16, The Square, Moy, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone UK BT71 7SH
3 Jun. 1834 New Preaching House of the Primitive Methodist Society at Killyman, County Tyrone
This edifice, which has been lately completed and opened for the worship of God, is situated in a most beautiful and romantic part of the country. The view from the hill on which it is erected is astonishingly sublime and embraces not only the Derry, Antrim and Down mountains, but also the waters of Lough Neagh, whilst eminently conspicuous amongst the numerous objects which attract the eye, stands the splendid mansion of Churchill, the seat of Colonel VERNER M.P. and Dree Wood, hanging in a robe of rich luxuriance, forms a striking contrast to the cultivated plains, which seem to mark the boundaries of the horizon. The Right Hon. the Earl of Ranfurley, with his usual liberality, allocated a portion of ground for the building and also gave a splendid donation. The Society feel much indebted to Colonel VERNER, Thomas GREER Esq., of Roan-hill and to many of the neighbouring Gentry and Clergy for their kind assistance. That eminent Divine, the Rev. Mortimer O’SULLIVAN laid the foundation stone, delivering an appropriate and eloquent speech on the occasion and long may he continue to shine as a brilliant star in that constellation of luminaries of the established church, whose able advocacy of her principles have raised her to the proud eminence which she now enjoys! Killyman has long been eminent for its attachment to church methodism. The avenue to the Vicarage of this parish formed of 2 parallel lines of forest trees, gently and insensibly undulating one above another and here, in this very avenue it was, that the illustrious WESLEY (during the incumbency of the late Rev. C. CAULFIELD) has frequently proclaimed to the people the truths of the everlasting Gospel and the sentiments which he taught, that stream of life to which he directed every feeling of their souls, continue yet to refresh and vivify the hearts of their posterity. We cannot take leave of this deeply important subject, without recording our humble attestation to the zeal and untiring energy displayed on every occasion, during his sojournment in this circuit by Mr. RICE; to him, mainly under the influence of the holy word, may be attributed the erection of this edifice, as well as the growing spirit of vital religion and the high tone of moral feeling which prevail here results, which were naturally to be expected from his unfeigned piety, high talents, fearless devotion and powerful manner. It is confidently expected that the example given by the friends of Primitive Methodism at Killyman will be followed by the people of Moy and that, ere another year rolls its round, will have to record the addition of another temple of God to the number of those which have recently been erected, and which now adorn the town of Moy.
7 Aug. 1845 The Methodists and American Slavery
It is said that the Wesleyan Methodists of Great Britain are about to disown any connexion with those in the United States who are slaveholders.
12 Oct. 1860 New Works
A design has been furnished by the same architect (Mr. Wm. J. BARRE) for a new Wesleyan chapel at Moy, County Tyrone.
26 Nov. 1880 Methodist Church Circuit
The annual tea meeting of Moy society of this circuit was recently held in Charlemont Street, Methodist Church, Moy, and was very successful. The church was tastefully decorated for the occasion with evergreens and suitable mottoes. After tea, which was bountifully supplied and gracefully dispensed by the ladies of the congregation, addresses were delivered by Mr. Joseph PATTERSON, who ably presided; Mr. Robert CLARKE, Rev. Andrew KNOX Rev. James HARPUR and Rev. Stewart SMITH. At intervals appropriate hymns were rendered in good style by the choir, Miss M’KELL efficiently presiding at the harmonium. On the motion of the Rev. John MAGILL, the usual votes of thanks were passed with acclamation.
14 Apr. 1882 Marriage
April 11th at Moy Methodist Church by the Rev. James Donnelly (uncle of the bride), assisted by the Rev. John Magill, John FORD Newcastle-on-Tyne, to Maggie, third daughter of Thomas M’KELL, Moy.
25 Mar. 1887 Marriage
March 18th at the Methodist Church, Moy, County Tyrone, by the Rev. John Gilchrist, Joseph RICHARDSON, Boland, Dungannon, to Maria J. (May) second daughter of James A. LAWSON, Cherrymount, Dungannon.
27 Oct. 1894
The Moy Methodist congregation has connected with it a Mr. Robert M’KINNEY, who is 93 years of age and is probably the oldest class leader in Ireland, as he has filled that position for 64 years. He still attends the meetings occasionally, and his intellect is as bright and unclouded as ever.
27 Aug. 1903 Married
Aug. 18th at Moy Methodist Church, by the Rev. H. SHIRE of Dungannon, Henry ALEXANDER of Stewartstown, to Susan Hollis HAZELTON, daughter of Thomas HAZELTON of Killyman.
20 Nov. 1909 Moy Methodist Church – Reopening Services
The Methodist Church, Dungannon street, Moy, was reopened for Divine worship on the 11th inst., after undergoing extensive improvements, consisting of new pews, modern heating apparatus, gas lighting and re-painting of the entire building. The ceremony took place at 3:30 p.m. and there was a good attendance, including Revs. Wesley GUARD, Henry SHIRE, J. Bradley TEMPLETON, W. ADDY, F. Scott MAGUIRE, Harold M. Yates HALL (Presbyterian), A. E. GLANVILLE, J. H. BROWNRIGG, and Messrs. Edward COWDY J.P., A. BUNTING, D. MURRAY, D. GALLAGHER, J. E. GALLAGHER , J. JELLS, J. JACKSON and Dr. WRIGHT.
Rev. Henry SHIRE, chairman of the district, presided. After devotional exercises, conducted by the chairman, Rev. Wesley GUARD, in the unavoidable absence through illness of the vice-president (Rev. J. W. R. CAMPBELL M.A.) preached the opening ceremony. A collection was taken up in aid of the improvement fund. Subsequently those present were entertained to tea by the ladies of the congregation. The re-opening services were continued on 14th inst., the special preacher being Rev. J. D. LAMENT, ex-vice-president. John COWDY sang with pleasing effect “The radiant morn hath passed away”, Miss M’KELL presiding at the organ. Mr LAMENT again preached to an excellent congregation at 7 o’clock.
11 Feb. 1911
On Monday night a lecture was delivered in Moy Methodist Church, entitled “What an Irishman saw in Canada,” by Rev. Thomas W. DAVIDSON of the Lynn Memorial Church, Belfast, who has lately returned from an extended tour through the Dominion. The chair was taken by Mr. Edward COWDY, Greenhall. For an hour and a half Mr. DAVIDSON had the rapt attention of a large and appreciative audience. The lecture was illustrated by lime-light views exhibited by Mr. W. J. ROBERTS, Dungannon
Transcribed by Teena from the Armagh Standard, Irish Independent, Newry Telegraph, Tyrone Constitution, Ulster Gazette