29 Aug. 1868
On Tuesday last, the first show of flowers and vegetables by the Gardening Society of Upper Langfield, Lower Langfield, and Drumclamph, was held in a large meadow, near Drumquin. Upwards of 200 exhibitors had entered and the quantity, as well as the quality, of flowers and vegetables brought out was a complete success. The large quantity of beautiful dahlias, fuschias &c. was surprising in such a remote country district. Three large tents were erected, one of which contained the flowers, both cut and in pots. Among the garden vegetables some very large specimens of carrots, parsnips, potatoes, and onions were exhibited. The whole was most tastefully arranged by the Rev. T. L. STACK and Mrs. STACK, both of whom merit much praise for the great trouble they took in carrying out the arrangements for the day. A large number of ladies and gentlemen were present and it appeared to be kept as a “gala day” for several miles round. Amusements of various sorts, as racing, leaping, climbing a pole, &c., were carried on. The pleasure of the scene was much enhanced by the presence of the splendid band of the Tyrone Fusiliers, who played at intervals throughout the day. The prizes, which consisted of articles of household use and ornament instead of cash, were read out and distributed in the evening by the Rev. Mr. STACK. All seemed highly pleased with the entire proceedings and day’s amusement and retired to their homes in a quiet and orderly manner. (Londonderry Standard)
18 Aug. 1871
On Friday the 11th instant, the yearly Flower Show of the Upper and Lower Langfield Gardening Society was held in a field kindly lent for the occasion by Mr Robert SMYTH. Upwards of 1,000 persons were admitted by ticket to the field. Amongst those present, we observed;
George Scott MANSFIELD Esq., J.P. and Mrs MANSFIELD, Kilmore Lodge
George Hall STACK Esq., J.P. and family
Rev. T. L. STACK, Mrs STACK and family
Hamilton STUART Esq.
Mrs HOUSTON, Coneywarren
Rev. J. DAVISON and family
John CORE Esq.
Rev. Mr. LYLE and Mrs LYLE
Very Rev. Dean BYRNE, Mrs BYRNE and party
Rev. Mr and Mrs DILL
Rev. Josias MITCHELL and the Misses MITCHELL
Theodore STACK Esq.
Doctor BAGOT and Miss BAGOT, Enniskillen
Rev. Edward MUSSON
E. SPROULE Esq., Burels Folly
Miss SCOTT, Strathroy
the Misses IRVING, Donoughmore, Castlefin
Mrs MEEKE and family and Miss CHANDLER
Misses ELLIOTT, Belfast
Miss SPROULE, Aghee
Rev. Mr HENRY, Drumlegagh
George A. ROGERS Esq. and family
Mr James WILSON and Mrs WILSON
Mrs GIVAN and family
Mr William HOUSTON
the Misses YOUNG
Mr William KING
Mr James AUDAS, Excise Officer
Mr Charles SPROULE, Coel
Mr. John L. HARVEY and Mrs. HARVEY
Miss Lizzie KING and Miss M’KNIGHT
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ORR, Omagh
Mr. and Mrs. HYNDMAN
Mr. Joseph MAXWELL
Mr Charles CALDWELL &c.
The weather was very favourable and a great number of people from Omagh, and of course, all the beaux and belles of Drumquin and the country round about that pretty little town, had gathered to see the flowers and to be seen. The band of the Royal Tyrone Fusiliers was in attendance and, it is needless to say, that the sweet music they discoursed so sweetly, gave every satisfaction. In the middle of the field stood a large tent, in and about, which were arranged the flowers and vegetables, and this of course, was the centre of attraction, as here too were exhibited the prizes awarded to the successful candidates for floral honours. The refreshment tent was kept by Mrs MAGEE, John STREET and if we are to judge of the quality of the comforts thereat dispensed, by the number of those who sought relief, we should undoubtedly opine that it must have been very good. The flower-tent, scented with a hundred perfumes, distilling from the tastefully arranged masses of varicoloured flowers was so oppressively warm that it was all but impossible to devote even a short time to critical examination. The general appearance of the flowers was very good and reflected much credit on the flower-farmers of Drumquin. (Tyrone Constitution)
21 Aug. 1885
The annual show of flowers, fruits, vegetables, &c. took place the other day at Drumquin, in a field kindly lent for the purpose by Mr. James SMITH, Bomacatall.
It must be admitted that the show on the whole was a success in point of number of visitors, and the quality and quantity of the different exhibits. There was a fairly good display of flowers, particularly geraniums, dahlias, and bouquets of garden and wild flowers. The vegetables were very good, potatoes and carrots excellent. The fruit was also of a superior quality including pears, apples, and gooseberries. The quality of the fowl was fairly good, but in some instances not quite pure in breed. There was some very fine butter exhibited equal, if not better, to that exhibited at the cattle show in Omagh the other day. Needlework formed another class exhibit, and was really very creditable.
Athletic sports, usual on such occasions, commenced at 4.30 and added considerably to the day’s entertainment. The Langfield Temperance Brass Band, under the leadership of Mr. Oliver BARTON, played a selection of airs during the day, which enlivened the proceedings very much.
The Rev. T. L. F. STACK and Mrs. STACK have been indefatigable in their efforts in advancing the social and moral condition of their parishioners. Amongst the number of visitors, I noticed the following;
The Marquis of HAMILTON
Major Burleigh STUART and party, Omagh
Dr. CARRE, resident medical superintendent, Omagh Lunatic Asylum and party
Misses STACK, Mullaghmore, Omagh
Dr. SPROULE Coolnagard, Omagh
Miss BENNETT, do.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. WINN, Baronscourt
Rev. H. and Mrs. GATCHELL, Mount Barnett, Castlederg
Dr. David KILPATRICK, Giran, Omagh
Dr. CORRY, Drumquin
Mr. John SPROULE Kirlish House, Drumquin
Mrs. and Miss BLACK Gillygooley, Omagh
Rev. Mungo THOMPSON, Carndonagh
Dr. and Miss MOWBRAY, Baronscourt
the Misses LOVE, Creggan
Miss FORBES, Clare
Mr. William KING J. P. and Mrs. KING Castlederg
Miss Maggie PHILLIPS, Castlederg
Mr. S. PORTER, Omagh
Mr. E. J. CRAWFORD, Omagh
Mr. John WAUGH, Castlederg
Mr. William O’KANE
Mr. Stephen M’NENA
Miss Alice O’KANE
the Misses BRADLEY
Mr. and Mrs. WOOD &c., Drumquin
Mrs. M’CONNELL and family, Omagh
(Derry Journal)
Transcribed and compiled by Teena from herein mentioned Newspapers.