their out-houses and stack-gardens. (Derry Standard)
12 Dec, 1837 Insolvent Debtor’s
T. O’CONNOR Newtownstewart, innkeeper
15 May 1838 marriage
May 1st in Cappagh Church by the Rev. Charles Crosalie? Thomas PRATT Esq., Newtownstewart, in the County of Tyrone, to Rebecca Jones, second daughter of Alex. Wm. COLHOUN Esq., of Cross in the same county.
28 Aug. 1838 The New Crop
A sample of new oats has been sent us which grew on the farm of Mr. James TYNAN, near Newtownstewart. The grain is of the finest description; it is large and firm and fully equal to any that we have seen in the most favorable seasons. Mr. TYNAN’S oat crop is, we understand, the earliest in the neighbourhood of Newtownstewart, and highly creditable to him as a farmer. (Newry Telegraph)
30 Aug. 1838 Melancholy Accident
Wednesday sen., a man named MAGUIRE, who resided in Newtownstewart, while in the act of lifting a piece timber out of the river Streul, which runs past that town, fell in and the water being greatly swollen, in consequence of the previous night’s rain, he was carried off by the flood and drowned, before assistance could reach him. He has left a wife and three children, in a destitute state, to deplore his untimely death. (Derry Sentinel)
12 Feb. 1839 To Be sold by Public Auction
In the matter of Robert ANDERSON, by order of one of the Commissioners of Bankrupt in this matter, at the court of bankruptcy, Four Courts, Dublin, on the 28th day of February inst., at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon.
The said bankrupt’s interest in the following lands, tenements, and premises, situate in and near the Town of Newtownstewart, in the County of Tyrone, viz; all that, the two dwelling-houses in the front of Mainstreet of Newtownstewart, with the back-houses, yard and gardens and entry thereunto belonging, meared by the tenement in which John IRWIN now or lately resided; on the north by the tenement called Hamilton’s tenement; on the front by the Main street, one of which tenements is now in the possession of Robert MOORE and the other unoccupied, held by bankrupt forever, at the yearly rent of £3 10s., late currency. Also, all that tenement in Mill street, Newtownstewart, formerly in possession of Alexander IRWIN, containing 12 feet in length in front and back-yard, with the house and appurtenances, held by bankrupt forever at 9s. rent.
Also, all that tenement in Newtownstewart, aforesaid, with the offices, houses and garden, belonging, heretofore occupied by the bankrupt and where he carried on business, together with the land, near Newtownstewart, as held under Robert SMYTH Esq., from 1st May 1827, for 61 years and 3 lives, subject to the rent of £12 15s.
Also, all that part of the dwelling-house, offices, yard and garden, on the east side of Main street, Newtownstewart, aforesaid containing 18p., late Irish measure, with the appurtenances, as demised to bankrupt and Mr. Humphrey WHITE, by the late Earl of Blessington on the 1st November 1828, for the term of 3 lives or 31 years, at the rent of £11 0s. 5d., of which the bankrupt’s portion is £6 15s.
Also, all that part of the farm of land in Glenock, near Newtownstewart, aforesaid, in the bankrupt’s possession, with the houses and appurtenances thereon, called the West division and containing 39a. 3r. 18p., held by leases from the Earl of Blessington, one granted in 1763, for several lives, one of whom was lately alive and in America and the remainder granted in 1823, for 3 lives or 31 years, two of which lives are now in being, subject to the portion of rent of £9 7s. 6d., late currency.
Also, all that part of the lands of Deer Park, near Newtownstewart, aforesaid, as demised to the bankrupt and Andrew M’ELREA, by the late Earl of Blessington, in 1828; the whole containing 9a. 1r. 6p., late Irish measure, for 3 lives or 31 years, at £13 1s, the bankrupt’s portion whereof is about 4 acres, at the rent of £5 12s. 1d.
Also, all that part of the lands of Crosh, called Crosh Holme, containing 16 acres cunningham measure, with the dwelling- house and erections thereon and privilege of turf.
Together with the place, called the Island, adjoining said premises, as demised by Alexander Wm. COLHOUN Esq., in 1829, to the bankrupt, for the 3 lives thereon, or 31 years, to be computed from November 1827, at the Rent of £30.
Together with a farm of about 12 or 14 acres in Crosh, aforesaid, adjoining said lands, held by the year at £26 0s, 8d., which the purchaser may have the possession of, with said last mentioned premises, if he thinks proper.
The said several premises will be sold either together or separately, as may suit the purchasers and further terms and conditions will be stated at time of sale. Robert MILLER, agent to the Commissioner and assignee.
Further particulars may be known by application to Messrs. MILLER and FRANKS, Derry; or 50, Eccles street, Dublin. Barry COLLINS, Register.
15 Jun. 1839 died
At her residence, Newtownstewart, Thursday last, aged 56 years, Miss WRIGHT much regretted by a sorrowing circle of friends.
29 Jun. 1839 Five Deaths by Drowning
On Thursday, the 20th instant, a carpenter named M’MACKIN, a young man named DEVLIN, and another named MAINES, went into the Mourne at Newtown-stewart to bathe, when one of them, either M’MACKIN, or DEVLIN, having gone beyond his depth, cried out to the others for assistance, in rendering, which he and another were drowned and the third, MAINES, escaped with difficulty. On the same day a man named M’FADDEN was drowned in the same river at Omagh. He has left a wife and one child to lament his loss. A child has been since drowned at Omagh; and a man, whose name we have not learned, at Aughnacloy. (Newry Telegraph)
8 Jul. 1839 died
On the 25th May, at the residence of her son-in-law, Surgeon LOVE, of Newtown-Stewart, Margaret, relict of the late Mr. MACDONNELL of same place, aged 75 years.
30 Jul. 1839 Tyrone assizes – Burglary
Patrick M’HUGH, aged 10 years, charged with burglariously entering the dwelling-house of Henry LEARD, Newtownstewart, on the night of the 2nd, or morning of the 3rd, June.
Henry LEARD examined – lives at Newtownstewart; had gone to bed the night of the 2nd June and was awakened by some of his family telling him there were robbers in the house; he got up to get a bayonet and pistol; while doing so his son caught prisoner and told witness he had a hold of him and not to loose him; his son went to look for a bayonet also and gave prisoner into his servant’s custody; he then went out and saw a ladder against the house; the boy might have have been able to carry the ladder, but was not able to lift it from where witness had left it previously; witness believes some one else to have been with him; the window at which the ladder was placed, had been shut the night before, but was then open; the prisoner told witness he was to have got 6d. for going into the house.
Sub-constable SWIFT examined – On the 3rd of June last, LEARD came down with prisoner to him; prisoner told him he had been in company with some boys, the Sunday previous, on the Strabane road and that they had agreed with him to get a ladder and go into the house prosecutor, and that when he would go in he could open the door for them; witness had arrested two prisoners who are in gaol and one on suspicion; they are grown boys. The case here closed. No defense. Verdict guilty. To be imprisoned six months.
4 Sept. 1839 married
At Newtownstewart, Mr. C. ROSS, of Pubble, to Mrs. HOOD, of Lisnatony; what makes it worthy of remark is this, that it is the fifth time the bridegroom has appeared at the altar hymen, and the third time with the bride and that their joint ages at present amount to 185. (Dublin Morning Register)
25 Dec. 1839 died
On the 15th inst. at Newtownstewart, Mr.Wm. BURNSIDE, an old and respectable inhabitant of that town.