It is with my sincere gratitude to David McKamey for the photographs of Drumachose Presbyterian Church & Graveyard, that are displayed on this page.
Drumachose Presbyterian Church & Graveyard built 1875-77, which replaced a church of 1743. Address; 27 Church Street, Limavady, Co. Londonderrry, U.K. BT49 0BX

Photographs by David McKamey

This congregation originated in a dispute relative to the choice of a minister in Newtownlimavady in 1742. Many of the people were favourable to Mr ARESKINE or ERSKINE, but his opponents obtained possession of the meeting house and induced the Presbytery of Antrim to ordain Mr Joseph OSBORNE. Mr ERSKINE’S friends, were now formed into the congregation of Drumachose and he was ordained by the Presbytery of Derry on the 4th May 1742. Mr ERSKINE’S ministry was not comfortable. He was often in collision with his brethren and he was charged with various irregularities. He demitted the charge in 1761, and was succeeded by Mr Jacob DAVIS, who was ordained here by the Presbytery of Route on the 26thApril 1763. He died 30th Dec. 1786, leaving a widow. The next minister was Mr Daniel BLAIR, who was ordained here in the end of May 1788. He died here on the 10th Feb. 1811, leaving a widow and family, and was succeeded by Mr Richard DILL, formerly minister of Buckna, who was installed here on the 10th Mar. 1812. He resigned the charge 28th Jan. 1823 and removed to the adjoining congregation of Ballykelly. The next minister was Mr John M’LAUGHLIN, who was ordained here on the 28th Sept. 1824. Mr M’LAUGHLIN died suddenly on the 3rd Nov. 1831, and was succeeded by Mr George STEEN, who was ordained by the Presbytery of Route on the 12th Mar. 1833. Mr STEEN resigned the charge on the 31st Mar. 1845, and removed to the lately erected congregation of 2nd Newtownlimavady, and on the 25th Nov. 1845, Mr Nathaniel M’Auley BROWN, now D.D., was ordained to the pastoral charge. According to the last return, the congregation consists of 206 families.
History of Congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland by William D. Killen 1886

In Memory of Marcus Doherty, his infant son, William, his son, James Wilson, his son, Marcus Evans Doherty, and his wife, Jane Doherty, alias Wilson.
Derry Journal 2 May 1883 – deaths
April 30th at her residence Main street, Limavady, Jane, relict of the late Marcus DOUGHERTY. Her remains will be removed for interment in Drumachose Presbyterian Church burying ground at eleven o’clock to-morrow (Thursday) the 3rd inst. Friends will please accept this, the only intimation.

In Memory of
James Loughrey
who fell asleep in Jesus
23rd May 1893
aged 75.
Also his Daughter-in-Law
Annie Loughrey
who died
11th Feby. 1912
aged 44 years.
Also his son
James Loughrey
killed in action in France
9th April 1917
Also his Wife Mary Swan
who died 17th December 1920
aged 87 years.
And his son
John Loughrey
who died 26th April 1932
Also his Daughter-in-Law
Sarah Jane Loughrey
Died 12th August 1979 aged 81 years.

In Remembrance of Rachel Elizabeth Moore
Died 13th March 1966
Samuel John Adams
Died 5th September 1970
Albert Moore
Died 11th September 1974
Erected By
Nancy Young
And Rachel McIver, Ballyhanna
in memory of our Dear Father and Mother
Henry Wallace
who died 7th June 1900. aged 94 years
Also his wife Ann
who died 27th April 1876. aged 74 years
Also their sons-in-law
George Fisher
who died 4th Oct. 1878. aged 31 years
Also Thomas Young
who died 4th Nov. 1909. aged 65 years
And his son
William James Young”Gone but Not Forgotten”
McCRACKEN -Glenkeen

Loving Remembrance
Beloved Wife of
Robert McIntosh
who departed this life 20th Novr. 1903
aged 59 years
Also John eldest son of above
who died July, 1882
aged 10 years
Also infant son
died February, 1883
Also her husband
Robert McIntosh
Died 25th Dec. 1914 aged 73
Also sons
George Hamilton,died at sea
1st Oct. 1913 aged 33 years
James Reid,
died 14th March 1962
aged 89 years.
died 22nd September 1964,
aged 77 years.
Also their daughter
Sarah Caroline,
died 9th October 1974,
aged 90 years.

In Memory
Alexander McFeeter,
who died 8th April 1883,
aged 84 years.
Also his wife, Fanny
who died 24th October, 1894,
aged 76 years.
And their son, Andrew
who died,
18th Novr. 1896,
aged 55 years.
Also their son, Robert,
who died, 11th Jany. 1906
aged 63 years.
21 Nov. 1896 Sudden Death of Mr. A. M’FEETER, OF Limavady Junction
We deeply regret to learn of the painfully sudden death of Mr. Andrew M’FEETER of Junction Farm, which sad event occurred in Derry on Wednesday. Mr. M’FEETER, who was a most estimable farmer, was in Derry cattle market with his brother, to whom he complained of feeling cold. His brother caught hold of him, or he would have dropped on the street in an unconscious condition. He was assisted into Mr. John DOHERTY’S, of Joseph Street and Dr. BYRNE sent for. On the latter arriving, every possible remedy was applied, but Mr. M’FEETER gradually sank and in a little over a couple of hours, died without having regained consciousness. The cause of death was apoplexy. The late Mr. M’FEETER was well known in almost the entire county and was as highly respected as he was widely known. There will be very great regret among all creeds and classes at his unexpected demise. He was a member of Drumachose Presbyterian Church and took a warm interest in all its affairs. He was often called upon in cases of arbitration and his decisions always gave the utmost satisfaction. There were few more upright and honourable gentlemen and he took an active and intelligent interest in all that affected the farming class. His kindly words and friendly advice were ready for all. He was a near relative of Messrs. A. & W. M’FEETER, drapers, Bridge Street, Coleraine. (Coleraine Chronicle)
16 Jan. 1906 Funeral of Mr. Robert M’FEETER of Junction Farm
The funeral of this highly esteemed and popular gentleman, whose sudden death on Thursday was the cause of universal sorrow over the town and district, took place Saturday forenoon. The sympathy of the urban and rural population was publicly demonstrated by the representative attendance that followed the remains to their last resting place in Drumachose Presbyterian Churchyard. The late Mr. M’FEETER died of apoplexy about an hour prior to the time he was to have presided over a public meeting in support of the candidature of Mr. Hugh T. BARRIE J.P., and the blow came with such suddenness that the whole countryside was plunged into grief in the hour of their anticipated rejoicings. In addition to the large contingent of public and business men and the various professions, Mr. BARRIE attended the funeral. The long line of vehicles on the very worst of wintry mornings that were present from all parts was notable indication of deceased’s popularity. The numerous workmen on the extensive farm, who will miss him more than any others, attended in their full strength and occupied a prominent place in the mournful procession behind the hearse.
Amongst the chief mourners were Messrs. A. and R. M’FEETER, Coleraine, and Messrs. Robert DOUGLAS (Farloe) and James DOUGLAS (Maine). The Rev. Dr. BROWN, of whose congregation the deceased was a worthy member, conducted the burial service and paid a high tribute in his touching address to the memory of the departed. (Londonderry Sentinel)
19 Nov. 1908 Death of Miss Margaret M’LEOD, Drummond
On Tuesday last, after a prolonged illness extending to a number of years, Miss M’LEOD, daughter of the late Mr. William M’LEOD, died at the residence of her nephew, Mr. John WILSON, Drummond. Miss M’LEOD was well known and respected in the district, where indeed, she had spent all her lifetime. In years she had well nigh reached the allotted span. She was a member of Drumachose Presbyterian Church and in earlier years when health permitted, she regularly attended its services. The funeral took place on Thursday morning, the place of interment being the burying ground adjoining Drumachose Presbyterian Church. Prior to the removal of the remains an appropriate service was conducted by Rev. William M’NUTT B.A. The funeral cortege was large and indicative of the respect in which the family is held in the district, the farming community, merchants and professions being largely represented. The chief mourners were Messrs. John M’LEOD, brother; John WILSON, Wm. WILSON, Jas. M’LELLAND and Thomas M’LEOD, nephews; James M’FEETER (Junction) and Andrew M’FEETER (Coleraine), cousins; and John GAULT. The service at the graveside was conducted by Rev. Wm. M’NUTT. (Ballymoney Free Press)

In memory
James Anderson
Late of Drumgesh,
who died 21st November 1869,
Aged 77 years.
Also his beloved wife,
who died 26th June 1887, aged 85 years.
And daughters
Died 23rd January 1884.
Died 9th August 1891.

In Memory
Sarah McCLelland
who died 27 March 1886
aged 75 years.
Also her husband
James McClelland
who died 17th June 1896,
aged 85 years.Also their son
George S. McClelland,
who died 9th November, 1934Catherine, dearly beloved
wife of Alexander McClelland
who died 22nd April 1928aged 74 years.And the above
Alexander McClelland who died 16th May 1941
aged 87 years.

In Loving Memory
Margaret McLeod
of Drummond
Who died on the 7th day of Nov 1880,
aged 78 years.
And her husband
William McLeod,
who died on the 15th day of June, 1887,
Aged 85 years.
Also their son William,
Who died on the 19th day of July, 1906,
Aged 68 years.
(transcriber’s note- I do not know whether the following names in the 2 entries were Presbyterians, only that the name & locations are the same)
18 Nov. 1865 Melancholy Accident
A young woman, daughter of Mr. Wm. M’LEOD of Drummond, had been rolling flax in her father’s mill, on Saturday last, when by some mismanagement, the poor girl’s fingers were caught in the rollers and her right hand and arm dragged in; fortunately the mill was not in speedy motion at the time; as it was, two of the fingers were cut off and the remaining fingers and arm dreadfully crushed. Wm. LANE Esq., M.D., was immediately in attendance and rendered every necessary and practical professional assistance. (Londonderry Standard)
21 May 1897 died
At the residence of his uncle (Mr. William M’LEOD), Drummond, William M’CLELLAND, aged 26 years.

the Memory of William
Alcorn who died 30th October
1867 aged 72 years.
and Mary Jane who died
15th July 1869 aged 29 years
Also Martha his wife
who died 12th February 1880
aged 70 years

Left Headstone
To the Remembrance of
Sarah Kennedy
who died 23rd June 1865
aged (18?) years
Thomas Kennedy
who died 5th January 1866
aged 21 years
Right Headstone
In Memory of
Andrew Kennedy
and his wife Mary
also their children
Mary Ann died 13th May 1879
Fredrick died 5th Feb. 1899
William died 6th Sept. 1914
Martha Jane
died 28th Dec. 1915
died 7th March 1927

In Memory of
James McCaughey
who died 21st Nov 1880
Aged 82 years
Also his wife Ann
who died 17th Nov. 1875
Aged 64 years

by David Jackson
In Memory of
His father and Mother
Whose remains lie here
The said David Jackson
who died 19th Jany. 1877
Aged 71 years.
And his sons
John Jackson
who died 5th March 1928,
David Jackson
who died 30th August 1932.
Also Mary Ann McNultey
Their faithful servant
Who died 30th Dec. 1925.

The following articles transcribed by Teena from the Banner of Ulster, Belfast Newsletter, Coleraine Chronicle, Derry Journal, Londonderry Standard and Northern Whig (unless otherwise noted)
20 Jun. 1837 church elder
Mr. John LINTON one of the elders of the Drumachose Presbyterian congregation
25 Jul. 1837 married
On the 13th Instant at Nn-Limavady, by the Rev. G. Steen, Mr. Samuel BOYD, Drumachose. to Peggy, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas WYBRANTS, miller, Pennyburn.
3 Mar. 1840 church elder
Mr. HUNTER is an Elder of the Drumachose Presbyterian Congregation
14 Mar. 1846 married
On the 5th inst. by the Rev. Nathaniel M. Brown of Drumachose, Mr. William ROSS, Gortnarney to Miss Catherine Ann STEELE Keady, near Newtownlimavady.
23 May 1846 – married
- On the 1st inst. at the Presbyterian Church Drumachose by the Rev. N. M. Brown Mr. Joseph M’COOK of Drumachose to Miss Abagail SMITH of Macosquin
- On the 18th inst. at the Presbyterian Church Drumachose by the Rev. Nathaniel M. Brown, Mr. Jacob GLENN to Miss Eliza. O’BRIEN, both of Aughanloo.
- On the 15th instant in the Presbyterian Church, Drumachose by the Rev. Nathaniel M. Brown, Mr. Robert M’INTOSH to Miss Jane PATTON, both of Drumachose.
13 Mar. 1847 married
On the 25th ult., in the Presbyterian Church, Drumachose by the Rev. Nathaniel M. Brown, Mr. Jacob TURBITT to Miss Jane OLIVER both of Aghanloo, Newtownlimavady.
25 Feb. 1849 married
On the 8th inst., in Drumachose Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. N. M. Brown. Mr. Joseph IRWIN, merchant, of Newtownlimavady, to Miss OLIVER of Derrybeg.
12 Feb 1852 Drumachose Presbyterian Church
An able and edifying discourse was delivered in this church, on Sabbath, the 8th inst., the Rev. John MACNAUGHTEN of Belfast. After the sermon a collection was taken to aid in completing the repairs of that ancient place of worship. The congregation was large and the collection amounted to upwards of £40.
The collectors on the occasion were;
William CATHER
Henry Taylor J.P.
Samuel LONG
Marcus DILL M.D.
Thomas MOODY to whom the Rev. N. M. BROWN, on behalf of himself and the congregation, tenders his best thanks. To the public who were present, and contributed to the object in hand, the minister and people of Drumachose also feel grateful.
12 Mar. 1853 died
At the Glebe, on the 2nd inst., Mr. Jackson HUTCHISON for many years ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church. Drumachose, aged 65 years. Through life he was distinguished by many of the graces which adorn the true Christian and his loss is much felt and deeply regretted, in the district in which he resided.
14 Dec. 1854 married
On Tuesday the 12th instant by the Rev. N. M. Brown, Drumachose, Mr. William COCHRANE, Benoan Cottage, Donemana, County Tyrone, to Martha Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. William GIVEN of Nn-Limavady.
13 Nov. 1856
On the 10th inst., at Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Nn Limavady, by the Rev. N, M. Brown, Mr. Andrew M’INALL, draper, Glasgow, to Ruth, third daughter of Mr. Wm. RANKIN, Nn-Limavady.
29 May 1858 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Newtownlimavady, on the 26th instant by the Rev. N. M. Brown, Mr. Joseph DAVIS draper, to Isabella eldest daughter of Mr. John IRWIN of Drumaderry.
28 Aug. 1858 married
At the Presbyterian Church, Drumachose on the 26th instant, by the Rev. Robert Gault, of Glasgow, brother to the bridegroom, Thomas GAULT Esq., Walkmills. Newtownlimavady to Marianne, younger daughter of the late Stephen MOORE of Newtownlimavady.

In Loving Memory
Thomas Forsythe,
Who died 26 Nov 1888, aged 72 years.
And his beloved wife
Who died 1st May 1893, aged 70 years.
Also their son John,
Who died 25th April 1925,
Aged 71 years.
“We Loved them, Yea, No Tongue can Tell
How Deep, How Dearly, and How Well.
Christ Loved them too and Thought Best
To Take them Home With Him To Rest”
1850 (no day or month)
Married at Drumachose Presbyterian meeting-house, by the Rev. N. M. Brown, Mr. Thomas FORSYTHE, Artikelly, to Rachel, sixth daughter of Mr. Joseph KING, Carrydoo, Newtownlimavady.
(published 26 Dec. 1912 Ballymoney Free Press under title ‘Coleraine and neighbourhood some Sixty years ago’)

Andrew Stuart,
Died 27th June 1962,
Aged 69 years.
Also his wife
Anna Patton Stuart,
Died 18th March 1972
Aged 78 years.
In Loving Memory Of
Their Son Thomas Henry
(bottom unreadable)

In loving memory
John Gault,
died 25th Octr. 1887,
aged 87 years.
Also his beloved wife,
died 4th April 1892,
aged 74 years.
And their children,
died 3rd Sept. 1865,
aged 6 years.
died 24th May 1873,
aged 17 years.
died 23rd February 1924,
aged 77 years.
died 12th March 1932,
aged 83 years.
16 Apr. 1862 married
On Thursday 10th instant, in Drumachose Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. N. M. Brown, Mr. Joseph HENRY spirit dealer, Newtownlimavady, to Miss Mary BOARLAND, third daughter of the late Mr. Thomas BOARLAND, parish of Aghanloo.
27 Jul. 1864 married
July 20th in Drumachose Presbyterian Church, by Rev. N. M. Brown, Mr. William Oliver DOWLAN, to Mary, daughter of Mr. John IRWIN, Drumaderry
15 Feb. 1865 married
Feb. 2nd in Drumachose Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. N. M. Browne, Mr. John S. IRVINE Drumaderry, to Miss Matilda A. OLIVER, Tirconan, Aghadoo.
13 Sept. 1865 Drumachose National School
We are glad to observe the success with which this school has been attended since coming into active operation, now some five months ago. The school was at first merely roughly put into working order by the committee of the Drumachose Presbyterian Church, who were fortunate in securing the services of a very efficient and talented teacher, Mr. William JOHNSON; since then the arduous and able patron, Rev. N. M. BROWN, has succeeded in procuring for it an endowment from the board, as well as a grant of furniture for the school, and the room is now well stocked with maps, globes, exercise cards, black-boards, books, slates, &c. and all other requisites necessary for the management of a first-class school (Limavady Journal)
2 Aug. 1866 married
July 31st at Drumachose Presbyterian Church by the Rev. M Brown, the Rev G. W. HAMILL, Newtownlimavady to Margaret Anne daughter of the late Mr. Robert PROCTOR and niece of George PROCTOR, Sess, Crown solicitor, Newtownlimavady . and at the same time and place by the Rev. Brown, Mr. Joseph CLARKE Jr. Londonderry, to Jessie, daughter of the late Mr Robert PROCTOR and niece of George PROCTOR Esq.
15 Sept. 1866 married
September 6th in Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Newtownlimavady by the Rev. N. M. Brown, Mr. Alexander I. M’CLEAN, architect and Builder, Sandyville, Ind., to Miss Mary Ann GIVEN, Main street, Newtownlimavady.
6 Mar. 1869 died
March 3rd suddenly, of tetanus, George PROCTOR Esq., of Newtownlimavady, sessional Crown prosecutor for the City and County of Londonderry. His remains will be removed from his late residence, for interment in the Cemetery of the Drumachose Presbyterian Church, this (Saturday) morning, the 6th inst. at twelve o’clock noon. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.
12 Feb. 1870 married
Feb. 8th in Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Newtownlimavady, by the Rev. N. M. Brown, Mr. Joseph SCOTT, Largy, to Miss Martha JACKSON, only daughter of Samuel JACKSON, Gortgarn.
19 Mar. 1870 married
March 17th in Drumachose Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Nathaniel M. Brown, Mr. Thomas Scholes MAGEE, of Londonderry, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. James M’KAY, Newtownlimavady.
19 Jul. 1873 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church, on the 10th inst. John. only son of Mr. John STEEL, Drumaduff, to Miss Catherine GOURLEY, the only daughter of the late Mr. GOURLEY, Ballycastle Aghanloo.
12 Dec. 1874 Drumachose Presbyterian Church
This church in the town of Newtownlimavady and called by the name of the parish in which the town is situated, is one of the oldest in connection with the General Assembly. It was built during the ministry of the Rev. H. ARESKINE, or ERSKINE, in the year 1743. It represents one of the earliest Presbyterian settlements in Ulster, at a place called Aghalow, supposed to be Aghanloo, about a mile from the Newtown of Limavady. The names of at least two of Mr. ERSKINE’S predecessors are on record viz: Rev. D. WILSON, ordained in 1696 and the Rev. W. CONYNGHAM, ordained in 1720. For the first century the congregation comprised most of the Presbyterian families residing in the three parishes of Aghanloo, Drumachose and Balteagh, on the eastern side of the river Roe and a few from the parish of Tamlaghtfintigan, on the western side of that river. Some 3 or 4 additional congregations, principally off-shoots from it, have been established in the town and neighbourhood during the last fifty or sixty years. Since Mr. ERSKINE’S time, some 6 ministers have been ordained over the congregation and have officiated within the walls of the old sanctuary. The names of these are Revs. Jacob DAVIS, Daniel BLAIR, Richard DILL, John M’LAUGHLIN, George STEEN and Nathaniel M. BROWN. During the ministry of the last four, the church had been frequently repaired and even remodelled. At first it contained four aisles, subsequently it comprised five and since the appointment of the present minister (Mr. BROWN) it has been restored to its original shape and form. Within the last two years it has become so dilapidated that the congregation can no longer worship in it with safety or comfort and it has become a matter of necessity to have it rebuilt. The congregation feel that this task is so onerous that they are unequal to it without the help of their friends, and to their friends of all denominations they are now appealing for aid to enable them to enter upon the undertaking, if possible, early in the ensuing spring. During Mr. BROWN’S ministry they have not only paid off an old score of debt, rebuilt their session-house and remodelled the church, but within the last twelve years (having obtained a lease in perpetuity of their church and grounds) they have built a manse and school-house. Before entering upon the building of the church, they are trying at present to get the entire premises, including the building-ground, enclosed with a stone wall and tasteful railing. No doubt the public will liberally assist the minister and congregation in raising funds to carry out the work.
21 Mar. 1877 – died
March 10th at his residence, Linenhall Street, Limavady, William Bonnar PROCTOR Esq., solicitor. His remains will be removed for interment to Drumachose Presbyterian burying ground, tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at ten o’clock.
5 Jul. 1877 New Prebysterian Church
Limavady – This beautiful structure, now completed, so far as the interior is concerned, was opened for public worship at 2 o’clock on Sunday, when its great facility for accommodating a large congregation was taxed to the utmost. The day, being all that could be wished for, lent considerably to the attractiveness of the ceremony and must have been highly satisfactory to the Rev. Mr. BROWN and his indefatigable committee, whose labours have been long, arduous, and assiduous. Drumachose Presbyterian Church, so called Drumachose from the name of the parish in which Limavady is situated, is one of the first Presbyterian congregations in the County of Derry. The old church, which has been rebuilt, was built in 1743 and has since been frequently altered and repaired. It was ceiled, paved, floored and supplied with new doors and windows at the beginning of the Rev. N. M. BROWN’S ministry and Mr. BROWN has now left a memento of his labours in Drumachose, which shall long live after him. The Rev. Mr. BROWN is the 7th clergyman who has ministered to this congregation. During his ministry, a manse and school have been built, the session-house has been rebuilt; the grounds have been ornamented and enclosed on the side next the road, with a substantial wall and tasteful malable iron railing; and last of all the church has been rebuilt at a very considerable cost, with naive, transept and tower; Gothic windows, 21 in number, filled with stained glass. The pews are of elegant design, with open bench ends; the wood pitch pine and varnished. Before the death of the late Mr. Wm.CATHER, the terminable lease of 80 years, including the cemetery, was changed to a lease in perpetuity. Three of the most active members of Mr. BROWN ‘S committee – James STEVENSON, Wm. WILSON and Henry CONNELL, have done their duty with great zeal, assiduity and vigour. Mr. BROWN,owing to his deserved popularity in Ulster, without soliciting a single penny orally, has by his influence through the medium of circulars, has raised between 4 and 5 hundred pounds, but this sum will be far short of the necessary amount, which it is hoped the congregation will have little difficulty in making up. The preacher selected for the opening services at 2 o’clock on Sunday and 7 o’clock in the evening, as well as for the lecture on Cranmer on Tuesday evening, was the minister of Findlater Church, Ruthland Square, Dublin, Rev. David M’KEE, M.A.
20 Dec. 1877 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. N. M. Brown. Mr. Richard STEELE Limavady to Mary second daughter of Mr. James DOUGLAS, Broharis, Limavady.
1 Apr. 1881 married
March 29th at Drumachose Presbyterian Church by the Rev. N. M. Brown, John BROWN Limavady, to Minnie, eldest daughter of James STEVENSON, Limavady.
4 Mar. 1882 died
On Wednesday the 1st March 1882, at his residence, 61 Cathcart Road, Govan Hill, Glasgow, Lesley Alexander, second son of C. D. H. CAMPBELL , Limavady. The funeral will leave the Railway Station, Limavady at 11.30 a.m. on Saturday the 4th inst., and interment take place in the family burying-ground, Drumachose Presbyterian Church. Friends will please accept this intimation. (Northern Constitution)

Loving Memory
Marcus Gault,
died 10th Jany. 1898,
aged 75 years.
And also of
John and Mary Gault,
his Father and Mother
Whose Remains Rest Here
Also Nancy,
Wife of the Above Marcus Gault,
died 10th March 1929,
aged 84 years.
Also Marcus Thomas Gault,
son of Marcus and Nancy Gault,
died 18th December 1948,
aged 65 years.
Matilda, wife of Marcus T. Gault,
born 1896, died 1971.
Marcus Maxwell Gault,
son of Marcus T. and Matilda,
died 22nd August 2004,
aged 79 years.
“Though Lost To Sight To Memory Dear”
Derry Journal 2 May 1883 – deaths
April 30th at her residence Main street, Limavady, Jane, relict of the late Marcus DOUGHERTY. Her remains will be removed for interment in Drumachose Presbyterian Church burying ground at eleven o’clock to-morrow (Thursday) the 3rd inst. Friends will please accept this, the only intimation.

3 Dec. 1883 Presbyterian Church Social Meeting
The custom of holding an annual social reunion in connection with Drumachose Presbyterian Church was observed as heretofore by a soiree in the Town hall, Limavady, on Thursday evening last. Rev. N. M. BROWNE, the esteemed pastor of the church, officiated as chairman. The following clerical gentlemen occupied seats upon the platform; Revs. G.W. HAMILL B.A., First Limavady; James GALLAGHER Largy ; J. ORR Derramore; and W. J. M’CAUGHEY Ballymena. The large hall and gallery were completely filled at an early hour by a respectable audience. After grace had been pronounced by the chairman, the large assemblage sat down to tea and its accompaniments. The following ladies presided at the different tables and were most assiduous in their attention to the temporal necessities of the company, viz.: Miss BROWN, Miss SMITH, Mrs. BEGLEY, Miss STEVENSON, Miss TURBITT, Miss ADAMS, Miss LONG, Miss ROBINSON, Miss DUNLOP, Miss GAULT, Miss M’LEOD, Miss HASTINGS, Miss M’MAINS, Miss OLIVER, Miss MARSHALL, Miss OLIVER, Mrs. RANKIN, Miss RANKIN, Miss CONNELL, Miss DUNBAR.
They were materially assisted by the following gentlemen as stewards;
Joseph IRWIN, Wm. SMITH, Wm. MARTIN, Joseph BROWNE, James TURBITT, John AADAMS, Robt. LONG, James IRWIN, John DUNLOP, Marcus GAULT, Wm. DUNBAR, Robert J. M’LEOD, John GAULT, M. M’MAINS, John OLIVER, Richard MARSHALL, James OLIVER, _? M’CANN, J. RANKIN, James MARSHALL, and Thomas MOORE.
Before entering on the programme the chairman apologised for the nonappearance of Rev. Mr. KIRKPATRICK, of Dunluce, and Mr. R. K. PHILSON, of Londonderry, who were unavoidably absent. A lengthened and varied programme was gone through, the audience almost invariably insisting on an encore. The efforts of Mr. DUNLOP and Mr. ARCHIBALD, both old favourites from the maiden city, received a very flattering reception, the comic songs and impersonations of the former, being keenly appreciated. Mr. J. W. WALLEN, of Londonderry, in his first appearance created a favourable impression by his singing of several pieces. Mr. BUCHANAN, of Limavady, was very effective in several comic readings and recitations, and the Rev. W. J. M’CAUGHAN displayed great powers as an elocutionist in the various recitations with which he favoured the audience. There were intervals in the programme which were taken advantage of by the audience in visiting a picture gallery, which was quite a curiosity in its way, the audience being kept in ignorance of its nature until the gallery in the anteroom was visited, where as a sample of the rest, they found Her Majesty the Queen, represented by a postage stamp and caught in a storm off Lough Foyle by a herring. The success of this amusing part of the programme was largely owing to the efforts of Miss BROWN, the promoter. Those who remained in the hall were entertained with speeches from Revs. HAMILL, GALLAGHER and M’CAUGHAN. A vote of thanks to the ladies, the stewards and the performers brought the proceedings to a close at an advanced hour.
23 Mar. 1885 Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady
On Thursday the memorial stone of new in school-house in course of erection by the members of this church, was laid by Mr. William WILSON, Chairman of the Limavady town commissioners. Mr. Joseph IRWIN J.P., of Ballyarton, presided at the interesting ceremony. The Rev. M. BROWN, pastor of the congregation, addressed the audience, giving a detailed statement of the history of the congregation since its first church was built, in 1713. He referred to the fact that he was the seventh minister and that his predecessors were Reverand’s H. ERKINE, Jacob DAVIS, Daniel BLAIR, Richard DILL, John M’LAUGHLIN, and George STEEN, all of whom were able ministers of the New Testament. Mr. BROWN deposited in a cavity over the stone a glass vase, containing a variety of Presbyterian records and the Belfast and county Derry newspapers. Rev. H. M. BUTLER of Magilligan, delivered a very appropriate and interesting address on the subject of education. It was stated that the congregation now possess the complete stall of ecclesiastical buildings, consisting of church, manse, school-house, session-house, and sexton’s house, and that all of these have been built during the course of Mr. BROWN’S ministry. A substantial iron railing and four stone pillars have been erected in front of the church. The church itself, with its nave and transept; its twenty-one Gothic windows, filled in with stained glass and its lofty and well-proportioned tower, is one of the most elegant in connection with the General assembly. Towards the building of it, the minister spoke gratefully of the liberality of the many from a distance and notably, among others, of Mr James ADAMS of St. Louis and Mr. William TILLIE, of Derry, each of whom had given the magnificent donation of £100. In the cemetery adjoining there are many fine monuments, of which is one of polished granite, erected by the family of PROCTOR and another of Italian marble, erected the family of CAMPBELL, are specially worthy of notice. The new school building is lighted by ten windows and will accommodate between one and two hundred pupils.
22 Jul. 1885 died
July 21st at her mother’s residence, Market street, Limavady. Elizabeth, beloved daughter of the late Robert DUNBAR. Her remains will be removed for interment to Drumachose Presbyterian Burying Ground on Friday, 24th inst., at 12 o’clock. Friends will please accept this the only intimation.
16 Jan. 1886 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church on the 7th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Brown, Eliza, daughter of the late Solomon DODDS, Enagh, Limavady, to John THOMPSON, Glack
29 Oct. 1887 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Browne, James BARBOUR, teacher of Lislane National School, to Sarah, daughter of Mr. J. ANDERSON teacher of Aghanloo National School, Limavady.
21 Jan. 1888 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church on the loth inst., by the Rev. N. M. Brown D.D., Mr. Thomas MANNING, Limavady, to Mary Jane, widow of the late Samuel ESLER, Broughshane. (Ballymena Observer)
5 Mar. 1889 married
February 28th, at Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady by the Rev. Dr. Brown, William PATTON, Largy, to Mary Eliza, daughter of Jackson HUTCHESON, Glebe.
31 Dec. 1889 died
December 29th at Main street, Limavady, Henrietta, infant daughter of John and Isabella CONNELL aged 10 months. Her remains will be removed for interment in Drumachose Presbyterian Church burying ground this day (Tuesday), at one o’clock p.m. Friends will please accept this intimation.
24 Oct. 1891 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church Limavady on the 20th inst., by the Rev. G. W. Hamill, John CALVIN, Kiltinney, Macosquin to Mary Isabella daughter of the late Andrew OLIVER, Derrybeg
13 Jan. 1894 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady, on the 10th inst., by the Rev. N. M. Brown D D., assisted by the Rev. J. M. R. Dale, Mountmorris, cousin of the bridegroom, William DALE, merchant, Limavady, to Marie Jane OLIVER, Aghanloo Limavady.
31 Dec. 1894 died
December 29th at his residence, Drumrane, Limavady, Oliver IRVINE. His remains will be removed to the Drumachose Presbyterian Church burying ground for interment tomorrow (Tuesday), at twelve o’clock. Friends will please accept this the only intimation.
8 Jun. 1895 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady, on the 4th inst., by Rev, G. W. Hamill, M.A., A. M’CLOY The Mount, South Elmsall, Doncaster, to Mary, daughter of Thos. GAULT Ardmore, Limavady.

14 Aug. 1895 Address and Presentation to the Rev. N.M. BROWN D.D., LL.D., Presbyterian Minister of Drumachose, Limavady, on the attainment of his Ministerial Jubilee
Fifty years have passed away since first you came to Limavady as a licentiate of the Presbyterian church and made our valley your home. During all this half-century you have been identified with this congregation and with the town of Limavady and from year to year your name has become more widely known, not only in this neighbourhood, but also throughout the United Kingdom. But few of the present members of the congregation of can recollect your coming amongst us in 1845. Most of us belong to a younger generation, who cannot call to mind the time when you were not with us, but one and all of us have long looked upon you as our safe leader in every good word and work.
Many changes have occurred during these fifty years, both in the world and in the church and not a few of them have been of a highly advantageous character. In shaping and directing some of our local changes, you have borne a conspicuous part. Your life has been a busy one and services have been cheerfully rendered, whether for the advancement of your own congregation, or for the benefit of the Church at large. We heartily congratulate you on having attained to the jubilee of your ministry hale and in harness, and it is a source of much happiness to us all to have you still amongst us in the full possession of health and vigour both of body and mind, with your eye scarcely dimmed and with your natural force but little abated. We fully appreciate our privilege week by week in hearing your ringing voice proclaiming the gospel of the grace of God in all its freeness and fullness. We are full of gratitude for your lifework here. We bless God for the peace and harmony that have always prevailed among us, and we cherish the hope that the strong tie which has bound minister and people together here for fifty years shall yet remain long unbroken. When you were unanimously called to be the Pastor of Drumachose you found the congregation distracted and discouraged, and the old church little better than a ruin, with neither manse nor school associated with it. Now among the handsome buildings of our smart Town the new church, manse, and school of Drumachose occupy a prominent place, and will bear testimony to your taste and enterprise for generations to come. The rural population has greatly decreased during the period of your ministry and yet the congregation was never more prosperous and healthy than it is at present, the contributions of the people for the support of the gospel at home and abroad being threefold the amount paid at the time of your ordination. Temperance and sabbath sanctification in you have always had a strong advocate, and both by precept and example you have ever commended their high claims. In the education of the young, in all its departments, you have ever taken a lively interest, and the efficient schools under your management strongly testify to the success of your endeavours. Your bible class in the sabbath school has prepared the most of your congregation for the membership of the church and made them acquainted with the standards of the church and with the truths of the gospel from their earliest years.
Upon the church courts from the beginning of your ministry you have been a regular attendant and in their deliberations you have so fully wen (?) the confidence and respect of your brethren that they have honoured you repeatedly with the highest tokens of their esteem and regard. You have been placed upon most of the important committees and Boards of Trustees. You have acted as clerk of Presbytery for upwards of thirty years. You have had the degree of Doctor of Divinity conferred upon you by the United Faculties of our colleges. You have filled the moderator’s chair of the Synod of Derry and Omagh and the crowning honour and the highest the church has to bestow, you have, by the unanimous call of your brethren, been raised to the moderatorship of the General Assembly, which has frequently been styled the “Blue Ribbon” of the profession. In recognition, moreover, of your services as an educationalist we are glad to find that the Government some years ago appointed you to a seat on the senate of the Royal University. In all these positions of honour and trust you have acquitted yourself with becoming dignity and propriety. In looking after your people’s spiritual interests you have at the same time, not been unmindful of their temporal welfare, and the friendless and helpless of all denominations have found in you a friend who never hesitated to render prompt and efficient aid. The liberty and independence of the masses and especially of the agricultural community, have been the special objects of your thought and care. By tongue and pen you have done them many a service in the direction of legislative enactments that have made them freemen and the undisputed owners of their just rights and privileges. As the first propounder of the “Three F’s” and the advocate of “occupying ownership”, you have rendered an abiding service to the farmers of Ulster and of Ireland, and have pointed the way to the only full and final settlement of the Irish Land question.
In conjunction with many other friends beyond the bounds of our congregation who knows and appreciates your worth as we do, and have joined with us for the purpose, we are glad to have the opportunity of presenting to you, on this the Jubilee of your coming amongst us, the accompanying purse of sovereigns and illuminated album as a token of our good wishes and of our grateful feelings for what you have done for us through so many years. Your beloved wife, who has so faithfully aided you in all your endeavours and who has shown herself so mindful of our best interests for time and for eternity, has won our admiration and respect by her quiet, unassuming and truthful demeanour. In acknowledgment of her undoubted worth we beg her acceptance at our hands of a pony, harness, and phaeton, which she will find on her return to her own dwelling, and which we trust she and her family may be long spared to use and enjoy. Wishing you and all who are dear to you many pleasant and peaceful years in the land of the living and hereafter life everlasting.
We remain your sincere and affectionate friends
William M’LEOD
Robert DEENS
William J. SHANNON
William SMITH
Joseph ADAMS
Henry CONNELL, treasurer
Hugh HENRY, secretary
3 Oct. 1896 married
At Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady on the 29th ult., by Rev. James Gallagher, of Largy, Robert M’CULLY, Drumrane, Limavady, to Sarah Jane IRWIN of Tillydrum, Limavady.
5 Jun. 1898 died
June 24th at Fairy Fort, Limavady, Isabella Irwin, the dearly beloved wife of Rev. Dr. N. M. BROWN. Funeral will leave for the family burial place adjoining Drumachose Presbyterian Church on Tuesday the 28th inst.. at twelve o’clock noon. No flowers. Friends will please accept this the only intimation.
2 Jul. 1898 Death of Mrs. N. M. BROWN of Fairy Fort, Limavady
After a lingering illness, borne with great patience and resignation to her heavenly Father’s will, the estimable and accomplished wife of Rev Dr. N. M. BROWN entered upon her rest on the morning of midsummer day. Until a year ago she, like her husbend, had enjoyed the best of health, having scarcely ever complained even for an hour and although 62 years of age, she was as motive and energetic and almost as young looking as in the days of her youth. When she began to realise the first symptoms of illness she consulted some of the foremost medical men within the bounds, and eventually the leading specialists of Ulster, but all without avail. The tedious and exhaustive illness gradually wasted her strength and reduced her fine constitution to comparative feebleness. At length on the morning of the 24th ult., at 8 o’clock, after only about a couple of days sharp suffering through all her illness, she peacefully fell asleep. She was a great favourite with all classes and denominations and the unmistakeable manifestations of sympathy and sorrow in the town of Limavady and throughout all the neighbourhood, from the time of her death, till the time of interment, bore testimony to the popularity and to the real worth of the departed. Before the funeral left her late residence on Tuesday at mid-day, the Rev William C. ROBINSON of Ballykelly, delivered a short but tender and touching address to the assembled friends and Rev. J. SIMPSON, of Portrush, offered up prayer. Then the brass-mounted oak-coffin, unadorned by wreathes or flowers was borne to the cemetery adjoining Drumachose Presbyterian Church on the shoulders of the office-bearers of the Drumachose congregation.
The chief mourners were;
Dr. BROWN , husband
Wm. H. Brown, barrister and N. M. BROWN, solicitor, two of her sons.
Mrs FRIZELL, Miss Josephine J. BROWN and Miss Agnes BROWN, her three daughters.
James IRWIN and Joseph IRWIN J.P., her two brothers.
Dr. FRIZELL, son-in-law.
J. Alexander IRWIN, nephew.
Her sons, Rev. John Irwin BROWN B D., of Rodderdam and Alfred Jas BROWN of South Australia, were necessarily absent.
The former had paid a visit to his mother on her death bed a few weeks ago, but was unable to come back again to her funeral. The vast array of friends of all denominations which accompanied the coffin to the family burying ground was made up of the clergy, gentry, business people, farmers, and labourers of the town and neighbourhood and not a few distinguished people from a distance. One of the most prominent features of the funeral procession was the concourse of children of the Sabbath school and day-school, walking four abreast, in charge of Mr J. P. HANSON, superintendent. Before interment the coffin was taken into the church, where a solemn and most appropriate service was conducted by Rev. G. W. HAMILL, of First Limavaday and Rev. Dr RODGERS, Londonderry. The ladies of the congregation, in their deep sympathy, had previously draped in black the pulpit, the choir, and the minister’s pew. On the coffin being borne from the church by the next-of-kin and deposited in the grave, a most fervent and earnest prayer was offered by the Rev. Dr. PETTIGREW. When the grave was closed many felt that an affectionate wife, a loving mother, an humble Christian and an energetic worker in all the Church’s schemes and enterprises had passed away to her rest and reward.

20 Mar. 1899 died
March 17th at the residence of her son-in-law Edward PHILLIPS, Turmeil, Margaret, widow of the late William M’CORMACK, Corren, Limavady. Her remains will be removed for interment in Drumachose Presbyterian burying ground today (Monday), the 20th instant at the hour of ten o’clock a.m.
10 Jun. 1899 married
June 1st at Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady, by Rev. W. T. Linster, B.A., James, third son of James WRAY Killyblaught, Dungiven, to Annie M’Clelland, third daughter of James ROSBOROUGH Gortnagheymore, Dungiven.
11 Aug. 1900
On Sabbath last Rev. John Irwin BROWN, son of Rev. Dr. BROWN, conducted the services in Drumachose Presbyterian Church. The preacher delivered a fine discourse and was listened to with earnest attention by a large congregation.
6 Apr. 1901 Funeral
We regret to record the death, at an early age, of Miss Jennie R. MORRISON, daughter of Mr. John MORRISON, Drumalief, near Limavady. Deceased was in indifferent health for some time and all that medical skill could do, was done, but could not avert the end, which came peacefully on the 27th ult. The funeral, which took place on Friday afternoon, was very largely attended. Her remains were interred in Drumachose Presbyterian Church Burying ground. The coffin, which was of polished oak, with heavy brass mountings, was supplied by Mr. R. ROGERS Limavady.
26 Oct. 1901 married
October 23rd at Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady, by Rev. N. M. Brown D.D., minister of the church, John KING, Craigmore, Ringsend, to Mary A. DOUGLAS, eldest daughter of the late James A. DOUGLAS, Drumaderry Aghanloo.
28 Dec. 1901 Funeral
One of the largest funerals seen for a long time in Limavady was that of Mr. Edward HAMILTON (Linenhall Street) on Sunday afternoon last. Deceased, who died rather suddenly last week, was brother to Mr. David HAMILTON and was a very popular and well-known townsman. The funeral cortege was representative of all denominations in town and included many clergy, medical men, magistrates, Town councillors, solicitors, &c. The remains were interred in Drumachose Presbyterian Churchyard, the funeral service at the grave side being conducted by Revs. Robert HENRY and George W. HAMILL B.A.
11 Oct. 1902 Sudden Death
On Saturday morning James M’CALLION, an old and respected resident of this town, was found dead in his bedroom. He was undressed and was evidently in the act of retiring to rest when death overtook him. He was in his usual health the previous day, but as he had been receiving medical attention for some time, the coroner did not consider it necessary to hold an inquest. Deceased carried on the business of a potato merchant for a number of years and was a well-known figure in the township. In his earlier days he took an active part in political affairs. He was a liberal of the old type and had the courage of his convictions, being expelled from an Orange lodge in the early 50’s for voting for GREER. His remains were interred on Sunday afternoon in Drumachose Presbyterian Church burying ground. The funeral was very large, almost every family in town being represented at it. Rev. Robert HENRY officiated at the grave side.
17 Oct. 1904 died
October 15th at her residence, Main Street, Limavady, Margaret Eliza Wilson, the loving wife of David HAMILTON Funeral today (Monday), the 17th instant, at half-past three o’clock, to Drumachose Presbyterian Church Burying ground.
18 Feb. 1905 died
February 17th at the residence of his brother-in-law (Hugh RAMSEY), Clifton Terrace, Coleraine, Samuel POLLOCK, late of Drumlief. His remains will be removed for interment in Drumachose Presbyterian Burying ground on Monday 20th inst., at the hour of 10 o’clock, am. Friends will please accept this (the only) intimation.
12 Apr. 1905 The late Mr. William STEEN
The remains of this gentleman, whose death took place at Bangor, County Down, on Friday, were conveyed by rail to Limavady on Monday and on the arrival of the 1:15 train, were interred in Drumachose Presbyterian church burying ground. Deceased, until failing health compelled him to resign, was manager of the Northern Bank, Newtownstewart and was well known in the North-West, he being a son of the late Rev. George STEEN of Limavady. The funeral was private, but a number of friends of the family assembled at the railway station. Rev. Dr. BROWN conducted the burial service. The chief mourners were;
Mr. Thomas S. STEEN J.P., Derry, and Mr. Alexander STEEN London (brothers)
Mr. James M’CONNELL (brother-in law), and Mr. Robt. HUNTER, solicitor, Coleraine.
11 Nov. 1905 Death of Mrs. MARSHALL
The death of Mrs. MARSHALL, the beloved with of Robert MARSHALL Sr. of St. John’s Foundry Limavady, which took place on Friday evening, cuts another link with a generation that is rapidly passing away from our midst. Mrs. MARSHALL was an affectionate and tender mother, a true wife, and a manageress that few of her generation could equal. On Monday morning her funeral was very largely attended, a long line of vehicles following the hearse, publicly demonstrating the respect and esteem entertained for the deceased and her family. Interment took place at the Drumachose Presbyterian burying ground. Chief mourners were;
Mr. Robert MARSHALL, husband
Robert, William, Richard and John MARSHALL, sons
Marshall LESLEY, Derry, son-in-law
Albert MARSHALL, Robert MARSHALL (Ballykelly), Robert MARSHALL, William MARSHALL, and Dick KING (Glasgow), grand-sons
Wilson MARSHALL, brother-in-law
John MARSHALL, nephew; Mark DOUGLAS and Alexander DOUGLAS.
17 Jan. 1910 died
January 15th 1910, at his residence, Dromaderry, Limavady, William DOUGLAS. His remains will be removed for interment in Drumachose Presbyterian Church burying ground, Limavady, tomorrow (Tuesday), the 18th inst., at the hour of eleven o’clock a.m. Friends will please accept this intimation.
23 Feb. 1911 married
On 16th January in Drumachose Presbyterian Church by the Rev. N. M. Brown, James SHANNON Esq., Derrybeg, to Anna, eldest daughter of James WILSON Esq
6 Nov. 1913 Death
After a short period of ill-health, Mrs. BOYD, the beloved wife of Mr. Alexander BOYD, of Dunmore, Limavady, passed away on Sunday evening last, to the deep regret of her relatives and friends. The late Mrs. BOYD belonged to an old and respected family and possessed a kindly disposition, those who knew her best, esteemed her most highly. She was a devoted member or the Presbyterian Church and was ever in full sympathy with evangelistic work. A true wife and mother, she discharged the duties devolving upon her with the utmost fidelity. On Wednesday afternoon her remains were interred in Drumachose Presbyterian Church burying ground, Limavady. The residents of the surrounding district were represented, and the long procession was supplemented by merchants and friends from the town.
The chief-mourers were;
Messrs. Alexander BOYD (husband)
Marcus H. BOYD and James C. BOYD (sons)
Jas. M’CONNELL (son-in-law)
David CASKEY (brother)
Marcus BOYD and William BOYD (brothers-in-law)
Rev. Dr. John ORR conducted the service. (Ballymoney Free Press)
26 Jun. 1915 Sixty Years in One Pulpit
On Sunday, in Drumachose Presbyterian Church, Limavady, a memorial tablet was unveiled to the memory of the late Dr. BROWN. The pulpit was occupied the Rev. Professor Law WILSON D.D., assembly’s College, Belfast. There was a very large congregation, including many friends of neighbouring congregations. The members of Drumachose were delighted to welcome amongst them again some members of their late revered paster’s family, notably Judge BROWN K.C. Dr. WILSON preached a thoughtful sermon, after which he unveiled the tablet, which bore the following inscription;
“This memorial tablet was erected by the members of Drumachose Presbyterian Church in recognition and remembrance of the long and faithful ministry in this congregation of Rev. Nathaniel Macaulay BROWN D.D., LL.D., Senate, Royal University of Ireland, Moderator of Presbytery, 1851; of Synod, 1870; of General Assembly, 1891. Born at Burren, Co. Down 10th August 1820; ordained in this church 25th November 1845; died 22nd June 1910. During his ministry the church and school buildings were rebuilt. A leader of the people, a fearless advocate of the rights of man and a champion of the oppressed, he pleaded strenuously with voice and pen and with ultimate success, in the cause of land purchase and for the redress of the grievances of the tenant farmers of Ireland. He was an eloquent preacher of the Word, a faithful and devoted pastor, and a true servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
11 Apr. 1916 died
April 9th 1916 at his residence, Crossnadonald, Limavady, Robert MARSHALL aged 98 years. His remains will be removed for interment in Drumachose Presbyterian Church burying ground, Limavady, today (Tuesday), 11th inst., at the hour of four o’clock p.m. Friends will please accept this only intimation.
April 10th 1916, at her residence, Distillery road, Limavady, Elizabeth, relict of the late John MARSHALL . Her remains will be removed lot Interment Drumachose Presbyterian Church burylng ground, Limavady, tomorrow (Wednesday), 12th Inst., the hour of four o’clock p.m. Friends will please accept this the only intimation.

For more headstone’s in this graveyard –
Presbyterian Historical Society