Gortnessy (Gortnesay) “Gort-an-easa” means “of the waterfall”. The Gortnessy Presbyterian Church, is in the Civil parish of Glendermot (Clondermot), Barony of Tirkeeran, and County of Londonderry. It is located about 3 miles from the Village of Drumahoe and about 4 miles from the Village of Eglinton, and is in the townland of Gortnessy Lower. It was built in 1842 and for the 2 previous years, the congregation had worshiped in the local school. There is also a cemetery associated with the Church. The people of Gortnessy that are listed within this document, are not necessarily all of the Presbyterian belief.

Heading south-west
Gortnessy Presbyterian Church address;
88 Kilnappy Road
BT47 3LQ
For the list of pew holders in 1866
The following are transcribed by Teena from the Belfast Morning News, Coleraine Chronicle, Derry Journal, Londonderry Sentinel & Standard and the Tyrone Constitution.
Notice 24th Jul. 1836- That there will be a meeting held in Gortnessy School-House on Monday 8th Aug. (1836) at the hour of 4 o’clock for the consideration of building a meeting house in that neighbourhood.
Resolution passed 8th Aug. 1836
“We the subscribers being presbyterian, in connection with the synod of Ulster, do think it necessary and right to form a new congregation and to have a meeting house erected in the lower part of Gortnessy believing that place to be central and 4 miles distant from any house of worship. The figures after the name denote number of sittings (seats) required. (spellings are as recorded)
Joseph MEHARG – 3
Samuel STEWART – 6
James SMYTH – 4
Robert CARR – 7
Hughey HAYS – 7
Joseph SHERARD -3
John GUY – 10
Wm. GREER – 5
James STEWART – 6
Robert HAYS -5
John BLACK – 3
Robert QUIGLEY – 3
Robert POLLOCK – 4
Robert LOGAN – 7
Hughey MARS – 4
James THOMPSON – 8
George INCH (?) -5
Widdo PORTER – 3
Samuel MAYS – 7
James DUNLOP – 3
John POLLOCK – 4
David SCOBEY – 9
Archabald SMYTH – 4
David M’CUTCHEON – 2
Samuel SMYTH – -6
Robert CARR – 3
James M’FARLAND – 5
Samuel M’GERKINS – 5
James POLICK – 3
Samuel M’CLENNON – 3
Robert M’GENKINS – 5
James STUART – 4
Robert PERRY – 5
Daniel CARR – 5
Daniel MAYS – 6
Richard CRAIG – 7
Samuel PAIN -2
Robert PAIN – 1
Widdo GREER – 5
Robert ADAIR – 4
Isack RAMSAY – 6
Widdo M’ALINEY – 2
Jacob CALDWELL – 6
Isack HAYS – 3
Isack GUY – 3
James CALDWELL – 6
John WILLS – 7
John ANDREW – 5
Wm. ANDREW – 3
James SHERARD – 11
Hugh RIGHT – 6
Thomas CRAIG – 8
Robert GUY – 6
Samuel HANNA – 9
John REID – 5
Robert REALY – 7
John SCOBEY – 3
Wm. M’CURDY – 3
John DAVIS – 8
Robert GILFILLAN – 4
John GUY – 6
Samuel BUCANON – 3
John MILLAR – 4
Saney STIRLING – 2
Matthew JAMISON – 2
Elizabeth ORR – 3
John WALLACE – 9
James HUSTON – 5
Thomas JAMISON – 3
David SEMPLE – 5
Wm. HAYS – 3
Martha NEELY – 3
Alexander GILFILLAN – 4
Robert COIHOUN – 5
Widow M’KINNEY – 8
Thomas COCHRAN – 4
John HAIR – 1
David HANNA – 3
Thomas MILLAR – 6
Daniel FARGUSON – 9
Robert PAIN – 2
Nathaniel ALCORN – 7
Widow MILLAR – 6
John M’ALEY – 3
Widow PAIN – 3
Widow HENERY – 3
Alex BUCANAN – 4
George READ – 3
James CRAIG – 2
Robert STARAT – 3
William CANNING – 1
Samuel M’GUY – 5
William LAMBERTON -7
James CALLIN – 3
James BAIRD – 3
Richard MOORHEAD – 4
Wm. GRIVES – 3
John WALKER – 4
Samuel WALKER – 6
Robert GLEN
Joseph MONEY
Samuel CRAIG
John DAVIS -5
Robert MILLS – 6
Hugh MILLS – 9
Peter BROWN – 6
John QUIGLEY – 9
Robert EGIN – 5
James EGIN – 2
George GURLY – 8
Samuel M’CALLOW – 4
Margrot EDGAR – 3
Robert FLEMEN – 3
Widdow M’CALLOW – 4
Wm. HUNTER – 4
Matthew RINKIN – 2
Matthew RINKIN – 4
Wm. HUNTER – 6
Widdow SIMPSON – 3
Wm. CRAIG – 9
Robert CLEMENS – 3
Samuel IRANS – 4
James BIGLEY Sr. – 6
James BIGLEY Jr. – 5
Daniel M’BETH – 2
Wm. BEGLEY – 6
James LONG – 6
John GARNER – 2
Robert MONTEETH – 4
Robert BAR – 7
John M’MULLIN – 8
John M’NAUGHT – 5
Widdow ADAIR – 3
David MONEY – 7
James RENKEN – 4
David MONEY – 3
Joseph POLICK – 6
Robert ALLEN – 6
Abraham DOUGHERTY – 3
James M’ESGIN – 7
John MOONEY – 7
George ALLIN – 3
Thomas ALLIN – 5
William ALLIN – 1
Mary M’GUNIGAL – 1
Cathren THOMPSON – 1
George CALDWELL – 1
Widdow MEHARG – 1
Widdow MILLAR – 1
Widdow HUSTON – 1
Wm. M’MULLIN – 1
Alex. READ – 1
Wm. BEGLEY – 1
Wm. HUSTON – 1
John WARDEN – 1
Samuel DONEL – 8
transcribed from the History of Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by John Rutherford 1938

24 Aug. 1841
On Friday, the 13th instant, the foundation stone of the new Presbyterian Church of Gortnessy was laid by Henry WIGGINS Esq., J.P., agent to the Worshipful Company of Grocers, London, accompanied by his son, Henry WIGGINS jun. J.P. The ceremony was attended by a large concourse of the respectable inhabitants of the neighbourhood, all of whom evinced deep interest in the proceedings of the day.
The Rev. Wm. BROWNE, of Upper Cumber, commenced by singing and prayer, after which the Rev. Wm. M’CLURE of Derry read a few appropriate passages of Scripture, and delivered an address suitable to the occasion. H. WIGGINS sen. Esq., assisted by Mr. Robert FERGUSON, the architect, laid the foundation stone with the usual formalities and assured the assembled people that he felt proud in being called to engage in such a work. The Rev. F. J. PORTER of Donagheady, concluded the interesting and solemn services of the day, addressing the meeting, and pronouncing the apostolic benediction. The Messrs. WIGGINS, the ministers present and a number of the respectable members of the congregation, partook of an excellent lunch in the house of Mr. PARKHILL of Gortnessy, who had kindly consented that a part of his farm should he allocated for the Church and burying-ground. We understand this new and promising congregation have lately given a unanimous call to the Rev. Mr. M’CONNELL a licentiate of the Presbytery of Letterkenny, who, it is expected, will shortly be ordained by the Presbytery of Glendermott.
22 Aug. 1850
On Tues. the 20th inst. at Upper Clenanees Presbyterian Church by the Rev. James Heron, Mr. Hugh Mills CRAIG Edentilone, youngest son of the late Mr. Richard CRAIG Gortnessy, Co. Derry, to Miss Elizabeth REID, youngest daughter of Mr, Adam REID Lisferty Cottage, Co. Tyrone.
17 Apr. 1851 – died
At Gortnessy on the 10th inst. aged 74, Mr. William CRAWFORD (ruling elder in Gortnessy Presbyterian Congregation) much and deservedly regretted by his numerous friends and acquaintances
28 Aug. 1851- married
On Thursday the 21st inst. at Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by the Rev. M. J. M’Connell, Mr. Adam MEGILTON of Cloughole to Sarah Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. MILLER of Tully, Parish of Glendermot
20 Sept. 1854 – married
At the Presbyterian Church, Carndonagh on the 5th inst., by the Rev. John Canning, Mr. James CLARK, of Gortnessy to Anne, only daughter of Mr. ELDER, Letterarr, Malin
15 Feb. 1855 – died
On the 10th instant, in the 92nd year of his, Mr. James CALDWELL of Gortnessy. He served as ensign in the memorable Volunteers of ’82. His truly amiable character and naturally loving and affectionate heart, endeared him to many valued friends.
15 May 1858 – married
On the 9th instant in the Great James Street Presbyterian Church by the Rev. James Denham D.D., Mr. John NICHOL Orchard Street, Londonderry to Martha fouth daughter of Mr. STERRETT Gortnessy, Co. Derry. (Banner of Ulster)
13 Jan. 1859 – died, December 2nd at Philadelphia, James, eldest son of Mr. John WILLS of Gortnessy.
19 Dec. 1860 – married
December 6th in the Presbyterian Church, 1st Glendermott, by the Rev. A. Buchanan, Mr. John CALDWELL of Gortnessy, to Miss Isabella CALDWELL of Mullabuoy
2 May 1861 – died
April 18th at her residence, Gortnessy, in the 82nd year of her age, Nancy, relict of the late Mr. William CRAWFORD
15 Jun. 1861 – Address and Presentation
Lately the Presbyterian congregation of Gortnessy presented their esteemed pastor, the Rev. W. J. M’CONNELL with a purse, containing £60, a small token of their appreciation of his faithfulness and earnestness in the pastorate of the congregation for a period twenty years.
15 Jul 1863 married
On the 9th in the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Clarendon street, Derry by the Rev. Josias A. Chancellor, Mr. Thomas CRAWFORD of Gortnessy, to Miss Matilda HALL, Upper Tully.
29 Aug. 1863 – died
August 18th at Gortnessy, Mary CRAWFORD, aged 62 years. (Ballymena Observer)
13 Jan. 1865 Breach of the Fishery Laws
Mr. David HENRY, Inspector of Fisheries, summoned two youths, named John SIMPSON and William M’ANEVISTON both of Gortnessy, for having the 23rd December last, during the close season, fished for and taken a salmon from the river Faughan, thereby subjecting themselves each to a penalty not exceeding £10, together with the net, or engine by which the fish was taken. Only one of the defendants, John SIMPSON was present.
William M’INTYRE having been sworn, stated the circumstances under which he found John SIMPSON and two others, fishing on the above named day. Two of the three immediately decamped, but SIMPSON had first pulled out a fish from the river with a hook. On being asked what he had to say for himself, SIMPSON at once admitted that he had been fishing and had caught a fish at the time stated, but he did not know that it was wrong to do so. He assured the magistrates, however, that he would not do so again. A number of farmers were in court who gave the boy SIMPSON, a very excellent character. Mr. CORSCADEN reminded the magistrates of the serious nature of the offence and the great danger that was done to the fisheries by the destroying of fish during the close season and also of the determination on the part of the lessees to do all in their power to put an end to the practice. The Bench taking into account the youth and excellent character of the defendant and the alleged circumstance that he had fished in ignorance of the laws, together with his assurance that he would not do so again, fined him in only the mitigated penalty of 10 shillings, including costs. The fine was paid for him in court.
20 May 1865 – married
May 17th in Gortnessy Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. W. J. M’Connell, Mr. Samuel RUSSELL teacher of Oghill National School near Derry, to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. W. M’CULLOUGH teacher, Waterside, Derry.
16 Aug. 1865 married
August 14th in Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W. J. M’Connell, Mr. James CULLEN Coolkeeragh to Sarah, youngest daughter of Mr Thomas DOHERTY Edenreagh, both of Co. Derry
19 Aug.1865 married
At Gortnessy Presbyterian Church on the 11th (or 14th? very faded) instant, by the Rev. J. M’Connell, Mr James CULLEN Coolkeragh to Sarah, youngest daughter of Mr. DOHERTY, Edenreagh, both of County Derry.
14 Nov. 1866 Sanitary Reports- Eglinton District
The clerk read the following communication, forwarded bv Henry WIGGINS Esq., in reference to the sanitary state of this district.
To the Committee of the Eglinton Dispensary
l happy am to state that the health of the district is very good at present. With the exception of a few cases of scarlatina, at Balinamore, we have no infectious disease. I may state that a very marked improvement has taken place during the past few years in the construction of labourers cottages, sewerage, ventilation and eligible sites being particularly attended to; but I regret to say, that in many places over the district, especially houses built on, or near the roadside, nuisances exist, unsightly, unhealthy, and in some instances, exceedingly dangerous. I would suggest attention to the townlands of Mobuoy, Gortagerty, Lower Gortnessy and Edenreagh. l am, gentlemen, your obedient servant
(Signed) J. M’COLLUM M.D. Eglinton
It was then resolved by the Board that Dr. M’COLLUM be asked to make a farther report to this committee next month, and that if the places referred to, still remain in the same unsatisfactory state, the Guardians will take proceedings against the owners or occupiers.
16 Feb. 1867 Derry Rural Petty Sessions
Selling Spirits without a License
Bernard GORMLEY, labourer, residing at Gortnessy and Michael LYNN, cooper, living in Drumhugh, were charged with the above offence by Constable RISK, were fined each in 5s. and costs.
14 Dec. 1867 – Derry Rural Petty Sessions
At these sessions held in the Court house on Wednesday, before James MURRAY Esq. J.P.; Walter GREEN Esq. J.P., and Robert W. NEWTON Esq. J.P., on the information of Constable KENNEDY, Waterside, ex-officio Inspector of Weights and Measures for the district around the city, the following persons were fined including costs of court, viz.;
Hugh WRIGHT, Gortnessy, butcher (4 light weights and unjust beams and scales in use on his premises) fined 2s. 6d. And costs
Wm. GETTY, Gortnessy fined 1s. and costs, for using one unjust weight.
Henry M’HUGH, Gortnessy for using an illegal weight, fined 1s. and costs
Bernard GORMLEY, Gortnessy for having in use, on his premises, 3 unjust weights fined 1s. and costs.
In addition the defective weights and measures in every instance were forfeited.
27 May 1868 married
May 21st at the Presbyterian Church, Gortnessy, by the Rev. W. J. M’Connell, Mr. William BELL, teacher, Gortnessy to Hannah, third daughter of Mr. William ANDREWS, Gortnesay.
22 Aug. 1868 Rural Petty Sessions
leaving Service
James WALLACE, farmer, Gortnessy, summoned his hired servant, Mary KEARNEY, for leaving his service without leave. The defence was that the servant, who is only 16 years of age, had been hired only for indoor work and that she had been put to out-door work. After hearing all the evidence, the Bench gave the defendant the option of paying a fine of ten shillings, going to prison for a fortnight, or going back to her employment. The fine was paid in court.
23 Sept. 1868 died
September 22nd at her residence, Gortnessy, Annie Mary, daughter of Mr. Thomas CRAWFORD, aged 8 months.
The Gortnessy National school had on the roll in October 1868 – 10 Established Church children; 17 Roman Catholics; and 69 Presbyterians. The Roman Catholic and the Established Church children there, would have to go, each, at least 4 miles for a school, under a manager and teacher of their own denomination.
Where is Gortnessy? It is about 5 miles from the city of Londonderry and about 4 miles from the village of Eglinton. The manager of that school is an Episcopalian, or at all events the correspondent is. The manager is the Worshipful the Grocers Company of London. The teacher is a Presbyterian.
Reports from Commissioners Vol. 28, Part 3 1870 Page 720
2 Mar. 1870 Child Desertion
An infant was found the other day at Gortnessy. The Waterside constabulary have charge of the case. It is hoped that the mother will be brought to justice.
30 Mar. 1870 married
March 25th in Crossroads Presbyterian Church by the Rev. S. M’Clure, Mr. David CALDWELL, Gortnessy, to Rebekah, daughter of the late Mr. Henry CLARKE, Portlough
20 Feb. 1871 died
February 12th at Gortnessy, Elisabeth PAYNE, aged 60 years
25 Oct. 1871 died
October 23rd at her residence, Gortnessy, Jane HART, aged 55 years.
27 Mar. 1872 died
March 23rd at his residence, Gortnessy, Mr. Hugh HAYES aged 86 years.
25 May 1872 Amateur Concert at Gortnessy
An amateur concert, vocal and instrumental, was given in Gortnessy National School on the evening of Friday, the 17th inst., and was a complete success in every respect, the large school-room being completely filled with a respectable audience. Thomas LECKY Esq. J.P., Londonderry Light Infantry, occupied the chair, with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of the audience. A number of the pupils of the school, under the leadership of Mr. BELL, the teacher, rendered several pieces of music in a style which showed that their education, in a musical point of view, is being well attended to. Several friends from a distance kindly assisted. Messrs. DICKSON, GOLIGHER and ARCHIBALD gave a number of recitations in first class style and Mr. W. THOMPSON read “A Leap Year’s Wooing” in a manner that gave the greatest satisfaction. Messrs. CONNOR, M’CLELLAND and PARKHILL sang two glees very nicely, the two former gentlemen also giving a number of solos, which were highly appreciated. Mr. Hugh HUNTER sang with his usual good taste and was well received by the audience while he sang “Blue Eyed Nellie.” In the instrumental department the chief attraction was Mr. James CALDWELL, whose performances on the violin called forth the hearty plaudits of the audience. A brass band (composed of a few enthusiasts from the local bands lately deceased), led by Mr. BELL performed a choice selection of music at different times during the evening. After a few remarks from the chairman in responding to a vote of thanks (proposed by Mr. THOMPSON and carried by acclamation), the concert was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem. The proceeds are to be applied in purchasing premiums for the pupils of Gortnessy School.
11 Mar. 1873
March 6th at Eglinton Episcopal Church by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, Mr. John THOMPSON of Ballykelly, Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. James ANDERSON, Gortnessy.
6 Aug 1873 married
August 5th, at Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by the Rev. W. J. M’Connell, Charles P. STEWART to Kate, only daughter the late Mr. James ORR surveyor, both of Londonderry
8 May 1874 married
May 7th in Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by the Rev William J. M’Connell, Mr Saml. RUSSELL, Belfast, to Mary, daughter of the late William ANDREWS, Gortnessy
4 Jan 1875 married
December 24th in Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by the Rev. J. M’Connell, Mr. Robert M’IVOR, Keery, to Lizzie, second daughter of the late Mr. Andrew CURRY
18 Aug. 1875 died
Aug. 15th at Edenreagh, Gortnessy Martha wife of Thomas CRAIG aged 75 years. (Ulster Examiner)
7 Feb. 1876 A Valuable Cow
Mr. Robert PAYNE, Gortnessy, is the owner of a cow which lately calved 3 fine calves, 2 bulls and one heifer, and during the previous year the same animal dropped two heifer calves, making in all, five within the brief period of two years. The cow wants yet, a month of being three years old.
29 May 1876
May 25th at his residence, Gortnessy, James HAYES
1 Jan. 1878 died
December 30th at his residence, Gortnessy, Joseph CRAWFORD aged seventy-six years
9 Jul. 1878 died
July 7th at her brother’s residence, Edenreagh, Gortnessy, Co. Derry, Eliza CRAIG, aged 74 years.
25 Mar. 1879 died
March 24th at the Manse, Gortnessy, Jane, wife of the Rev. W. J. M’CONNELL. The interment will take place at Gortnessy at eleven o’clock on Thursday, 27th inst. Friends will please accept this the only intimation.
8 Aug. 1879 Rural Petty Sessions
Constable WARD summoned James WILSON, Gortnessy, for having light weights in his shop on 18th July last. Fined 1s and costs.
23 Dec. 1879 died
December 19th at the Workhouse, Londonderry, Robert PAYNE, Master, eldest son of Robert PAYNE, Gortnessy.
12 Dec. 1881 married
December 8th at Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by the Rev. William Colvin LL.D., Mr. Thomas FORBES Waterside Derry to Miss Lizzie RANKIN Tamnareagh
7 Mar. 1889
March 5th at Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by the Rev. N. J. Baxter. Mr. T. STANAGE to Anne, eldest daughter of Mr. John FERGUSON, both of Cleggan
29 Sept. 1893 married
Sept. 27th at Gortnessy Presbyterian Church, by Rev. John Johnston, assisted by Rev. John Cochrane, brother of the bridegroom and Rev. Ross Millar, brother of the bride, James COCHRANE Lettermire, to Maud, daughter of James MILLAR, Lettermire
9 Aug.1899 Charitable bequests
In the Goods of Robert THOMPSON, late of Killennan in the County of Londonderry, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 30th and 31st Vic., cap. 54, that the said Robert THOMPSON, in his Will, dated the 20th Aug. 1898 after making several pecuniary and specific devises and bequests, directed that of £200 to be invested and the interest or income thereof, paid as stipend to the Minister of Gortnessy Presbyterian Church and also directed a sum of £200 to be invested and the annual Income thereof paid to, or through, said Gortnesey Presbyterian Church to the Ssustentation fund of said Church. And testator appointed Mr. David John THOMPSON of Killennan aforesaid, farmer and Mr. Robert MOONEY of Bridge street, Londonderry, executors and trustees of his said Will and Probate thereof, with one codicil thereto, dated 17th Sept. 1898, was granted at the District Registry at Londonderry of Queen’s Bench Division (Probate) of the High Court of Justice in Ireland on the 12th Jan.1899 to said David John THOMPSON, one of said Executors and Trustees. Dated this 4th Aug.1899 Samuel MORRISON solicitor for said executor, Castle street, Londonderry
13 Jul. 1900 married
July 10th at Gortnessy Presbyterian Church by Rev. N. J. Baxter, Robert M’CLELLAND Moneyhanaghan, county Derry, to Lizzie Rosborough, daughter of Wm. LAMROCK Aughill, county Derry.
27 Jan. 1905 Legal Notices Notice to the Creditors
In the goods of Thomas WILLS, late of Gortnessy in the County of Londonderry, farmer, deceased. All persons having any claims against the Estate or effects of said deceased, who died on the 25th Dec. 1904 are required to furnish particulars thereof (in writing) to the undersigned solicitor for the executors on, or before, 15th Feb. 1905.
Solicitor for said executors 6 Castle Street Londonderry
Notice of Charitable Requests
In the Goods of Thomas WILLS late of Gortnessy in the County of Londonderry, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes 30 and 31 Victoria, Chapter 54, that the said Thomas WILLS who died on the 25th Dec. 1904, by his will dated the 26th July 1900, among other Legacies, bequeathed to the session of Gortnessy Presbyterian Church the sum of £50 free of Legacy Duty, said sum to be placed at interest and the interest to be applied yearly in the purchase of prizes for children attending the Sabbath school in the said Church.
And said testator appointed John M’AULEY of Gortree and Hugh WRIGHT of Gortnessy, both in the Co. Londonderry, executors of the said will, to whom probate was granted on the 24th Jan. 1905 from the District registry at Londonderry of the High Court of Justice in Ireland, King’s Bench division (probate) dated 25th Jan. 1905 M. C. FEENY
24 Feb. 1905 married
February 20th Gortnessy Presbyterian Church, by Rev. N. J. Baxter. Robert Sharpe HENRY, Waterside, Derry to Mary A. MOONEY daughter of the late Mr. John MOONEY of Lettershandoney, Derry.

Looking south-east towards Brockagh Mountain
Photograph courtesy of Kenneth Allen
Griffith’s Valuation Index of names & places in Gortnessy
Church Education Society
COLL Edward
CRAIG Michael
CRAIG Thomas
DUNN Alexander
GIBSON Bernard
GUY Isaac
GUY John
HAYES Robert
JAMESON Margaret
KANE William
LYNCH Charity
McCONNELL William J.
McCUE Henry
McMULLEN Abraham
MARS Robert
PAYNE Robert
Presbyterian Meeting House and Graveyard
School – House
SMYTH Thomas
Available records of Gortnessy Presbyterian Church
The Causeway Coast and Glens (formerly Coleraine) Family History Society http://colerainefhs.org.uk/
Baptisms 1839 -1983
Marriages 1845 -1977
PRONI (Public Records Office of Northern Ireland)
- MIC1P/189 -Records of Gortnessy Presbyterian Church
- CR3/63/1 – list of seat-holders and the annual stipend payable by each. There are also details of cash accounts and a list of subscribers towards building the congregational stable.
- D2854/1 – 1796-1905 Miscellaneous papers relating to Edenreagh and Gortnessy
- FIN/5/A/76A – c.1820-c.1840 Tithe applotment for the parish of Clondermot
other sources-
book – Irish names of places by P.W. Joyce 1913
book – Atlas and cyclopedia of Ireland. Part I
Ask about Ireland