News of the day 1838 – 1843, relating predominantly to the Counties Antrim, Armagh & Down.

Photograph by Conor Stanley
The following are transcribed by Teena from the Belfast Newsletter, Downpatrick Recorder, Dublin Morning Register, Newry Telegraph, Northern Whig and the Vindicator. (unless otherwise noted)
8th Jan. 1838 Belfast Quarter Sessions
The following magistrates were on the Bench, in addition to Philip FOGARTY Esq. Assistant barrister;
John AGNEW Esq. Sovereign
Fortescue GREGG
Petit jury –
Henderson BLACK
Archibald SLOAN
Henry M’CAUGHEY for stealing yarn from Messrs. A. STEWART and Co. Legoneill Mill – guilty 7 years transportation
Wm. HAMILL for exposing his person in a lane off Arthur street guilty – sentence not passed. (see lower)
Petit jury –
Sinclair RAMSAY
John CONLAN for stealing 3 silver spoons the property of Adam M’CLEAN Esq. – guilty 3 months imprisonment in the House of correction
Richard SMITH for stealing a cheese at Belfast belonging to William HUGHES – guilty 6 months in the House of Correction
Thomas GILLAN, for stealing an umbrella at Belfast from Eliza HERON – guilty 12 days in the house of Correction
Sophia WEIR for having in her possession a stolen quilt and sheet – guilty 3 months at hard labour
Peter M’CLUSKEY for stealing a pair of pantaloons, at Belfast the property of William ANDERSON – guilty 12 months in the house of Correction
Jane M’KEOWN for stealing at Belfast, a beam and scales owned by Susan SMITH – guilty 2 months in the House of Correction
Wm. BONER and James POLLOCK for stealing handkerchiefs at New Lodge road the property of John BRYSON and John HUNTER – POLLOCK – guilty 7 years transportation, BONER retained in custody to be tried on a 2nd indictment
Eliza JOHNSTON for stealing an umbrella at Belfast – guilty 2 months in the house of Correction
Ellen BROWN and James CORNWELL for having stolen fowls in their possession – guilty – BROWN 6 months confinement in gaol; CORNWELL 6 months in the House of Correction
James EWING for stealing 4 shirts at Carnmoney from Jonathan FULTON – guilty 3 months in gaol
20 Mar. 1838 Co Antrim assizes; Crown court
James QUINN and Patrick M’DONNELL for stealing 15 sheep, the property of John M’KEENAN and Michael CONNOR, at Killigan and Craigatempen, Co. Antrim. Both guilty – QUINN to be imprisoned 2 years and kept to hard labour; M’DONNELL to be transported 10 years.
Robert HILL alias CRAIG, alias John JOHNSTON, for uttering forged notes to Henry MURNEY and others. – Discharged on his own recognizance for £50, to appear at the next assizes.
Hugh DOHERTY for burglariously entering the dwelling house of C. M’G. SKINNER Esq. of Glynn Park, near Carrickfergus. on the 11th Jan. last and stealing therefrom. To be transported 10 years.
Jane M’ILWAINE for deserting her infant child at Holestone on 8th Oct. last – Not guilty
James DIXON was indicted for feloniously stealing a mare on the 1st Mar. last, the property of John BROWN of Island Magee. – Guilty – to be transported for 10 years.
J. COYNE, a boy, was charged with feloniously stealing a coat and a cloak on the 20th Feb. last, the property of Richard M’GOURKE of Belfast. The prisoner pleaded guilty – to be imprisoned for 10 months and kept to hard labour.
William GILLAN, for stealing some sheep in July last, the property of Daniel JAMIESON in the parish of Armoyle on 21st July. – Guilty – to be transported for 10 years.
Assault and felony –
James KIRKER for wilfully, maliciously and intentionally, shooting at Wm. WOODS on the 24th April last at Belfast.
Wm. WOODS was also indicted for feloniously cutting 5lbs of lead, with intent to steal on the morning of the 24th April last, in an old boiling house, the property of William John MOORE of Belfast.
Wm. Woods – On the morning in question went out to take a walk, with his dog and on going through a field, the prisoner, KIRKER shot at him and he lost his right arm and the use of one of his legs in consequence. On his cross examination, witness said he was going to hunt and not to steal out of the old boiling house; gave KIRKER no provocation; when KIRKER first saw him, he did not attempt to run away.
James KIRKER deposed that WOODS, with 3 others, were robbing the old boiling house which he was watching; saw them through the window; they were busy with knives, cutting lead pipes and brass cocks; on shouting to them, the other 3 made away out a back door, but WOODS went into
another room and got out a window; on telling him to stop, or ‘I would take a leg of him’, WOODS ran away, giving him a great deal of ill tongue; he told witness that if he would go back, he would take the gun from him and put it in his _ ; witness, being an old man and could not run, he had to fire, when WOODS fell; got him taken to the hospital in Belfast; produced the knives, a file, a saw and a bag, which the robbers had left behind them. Three men who were at work in a neighbouring mill, deposed to finding WOODS lying on the ground after he was shot and to finding the knives, &c. in the old boiling house; one of them proved the felony by swearing he saw the lead pipes cut and nearly ready to carry.
KIRKER was found guilty of a common assault and fined 5s. WOODS, as he had already suffered so much, was imprisoned for 1 week only, being found guilty of the felony.
20 Mar. 1838 Longevity of a Robin Red Breast
In the year of 1812, in the month of March, as Mr. Andrew LOGAN of Ballymena, was levelling some inequalities at the back of an old ditch, a robin red breast made up his acquaintance with him, it seemed, for the sake of being privileged to pick up a small white worm which was sometimes turned out with the spade. As Mr. LOGAN continued his labour from day to day during a month, more for healthy exercise than any other benefit, robin attended him closely. As soon as Mr. LOGAN appeared with the spade, robin was seen chirling at his elbow and soon became so bold that he would take the worms from the hand of his benefactor. When the labour was over and the worms exhausted, Mr. LOGAN continued to feed him with grots, for which he readily perched upon his hand. Every winter and spring since that time, Mr. LOGAN paid his morning visit with his grots or crumbs, at the usual place of meeting, where, by a peculiar whistle, which was the signal for robin, he appeared and was instantly on the hand of his kind benefactor. This has been the practice for 26 years, but the age of robin at the beginning of their acquaintance cannot be ascertained. He seems to be in good health and the only change that Mr. LOGAN thinks he sees in him is that he is not so large as formerly. The bird, recognising the whistle, places doubt out of the question, as to his being the same cock robin, as no other would attend to the call, especially in the open field.
20 Mar. 1838 Married
On the 3rd inst. by the Rev. Wm. Campbell, of Ballymena, Alexander STEWART Esq. of Fenagh to Sarah, second daughter of William KENNEDY Esq. near Springmount.
On the 8th inst. at the house of her father, by the Rev. John Porter, Anna, daughter of Alexander STEWART Esq. Ligoniel, Belfast, to Robert M’CLELLAND Esq. Banbridge.
On the 14th inst. at Draperstown by the Rev. Samuel Smyth, Mr. James STEWART son of Mr. Andrew STEWART of Kilcronagher, to Nancy, fifth daughter of Mr. Thomas PIERIE of Mulnavoo.
20 Mar. 1838 Died
On the 10th inst. at Ballysavage, Mr. Wm. ELLISON in the 31st year of his age. The respect and general estimation in which he was held through life, was clearly evinced by the number and respectability of those who attended his remains to the place of interment.
On the 4th inst., after a short illness, in York street, Belfast,
Staff Surgeon Alexander KENDAL M.D. late of the Portuguese service, in his 70th year.
On the 14th inst., in the 58th year of her age, Arabella, wife of
William M’KELVEY, chandler, of this town.
On the 3rd inst. James RITCHIE of Ballykergle, aged 94 years
In Omagh, at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Sproule, Mrs. Margaret MOOREHEAD relict of the late Rev. Wm. MOOREHEAD, Presbyterian Minister of the joint congregations of Fintona and Dromore, aged 78.
On the 26th ult. Jane George GEORGE, daughter of Mr. John GEORGE, of Ravara, aged 2 years and 9 months; also on the 7th inst. his son Richard Frazer GEORGE, aged 10 months.
On the 15th inst. at his residence, Doe Castle, Co. Donegal, John HART Esq. a magistrate of that county and an Alderman of the city of Londonderry. Captain HART was eldest son of the late General George Vaughan HART, Governor of Derry and Culmore and many years the highly respected representative in Parliament of the County of Donegal. The
deceased was an excellent landlord, a kind friend and will be long regretted by his tenantry and acquaintances.
20 Oct. 1838 Attempted suicide of a Prisoner in the Bridewell of Ballymena
Co. Antrim
On the afternoon of Sunday last, 31 prisoners were committed to the above prison, on transit to Carrickfergus, from Ballymoney Quarter Sessions, where they had been tried and sentenced. Among those was a person named Nathaniel GALT, who had been convicted of having stolen leather in his possession at Ballycastle and sentenced 7 years transportation. Next morning, about 6 o’clock, an alarm was given in the cell where he had been confined for the night with 4 others and on the keepers inquiry of the cause, it was found that the prisoner had severed the jugular vein with part of the blade of a penknife which he had concealed, during his previous confinement in the lining of his waistcoat. By a good Providence the instrument was insufficient to effect the intent. The artery, though in the immediate vicinity of the incision, was untouched. He had fainted from excessive hemorrhage before the arrival of surgeons CANNON and BLACK, who were prompt in attendance. The wound was inflicted below the right ear and though not outwardly extensive, from the manner in which he had wriggled the instrument, is inwardly enlarged. He is about 50 years of age, was native of Myroe, in the neighbourhood of Nn- Limavady and has a wife and 4 children at Ballycastle. The unfortunate wretch is in a very precarious state, though the doctors have hopes of his recovery, unless fever or inflammation superinduced. (Londonderry Sentinel)
Dec 9th 1838 Belfast Quarter Sessions
Petit jury –
William WEBB
William YOUNG
Archibald SLOAN
Mary BURNS for having in her possession on 30th October, a pistol the property of John MAZE – guilty 2 months imprisonment
Catherine SUTTON for stealing 3s. 6d; from Neil M’GOWAN on 24th Nov. last – guilty 6 months in the House of Correction at hard labour
James WILKISON for stealing a sheet the property of Mary LANIGAN on 5th Dec. – guilty transportation for 7 years
Catherine BURNETT for stealing 2 caps the property of Michael FEENY on 1st Dec. – guilty 6 months imprisonment
Francis ELLIS for stealing a pair of shoes, the property of Bernard M’AULEY on 20th Sept. – guilty 1 month in the House of Correction and kept at hard labour
William HAMILL who was convicted on Monday of exposing his person, was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment in the House of Correction and hard labour
Francis O’NEILL a very little boy, but an old offender for stealing a shawl, the property of Henry REA (?) – pleaded guilty to be imprisoned in county gaol and thrice whipped
John MILLAN for having in his possession, knowing them to have been stolen a number of books, the property of John MAGILL – pleaded guilty to be imprisoned 3 months in gaol and once whipped
John ADAMS for having in his possession a shirt, the property of James DUBOIS knowing it to have been stolen – discharged
George WATSON for receiving a wallet bag, knowing it to have been stolen on the 26th Dec. the property of George THOMSON Magheragall; also for having in his possession a quantity of yarn the property of Constantine THOMSON – not guilty
Wm. M’LAUGHLIN for stealing a cloak on the 12th Dec. the property of Mr. Samuel BRUCE – guilty 6 months at hard labour in the house of Correction
John CROSSEN for stealing a horse cover on the 1st Dec. last, the property of Wm. PORTER – guilty 7 years transportation This is the prisoner who effected his escape from the house of Correction some time ago
James M’CORMICK for stealing a piece of bacon, on the 1st Nov. last, the property of Mr. Robert HAVERON – guilty to be imprisoned 6 months in the House of Correction and kept to hard labour
John SHEALS for obtaining 4 shillings from Mr. BAXTER under false pretense – guilty 2 months imprisonment
Margaret GALLAGHER and Ann CULLEN for stealing a quantity of bread on the 6th Nov. the property of James MILLAR. The prisoners were mere children GALLAGHER guilty 1 week imprisonment. The other discharged
John M’ALISTER for stealing a pair of shoes on the 5th Nov. the property of Thomas DALY – not guilty
Wm. BONNER for stealing 5 dozen shawls, the property of John BRYSON, also a dozen handkerchiefs, the property of John HUNTER – 12 months in the House of Correction and kept to hard labour
Peter LOGAN for having in his possession a dozen handkerchiefs the property of John HUNTER; also a dozen shawls, the property of John BRYSON – not guilty
Belfast Quarter sessions Jan. 10th 1838
petit jury –
Mr. Henry REID foreman
Robert NEILL
Daniel M’KEOWN
Jane CULLEN, a little girl and Thomas M’CANN, a little boy, for stealing bread at Belfast on the 23rd Dec. last, the property of Joseph GILMORE. From the evidence produced in this case, it appeared that a quantity of bread was taken from Mr. GILMORE’S cart, in Ann street, early on the morning mentioned and when missed, 3 persons were seen running away from near the cart in different directions. An alarm being given, Jane CULLEN was caught by a watchman in Pottinger’s entry and 10, 3d. loaves were found in her possession. Thomas M’CANN was taken in Ann street, the 3rd one escaped. They were all dressed in girls clothes. The evidence concerning the identity of M’CANN was defective and he was acquitted; Jane CULLEN was found guilty and sentenced to 2 months imprisonment in the House of Correction
Daniel MULLAN for assaulting John BRADLEY at Belfast in Dec. last. An arrangement had been made between prosecutor and prisoner, that the prosecution should be given up, prosecutor stating that he was as much in fault as prisoner but his Worship, on hearing of the circumstances, would not allow of this and directed the case to be handed over to the jury. Prosecutor gave his evidence very reluctantly. It was to the effect that they both worked in a provision store and having had some words together, prisoner, in the heat of the moment, threw a cutting knife at prosecutor which stuck in his knee. The jury found prisoner guilty and he was sentenced to 2 months imprisonment in the House of Correction at hard labour.
Charles HOLLAND and James DOGHERTY for stealing a reticule bag, containing keys &c. at Belfast on the 12th December last, the property of Mr. Robert M’DOWELL. From the evidence of Miss Rose M’DOWELL, it appeared that she was walking alone on the day mentioned towards the Lagan Bridge, with her reticule on her arm, suddenly she found the reticule cut from her and on turning round saw 2 boys running off, no person being on the road at the time to render assistance, she walked on; on arriving at the bridge, she turned and observed some persons in chase but thought that it was school boys playing; Miss M’DOWELL could not identify either of the prisoners as the persons who took her reticule.
Joseph KELLY a little boy, said that he was playing at common with another little boy on the banks of the Lagan, when he saw a policeman running and heard it said that some boys had taken a lady’s purse; HOLLAND came running past and he saw the strings of the purse hanging out of his breast, witness stopped him and lifting his shinney, said he would knock his brains out if he did not deliver up the purse; KELLY got the purse and delivered it to the policeman. This was corroborated by the other little boy who saw DOGHERTY running after HOLLAND and also by _(blank) M’ILWEE, a policeman, who pursued and took the 2 prisoners. The Jury found them guilty and they were sentenced to 6 months imprisonment in the house of Correction at hard labour. KELLY, who was barefooted at the time he gave his evidence, got an order from the Barrister for 5s. to buy him a pair of shoes for his good conduct on the occasion.
(blank) KILPATRICK for stealing a cloak at Belfast. Pleaded guilty 3 months imprisonment in the House of Correction
James KEMPT for stealing a pair of flannel drawers at Belfast on 23rd November the property of John GORDON – guilty sentence deferred.
William George M’ENTIE a little boy, for stealing 3 books at Ballyholand on the 6th January last, the property of Mr. James GRIMSHAW – not guilty
William VANCE for stealing a square, value 6d. on 23rd December last at Belfast, the property of James ENNIS, also for stealing a square on same day and place the property of John KENNEDY, cabinet-maker – guilty 1 month imprisonment in the House of Correction.
William M’CONNELL for receiving and having in his possession 2 pigs at Belfast on 4th August last, the property of John CROTHERS, knowing them to have been stolen Acquitted no evidence.
Bernard STEWART for committing a grievous assault on Thomas HAMILTON at Belfast on 22nd Dec. last. It appeared from the evidence of HAMILTON and a man and woman who were in company with him that about half past five in the evening of the day mentioned, he was proceeding through Union street, with his horse and cart on his way home, when 2 persons came behind his cart and one of them put his hand into it. The woman was sitting on the cart. His comrade, named COURTNEY went behind and asked what they wanted. After a little talk, the 2 persons went away. HAMILTON proceeded up Little Donegall street and stopped at the house of Mr. David PARKHILL for a few minutes to get some spirits in a bottle to carry home. COURTNEY was left in charge of the horse and the woman was still sitting on the cart. On coming out of the house HAMILTON heard an alarm from the female, as if the cart was going to be robbed; he saw a person as if coming down from the cart and seized him by the neck. The other person went to the head of the horse to lead him into Stephen street, which COURTNEY resisted and succeeded in getting the horse and cart up to Carrick hill. The person who seized the horse represented himself to COURTNEY as a constable, but being dressed in light fustian clothes, COURTNEY would not believe him. On COURTNEY getting the horse and cart away, this person returned and joined the person whom HAMILTON had seized and the 2 succeeded in dragging HAMILTON to a small entry off Little Donegall street where one of them made a stab at his head with a sharp instrument, which cut his hat and he also received a severe cut across his nose and cheek, from which he is still suffering. One of the persons also threatened both COURTNEY and the woman that he would put the instrument he held in his hand into them, if they would give any further alarm. None of the 3 persons could identify the prisoner as one of those that had assaulted them but they said they were dressed similarly to those who attacked them in Union street
James MEHARG (a little boy) apprentice to Mr. GILMORE, pawnbroker, said that on the 22nd Dec. he heard a noise in Little Donegall street and went to the door where he saw the circumstances take place, as mentioned by last witnesses and said he saw the prisoner, whom he identified, come up and ask HAMILTON if he wanted fighting; he did not see him drag HAMILTON to the entry, but he saw him running from the entry, round the corner into Stephen street where he lived. This finished the case for the prosecution. In defense it was stated by a Mr. CRAWFORD who keeps a public house in Hercules street, which is a considerable distance from Union street or Little Donegall street, that prisoner and his father, who deals in rags, &c. came into his house about the time lamps and candles were lighting and that they remained in his house till nearly 9 o’clock. The prisoner’s father gave similar evidence and said his son was not out of his company for 5 minutes during that time. A little boy named GILFILLAN stated that he saw the transaction and swore positively that the prisoner, whom he knew previously, was not one of the persons who attacked the country men. Several persons, among whom was Mr. PARKHILL gave the prisoner a very good character for honesty and industry. The Barrister charged the jury, who retired but after being absent some time and there being no probability of their agreeing to a verdict the prisoner was ordered to be discharged, on finding bail to stand his trial at next sessions.
The following petit jury were sworn on the previous one retiring –
George ROGERS foreman
Francis Owens
Charles M’AULEY
William M’ILROY
Thomas M’LEVEY
William O’NEILL for stealing a saw at Belfast on 8th Sept. last, the property of John M’GREEVY – not guilty
Mary DOGHERTY for receiving 2 geese at Belfast 19th Sept. last, the property of John M’MILLAN knowing them to have been stolen. guilty 6 months imprisonment in the house of Correction. This woman, who appeared with an infant in her arms and who stated herself to be the mother of 8 children, was a companion of a Mary Ann CORNWELL who was convicted and transported at last sessions for an offense of a similar nature and the prisoner had been in the house of Correction some time ago for 12 months for stealing pigs. On receiving sentence, she begged that his Worship would allow her to retain her hair but he answered that he had no jurisdiction over that affair. (from the edition of the Belfast newsletter dated Fri 12 Jan. 1838)
30 Oct. 1839 Belfast Quarter Sessions
William TULLY for stealing a quantity of tallow the property of John PASCOE on the 12th July last, at Belfast. Acquitted in consequence of the absence of the material witness.
James HARPER for having in his possession 3 shafts and a spar, knowing them to have been stolen. 2 months imprisonment.
Margaret M’CULLY for receiving and having in her possession an iron pin knowing it to have been stolen. 2 months imprisonment.
William NEILL and Margaret O’BRIEN for stealing one 30s. and one £1 note and 15s. in silver, the property of William CAMPBELL at Belfast on the 12th Aug. last. Guilty – the female to be transported for 7 years, the sentence of the man to be considered.
Andrew GREENLAW for stealing sugar from Matthew RAE on the 12th Aug. last, at Belfast. 1 month imprisonment.
Elizabeth RICE for stealing a water-stamp, pocketbook and 10s. in silver from John Charles MORELL at Belfast, on the 20th August last. Guilty.
Mary HARE for receiving and having in her possession a quantity of coke, the property of the Ulster Railway Company at Belfast, the 17th Sept. last. Guilty, with recommendation to mercy, fined 10s. and discharged.
Hugh NIXON for stealing lead the property Hugh KELLY at Belfast on the 22nd August last. Pleaded guilty 2 months imprisonment from date of committal – discharged.
John CROSSAN for stealing a chair on the 11th July at Belfast, the property of Sarah Ann DOGHERTY. Prisoner was an old man, had been twice transported and was only nine days released from confinement in the House of Correction for a larceny, when committed for stealing the chair.
James GREER for unlawfully receiving and having in his possession a piece of linen, the property of William MATTEER Guilty – 6 months imprisonment.
Thomas HAMILL, Alexander PATTERSON and Edward DONAGHY for stealing a grate and a lock and other goods, the property of the Rev. John BROWN and another at Belfast, on the 20th July last. Not guilty.
Edward M’VEAGH and William THOMSON for stealing various articles of clothing, the property of James DORNAN and also for assault on the 30th July last, at Belfast. THOMSON was a deaf mute. Not guilty of the larceny – guilty of the assault.
Andrew TOAL for stealing a bale of flax, the property of Robert THOMSON and another at Wolf-hill the 28th August last. Guilty – sentence not passed.
John JEFFERSON for receiving and having in his possession a gold ring, value £5, the property of Miss Jane CLARKE, Belfast on the 8th Oct. inst. Pleaded guilty sentence not passed.
Thomas RUSSELL, a little boy, for receiving and having in his possession a cotton gown, the property of Jane CAMPBELL at Belfast, on the 12 August last. Guilty 3 months imprisonment from the date of committal.
Ann CRAIG for stealing a piece of calico, the property of Henry FOX at Belfast on the 19th July last. Guilty.
Ann KERNS for stealing a hat, the property of John SLOAN, at Belfast on the 13th Aug. last. Guilty – 4 months imprisonment from committal.
Mary Ann SMITH, for stealing a pair of blankets and a gown the property of Alexander TUTON, 13th Aug. last, in another count, for stealing 2 sheets and 5 caps, the property of Ann ROBINSON and in a third, for stealing 2 caps and a brooch, the property of Robert MITCHELL about two years ago. Guilty in all the counts – 3 months imprisonment.
Agnes M’CONKEY and Wm. M’CARTNEY for stealing a quantity of coal at Greencastle the property of Andrew SMITH. Agnes M’CONKEY guilty, Wm. M’CARTNEY not guilty.
William FORSYTHE for stealing a ham, the property of George STEPHENSON at Lisburn. Pleaded guilty, discharged.
William FRAME for stealing a shirt, the property of George ASH at Belfast. Pleaded guilty – 3 months from committal.
James BELL for stealing a handkerchief from George NEILL at Belfast. Pleaded guilty – 3 months from committal.
Richard MARTIN for stealing turf at Brookhill moss, the property of Jas. WATSON Esq. Guilty – 2 months imprisonment.
John SMITH and Bernard TERRIS for receiving and having 4 pieces of timber and 11 pieces of plank, the property of William Thomas MACKAY of Port Anna, county Tyrone. Not guilty.
Edward GRIBBON for stealing a cock fowl, the property of Richard DAWSON in the parish of Derriaghy the 19th July last, also for receiving and having in his possession geese, the property of Isabella WATSON, knowing them have been stolen, at Magheragall on the 30th July last. Guilty – 3 months imprisonment for each offence – 6 in all.
Robert WARD for receiving and having in his possession a brass wheel, the property of Richard NEVIN at Lambeg. Pleaded guilty – sentence not passed.
Edward M’GLADIGAN for receiving and having in his possession 2 brass wheels, the property of John CHARTERS and others. Pleaded guilty – 6 weeks imprisonment.
Eliza Ann WATT for stripping and taking from the person of 2 children of their dresses, the 6th Oct. last. Pleaded guilty – to be transported for 7 years.
Patrick M’CORMICK and James THOMSON for stealing 3 pieces of rope at Belfast, the 6 day of September, the property of John BYERS Guilty – M’CORMICK to be imprisoned 6 months and THOMSON three months.
John WARD, Hugh GILMORE and Wesley MILLAR for a burglary in the house of John George VICTOR at Ormeau place, Belfast, on the 1st Sept. last. The jury retired and in a few minutes returned into court with a verdict of guilty against all the prisoners. To be transported for 7 years.
Mary Ann M’CALLION for stealing a bank-note and 5s. silver, from William BOYLE at Belfast, on 9th Sept. last. Guilty – 8 months imprisonment from committal. This woman had been tried 7 times previously.
Susan BUTLER for stealing a shawl, cloak, and 2 petticoats, the property of John MAGUIRE at Belfast, Sept. last. Submitted 3 month imprisonment.
Ann BRENNAN for having in her possession on 26th Aug. last, at Belfast a coat, the property of John TOWNLEY knowing it to have been stolen. Guilty 1 month imprisonment
Bernard CAMPBELL for stealing a sack and quantity of oats, the property of Franklin MANDERSON near Antrim on the 6th June last. Not guilty.
John HEPBURN, for having in his possession a handkerchief, socket and a pair of shoes, the property of Daniel LEE at Lodge road on 29th July last, knowing them to be stolen. Guilty 2 months imprisonment.
Wm. HURST for stealing a coat from a cart on the highway leading from Crumlin to Belfast, the 22nd Aug. last, the property of Thos. BRUCE Guilty- 6 months imprisonment.
Sarah PERRY for stealing a bank note and £3, the property of Edward M’MURRAY on the 24th Aug. last at Belfast. Guilty – 4 months imprisonment.
Ellen M’CLEAN for stealing 3 coats, the property of James M’KERNAN and for having them in her possession, knowing them to be stolen at Longwood on 23rd August last. Not guilty of stealing, guilty of having in her possession -2 months imprisonment.
John CONNOR for receiving and having in his possession a quantity of lead, the property of John WHITE of Lisburn, on the 16th Aug. last. Submitted 4 months imprisonment.
Mary M’KISSACK for stealing a cloak, gown and various other articles, the property of John DEVLIN at Ballymacarrett, the 24th Aug. last. Submitted.
Catherine RICHIE, Jane CLARKE and Mary BOYLE, for stealing an umbrella, the property of Thomas MULLANS, on 31st Aug. last, at Belfast. RITCHIE guilty, CLARKE and BOYLE not guilty, RITCHIE to be imprisoned for 6 months.
John KANE for receiving and having in his possession a coat, the property of James WITHERS at Belfast, in August last. Guilty – to transported for 7 years.
Margaret MORRISON for stealing a piece of bacon, the property of Thomas BIGGAR at Belfast, the 30th Aug. last. Guilty – 3 months imprisonment.
Mary BOYD for stealing a pair of blankets, the property of Robert CARSON 6th Sept. last, at Belfast. Submitted.
Hugh MURRAY for stealing a coat, waistcoat, and pair of trowsers, the property of Wm. HAMILL at Belfast, on 26th Aug. last. The same prisoner was also indicted for stealing 1s. 3d., a purse and a knife, the property of Wm. KIDD at Belfast, on the 6th Sept. last. He was found guilty on the first count and submitted on the second. 3 months imprisonment for each offence – 6 months in all.
Grace QUIGLEY for stealing a gown, the property of Ann ANDERSON on the 8th Oct. instant, at Knocknagoney, near Belfast. Guilty 2 months imprisonment.
Patrick M’CORMICK and James THOMSON for stealing 3 pieces of rope at Belfast 6th Sept. The property of John BYERS Guilty – M’CORMICK 6 months imprisonment, THOMSON 3 months imprisonment
John WARD, Hugh GILMORE and Wesley MILLAR for a burglary on the house of John George VICTOR at Ormeau place Belfast 1st Sept. last. The jury returned to court with a guilty verdict for all the prisoners. To be transported 7 years
Mary Ann M’CALLION for stealing a bank note and 5s. in silver from William BOYLE at Belfast on 9th Sept. last. Guilty – 8 months imprisonment. This woman has been tried 7 times previously
Wm. PEAKE for assaulting Henry BOYD, a policeman, in the execution of his duty; also for an assault on John M’GILVRAY. Submitted, fined 1£ or 1 month imprisonment.
Elizabeth M’CALLISTER and Ann LEWIS, for receiving and having in their possession a coat and a pair of trousers, the property of Alex. REID, the 24th Jul. last, at Belfast. Not guilty.
Wm. GAMBLE for stealing some lead, the property of Charles MORRISON at Belfast, 4th Aug. last. Acquitted. The prisoner had been twice tried before, and had only got out of the House of Correction the day previous to the offence he was now tried for.
George NEILL for stealing a handkerchief, the property of Andrew SPENCE at Belfast, on 16th Aug. last. 6 months imprisonment. The prisoner was a very little boy and had been sentenced to 3 months imprisonment at last April sessions.
Martha MADDEN for receiving and having in her possession articles, the property of William WOODS and having goods in her possession the property of John SMITH at Belfast, on the 23rd Aug. last. Guilty 1 month imprisonment.
John McDONNELL for stealing a piece of rope, at Belfast on the 28 Aug., the property of John MARTIN & Co. – Guilty.
Sarah HOLDEN for receiving a wrapper, the property of Sarah WILSON at Belfast, the 22nd Aug. last – Guilty – 3 months from committal.
Patrick ROBINSON and James MEGAN, for stealing a calico the property of James STEWART, Lisburn, 21st Sept. last. MEGAN submitted, ROBINSON not guilty. MEGAN to be 6 weeks imprisoned.
James HANLON for receiving a cloak, shawl and 3 handkerchiefs, the property of Mary RAY, Lisburn, on 11th Sept. last. Guilty 6 months imprisonment.
Francis SCOTT, for stealing a silk handkerchief, the property of John ANDERSON Belfast, on the 18th Sept. last. Guilty – 3 months imprisonment.
Henry CONNOR for stealing a shift, the property of George BOWDEN on the 2nd Oct. inst. Submitted.
Patrick LOUGHRAN for stealing a bag, the property of Thomas KINGSBURY on the 20th Sept. last. Not guilty.
Mary MAXWELL for stealing a pair of pantaloons, the property Robert CURRY 17th July last at Belfast. Guilty – imprisoned 1 month.
Patrick TREACY for assaulting George DRAKE and others, at Ballymacarrett, on 10th Dec. last. Pleaded guilty to appear for judgment when called upon.
Henry M’DERMOTT for stealing a cap, the property of Francis M’LAUGHLIN – No prosecution.
Elizabeth PONSONBY for stealing a coat and waistcoat, the property of Peter SULLIVAN 4th Sept. last, at Belfast. Not guilty.
Ann DOUGHERTY for stealing a shirt, the property of Hugh CARR on 13th Sept. at Belfast. Guilty.
Margaret SMITH, for stealing a quantity of bank notes, the property of Wm. DARBY on 9th Sept. at Belfast. Guilty – 12 months imprisonment.
Thomas M’BLAIN for stealing 8 window-sashes, grates, &c. the property of Adam M’CLEAN Submitted 6 months imprisonment.
Catherine M’VEIGH for stealing a bag, the property of James MURRAY, on 16th Sept., at Belfast. Guilty 3 months imprisonment.
Robert HOUSTON for stealing a blanket, the property of Bernard SMITH, on 3rd Sept. at Belfast. Guilty – 6 months imprisonment.
Daniel M’NEILL and Catharine MEGARRATTY, for stealing wearing apparel, the property of Elizabeth PATTY on 16th Sept., at Holywood. Catharine guilty – 6 months imprisonment, Daniel not guilty.
Alexander RITCHIE and Henry LIGGET for receiving and having in their possession a plane &c., the property of Henry TAGGART on 10th Sept. at Belfast Both guilty- 2 months imprisonment.
Wm. MONTGOMERY and Richard CONLY, for receiving and having in their possession 6 pair of bellows, knowing same be stolen, the property of David JOHNSTON at Belfast, on 6th Sept. last. Not guilty.
Samuel REID for unlawfully exposing for sale a quantity of pork in a putrid state, on 19 Sept. at Belfast. It not being proved that prisoner publicly offered the pigs for sale, he was acquitted.
Wm. NESBITT for fraudulently selling potatoes to Jas. WALSH which he stated to weigh 2 cwt., when it was subsequently found that they were deficient in weight. Not guilty.
Mary MAHER for stealing two weights, the property Allan M’CAPPIN, on 23rd Sept. at Belfast. Not guilty.
Charles M’ALEER for stealing a quantity of flax, the property of John CHARTERS and Co., 26th Sept. at Belfast. Guilty – 3 months imprisonment.
Mary Anne M’STAY for stealing a watch, the property of William AGNEW on 1st October, at Carrickfergus. Not guilty
James CARSON, John TATE and John MAGENNIS, for stealing a gas pipe and cock, the property of John GILLESPIE, at Belfast; also for stealing 4 shuttles, the property of John M’CHESNEY at Ballymacarrett, on 30th Sept. Not guilty of the first indictment and in the second, CARSON and TATE guilty.
John M’CALLISTER, a soldier, for assaulting William CULBERT. Submitted 3 months imprisonment.
Eliza NEILL and Christian NEILL, for stealing a watch and snuff-box, the property of Benjamin WALKER, 28th Sept. at Belfast, Guilty.
Mary ROSS and Sarah M’KEOWN, for stealing a pair of shoes and snuff-box, the property of William FEGAN, on the 4th instant, at Belfast. Both guilty M’KEOWN, 3 months and ROSS 12 months imprisonment.
Robert BATES, for stealing a watch, the property of David MOORE Newtownard, on the 5th inst. Pleaded guilty 6 months imprisonment.
Charles DONAGHY for stealing a quantity of potatoes, the property of James LEMON on the 8th instant, at Ballymacarrett. Guilty 2 months imprisonment.
James WORRELL for receiving and having in his possession, a pair of shoes, knowing same to be stolen, on 7th Sept. at Belfast. R. GRIMSHAW Esq., bore testimony to the defendant’s vigilance in detecting stolen goods that had been pawned with him, or offered in pawn and also at the present sessions Mr. WORRELL’S son prosecuted a person for stealing a watch which had been offered for this purpose. Acquitted.
Elizabeth RICE who was convicted Friday for stealing a water-stamp, pocket-book &c. was this day sentenced to 7 years transportation.
15 Feb. 1840 Downpatrick

by the National Library of Ireland NLI Ref: STP_2228
Insolvent Debtors
The following is a list of the persons confined in the Marshalsea here, whose petitions are to be heard before Mr. CURRAN, at the ensuing commission on the 22nd instant.
Jane MOORE, late of Banbridge, haberdasher
Eliza MOORE, late of Banbridge, haberdasher
Andrew TODD, late of Rathfriland, hosier
Samuel ADAMS, late of Killinchy, carpenter
John MAGINNIS, late of Downpatrick, shoemaker
James MAGUIRE, late of Downpatrick, dealer
Patrick M’QUOID, late of Ardglass, schoolmaster
Hugh FERAN, late of Rosstrevor, innkeeper
John WATERSON, late of Ballyvastin, farmer
Bernard MURPHY, late of Killough, farmer
Wm. BINGHAM, late of Downpatrick, publican
Hugh M’CUNE of Leggygowan, farmer
Bernard M’CAMLEY, late of Leitrim, road-maker
William FERGUSON, late of Downpatrick, painter
Patrick KILLEN, late of Tyrella, farmer
Robert ANDERSON, late of Annadorn, pensioner
John CAMPBELL late of Downpatrick, pensioner
Joseph WRIGHT, late of Kilpike, linen manufacturer
David AICKIN, late of Bangor, innkeeper
James LACKEY formerly Leggygowan, late of Saintfield, farmer
James CRAWFORD, late of Newry, publican
Thomas M’KEY, late of Ballinaferan, farmer
Samuel CARSON, late of Newry Commons, farmer
John GREEN, late of Killough, ship carpenter
John TEER, late of Ardtole, farmer
Richard QUINN, late of Lisnaw, labourer
Hugh SMITH, late of Portaferry, pilot
Michael M’ARDLE, formerly of Rathfriland, late of Banbridge, publican and carpenter
William HUDDLESTON, late of Raffery, farmer
Paul HAWKIN, late of Magheradrone, farmer
John Bonaparte BAMBICK, late of Banbridge, saddler
Wm. M’CLIMON late of Bangor, farmer
Henry GORDON, late of Saintfield, pensioner
Robert CULLON, late of Ballysallagh, pensioner and farmer
Henry CLOSE late of Magherally, farmer
Robert M’CAIG, late of Ballywalter, labourer
Edward BURNS, late of Cappy, farmer
William M’QUIGGAN late of Drumbo, tinsmith
John MARNER, late of Magheradrone, horse jockey
John HANNA, late of Greyabbey, weaver
Mary Ann FLANIGAN, Ballyward, widow
Robert BOYD, late of Killyleagh, labourer and grocer
Robert GORDON, late of Dromara, farmer
Henry GORDON, late of Dromara, farmer
Robert GORDON, late of Castlewellan, farmer
William WILSON, late of Legananey, carpenter
David WILSON, late of Dromore, miller
Isaac DAWSON, late of Killyleagh, shepherd
Joseph GARRET, late of Moneyrea, farmer
Patrick RONEY, late of Downpatrick, mason
Charles MURRAY, late of Glassdrummond, grocer
Mary EDWARDS, Ballykeel, wife of G. EDWARDS, pensioner
John M’CLEMENT late of Conlig, fanner
Joseph MILLIGAN, late of Banbridge, publican
John M’KEOWN, late of Lunganoneil, weaver
William HUDDLESTON, late of Raffery Island, farmer
John GORDON, late of Madalgan, labourer
Archibald M’CRACKEN late of Strantown, farmer
9 Jul. 1840 Ballybot Quarter Sessions
Ann STEWART was indicted for stealing a coal box at Newry, on the 10th Jun. the property of Wm. DICKSON
Sarah BANNON, servant to Mr. DICKSON, deposed that on this day the prisoner came into the kitchen to light a pipe, but went out without lighting it; after she had left the kitchen, some person came into Mr. DICKSON’S shop and told Mr. DICKSON that a woman had just left the house with something under her cloak; witness followed her and overtook her on the quay, where a man had arrested her before witness went up; got the coal box beside her; the man is not here who first took her; the prisoner was greatly intoxicated. Guilty 2 months imprisonment at hard labor
Catherine CROSS for stealing a silver watch, a chain and seal at Newry, the property of James M’ELROY
James M’ELROY deposed that he was in Newry on a Thursday in June last, when he lost a silver watch, chain and seal; the prisoner took them from him; was with her in a back street at the time; did not miss them immediately, but did soon after he left her; was not drunk, but was merry; saw the watch on the Friday after; identifies it, but it wants the outside case. Patrick RALPH, a policeman – proved getting the watch, which last witness identified, from Mr. LIDDELL’S shopman.
James SMITH – is in Mr. LIDDELL’S employment; prisoner came in on a Saturday to the shop, to sell a watch, wanting the outside case; bought it from her for 5s.; thinks it is not worth more than that: gave it to the Policeman RALPH the week after. Guilty 2 months imprisonment at hard labor, last week in solitary confinement.
Martha FREEBURN, Eliza MONAGHAN, Archibald REAVY and John O’NEILL for stealing a quantity of freestone on 11th Jun. the property of John IRVINE
John IRVINE deposed that on the morning of the 11th Jun., he heard a noise near the house; got up and went out to the walk; found the 4 prisoners with 3 bags full of freestone, which they had taken off the walk; the prisoners had an instrument for raising it. His Worship said that according to law, this case could not be tried as a larceny, or before him, except as a civil case. The prisoners should have been brought before the petty sessions court and fined for trespass. Acquitted. His Worship gave the prisoners a very severe reprimand and discharged them.
James M’PARLAN and Arthur M’PARLAN for an assault on James M’GLADE on 5th Mar. last. The prisoners pleaded guilty, having settled with the prosecutor. The prosecutor appeared and stated that he forgave the prisoners. Edward HILL Esq., Sub-inspector of police – “Your Worship, the prosecutor got a very severe beating, in fact, his life was in danger. Mr. BARKER for the prisoners, said that they had paid £4 and would give the prosecutor an additional £4. His Worship said that it was very wrong, that such cases should not be allowed to be settled in this way; it might compromise the prosecutor, but it could not the public; however, as it was a Crown prosecution he would allow the crown prosecutor to act as he thought proper. Mr. BELL, after a little deliberation, said that he thought, as the prisoners had pleaded guilty, that to pay the prosecutor £8, to be imprisoned for 1 month and to give security to keep the peace, would be a sufficient punishment. His Worship sentenced them accordingly.
Samuel LIVINGSTON, John LIVINGSTON and Michael MAGEE for stealing a cart of turf at Bellard, the property of Edward DOYLE Guilty 1 week imprisonment each.
Peter M’GLADE for assaulting Mary M’SORLEY on 27th Apr. at Carrickloughan. Guilty bound in security to keep the peace.
9 Jul. 1840 Newry Quarter Sessions
Ann LOUGHRAN was indicted for stealing a large quantity of paper from the custom house in Newry at different periods. The prisoner pleaded guilty.
John ELLIS Esq., deposed that the paper was in the stationary room of the Newry Custom house; prisoner sometimes assisted the woman who washed and cleaned the stores; some printed forms were missed and the prisoner acknowledged to have taken them; considers the papers which were found to worth £10; the prisoner said she had, at different times, taken both papers and books, away with the cinders in the morning; the books were found with pawnbrokers and the printed forms with grocers who had bought them. Guilty 4 months imprisonment at hard labor.
John CLARKE for stealing 4 pieces of iron at Newry on the 8th May, the property of Samuel BARRETT
Samuel BARRETT – “Has a workshop in Marcus street; it has a large wooden gate on it: on the Friday evening witness locked it and brought the key home; on the Saturday morning following, he went to his work a little after 6 o’clock, found the lock broken on the door; immediately missed 3 or 4 pieces of iron, a blacksmith’s file and hatchet; identifies the iron articles produced, as part of the goods which he lost; never saw the hatchet since; saw the iron with MAGEE, the policeman. about 11 o’clock on the same day.
William MAGEE policeman – “Went in search of the iron on Saturday 9th May and found it with a man called HAUGHEY; produces the iron.
John HAUGHEY – ls a smith; purchased part of the iron from the prisoner; the policeman came in soon after and took it away. Cross examined by the prisoner – Did not buy the iron from the prisoner; he told witness to keep it; gave him 3d. For 1. Guilty. Mr. BAILIE, one of the Jury, said that he was on the prisoner’s trial 22 years ago, when he was transported for 7 years.
His Worship sentenced him to 12 months imprisonment and hard labor, if he could bear it.
Mary M’CORMICK for stealing a stone of potatoes at Maghery on 9th Apr., the property of Thomas TREANOR. The prisoner pleaded not guilty and immediately fainted in the dock; she was removed out of court and her case postponed till she would recover.
Wm. R. SHAW and Thomas M’MAHON for stealing 6d., 6 half-pence and some bread and butter, the property of Wiliam CUMMING, at Newry on the 26th Apr. last. Guilty – SHAW – 1 month’s imprisonment, M’MAHON – 1 fortnight imprisonment and to be each, once whipped.
Mary M’CORMICK was again called up having recovered from the faint.
Mr. WATERWORTH, Deputy governor, said that she was subject to such faints and that she had been 12 weeks in gaol. His Worship said he thought she was punished enough and that the Crown might drop the prosecution. Discharged
Ann HUGHES for stealing a cotton frock and other articles at on 22nd Apr. the property of Mary M’CONVILL. Guilty 1 month imprisonment at hard labor.
John OWENS, a very old man, for stealing a cloth cloak on 13th Jun. the property of Daniel DAWSON. The prisoner stated he was 18 years in the Army, and that he was in several engagements against Bonaparte, where he lost a finger and received several wounds. Guilty sentence 1 month without hard labor.
Bridget DOWDALL for stealing 3 yards of cotton print at Newry on the 7th May last, the property of Messrs. M’GEORGE & KIRKPATRICK
Charles WILEY – Saw the prisoner in the shop on the 7th May about 1 o’clock; saw her reach over the counter and take the piece of cotton print out of it and leave the shop; witness followed her out and took the cotton from from her, about 10 yards from the shop door.
The prisoner got an excellent character from 3 respectable farmers. Guilty 3 weeks imprisonment at hard labor.
George MURPHY for stealing 5 gold sovereigns and some silver, the property of Christopher LOWRY at Finnis, on 27th May. Guilty sentenced to be transported 7 years.
Susanna QUINN (alias CROSSLEY) for stealing a quantity of wearing apparel and large box containing 15s. 6d. of money at Newry, the property of Daniel MAGENNIS. Pleaded guilty, 7 years transportation
9 July 1840 Newry Sessions
Ruth KINKEAD, alias BURNS for stealing a shawl at Moira, 24th Jun. last, the property of Isabella SHAW. Guilty.
Same person, for stealing a pair of ladies boots, but for want of sufficient evidence she was acquitted.
Same person, was indicted for stealing a shirt, but the prosecution failed similarly as in the last case.
Mr. FRASER – “Your Worship, this is the ‘spey’ woman who was going to swear against a very respectable man for killing a bull and I am desired to inform you that she a dangerous woman in the country. I will call a witness who knows her.
John DAWSON – “Knows the prisoner; she came to his father’s house once, as a deaf and dumb woman, to tell fortunes; she told witness and a great many other persons their fortunes ; they were nearly all good fortunes she told; she charged the men 2d. and the ladies Id.; she was there for 1 month and never spoke but once, when she was going away, which frightened the people in the house greatly.
His Worship – “The sentence of the court is that you be transported for 7 years.
Prisoner – “Thank you, I can act the dummy there.”
Mary KEILTY for assaulting, with intent to rob, the person of Elizabeth GRANT, a very young girl, on the 13th Jun. last, at Rosstrevor. Not Guilty. The prisoner was an old spey-woman, who pretended to tell fortunes; she met the child on the road from Rostrevor to Warrenpoint and so frightened her that the child ran away and left the basket with the prisoner. There not being sufficient evidence to support the indictment for assault, the prisoner was acquitted.
Thomas M’ALISTER for assaulting Leslie JOHNSTON Sergeant of police, in the execution of his duty at Warrenpoint. Not guilty.
John WARD for stealing a bag of turf at Shankhill, 21st Aug. 1838, the property of John TODD.
John TODD – lives at Shankhill; had turf built up in a stack in the garden; saw the prisoner on the night in question come to the stack with a blanket and throw the turf out of the stack into the blanket as fast as possible; witness caught hold of him by the neck and held him there for some time, but he wrestled himself away from the witness.
Cross examined by Mr. MURLAND – thinks prisoner never had a cow.
Did you ever prosecute him for trespassing on your potatoes with a cow?
No; how could I, when he never had a cow.
Again, I ask you, did you prosecute him for trespass of his cow?
How could I, when I think he never had one.
Do you know whether he had one or not?
No, I do not know.
The jury acquitted the prisoner.

Photograph by tatiana lovera
10 Dec.1842 Typhus Fever County Down Jail
Fever, under any circumstances and in any locality, is to be justly regarded as a most afflicting and dangerous malady, but still more so when it makes its appearance in prisons and such places. It is with regret we have to announce, that typhus fever, of a very malignant form, has broken out in the County of Down jail. Its progress, we trust, will soon be arrested by the vigilance and humanity of its excellent Governor, and his assistants and also the medical gentlemen who are its attendants. A prisoner named BEATTY, was seized with the disease during the last week and fell victim to on Monday; some others have since been attacked with the same malady. Every exertion, which medical advice directs, has been made to arrest its progress. As the Act of parliament requires investigation into the cause of all deaths in prisons, Dr. TYRRELL attended and held the necessary inquiry.
A Flax-Mill Burned
A flax-mill at Millvale, near Newry, the property of Doctor GRAY was burned on Tuesday night last about 8 o’clock. The reflection of the light, as seen from Hill street, appeared as a bright column up to the clouds, on the face of which a large round space was quite illuminated. We hear that the fire is accidental. The property was insured.
12 Dec. 1842 Melancholy Death
A small farmer, named MANABERY, with his wife, who lived in the townland of Aughlisnafin, had a child nearly seven years of age, who was paralytic of her extremities. The parents fixed spending the evening abroad, and laid the poor girl in a large cradle, having first given her necessary food. In order to make her the more comfortable, the mother heated a brick in the fire, and placed it at the foot of the cradle, with a view keep her warm. When the unfortunate parents returned home, about 9 o’clock, horrible to relate, when on looking after their child, which they were particularly induced to do from a smell which they found on entering the house, they discovered her burned to nearly cinder. An inquest was held on the body, before Dr. TYRRELL the county Coroner, who admonished the many who were in attendance, on the impropriety of locking up children, particularly where fire was and narrated many examples of distressing deaths which had lately occurred thereby.
10 Feb. 1843 Newtownards and Cumber Farming Society
Wednesday last, the annual ploughing match of this society took place the grounds of Mr. Hugh M’CUTCHEON, about half a mile from Newtownards. The fineness of the day, and the novel sight of 24 young ploughmen, who had never before won prizes on such occasion, meeting honourable and useful rivalry, attracted a large concourse of spectators. The ploughs and appointments were of the most improved description, and the work, which was got through in splendid style, elicited admiration from all who were present. In the evening, the members of the Society, and number of their friends, the company amounting in all to 300, sat down to an excellent dinner in the Market house, furnished by Mr. ALEXANDER. In the absence of W. G. GLENNY Esq., the Rev. J. F. BLAKE presided. The Newtownards Amateur Band was in attendance, and much enhanced the evening’s enjoyment. The judges -Messrs. J. DAVISON, Ballymechan; J. COULTER, Killinchy: and Matthew CARRUTHERS, Holywood, announced their awards, after dinner.
After the health of the Lord of the soil, the Marquis of Londonderry, had been drunk, an address of condolence on his Lordship’s late severe accident was read by Mr. LANKTREE and, on the motion of the Rev. Julius M’CULLOUGH, seconded by the Rev. Mr. M’ILWAINE of Comber, was unanimously adopted.
Among the speakers of the evening were the Rev. T. BLACKWOOD, the Rev. Mr. M’CULLOUGH, Mr. DAVISON of Comber, &c.
John ANDREWS Esq. of Comber, who was absent from illness, had deputed Mr. BELL to read an interesting address in reply to the toast of his health, which elicited much applause. The festivity of the night did not terminate till a late hour.
We understand that on Tuesday last the First Congregation of Comber elected Mr. James M. KILLEN assistant and successor to Mr. M’CANEE.
Death from Intoxication
On Friday night last, two young men in this neighbourhood had been drinking in a public house in Moneyrea, which they left some time during the evening for a house in the neighbourhood, where they sat down to play cards. They subsequently went to purchase whiskey, which had been won by one of the party in their evening’s gambling. Here they also drank a considerable quantity and having procured a bottle to take with them, they left for home about 11 o’clock. One of them, named BROWN, was soon unable to proceed, for the night was stormy and his companion returned to the nearest house for assistance. and to beg that they might allowed to stop, the night was severe. He and some the inhabitants in the house went out to look for the unfortunate young man and, not finding him where he was left, they concluded that had proceeded homewards. Nothing more was heard of him till the evening of the following day, when his parent’s became apprehensive of danger and, inquiry being made and his companion having told what had happened, a number of individuals set off to search for him, and found him, about 11 o’clock on Saturday night, dead in the ditch, the very spot where he had been left the preceding evening about the same hour. He had fallen over a bank about 5 feet high into a small stream of water, and although the road is very public, no one observed him during the whole of Saturday.
Another Death from the Weather
The dead body of a man was found lying on the highway, on Thursday morning se’ennight, in the townland of Aughlisnafin, parish of Kilmegan, County Down. From evidence adduced at the coroner’s inquest held on view of the corpse, the jury considered themselves warranted in returning a verdict to the effect, that death had been caused by the inclemency of the weather.
Anahilt – A Man Perished in the Snow
On Monday morning last, a farmer, named SHAW, was found dead in a ditch near Anahilt, within a short distance of the house of an acquaintance, where he had, probably, been endeavouring to obtain shelter, when, overcome by the intense cold, had sunk down where he perished. The poor old man had been to Dromara fair, where he had purchased a cow. He belonged to a hamlet named Halftown, near Hillsborough.
4 July 1843 Belfast Quarter Sessions
Thomas MURPHY for embezzling £13 and stealing brushes, the property of his master, Daniel HILL, Brown Square, Belfast – Guilty 3 months imprisonment
David GIBSON for stealing shirts, the property of the Rev. John KINAHAN Newtownbreda – Guilty 2 months imprisonment and once whipped
Patrick NESBITT and John HAMILL for stealing lead from the house of John Lewis HENRY in April last – both guilty HAMILTON <sic> 6 months imprisonment; NESBITT to be transported 7 years
Ann MATHEWS for stealing a blanket from the poor house, the property of the poor law guardians on 30th April last – Guilty; 6 months imprisonment
Mary M’ILVEEN for stealing a quantity of wearing apparel, the property of Samuel LOGAN at Belfast – Guilty 7 years transportation
Mary Ann SAVAGE for having in her possession a pair of shoes the property of Samuel LOGAN, knowing them to be stolen, on 21st April last at Belfast – Guilty 1 month imprisonment
Esther M’COY for stealing a watch, the property of John LOCKHART on 13th May last; also, for stealing goods the property of Margaret HARBISON on 20th May, at Belfast – Guilty 6 months imprisonment
James DRUMMOND for stealing a shirt, the property of James CINNAMOND – Pleaded guilty 7 years transportation
Catherine LAVERY for stealing silver spoons, knives and forks and various articles of wearing apparel, the property of Alexander Smith MAYNE, Donegall square East, Belfast – Guilty 4 months imprisonment
Mary O’HARE for stealing a shawl, the property of George FULTON – Guilty 1 week imprisonment
Nancy NEILL and Isabella HUNTER for stealing 5s. from John BRITTAIN in May last – Guilty 10 years transportation
Alexander WILLIAMSON for stealing a handkerchief the property of Thomas REILLY at Belfast – Guilty 7 years transportation
Ellen KANE for stealing a shawl, the property of Ellen HINCHE(L?)T on 26th May last, at Belfast – Guilty 10 years transportation “Thank you your Worship,” said prisoner, on leaving the Dock; “I’ll only be a young woman when I come home.”
Sarah O’NEILL for stealing 5s. from John MONTGOMERY at Belfast in May last – Guilty
Margaret STEWART for stealing a 2lb weight, the property of Alice MOORE, in May last at Belfast – Guilty 1 month imprisonment
Alexander DOORISH for stealing a handkerchief, from William JOHNSTON on 6th May – Guilty 6 months imprisonment
Isabella JORDAN for stealing a pair of shoes, the property of George BRANAGAN on 8th June – Guilty one month imprisonment
Jane EYRE for stealing several articles of wearing apparel the property of Esther MOORE on the 8th ult. – Guilty 6 months imprisonment
Mary MURRAY for attempting to pick the pocket of a Iady unknown – acquitted
Ellen ROBINSON for stealing 8 pieces of muslin, the property of George DAVISON at Belfast, on 21st ult.- Guilty 7 years transportation
James THOMPSON and David MARSHALL for a riot and affray at Dunany near Belfast; also for a common assault on John Ritchey MARSHALL – Guilty to be imprisoned 3 months and to pay £5 to prosecutor and enter into security to keep the peace.
James MAGILL for stealing a handkerchief from the Rev. Dr. DENVIR – acquitted
Samuel ROBINSON for a riot and affray, on 20th April last at Belfast and committing an assault on Joseph REDDICK, a soldier in 35th Reg’t. – Guilty
Alexander SMYTH, Hugh DUFFY, Samuel CARR, Alex. CRAIG, for rescuing cattle seized under a Quarter sessions decree, at Ballyhone, on 19th April last – acquitted
Catherine LAW for stealing £2, the property of Wm. GROGAN on the 10th March last – not guilty
Samuel COCHRANE for stealing shirts, the property of Rev. John PORTER on 28th April last. – Guilty 12 months imprisonment at hard labour.
Bernard M’NALLY, for a grievous assault on John MULHOLLAND on 10th May – Not guilty
Joseph HAGAN for stealing 6 webs of linen, the property of Messrs. SMITH & Co. Hilltown, near Banbridge – Pleaded guilty 3 months imprisonment
Jane BODELL for stealing 10s. 6d. from Nelson M’CUNE on 11th June last – Guilty 2 months imprisonment
Eliza Ann SANDS for stealing a frock the property of Brobston ? LIFFORD at Belfast, in May last – Guilty 1 month imprisonment
Matilda RUSSELL for stealing a quilt, the property of John JENING – Guilty 1 month imprisonment
Maria BARRY for stealing 1s. 5d. the property of Wm. WALSH on 15th April, at Belfast – Guilty 1 month imprisonment
John MAGENNIS for obtaining under false pretenses a pair of shoes, the property of John M’CANN at Belfast, in March last. Guilty 1 month imprisonment
Newry Quarter Sessions Monday Oct. 23rd
Petit Jury;
Patrick and Isabella REANY for stealing a silver spoon on the 26th Feb. last, at Rathfriland, the property of Robert NESBITT. Not guilty
John LOWRY for stealing yarn, the property of George CHAPMAN. There being no evidence that the yarn was the property of the person named in the indictment, the prisoner was acquitted.
Eliza PARKS, alias REILLY, alias JOHNSTON, for stealing 2 bonnets at Banbridge, the property of Jane HERRON. The prisoner pleaded guilty was sentenced to 2 months imprisonment at hard labor.
Thomas HAUGHEY, a young urchin, for stealing coals, on 1st Aug. at Newry the property of some person or persons unknown. Guilty 1 month imprisonment and to be twice well whipped
John M’ELROY, a boy of 14 years of age, for stealing a silver watch on the 3rd Oct. Last, at Skeogh, the property of David M’lLVEEN. The prisoner pleaded guilty and was sentenced to be confined for 1 month.
Margaret MAGENNIS, otherwise TAITEN, for stealing several articles of wearing apparel, the property of Mary FEARON. Guilty to be transported for 7 years.
Christopher THOMPSON for stealing some silver money on 28th Aug. last, at Clare, the property of Stephen HAMILTON. Not guilty
Susan STEWART for stealing 5 cloth boots and 1 pair of carpet slippers on 24th Aug. at Newry, the property of Patrick DOYLE. Guilty to be confined for 3 months at hard labor.
Mary OWENS, otherwise FARMER, for stealing some pieces of silver on 4th Oct. last, at Hillsborough, the property Wm. GIBSON. Guilty to be transported for 7 years.
John M’COY (generally known by the name of “Cheap John”), for stealing some books in Newry, the property of Mr. R. GREER bookseller. Guilty to be confined for 1 calendar month at hard labor.
Mary CONNOLLY, for stealing some soap on 24th Aug. at Newry, the property of Mr. James WILSON. Guilty to be confined for 3 calendar months at hard labor.
Elizabeth BURN and Ann M’ARDLE, alias M‘ALISTER, for stealing several articles of wearing apparel and 2 beehives on 1st Sept. last, at Drumlee. the property of James MEHARG. Both guilty. Each 7 years transportation.
Jane GARDENER for stealing a purse containing 20s. on the 20th Sept, last, at Donacloney, the property James MORGAN. Not guilty
John M’CUTCHEON for larceny. Not guilty.
Patrick M’KENNA and Andrew REILLY for robbing Thomas GRANT of his purse at Rathfriland.
It appeared from the evidence given that the prosecutor was leaning against a cart in Rathfriland on the last fair day, when the 2 prisoners came up to him, squeezed him and M‘KENNA extracted his tobacco “spluchan” from his pocket, which contained silver and copper amounting to 4s. M‘KENNA was soon after arrested and when so, he let the tobacco “spluchan’’ fall at his feet. The other prisoner was soon afterwards arrested. Both guilty.
The barrister said that the prisoners seemed to be very skillful pickpockets and sentenced them to 12 months imprisonment each, at hard labor.
Prisoner REILLY – “Your Worship, give me 7 years transportation at once. I’d rather have it than that sentence.” The transportable request was not attended to by his Worship.
Mary M’KEE for having secretly, maliciously and unlawfully deserted her female child on 30th Aug. last, at Tullyhearn, with intent to make it chargeable on Patrick MURPHY and a second count to make it chargeable to the Parish of Donacloney.
Patrick MURPHY examined – lives at Tullyhearn, Parish of Donacloney; recollects seeing the prisoner at the bar, thinks, on the 3rd Aug. last, brought her in from his father’s, to his own house, to give her a night’s lodging; she had a child with her; is himself a married man; his wife was at home on that night; he went to bed first, leaving his wife and the prisoner in the kitchen; after that his wife came to bed; in the course of the night he was roused up, by what he thought to be, the cries of a young child; got up and went to the far corner of the kitchen; could see nothing, as it was dark; groped down in the corner, and felt a young child, but nothing else, except some hay which was under it and some clothes which were on the child; he went to the house door and found it “laid to”, not latched; alarmed his wife and told her what he had observed; went to the police; did not see the prisoner afterwards till the 7th Oct.; had never seen the prisoner before this night; does not know where she is from, except from her own saying.
To the barrister – “gave her the lodging in charity; she left the child with them and left his house in the middle of the night; he kept it for 5 weeks and some days; the prisoner afterwards took back her child.
The wife of the last witness deposed that she left the prisoner in a bed in the corner of the kitchen and that before going to bed, she examined the door and found it shut. To the barrister – “The child was given up to the prisoner in the office of the Dean of Dromore.
To a juror “The prisoner said she lived between Richhill and Armagh. Guilty in the first count of the indictment but recommended to mercy, 2 months imprisonment.
Andrew and Patrick REILLY for stealing a sheep 10th Oct. at Moyad, the property of John O’HARE Mr, RUTHVEN and Mr. HAMILL for the prosecution, said that they thought there was no case of felony. There was a dispute among the parties about the property, but that was the principal feature in the case. There was no prosecution and the prisoners were acquitted.
John M’CLIMOND and Samuel MAGOWAN for assaulting Wm. FORDE on the 10th Aug. last at Banogue.
Wm. FORDE examined by Mr. RUTHVEN – lives the townland of Banogue; was employed to cut down hay for John AMBERSON; recollects on the 10th Jul. last, John M’CLIMOND came running up with a bayonet on a pole; Samuel MAGOWAN was with him; M’CLIMOND made at him with the bayonet and said he would put it through him, if he cut another blade grass; he then quit and told the prisoner he had no business with him; left the meadow a little after and nothing more happened till the afternoon; was mowing in the meadow again when M’CLIMOND came up the same way, with the pole in his hand and put him away; left the meadow and nothing more occurred.
to Mr MURLAND – “This was a natural meadow; it was John M’CLIMOND’S, but had been auctioned under decree; the prisoner pushed him and jostled him; did not strike him nor stab him; when the prisoner came back in the evening, AMBERSON told him to cut away the meadow and not mind the prisoner.
Mr. MURLAND – “I think it is for them to shew that they had a right to sell under this decree and besides that, they had no right to this meadow, as it was natural grass that was on it.
The barrister – I think they should have the decree here and prove it.
Mr. RUTHVEN – We have it not.
The barrister said that the prisoner was entitled to an acquittal, as the decree which gave the prosecutor title to the property had not been proved. Acquitted.
Patrick MADDEN, John MACKIN, Thomas QUINN, and Francis CONNOLLY for playing a game called “long bullets” and throwing an iron bullet along the road Ballinacraig, on 27th Aug. last. The prisoners pleaded guilty.
Constable ARMSTRONG deposed that on the day in question, which was a Sunday, he had found the prisoners on the road above Courtney Hill, which is at the end of Newry, throwing bullets along the highway; it was a constant practice as well on this road, as on others, about the town and had been continued even since he arrested the prisoners, though he did not observe any of the prisoners, since, playing the game.
The barrister in sentencing the prisoners, said there was no desire on the part of the bench to deal severely with them but what they were charged with, and of which they had pleaded guilty, was a most improper practice and a serious nuisance. The single object he and his brother magistrates had in view, on punishing them, was to show that it was illegal to play bullets on the public road, any day, but more especially, on the Sabbath.
The sentence of the court was that they each be imprisoned for 1 fortnight.

Photograph of the Ulster Architectural Heritage Society