Donemana is a small village in the Parish of Donagheady, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland. It is 7 miles north-east of Strabane, on the banks of the Burn Dennett river, and sits at the foothills of the Sperrin Mountains.
Spellings variations for ‘Donemana’ found in historical records include; Donemanagh, Doneymana, Donnemanagh, Dunamanagh, Dunemanagh, Dunimana, Dunnamanagh, Dunnymana
Unless otherwise noted, the following News Articles are transcribed by Teena from the Derry Journal, Londonderry Sentinel, Londonderry Standard and the Tyrone Constitution.
6 June 1763 -Married
A few days ago, John HAMILTON Esq. of Dunymana in the Co. Tyrone, to Miss Martha EATON of Merrion street (Dublin Courier)
29 May 1810 – Decree LIGHTON v. GALBRAITH
Pursuant to the Decree of his Majesty’s High Court of Chancery in Ireland, bearing the date of 3rd Feb. 1809I hereby require all persons having debtor incumbrances affecting the estates of Robert GALBRAITH late of Dunnymana, in the county of Tyrone, gent. deceased, to come in and prove the same before me, on or before Monday the 4th June next, otherwise they will be precluded the benefit said decree. – Dated 2nd May 1810 Edw. WESTBY
3 Jan. 1821 Married
On the 19th, ult. James STEWART Esq. of Altrest, Strabane to Miss Margaret M’CAREY of Drumlevey, Newtownlimavady (Freeman’s Journal)
26 Aug.1826 – Married
On the 17th instant, at Donemanagh Church by the Rev. Francis Gouldsbury, James MAGILL Esq. of Fairview-house, Co. Donegal to Margaret, daughter of the late Wm. EDIE Esq. of Thornhill, Co. Tyrone and grand-daughter of the Rev. Alexander Clotworthy DOWNING, for many years Rector of the parish of Leckpatrick, in the same county.( Belfast Commercial Chronicle)
9 Oct. 1826 – Dreadful Occurrenc
Saturday week, a dreadful occurrence took place at Raspberry hill near Donemanagh. A farmer named ROSBOROUGH, had, on that night, what is called a ‘Churn’, that is, a merry-making which generally follows the conclusion of the harvest and at this Churn had been John CALLAGHAN, John RODGERS, and a number of others. In the course the evening CALLAGHAN, it appears, had evinced bad feelings towards RODGERS, calling him opprobrius names and telling him that all his ‘breed’ were thieves and robbers, This however, RODGERS did not resent, knowing that if he did, he would probably be killed. About twelve at night he left ROSBOROUGH’s and apprehending, it is supposed, he might be badly treated, asked CALLAGHAN’s wife and daughter to convey him part of the way. They did so and as they were proceeding, he said to them that, notwithstanding what had occurred, he would fight any of their family and insisted on going bark. The wife, as we have heard, caught him and entreated him not do so, but disengaging himself, he was met by John CALLAGHAN, armed, as report says, with a pair of tongs, by whom a violent blow was aimed at him. The consequence was melancholy indeed. RODGERS had his reaping-hook and with it he struck CALLAGHAN a fatal blow, immediately behind the ear. The point penetrated the skull. The unfortunate man never spoke afterwards, he lingered till Tuesday morning and expired.
We understand RODGERS was soon afterwards almost killed himself by the deceased’s 2 sons, who lay in wait for him and altogether ignorant of what had happened to the father, beat him most dreadfully, they inflicted 7 cuts upon him, one of which nearly severed his arm from his body. We fear this deplorable affair originated in party spirit. The deceased was a Roman Catholic and RODGERS is Protestant. Mr. ELLIS, of this City, held an inquest on the body, but there being no surgeon present to ascertain if the wound was the cause of his death, the jury had not all the evidence they could have wished. The law makes no provision for the remuneration of professional men when they attend Inquests and had Mr. ELLIS employed one, the probability is, he must have paid for him, himself. He had no reason to expect the Grand jury would, as, from motives of economy, they greatly curtail the allowance to himself which the law authorises. The jury’s verdict was “That the deceased came by his death by a blow of a shearing-hook, inflicted on his head by John RODGERS.” (Dublin Mercantile Advertiser and Weekly Price Current)
18 October 1827 – Married
On the 1st instant in the parish Church of Donemana, Mr. Thomas HAMILTON of Gortavea to Jane Elizabeth, second daughter of Captain PHILLIPS of Termon Co.Donegal
26 July 1828 –Threats to a Witness
As Thomas DONNELLAN, a respectable farmer in the County of Tyrone, was returning from the fair of Donemana, where he had been selling cattle, fell in with 2 men on horseback, who appeared to be waiting on his approach, on a lonely part of the road, about a mile from his own house. It was now about 6 o’clock the evening. Though, to his knowledge, he had never seen them before, they saluted him by name and one of them, a young man of respectable appearance, said to him, I saw you in Derry yesterday, but could not get opportunity of speaking to you. I understand you are the person who is to prove against the unfortunate devils who are in Omagh Gaol for stabbing the Policeman in that town, at the last Lent Assizes?” He replied that was under security to attend. By whom were you bound?” “Sir John Burgoyne.” The other, an elderly man said, “It will not signify a G—d d—n and I advise you not to go forward and pulling out a quantity of bank notes continued “I will give you twenty pounds now and a similar sum after the assizes, if you will absent yourself and in the mean time, you may depend on being well taken care of.”
He refused to comply, though they urged him much and finding him so firm, the young man was in the act of drawing a pistol from his breast to shoot him when the elderly man seized his arm and cautioned him to beware of such an act. DONNELLAN was greatly terrified and shouted murder, when the two galloped off in the direction of New Buildings. These facts have been sworn to before 2 Magistrates of the County of Tyrone. DONNELLAN has suffered severely for having been accidentally present when the Policeman was stabbed. He was examined before the grand jury of Tyrone and because he respected the sanctity of an oath, his windows were all destroyed and a bullock of his killed, before he returned from the assizes. This doubtless, savours of organisation.
1 May 1830 -Tragedy
On Friday last, as 3 or 4 children were playing about a burning lime-kiln, in the townland of Ruskey, about a mile from Dunamana, one of them belonging to man named Henry CRAIG, fell into the kiln and lay there, until one of the children ran for its father, who came running in a state of despair, leaped into the kiln and brought it out. The child was most severely burned about the legs and the extremity of the body and only lived 12 hours after.
15 May 1830 – Rabid Dogs
We understand that great mischief has been done in the neighbourhood of Donnemanagh, by a rabid dog. That several pigs, horses and cows bitten by him, became mad and had to be killed. We have been informed, too, on what we deem good authority, that a horse, in the paroxysm of the disorder, bit the thumb off a man and that, to avert the dreadful consequences which might ensue, he instantly got a knife and first cut away such of the remaining flesh as he thought the saliva might have come into contact with and then, thrust the stump into the fire. This was resolution ! As events of the most heart-rending nature often occur from mad dogs, humanity naturally prompts to every possible precaution and therefore it is not too much to expect that the authorities in this City will exert the power they have, to protect the citizens from the danger which may arise from dogs being permitted to run through the streets during the summer months. We have been requested to give this hint, and we have no doubt it will be duly attended to.
21 June 1830 – Insolvent Debtors at Omagh on Tues. 29th June
(all names listed)
Wm. MILLER Derrygortreavey, farmer
Peter DONNELLY Ballybay, pensioner
Michael STAFFORD Dungannon, shoemaker
John GRAHAM of Drummadaragh, farmer
John BARBER Newtown-stewart, farmer
Henry HETHERINGTON Calledon, baker
David TENER Derrygorttrevy, innkeeper
Robert BROWN Deraghadone, pensioner
James MATHEWSON Aughadulla,farmer
Edward M’ANELLY of Derry, farmer and pensioner
John HEATLEY of Ballygawley, carpenter
Francis M’MAGH of Newtownsavle, farmer
Bernard LOVE Strabane, merchant
Thos. CAR Knockakerney, farmer
John CORR Ballygettle, farmer
James COULTER, Fivemiletown
James WHITELY Knocknakerry, farmer
Daniel M’CONE Aughnasallagh, farmer
Sally TEAGUE Derrylatenee, spinster
John SHAW late of Knockenraw, farmer
Chas. M’CONENRY Magheracolton, weaver
John O’BRINE of Tullymuck, farmer
John HANNA Aughengawley, farmer
Stephen KEENAN Dungannon, Carpenter
Catherine M’CANN Dernagh,
Hugh HOUSTON Cooley, tailor
James DOAK Newtown-stewart, pensioner
Pat. KERRIGAN Cookstown, merchant
Jas. PHILIPS Donemana, shoemaker
Pat. QUIN of Glenbig, farmer or pensioner
Patrick M’KENNA Bolus, farmer
Robert GOURLEY Anghenlark, farmer
John M’KITTRICK Gortnagrass, farmer
John DONAGHY of Dungannon, butcher
Samuel CAMPBELL Rahha, farmer
John DAVIDSON Edentallone, pensioner
Moses KING of Lower town, pensioner
Patrick DUFFIN Artatrive, co. Londonderry, farmer
James GOURLAY Aughinlark, farmer
Catherine M’ALEER Keldross, spinster
15 April 1833 – drunkenness led to the death
In the course of these 10 days past, two persons lost their lives. One of them, of the name of ANDERSON was beat in a house in Bridge street, on Wednesday week and died a few days ago and the other was killed near Donemana, by a person of the name BROWN, who fled immediately to America. A coroner’s inquest held on each, but we have not learned the particulars of either case. At all events it is true that 2 persons were killed and from all we have heard drunkenness led to the death of each.
27 Apr. 1833 Tyrone Petty sessions Court of King’s Bench April 25
The King v. BATES
Mr. TOOMBE on behalf of the Attorney-General, moved for a writ of ‘certiorari’ to Sir J. J. BURGOYNE the Rev. C. DOUGLASS and E. EDE Esq., magistrates of the county of Tyrone, requiring of them to furnish an information tendered before them and also their order of dismissal, given by them on an investigation in Strabane, on the 31st Dec. when William BATES of Donemana, was prosecuted for a breach of the Excise laws. In reply to a former writ, the magistrates had stated that the documents moved for, were not in their possession as they had been sent either to the quarter sessions or the clerk of the peace. Of this answer, Mr. TOOMBS complained, as being very unsatisfactory, for if the information and dismissal had been lodged with the clerk of the sessions, the magistrates could easily have procured them. It was, he said, evident that the magistrates wished to with-hold the documents now moved for, because when they were applied for by the commissioners of Excise, exception was taken the wording of the application and a compliance with it refused.
14 Sept. 1833 – Important to somebody
In our last paper, we inserted a paragraph headed “Important to somebody”. copied from the New York Christian Advocate which has been going the rounds of the Irish papers and stating that a Rev. Mr. YOUNG, of the Georgia Conference, who died 4th October 1831, had purchased a tract of land, which he had intended to locate his relations, who, the paragraph said, lived in some part of Ireland, but where was not known. The object of the paragraph was to discover the friends and this our publication has done; the brother of the late Mr. YOUNG is Mr. Thomas YOUNG of Castlemellon, near Donemana, Co. Tyrone: he had heard of his brother’s death, but was not aware until now, that any property had been left by him.
7 Dec. 1833 – Ordination
On Thursday the 21st Nov, last, the Presbytery of Strabane ordained to the pastoral charge of the newly erected congregation of Donemana, the Rev, John MONTEITH, a licentiate of the Presbytery of Derry. The services of the day were commenced by the Rev. Mr. CROCKET of Killeater, Moderator of the Presbytery, who preached an excellent and impressive sermon. The next part of the service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. ARMOUR of Dungiven, who explained and defended Presbyterian ordination with much ability and, in a clear convincing manner, refuted those arguments which the advocates of episcopacy generally put forward in support of the exclusive right of Bishops to ordain. He then put the usual questions Mr. MONTEITH for the purpose of ascertaining the soundness of his religious views and in conjunction with his brethren of the Presbytery, proceeded to set him apart to the work of the Ministry, by prayer and the imposition of hands. The Rev. Mr. HEMPHILL of Badony, had been appointed to deliver the charge to the Minister and people, but being unable to attend, the duty devolved on Mr. ARMOUR and was discharged by him, much to his own credit and the edification of his auditors. The Rev. gentleman had evidently not anticipated the absence of Mr. HEMPHILL and, of course, spoke from the feelings of the moment but seldom have we heard a charge more replete with sound sense or one which pointed out, more luminously the solemn duties which the Minister and the people owed to each other in their new connection, with respect both to what was to be done and what was to be avoided.
After the ceremonies of the day had been concluded, the members of the Congregation, and the clergymen present, proceeded to Mr. DUNN’s Inn, where a dinner had been provided at the expense the Congregation. Capt. BAIRD R. N. presided at one table and Thomas RANKIN Esq., at the other, Samuel JACK and John WALKER Esqrs. acted as croupiers. The dinner was excellent and abundant, the wines of a very superior quality and the whole arrangements reflected the greatest credit on the stewards who conducted the entertainment and on Mr. DUNN who prepared it. Several loyal and patriotic toasts were given, and many very eloquent speeches were delivered in the course of the evening. The utmost harmony and good feeling prevailed and the company separated at an early hour, much gratified by the proceedings of the day. We cannot but compliment the Presbyterians of Donemana on their spirited exertions in procuring their establishment as a congregation and on the progress which they have made in enlarging and improving their Meeting-House, but we know their high spirit and liberality too well to be surprised at their conduct. We trust that the connection which has now been formed between this congregation and the talented and amiable young Minister who has been unanimously chosen to the pastoral care of it, will be productive of mutual advantage and that the interests of true religion will lie happily promoted in this corner the spiritual vineyard.
15 Dec. 1835 Married
At Strabane on the 3rd instant, by the Rev. Alexander P. Goudy, the Rev. David J WALKER of Hollymount, to Miss BOND, Donemana.
8 Apr. 1837 – Homicide near Donemana
On the 20th of March Mr. ORR held an inquest on the body James KENNEDY at Tyboe, near Donemana. The Jury found that the said James KENNEDY came to his death, on the day 1st March 1837, in the townland of Tyboe, from the stroke of a stone on the frontal bone, above the right eye, which fractured his skull, of which he lingered until the 17th ult. and then died; that Thomas EAGAN threw said stone and that he was aided and assisted by Samuel RUTH and John EAGAN. From the evidence it appeared, that James KENNEDY (son to the deceased) and Thomas EAGAN had a dispute and were fighting; after the fighting was over the old man (the deceased) came down to where the men were, when was immediately thrown over a ditch by RUTH and after which, several stones were thrown at him. The coroner has issued his warrant for the apprehension of RUTH and EAGAN.
20 April 1838 – Fecundity Extraodinary
On Monday last, a cow, the property of Mr. Daniel HONE of Donemana, brought forth 3 heifer calves, one of them has since died, but the other two appear to perfectly healthy, this was even surpassed by a sheep belonging to Mr. David HYNDMAN of Cloghore, near Glendermot, which recently gave birth to 4 ewe lambs. (Sligo Journal)
19 Aug 37 – Married
On Thursday the 10th inst., by the Rev. S.T. Wray, William BAIRD surgeon, Donemana to Mary Jane, second daughter of James McCREA Esq., Glencush
26 Dec. 1838 – Testimony of their regard David SMYTH ESQ. M. D.
It will be seen from our advertising columns that on Thurs, 20th inst., the inhabitants of the neighbourhood of Donemana have presented Dr. SMYTH with a gold watch and a gig, in testimony of their regard of his medical skill and his moral worth. This young gentleman has been a very successful medical practitioner in that neighbourhood and his benevolent attention to the poor has gained him the esteem of all classes and sects. His good fortune seems to have kept pace with his deserts, for he has lately been appointed by the Lord Primate and Managing committee to the charge of the Fever Hospital and dispensary at Middletown, Co. Armagh. We are gratified to learn that his friends have not been unmindful of his past services and have bestowed on him a rich and well, merited testimonial of their approbation. The watch, we understand, was purchased from Mr. NEILL and the gig was built by Mr. FOY, both of this City. (Derry)
Dr. SMYTH was afterward entertained at dinner in Mr. James DUNN’s Inn, Donemana, when a large and respectable assembly sat down to an excellent dinner. The chair was taken by the Rev. John MONTEITH. Several appropriate toasts and sentiments were given, which elicited sone eloquent speeches. The health of laird Caledon having been given from the chair, and received with every manifestation of respect, Dr, SMYTH rose and in happy strain of eulogium , spoke of his Lordship’s estimable qualities as a beneficent landlord and liberal patron of every useful institution in the neighborhood of his estates. Dr. SMYTH also alluded to the obligations which his Lordships tenantry owed to Henry PRENTICE Esq., the respected agent of the Caledon estates and concluded by congratulating the inhabitants of Tyrone in their connection with so truly patriotic an aristocracy as that which reflected so much honor upon the country. The evening was spent in the utmost harmony and the company separated highly pleased with the proceedings. The dinner was served in style which reflected the greatest credit on the good taste of Mr. DUNN, the purveyor.
20 Sept. 1839 – Extraordinary Oats
There is now growing upon the farm of Garvagh near Donemana, occupied Mr. William BROLLY, a crop of Blantyre oats, most of the stalks of which have double and triple heads, springing out from the upper joint, both the stalks and the heads being very vigorous. Some of these polyanthus oats, if we may so designate them, have been shown to us and are now in our possession. There have been individual, though very rare, instances, of the kind before but an almost entire field of such oats is, we believe, unprecedented. The crop to which we refer may be made the parent of a new and valuable variety (Dublin Mercantile Advertiser)
28 Sept. 1839 Married
On the 20th instant the by Rev. Samuel Wray Donagheady, Mr George EAKIN, Leitrim near Donemana, to Miss CALLAGHAN niece to Mr. Robert and William DOUGLAS of Loughnease.
1 May 1841 – Strabane Quarter Sessions;
Charles and Matilda GORMLEY for stealing potatoes at Donemana- guilty Charles GORMLEY to be imprisoned 4 calendar months to hard labour and Matilda GORMLEY 3 weeks in bridewell.
John and Wm. MAXWELL for resisting Sergeant PRICE of the police, at Donemana in the execution of a search warrant – guilty – Each to imprisoned 2 calendar months and to give security to keep the peace £15 each.
Joseph LOVE for stealing turf at Donemana, submitted, fined 6d. and to find security of peace in £10, with two in £5 each.
John M’CARBARY, Thomas BUCHANAN and Alexander BUCHANAN, John KELLY and Wm. BUCHANAN for riot at Donemana, submitted; Thomas BUCHANAN pay a fine of £1 to churchwardens of Donagheady parish and 10s. to prosecutor, Hugh DONAGHY of police; Alexander BUCHANAN to pay fine nf 10s. to church wardens of said parish; all to find security of peace, themselves in 20£ each, with 2 sureties of 10£ each
31 July 1841 – Died
At Binelly near Donemana. Mr. Robert M’CREA at the advanced age of 88 years, very deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends and acquaintances
15 Jan. 1842 – Destruction of a Flax-mill
On the night of Tuesday, the 28th ult., the flax mill of Mr. Samuel KEE Gortyleck, near Donemana, was burned, together with about 40 stooks of flax. The machinery was also destroyed and though as soon as the fire was observed, the neighbours hurried with all possible speed to render assistance, their efforts were of no avail. The damage is estimated at £50 a serious loss to the proprietor who we understand, is a respectable industrious man. The fire, our informant states, originated in consequence of a scutcher named M’MENEMY, who was alone at the time, letting the snuff of a candle fall on the floor, which, as might be expected, ignited the flowings and flax around almost instantaneously. Too much caution cannot be used in flax mills to guard against fire, flax is so very easily ignited.
15 Mar 1842 – Assizes
Andrew BROWN, Andrew THOMSON John HUNTER, Walter GORMLY, Matthew HAWTHORN – guilty of walking in an Orange procession in Donemana, were sentenced to 1 month imprisonment and at the expiration of this period, to give their own security in £40, and and two other sureties in £10 each.
6 Sept. 1842 – Annual Examination
The annual examination of the pupils attending Templemoyle Agricultural Seminary
Reading, 5th Class examined by Mr SKIPTON
John FLETCHER Donemana, Donagheady
Arithmatic 4th class examined by Mr GAMBLE
John FLETCHER Donemana, Donagheady
10 Sept. 1842 – Married
On the 28th ult., by the Rev. William M’Laughlin. P. P., Donagheady, Mr. William O’NEIL merchant, Donemana to Miss Susan DONAGHY of Glenville
21 Oct. 1842 Fatal Accident
A few days ago a young lad, a servant to a farmer of the name of KEYS, living in Raspberry Hill, a part of Bond’s Glen, while driving a horse and stone, crushing flax, he stumbled and fell, the horse going on, the stone entered on his body at the hip, and passing over the head, crushing it dreadfully, caused immediate death.
27 Dec. 1842 – Mildness of the Season Clemency of the Weather – Ripe Strawberries
Throughout this season, which is now pretty far advanced, we have experienced little of the rigours of winter, but, on the contrary, the weather has been exceedingly mild and favourable to vegetation. As a proof of which we may state that on Saturday last, we were presented with a few ripe strawberries, which were grown in the garden of Mr. Robert STEWART Altreat, near Donemana, which has rather an exposed situation. From different quarters, also, we understand that thrushes are singing, and sparrows building nests.
17 Jan. 1843 – Married
On the 12th inst., at Claremount by the Rev. J. Monteith, Mr. Samuel LAUGHLIN of Derry, merchant, to Mary Jane youngest daughter of the late James WALKER Esq. Hollymount, Donemana. (Banner of Ulster)
21 Feb. 1843 – Dreadful Accident and Landlord Munificence
On the night of the 13th ult., while the storm was at its height, the offices of a small farmer, named John THOMPSON of Moneycannon near Donemana, were discovered to be on fire, and together with his entire stock, consisting of a horse and 5 head of cows, were completely consumed. The utmost exertions, aided by the direction of the wind, succeeded in saving his dwelling-house, which stood under the same roof. This poor man, who has a numerous and helpless family, was thus reduced to a deplorable condition
The generous and kind-hearted landlord of the property Leslie OGILBY Esq., of Dungiven, on hearing of the above occurrence and also that THOMPSON was an industrious and deserving tenant, represented to him by his active agent, Samuel LYLE Esq., Oaks, immediately directed that the sum of ten pounds, a full years rent of his holding, should be laid out in the purchase of stock for him. And through Mr. LYLE’s influence THOMPSON’s father and father-in-law, both living the same on the same estate, have each given him a good young cow. Mr. LYLE is, with what remains of the ten pounds after buying a fitting horse, to make up the price of a 3rd cow, by this praise-worthy benevolence and interference, this poor family, who, but a few days ago were in a state bordering despair and want, are placed in circumstances as fully as encouraging, to proceed in the cultivating their farm as they were before the accident. THOMPSON has also a house newly roofed with timber received from the same humane landlord which will, for the present, supply the place of the one which was burned The above is a practical proof that we have landlords in Ireland who need not to be told that property has its duties, as well its privileges. The accident is supposed to have arisen from taking out coal instead of using a lanthorn, a very dangerous practice, but one too common among this class when going out to their cattle.
23 Aug. 1843 – Illicit Distillation
On Friday night, the 11th inst. five of the excise officers stationed in Strabane, proceeded 3 miles beyond Donemana, in the Monterloney direction where they succeeded in seizing 2 illicit stills and destroyed 450 gallons of worts, also mash tubs, barrels. &c. After the officers had effectually destroyed these illicit concerns and were proceeding with the 2 stills, they were closely pursued by considerable number of men, whose yells denoted what the consequence would have been had they been able to overtake them, but fortunately the officers were provided with a good horse and car and arrived in Donemana, where they called on the constable and remained until day-light. (Saunders Newsletter)
12 Sept.1843 – Templemoyle Agricultural Seminary
classes examined on the 29th ult. successful students
Geography 2nd class 2nd division 8 pupils
John FULTON Muntpleasant Donemana
20 Oct. 1843 – Reward
A reward of £50 has been offered for such information as shall lead to the discovery and prosecution to conviction of the author of the following notice, which was sent through the post-office, to Thomas FLETCHER of Donemana process-server
Notice – To Thomas FLETCHER Resolved that shall not have any Orange heretick and deplorable will be your case if you do not abandon your unlegal procecution with respect to forcing the payment of Tithe for the support of that herasy establishment that is the mother of all the evil of our oppressed natlon – that is an tis episkal church of Ireland. We the spirited and stedfast repailers of this parish of Donagheady do resolve to give you timely warning never to be seen amongst in the habit of serving process or any relating said opresion or if you do by God you will get the death pronounced against all hereticks. We resolve and maintain to hold out to a man in ulster as our fellow brethern in all the provinces in our distressed nation. Remember this warning will be put in practice if not strictly attended to, as well with your employer as with you and also Black Charley. But dont be the first example you damd Heretick. Death without marcy will be your doom by order of our national advisers.
Signed Captain Rock, Lifteuant Flint, Colonel Led.
(Here is annexed the figure of a coffin)
This is part of the plan by which the national advisers of the Irish peasantry are determined, if possible, to carry out Repeal and it is thus the Repealers, show the animus of their spirited selves. (Statesman and Dublin Christian Record)
23 Dec. 1843 – Reduction of rent
A very liberal reduction of rents has been made by Mr. Robert SMYLY of Camus, to his tenants, in the townlands of Drummond and Barrow, near Donemana. About 2 months since, he most generuusly, and without solicitation, made a reduction of nearly 30 per cent and stated, that if farming produce should decline, he would make still further reductions. On this occasion said, ‘I have now lowered my rents nearly one-third. I can live as well on the present, as on the former income and my tenants will live much better. (Vindicator)
26 Dec. 1843 died
At Altrest, on the 20th inst. Mary Jane, the beloved wife of Doctor BAIRD of the Donemana Dispensary. Deeply regretted. Her memory will long be remembered by her friends.
20 July 1844 – assizes -Forcible Possession
William BOND, Thomas BOND and James BOND were indicted for taking forcible possession of a garden, the property of Mrs. LEIGHTON, Donemana and for an assault.
David John WALKER examined by Mr. PEEBLES – l know the traversers; I know the lands of Donemana in this county; I knew the late William LEIGHTON; he was proprietor of the lands of Donemana; his widow was in possession after his death; Mr. Wm. LEIGHTON was in possession, I think, 8 or 10 years before his death; he died in December 1841.
The clerk of the Crown said that on the common assault indictment the bill was ignored as to Jas. BOND and Thomas BOND.
Examination resumed – Mrs. Catharine LEIGHTON was in possession of the whole premises for about a year after Mr. LEIGHTON’s death; and in the winter of 1842, she wished to dispose of a part of it; MELAGHT held the garden for about a year; he took that place from me at Mrs. LEIGHTON ’s request; I was trustee for Mrs. LEIGHTON; at the latter end of March MELAGHT gave it up and it was then in Mrs. LEIGHTON’s possession.
Cross-examined by Mr. CHAMBERS – l have known this property a good while; knows the garden; I know Miss Jane LEIGHTON; I never knew her to be in possession of this garden; as a trustee to Mrs. LEIGHTON I claim to be entitled to it; I know the little garden where the potatoes were set; I did not give orders to have them set the garden; I think I did order them to be dug on the evening of the 18th May; I understood from Mrs. LEIGHTON that in order to keep possession, the right way was to level the ridges; I don’t know, from personal knowledge, who set the potatoes; John MELAGHT had it last year; Mrs. LEIGHTON the year before; she is the widow of William LEIGHTON; I don’t know that this garden belonged to any other house but Mrs. LEIGHTON’s; there is a small house at the rear of Mr LEIGHTON’s, occupied by Miss Jane LEIGHTON; never knew, to my knowledge, Miss LEIGHTON had cabbages and potatoes planted in this garden; I heard she had; My wife is a relative of the family; William LEIGHTON was the husband of Catharine and brother of Jane LEIGHTON; I never knew Miss Jane LEIGHTON had any claim till lately; Wm. LEIGHTON left two sisters, but no brother or legitimate children.
Jane MARSHALL examined by Mr. PEEBLES – l know the prisoners; I saw them the 18th May, in a garden, sowing potatoes; it was the small garden; Mrs. LEIGHTON used to occupy it; A year and half ago I came there; I knew it before, these 8 years; Mrs. LEIGHTON occupied it; John MELAGHT occupied it before the 18th May; he gave it up; William and James BOND occupied it after that; they came and set potatoes there; I told my mistress, Mrs. LEIGHTON; she told me to tell them to go away, for they had no authority there; they told me to tell her they had more authority than she.
His Lordship said that this case ought to have been tried in the other court. The sister of Mr. LEIGHTON was his heir at law if he had no children.
Mr. PEEBLES – My Lords are we going on possession.
Court – On possession, in opposition the heir at law!
James ADAMS examined Mr. PEEBLES – l know the prisoners; I saw William BOND in May, in the garden at Donemana; I could not rightly say whose garden it is; it was the little garden, the one I dug the potatoes; asked where I was going and when I told him it was dig the potatoes, he said, unless I wanted to lose my life I had better be off; He gave me a push and said there was the gate.
Court – Did you ever dig potatoes at that time before
Witness – Not so early. (Laughter)
John M’CARRIGLE examined by Mr. PEEBLES – I know William BOND; saw him in the garden May; I went to dig down the ridges and he asked me if I wanted to lose my life; I said I did not; I dug one ridge and he took me by the shoulder and said that’s the gate, be off.
Cross-examined by Mr. CHAMBERS – l went there by Mr. WALKER’s orders.
Court to the jury – gentlemen, you must acquit the prisoners. It speaks well for the peace of the county when these are the cases you have to try.
28 Sept. 1844 – Malicious Burning Donagheady
Early on the morning of the 1st instant, the office houses of Mr. Geo. AICKEN of the townland of Leitrim, parish of Donagheady, Co. Tyrone, were maliciously set fire to by some persons as yet unknown. The office houses were 5 in number; a stable, a potato house, 2 cow-houses and a barn. In the stable were 2 farm horses, in the barn the produce of 2½ acres of flax and the cow house 3 milch cows, with poultry, farming implements, &.c. The whole of these buildings, with all live stock and other property which they contained, were utterly consumed and in striving to save the dwelling-house, all the furniture was either injured or destroyed, nothing having been left whole but the slated roof, but for which the entire premises would have been ruined. In striving to save his horses, Mr. AICKEN was so much injured that he even yet lies in great danger of his life. Up to this time, notwithstanding the praiseworthy exertions of the Magistrates and constabulary of Donemana, the perpetrators of this diabolical act are hitherto undetected Mr. AICKEN loss in property alone, not speak of his personal injuries, will amount to nearly £150; but as he is under an indulgent landlord, we trust that some effort will be made, should recover his health, to enable him to recover his property also
9 May 1845 – Married
On the 25th ult., by license in the Presbyterian Church, Donemana, William M’CREA Esq. of Leck to Fanny eldest daughter of Samuel JACK Esq. Lisnarrow Co. Tyrone (Banner of Ulster)
6 Feb. 1845 – A Gay Deceiver
A man named John GOURLEY, from near Strabane, went to Linlithgow in Scotland, to obtain work and after some time scraped an acquaintance with bonnie lassie named Isabella M’HEATH, to whom he tipped the blarney, wooed and won her. A day was appointed for their marriage and he, being aware that her wardrobe was in Glasgow, told her he would go there for it, as she might want clothes. She consented and gave him 5s. for his expenses. Off he started, but the deluding youth never returned to her. He sailed for the Green Isle and arrived in the neighborhood of Strabane, about the beginning of this month with the booty, a large chest, filled with a variety of dresses and other articles.
Mr. WATSON Procurator fiscal, Linlithgow, having reported the matter to Captain LYNCH of the Constabulary, he set off on foot an active search and succeeded in recovering all the stolen property. On the 8th inst, head-constable ANDERSON arrested the lad at Dunamana races and on the 17th, he, chest and all, were sent Scotland in charge of a superintendent of police, who came for him to settle accounts with the unfortunate Isabella. He is a married man and has a wife and 2 children living near Lifford. (Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet)
16 Aug 45 – Married at Donemana Meeting House by the Rev. Mr. Monteith, on Monday the 4th inst. Mr. Samuel JACK of Ballycolman near Strabane to Margaret, daughter of Mr. ROSBORROW of Raspberry Hill near Donemana.
3 Sept. 1845 – Died
At Bennelly, near Donemana, on the 27th ult., Mr John CRAIG eldest son of Mr. Robert CRAIG aged 15 years.
17 April 1846 – Address and presentation to Wm. BAIRD Esq. surgeon, Donagheady dispensary
At a meeting of the subcribers to a tribute of esteem to Doctor BAIRD held this day in the petty sessions room, Donemana agreeably to public notice Joseph M’CREA Esq. in the Chair, Joseph BOGLE Esq. Secretary. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted – Proposed by Robert M’CLEERY Esq. and seconded by Joseph M’CREA Esq. Eden
Resolved – that a committee be appointed to make said purchases – Robert M’CREA, James BROWN and Wm. CLARKE be the committee
Resolved – that a committee be appointed to prepare a suitable address and present it with said articles to Doctor BAIRD when they have been procured and the committee be Robert STEWART, Samuel GAMBLE, James CRAIG, James M’CREA Lisdivin, Joseph M’CREA, George M’LAUGHLIN, Joseph BOGLE
Resolved – That at a time when the management of the medical charitable Institutions has been publicly assailed (and in general, we have reason to believe justifiably so) we feel much pleasure in bearing our united testimony to the Parish of Donagheady being an exeption to the charges of Franklin as respects of the obtaining a subscriptions for such Institutions, the undue influence which is exercised in the appointment of unqualified medical gentlemen to supervise the same and in thus recording our full and unqualified approbation of the official services of Doctor BAIRD and our esteem of him as a worthy member of society and our thanks to the annual supporters of the Institution. (Signed by) Joseph M’CREA Chairman, Joseph BOGLE Secretary
Agreeably to the above resolutions, the committee appointed to make the presentation to Doctor BAIRD together with a number of contributors, assembled at BROWN’s Inn, Donemana on the afternoon of Monday, 6th inst. and presented to the Doctor BAIRD a splendid horse, gig and appendages, procured by the voluntary contributions of the Parishioners who are not subscribers to the dispensary funds, with the following address and after having spent a very pleasant evening, which was enlivened by appropriate speeches from the Doctor, the committee and the contributors, who were in attendance, separated, much pleased with having had an opportunity of paying such a well-merited compliment to Dr. BAIRD and we are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. BROWN for their hospitality and the superior accommodation provided by them on the occasion.
The contributors to the funds which have been raised for the purpose of procuring a substantial mark of their esteem for you and approbation of your public services, having, at a meeting held in Donemana on 27th Feb. last, deputed this committee to wait upon you and present the same, with an expression of their sentiments on the subject, feel much pleasure in complying with the wishes of said meeting and could not better convey their sentiments than by referring you to their 4th resolution, which we will now read. After 15 years of successful practice and unremitting exertions in behalf of suffering humanity in this Parish, during which time the confidence of the parishioners in your medical skill has been signally progressing, they now come forward publicly to acknowledge your claims upon their gartitude and esteem which, though long deferred, will not, they trust, be the less acceptable. Although the intrinsic value of the gift, with the presentation of which we have been entrusted, is but inconsiderable, we have the gratification to announce to you that about 400 parishioners contributed towards it and that in various instances, small sums were refused from the grateful poorer classes, whose gratitude was considered to exceed their means; we, therefore, feel justified in presenting the horse, gig, and appendages, thus procured, as a testimonial of the universal approbation and esteem of said parishioners towards you.
Wishing you continued success in your professional practice, and in all your undertakings and happiness in your domestic society, we sign, on behalf of the parishioners
James M’CREA
Joseph M’CREA
Joseph BOGLE
19 Sep 46 – Married On the 17th inst., in Donemana Church by the Rev. H. Colthurst, Mr. Barre B. HYNDMAN of this City, to Jane, daughter of the late Samuel LIGHTON Esq., of that place.
27 Feb. 1847 – died At Donemana on Saturday the 20th inst aged 34 years Mr. James Hamilton RAMSAY, post-master, deeply and deservedly regretted by his numerous friends and acquaintances.
13 Mar. 1847 – With Thanks
Francis O’NEILL Esq., the treasurer to the Donemana relief committee thankfully acknowledges the receipt of £25 from James OGILBY, of Pellipar House, Esq., being a 2nd donation of a similar sum in aid of the relief fund in this district.
20 Nov.1847 married
On the I6th inst. in the Presbyterian Church, Burt, by the Rev. Robert Gray William BAIRD Esq., Surgeon, Donemana Dispensary to Margaret youngest daughter of the late Lieutenant Wm. PORTER of Carrowan
27 Nov. 1847 – Assizes -Outrage on a Bailiff
On the 6th instant, Mr. W. CATHER accompanied by his bailiff, Thomas FLETCHER, together with a number of assistants, proceeded to destrain a defaulting tenant upon his property at Donemana, when a daring attempt at resistence was made. The defaulter, aided by a party of friends, not only made a violent attack upon Mr. CATHER and is bailiff, but even after the seizure had been legally made and the property lodged in Mr. DUNN’s yard, they renewed their violence to such a degree that very serious consequences might have ensued, had it not been for the active interference of Sergeant PRICE and the police under his command. The rioters were subsequently brought before the Magistrates at petit sessions and were fined in mitigated penalties, which will, we hope, have the effect of putting an end to similar attempts in future. The conduct of Sergeant PRICE and his party on the occasion was highly exemplary. (Coleraine Chronicle)
23 May 1848 – Glendermott Presbytery Appeal
A man named John CARBERRY, a Roman Catholic, from Donemana, appeared in support of an appeal against the decision of the Glendermott Presbytery, with reference to certain charges brought by him against the Rev. D. J. WALKER of Donemana. The appellant charged Mr. WALKER with perjury, as having described himself at one time, as the bona fide proprietor of certain promises and at another time as the proprietor in trust. It appeared that Mr. WALKER had appeared before the session of Donemana congregation to answer to this charge and that the session had not found him guilty of perjury, but had found that there was a discrepancy in his statements, which they deemed worthy of censure. Mr. WALKER appealed to the Presbytery against the decision of the session and on the case being heard, the Presbytery reversed the decision. The synod having heard the case fully, confirmed the decision of the presbytery, acquitting Mr. WALKER, both of the alleged discrepancy and of perjury.
The appellant further charged Mr. WALKER with obtaining certain property by practicing on the weak state of mind of a man named William LIGHTEN, who was insane but who had been dead for 6 years. The session of congregation had originally declined to enter upon this charge, believing themselves incompetent to decide regarding the sanity or insanity of a man who has been dead for 6 years. The case was then brought before the Presbytery, who concurred with the opinion of the session as to their incompetency. The finding of the Presbytery was confirmed by the synod. (Banner of Ulster)
5 August 1848 – Threatening Notices and Malicious Burning
On the night of the 3rd July last, 2 stacks of hay in a meadow at Ardkame near Donemana were maliciously burned and on the night of the 15th, a cow-house on the same premises was discovered to be on fire, but was extinguished by the exertions of the neighbours, without any serious injury being effected. On the night of the 17th or morning of the 18th, a notice was left in a lane leading the dwelling-house and 2 notices were left on the morning of the 20th, threatening the life of the person living on the premises. An investigation into the circumstances took place at the petty sessions at Donemana, when a search warrant was issued to Sergeant PRICE the police constable stationed there, who proceeded to the premises, where he found some paper corresponding with that on which the notices were written. A private investigation took place Saturday and the papers found were forwarded to the government. (Coleraine Chronicle)
16 Aug. 1848 – To the Editor of the Derry Journal
I am sure you will view with every possible delight every effort made by individuals, these times, for improving the condition of the people. The necessity of giving employment to the idle population, by bringing into profitable cultivation land, hitherto unproductive, and of developing the resources of the land at present in tillage, cannot be too frequently brought before the public; particularly when it is known that from 2 to 3 acres of grain crop will be required to supply the place of one of potatoes, their growth appearing so uncertain as to prevent them being relied upon in future to any extent as an article of food.
The exertions of William OGILBY Esq. in this respect cannot be too highly appreciated. He has upon his estate in the neighbourhood of Donemana, co. Tyrone, since Mar. last, from 3 to 500 men and women constantly at work, reclaiming and draining land which before was perfectly useless. He has obtained a loan of £6,000 from the Board of Works, under the Land improvement Act and by this means is giving employment to the surplus population in a circle of not less than ten miles in extent and is very humanely offering work to all who choose to accept it, no matter from what quarter they come. The advantages of this are threefold. First, it gives immediate relief to any unemployed poor, who otherwise would be traveling the country for their support, or become inmates of the workhouse. Secondly, it benefits the country, by increasing the quantity of produce and lessening the importation from other countries to similar extent. Thirdly, it will benefit the proprietor, enabling him to receive, at least, from 15 shillings to a pound, per acre, for land before not worth more than 1 shilling.
The work is most judiciously laid out and economically managed under the superintendence of Mr. CRAIG the agriculturist on the estate. It is marked out in plots of 21 feet wide, running the whole length of the field. Each man upon one of these, who turns it over to the depth of 22 inches, removing to the surface all stones which he meets with, while digging through the earth upon each edge of his lot into the centre, leaving 8 inches on each side, clear for the drain. The adjoining lots are treated in the same way, by which a space of 16 inches is cleared for the drains to the depth of 22 inches, leaving but 14 to be afterwards sunk by the drainers. A sufficiency of stones is got after the trenching for the drains. It is intended, I believe, to apply 40 barrels of lime to the acre, after which it will fit for receiving a crop. The labourers are paid by the perch and the work will cost, when trenched, drained, and limed, about 10 pounds per acre. Thus 600 acres of water land will be brought into profitable cultivation, which in future will give certain employment to not less than 100 labourers and food for at least 600, where nothing before was produced.
What an advantage to the country if all the proprietors paid the same attention to their estates as Mr. OGILBY? How few of our population would require to seek employment in other countries, if all our waste lands were dealt with in this way? and how little of the resources of the people would be wasted in supporting the able-bodied pauper in unproductive idleness, or in importing from other countries the food which could easily be raised at home? How much would it add to the peace and prosperity of the country, if our idle population, instead of using the pike or the musket, were taught to handle the spade and the crowbar?
Yours &c. M. – 8 Aug. 1848
15 Mar. 1849 Tyrone assizes – Horse Stealing
Con O’DONNELL for having on 27th Jan. last, at Donemana, stolen a horse the value 10£, the properly of Patrick CANNON, also for having same in his possession.
Dr. Patrick CANNON examined – Lives at Brockagh in the county of Donegal; lost a horse on the night in question; saw the horse in the possession of a man named VANCE; the horse was stolen from the stable.
John VANCE deposed that he had bought the horse from the prisoner when coming from the Donemana fair; asked the prisoner if he could give him any security before he paid him for the horse; the prisoner referred him to Mr. Neal DOUGHERTY of Strabane, who on inquiry did not know him; bought the horse at 7£; the money was lodged with Mr. Neal DOUGHERTY until further inquiry should be made, and the prisoner did not again come for the money.
The jury found the prisoner guilty, after which Mr. CANNON addressed the court stating that he had known the prisoner for some years and that he had always been an excellent character. The court sentenced him to be transported for 10 years.
2 Aug 50 – Married on the 30th ult., in the Presbyterian Church, Donemana by the Rev. John Monteith, Mr. James CRAIG of Liscleen to Lavinia, youngest daughter of Mr. John WALKER of Tyrconnelly county Tyrone
23 Jan. 1851 – Investigation at Donemana
On Friday last, the 17th inst., R. D. COULSON Esq. R.M. and the local magistrates of the bench at Donemana, were occupied for a considerable time in investigating charges preferred against Constable PRICE, by an individual named Francis M’CARBARAY, who resides in the vicinity of Donemana.
From what transpired, it would seem that Mr. PRICE, having in the discharge of his duty had the misfortune to incur the displeasure of his accuser, the latter determined on his destruction. Accordingly, he preferred a complaint against him to Colonel MAGREGOR, the commander of the force, but the charges on enquiry, appearing to be groundless, no notice was taken of them in that quarter. M’CARBARAY failing here, it appears, then resolved on appealing to a higher quarter and accordingly, memorialed his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, who in compliance with the request of the memorialist, ordered the investigation in question. Mr. COULSON, after a long and patient investigation, dismissed the whole of the charges preferred, amounting to no fewer than 7, save one, namely that of striking a refractory person across the shoulders with a small cane or walking stick, when in his custody as a prisoner; and for this, the accused was reprimanded by the bench. Constable PRICE has been, we understand, about 24 years in the Constabulary force, 12 of which he has been stationed in Donemana and no accusation was ever before brought against him.
The present investigation however, has rather served than injured Constable PRICE, as he has been honourably acquitted of all the heavy charges brought against him. The estimation in which he is held, was also made manifest, by testimonials of character on his behalf signed by the clergymen and respectable inhabitants of every denomination, in and around Donemana for several miles, which were handed to the bench and several of the clergymen and others attended at the investigation, to support what had been stated in the testimonials, by affidavit, if called upon to do so (Londonderry Standard)
5 Feb. 1851 Rejoicing at Donemana (more on this in the next article)
the occasion of the marriage of Mr. OGILBY of Liscleen to the
beautiful and accomplished daughter of the Hon. and Rev. Charles
DOUGLAS, the tenants of these gentlemen were invited to, and most
sumptuously entertained, at Donemana on Thursday last, the day fixed
for the interesting ceremony. After the marriage was over the tenants
of Rector DOUGLAS and those of Mr. OGILBY, in the townland of
Tirkernahan, adjoining Donemana, assembled at Mr. James BROWN’s,
where a most substantial dinner had been prepared for them, by the
order of their landlord. Mr. Andrew FERGUSON, a tenant of Rector
DOUGLAS presided on the occasion.
12 Feb. 1851 – Festivities
at Liscleen and Donemana
Thursday the 30th January, will long be a memorable day in the neighbourhood of Liscleen and Donemana. On that day, as we formerly announced, the nuptials of William OGILBY Esq. of Liscleen House, with Miss DOUGLAS, the beautiful, amiable and accomplished daughter of the Hon. and Rev. Charles DOUGLAS of Earlsgift, were celebrated in the parish church of Donagheady, by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Derry and Raphoe and the united tenantry of Mr. OGILBY and DOUGLAS, to the number of 205, with their wives, celebrated the auspicious event dining together in honour of a union which has given universal satisfaction and to which they look forward to with the most pleasing anticipations.
After waiting to see the bride and bridegroom drive off to the honeymoon at Baronscourt, the company sat down at 4 o’clock, to a most plentiful and excellent dinner, consisting of roast and boiled beef, mutton, poultry and vegetables, provided by Messrs. James DUNN and James BROWN of Donemana and served in a style which would have done credit to the most experienced caterers. The respectable appearance and orderly behaviour of so large an assembly was highly creditable, whilst the harmony and good feeling which universally prevailed and the shrewdness, good sense and good humour which distinguished the numerous speeches which were made on the occasion, did honour alike to the taste and judgment of the company Ogilby’s Tirkernahan tenants and those Mr. DOUGLAS dined at Donemana and of their merry meeting notice has already appeared.The tenants of the Altnacree estate dined at Liscleen and the following is brief report of their proceedings The tables were laid out in the large barn Liscleen and were presided over by Mr. James CRAIG, supported by Messrs. David and John WALKER, Alexander and John EATON, Hugh ROSBOROUGH, William KENNEDY, William ROGERS, Patrick LOGUE and Denis REGAN.
4 Apr 1851 married on the 12th February by the Rev. John Greer A.M., Rector of Belleville and Rural Dean, John HASLETT Esq., surveyor to Frances, youngest daughter of Andrew WOODS Esq. of Ardeane, near Donemana, Ireland.
7 Aug. 1851 – North-West Farming Society
At the annual show of The North-West Farming Society was held yesterday, in Londonderry city
– for Leicester Sheep, in the Class D section 3
Charles SEATON of Black-park Donemana came in 2nd for a pen of 3 pure Leicester shearlings won £2 premium
– And also in the same category Class D section 4
Charles SEATON of Black-park Donemana came in 2nd for a pen of 3 pure Leicester sheep £2 premium awarded
– Poultry, Class H, Section 1
Charles SEATON came in 1st for the best cock and 2 hens £1 premium awarded.
9 Oct. 1851 Shirt Makers Wanted
The subscriber begs leave to state that in consequence of the increased employment given to Shirt Makers, in and around Derry, that he will open new Shirt-making Establishments at or near Claudy, Donemana, NewtownLimavady and Moville and will require at each place, a young women who is capable of giving out and taking in the work and also a young man, from 16 to 20 years of age, as clerk.
James SCOTT, Bennett’s Lane Londonderry
As soon as qualified persons can be got, to fill above situations, houses will be taken and establishments opened.
31 Oct. 1851 – to be Let
To be Let, that house in Glencush in which the late Robert M’CREA Esq. formerly resided, with the Office-houses, lawn, garden, orchard, and a grass field, if required. Immediate possession can given. For terms, which will be moderate, apply to Samuel COLHOUN Esq., Strabane or John HOLMES Strandabrosny, Donemana. Residents applying for situations will be preferred.
11 Dec. 1851 – Died
On the 6th inst. at Donemana, Mrs. Jane CONNISON aged 80 years, much and deservedly regretted.
20 Dec. 1851 – Catholic Church
The Hon. Rev. Charles DOUGLAS of Donemana, has contributed £5 towards the erection of small parochial house adjoining the Catholic Chapel, Killens, intended as a residence for the curate of the upper end of the parish of Donagheady (Dublin Evening Post)
8 Jan. 1852 – died
At Claremont, Donemana, on Friday the 2nd inst, aged 15 years, James, the beloved son of the Rev. David J. WALKER.
12 Feb. 1852 – Strabane Farming Society
Ploughing match won 1st prize in the Second Class – Captain BARID Donemana
26 Mar. 1852 – married
March 16, in Newtownstewart Church, by the Rev. C. Hamilton, Mr. George LIVINGSTON of Donemana, to Miss Ann RIPPEY of Teerany, near Newtownstewart.
26 Nov. 1852 – died
At his residence in Ballinamallard near Donemana on Thursday the 18th instant, of scarlatina. Mr. John DONNELL aged 40 years
28 Feb. 1853 – Arrest of a Robber
On the night Tuesday the 15th instant, Sub-constables Robert CROZIER and John RYAN of the Donemana police force, when returning from Strabane market, arrested a fellow named Robert M’FADDEN in the act of robbing a Mr. M’CAIN, a farmer from Drain, near Donemana. M’CAIN, who was returning home from market, was overtaken by M’FADDEN, who accompanied him for about half mile, until they arrived at a lonely place on the road, in the townland of Milltown, two and half miles from Strabane. M’FADDEN then demanded M’CAIN’s money, threatening if he did not comply to shoot him, when the latter gave him some, remarking it was all he had. M’FADDEN, who was not content with what he received, seized M’CAIN, in order to get at his pockets, when a struggle ensued and the police providentially arrived to put an end to further outrages, and perhaps saved M’CAIN’s life. M’FADDEN, who was a “navvie” for 7 years in England and Scotland and was returning to the latter country, from Fintona, has been committed to stand his trial at the next Tyrone Assizes (Belfast Mercury)
26 Aug 1853 – married
On the 8th inst. in the First Presbyterian Church, Donagheady, by the Rev. T. S. Wray, Judson BRADLY Esq., cutler, Esq., New York to Mary Jane, only daughter of James TODD Esq., Carrickatain, Donemana
2 Nov. 1853 – To Be Let
To be let from the 1st November next, that House and Fam of Silverbrook near Donemana, containing about 70 Acres. Apply to William M’C. KNOX, Lifford
21 Apr 1854 – Married
April 6th in the Presbyterian Church Donemana, by the Rev. John Monteith, James MILLER Esq., Calhame Cottage, Strabane to Sarah, sixth daughter of the late Samuel JACK Esq. Lisnarra House.
24 Jun 1854 – Extraordinary Notice to Quit
We have heard, with some degree of surprise, mingled with indignation, of 2 respectable tenants-at-will, in the district of Killyclooney, about midway between Strabane and Donemana, having each been served with a “Notice quit” some time since, though neither of them are in arrears of rent and what makes the proceeding still more extraordinary, upwards of a century has elapsed since their ancestors became tenants of the farms at present in their possession. The cause assigned for the threatened expulsion is, that these men refused to violate their own conscience in disputed road case, and are, in consequence, to be visited with the vengeance of the agent This case shews plainly the necessity for tenant-right.
We refrain for the present, from mentioning the names of the parties but should the agent have the temerity to brave public opinion and carry his vindictive feeling into execution, we will feel it to be our duty to publish the whole of the particulars.
14 Dec. 1854 – Married
On Tuesday, the 12th instant by the Rev. N. M. Brown, Drumachose, Mr. William COCHRANE, Benoan Cottage, Donemana, Co. Tyrone, to Martha Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. William GIVEN of Nn-Limavady.
17 Apr. 1855 – Married
April 5, at the Second Presbyterian church, Strabane by the Rev. W.A. Russell, Mr. James COLHOUN, Fawny, Donemana to Eliza Jane, youngest daughter the late Mr. John KNOX Carrickgullen, Strabane.
19 Apr. 1855 – Incumbered Estates in Ireland
In the court of Commissioners for the sale of Incumbered Estates in Ireland
In the matter of the Estate of William M’CREA Owner; exparte Margaret LYON, petitioner.
The Commissioners will on Tues. 1st MAY 1855 at the hour of 12 o’clock noon, sell by auction at their Court Henrietta street Dublin
Lot 1 – Part of the townland of Glencush, containing 118a. 0r. 25p., statute measure, or thereabouts, held under a lease for 3 lives, renewable for ever and now yielding a net profit rent of £52 13s. 5d.
Lot 2 – The lands of Stoneyfalls, otherwise Stoneyfolds, containing 76a. 2r. 23p., or thereabouts, cunningham measure, held under a Fee-farm grant and now yielding a net profit rent £45 6s. 11d.
Said lands are all situate in the Barony of Strabane and Co. Tyrone
Dated this 12th Mar. 1855
John LOCKE, auction clerk
Robert MEASE, solicitor
The above lands are situate near the town of Donemana, about 5 miles from the town of Strabane and 7 from the City of Londonderry in one of the most cultivated districts of the County of Tyrone and will be sold subject to the rents &c., stated in rental.
Proposals for the purchase thereof by private contract will be received by the solicitor having carriage of the sale, until the 9th April 1855 and submitted to the Commissioner.
For rentals and all other particulars, apply at the office of the Commissioners 14, Henrietta street Dublin;
Robert MEASE, solicitor, having carriage of the sale, No. 9 Eustace street Dublin
Messrs. COLHOUN and KNOX solicitors, Londonderry
or Samuel COLHOUN Esq., solicitor, Strabane.
23 May 1855 – Derry Petty Sessions court
William KILGORE of Donemana, was fined in the sum of 1s. for similar offense (being found drunk in Bishop street on Wednesday evening)
26 Jul. 1855 – Serious Accident from the Bursting of a gun
On Monday morning last, as Mr. Samuel EATON, a respectable inhabitant of Ballyneanor, in the parish of Donagheady, was discharging a gun at some crows in his field, the gun unhappily burst and shattered his left arm to the wrist, in a manner so frightful as to render amputation immediately necessary. This operation was skilfully performed by Drs. BAIRD of Donemana and SMYTH of Claudy and at the date of the last accounts the patient was doing well.
18 Aug. 1855 – Married
On the 7th inst., in the First Presbyterian Church, Donagheady by the Rev. S. T. Wray, Mr. Henry M’LAUGHLIN, Lisdiven Cottage to Mary Ann third daughter of Robert STEWART, Binnelly place, Donemana (Belfast Mercury)
13 Sept. 1855 -Married
On Thursday the 6th inst., in the Second Presbyterian Church, Donagheady by the Rev. F. J. Porter, Rev. George MARSHALL of Princeton, America, to Bella, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Wm. CAMPBELL of Tullyard, Donemana
31 Oct. 1855 – Fatal Effects of Intoxication
On the night of Thursday, the 18th instant, two men of the respective names of KENNEDY and LAFFERTY, who had been attending the Quarter sessions in Strabane, had it seems, before leaving town, indulged freely in the use of ardent spirits and had also partaken of some when returning home. The consequence was that when not far from Donemana, both fell down from the effects of drink and on being discovered LAFFERTY, who belonged to Ballyarton, in the county Derry, was found to have breathed his last. KENNEDY was almost dead, but by the exertions of Dr BAIRD, of Donemana, his life was fortunately preserved. On Friday an inquest was held on the body of LAFFERTY by Dr. HAMILTON, of Ballyfatton, coroner, when a verdict in accordance with the facts was returned. The unfortunate man has left a wife and 9 children to deplore his melancholy death. According to his own account KENNEDY, who lives in the neighbourhood of Donemana, had drunk as much whiskey as the other and had almost shared his fate. This occurrence should be a solemn warning to all drunkards, as there is reason to believe that most of the whiskey sold at present in the low public houses, is drugged.
22 May 1856 – Married (see next notice)
In the Presbyterian Church, Donemana, on the 19th inst., by the Rev. John Monteith, Mr. David CRAIG, Binnelly to Mrs. Letitia HOGAN, Donemana.
29 May 1856 – Fabricated Marriage
We have received a communication from an authentic quarter, stating that the recently published announcement of a marriage between Mr. David CRAIG, of Binelly and a lady resident in Donemana, is a fabrication, no such marriage having taken place. We regret the imposition that has been practised and if we discover the author, as we expect to do, he will find his joke a rather serious matter.
7 Aug 1856 – Supressing Illicite Distillation
Active Exertions of the Constabluary in Supressing illicite Distillation
On Thursday, the 24th ult. constable LEDDY of the Donemana station, accompanied by sub-constables NUTT, HICKEY, SCOTT and FAHY, visited the lands of Glenone, in the mountains of Munterloney and, after a careful search, succeeded in discovering in a cave about 230 gallons of singlings, which they at once destroyed. The same party, about a month previous, destroyed 240 gallons of potale and seized 2 stills, heads, and worms. Such conduct as this, on the part of the constabulary is highly commendable and if persevered in, cannot fail in totally extinguishing the nefarious practice of illicit distillation.
21 Aug 1856 – To Be Sold
Freehold lands for sale to be sold all that and those in the townland of South Cleggan Tyrkell in the Parish of Donagheady, Barony of Strabane and Co. Tyrone, containing. by the Ordnance Survey of Ireland, 330 acres, 3 roods, and 9 perches or thereabouts, held by deed for ever, at the present yearly rent of £29 10s. 9d and producing the net yearly profit rent of £52 13s. 9d. The lands are at present set to 7 respectable tenants and are situated within about 12 Miles of Londonderry, 8 of Strabane and 2 of Donemana, in a most peaceable and improving neighbourhood.
As to terms, apply to
Mr. Wm. M’CREA, Farmhill, Strabane
Robert WILSON attorney, Strabane
19 Jun. 1857 – Valuable Farm for Sale to be sold.
A farm of land in the townland of Altrest containing about 39 acres of excellent arable land, with a very good slated dwelling-house and suitable offices thereon. Held part in fee and part in perpetuity. Subject to the small yearly rent of £9. There is also a good flax mill on the farm, withsufficient water power. This farm is in a high state of cultivation and is situate in the Parish of Donagheady and Co. Tyrone, about 6 miles from Londonderry, 5 miles from Strabane and 2 miles from Donemana.
For terms and further particulars apply to
J. A. STEVENSON, solicitor, Londonderry
Mrs. STEWART Altrest near Donemana
16 Jan. 1858 – mildness of the winter
There has been left at our office, a stalk of flax, grown on the grounds of Mr. James GREEN, Tullyard, near Donemana. The flax measures two feet six inchs in length. This is an extraordinary instance of the mildness of the winter. (Dublin Evening Packet and Correspondent)
5 Feb.1858 – Christian Liberality
With feelings of sincere satisfaction we record an act worthy of more frequent imitation. Thursday week the Hon. and Rev. Douglas GORDON, rector of Donagheady, assembled the poor of the parish, of every denomination, at Donemana and distributed among them, sums varying from six shillings to half a crown, according to circumstances. Independently of this generous truly Christian act, Mr. GORDON, we believe, was in the habit of relieving, almost daily, the wants of the destitute in his immediate neighbourhood, by supplying them with many necessaries. Such humane conduct not only deserves to be held in everlasting remembrance by the poor of the parish, but the thanks of all sections of the community, as tending to cement still further the good feeling existing between the members of every religious persuasion in the locality. Great credit is also due to the worthy curate of the parish, Rev. Henry COLTHURST, who was most indefatigable in his attentions to the poor people assembled and having a list of persons to be relieved carefully made out. At the distribution he also supplemented, from his own resources, the sums given to such parties as were most necessitous. Such as that recorded needs no comment. The luxury of doing “good” always secures its own reward.
1 Apr. 1858 – Prolific Ewe
Last week, an ewe belonging to Mr. William CALLAGHAN Gobnascale, near Donemana, had no fewer than four lambs at a birth. The dam, not quite two years old herself, had also two lambs last season.
18 June 1858 – Foyle College Queen’s College Sessional Examinations
Mr. DONNELL son of Mr. DONNELL of Ballinamallard, Donemana – First place in Senior Greek, General Latin and Logic and Second General Prize, Fourth in Zoology and Botany.
8 Jul. 1858 – Tyrone Assizes – Assault and rescue
Three persons, named Hamilton LOWRY, William DUNN and John HENRY, through their counsel, Mr DOWSE, pleaded guiltly to a charge of having, on 27th May last, at Donemana, assaulted Hugh LIDDY, a police constable, in the execution of his duty and also with having rescued some prisoners out of his custody. His lordship said that in consideration of their previous good character, he would allow them to stand out on their own recognisances in £20 and 2 sureties in £10 each, to appear to receive sentence after 14 days notice and that the nature of that sentence would depend upon their future conduct.
1 Dec. 1858 – Donemana Fair
The fair of this town on Saturday was large and a good deal of business transacted. Milch cows of every description are said to have improved in price. Sheep sold at very high prices and were in brisk demand. Fat pigs, for which the winter fairs of Donemana have long been celebrated, sold at from 38s. to 42s. per cwt. sinking the offal. Slips and young pigs were much sought for. With regard to horses, there were none of prime quality exhibited. Strong horses, for agricultural purposes, sold from £18 each, downward, according to the quality and condition of the animal.
10 Dec. 1858 – died
Dec. 5th, Margaret, the beloved wife of Mr. Hugh RODGERS, Gorticleer, near Donemana
May 1859 – married
May 5th in the 1st Presbyterian church
Donagheady by the Rev. F. J. Porter, the Rev James M’L ABERNETHY to
Sarah Louisa, daughter of the late J. M’MORRIS Esq., of Myrtle
Cottage, Dunnymana. Co. Tyrone.
(Ballymena Observer)
Aug. 1859 – Awful Casualty at Donemana
One of those visitations
which are of rare occurrence visited the town on the night of 11th
August. At twenty minutes past twelve o’clock cries of fire resounded
through the whole town. The house of John DONAGHY, shoemaker, was
found to be all on fire and the residents there all asleep. It was
found advisable to break open the door and by that means enter the
house. Sub-Constable WELSH, with Sub-Constables HARVEY, KELLY and
O’NEIL, entered and rescued from death DONAGHY, his wife Catherine
and his sons, James, Patrick, and Hugh, also his daughter Ellen, and
afterwards brought therefrom the charred remains of his daughter
Catherine. Dr. BAIRD, of Killens, was promptly on the ground, but
life was found extinct. The mother suffered from the effects of the
smoke, as did also the father and the son James, who slept in a bed
beside the fire. Two milch cows, a pony valued at £16 and a pig at
£2 6s. were found to have been burned to a cinder, as well all the
property that was inside the house. The poor family are now left
destitute, even necessary clothing. They are stopping at Mr. James
BROWN’s, who, with his usual kindness of heart, spontaneously offered
them bed, board and lodgings, until something could be done for them
by public sympathy.
Too much praise cannot be given the inhabitants of Donemana for the manner in which they acted during this trying time, but more particularly to Constable M’CARBRY and the men under his command and also Mr. John O’NEILL, N.T., Killens and Mr. BROWN, hotel-keeper, Donemana. An inquest was held before the coroner and several witnesses were examined. Mr. John O’NEILL gave evidence of having experienced the smell of fire and after in vain endeavouring to awaken the inmates, ran to the police barrack, where Sub-Constable O’NEILL was the first to answer him. The rest of the party then went to the fire. The witness stated that Sub-Constable O’NEILL acted with the greatest courage throughout the affair and that he several times risked his own life to save the lives of the inmates. Other witnesses were examined, including Mrs. DONAGHY who was nearly frantic for the loss of her daughter, about 7 years of age. It was stated that no candle had been stuck up near any bed, but it transpired that DONAGHY was in the habit of burning the refuse of flax which he kept under the bed of the deceased and that his wife had cautioned him of the danger of that course. The jury found that the deceased had come by her death from suffocation of the burning of the refuse of flax under the bed in which she slept. (The Advocate or, the Irish Industrial Journal)
1 Dec. 1859 – died
Nov. 30th at Fawney near Donemana, Rebecca, daughter of Mr. Thomas M’INTYRE.
25 January 1860 – married
January 10th in the Second Presbyterian Church Donagheady by the Rev. F. J. Porter, Mr. Robert SCOTT, Woods, Ballinabuoy, to Anne, daughter of Surgeon BAIRD, Donemana Dispensary
1 Feb. 1860 Presbyterian Church
The Rev. Robert ROULSTONE, on the 23rd instant, was ordained as the successor of the Rev. Samuel WRAY, of the 1st Presbyterian congregation, Donemana. The Rev. Messrs. PETTIGREW, M’CONNELL, PORTER, CHAMBERS and ALLISON, conducted the religious services proper to the installation.
7 May 1860 – Landed Estates Court Co. Tyrone, Sale in Londonderry
In the matter of the Estate of William JACK, owner and Petitioner.
Pursuant to the directions of the Landed Estates Court, Mr.George WALTERS will, on Wednesday 20th June 1860. at the hour of 1 o’clock in the afternoon, at his auction mart in the City of Londonderry, set up and sell by public auction, in 1 Lot. the lands of Cleggan, Tyrkell or South Cleggan Tyrkell, held in fee-farm, situate in the parish of Donagheady, barony of Strabane and Co. Tyrone containing 329a 1r. 17p. or thereabouts, statute measure and producing a well paid profit rent of £50 5s. 6d.
C. E. DOBBS examiner
The biddings taken by the auctioneer will be submitted to the Honourable Judge DOBBS for approval on Sat. 23rd Jun. 1860 without further notice to any person.
Descriptive Particulars
The lands are held under fee-farm grant and are let to solvent tenants from year to year, at very moderate rents and from their extent and position, are likely to increase in value yearly. They are within 12 miles of Londonderry, 8 of Strabane and 2 of Donemana. For rentals and further particulars apply at the office of the Landed Estates Court Four-Courts, Dublin
Robert MEASE, solicitor, having carriage of the sale 9 Eustace street Dublin
Robert WILSON Esq. Strabane
George WALTERS, auctioneer, Derry
Dublin Evening Mail
12 Jul. 1860 – Pauper Deportation
At the meeting of the Derry Board of Guardians on Tuesday last, on the application for admission being read, the clerk said that there was an old man who had been sent over by the authorities in Scotland. The old man was nearly blind and had to be led in. He was scarcely able to stand and had to accommodated with a chair. In answer to questions, he said;
“My name is James MOLLOY. I have lived a long time nearly 40 years in Scotland. I was employed breaking stones in quarries. I never lived long enough in one parish to have a settlement in it. I first applied for relief 2 years ago. They put me into a house, under the care of a woman. They gave her 1s a week for keeping me and gave me a free bed and 2s. I have lived on that amount for the last 2 years. I can’t say how many parishes I have been in in Scotland. I lived a good while in the town of Alloa. I am above 60 years of age. I had a family, but they are all dead except one. They died in different parts of Scotland. I have one daughter alive but she would not look at me now. She has got up in the world and I have got down. I was injured breaking stones. A piece flew up and struck me in the eye and blinded me. The doctors would not put a hand on me. I lived two years and six months in Alloa. I was only a short time in it when I met with my accident. I was born somewhere in this country. I think I was born somewhere near Donemana, in the county of Tyrone. I was about 13 years of age when I left Ireland. No person went with me to Scotland. I can see a little, a very little.”
Several guardians said that this was a case of great hardship. The man was ordered to be admitted. (Northern Whig)
22 Aug. 1860 – married
On the 16th inst. at Donemana Church, by the Rev. Mr. Thomas, rector of the Parish, Mr. William HANNA of Waterside to Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr. Edward HASLETT of Rouskey
21 Nov. 1860 – married
On the 7th Nov. in the 1st Presbyterian Church, Glendermott, by the Rev. A. Buchanan, Mr. Robert George HANEY, of the Police Force, Ayr, Scotland, to Miss Mary YOUNG, of Donemana, parish of Donagheady, Co Tyrone
14 Feb. 1861 – Donagheady and Leckpatrick Farming Society
This society, recently instituted, was publicly inaugurated with great ‘eclat’ on Monday last, upon which day it held its first ploughing match with success far beyond what had been anticipated by the most sanguine of its members. The rich and fertile district of country embraced within its limits and the well known agricultural skill of the highly respected farmers resident therein, made it a matter of surprise that such a society had not long since been organized in that locality and the society having now been formed, if the spirit with which its operations commenced be only sustained, it bids fair soon to outstrip other societies of long standing. The ploughing match, which was held at Donemana, excited the most intense interest throughout the entire parish and a vast concourse of people from all quarters assembled to witness the contest, which was appointed to take place in a field belonging to Mr. David CRAIG, Binnelly. There were 33 ploughs entered to compete and notwithstanding the hard frost which had prevailed for 2 days previously and which very materially interfered with the ploughing, 30 of those entered engaged in the match. On account of the large number competing, it was thought advisable to secure a second field and accordingly one was obtained from Charles SEATON Esq. of Black Park, president of the society.In the latter field the competition in the ‘farmers class’ took place, while that in the ‘gentleman’s class’ took place in Mr. CRAIG’s field. The two fields are situated in commanding positions on opposite hills with a picturesque valley and river between them and as the many hundreds of spectators of both sexes, were constantly moving from one field to the other, the place presented more the appearance of a fair than anything else. In fact the day was observed as a holiday, all business having been forgotten in the excitement indulged in. Many of the visitors to Mr. CRAIG’s field were hospitably entertained at his residence, adjoining. The money prixes amounted to £8 and the following implements were competed for by the farmers viz;
An iron plough, valued at £5
a drill grubber, £3 10s.
a pair of iron harrows, £2 10s
a pair of saddle harrows, £1 10s.
a lever turnip cutter £1
a pair of improved swingletrees, 10s.
the judges were;
Messrs James PACHELL Ardlough
Joseph ALLEN Killenan
George BAIRD Sallywiley, Claudy
At 6 o’clock the members and friends of the society, numbering about 60 gentlemen, partook of a sumptuous banquet in Mr. DUNN’s hotel and the manner in which the dinner was served up reflected credit upon the proprietor of the establishment The wines were the gift of the president. The chair was occupied by Charles SEATON Esq. and the vice chair by Captain BAIRD Aughtermoyle, while Godfrey MACNEILL Esq., Dullerton and William M’CREA Esq., Magherareagh acted as croupiers. Grace was said and thanks returned by the Rev. F. J. Porter, Donagheady.
The chairman then proposed the toast of the evening. He said this was their first effort to establish in that large neighbourhood and rich agricultural district, not only an annual ploughing match, but also a small annual cattle show and if they were to judge from the success which had attended this, their first effort, they had good cause to augur well for the future.
Mr. MOORE (secretary of the society) said they were yet but an infant society and had had a hard beginning, but they had not at all expected such success, nor had they expected either to have so men at dinner. He hoped, if they were to meet again, that they would always have as many as the present occasion.
Gentlemen’s Class
1 Robert M’CREA Grange
2 Thomas GILMORE
3 Wm. OGILBY Esq.
4 Charles SEATON Esq.
5 Isaac DANIEL
6 Captain BAIRD
7 Robert M’CREA
8 Wm. M’CREA Farmhill
9 Samuel GAMBLE
10 Robt. M’Crea HOLMES
11 Joseph BOYLE
14 David CRAIG
15 Godfrey MACNEILL
Farmer’s class
3 Alexander CUNNINGHAM
6 George LOVE
7 James WHITE
8 Joseph MAXELL
9 Alexander BUCHANAN
10 David ELLICE
11 Robert CRAIG
12 Patrick QUINN
The prize for the best plough was awarded to Mr. Andrew M’NUTT implement manufacturer, Cullion.
The Chairman next proposed a toast to the health of the Judges, to whom he said they were all very much indebted. The toast was received with cheers.
Mr. PACHELL responded. His colleagues and he had spared no pains to arrive at a just conclusion. They had sifted the witnesses with as much care as any judge of the assizes. (Hear, hear.) The gallant captain on his left could estimate the difficulty of guiding a prow through frozen waters and he regretted to say the poughmen that day had experienced a similar difficulty in guidng their ploughs through frozen land. (Applause.) When Donagheady gave birth to this valuable institution, he considered it no small honour to be one of those entrusted to stand its cradle. (Cheers.) It seemed to be a thriving infant and when, at this early age, it was able to digest ploughs, grubbers &c. as appeared from the premium sheet, it would unquestionably in its maturer years, drink up lakes and subdue mountains. (Loud cheers.) There was one feature in the ploughing match of which he was bound to take special notice, namely, the large proportion of farmers who held their own ploughs. This was as it should be, for he felt it was no degradation to a farmer of the most respectable standing to put his own hand to the plough. Wm. OGILBY Esq. proposed the next toast. He said they were indebted to their efficient committee, Messrs. SEATON, MOORE, M’NEILL, M’CREA, HOLMES and others. He begged therefore to propose “The Health of the Committee.”
He expressed his gratitude for the many acts of kindness which he had received among them and which he would never forget. Fifteen years ago he came among them a comparative stranger and liked them well, that he resolved to reside among them. He had never yet seen cause to repent that resolution and with the blessing of God, he would leave his bones among them. (Cheers ) Mr. OGILBY concluded by eulogising the Marquis of Abercorn, a liberal landlord. Mr OGILBY proposed a toast in connection with one of the most influential in the society ‘the manufacturers of food, the greatest of all manufacturers. He begged to propose to “the tenant farmers of Tyrone, their health and prosperity and may God speed the plough.” The toast was coupled with the name of Mr. Godfrey MACNEILL. Mr. MACNEILL responded. The Rev F. J. PORTER said he could not, as one of Lord Abercorn’s tenants, hear his name mentioned without saying something. Every one in Donagheady knew that Lord Abercorn was not only the best landlord in the North of Ireland, but the best in all Ireland. He (Mr PORTER) was not in the habit of visiting such meetings as this, but he could not resist the temptation to be present that evening and for 3 reasons; first, because he was the oldest minister in the parish; secondly, because he was minister of the most influential congregation in the parish, many of whom had been most active in organising the society; and thirdly, because was a farmer himself and took a deep interest in farming. (Hear, hear.)
The Chairman then proposed the ‘strangers present and the health of William M’CARTER esq. William M’CARTER Esq., T.C., Derry, responded. After returning thanks for the honour done him, he congratulated the society on its happy inauguration and hoped it would continue to be prosperous. He only wondered that the society had not been instituted before, as he believed Donagheady was about the best parish in all Ireland and he was sure in a short time they would be in the position to be taken under the care of the Royal Agricultural Society.O ther toasts having been proposed, the company separated at an early hour.
21 Mar. 1861 – Extraordinary Fecundity
We learn from a correspondent that a few days ago, a ewe, the properly of Mr. Wm. CALLAGHAN of Gobnascale, near Donemana, produced three lambs. The ewe is not yet fully 5 years old. The first year she had two lambs; the next four; the next she had two; then again two; and on the last occasion three; making in all, thirteen lambs within four years.
29 Mar. 1861 Free-hold Farm for Sale
To be sold by auction at the Mart, Richmond street Londonderry on Wed. 10th April. at 2:00 o’clock. All that farm of land in Glencush, containing about 27 acres (arable), lately in the occupation Mr. James M’MORRIS and Mr. John M’GEE and held under a fee-farm grant, subject to the head-rent £4 4s. 11d. and £1 6s. 11d composition in lieu of tithes.
This farm lies about a mile and a half from Donemana and within convenient distance of Derry and Strabane. It is partly ploughed and possession may be had immediately.
For further particulars apply to
A. L. CARY Esq. Beech Cottage, Redcastle
Thomas CHAMBERS Esq. ship quay street Derry
Geo. WALTERS auctioneer &c. Derry
6 April 1861 – College Honours
At the recent examinations at Queen’s College, Belfast, Mr. Robert DONNEL of Dunamanagh, Co. Tyrone, obtained a special prize of £25. This prize is open all students who have been at least 3 years in connection with any Queen’s Colleges Belfast, Cork and Galway. Mr. DONNELL also obtained the class prize in Civil Law, at the close of the law lectures. Special prize examination prizemen – 1st – Alexander HAMILTON, A.B.; 2nd – Robert DONNELL, A.B. (Coleraine Chronicle)
6 Nov. 1861 – Flax Mill Burned
Early Friday morning week, a flax mill, belonging to Mrs. JACK of Lisnarra near Donemana was burned, it is supposed, by some disposed person or persons. No motive can be assigned for the outrage.
15 Jan. 1862
Rev Mr M’GEOGHAN C C, Donemana attended a meeting of the Loretto Convent in Omagh (Freeman’s Journal)
30 Jan. 1862 – Donagheady and Leckpatrick Farming Society
The members of this flourishing society held their second ploughing-match on Thursday last, in a field belonging to Mr, David CRAIG, Binnelly, near Donemana. Twenty three well equipped ploughs entered upon the contest, which was highly creditable to the district. The day being fine, a large number of visitors from a distance were present to witness the proceedings. They were hospitably entertained by the donor of the field.
The judges were;
Mr. WILLS, Gortnessy
Mr. CRAIG, Kilnappy
Mr. HATRICK, Glebe
The dinner was held in Mr. BROWN’s Hotel, Donemana, at half-past 5 o’clock. About 50 gentleman sat down to an excellent and substantial dinner, prepared and served up in a satisfactory manner. Mr. MOORE at the request of the chairman, then read the award of the judges as follows
Gentlemen’s servants class;
Mr. William DONNELL
2 Robert WOODS
3 William OGILBY
4 James MOORE
5 Charles SEATON
Farmer’s class
1 John COLHOUN Fawney
2 Alexander CUNNINGHAM, Liscleen
3 John WILLIAMSON, Silverbrook
4 John ROBINSON, Liscleen
5 James WHITE, Desert
6 John BROWN, Cullion
Winner of prize plough – Mr. John MAGINNESS, Donemana
5 Feb. 1862 – died
January 25, at Gobnascale near Donemana, Mr. John RAMSAY
8 Mar. 1862 – Tyrone assizes Omagh before Judge CHRISTIAN
John and Samuel RODDY were convicted of assaulting James TODD, Donemana, on 10th October last. Samuel RODDY, 6 months imprisonment; John RODDY, 3 months imprisonment (Dublin Evening Mail)
31 Jul. 1862 (more on this case 2nd next notice)
William LOGUE aged 22, an artilleryman was indicted for assaulting and robbing Thomas BLACK at Ballaghalare. The prisoner pleaded Not guilty and was defended by Mr. DICKIE solicitor. The Crown prosecutors were Messrs. MAJOR Q.C., and KENNEDY. The parties, it appeared, had been drinking together at Donemana fair and it was not very clearly shown that the prisoner had acted as thief. The Jury acquitted him (Dublin Daily Express)
4 Aug. 1862 – Church Appointments
Mr. COLTHURST, who succeeds the late Mr. FOSTER, at Termoneeny, is a Curate of still longer standing, having been 29 years in the Church, 25 of these at Donemana and the whole period in the Diocese. He has deserved his promotion, not only for his long standing, but for his exemplary ministrations. Such appointments by the Lord Bishop cannot fail to produce good results upon the peace, prosperity and religion of the Diocese.
5 Aug. 1862 trial notes
William LOGUE, an artillery militiaman, aged 22 years, was arraigned on a charge having on the night 27th Nov. 1861 at Ballaghalare, assaulted a person named Thomas BLACK and robbed him of a purse containing £8.
Thomas BLACK, examined – I was at the fair of the 27th Nov. last. I left between 4 and 5 o’clock with the intention of returning home. Pat MOLLOY and Charles MILLAGH accompanied me. On the way home we entered John KERRIGAN’s public house in the townland of Ballaghalare. We entered a room for the purpose of having some drink together. The prisoner came into the room and sat down at the table with us. I paid threepence for the drink before we left. I had £8 in my possession at the time. The three of us left the house for the purpose of going home. The prisoner followed me and gave me my umbrella; when about 20 or 30 yards from the house, the prisoner came up to me. He put his arm about my neck and pulled me towards him and began to jostle me. He put his into my pocket. I felt him taking out my purse. I seized hold of him by the arm. I saw the purse in his hand. He then threw me over a fence on the road side. My head came in contact with a stone. I became insensible. I was found lying behind the ditch by John GLENN. I saw the purse with my son who had found it. There was no money in it when he found it next morning. When I went home my son was not in the house.
Cross-examined – My son’s name is Joseph BLACK. He was not at home when I returned that night. I had some drink that day, about half a glass or two. I was not drunk before I came to KERRIGAN’s house. I was able to walk without assistance. I took the first half glass in a school- master’s house and the second in James DUNN’s house. I drank about two and a half glasses in KERRIGAN’s. It would take about 3 or 4 glasses of whiskey to make me drunk. I was about half an hour in KERRIGAN house. The prisoner came in uninvited. The other two persons with me entered into conversation with him. I told the waiter to give him half a glass whiskey. I had seven £1 notes and £1 in silver in my purse. When the prisoner attacked me he said his name was William LOGUE. I told him I knew that he was William LOGUE from the Faughan. I got home about 8 o’clock, I did not see my son until the next day. I was unable to go next day to swear information On the third morning after the occurrence I sent my son to the police to tell them what had occurred.
Eleanor SCOTT examined by Mr. KENNEDY – remembers the Donemana fair. I was in KERRIGAN’s public-house. I saw Thomas BLACK there that night in company with Charles MILLAGH and Pat MULLOY. I did not see them leave the house that night, as I was away on a message for my mistress. When returning I met him and the two men the road. I heard BLACK ask the prisoner his name and his answering that he was William LOGUE. They had hold each other on the road, about 30 yards from KERRIGAN’s house. I heard BLACK tell the prisoner to stand off him.
Cross-examined by Mr. DICKIE – I was in Mr. KERRIGAN’s employment at the time of the occurrence. When BLACK came into the house he was a little drunk. I did not hear any of the persons in the room invite the prisoner to sit down at the table. I did not see any jostling on the road.
Joseph BLACK examined – I am the son of first witness. I recollect the evening of the 27th Nov. last. I was at home when my father came home. He told me that he lost his money. I went in search for it in KERRIGAN’s public-house. I found a knife on the road and the purse empty behind the ditch, about 50 yards from KERRIGAN’s house (identifies purse and knife).
Cross examined – l came home about dusk on the 27th Nov. last. My father appeared have taken some drink. I went to KERRIGAN’s house and got a light to look along the road for the money. There was a search made in the public house for the purse.
Charles MILLAGH, examined – remembers the fair day at Donenana. I was with BLACK in KERRIGAN’s house, where we had some drink, for which he paid. he put his purse into his trousers pocket. I did not see the prisoner in the house after BLACK left.
cross examined – BLACK did not appear to be injured when saw him. I paid for some of the drink and BLACK paid threepence out of his purse.
John GLENN examined – I found BLACK lying behind a ditch near KERRIGAN’s house. I got assistance and raised him up. then took him to my father’s house a quarter of a mile distant. He was incapable of walking alone, but whether it was the result of the fall or the liquor I cannot say. he did not tell me that he had been robbed. I did not hear of the occurrence until the next day. I never saw the prisoner until today. I never heard anything against his character. BLACK’s house is about a quarter mile from KERRIGAN’s public house and my house is nearer KERRIGAN’s than his.
The prisoner was discharged. (Newry Telegraph)
16 Aug. 1862 – North-West Farming Society
A sum of fifty pounds for such manufactures and implements and agricultural implements as are considered most deserving by the Judges – John MAGINNIS, Donemana, Strabane, won £3 (Belfast Newsletter)
21 Aug. 1862 – married
Aug. 13 at the Parish Church, Donagheady by the Rev. Mr. Colthurst, Wm. M’FARLAND Esq. of Aughafad, to Miss Mary Ann SMITH of Ballinamallard near Donemana
4 Sept.1862 – Money Found
Found on Sabbath 31st ult., on the Road between Donemana and the 1st Presbyterian church Donagheady, a purse. The owner, by applying to Mr. William RANKIN, of Carrickatain and by giving a satisfactory description, can have it by paying cost of advertisement.
8 Sept. 1862 -Cure for Cancer
It has been lately discovered, that Sorrell, commonly called “Cuckoo’s Sorrell” which was generally considered to be a useless plant, possesses wonderful properties for the cure of the fearful disease of cancer. In 2 cases to which the herb was applied in the neighbourhood of Donemana, about 18 months ago, it exhibited such beneficial results, that after 13 or 14 applications, the affected parts were completely restored to their previous healthy condition. And in Canada where a friend of one of the persons alluded to went to reside, and who took a quantity over when emigrating, the “Sorrell” gave, in several instances there, the most undeniable proofs of being an invaluable remedy for cancer of all kinds, so much so, than an order reached a person living convenient to Donemana a few weeks ago, to send as much “Cuckoo’s Sorrell” to Canada as could be procured. The plant being indignious to the soil of Ireland, there need be no fear of a scanty supply being had in the proper season.
Mode Using – pound soft as much of the “Sorrell” in its raw state as will cover the affected part, put it on piece of old linen and renew the plaster every morning, until the disease is eradicated. If the cancer is inwardly, stew the “Sorrell” and let a teacupful of the liquid be taken 3 times a day, applying outwardly at same time over the diseased place, a ‘plaster of the raw bruised Sorrell. (Cork Examiner)
31 Oct. 1862 Strabane Union Farming Society
winner of the Royal Agricultural Society’s 2nd class medal for best cultivated root crop, not less than 5 statute acres – Mr. James BROWN, Donemana.
14 Nov. 1862 – Rev. James Smyth FRANKS
A large meeting of the Episcopalian congregation and other parishioners of Newtownards was held in the Assembly Rooms of that town on Thursday (yesterday). W. PARR Esq., in the chair when a very complimentary address and a purse of sovereigns were presented to the Rev. Jas. Smyth FRANKS A.B., on his removal from the Curacy of Newtownards to that of Dunamanagh, County Tyrone.
Nov. 1862 – Rev. James Smyth FRANKS
A large meeting of the
Episcopalian congregation and other parishioners of Newtownards was
held in the Assembly Rooms of that town on Thursday (yesterday). W.
PARR Esq., in the chair when a very complimentary address and a purse
of sovereigns were presented to the Rev. Jas. Smyth FRANKS A.B., on
his removal from the Curacy of Newtownards to that of Dunamanagh,
County Tyrone.
Nov. 1862 – died
On Sunday the 23rd inst. at Clermont, Donemanagh,
Martha, the beloved daughter of the late Rev. D. J. WALKER aged 22
14 Jan. 1863 – to be sold
Farm, stock, crop, implements &c. to be sold at Clermont near Donemana. The subscriber has received instructions from the executors of the late Rev. D. J. WALKER to sell by auction on Fri. 16th Jan. 1863 at 12 o’clock all the stock, crop, implements &c., on the farm at Clermont near Donemana. comprising 20 head of well bred cattle, including cows, heifers &c. 9 stacks of prime oats, a quantity of good upland hay, also a lot of turf, potatoes, manure &c. carts, ploughs, harrows, box and turf barrows, winnowing machine and other farming utensils, a good gig and numerous other articles. The free-hold properties of Clermount and Willmount will be disposed of at a future date, of which due notice will be given – Geo. WALTERS auctioneer, Londonderry
29 Jan. 1863 – to be sold
Farm, stock, crop, implements &c. to be sold by private contract the Farm in Creighan Donemana, the property of Mr. Moses TATE, comprising 58 acres, statute, of good arable and improvable land, with dwelling-house,outhouses and cottage, with turbary and limestone on the land, held under lease for 31 years from Nov. last. Rent and rent charge £14. Offers will be received by the proprietor and James STEVENSON Esq., Solicitor or the Auctioneer, up to Fri., the 13th Feb. 1863 at 11 o’clock, on which day all the stock, crop, implements, household furniture, &c. will be sold by auction and the purchaser will be declared.
The stock &c. consists of 7 Head of cattle, 1 horse, carts, plough and other implements, 3 stacks of corn and 1 of hay, manure, turf and all the articles of household furniture. Purchaser to pay the auction fees. – Geo. WALTERS, auctioneer Richmond street Londonderry
28 Jan. 1863 – Donagheady and Leckpatrick Farming Societ
The annual ploughing match of this promising society was held on Thursday last in a field on the property of Captain BAIRD R.N., who fully sustained the character of a fine old Irish gentleman, by exercising a seasonable and liberal hospitality to the numerous visitors to the field where the contest took place. Twenty-one ploughs entered, but only 20 started at the appointed hour. They finished their work in good style about 3 o’clock. The turn out was most creditable to the district. The judges were Messrs. John HATRICK, John WILLS, and Alex. M’NEILL.
The dinner took place in the evening in Mrs. DUNNE’s, Donemana, where about 50 friends and supporters of the society sat down to an excellent dinner, William OGILBY Esq., J.P., of Altnachree castle, president of the society, in the chair. Captain BAIRD and Charles SEATON Esq., of Blackpark, acted as croupiers. The efficient secretary of the society, Mr. James MOORE, then read the following awards of the judges;
Gentlemen’s Class
1 Joseph BATES
3 Robert WOODS
4 John HOLMES Jr.
5 David CRAIG
6 James MOORE
7 Robert M’Crea HOLMES
8 Charles SEATON
9 Captain BAIRD
Farmer’s Class
3 James KERR
4 Alexander CUNNINGHAM
6 John James M’CREA
1 James NUTT
2 Richard DONAGHY
29 Jan. 1863 – Farm for Sale
Excellent cheap Farm, with good lease, thrashing mill, flax mill, &c. at Gortileck near Donemana. to be sold on Wed. 4th Feb. At 11 o’clock, on the premises, if not previously disposed of by private sale. The farm held by the late Mr. S. KEE, in Gortileck, under the most noble the Marquis of Abercorn, by lease for a young and good life, consisting of about 73 acres at the yearly rent of £44 14s. The land is of excellent quality and in good condition.
There is also good flax mill, with an abundance of water power and plenty of limestone; also a good thrashing mill, winnowing machine, flax stone, together with carts, harness, farming utensils of every kind; also, a quantity of straw, turnips, manure and other articles, too numerous to mention. Terms, cash. Purchaser to pay auction fees. Proposals will be received by Mr. Robt. WATSON, Claudy Blair, until the day of sale and should fair value be offered, the purchaser will be declared; if not, said farm will be sold on said day, above stated.
Joseph KERR, auctioneer
5 Feb. 1863 – Address to the Rev. Henry COLTHURST Rector of Termoneeny &c.
Rev. and Dear Sir.
We, the undersigned parishioners of Donagheady of all sects and denominations, whilst congratulating you on your promotion to the Rectory of Termoneeny, cannot allow your removal from among us to pass over without testifying of our respect for your character and our cordial appreciation of the unwearied zeal, kindness and assiduity with which you have fulfilled the various duties of your sacred calling, during a residence of above a quarter of a century in this Parish.
We have been attentive observers of the unaffected kindness and conciliatory manners which have invariably marked your intercourse with others, of your unremitting attendance on the sick, your unostentatious charity to the poor and your constant solicitude to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of your own flock; whilst your urbanity, gentleness and unobtrusive manners, have concilliated the good-will and esteem of all other sects and denominations of the community. For these reasons, Rev. and Dear Sir, we have united, without distinction creed or party, to present you with the accompanying Breakfast Service and salver, which we beg you to accept as an acknowledgment, not less of our esteem than of your merits, of the gratitude of your own hearers and of the respect which those who differ from you entertain for your character, as a quiet, zealous, and conscientious Clergyman and a kind, courteous and obliging neighbor.
Heartily wishing you all health, happiness, and prosperity, both temporal and spiritual, we remain, Rev. and Dear Sir, your very sincere friends and well-wishers.
Wm. OGILBY J.P., D. L.. Altnachree Castle Dunamanagh
James OGILBY J.P., D.L., Pellipar House Dungiven
John HOLMES J.P., Strandabrosney
Charles SEATON Black Park
Robert M’CREA Grange House
William M’CREA South Grange
R. M’Crea HOLMES Glencush
David CRAIG Binnelly
Henry DANTON Rasberry Hill
Robert WOODS Ardcame
David G. ELLIS Beoan
James MOORE Loughash
Robert CRAIG Binnelly
Thomas COLHOUN Fawney
John WILLIAMS Silverbrook
James DUNN Glenagoorland
Andrew DUNN Glenygorley
George ELLIS Moneycannon
Thomas ELLIS Benone
W. BAIRD, Surgeon, Aughtermoy
Robert STEWART Binnelly
James TRONE (?) Tirkernahan
John PICKETT Moneycannon
Michael LYNCH Ballyneanor
William DONNELL Inniskill
George CALLAGHAN Carnagubbin
James CALLAGHAN Carnagubbin
John NIXON Castlewarren
18 Feb. 1863 – Arrest
A correspondent informs us of the arrest of an old offender named Neal DEVINE, a returned convict, who has been wanted by the police for the past 3 months. It was reported that the fellow was armed ‘to the teeth’ and likely to sell his liberty dearly if an attempt were made to secure him. A few days ago, however, constable Hugh LEDDY, with sub-constables BREADY and CARNEY, of the Donemana constabulary, succeeded in capturing him. They had been on the look-out and met DEVINE on the road from Derry. On seeing the police he took to the fields, but was secured, after a sharp run and a short struggle. Next morning the prisoner was lodged in Lifford gaol, his latest offence, that of sheep stealing, having been committed in the county of Donegal. The constables deserve credit for freeing the public from the danger of having an individual of this sort at large amongst us.
(transcriber’s note the 4 sheep were stolen from William HAMILTON of Coolaghey. DEVINE was found guilty and sentenced to penal servitude of ten years)
19 Feb. 1863 Farm for Sale
Free-hold farm for sale by auction on Sat. 29th Feb. Inst., at 1 o’clock (immediately after the sale of Clermont and Willmount) at the Mart, Richmond street Londonderry, the farm of land in Glencush near Donemana, lately in the occupation of Mr. James M’MORRIS and Mr. John M’GEE, containing about 27 acres of arable land and held under a Fee-farm grant, subject to the nominal head rent of £4 4s.11d, and £1 6s. 11, composition and in lieu of tithes.
The farm is within a convenient distance of Londonderry and Strabane and immediate possession can be given. A deposit of 15 per cent, at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to
A. L. CAREY Esq., Redcastle or Thomas CHAMBERS Esq., solicitor
George WALTERS, auctioneer
5 Mar. 1863 Ploughing at Clonakilty County Cork
Mr. James CAIRNS of Donemana, county Tyrone, having purchased the farm of Ballyduvane from Mr. Edward HERRICK, the neighbors gave him an Irish welcome to the district by turning out upwards of 12 ploughs to give him the benefit of a days ploughing, which was most creditably performed. Mr. CAIRNS reciprocated the kindness in entertaining liberally, both man and horse.
28 Mar. 1863 – died
– March 21st at Glencush near Dunnemana, Mr. Archibald NELSON aged 52 years,
– March 21, at Killynaught near Donemana, Miss Mary Ann BOAK
20 Jun. 1863 – married
June 16 in Donemana Presbyterian Church by the Rev. J. Monteith, John, only son John KENNEDY Esq , Ballyarton House, to Maggie, fourth daughter of the late Rev. D. J. WALKER, Clermont House, Donemana.
24 June 1863 Luxuriant Flax
A specimen of flax, two feet four inches in height, has been left at our office, which was grown on the farm of Mr. David WILSON, of Drumaneny, near Raphoe. The sample is a fair specimen of the average growth; the seed, best Riga, was purchased from the Messrs. STEVENSON, Richmond street. We have also seen a very fine specimen of flax grown on the farm of Mr. Henry DANTON of Raspberryhill, Donemana, which promises a fine crop. The season’s produce of flax generally, so far, indicates a plenteous return.
25 July 1863 – Flax
We have seen a stalk of flax, four feet in length, pulled from the crop of Mr. WILLIAMS, Silverbrook, Donemana.
5 Aug. 1863 – married
July 28, in the Presbyterian Church, Donemana, by the Rev. J. Montieth, Samuel, youngest son of Mr. Samuel M’FARLAND Kilcatten, to Mary, youngest daughter of Jas. RODDY of Benoan Mills
8 Aug. 1863 – married
Aug. 4th in the Presbyterian Church, Clonakilty by the Rev. Thomas Croskery, James CAIRNS Esq. of Ballyduvane House, Clonakilty, originally from Donemana, county Tyrone, to Anne Jane, eldest daughter of Thomas HUGHES Esq., Gurrancore House, near Clonakilty.
15 Aug. 1863 – Public Sales
at Geo WALTERS & Sons auctioneers, Richmond St. Londonderry
Aug. 18 at 11 o’clock – crop at Mr. MARSHALL’s farm Donemana
Aug. 18 at 2 o’clock – crop at Mr. POLLOCK’s farm Benown
14 Nov. 1863 – married
Nov. 11, in the Presbyterian Church, Donemana, by the Rev. John Monteith, James MOORE Esq. Coleraine, to Kate, daughter of the late Samuel JACK Esq., Lisnana.
26 Dec. 1863 – Donemana Petty Sessions
Joseph M’CANN v. John WHITESIDE of Garvagh
This was a charge for trespass by defendant’s cows, using threatening language, tumbling a turf-stack, breaking a window and tearing 2 shirts; also for keeping a heap of manure in complainant’s way, stopping a well &c. The first of these cases was dismissed; the second, the defendant was ordered to find bail for 12 months; the third, the manure was ordered to be removed.
David G. ELLIS v. John BLACK, Benoan
The charge in this case was for letting water maliciously upon a wheat field, but it having been shown that it was not the defendant, but his son, who had done the act complained of, the case was postponed.
Sub-constable LEE Donemana v. Patrick O’KANE Laith
For allowing 2 pigs to roam on the public road. Fined 2s. and costs.
Sub-constable MACOOL, Donemana v. John BLACK Benoan
For allowing a cow to wander on the public road. Fined 1s and costs.
Patrick WALSH, Straneygalley v. William GORMLY
For refusing to pay plaintiff 19s. 4d. for balance of account for making drains. It seemed there had been a misunderstanding in this case. Left to arbitration- Awarded 5s. 2d. with costs.
Bridget TINNY, Strabane v. James M’MENAMIN, Ballycarry. For refusing pay £1 2s. wages. Defendant said he did not refuse to pay, but wanted some time to do it. To pay the constabulary on Tuesday, 22nd instant.
Matilda JACK, Lisnarron v. James TUNNY
for allowing 4 cows to trespass in plaintiff’s wood. Fined 2s, with costs.
John ROSBOROUGH, Ballymacross v. John BROWN, Moneycrennon for £1 13s. 0½d, goods sold and delivered Awarded, with costs
12 Jan. 1864 Londonderry Union
The Poor Law Commissioners not having approved of the election of Michael MORRISON, as porter for the Workhouse, owing to his having lost his right hand, there were several applicants for the office, out of whom William NIXON, of Donemana, was elected by a large majority. To enter on his duties on 1st February.
23 Jan. 1864 Donagheady and Leckpatrick Farming Society
The usual annual ploughing-match, held in connection with this prosperous society, came off on Thursday at Donemana, in a field on the property of David CRAIG Esq. who kindly entertained those visiting the spot. There was an exceedingly large attendance of those interested in the match, in fact, the district turned out bodily and congregated at the scene of the contest. The ground was in pretty fair condition and the manner in which the soil was turned up was a matter of general remark. The number of ploughs entered was 21 and the judges on this occasion were the Messrs. George CRAIG, Dorrington BOYLE and Henry THOMPSON.
The dinner took place at Mr. James BROWN’s, Donemana, at about half past 5 o’clock, when upwards of 40 gentlemen sat down to an excellent repast. The president of the society Wm. OGILBY Esq. J.P., was absent owing to illness but the duties of chairman were ably discharged by John HOLMES jr. Esq. James MOORE Esq. Loughash occupied the vice-chair. Godfrey MacNEILL Esq. and John DONNELL Esq., acted croupiers. The wines were the gift of William OGILBY Esq. Award of the judges;
Gentlemen’s Class
1 John BROWN
3 William KILGORE
4 David CRAIG
5 Wm. OGILBY Esq.
6 Robert M’Crea HOLMES
7 Joseph BATES
8 Alexander MOOREHEAD
There were only 6 prizes, but 2 were added
Farmer’s Class
7 Thomas KENNEDY
8 Mr. John J. LOVE
2 Mar.1864 Donemana Petty sessions
Thomas KENNEDY Tiboe v. James HOUSTON and Thomas HOUSTON
For unlawfully cutting through a mearing ditch. Adjourned
Michael BRYSON, Benbunniff v. James HOLLAND
For an assault and preventing plaintiff from drawing on a bye-way, which defendant said he had no right to do. Dismissed
Catherine M’CREA, Garvagh v. Margaret WHITESIDE
For throwing stones and boiling water on complainant and little daughter. Fined 5s or one week imprisonment.
Joseph M’CREA and Catherine M’CREA, Garvagh v. John WHITESIDE and Margaret WHITESIDE
For defendant’s daughter killing a drake and throwing dirt on complainants. Awarded 1s. 3d. for the drake, 1s. 3d. for the assault
John CRIGGAN co. Derry v. Wm. BROWN, Ballaughalare
For a vicious dog attacking him on the road and thereby sustaining severe injuries. The dog to be killed immediately and pay expenses
Quintin DIVINE, Ballycarry v. Patrick KEARNEY, Clougherney
For sinking a water table on the public road
Same, v. Arthur M’BRIDE
Both cases to be adjourned to next law day on defendants promising to repair the breaches; otherwise, in default of doing so, both cases to be proceeded with
John M’FADDEN Windyhill v. Wm. ARBUCKLE
For nonpayment of 12s 2d, wages. Sum awarded with costs
Davidson KEYS, Drean v. Robert TOWERS, Aughtermoy
For 10s 6d, due for flax scutching. Amount awarded with costs
Andrew DUNN, Glenygoorlin v. James COOK, Donemana
For absconding from plaintiff’s flax mill, having engaged to work there during the season. Fined £1 or 2 weeks imprisonment.
Alexander CUNNINGHAM, Liscleen v. Michael LYNCH, John EATON and Patrick LOGUE, Ballynenor
For unlawfully digging down part of the fence on the public road. In these cases, LYNCH and LOGUE submitted, but EATON would not and was dismissed. LYNCH and LOGUE were fined 1s and costs
Constable Hugh LEDDY, Donemana v. Robert EGAN, Benone
For 2 pigs wandering on the public road. Fined 6d. and costs
Sub-Constable M’GOUBRICK, Donemana v. Walter CONISON
For 2 cows wandering the public road. Fined 1s and costs
Matthew SIMPSON, Alla v. James O’KANE, Ballycarry
For 8s. the balance of a cow’s price. Awarded with costs
John SWAN, Donemana v. J. J. M’CREA, Tullyard
For 8s 8½d. goods sold and delivered. Awarded, with costs; when defendant said be would appeal to the Quarter Sessions.
8 Mar 1864 – Illicit Distillation in the County Tyrone
On the morning of the 25th ult.. Constable LEDDY, of the Donemana constabulary, with Sub-Constables LEE, CRAIG, GOSS, M’COOLE and M’GOLRICK, proceeded to the mountains of Glenmorning, a distance of 7 miles from their station and after a long and tiresome search, succeeded in discovering, in the townland of Gortacrum, a still in full working order, together with 5 large vats, containing about 300 gallons of wash, 30 gallons of potale and 5 gallons of singlings, all of which the constables immediately destroyed.
2 April 1864
Mr. R. ALEXANDER was elected a guardian of the Dunamanagh electoral district
9 Apr. 1864 – died
At New York on the 11th ult., Mr. James BAIRD, eldest son of William Baird Esq. M.D., Donemana (Coleraine Chronicle)
13 Aug. 1864
Respecting Donemana, Strabane the Registrar’s annotation is“Births, 49; deaths, 42.” Three deaths from diphtheria, an unusual disease in this district, occurred during the quarter. “Measles more prevalent than usual.” These are mere specimens of statistical minuteness, but they serve to illustrate the utility and value of the records carefully collected.
27 Aug. 1864
Mr. John MAGINNIS, Donemana, was one of the principal exhibitors of machines & implements at the Northwest Agricultural Society’s Show in Derry.
17 Sept. 1864 – Curacy – Sole Charge
A gentleman of experience and private means is desired to take charge of an agricultural Parish in the absence of the Rector. Population 1,100. There is an assistant curate. Salary £120 per annum, with use of the glebe-house, which is large and unfurnished and 10 statute acres of land, if desired. Address – Rev. A. B., Dunamanagh, Strabane.( Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette)
8 Oct. 1864 Freehold Property for sale
The farm of Binneley, consisting of about 62 statute acres, with a good two storey house and good offices and a plentiful supply of turf on the premises, held in perpetuity under Mr. OGILBY, at the yearly rent of eight guineas, within a half a mile of Donemana, 6 of Strabane and 8 of Derry. Proposals will be received Mr. M’CREA, of Grange House, till the 1st of November, when possession can be given.
12 Oct 1864 Strabane District Farming Society
Mr. John M’GUINNESS, of Donemana, showed some well manufactured ploughs and grubbers. He was the only exhibitor in the implement line
16 Nov. 1864 Strayed or Stollen
From Donemana cow market, on 27th October last, a bullock, one year old, the property of Mr. James CAIN, Bondsglen, near Donemana. Colour, yellow; wide horned; star in his face; rough haired; some white in the flank. Any person returning the same will be duly rewarded.
Bondsglen, November 14 1864
25 Jan. 1865 Donagheady and Leckpatrick Farming Society
The annual ploughing match in connnexion with this flourishing society had been appointed to be held on Thursday (tomorrow) in a field of Mr. James WALKER’s, near Donemana, but should frost intervene, it will be held the first Thursday after without frost.
8 Feb. 1865 Donagheady and Leckpatrick Farming Society
This society held its annnal ploughing match yesterday at Donemana, in a field belonging to Mr. James WALKER, of Tirconnelly, which is distant from Donemana about a mile and a half. The day was fine for this season of the year and this fact was conducive to a very large number of visitors to the field. At about 12 o’clock some 20 ploughs entered on their duties, which they executed in a remarkably good style. To take the general opinion, considering that the society is, but a young one, the work performed by the several competitors was highly creditable. No scarcity of refreshments was experienced by those who considered themselves interested in the day’s proceedings and it is only justice to say that Mr. WALKER, the donor of the field, exhibited that hospitality for which the farmers of the district are remarkable. The judges on this occasion were Messrs. Henry THOMPSON of Aughtagh, John MAGUIRE, Aughtagh and Wm. CANNING of Ervey.
As customary, the dinner was held in Mr. BROWNE’s inn, about 5 o’clock, when upwards of 50 gentlemen sat down. John HOLMES jr. Esq. presided and James MOORE Esq., acted croupier. The wines, which where the gift of Mr. OGILBY, president of the Society, were of excellent quality. The following is the Judge’s award;
Gentlemen’s Class
Farmer’s Class
2 John BROWN
3 Thomas KENNEDY
Mr. Richard DONAGHY
11 Feb. 1865 – died
January 31st Rachel, the beloved wife of Mr. Joseph THOMPSON, Moneykennon Donemana, aged 34 years, second daughter of Mr. Patrick M’NICKLE, Gortin.
18 Mar. 1865 – assizes
Charge of sending a Threatening Letter
in the case of James DUNN, farmer, charged with sending a threatening letter to William L. OGILBY Esq., of Altnachree Castle, Donemana, counsel for the Crown not being prepared to bring the case to trial at these assises, the traverser was allowed to stand out until next assises, on renewing his recognizances.
7 Jun 1865 – died
June 1st at Benelly, Donemana, Mr. David CRAIG aged 64 years, much and deservedly regretted.
28 Oct. 1865 – To Be Let and immediate possession given
To let, that valuable farm of land containing about 62 acres, statute measure, in Binelly (convenient to the Town of Donemana) in the Parish of Donagheady and Co. Tyrone, as lately in possession of David CRAIG, deceased. The farm is in a high state of cultivation and well-suited for growing flax and there are turf and a valuable limestone quarry on the lands. The dwelling-house and offices are in good repair and there is also new thrashing mill. For terms and further particulars, apply to
A. STEVENSON Solicitor, Londonderry
Mr. Robert CRAIG, Binelly,
Mr. Samuel CRAIG, Ned, Ballykelly
24 Feb. 1866 –
Feb. 22, in the Parish Church, Donagheady by the Rev. G.
J. Thomas, Rector, John Lyon KNOX Esq. Ballyskeagh to Julia second
daughter of David G. ELLIS Esq. Benoan, Donemana
3 Mar. 1866 –
Assizes – larceny
MULHOLLAND was indicted for having, at Donemana, on 27th October
last, feloniously received money, the property of John COLHOUN. The
prisoner pleaded not guilty and was defended by Mr. William IRVINE,
advised by Mr. DICKIE
Mary Ann COLHOUN, a young girl, deposed
– that she is daughter of the prosecutor and lives with her father in
Donemana. She had been acquainted with the prisoner for about 9
months. He is a National schoolmaster. Witness took money out of her
father’s drawer and gave it to the prisoner on several occasions. The
witness was cross-examined by Mr. IRVINE, at the end of which, the
Crown withdrew the case and the prisoner was discharged.
Mar. 1866 – Presbyterian Church
On Thursday 22nd nine elders were
ordained at 2nd Donagheady. Services were conducted by Mr. ROGERS of
Banagher, Mr. SMYTH of Donaghmore and Mr MONTEITH of Donemana and Mr.
PORTER, pastor of the church.
9 Apr. 1866 – Illicit
As Constable HARVEY and a party of the Donemana
constabulary were out on revenue duty, early on the morning of the
1st instant, they discovered an ingeniously constructed still-house
in Allishan Mountain, about 5 miles from their station. In the
still-house there was a still at full work and a large quantity of
wash. They arrested two prisoners in the still-house
15 May
1866 – died
May 13th Mary, the wife of Rev. J. MONTEETH, Donemana,
aged 54 years
10 Jul. 1866 – died
July 3rd at Donemana, Ann
Mary, the only daughter of Mr. William ARBUCKLE aged two years and
seven months
14 July 1866 – Free-hold Property for sale
valuable and highly improved property of JACK’S Lisnarrow, containing
235a. 1r. 34p. ord. survey, of which about 40 acres are bog and 23
acres of larch plantation, besides a considerable quantity of other
valuable timber. There is on the property a good two-storey dwelling
house, containing two sitting and 5 bed-rooms, kitchen, pantry &c.
The grounds adjoining are beautifully laid out. There is also a fine
flax mill, with a never failing supply of water. This property is
near Donemana, which is 9 miles from Derry and 6 from Strabane.
Parties desiring to purchase would do well to make immediate
application. For further particulars apply on the premises or George
WALKER Esq. Bishop street, Derry
19 Sept. 1866 – Serious
Accident near Donemana
The other day an accident of a very serious
nature occurred at Tirkernaghan, in the vicinity of Donemana. A young
lad, named MACKINTOSH, was about to bring a horse in from the field
where he was grazing and was being assisted to mount by his father,
when the horse ran off and the boy fell to the ground. Unfortunately
he got entangled in the tether and after dragging him along for some
time, the animal flung back and smashed his skull in a frightful
manner. The poor lad was speedily got out of this perilous position
and conveyed to his home. Dr. BAIRD, Donemana, was promptly in
attendance and rendered all the assistance that medical skill could
afford, but there is no hope whatever entertained of his
17 Oct. 1866 – married
September 27, at Killina
Roman Catholic Chapel by the Rev. A. Geoghegan C.C., Donagheady, Mr.
William DEVINE, Aughebrack, to Miss Catherine WARD, Drum, near
5 Jan. 1867 – Wanted
Killenagh National School, in the neighbourhood of Donemana, a female who will act in the double capacity of Workmistress and Assistant Junior teacher. Candidates to attend at the School on Thursday 10th January at 12 o’clock noon and will be required to have good testimonials and specimens of work with them. – James BROWN, manager, Donemana
12 Jan. 1867 – The late storm and melancholy loss of life
About 6 o’clock on Saturday evening, a car-driver, named Henry DUGAN, left Simms’ Hotel, Strabane, with a car, in which were Captain STEWART and Montgomery SINCLAIR Esq., whom he drove to Holyhill, the residence of the latter, about 3 miles from Strabane. He left Holyhill about 7 o’clock, to return to Strabane and was not heard of until Sunday, when a farmer observed a horse with car-harness on him, in a field in the townland of Bailee. Seeing a car upended on the road, near the same place, he proceeded in the direction and found the lifeless body of Henry DUGAN in the snow. It would appear that the unfortunate man, finding it impossible to proceed with the car through the snow, had unyoked the horse for the purpose of taking him home without the car and had become overpowered by the excessive cold while doing so. From the position in which he was found, the top of a heap stones, it is supposed that he had been attempting to get up on the back of the horse and that the animal had left him and got home to Mr. SIMMS’ stable.
An inquest was held by Dr. HAMILTON, coroner and a jury, and a verdict in accordance with these facts was returned. The deceased, who was of temperate habits, leaves a wife near her confinement of her first child. Much sympathy was evoked in the neighbourhood for the widow, under the melancholy circumstances by which she has been bereaved of her husband and we believe a subscription has been set foot for her.
A man named John WILSON, a person in the employment of Montgomery SINCLAIR Esq., of Hollyhill, has also lost his life. He had been purchasing some goods at the shop of Mr. GRAHAM, Strabane, on Saturday evening and left the town to return home. Anxiety having been felt for his safety by several of his friends and neighbours, a search was instituted on Saturday night, which, however, proved fruitless. He was discovered on Sunday morning buried in the snow and quite dead, at the foot of Strabane Glen. Dr. HAMILTON held an inquest on the body, when a verdict of “perished in the snow” was returned. The third death is that of a lad named Edward LOUGHLIN, about 13 years of age. Saturday evening, he was sent by bis parents, who reside near Donemana, to a grocer’s shop at a considerable distance from their house. Not returning in time, a search was made for him, but without effect, till, Sunday morning, his body was found, buried in a snow wreath, the depth of nearly 7 feet, in the townland of Ballaghlaird. (Northern Standard)
11 Jan. 1867 – A Bull at Large
On Wednesday, a bull belonging Mr. John HALL of Gorticioss, which had been sent to Derry for sale, became infuriated on the road leading from the new bridge to Foyle Street, Derry, and broke away from the boy who had charge of him by a rope. The bull then ran furiously through Foyle Street, throwing down an elderly woman named Ellen DEVENEY who belongs to Tullyard near Donemana, injuring her considerably and breaking one of his horns against a wall near the old gas works. Constable LOCKHART, with Borough Constable Hugh WILSON and several others, made an attempt to capture the furious animal. Constable LOCKHART seized the bull by the tail, thinking to stab him with his sword, when the animal suddenly turned round to attack him and the constable ran into a door for safety, while the bull ran into the office door of Mr. LECKY, provision merchant, where he remained for a short time. In turning to get out, the animal fell, when Constable LOCKHART, seizing the opportunity, plunged his sword into him to the hilt. Almost at the same time a young man from one of the adjoining stores cut the animal’s ham-strings with a large knife to prevent him getting up. He was immediately after bled to death as he lay on the public street. The woman DEVENEY was carried into the house of Mr. M’LOUGHLIN.
The Derry Guardian very properly observes that farmers should use much more caution, than they frequently do, in sending such animals into Derry on market days, when the streets are crowded, serious accidents have frequently occurred through the practice. (Belfast Morning News)
31 Jan. 1867 -died
Jan. 28th Mary third daughter of the late Rev. David J. WALKER Clermont Donemana (Dublin Evening Post)
27 Mar. 1867 – City of Londonderry Assizes – The late Derry Robberies
Andw. M’KANE and John M’KANE, of Tybo near Donemana, were then put forward and charged with having in their possession divers goods, the property of Mr. James DUNCAN and Mr William ANDREWS, watchmakers and jewellers, in the city of Londonderry, knowing same to be stolen. The prisoners were defended by Mr. IRWIN, who instructed them to plead guilty. John M’KANE sr. and John M’KANE jr., were then put forward and charged with having in their possession at Tybo, several articles of wearing apparel &c. knowing same to be stolen. W. Geo. MORRIN and Sub-constable Thomas O’DONNELL were examined in support of the charge. His Lordship said there was no evidence against John M’KANE Sr. to his having stolen the goods. The jury found accordingly. The court then sentenced the two sons of the elder prisoner, who had pleaded guilty, to 5 years penal servitude.
13 Apr. 1867 – died
April 4th at Ruskey near Donemana, Uphia, relict of the late Mr. James LINDSAY aged 76 years
13 May 1867 – died
March 26th at Texas, Wm. Leighton WALKER, a son of the late Rev. David J. WALKER, Clermont, Donemana, aged 18 years. (Belfast Newsletter)
3 Jul. 1867 – died
June 28th at Aughafad near Donemana, Mr. George HUGHEY aged 55 years
31 July 1867 – Tyrone assizes Record Court Omagh
This was an action brought by Mr. Charles NELSON, builder, Donemana, against the defendant, Mr. M’lNTYRE for the sum of £80 odds, a balance which he alleged was due from the settlement of an account for building certain improvements on the house of the defendant. The defendant pleaded that the plaintiff had agreed to make the improvements on the house for £60 and there was only remaining a small balance of £8 15s 7d, which he (the defendant) lodged in court. Mr. HAMILTON opened pleadings and Mr. DOWSE Q.C. stated the plaintiff’s case. The plaintiff was examined at length in support of his claim, after which Mr. COLLINS C.E., Derry; Mr. MULLAN, Omagh and Mr. M’NEELAGE, Derry, were also examined on the same side.
Mr. M’lNTYRE examined – l live in Magheragh, in the County of Tyrone. I wished my house raised a storey and agreed with Mr. NELSON to do so. There was to be in the new storey, 8 windows, 3 panel doors and 2 ceilings. I was to draw the material and the plaintiff was to do the work for £60.
Mr. HAMILTON cross-examined the defendant, but did not shake his testimony. Mr. CHURCH, surveyor to his Excellency the Lord lieutenant and Mr. GILLESPIE, builder and contractor, were examined to prove that they were called upon to measure and valued the extra work which they did £24 5s. 1d, the defendant telling them to put a good price on the extra work.
William COULTON was examined and said he did the carpenter work and was told Mr. M’lNTYRE that the work was to done for £60 and Mr. SMYTH, Altrest, proved that he was told the same thing by the defendant.
the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff of £23 4s 11d.
14 Aug. 1867 Cricket Donemana First Nine v. Next Twenty with Two Bowlers
This match was played on the Donemana ground on Thursday last, and resulted victory for the former. On the side the Nine Mr. Charles THOMAS headed the score, with a well gained 23 and 21, comprising 2 fine drives for 4-6 threes, 8 twos, &c. Mr. J. THOMAS added 7 and 15 in true style, including a splendid drive for four.
Messrs. H. LOWRY, W. LOWRY, and W. KEE, played well for their respective scores. When the game was concluded, Messrs. J. DUNN and CUNNINGHAM were left slogging away in fine style. On the side of the Twenty-two W. KENNEDY, SCOTT, DIVIN and J. KENNEDY hatted very creditably. The straight and fast bowling of Messrs. C. and T. THOMAS backed up by the good fielding of the Nine, was too well on the spot to allow any large scores to made by the Twenty-two. ln the second innings 11. LOWRY’s bowling was very effective. On the side of the Twenty-two, the two bowlers, W. KENNEDY and MERVYN bowled well and steadily. This match displayed to advantage the rising talent of the club.
25 Sept. 1867 – died
On the 14th instant, at her father’s residence Ruskey near Donemana, Mary, second daughter of Mr. Edward HASLETTE
23 Nov. 1867 – Londonderry Police Court
Drunk and Incapable
John M’CLEERY, a person who is well known in the Police Court was charged by City constable 28 with being drunk and lying in an incapable state in Butcher street on Wednesday at 1 o’clock
Mr Warnock, who knows Johnny’s farourite defence, asked him where he had left his donkey?
johnny in reply stated as usual that he did not know, correctly stated and as a substitute for his old defence, stated that he had received a summons to attend the Donemana Petty Sessions tomorrow (Friday)
The Mayor – “Your are most incorrigable”!
M’CLEERY “Your Worship, when I get out I can’t help it.”
Mayor – “You must go to gaol for a week.
27 Nov. 1867 – died
Nov. 19, at Tourmakeady, Moses TAIT Esq., formerly of Donemana, Co. Tyrone
14 Dec. 1867 – Caution to Hawkers and Pedlars.
Some days ago acting constable M’GOVERN, Donemana station, arrested a man named Michael GILLIN, for hawking goods through the country without license and brought him before Charles SEATON Esq J.P, who committed him to Omagh gaol in default of paying the mitigated penalty of£2 10s
28 Dec. 1867 – married
December 25th at Earlsgift Church by the Rev. J. G. Thomas, Rector, Joseph MONTEETH, Bishop Street Derry to Annie, second daughter of the late James Hamilton RAMSAY Esq., Donemana
Jan. 1868 – died
January 19, his residence, Gloudstown near
Donemana, Robert James HAMILTON aged 26 years; much and deservedly
January 15, at her residence Creaghcor, Jane, the
relict of the late David LOVE aged 52 years.
26 Feb. 1868 –
Freehold Farm for Sale by auction
to be sold by auction at the
Chamber of commerce auction rooms at the hour of 1 o’clock p.m., Wed.
the 4th March next, that farm of land in Glencush containing about 27
acres, arable, new in the possession of the venders, held under a
fee-farm grant, subject to £4 4s 11d head rent and £1 6s 10d tithe
rent charge. This farm lies about a mile and a half from Donemana, 5
miles from Strabane and 7 from Derry. Immediate possession will be
given. For further particulars apply to Thomas CHAMBERS Esq.
Solicitor, Derry or to William DALE auctioneer. Derry
26 Feb.
1868 – married
Feb. 20, in Breakfield Presbyterian Church by the
Rev. Robert L. Rogers, Mr. John ROBINSON, Liscleen, Donemana to
Sarah, third daughter of Mr. Samuel BAIRD, Sallowilly, Cumber
25 Mar. 1868 – died
March 21, at her residence
Donemana, Mary COLHOUN aged 55 years
3 Apr. 1868
March 25,
at Liscleen, Donemana, Elizabeth, wife of Mr Andrew ROBINSON, aged 65
29 Apr. 1868 – New Potatoes
An excellent sample of
new potatoes has been left at our office for inspection. They belong
to the ash-leaved kidney species and have been grown in the open air
by Mr. Joseph M’GOWAN of Donemana.
22 May 1868 – Donemana
Petty sessions
Constable M’GOVERAN summoned James DIVIN, Loughash,
for having a keg in his possession which contained illicit spirits.
The constable proved having seized a still &c. on the occasion.
One of his men saw the defendant removing the keg from its hiding
place and make off with it. Sub-constable M’GARRELL gave chase and
after an exciting scene the policeman caught him. He was fined in the
mitigated penalty of £6. The defendant signified his intention to
appeal on the ground that the keg was not his, but left there by
others and that he was only removing it off his father’s
Constable M’GOVERAN also summoned man named Bernard
DEVLIN, a hawker, for hawking without a license and for refusing to
produce the license when requested to so by complainant. The
defendant appeared in court full of confidence and after the case was
proved he pulled out his license, telling their worships, that was
his authority, but to this the constable demurred, stating that he
was liable for not producing it and handed up the Act of Parliament.
Their worships read over the section and were unanimous in fining the
defendant in the mitigated penalty of £2 10s.
summoned James FURY for assaulting him by striking him with a stone.
The dispute arose out of a disputed pass. FURY was fined 5s and
Catherine M’KENNA summoned John M’CULLAGH for
maliciously assaulting her. The assault arose out of alleged
trespass. The case was fully proven and defendant ordered to pay 10s.
and costs.
Bridget M’GILLAND and Margaret M’CLOSKEY summoned
William and Jane GORDON for maliciously assaulting and breaking the
arm of one of the complainants. The case was adjourned to next bench
James FURY summoned Patrick SHEERAN for assaulting him.
The case was dismissed.
Peter CAIN, Strabane, a sheriff’s
officer, summoned George and William M’GLINCHY, for forcibly rescuing
chattels seized by him under a decree from quarter sessions. Mr SCOTT
solicitor, Strabane, conducted the proceedings for the complainant.
Informations were taken against them and they were returned for trial
quarter sessions at Strabane, to be held on 25th June. They were
subsequently bailed out to stand their trial.
summoned Bernard FURY for cruelly ill-treating his cattle by stoning
them. He was fined 5s and costs.
10 Jun. 1868 – died
June 2, at his residence Donemana, Mr. James BROWN aged 64 years.
17 Jun. 1868 – died
June 13th at Ardcame near Donemana Mr. John FAULKNER aged 65 years
27 Jun. 1868 – married
June 25, in the Reformed Presbyterian Church, Faughan, by Rev. J. P. Sweeney, Robert M’FARLAND, Grocer, Waterside to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. Andrew ROBINSON, Liscleen, Donemana.
27 Jul. 1868 – died
July 24, at Tourmakeady, near Ballinrobe, Margaret, widow of the late M. TAIT Esq. of Donemana, Co. Tyrone, aged 74 years. (Dublin Evening Post)
14 Aug. 1868 – Royal Irish Constabulary
The following changes have taken place among the members of the Tyrone constabulary; William HENRY, from Sion Mills to Tulnacross to be replaced by sub-constable William SMITH from the depot, Phoenix Park, Dublin; sub-constable MADDEN, from Strabane to Aughyaran; sub-constable William CASSIDY, from Donemana Glenroan, to be replaced by sub-constable Edward CLARK. Head constable John M’lNTIRE, Strabane, who has served over a period of twenty-eight years, has been allowed to retire on a pension of £40 per annum.
28 Aug. 1868 – show of the Royal Agricultural Society in Derry
Mr. MAGENNISS, Donemana, shows a variety of improved common and double-moulded ploughs. Two, three and four horse lever grubbers, two-horse parallel grubber, a two-horse drill grubber, with improved lever. These are said to be of a light draft and made of the best material. (Belfast Morning News)
30 Sept.1868 – Found Drowned
Mrs. BRADLEY, residing at Donemana, between Dromore and Fintona, who has been for some time past in a very unsettled state of mind, was on Sunday last, found drowned in a flax dam on the farm.
9 Oct. 1868 – died
Sept. 27, at Donemana, near Fintona, Margaret, the beloved wife of Mr. Robert BRADLEY, aged 50 years.
17 Oct. 1868 – married
October 8th at the Roman Catholic Chapel Killyclougher, Omagh by the Rev. Charles M’Cauley, P.P. Cappagh, assisted by the Rev. Mr. M’lvor C.C., brother of the bride, Mr. Patrick DEVINE, Meendamph, Donemana to Miss Annie M’IVOR second daughter of Mr. John M’lVOR Drumsourn, Newtownlimavady, Co. Londonderry.
24 Oct. 1868 – Idyls of Youth The Nun of St. Columb; Love’s Young Dream, and Other Poems. “By J. K.” Belfast: James Reed; 97 Victoria street Londonderry; Hempton 1868.
The author of this little volume sends it forth with a modest preface, which ought to disarm all cynical criticism, while commending it to all readers endowed with poetical sympathies. The poet belongs to Donemana, in our own North-West region and he has local claims upon our regard as an occasional contributor to our reserved “corner.” Apart, however, from all special leanings, it is impossible to glance over his little work without perceiving, that, he has in him a very considerable quantity of genuine, native inspiration, which he has cultivated and improved with highly reputable success. There is, in fact, a rich mine of poetry and of poetic thought, fancy and feeling in this collection, which may, under kindly encouragement, be hereafter developed into still higher and more artistic forms of symmetry and of beauty. The public of all classes, we trust, will feel it to be both a common and an individual duty to patronize a home genius, whenever it exhibits the true characteristics of standard worth; the poems of “J.K.” certainly contain the germs of future distinction, and deserve all the kindly support and encouragement which, in a literary age, belong of moral right to young, but withal right creditable and promising authorship.
(Transcriber- I wonder if this author can be claimed by a family historian?)
29 Oct. 1868 – died
October 27th at Donemana, Matilda, wife of Mr James DUNN, aged sixty-one years. (Northern Whig)
13 Nov. 1868 – Sales by Auction
to be sold by auction house, property, land and household furniture
I am instructed by the executors of the late Mr. James BROWN of Donemana, to sell by auction at Donemana on Saturday, the 14th Nov. 1868, at 12 o’clock, noon, the remainder of the household furniture and property consisting of hotel and other tenements in said town and interest in land held by lease and from year to year. Terms and conditions at time of sale. Purchasers to pay auction fee. R. GORMLY, auctioneer
2 Jan. 1869 Extraordinary Birth of Twins
One of the most extraordinary occurrences of giving birth to two children that has come under my notice, occurred in the neighbourhood of Donemana during the past week. The following are the particulars: a poor woman, named Anne JOHNSTONE, who states she is from Irvinestown, while travelling as a vagrant, was suddenly taken in the pains of labour, On Tuesday last, she got shelter in a house in Cullan, (Cullion) until she gave birth to one child. But immediately afterwards the poor woman and her newly born infant were obliged to lie for two days behind a ditch, exposed to all the inclemency of a December day. After having spent a few days there she succeeded in making her way to Ballaghlare, where she was permitted to reside under the roof of a poor man named FOX. On Sunday she again got ill and to the astonishment of all, gave birth to a second child. Both children are females. Dr. BAIRD, of Donemana, has attended the woman and children and done everything for their comfort. Though the children are delicate, they are still living. The mother, too, is in a dangerous state. She is there without clothing to cover herself or her infants and depending for food on what charitable neighbours supply. (Liverpool Daily Post)
23 Jan. 1869 – Donemana Petty Sessions held on the 15th inst.
Charge of Rescue and Assault
John M’LAUGHLIN, Mary Jane M’LAUGHLIN, Walter M’LAUGHLIN, Michael NARA and Pat. WARD, all of Dourat, were returned for trial at the quarter sessions, to be held at Strabane on the 6th April on a charge of rescue and assault. The seizure was made by the sheriff’s baliffs, under a Loan fund decree, issued at Newtownstewart in October last.
7 Apr. 1869 – died
April 2, at Tirkeernahan near Donemana, Esther, wife of Mr. Bernard DOYLE, aged 72 years.
24 April 1869 – To be Let
and immediate possession given, that house in Ardmore, formerly occupied by the late Mr. Archibald M’MORRIS with one rood of a garden attached. The house is in excellent condition and contains one kitchen, parlour, pantry, and 2 bedrooms, with servant’s apartments up-stairs. An out-house also can be given and other accommodations, if required. Ardmore is distant 5 miles from Londonderry, 6 from Strabane, 3 from Donemana and within 3 minutes walk of Cullion Post-office – Apply to Alexander LOVE, Ardmore
9 Jun. 1869 – a case of elopment Belfast Court
John QUINN, aged 30, described as a labourer and Anne M’GILLIGAN, aged 23, described a servant, were brought up in custody by sub-constable LYTLE, of the detective force, charged with stealing the sum of £23 from John HUTCHINSON of Donemana, in the County of Tyrone. The case was one of elopement. Sub-constable LYTLE of the Belfast detective force, received a telegram Monday containing a description of the pair and arrested them the same evening on board the Glasgow steamer. They had purchased third-class tickets and were bound for the ‘ land o’ cakes.”
Constable Thomas KENNEDY deposed that he was stationed at Waterside, near Londonderry. On the previous evening he received information of a robbery of £23 from the house of John HUTCHINSON, who described to him the parties, now in custody and charged them with stealing that sum from his house and eloping on Sunday last when he was absent at his place of worship. Constable LYTLE proved the arrest. On the male prisoner was found the sum of 8s 8d. Acting constable BRITTAIN said that the female prisoner was handed over to him by constable LYTLE and on searching her he found in her possession a sum of £21.
Mr. ORME said LYTLE was entitled to great credit for the promptitude with which he made the arrest.
In reply Constable LYTLE said that when he arrested the prisoners they were not together and the male prisoner, when questioned, denied all knowledge of the female.
QUINN said he wasn’t aware of what money his companion had.
Mr. ORME – Where were you going to?
QUINN – To America, sir.
Mr. ORME – You are in a fix just now.
QUINN – l did not take any of the money.
Miss M’GETTIGAN – The one is as much to blame as the other. (laughter)
Mr. ORME said he thought it would be better to send the prisoners before the magistrates in Tyrone.
A warrant was accordingly prepared and the prisoners left by the 5 o’clock train for Donemana, in the custody of constables KENNEDY and LYTLE and acting constable BRITTAIN. (Belfast Morning News)
25 Jun. 1869 – Donemana Petty Sessions
Elizabeth BRAWLEY Benone, summoned Robert NORRIE for assaulting her. Complainant, who is an old feeble woman, proved NORRIE having entered her own house and striking her with a shovel. He was fined 5s and costs.
Ann HAZLETT, Martha HAZLETT, (junior and senior) Peggy HAZLETT, Andrew HAZLETT and Fanny HAZLETT, summoned Ann GAMBLE, Margaret NIXON, William NIXON, James NIXON, Castlewarren and Hamilton ROUTH, Longfield, county Derry, for assaulting complainants on the 6th instant. The defendants in the last case summoned the former complainants for assaulting them on the same time and place. When the case was called, it was stated they had settled. Constable M’GOVERAN objected to their settling such a case He requested their worships would bind the whole of them to keep the peace. All the parties were called on to appear. Several of the combatants presented strips of sticking plaster their heads. The chairman informed them they would not be allowed to settle such a serious case and having cautioned them, ordered each of the principal combatants to enter into their own recognizance of £20 to keep the peace for 12 months. The case against Hamilton ROUTH and James NIXON was withdrawn.
Margaret CAULFIELD of Londonderry, appeared in custody on remand, charged with stealing several articles of wearing apparel from the house of Ellen DOHERTY, of Rouskey. DOHERTY proved the articles produced in court to be her property. Sub- Constable COYLEs information was read, in which he swore that he heard of the things being stolen and followed after the prisoner and got her in the townland of Mona. He got a portion of the missing clothes with her. The prisoner submitted and stated she had some drink taken and did not know what she was doing. She was discharged with caution, promising not to return.
Robert M’FARLAND summoned Susan GALLAGHER for leaving his service. She was fined £1 and costs.
22 Sept. 1869 – died
September 15th at Aughtermoy near Donemana, Martha daughter of William BAIRD Esq., M.D.
22 Oct. 1869 – Donemana Petty sessions
Mary JACK of Rouskey charged Thomas LINDSAY of same place, with permitting 2 horses, his property, to trespass on a field of corn, the property of complainant. He was ordered to pay 2s and costs.
William KENNEDY of Ballyneaner, prosecuted Andrew NUTE (or NATE ?) of same place, for allowing 105 sheep, his property, to trespass on complainant’s turnips. The Bench awarded the usual trespass allowance viz., 4d per head and costs.
John MAGOWAN of Tyboe summoned George ELLIS of same townland, for using threats and preventing complainant from taking water from a well which is situate on defendant’s land, but to which MAGOWAN maintained he had a perfect and legal right to go, having had access to it for over the last 30 years. After several witnesses were examined for and against, the case was left to the arbitration of Mr STEVENSON, the agent of the estate in which the litigants reside, the Bench, however, giving as their opinion that complainant had a perfect right of way to the well.
There was also a cross case of ELLIS v. MAGOWAN and others, for assault, trespass and throwing down fences. ELLIS failed in substantiating his charge and the case was dismissed.
Charles LOGUE of Drummond, road contractor, summoned William M’MICHAL, of Killynaght, for breaking or rolling flax on the public road. Fined 1s and costs.
A large number of respectable farmers were charged by the police with breaking flax on the public road. The Bench considered it a most dangerous nuisance and told the defendants that should they be brought up a second time for a similar offence, they would inflict the full penalty. As this was their first offence they were let off with a fine of 1s. and costs. Constable HOOK, sub-constables COYLE and MAGUIRE, preferred the charges.
30 Nov. 1869 – A marriage deferred in Co. Londonderry
At the Donemana petty sessions some days ago, John DOHERTY of Gortaleck and Chas. GALLAGHER of Benown, were charged by Constable HOOKE with fighting on the street. GALLAGHER said that on the day in question, he came into Donemana for the purpose of getting a car to take him to Strabane, where he was to be married. He met with DOHERTY and they took some drink, which elated them so much that they began to fight, when the sergeant put in an appearance and, instead of leading to the altar his lovely bride, GALLAGHER was himself led off to the black-hole and had not since entered on a hymeneal ground. In consequence of his great affliction, he was let off with a fine of 1s. and costs. DOHERTY was mulcted in a similar sum.
8 Jan. 1870 Married
CRAIG – POSTON January 6th in the Parish Church, Upper Cumber, by the Rev. F. Stuart Bowens, Robert James CRAIG Esq., Binnelly Place, Donemana, to Lavinia, daughter of the late Robert POSTON Esq., Derrychrear, Dungiven
4 Feb. 1870 birth
RAWLINS – At Tullyard the wife of Rev. Joseph RAWLINS, Donemana, of a daughter
26 Feb. 1870 died
RAWLINS – Feb. 24th at the the Cottage, Donemana, Eleanor, the beloved wife of Rev. Joseph RAWLINS . Her remains will removed from Donemana for interment in the Derry Cemetery, on Monday morning, the 28th inst. at the hour of 11 o’clock. The funeral is expected to arrive in Derry at 2 o’clock p.m.
8 Mar. 1870 married
March 3rd in the First Presbyterian Church, Londonderry by the Rev. William M’Clure, assisted by the Rev. John Montieth Donemana, John TEDLIE jr. Esq., Ballyowen to Julia, youngest daughter of the late Rev. David J. WALKER Claremont House, Donemana, Co. Tyrone.
2 Apr 1870 died
March 29, at Mosspleasant, near Donemana, Martha, relict of the late Mr. James DOUGLAS aged 90 years
12 Mar. 1870 – Rural Petty Sessions for the district of Londonderry were held on Wednesday last.
John HARKIN, a voung man, who appeared in the witness box with a plaster on the side of his head, charged a young lad named John GARLAND with having assaulted him that night week, at Drumahoe. The complainant alleged that he had been in Derry market on Wednesday last week and was returning home to Donemana between 7 and 8 o’clock in the evening, when 4 or 5 persons, whom he did not know, came up to him on the road and began to “jundy” him, and one of them struck him on the head and knocked him down. On his examination by the magistrates and Mr. M. B. LANE, solicitor, who appeared for the accused, he admitted that he had been drinking before he left the town, but said he was not drunk. He denied that he had given any provocation to his assailants. A police constable and 1 or 2 other witnesses were examined, but neither they, nor the complainant, could identify GARLAND as the individual who committed the assault. It appeared that the plaintiff himself had been challenging parties to fight on the road. The case was dismissed.
22 Apr 1870
Presentment Sessions
At Strabane for the Barony of Lower Strabane, on Wednesday the 25th May next, at the hour of 11 o’clock, in the morning, from thence until 6 o’clock in the evening, before the Magistrates then and there assembled, and a number not exceeding 6 of the highest cess payers of said Barony, to then and there be elected by ballot and appointed pursuant to the provisions of the Act.
John ANDERSON Breen, Strabane
Mr Andrew TAYLOR Kilstroll, Ardstraw, Strabane
Captain Hugh AUCHINLECK Liscrevahan, do
Robert M’CREA Grange Foyle, do
John HOLMES, Shanatroney, Donemana, do
Robert Glenn, Tullyard, Donemana, Strabane
Robert GORDON Stragullen, Strabane
Robert S. GREER Esq., Camus, do
Albert ROSS, Woodend, do
W. M’CREA, Leckpatrick, do
James M‘FARLAND Esq. Ballycolman Strabane
Thomas BAIRD lnchany, Strabane
21 Sept. 1870 Donemana Monthly Petty Sessions were held on Friday, the 16th before;
Charles SEATON Esq., J.P.
Robert BOND Esq., J.P.
Robert STEVENSON Esq. J.P.
R.M. G. HURST Esq., S. I.
Hugh O’NEILLof Stransgalwally, prosecuted Bridget GORMLEY of same place, for unlawfully entering upon complainant’s land and building stack of turf thereon. The defendant was ordered pay the court costs and remove the turf.
William DARAH, Killycurry, water-bailiff, prosecuted John M’COLGAN of Milltown for fishing in the river Dennet on the 18th May last, he having no license. There was a similar charge against the defendant for fishing in the river on the 15th June last. The first case was dismissed and in the second the defendant was fined 2s and costs.
The same complainant charged John M’Crea WOODS of Ballyheather, with allowing to run off a quantity of flax water into the Douglas Burn, a tributary of the Foyle, on the 10th August. The defendant was fined 5s. and costs.
James KING, Miltown, and David ROBINSON, of same place, were charged by the same complainant, for having been engaged in fishing with nets in Sandville Burn, being a tributary to the Foyle, on the 15th Jane last. The evidence failed to sustain the charge and the cases were dismissed.
Sarah OLPHERT, Cavanacrea, charged James LOVE, of same place, with having assaulted her on the 2d instant, by throwing stones at her, one of which hit her. Fined 2s 6d. and costs.
James M’CLEA Ballaghalare, summoned Mary GARLAND and Catherine DONAGHY of same townland, for entering his orchard and stealing therefrom a quantity of apples on the night of the 7th. It was quite clear from the evidence that the wrong parties were before the Court, and Mr. M’CLEA was ordered to give each the defendants 5s. towards defraying their expenses.
Robert HANNA, of Killycurry,summoned William DARAH of same place, for allowing a horse and a quantity of poultry to trespass on complainant’s field at different times during the past month. Trespass allowance to the amount of 4s 4d with costs, was allowed.
Constable HOOKE charged John M’GAHEY of Loughash, with having a bottle, containing illicit spirits concealed in his garden ditch. After hearing the evidence the case was dismissed
23 Sept. 1870 died Sept. 18th at Aughtermoy, near Donemana, Wm. BAIRD Esq., M.D. for forty years medical officer of the Donemana Dispensary District, aged 60 years.
7 Jan. 1871 birth
ROBINSON – Dec. 23, at Liscleen, Donemana, the wife of Mr. John ROBINSON, of a son
28 Jan. 1871 death
Jan. 22nd after a lengthened illness, Eliza Mary, daughter of Mr. John M‘CREA Gobnascale, Donemana, aged 27 years
17 May 1871 marriage
MILLAR – CALLAGHAN – May 11th in the Presbyterian Church Leckpatrick, by the Rev. J. Leitch. Mr. Robert MILLAR, Ballylaw to Eliza, daughter of Mr. James CALLAGHAN Carnagribbon, Donemana.
13 Jun 1871 married
June 9th in the Long Tower Roman Catholic Church, Derry, by the Rev. Michael Tracey, John GOSS, R.I.C., Moy, Co. Tyrone to Sarah, only daughter of James M‘CLENAGHAN, Donemana (Belfast Morning News)
4 Aug. 1871 to be sold
The following valuable farms are offered for sale by the Executors of the late owner, Mr. John Wiley WRAY, deceased, pursuant to directions contained in his Will
1st That farm in Townland of Killycloney containing, by estimation, 58a. 3a. 29p. cunningham measure, or thereabouts, formerly the property of Alderman William M’CARTER and held under the Rev Alexander S. HUMPHREYS by lease for 31 years, from November 1862 at the yearly rent of £90. There is a dwelling house on this farm and substantial and convenient office houses have lately been erected it, at a cost of £200.
2nd – That farm of land in Moyagh containing 27 Acres, cunningham measure, or thereabouts, held by lease under Robert HOLMES Esq., for 31 years from November 1864 at the yearly rent of £42. A most comfortable cottage residence, with suitable offices, stands on this farm, erected by the late owner’s father, all in thorough repair. These valuable properties were in the occupation of Mr. William John WRAY deceased, up to the time of his death and are in a high state of cultivation and most eligibly circumstanced on the River Burn Dennett, in the Parish of Donagheady. The leading road from Strabane to Donemana intersects the Killyclooney Farm. There is a threshing mill on each farm, which will be included in the sale.
Proposals for their purchase, either together or separately, will be received by Mr. William SMITH, Altrest, Cullion, one of the Executors, or by the undersigned, up to the 4th day Aug. next, when, if a fair value is offered, the purchaser will be declared. The Sale to take effect on and from the 1st of Nov. next, up to which period all outgoings will be paid by the vendors.
The purchaser or purchasers must be approved by the respective landlords of the farms. The premises will be shown by Daniel M’ANAW, residing on the farm at Killyclooney.
5 Aug. 1871 Very Remarkable birth
Mrs. John KILGORE of Blackpark, near Donemana on the 30th ult. gave birth to 4 male children, all of whom were alive and lived for an hour after birth. Mrs. KILGORE, who is attended by Dr. HOLMES is progressing favourably.
16 Nov. 1871 birth
Nov. 13th at Binelly Cottage, Donemana, the wife of Wm. M’LAUGHLIN Esq., of daughter.
29 Nov. 1871 died
November 26th at his residency Liscleen, Donemana, Mr. Andrew ROBINSON aged 79 years.
22 Dec. 1871 married
December 14th at the Donemana Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Francis J. Porter, M.A., Mr. John FORBES Lisnarrow, to Mary Ann, third daughter of the late Mr. James ARBUCKLE of Ruskey (Downpatrick Recorder)
1 Sept. 1871 marriage
24 Aug. 24, at the Parish Church, Glendermott, James WALKER Esq., Derry, to Jane, daughter of the late James Hamilton RAMSAY Esq. of Donemana, Co. Tyrone.
16 Oct. 1871 married
On the 10th inst. at Kilkerrin Church, Co. Galway, the Rev. Brownlow LYNCH, rector of Ballyhean, son of the late Major Henry LYNCH of Partry House, Ballinrobe, to Mary Jane, daughter of the late M. TAIT Esq. Donemana Co. Tyrone (Cork Constitution)
7 Feb 1872 died
February 2nd at Benoan, near Donemana, Isabella BROWN
7 Feb.1872 Donemana Land Occupier’s Association
The meeting of the farmers of the district around Donemana was held at 6 o’clock in the Court-house in that town, Walter CORRISON Esq., in the chair. Mr. DONNELL submitted a code of rules for the guidance of the association, which were approved of by the meeting. The following were then nominated and appointed collectors of subscriptions from those willing to become members;
Mr. TRAINOR Stranagalwilly
Mr. James MOORE Loughash
Mr. John Robert WALKER
Mr. John M’CLURE
Mr. Andrew BAIRD jun. proposed and Mr. Alexander EATON seconded, a resolution declaring that the present Grand jury system is contrary to the spirit of the British Constitution and owing to the taxpayers being practically unrepresented in the body which controls the county expenditure, is liable to lead to abuses. The resolution was passed unanimously. Mr. Thomss TRAINOR moved and Mr. James CALLAGHAN seconded, the next resolution, which was to the effect that the office of county treasurer should abolished and the county money disbursed by the local banks. Mr. James AIKEN moved a resolution, stating that in the opinion of the meeting the appointment of county officers should be made by open competitive examination. Mr. Robert M’FARLAND seconded the motion, which was agreed to. Mr. J. E. WALKER moved the next resolution, which stated that the governors of lunatic asylums and county infirmaries should be elected in the same manner as poor law guardians. Mr. Alex. EATON seconded the resolution, which was then passed. Mr. CRAIG proposed and Mr. EATON seconded, the next resolution, which stated that the meeting considered that the applotment and disbursement of the taxation of the county should be managed by a council for each barony, the members of such council to be elected in the same way as poor law guardians. The resolution was passed by acclamation. Mr. Andrew BAIRD was then moved to the second chair and a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. CORRISON for his kindness in presiding.
22 Jul. 1872 died
HASLETT – On the 20th inst., at her father’s residence, Ruskey near Donemana, Fanny, the daughter of Mr. Edward HASLETT aged 18 years
5 Oct. 1872 birth
ROBINSON – Oct. 1st at Liscleen, Donemana, the wife of Mr. John ROBINSON of twins, sons
4 Dec. 1872 died
M’DONALD – November 29th at his residence, Tybo, Donemana, John M’DONALD aged 65 years
16 Dec. 1872 married
DUNN – LOVE – December 12th in Second Donagheady Presbyterian Church by Rev. John Love, Glenelly, cousin of the bride, Mr. Andrew DUNN Glenagourland, Donemana, to Bella, eldest daughter Mr. James LOVE Ardmore
15 Feb. 1873 Married
Feb. 13th in the Presbyterian Church, Donemana, by the Rev. John Monteith, Humphrey BABINGTON merchant, Londonderry, second son of the late Marcus Hill BABINGTON to Elisabeth Jane, eldest daughter of James ROSBOROUGH Raspberry Hill, Bond’s Glen, Donemana
22 Mar. 1873 Record Court
This was an action to recover £500 an equivalent for work and labour done and for money advanced from time to time in favour of Alexander RODDY, deceased, The plaintiff resides in the neighbourhood of Donemana, county Tyrone, and the defendant, the executor of Alexander RODDY lives in the same locality. In the month of October 1872, Alexander RODDY died. About 12 months prior to his death he wrote the plaintiff, his brother, who was than employed on the Pennsylvanian Railway, in America, earning a salary of £108 yearly, requesting him to come home, as he was indisposed and unable to manage his farm. This letter suggested that in the event Alexander’s death, the plaintiff would be well paid for his journey. The plaintiff, on receipt of that latter, resigned his situation, came to this country and went to reside with Alexander at Glenagoorland. He took charge of the management of the farm and lived there for several months, until some angry words arose between them in reference to a horse that was stabbed in the stable. Plaintiff then left his brother’s place and went to live with his father. Alexander shortly afterwards died, leaving a will in which he bequeathed to the plaintiff £50 in satisfaction of all claims. The plaintiff considered this sum insufficient to recoup him for his labour and for several small sums of money advanced to carry on the farm operations and in consequence brought the present action against the defendant, the executor of the deceased. The defendant lodged in court £50, the amount bequeathed under the will. The plaintiff was examined, and proved that after his arrival in this country his brother told him he would guarantee to him, £500. Evidence was given on the part of the defendant to show that, owing to the harsh conduct of the plaintiff, his brother, before his death, altered his will and reduced the amount the plaintiff would have received, but for for his harsh and disagreeable conduct to £50.
The jury found for the plaintiff – damages £108 and including the amount lodged in court.
Mar. 1873 Derry Police Court
Constable Patrick SORAGHAN charged
Wm. M’CANE with being drunk at 2 o’clock the previous evening. His
prisoner was from Donemana. He was discharged, it being his first
20 May 1873 Supposed Malicious Burning
The old established public-house in the townland of Ballylaw, on Donemana road, was found to be on fire on the night of the 14th inst. The neighbours turned out and in short time it was extinguished, but not before damage was done. From the circumstances, it is believed that the fire was originated maliciously.
15 Nov 1884 – died On the 2nd inst., at his residence, Avondale Cottage, Scotchmer Street, North Fitzroy, Melbourne, John, youngest son of the late James Dunn, of Donemana, Co. Tyrone Ireland aged 40 late brother of the Masonic Lodge St John Cumberclaudy, Co. Derry, Ireland.
9 Oct 1899 – Council Meeting
At the District Council quarterly meeting Mr. W. G. WEBB proposed and Mr. HONE seconded, that a pipe, 18 in. square and 22 ft. long, with stone grating and make 40 feet of a channel on the road from Derry to Donemana, on Mr. Wm. DOHERTY’s contract, between the roads on the Derry and Claudy rd., west Drumaboe bridge and the north cross roads Warbleshinney between Mr. ADAM’s cottier houses and 1st Glendermott Meetinghouse gate, in the townland of Altnagelvin. Cost not to exceed £5. The motion was unanimously passed.
23 Jan. 1904 – Married
January 20, by special license, at the residence of the bride’s brother, by the Rev. James M’Math, Donemana, assisted by the Rev. S. J. Lyons, Millisle, cousin of the bridegroom and the Rev. Matthew Neill, Sion Mills, Samuel EATON J.P., Co.C., Ballynenor, Donemana, to Jessie Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late R. J. CRAIG J.P., Binnelly, Donemana, co. Tyrone.
27 Sept. 1907 – Robbery
On Tuesday morning the police in were informed that the licensed premises Mr. James ROBINSON, Dublin street, had been broken into during the previous night. No one sleeps in the house and the burglar, or burglars, seem to have taken advantage of this. Access to the interior was obtained through a small back window. A number of bottles whiskey were stolen, and a sum from the money drawer. The police are investigating the matter.
12 Oct. 1907 – Courtship – Sequel to Donemana Breach of Promise Action at Strabane
At Strabane Quarter Sessions yesterday, before Sir Francis BRADY Bart., a remitted breach of promise action was heard in which the plaintiff was a young woman named Ellen DUNNE and the defendant a young man named George ELLIS, both of whom are of the farming class and reside in the Donemana district. Mr. P. C. GAUSSEN (instructed by Messrs. ELLIOTT & CLARK) appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. W. P. MOODY represented the defendant. Mr. GAUSSEN in stating the facts, said there was great provocation for bringing this action.
The plaintiff. during the courtship was living with her mother, who unfortunately, had since died. For 7 years the defendant had been courting her and under the strength of a promise of marriage he seduced her. When asked to fulfill his promise the excuse the defendant gave was that he was not in position to marry then and the plaintiff did not press him. She gave birth to a child in the month of June 1906 and the defendant went to Scotland for a period. The plaintiff, examined, deposed that about 7 years ago the defendant began to pay her attentions. About 3 years ago he promised to marry her, stating that they would afterwards go to Glasgow. Afterwards he said that his father was going to give him the farm and he made the excuse that if he married her, his father might not do this. The defendant was the father of her child. In answer to Mr. MOODY, the plaintiff said she lived with her brother. The first intimation she gave defendant regarding the birth of the child was 6 months afterwards, when her solicitor, Mr. ELLIOTT was instructed to communicate.
Mr. MOODY- You live close to the defendant?
And you were always on friendly terms with him?
And walked with him regularly?
I used to walk out with him 2 or 3 times on Sunday evenings.
Was he in the habit of walking with your sisters?
He was. (laughter.)
Did he write you any letters or give you any presents?
No. – Witness added that there was nothing but badness in the defendant’s head.
Mr. MOODY – What age are you?
I could not exactly say.
Are you 40 years of age?
Not quite.
Mr. MOODY – You know the defendant well?
Witness – l know him too well; many a good licking I got from mother for speaking to him.
Further cross-examined, the plaintiff said the defendant knew all about her condition. She went to see him in May and he told her he would be over that evening. The next news she heard was that he had gone to Glasgow. James DUNNE, a brother of the plaintiff’s, deposed to having seen the defendant frequently at the house on Sabbath evenings, waiting on his sister to go out. He knew that the defendant was keeping company with her.
Mr. GAUSSEN – You looked upon him suitor to your sister?
Witness – Yes, I did
Mr. MOODY asked a dismiss on the ground that there was no evidence of any breach of promise. Mr. GAUSSEN said clear evidence had been given that the defendant was keeping company with the plaintiff.
His Honour said he would like to hear the defendant. The defendant was then examined by Mr. MOODY and stated that he and the DUNNE family were at school together.
He was in the habit going over occasionally to their house and walking out with the plaintiff and her sisters.
Mr MOODY – This girl says you promised to marry her?
Witness – l never did anything of the kind.
Did you ever give her any presents?
never did.
His Honour – Are you father of the child.
I deny it.
The plaintiff here rose in court and stated that she was on her oath that the defendant promised to marry her and that he was father of the child.
Mr. MOODY – Were you keeping company with the girl?
Defendant – I was what they call in our part of the country courting her. I also kept company with another girl, who is since married.
Mr. GAUSSEN – How many sisters had the plaintiff?
According to Mr. MOODY you were courting the whole three?
Witness – Occasionally I would be with any one I fell in with. (Laughter)
When you went out with this girl on Sabbath evenings what were you talking about?
I could not say.
Did you talk about church?
Were you courting her?
Mr. GAUSSEN – How do you court? (Laughter) Did you put your hand around her waist? (Laughter)
Witness – We went out hand in hand. (Laughter)
Mr. GAUSSEN – And when you went out hand in hand did you sometimes sample her lips? (Laughter)
Witness – l might, I could not say. (Laughter)
Mr. GAUSSEN – Did you ever kiss the girl
Witness – Oh, yes. (Laughter)
You looked upon her as a decent girl.
Quite so and I had every respect for her.
Further cross-examined, witness said he never heard anything suggested against the plaintiff s character. He had seen her courting with other persons and passed them on the road at night. He went to Scotland on the 1st of June, having last seen the plaintiff in April. He denied that he had seen her in May.
Mr. GAUSSEN – Did the plaintiff s mother object to you and the plaintiff clinging to one another against her wish?
Witness – The mother objected to all fellows who went about the house. (Laughter)
Wasn’t that the reason she met you outside.
Witness denied having promised to bring the plaintiff to Scotland after he married her. He put his arm round her, kissed and squeezed her, but no improper conduct ever passed between them.
Mr MOODY submitted that as there was no corroboration of the plaintiff’s evidence to the alleged promise of marriage, the action must be dismissed. It was a case of oath, against oath and if there was doubt the defendant should get the benefit of it. His Honour said he could not give a decree on suspicion and he was afraid the evidence of a promise of marriage was far short of what it should be, to justify him in awarding damages. No matter what he might think of the conduct of the defendant, he must have legal evidence before giving a decree. He had not that and accordingly he dismissed the case without prejudice.
11 Jan. 1908 – Strabane Quarter sessions
This was a civil bill brought by James ROBINSON against Francis BARBOUR to recover £7, £6 being for damages for an alleged breach of contract, in delivering hay and £1 “earnest” paid by plaintiff. Mr. James ROCHE appeared for plaintiff and Mr. W. P. MOODY for the defendant.
Plaintiffs case was that he purchased 5 tons of hay for the defendant in the end of July at £2 5s per ton. The hay was never delivered to him. At the time the plaintiff gave the defendant £1 as earnest. For the defence it was contended that the plaintiff should have taken away the hay and failed to do so. Defendant was willing to return the £1. His Honour said he would have to give the costs as well. He gave a decree for 1£ and costs
24 Mar. 1908 – Drumgauty Sale of Cattle, Pigs straw, Manure and Household Furniture
I have been instructed by Mr. James RROBINSON to sell by auction at Drumgauty on Fri. 27th March 1908 at 1.30 o’clock, One nice Springing Heifer (at note), 1 fat cow, 1 calf, donkey, cart and harness, 6 Pigs (slips), a quantity of straw, a heap of manure. Also the entire household furniture. Terms at sale – James STEVENSON Auctioneer
21 Sept.1908 – Strabane Revision Sessions
continued on Friday before Mr. M’GONIGAL B.L., Assistant Revising Barrister. The Nationalists were represented Mr. H. T. GALLAGHER assisted Mr. John TOORISH and the Unionists by Mr. Thos. ELLIOTT assisted by Mr. Thomas RIDDALL (registration agent).
Patrick GALLAGHER, an army pensioner, who described his occupation as that of bird catcher, claimed in respect of a room of his father’s house, 76 Meetinghouse Street and was objected to by the Unionists. He was examined by Mr. GALLAGHER and said he paid his father 1s 6d per week for use of the room and did his own cooking and took his food in this room.
On cross-examination by Mr. Thomas ElLLIOTT, claimant said he lived on good terms with his father. Besides himself, there were in the house his father, mother, brother Michael and his sisters Mary and Maggie. The name was ruled on.
William COLHOUN claimed as an inhabitant occupier for premises on Derry Road, in succession from room rear of Dr. BRITTON’s premises and was objected to by the Nationalists on the ground that he was not qualified.
Applicant had got married and changed from the room on Dr. BRITTON’s premises about November last to a dwelling-house on the opposite side of the road from Dr. BRITTON’s. Mr. TOORISH said they had no objection to the present dwelling house. It was only in respect of the premises previously occupied that they objected. Dr. BRITTON was examined and described the servant as an outdoor servant, looking ofter his horses. He was the coachman and had entire control over his own room.
In reply to the Revising Barrister, Dr. BRITTON said the man never acted as a butler. He had no other room to change him to if he had so wished. When COLHOUN was engaged it was part of the bargain that he was to have a room and when came he was shown the room, and was satisfied. He had not seen the room till after the engagement. He had been 15 years in his service and had occupied the same room as a previous coachman. Mr. ELLIOTT pointed out that so far as the occupancy of COLHOUN was concerned, it fulfilled all the conditions of a case already decided. He quoted the case and decision and said all the material facts of the decided case and this one were similar.
Mr. GALLAGHER argued that the case of CROSSAN and CHAMBERS ruled this ease. The revising Barrister said he thought Mr. ELLIOTT would have to take a case on the point. Mr. ELLIOTT said that CROSSAN was a menial domestic servant and it was on this that the decision turned. This was an entirely different case. Dr. BRITTON’s servant was a coachman and outdoor servant and he would ask the Revising Barrister in case he stated a case to find that COLHOUN was not a domestic, but an outdoor servant.
The revising Barrister said he knew this case was bound to come up and he had taken careful note of the evidence and therefore, he would state a case, as he was not prepared to distinguish between this case and CROSSAN’s.
The Marquis of Hamilton, M.P., Baronscourt, was objected to by the Nationalists on the ground that the deed under which he qualified, was for the life another person and he was, therefore, not entitled a freeholder.
The name was already on the list and as there was no evidence offered in support of te objection the revising Barrister declined to interfere and the name was ruled on.
John SMITH, Abercorn Square, manager of Mr. R. J. SMITH’s bakery, was objected to by the Nationalists on the ground that he was out of occupation. Mr. TOORISH said SMITH’s managership ceased in June last and another manager had been appointed. Mr. Thomas ELLIOTT said whether the man ceased to be manager or not, he continued to occupy the premises till after the qualifying period. He knew that personally. The case was left open.
Alexander WEIR J.P., whose name appeared on the register for premises in Abercorn Square, was objected to by the Nationalists on the ground that he was out of occupation and that the business, furniture, machinery &c., had been transferred to a limited company daring the qualifying period. Mr. John S. WEIR appeared and stated that his father had carried on separate business in the premises till the 28th July. This business was entirely outside the business that had been transferred to the company. The new company occupied by permission of his father the premises in Abercorn Square for a short time before going into the new premises. The new premises were to have been ready in June, but were not finished at the time the company was formed. The deed of incorporation of the new company was dated 16th July. Mr. ELLIOTT contended that Mr. WEIR was not out of occupation during the qualifying period, Mr. GALLAGHER argued contra, and quoted from a printed circular issued by the limited company in support of his contention. The revising Barrister said he would consider the case and left it open.
William M’KEOWN was objected to by the Nationalists on the ground that he was an alien. He admitted that he had lived in the United States for 7 years, but declared that he had never taken out any papers or voted there. He was born in Ireland and had previously had a vote in this country. The vote was allowed to remain.
An unfortunate illness gave the Unionists ground for objection against James GALLAGHER a young man who, taking typhoid fever, went to the isolation hospital in November last. He was discharged January and returned to his home in Fountain Street where he remained until the 2nd April. He then went to live with his employer, though he did not give up his house. He was put on the register.
P. GALLAGHER was objected to by the Unionists because of his wife being in the Asylnm and partially supported by the rates, but the revising barrister said as there was a chance of the woman recovering, he would at present allow the name to remain.
James M’GINLEY was objected to by the Unionists on the ground that hehad been working as a mason out of Strabane for 4 months at one period. M‘GINLEY said he had never been away for a period longer than 10 weeks and he had a house in Strabane with his wife and children. The name was allowed to remain.
A Unionist objection to Patrick M’GINLEY was quashed. It was stated by Mr. RIDDELL that the wife and child had been in hospital. It was shown the child was only 31 days old.
The Unionists claimed votes for Jas. ROBINSON and Henry Alexander ROBINSON, £5 rated freeholders, in respect to property in Patrick Street. James ROBINSON explained that his mother conveyed houses to him and his brother, obtained under his father’s will. Replying to Mr. GALLAGHER, the witness said he and his brother collected the rents and used them for their own purposes. Both names were put on.
Donemana – The Revision sessions
before Mr. J. WILLAIMSON Revising Barrister
The Nationalists were represented by Dr. R. H. TODD and Mr. James ROACHE (solicitors) and inspectors Bernard M’GOVERN, James COYLE and John LYNCH. The Unionists were represented Mr. J. F. A. SIMMS (solicitor), Mr. W. T. MILLER J.P. and inspectors James RAULSTON, Wm. M’FARLANE and Edward ROULSTON
Thomas CRAIG who was on the supplemental list in respect of a house at Ardcame and claimed as an inhabitant occupier, was objected to by the Nationalists on the grounds that he was not the tenant. CRAIG was examined and stated that he worked for a man named LOWRY, with whom he stopped during the week. He left on Saturdays for his own house at Ardcame, where he remained till the following Monday. Witness, after his evidence, went back to his place and while there he was asked by the revising barrister if he went home every Saturday to remain till Monday, but, as he was about to reply, there was some murmuring behind him. Witness stated that some occasions when there would be some fun at his employer’s place he would not go home.
Did anyone prompt you?” asked the revising barrister
There was some murmuring but I did not hear what was said. The Revising barrister said he was aware that it was none of those engaged in court who had been prompting. “But” he added, ”if the man who had prompted the witness had been on his oath and I knew him, I would have sent him to jail for 7 days. I say, if I find any man on his oath prompting a witness I will send him to jail for 7 days.”
After argument, The name was ruled on.
James BOYLE claimed as an inhabitant occupier in succession from one house in Ballyneanor to another. The Nationalists objected, BOYLE gave evidence in Support of bis claim. The name was ruled on.
The Nationalists objected to John COWDEN, Ardmore, on the grounds that he was an alien. COWDEN appeared to disprove the objection. The Revising barrister struck out the objection.
The Nationalists also objected to Thos. LOWRY, Cullion, on the same grounds. LOWRY was asked by the Revising Barrister if had ever voted in America. “Not that I remember,” was the answer.
revising barrister – Did you ever take out your papers?
Witness – No. I was in Canada 5 years and may have voted there, but I was only a few hours in the States.”’
And you never voted there? the revising barrister inquired. Witness answered the negative and then proceeded to explain how he spent the few hours in the States
“Look here, stranger,” said the revising barrister, in characteristic Yankee accent, amidst loud laughter, I guess I have admitted your vote right straight away.”
Hamilton CURRY Coolmaghery and Robert ELLIS, Cullion, were also objected to by the Nationalists on the grounds that they were aliens, having been in America, but after they were examined the objections were struck out.
Edward Wm. HASSEN, a lodger in Donemana, was objected to by the Nationalists. It appeared there was some inaccuracy in the filling of HASSEN’s declaration and the name was struck out.

The intersection of Lisnaragh Road and Berryhill Road and in the townland of Stonyfalls