This secluded riverside walk with a spectacular waterfall lies a few miles west of Drumquin village, and is not to be missed. A pleasant woodland path takes you along the banks of the river, climbing steadily towards the waterfall.
Photograph & Comments Courtesy John Campbell
Page contents;
Longfield East, list of townland & description
Longfield West, list of townland & description
News articles
1) Longfield East or Upper Longfield (Langfield)
Contains the following townlands
Carony, Claraghmore, Coolkeeragh, Cornavarrow, Dressoge, Drumbarley, Drumhonish, Drumnaforbe, Drumrawn, Gartagher, Garvaghullion Glebe, Laght, Leganvy, Legphressy, Magharenny, Segully, Unshinagh.
Langfield East or Upper Langfield (1840 Description from the Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis)
a parish in the union and barony of Omagh, 6 miles (W.) from Omagh, containing, with the market-town of Drumquin, 3143 inhabitants. The old parish of Langfield was in 1800, divided by act of council into the 2 parishes of East and West Langfield; the former portion comprises 9716½ statute acres, of which 22¼ are water. The land in some parts is good, but the soil is generally light, particularly near the mountains, which, though lofty, afford good pasturage for cattle; the system of agriculture is slowly improving and there is an extensive tract of bog. Excellent freestone is found at Claremore and in several parts of the parish are indications of coal. The principal seats are Drumrane Lodge and Burle’s Folly. The manufacture of linen is carried on in the farmhouses to a considerable extent. The townland of Magheraney, on which is the church, is the property of the Bishop of Derry.
The living is a rectory in the diocese of Derry and in the patronage of the Bishop; the tithe rent-charge is £183. 15. The glebe-house, a good residence, was built in 1803, by aid of a gift of £100 and a loan of £600 from the Board of First Fruits; the glebe comprises 26 Cunningham acres. The church, which was erected in 1803, is a small neat edifice with a square tower; the Board of First Fruits gave £500 towards its erection, and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners recently granted £254 towards its repair. In the Roman Catholic divisions the parish, with that of West Langfield, forms the district of Langfield; there is a place of worship for Presbyterians in connexion with the General Assembly. About a quarter of a mile from the parish church are the remains of an ancient church, with a burial-ground.
2) Longfield West or Lower Longfield (Langfield)
Contains the following townlands;
Aghakinmart, Ally, Annaghalough, Barravey, Billary, Bomackatall Lower, Bomackatall Upper, Bullock Park, Carradoo Glebe, Carradowa Glebe, Carrick, Carrickaness, Carrickbwee Glebe, Castlecraig, Cavansallagh, Clunahill Glebe, Collow, Coolavannagh, Cornashesk, Curragh Glebe, Curraghamulkin, Curraghmacall, Dooish, Drumgallan, Drummenagh, Drumnamalra, Drumowen, Drumquin, Drumscra, Dunnaree, Ednashanlaght, Garrison Glebe, Gortnasoal Glebe, Hill Head, Killeen, Killoan, Kilmore Irvine, Kilmore Robinson, Kirlish, Lackagh, Lisky Glebe, Marrock Glebe, Meenacloy, Meenadoan, Meenaheery Glebe, Meenbog, Meencargagh, Meenmossogue Glebe, Prughlish, Sloughan, Tully, Tullyard, Willmount.
Longfield West or Lower Langfield (1840 Description from the Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis)
a parish in the union of Castlederg, barony of Omagh, 8 miles (W.) from Omagh, and on the road from Londonderry to Enniskillen; containing 5094 inhabitants. The parish comprises 23,906¾ statute acres, of which 176 are water and about 6700 mountain and bog. The mountains afford good pasturage for cattle and sheep and their declivities are in a state of progressive cultivation; a great portion of the bog is also being rapidly reclaimed and the system of agriculture is fast improving. In Dunwest are extensive beds of coal in 3 strata, all easy of access but though at every flood, large masses are detached by the river Poe and carried down the stream, no attempt has yet been made to work them; coal of very good quality is also found in other parts of the parish. In Kerlis are valuable quarries of freestone, from which was raised the stone for the portico of the court-house of Omagh and for other public edifices; the higher mountains, of which Dooish rises 1119 feet above the level of the sea, are of mica-slate. The river Poe rises in the mountains and after passing through Drumquin falls into the river Foyle, about 2 miles below Omagh; there are several lakes in the parish, the largest of which is 58 acres in extent. The inhabitants combine with their agricultural pursuits the weaving of linen and many of the females are employed in spinning linen and cotton yarn; there are a small tuck-mill for dressing home-made woollen-cloth, and several corn-mills.
The parish is partly within the bishop’s manor of Derg and partly in that of Hastings, which was granted to Sir J. DAVIES by James I., under the name of Clonaghmore and for which a court is held at Drumquin monthly, for the recovery of debts under 40s. The Living is a rectory in the diocese of Derry, and in the patronage of the Bishop; the tithe rent charge is £221. 18. The glebe-house is a good and comfortable residence, situated near the church on a glebe of 50 acres and embosomed in thriving plantations; there are also belonging to the rectory 10 townlands at Gortnasoal, about 3 miles distant, comprising together 1650 acres, of which about ½ are under cultivation and the remainder mountain and bog.
The church is a neat edifice. In the Roman Catholic divisions the parish, together with that of East Langfield, constitutes the district of Langfield; a large chapel at Drumquin serves for both parishes. The parochial school is principally supported by the rector, who in 1820 erected a house for the master on the glebe and assigned an excellent garden; he also erected a school-house for another on the glebe at Loughmulharn, which he also supports. Some extensive remains exist of the spacious and handsome castle of Kerlis, or Curlews, built by Sir John DAVIES, prior to 1619, upon the manor of Clonaghmore, with freestone found on the spot, with which he likewise constructed a road 8 feet wide and 7 miles in length, leading over mountains and morasses, to his other castle on the Derg; much of the road may still be traced near the castle, paved with large blocks of stone. There are forts in various parts of the parish, some of which are very large and tolerably perfect.

One of the views on the Omagh Walking Festival loop walk on Bolaght Mountain near Drumquin, Co. Tyrone. I thought the red shed was quite striking in the landscape. The small lake is called Lough Corr while the hill with the windfarm is Bessy Bell which rises above Baronscourt Estate, with the higher Sperrins behind.
Photograph & Comments Courtesy Martin M’ALinden
News Items
The following News Articles are transcribed from the Banner of Ulster, Derry Journal and Londonderry Sentinel, Dublin Weekly Register, Saunders Newsletter, & Tyrone Constitution. (unless otherwise noticed.)
31 May 1797
Last Wednesday night, at the house of the Rev. Mr. John HILL, Rector of Longfield, in the county Tyrone, was attacked by a large body of United Irishmen. Mr HILL was not at home, but the Queen’s County Militia defended the house till overpowered by numbers, when the United Irishmen broke into the house and took what arms ammunition were in it. Two of the United Irishmen are said to have been killed and from the quantities of blood about the house, it is supposed many are wounded.
6 Aug. 1806 Died
At Longfield Glebe, in the county of Tyrone, Mrs. Elizabeth ELLISON wife of the Rev. Thomas ELLISON and relict of the late Hopton Butler COX of Mount Butler, in the King’s County, Esq.
28 Aug.1806
Jane Edwards, Spinster Plaintiff
John BATEMAN Esq. and the Right Hon. Olivia Countess of Ross, Defendants
Pursuant to order in the High court of Chancery in Ireland, made in this case and bearing date the 28th Jul.1808, I will on Wed. the 27th Aug. inst. at the hour of 1 o’clock in the Chancery Chamber, Dublin set for 3 years, pending this cause, that part of the lands Carrindreen. Altgolan, and Claraghmore. part of the manor of Hastings, in the County of Tyrone, lately the possession of James CORIGAN, Denis M’PHELEMY, Edward M’PHELEMY, James MULLAN, Francis CRAIG, John SPROULE, Peter CORCORAN, David LAIRD, Andrew CRAWFORD, Hugh GALLAN, Roger and Patrick GORMLEY. dated this 12th Aug.1806 Thos. ELLIS. For further particulars, apply to Mr. NOLAN, North St. Omagh.
11 Apr. 1809 – To Be Let
To be let for such term as may be agreed on and immediate possession given, several Farms, containing from 12 to 30A. each, the lands of Dunwest in the Parish of Langfield, on the estate of the late Doctor Robert SCOTT. The lands are situated within 1 mile of Drumquin, 6 of Omagh, 7 of Newtown-Stewart, 9 Fintona, 6 of Dromore, and 8 of Lowtherstown. – Every encouragement will be given to Weavers. Application to be made to Wm. SCOTT Esq. Scotsborongh, Clones, William MOORE Esq. Drumquin, George ROBINSON Surveyor, near Dromore, Michael M’LOUGHLIN Bailiff, on the lands, will shew the Farms.
30 Mar. 1814 Omagh Assizes 17 Mar.
John PHAYRE a private soldier in the 47th regiment, was indicted for rescuing, at Drumquin on the 18th of January, 1813, Andrew MURPHY from the custody of C. LUNNY, a Constable. He was also indicted for an assault on the Constable. Evidence on the part of the Crown –
C. LUNNY said that was he was Constable and recollected the fair at Drumquin on the 18 January 1813, he was there that day and had a warrant against Andrew MURPHY; he made a prisoner of him, but he (MURPHY) was rescued from witness on his taking ‘him into custody’. A considerable number of persons assembled and assisted in taking his prisoner from him, he was severely beaten. John PHAYRE was walking along the road with the rest of the party Sir John BURGOYNE a magistrate of the county proved that the warrant, under the authority of which MURPHY had been taken, had been executed by him.
James M. GORLEY said he recollected the day that C. LUNNY the constable, had arrested Andrew MURPHY; he was not present at his being made a prisoner. When he came forward he saw several persons beating C. LUNNY; the prisoner was one of the party who made a prisoner of LUNNY and took him away; he did not see the prisoner strike him. The prisoner called no witnesses
Mr. Sergeant MOORE charged the jury and recapitulated the evidence and very much regretted that any man wearing His Majesty’s uniform should be charged with so daring a breach of peace. He made several strong observations of the enormity of the offense of rescuing a person accused of a capital felony, from the custody of the Officer of justice and told the Jury if they believed that the prisoner was one of the party who rescued MURPHY from the Constable on the day laid in the indictment, they ought to find him guilty but if they had any rational doubt of that fact, they ought to acquit him- Verdict – Not Guilty
5 Sept. 1824 – A Murder
A murder of almost unparalleled atrocity was committed last week in the county of Tyrone. So cool-blooded and fiend-like an act it seldom falls to a Journalist to detail, at least in our tranquil and civilized province. The body of Mr. James MATTHEWSON of Kilmore was found dead in waste house belonging to Mr. M’BRIDE Innkeeper, in Drumquin, where it is supposed to have been conveyed by the wretches to whose ruthless cupidity the deceased was victim. Captain BOYLE, a magistrate, had an inquest held upon it, 3 surgeons being present, deposed that deceased’s death was caused by strangulation and other violence, marks of which were evident on the breast and back. Mr. MATTHEWSON had been collecting rents for _ ECKLIN Esq., whose tenants he had noticed to meet him in Drumquin, only 2 miles from his own residence. It appeared in evidence that several of them had paid him the Monday and Tuesday preceding, and that the entire money he had received was seen in his possession on the evening of the latter day, but when the body was found, the money was all gone, a proof that he had been robbed and that robbery was the incentive for the deed. A large reward has been offered for the discovery of the murderers and the Magistrates of the neighbourhood are all on the alert, we do not think it will be possible for them to elude the fate which they merit. The deceased was a most respectable man, upright, industrious and inoffensive and has left a wife and 5 children to deplore his melancholy fate.
27 Dec 1827 – Reward
Whereas on Sunday the 12th day August last, about the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon, a mob of at least 50 Persons, well supplied with fire-arms and provided with crow-bars and such instruments, came to the townland of Tully, in the parish of Langfield and in the county of Tyrone and levelled to the ground a dwelling-house the property of Charles SPROULE senior, of Grannan, in the said county, the mason work of which had just been completed and destroyed all the timber, &c. used in building of the same and when Charles SPROULE junior, son of the above, for whom the house was intended, appeared, several shots were fired at him, by individuals of this party and with difficulty he succeeded in escaping.
Now, holding in abhorrence such atrocious villainy and perfectly convinced that the perpetrators shall (in this case) be suffered to escape with impunity, there will neither be safety for the persons or the property of any individuals residing in exposed situations in this part of the country, who may happen to become obnoxious to any of the party (we mean Rockites) of which these ruffians are supposed to be members, we hereby offer a Reward of 300£ Sterling, to any person or persons, who shall, within 12 Calendar Months from the date hereof, give information against and afterwards prosecute to conviction, any considerable number of the principals or accessory engaged in this nefarious and also, in like manner, offer the sum of 50£ for such private information within the same time and with strictest secrecy observed, shall lead to the conviction of any considerable number as aforesaid. Application to be made to James GALBRAITH or James WILSON, Esqrs, or to Chief Constable DUFF all of Omagh or to Andrew SPROULE of Grannan. Dated this 21st Dec. 1827
22 May 1828
Notice is hereby given, that the Boundaries of the several townlands which compose the Parish of West Longfield, in the Barony Omagh, in the County of Tyrone, have been perambulated and marked out according to the Act of Parliament, the 6th Geo. IV. Chap. 99 and that hand sketched Maps may be seen by all persons interested at the Office of W. JONES Esq. Chief Boundary Surveyor, in the Town of Omagh, between the hours of 2 and 3 o’clock, until Thursday the 29th May 1828, on which day the Sketch Maps will be forwarded to the Officer commanding the Ordnance Survey in the District and no alterations can subsequently be made.
General Boundary Surveyor
Dublin Castle, 20th May 1828
17 Oct. 1828
A very large and respectable meeting of the protestant inhabitants of the Parishes Upper and Lower Langfield, was held in the meeting house of Drumquin on Thursday, the 9th October, for the purpose of forming a Parochial Brunswick Constitutional Club, when the usual resolutions were unanimously agreed to, and several hundred staunch Protestants came forward to have their names enrolled and paid their subscription, most cheerfully. The following officers were also unanimously elected.
President Rev. Gilbert KING
Alexander BOYLE Esq.
Robert SPROULE Esq.
Rev, Charles ECLIN
Alexander CAMPBELL Esq.
Henry MAXWELL Esq.
Secretary- Edward SPROULE Esq.
Treasurer- Rev. George Wm. STUART
(Sligo Journal)
29 Nov. 1830 – Insolvent Debtor’s Court
Mr. Commissioner Lloyd, will preside in this Court on Saturday, when the following Insolvent Debtors will brought up be heard on their petitions: Rev. Joseph PILKINGTON, of Longfield Co. Tyrone, Clerk
26 Mar. 1833 – Tyrone Assizes
Ed. MORRIS, W. EARLY, R. DONALLY, Jas. DONALLY, Thos. KANE, John HEGARTY &c. to the number of 20 in all, for a riot and assault on the police, at Drumquin, in August last. Not guilty.
Daniel DONALLY for being one of a party who waylaid and beat Edward JOHNSTON at Dressig on 15th Aug. last. – Guilty to be imprisoned 6 months
13 Apr. 1833 died
At Cloverhill near Drumquin Mr. Christopher IRWIN aged 78 years.
2 May 1833 – died
The Reverend Arthur STARS for upwards of 30 years, Roman Catholic Pastor of the Parish of Longfield Co. Tyrone
28 May 1834 – Extraordinary Hail Shower
On Sunday week, during the time of Divine Service, a shower of hail fell on the line of road between Drumquin and Dromore, county of Tyrone, which surprised all who witnessed it. The surface of the ground in about an hour was covered to the depth of 6, and in some places, 8 inches, and so hard and durable was the hail, that traces of it were visible at 12 o’clock next day. What is remarkable is the shower confined itself to a vein of the country about 8 miles in length, varying from one to three in breadth. All the surrounding places were drenched by a heavy rain; there was also a good deal of lightning and some thunder during the time.
19 Jul. 1834 – Descendants Sir Phelim O’NEILL
From the present aspect of affairs, we would certainly be very little surprised if dormant claims to territorial property should be revived, to a considerable extent, in Ireland and more particularly in the escheated counties of Ulster. It would not be astonishing that the O’DOGHERTIES should look with the fondness of hope to Buncrana and the Barony of Innishowen, the BOYLES to Boylagh and the O’NEILLS, O’DONNELLS, and MacNALLIES, to their ancient dominions in Tyrone. This, however, has not yet seemed to occur to any of the descendants of these ancient Lords of the green island and we attribute the circumstance to the characteristic sagacity of our countrymen, who are, we believe, well aware of the great difficulty of unsettling property, provided it belong to laymen and be not lavished in the maintenance of Christian church.
“Golden visions”, however of another description, “fair and sunny,” are still floating before their eyes and under the influence of one of these, all the descendants of Sir Phelim O’NEIL, male and female, are invited to put in their claims to a legacy of two hundred thousand pounds, now in the Spanish Treasury. The particulars, as we are credibly informed are as follow;
Some time in the course of last spring, a man came in one night to a house of entertainment in Omagh. He, after exhibiting a striking appearance of having the charge of an important business committed to him, produced some copies of a paper, which purported to be the last will and testament of Duke Hugh O’NEILL, Count of the Holy Roman Empire and Generalissimo of the Spanish and Mexican forces. Twenty thousand pounds are willed to purchase diamonds for the Imperial Crown of Spain and twenty more for the indigent portion of the Clergy of that country, but the residue amounting to the fore-mentioned large sum, is devised to the descendants of Sir Phelim O’NEILL’S eldest son, Colonel Gordon O’NEILL, the birth of whose children, in this city, before 1689, is registered in the parchment book still in existence and kept with great exactness since the year 1642, The person who brought the document to Omagh suffered copies of it to be taken, for the payment of half a crown each and these, we find, have multiplied in such a way and got into such extensive circulation, that there is not a neighbourhood for 40 miles round which is not agitated by the contending claims of the descendants of O’NEILL to this great legacy. The Peer at present representing this princely family, seems not to have been taken into contemplation in the will, which is dated on the 25th March 1770 and confines the legacy to Roman Catholics; and the most popular claimants in right of the O’NEILL sept of Longfield, in Tyrone, are a decent butcher in Garvagh, an honest man who keeps one of the ferry boats over the Bann, between Downhill and Portstewart. The latter, with his wife and family, passed through this city on Wednesday last, on his way Drumquin, for the purpose of making an investigation into his pedigree and the final establishment of his rightful claim. In the meantime, it would really be an act of humanity for some competent person to make inquiry to our Spanish Ambassador, or some of the British Consuls, whether this document, now so extensively operating in putting poor and honest people to trouble and expense, be genuine or not. We think the sale of the copies, at half a crown each, has a suspicious appearance and we owe it to the public to give this opportunity of procuring that satisfaction for the numerous descendants of Phillemy Roe, which can only be obtained from the constituted authorities of Spain.
1 Aug. 1835 marriage
At Langfield church, the Rev. G. W. STUART of Muff Co. Donegal, to Katherine eldest daughter of the Rev. Gilbert KING of Langfield Glebe Co. Tyrone
29 Dec. 1835 Drumquin
This townland, in regard to the lawless ferocity of a certain faction, fairly vies with Killyman and both throw into the shade all that has been reported of the most lawless and disturbed districts of the South. There Orange Protestantism, which every one knows is the opposite of Christian Protestantism, reigns uncontrolled and its blessed fruits are evinced in the relentless persecution of all, no matter what be their creed, who do not bow down and worship the grim and bloodstained idol a faction.
On 13th October last we published a letter from Mr. Archibald GRAHAM schoolmaster at Drumquin, detailing a series of outrages, such as arson and attempts at assassination, (things apparently quite familiar there) part of which he had the merit of discovering, and by the rest of which he has been a severe sufferer. We have since received a letter from Mr. GRAHAM giving a detail of certain investigations relative to the outrages which have taken place and of which the following is the substance;
On the 30th September last a Petty Sessions was held in Omagh, to receive evidence as to _ Esq., and _, a process server, having, as had been reported, devised the burning of a house, destruction of hay, and breaking of windows the property of John KELSEY of Drumrain Lodge Esq. The Magistrates present were the Rev’ds. C. C. BERESFORD and Thomas STACK; George HILL and Samuel GALBRAITH Esqrs. These gentlemen, in friendly feeling towards whose father had long sat on that bench, warmly exhorted him to shun, in future, the company of _. I was then examined, and deposed to the conversation that Mr. _ had with me, as to his and —’s intention of destroying certain portions of Mr. KELSEY’S property for selfish purposes, and which conversation I communicated to Robert SPROULE Esq., Cloverhill, and Mr. James JOHNSTON, Drumquin, both of whom corroborated my testimony, and the latter proved Mr. _’s confession of the said conversation with me; and, wonderful to tell! although it was farther proved that the hay was destroyed, the windows broken, and other depredations committed, the Magistrates declared they had no evidence against the accused.
Same day the said, _ _ _ (3 blanks that indicate 3 persons) the latter one of Earl Castlestuart’s bailiffs, were called to answer the complaint of James NELSON, Thomas and Charles CALDWELL, Wm. M’NIGHT and others, for their having taken forcible possession of Drumquin School-house, locking their children and me (the Schoolmaster) in the same, and also for breaking the desks and committing a riot. These offenses were all proved; yet, so it was that judgment was withheld for three bench days afterwards and it was not until after the Squire’s escape from Tyrone that a warrant was granted!
The Rev. Mr. SWIFT, Curate of West Langfield. broke the lock on said Schoolhouse door and put on one of his own and now holds the house as his property and for no other reason than that the late Curate, the Rev. C. CROSSLE, told him that I had canvassed for Lord ALEXANDER at the late election, thereby denying me a liberty which he considered no crime to take to himself, as he (CROSSLE) was not inactive for Lord Claude HAMILTON in Tyrone, and for Colonel VERNER in Armagh. This same Mr. SWIFT, on finding a Presbyterian catechism in my school-room, threw it contemptuously out of my desk, saying such things should not be in the school; which catechism I kept for my private use, being a Presbyterian and teacher of a Sunday-school belonging that church which creed and employment have not little contributed to the persecution which I suffer.
On my application to the Irish government they ordered an investigation of the charges preferred by me against C. C. HUNT as his improper treatment of myself in his inquiry after the persons suspected of the illegal and immoral conduct already mentioned. The first was conducted by Sub-Inspector WADE, his (WADE’S) son, and John GALLAGHER, a tithe proctor in West Langfield. I will not characterize the investigation. It led to another. On the 3rd November, by order of the government, the Rev. G. KING, Rector, and the Rev. Mr. SWIFT, Curate of West Langfield, the Rev. J. PILKINGTON. Rector of East Longfield, Samuel GALBRAITH, and Alexander M’CAUSLAND Esqrs. and S. J. WADE, met at Drumquin, for the further investigation of HUNT’S conduct. Let it be here observed, that the above gentlemen are notorious for their Tory, or, as they would rather have it, Conservative principles.
(Mr. GRAHAM here dwells on the spirit manifested towards him by the Commissioners, and proceeds to remark) The issue was, I was rather put upon my own trial than made a witness on that of HUNT. Allegations were raised against my character, which, thank God! has yet stood at their defiance and I trust, by his grace, ever shall, as they have not yet been able to impeach it with any of which a Christian should feel ashamed.
I can boast of having the countenance and support of the most respectable of the inhabitants of both parishes. My only enemies are the mere rabble, to the detection of whose villainy I have been instrumental, and a few other persons who, by rank, should be respectable.
(Mr. GRAHAM proceeds to state what occurred at the examination before a Bench of Magistrates on 28th October, of Michael M’GOLRICK, relative to the burning of a turf stack, belonging to James Drumnaforlie? (surname or townland?), which was one of the incidents in this eventful drama. The informer was subjected to no small insolence on the part of one of the persons implicated in the charge and experienced but very little courtesy from the Bench, with one exception, and he, we believe, a strong Conservative – namely, the Rev. Mr. T STACK, of whose dignified impartiality Mr. G. expresses himself in warm terms. However, M’GOLRICK swore that he saw _?, the process server and, to the best of his belief, _?, the squire, put burning coals into the turf-stack. It might have been supposed that a warrant of commitment would have been at once issued against the persons who thus stood charged upon oath with a serious and not bailable crime. Such, however, is not the fact. The case was postponed till the 11th ult. and a summons was granted to the process-server for the Crown’s witness, M’GOLRICK, for the purpose of invalidating his own testimony; which summons was filled by the Clerk of the Crown and signed by one of the Magistrates. The final result was that the process-server was held to bail, himself in £20 and two sureties £l0 each, to stand his trial next Lent Assizes.
Mr GRAHAM concludes by expressing a hope, in which we cordially join, that the government will direct the whole of this unhappy business to be investigated by the Lord Lieutenant of the County, in whose sound and impartial judgment men of all parties place the most unlimited confidence.
Since receiving Mr. GRAHAM’S letter we have been supplied with new proofs of the lawless and demoniacal spirit which prevails among some in his neighbourhood. On the 9th inst. as John BURKE, one of the Revenue police, stationed at Drumquin, was returning from a Petty Sessions held that day at Omagh, to which he had been summoned to give evidence for the Crown, relative to the malicious destruction cf Mr. KELSY’S property on the night of 16th September last, he was assaulted by a man who stabbed him in several places with a cane sword but Burke succeeded in breaking the weapon which, it seems, belonged to the process-server who has been often alluded to and disarmed the assassin. And, on the of the 12th instant, the house of a poor man named WILSON, who had also been summoned as a Crown witness on the above occasion, was attacked by a mob. who threatened his life unless he engaged to withhold his evidence but WILSON maintained his ground so stoutly that he prevented them from forcing his door.
This is a dreadful state of things – the law placed in abeyance and the lives and properties of respectable persons exposed to the fury of an ignorant, savage and frantic rabble. The most serious consequences are to be if Government do not interfere promptly and vigorously, instituting a rigid enquiry into the causes of such protracted series – such an unparalleled complication of outrages.
2 Jan. 1836
On the 9th inst. as John BURKE, one of the revenue police, stationed at Drumquin, was returning from a petty sessions held that day at Omagh, to which he had been summoned to give evidence for the crown, relative to the malicious destruction of Mr. KELSEY’S property on the night of the 16th Sept, last, he was assaulted by a man who stabbed him in several places with a cane sword but BURKE succeeded in breaking the weapon which, it seems, belonged to a well-known process-server and disarmed the assassin. And, on the night the 12th instant, the house of a poor man named WILSON, who had also been summoned as a crown witness on the above occasion, was attacked by a mob, who threatened his life unless he engaged to withhold his evidence but WILSON maintained his ground so stoutly, that he prevented them from forcing his door.
22 Feb. 1836 – Notice
If Nancy QUIGLEY, a native of Dergbridge or Drumquin, County Tyrone, be living or any of her children, she will hear of something to her advantage, by applying to the Proprietor of the Northern Whig. 18 Feb. 1836
7 Jun. 1836
To MR. Archibald GRAHAM, Teacher of the Londonderry Meeting house School.
We, the Minister and Elders of the Presbyterian Congregation of Drumquin, in connexion with the General Synod of Ulster, feel it our bounden duty to express our unfeigned approbation of your moral and religious conduct, literary merit and great efficiency as a Teacher, during the period of your stay amongst us. And while we feel grateful Providence in providing you with a more respectable situation, we must regret the loss this district sustains by your removal.
Samuel ARMOUR Minister
Charles IRWINE
11 Dec. 1838 – Married
Dec 3rd at St. George’s Church by the Rev. D. Browne, the Hon. and Rev. Francis N. CLEMENTS youngest son of the Earl of Leitrim, to Charlotte, second daughter of the Rev. Gilbert KING Longfield, county Tyrone
9 Mar. 1839 died
On the 2nd inst., at his residence in Drummeenea near Drumquin, MR. Alexander SANDERSON, aged 89 years
22 Mar. 1839 Tyrone assizes
Thomas LINDSAY was indicted for having on the 29th Nov. last, stolen a horse the property of Roger O’NEILL Claraghmore. The jury on a short consultation acquitted the prisoner. (Ballyshannon Herald)
22 April 1840 – Education
On the 6th of May Rev. F. M’HUGH P.P. of Langfield, will re-open and continue his Classical School to prepare young men for entrance into Maynooth College. Terms 1£ 5s., to be paid quarterly in advance.
22 May 1841 – married
On the 14th instant at Langfield Church, Thomas SIMPSON Esq. of Ballyards, Co. Armagh, to Helena, youngest daughter the late Robert SPROULE Esq. Burrelsfolly Co. Tyrone and relict of Henry MAXWELL Esq. of the 98th Regiment
14 Aug 1841 – Assizes
Catherine M’CAHY was indicted for stealing, on the 25 June last, at Langfield, a shift, the properly of Sarah COYLE also, for stealing a sheet, a shift, and a bag, the properly of Mrs. Anne PROCTER Guilty, imprisoned three months.
2 Nov. 1841 died
At his residence, in Claraghmore near Drumquin, on the 22nd instant, Mr. Alexander M’CLANE, at the advanced age of 82 years.
10 Apr 1845 – death
March 29, at his house in Richmond the Rev. Joseph PILKINGTON for upwards of 30 years Rector of the parish of Upper Langfield, diocese of Derry. (Dublin Evening Packet)
16 Apr. 1845 – appointed
The Lord Bishop of Derry has appointed the Rev. Moses LEATHEM to the Living of Upper Langfield, diocese of Derry
11 Nov. 1845 – marriage
On the 6th inst in the Presbyterian Church of Sligo, by the Rev. James Heron, Joseph PILKINGTON Esq. Dublin, eldest son of the of the late Rev. Joseph PILKINGTON Rector of the parish of Upper Langfield diocese of Derry, to Charlotte, third daughter William ROBINSON Esq., Superintendant National Schools of Downpatrick
7 Feb 1846 – died
At Drumquin, on the 23rd ult. Rev. Patrick McDONALD C. C
13 Apr. 1846 – married
On the 10th inst, in the Presbyterian Church, Townsend street, by the Rev. J. Weir, Rev. John DAVIDSON, Drumquin to Anna Maria, third daughter of the late Henry MOORE Esq. Mooremount, Malone
4 Mar. 1847 Birth
On the 23rd ult, at Folley Cottage, Drumquin, the lady of the Rev, John DAVIDSON of a son.
16 Apr. 1847 Established Church appointments (Church of Ireland)
Rev. R. M. HAMILTON to the curacy of Langfield Lower, county of Tyrone
18 Jun. 1847 – notice
Rev. Mr. LEATHEM gratefully acknowledges the receipt of one ton of Indian meal, from the central committee of the Society of Friends, for the relief of the destitute poor in Upper Langfield.
28 Aug. 1847 – The Potato Crop
Another correspondent in Dressog, county Tyrone, writes as follows;
The potato disease has made its appearance, but without any of the violence of last season. It is quite limited in its operation and shows no tendency of spreading and the tubers are not as yet affected, though attached to bad stems. As the disease has appeared most generally in those that are most advanced in growth, I would strongly recommend that, so soon as it appears the stems should be pulled. (Armagh Guardian)
20 Nov. 1851 – marriage
On the 13th instant by the Rev. Moses Leathem, Rector of the Parish Church of Upper Langfield East, Mr. John MOFFET Mountain top, son of Mr. Thomas MOFFET, to Rebecca fourth and youngest daughter of Mr. Charles CALDWELL of Drumrawn near Drumquin
13 May 1852 – married
On the 3rd March last, at Trinity Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. J. P. Duslin D.D., Mr. Andrew GORDON merchant, to Mary, third daughter of Mr. Charles CALDWELL of Drumrawn. near Drumquin, county Tyrone.
22 June 1853 – births on the 12th instant in Upper Langfield, the lady of the Rev. M. LEATHEM of a son
5 May 1854 died
April 28, at the residence of her son, William Johnston, Great Homer-street, aged 75, Jane JOHNSTON formerly of Drumquin, county Tyrone, Ireland.
29 June 1855 – Confirmation in Omagh Church
On Friday last the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe held a confirmation in Omagh Church, when upwards of 300 children from the parishes of Drumragh, Cappagh and Upper and Lower Langfield, were confirmed by his Lordship, after a very impressive lecture on the nature of the baptismal vows. On the day previous his Lordship held a visitation and confirmation in Newtownstewart Church.
23 Oct. 1856 – marriage
October 15th at St. Anne’s Church by the Rev. John Henry King, (son of Rev. Gilbert KING) the Rev. George FINLAY to Isabella, daughter of the Rev. Gilbert KING rector of Langfield Parish, county Tyrone.
19 May 1858 – births – May 9th at Upper Langfield, the wife of the Rev. M. LEATHEM, of a daughter.
4 Jan. 1859 – married
December 28, in the Presbyterian Church, Drumquin, by the Rev. Mr. Davidson, Mr. Richard BARNWELL of Drum, near Omagh, to Miss Olivia BUCHANAN of Drumquin.
17 Apr. 1868 – Upper Langfield Vestry
The annual vestry meeting was held on Easter Monday, in the Parish Church. The Rector, Rev. Henry KENNEDY in the chair, when the Messrs. John and James JOHNSTON were appointed Churchwardens and Messrs M’KAY and MOFFAT Sidesmen, for the ensuing year. A vote of thanks was then passed to the Misses SPROULE of Burrell’s Polly, for their graceful and generous offer to present to the Parish Church a font to be selected by the Rector without any limitation to price.
5 Nov. 1869 – Re-opening of Langfield Church
On Tuesday morning, the parish church of Upper Langfield was reopened by the Lord Bishop of Derry, who expressed himself highly pleased with the improvements in the building. A chancel has been added and, thanks to the zeal and energy of the rector, the Rev. Thomas STACK and his accomplished wife, a handsome organ has been erected. The bishop arrived from Derry at 12.30, and was received by the rector and 15 clergymen. As they slowly walked the aisle, the organ, which was played Mrs. STACK, pealed forth the ” Old Hundredth,” which was taken up by a choir of at least seventy voices. The service was read by Mr. STACK, the lessons for the day by the Very Rev. J. BYRNE Dean Clonfert. The anthem, which was given with great effect, was the “Chorus of Angels” from Mrs. ROBINSON’S cantata. His lordship spoke of the Synod soon to be held in Dublin, begged his hearers not to think they were going to create a new Church and warned them against running into extremes either of Ritualism or anti-formalism. After service the choir and the gentry of the neighbourhood were entertained by Mrs. STACK.
25 Mar 1870
Building Tenders for building a new school House at Mulnavar, in the Parish of Lower Langfield, according to the plan and Specification now in the hands of Mr MULLIN, White Hart Hotel, Omagh, will be received up to April 2nd 1870. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Thomas Lindsay STACK, Lower Langfield Rectory, Newtownstewart
10 Jun. 1870 – Parish of Upper Langfield
Immediately after morning prayer Monday last, a vestry meeting was held in the parish church for the purpose of electing a synods-man. The Rev. H. KENNEDY occupied the chair. On the motion of Mr. M’KAY, seconded by Mr Charles CALDWELL, Richard STACK Esq. Omagh was unanimously elected to represent the parish in the Diocesan Synod.
The chairman, in the course of his observations on the subject of the sustentation fund, announced that he had authority to state that Edward SPROULE Esq. of Burrell’s Folly, would give a donation of £50 and the Misses SPROULE, a yearly subscription of £10. And that Mr. Hamilton BRADLEY, Mr. James KING and Mrs. WOOD of Drumquin, would contribute to the fund a yearly sum of £2 each. Mr. George MOFFATT and Mr. John JOHNSTONE, members of the committee appointed for the purpose, then handed in their statement as to the best means of procuring further contributions for the Sustentation and Parochial Funds.
14 Apr.1871 – Upper Langfield
At the Easter Vestry held in the Parish Church on Monday last, Rev. H. KENNEDY in the chair, Mr John JOHNSTON and Mr George MOFFATT were appointed churchwardens and Messrs. Charles and Christopher CALDWELL as sidesmen for the ensuing year. The following are names of those who were chosen to act as the select vestry;
John JOHNSTON (churchwarden)
George MOFFATT (churchwarden)
Hugh M’KAY
Alexander M’KINLAY
7 Jul. 1871 – Science & Art Department
The following are the results of the May examinations of the science class, taught in the Lower Langfield School, by Mr. W. T. CLEMENTS now teacher the Maghera Parochial School.
Magnetism & Electricity
1st class- Edward WOOD, Wm. JOHNSTON, Robert MAYNE
2nd class – Thomas STEWART, John J. HEMPHILL, Noble JOHNSTON
1st Class – E. WOOD, J. J. HEMPHILL.
Mathematics – 1st stage 2nd class – Thomas STEWART, R. MAYNE.
The following are entitled to Queen’s prizes
Out of eight candidates 7 were successful in geology and 6 in Magnetism and electricity. There were no failures in mathematics.
11 Feb. 1873 – Death from Exposure
A few mornings ago a man named John REID, residing at Paughlisk,near Drumquin was found lying dead on the road side leading to Omagh and in the townland of Dressog. It appears that the deceased had attended some business in the county town on the previous day and was in his usual health but during the day he was seen to be under the influence of drink and in this state, resting himself on the roadside, he is supposed to have fallen asleep and perished in the night time, An inquest has been held on the body and a verdict in accordance with the evidence adduced was returned.
6 Jan 1874 – Lower Langfield Choral Association
On the last day of the year just departed, a public rehearsal of a varied and well-chosen programme was given in the parish room by the above choir. The room was well filled by a highly respectable and appreciative audience and no matter how the experience of chance and change may have sharpened sensitivities of Old Father Time, he must have felt gratified at the obsequies accorded his last departing offspring, and the welcome heralding in the birth the new year. Evidently things go on so in this quiet locality. And here, ‘en passant’, it may not be amiss to give the reader short outline of this locality and surroundings, in order that the minstrelsy of Lower Langfield may be accorded its due need of praise.
Lower Langfield Parish Church and rectory are situated about half a mile to the west of Drumquin, a quiet country village, resting on the eastern border of an extensive background of country, rich in the native elements of pasture and agriculture. The rectory and church, which are only separated by the public road, are embosomed in wood, the only piece of wooded landscape, the eye can rest on in the whole field of view, which embraces a circuit of 20 miles. The parish room is a beautiful edifice, enclosed in the area which the church stands, devoted to all public parochial meetings not connected directly with the sacred ordinances of religion.This room was built through the exertions of the present rector, Rev. Canon STACK, to whom he and his good lady are due the many useful improvements and advances to be found in this parish, compared with others, perhaps more favourably situated. The perfect organisation and discipline of his parish in matters directly relative to religion, and the hearty response of the people under his charge, bear the most complete testimony to his judgment and assiduity; while, at the same time, his anxiety to the cause of education and other social advantages is bearing equally good fruit and, while saying this much for Canon STACK, his distinguished lady is already so well known that word of ours could hardly add laurel to her brow. Suffice it to say that, under her fostering care and tuition, all the musical talent of Lower Langfield has been concentrated and developed in an excellent choir – that which gave the public rehearsal in the parish room on new year’s eve. (besides the choir those who entertained were;)
Masters Tom STACK and A. J. DONALD – both mere boys
24 Apr. 1874 – The Catholic Church The late Rev. P. M’CLOSKEY, P.P.
On Thursday, the 16th inst. the remains of this much lamented clergyman were removed from his residence for interment in the Catholic church of Langfield. The funeral cortege was almost a mile in length ‘ere it reached the church. The priests, wearing scarfs, walked in procession in front of the hearse. Amongst them were the following Rev. Messrs. O’DONNELL P.P, M’NAMEE P.P., O’FLAGHERTY P.P., M’GEE P.P., O’DOHERTY Adm., O’DOHERTY C.C., M’CAULEY P.P., M’CANLEY C.C., KELLY, BOYLE, M’CONOLOUE, BOYLE, KEENAN, CAMPBELL, M’GLAUGHLIN, and many others. The church was draped in black and after solemn Mass for the dead was celebrated, the coffin was slowly lowered into the grave under the altar of St. Joseph. Father M’CLOSKEY was appointed pastor of Langfield in 1863 and from that time attended with an unflagging zeal to the spiritual wails of those consigned to his charge. He was nearly 40 years on the mission and officiated in the following parishes: Malin, Urney, Newtownlimavady, Banagher, Termon, Bellaghy, and Langfield. He is nearly the last of those who received their early education in the Derry College and who once formed a distinguished band amongst the priests of Derry diocese.
27 Jun. 1874 – Omagh petty sessions
This was claim brought by the Rev.. Gilbert M’CORD and Ann M’CORD, executor and executrix of the will Margaret M’CORD, deceased, the tenant of the lands of Bullock Park and in the barony West Omagh and parish of West Langfield, against James GREER Esq., of Mullaghmore. Omagh, the landlord and respondent in respect of said lands. Claimants claimed to be entitled to the benefit of the a usage known as the “Ulster Tenant right Custom,” whereby the tenant occupation is entitled to sell his or her interest, commonly known as his or her tenant-right in his or her holding, subject to the rent at which it was then held, or such fairly valued rent as might from time to time be fixed upon, and should not encroach upon the said interest or tenant-right, at the best price, to any solvent person whom the landlord shall not make reasonable objection; or if about to quit the said holding, or if about to be evicted by the landlord, is entitled to the value of the said interest or tenant-right, if sold to any solvent person, subject to deduction of any arrears of rent due by him. And the said claimants say that having, such executor and executrix aforesaid, served the said James GREER with a notice of surrender of said holding and the said James GREER having refused permission to the said Gilbert M’CORD and Ann M’CORD such executor and executrix, to sell the said interest or tenant-right in said holding and Gilbert M’CORD and Ann M’CORD being disturbed by the act of their landlord in the enjoyment of said holding and the benefit of tenant-right custom therein, they claim the sum of £500 the fair value of said Interest and as payable to them as such executor and executrix of Margaret M’CORD. deceased, by way of compensation under said usage.
Messrs. C. MOORE (Omagh) and M’CAY (Castlederg) appeared for the claimants and Mr. DICKIE was for the respondents.
The notice of dispute served on claimant denied that the custom as stated in claim existed, but that the tenant was entitled to sell his interest at a price not to exceed five years purchase, the incoming tenant to approved by the landlord.
Rev. Gilbert M’CORD examined by Mr. MOORE said My father purchased this farm from James and John MATHEWS on or about the year 1832 or 1833. He was residing there until his death. He bought a part of the farm from man named M’PHELOMY, and that part was unleased. The remainder was leased land. My father also purchased a part from a man named DEVLIN, daring Mr. SPILLAR’S time, for £45. Could not say I heard of this rule being made til lately – at least I did not hear of It. I heard of parties who were being turned out at that time getting five years rent from those who got their farms, but I never got any in that way. We improved the farm made up of these parts very much. I heard of sales in Bullock Park. I left Moorfield in 1851, and last year, when my mother died, my sister, who was living there, determined giving it up. We advertised for sale, and at the auction a Mr. FORBES bought the farm. Mr. GREER, the landlord, would not accept him, and I served notice of surrender and brought this claim. FORBES bought the farm for £620.
A number of witnesses were examined as to sales the Clare estate, which this farm is situate, and also as to improvements made on the lands.
Mr. DICKIE said his case was that, in the year 1845, Mr. SPILLAR purchased the property, on which this farm was situated, in the Court of Chancery, and, owing to difficulties in the way of same he did not succeed in having a deed of conveyance executed until the year 1847. At that time, by the consent of all parties concerned, a rule was established by the estate, that when a tenant wished to part with his farm he was to receive five years rent as purchase money, an additional sum to be paid for manure and buildings, such sum to be settled by arbitration. There were upwards of 90 sales on the estate, all of which were conducted in this way, by the full consent and knowledge of the tenants, as the one gave the other, and so on. When Mr. SPILLAR decided on selling the estate, the tenants came to Mr. GREER and asked him to buy it and said they would agree to a raised rent. When the Land Act was passed some agitators in the neighbourhood sought to establish a rule in order to make a custom which never existed.
James GREER Esq., respondent, was then examined, and denied the right of sale by auction, and went into a lengthened statement regarding the manner in which sales were conducted, after which His Worship mentioned the difficulties in the case, and suggested a settlement between the parties.
He mentioned that Mr. GREER had no objection to Miss M’CORD getting £620, and Mr. FORBES was ready to pay for it.
Mr. GREER said had made inquiries, and did not consider Mr. FORBES a suitable tenant.
Mr. DICKIE – Will you take yourself, Mr. GREER at that money?
His Worship – That would just get over the difficulty.
Mr. GREER – l will just take the farm myself, if your Worship pleases.
His Worship said that, without expressing any opinion to the rule of five years, he did not think it was right to put up the place to public auction. After some further arguments and and suggestions, the case was adjourned to next January Sessions, to allow of settlement being made in this way.
13 Apr. 1877 – marriage
April 6 at Sion Mills Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. David Gordon, Mr. Robert MAYNE, National school teacher. Lower Langfield, Drumquin, to Lizzie, second daughter of Mr. Henry WILKIE of Newtown street Strabane
5 Dec. 1884 – Eviction on the BROOKE Estate
A pitiable occurrence has taken place within quarter of a mile Maguires bridge. An old man named HALL, aged about 70 years of age, with his sister, Ann, also aged, were evicted Friday last from a little holding in the townland of Dressog, held under Sir Victor BROOKE Bart. Only three and a half years rent were due. HALL was at one time one of the most comfortable farmers on the Colebrooke estate, his father owning 3 farms of land and keeping 12 cows. The sheriffs men having left the furniture, &c., on the green grass, the old couple erected a shelter out of the gates and furniture, but the shanty was no defense against the keen frost of Friday night, and the snow of Saturday night. The neighbours have been very kind to the old couple, and taken care that they do not starve and there is a universal chorus of opinion that Sir Victor BROOKE’S comfort and greatness would not have been injured by allowing the old couple to remain in their little holding for the short time they have to live, if not only for the thousands of pounds HALL’S family paid into the rent office. The police have been visiting HALL to induce him to leave where he is, but in vain. He prefers to live and, if it must be, die on the spot where he has spent all his life.
3 May 1889 Co. Tyrone Dision of Omagh
Edward O’NEILL, plaintiff
Thomas O’KANE and William O’KANE Executors of Michael O’NEILL, deceased, Defendants
And Edward O’NEILL, Plaintiff
Thomas O’KANEand Jonn M’ANENA, Executors of Anne O’NEILL, deceased. Defendants
Pursuant to a primary decree of the county court Judge for the said County, made in these consolidated causes, the creditors of and all other persons having any claim upon or to ehe Estates Michael O’NEILL, late of Claraghmore, Drumquin, in said county. Millowner and farmer, who died on the 16th day of June, 1878, and of Anne O’NEILL late of Claraghmore aforesaid, widow, deceased, who died the 14th day of July, 1877. And all persons claiming to be next of kin to said Anne O’NEILL or to her son John O’NEILL who died on the 27th day of August 1876, or to her son Edward O’NEILL, who died the 6th day August 1877, or to her son the said Michael O’NEILL, are hereby required on or before the 1st July, 1889, to send by prepaid registered letter to the clerk of the Peace of said County, or to James RIORDAN Esq. solicitor for the defendants, Omagh, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and in the case of firms the names of the Partners and style of firm, together with the full particulars of their claims or interest, statement of their accounts, the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default thereof they will peremptorily be excluded from the benefit of said decree. And take notice that I have fixed Thurs. 4th July 1889 to attend at my office in the court house at Omagh, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon, to adjudicate on such claims.
L. M BUCHANAN, clerk of the Peace
Thomas C. DICKIE, Solicitor for the Plaintiff
9 Oct. 1890 – married
October 2nd at Minterburn Presbyterian Church by the Rev. D. Manderson, Thomas Charles Walter, second son of the late Thomas MARSHALL, Legana, to Isabella, second daughter of Hugh CADOO, Kilmore, Tyrone
3 May 1895 Death and Funeral of Mrs. M’CORMACK, Barravey, Drumquin
The neighbourhood around Drumquin was wrapped in solemn stillness when the spirit of one its well-known inhabitants passed away in the person of Mrs. M’CORMACK. The above lady was highly esteemed and sincerely beloved by all who were intimately associated with her. as well as those who had but the least acquaintance of her. Her loving voice, her gentle tune, her kind and affable manner, her pleasant, cheering ways will be greatly missed by everyone in the vicinity of this village and especially by those who were ever near and dear to her. Therefore, when the sad occurrence was announced, what was the feeling? It was of deep sorrow and sympathy, every eye was filled with tears, every voice was hushed, as they spake in reverent tones of the loved one departed from their midst. Mrs. M’CORMACK was a resident of Barravey for the last 42 years, during which time she and her husband lived together in perfect love and unity, and during this lengthened period was hardly ever known to complain of sickness. But at last disease seised upon her strong, healthy frame, and in a week her spirit was released from its earthly prison. On Saturday, 6th April, she fell in usual health, but on Sunday morning she felt ill and unable to rise and during the day became worse. Dr. MOWBRAY had to be sent for and during her illness he attended her with the utmost care; also during the week Dr. THOMPSON, of Omagh, was sent for, but all their medical skill was in vain. During the week of her illness she suffered extreme agony of pain, but through all her suffering she was very patient and owing to the severity of the disease, her frame wasted speedily and thereby hastened her death. She was unconscious all the time and spake very little, except when the doctor was attending her, but in a day or two before she died, she spoke none, and one would think she was quite insensible of the pain. During this time she slept constantly, her breathing being very heavy, but as she neared her last it became lighter, until at last she ceased to breath and her immortal spirit quitted this mortal body to dwell with Christ forever, where there is no more death, neither sorrow or pain. Mrs. M’CORMACK was a godly woman. She was converted at the age of 20, and all through her life testified by both her words and life her love to God, and although she is parted from us by the narrow stream of death her presence is still with – and she being dead yet speaketh.
The deceased lady leaves a husband, nine sons and three daughters to mourn her loss. On Wednesday, 17th April, all that was mortal of her was laid to rest in the family burying ground in Lower Langfield Churchyard in presence of a large number of sorrowing and sympathising relatives and friends. Revs. David MARSHALL (Presbyterian) and James LYONS (Methodist) were present on the occasion, and a very touching address was delivered both at the residence of the deceased and at the grave by the Rev. James LYONS. The largest number of equipages seen in the neighbourhood for a many years followed the hearse to the grave.
The chief mourners were – Messrs. John M’CORMACK (husband). William and Adam M’CORMACK (sons), Andrew GRAHAM (brother), William GORDON and Samuel M’ASKEY (sons-in-law), Andrew HAMILTON and James KNOX (brothers-in-law), Cal M’CORMACK, John M’CORMACK John GRAHAM, Joseph GRAHAM, James KNOX, Robert PHILLIPS, Cal SCOTT, Hugh HAMILTON, Charles HEMPHILL, and William SPROULE (nephews); also a large number of acquaintances too numerous to mention.
12 Feb. 1898 died
February 7th at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin, after undergoing an operation, Annie, dearly beloved wife of John J. ANTHONY of 83 Fountain street, Londonderry, butcher, and eldest daughter of the late Robert NETHERY, Magharenny.
Gone, but not forgotten, It leaves desolate home,
She’s gone with Jesus, In her eternal home.
19 Mar. 1909
Edward M’CANNY was granted a decree by the County Court Judge at Omagh in an ejectment on title suit against Mary Anne M’CANNY, with respect to part of the lands Carradoo Glebe, containing about two roods. His Lordship has reversed that decision and dismissed the suit.
Resources At the LDS (FamilySearch) library –
The history of Drumquin Methodist Church by Edward Wood final chapter by John W. Dowse Subject Class 941.64/D2 K2
Carrick in my time by Paddy Harpur Subject Class 941.64/L1 H6 note-rural life and customs of the parish of Longfield West -especially of the townland of Carrick. Other places mentioned include townlands of Kirlish, Dressoge, Carradowa Glebe, Garrison Glebe Carrickbwee Glebe, Dooish all near the town of Drumquin
Graveyards- Drumquin Pres. in Drumquin Longfield East, Langfield Upper CI in Drumrawn Longfield East, Langfield Lower CI in Lisky Longfield West, Drumquin RC in Dooish Longfield West, Langfield Old in Lackagh Longfield West.
Church of Ireland Registers online with a $ (paid) subscription
Langfield Lower 1845 -1921
Langfield Upper 1845 -1917
Langfield Roman Catholic parish
Baptisms 6 Sept. 1846 – 21 Jun. 1881
Marriages 17 Sept. 1846 – 18 Oct. 1880
Deaths 18 Jul. – 2 Feb. 1856
For a definition of the Brunswick Constitutional Club: (mentioned in an article above) http://www.limerickcity.ie/media/Media,4154,en.pdf