Civil Parish of Desertcreat (Desertcreight), County Tyone. News announcements from the Belfast Newsletter, Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Derry Journal, Londonderry Sentinel, Northern Standard, and Northern Whig, transcribed by Teena.

1 May 1857 – April 21st at Tullyodonnell, near Dungannon, the wife of Thomas Staples IRWIN Esq. C.E. of a daughter.
5 Mar. 1864 – February 26, at Tullyhogue, Cookstown, the wife of Mr. John WHITE, of a daughter.
2 April 1881 – March 31st at Desertcreat county Tyrone, the wife of Robert HASSARD Esq. a son.
1 August 1834
On the 17th ult. by the Rev. John Edmonds, Sandholes, Mr. John TAGGART of Cady New Hamburgh County Tyrone, to Miss Eliz. eldest daughter of Mr. John CROZIER Coothill, County Armagh
22 Jun. 1835
On the 15th inst. Desertcreight Church, by the Rev. Dr. Buck, James LOWRY of Rockdale House, County Tyrone, Esq. to Emily, eldest daughter of Joseph GREER of Desertcreight House, in said county, Esq.
10 Nov. 1838
On the 11th ult. by Rev. Thomas Heron, the Rev. John EDWARDS, Minister of Sandholes to Rachel, daughter of the late Mr. Robert KENNY and grand-daughter of the late Wm. RICHARDSON Esq. Tullyreavy, County Tyrone.
25 May 1839
On the 25th ult. by the Rev. Mr. Edmond, of Sandholes, Mr. Wm. James SHEPHARD of Ballydonnell near Magherafelt, to Ellen oldest daughter of Alexander FERGUSON Esq. Ardtrea near Cookstown Co. Tyrone.
10 Aug. 1839
On the 29th ult. at Desertcreight church by the Rev. A. G. Stewart, Mr. William CHARLES merchant, Cookstown to Ellen third daughter of Mr. Edward M‘CREA of Donnaghrisk Co. Tyrone
8 Oct. 1842
Oct. 6th in Desertcreight Church by the Rev. Richard N. Horner, Armar LOWRY son to James LOWRY Esq. Rockdale, to Jane, second daughter of Joseph GUN Esq. Desertcreight House Co.Tyrone.
3 Feb. 1844
Jan. 29th Thomas Staples Esq. eldest son of the late John IRWIN Esq. Tully-O’Donnell Co.Tyrone to Lydia third daughter of the late Rev. A. M. SIMKINS, Chaplain in the Royal East India Company’s Service.
22 Sept. 1847
At Desertcreight Church near Cookstown, John ROBSON Esq. of Ballinahone to Margaret, fourth daughter of Edward M’CREA of Donaghrisk, Esq. Co. Tyrone.
22 Dec. 1849
December 14th at Desertcreat Church by the Rev. T. H. Porter, Henry Allen GRIFFITH Esq. R.N. of Killycolp County Tyrone to Maria Letitia, widow of the late Rev. Wm. John KNOX of Ardpatrlck Stewartstown.
23 Jan. 1850
On the 15th inst. in Desertcreat Church by the Rev. Thomas H. Porter D.D., Mr Hamilton PATTERSON assistant county surveyor for Tyrone to Ellen youngest daughter of Andrew WILSON Esq. Of Allan Rock Dungannon
1 May 1857
March 26th at New York, Mr. John THISTLE, to Rachel second daughter of Mr. Edward BOYD of Sandholes near Cookstown, Tyrone.
27 Jan. 1858 On the 20th instant at Desertcreat Church by the Rev. Dr. Porter, George M’CREA Esq. only son of Edward M’CREA Esq. Donaghrisk House, to Kate Cecilia daughter of the late Rev. Robert CREIGHTON, Westport and niece of Herbert KELLY M.D. Pinnan House near London.
7 May 1859
On the 30th ult., at Desertcreat Church County Tyrone, by the Rev. Dr. PORTER, uncle of the bride, Nathaniel JACKSON Esq. C.E. County Surveyor of the West Riding, Cork, youngest son of Erasmus JACKSON of Elm Grove Portsmouth to Bessie youngest daughter of the late Daniel PORTER Esq. of Dublin.
3 Aug. 1866
at Newmills Presbyterian Church by the Rev. John W. Aiken, assisted by the Rev. James Foster, Mr. James Little JONES of Sandholes to Lydia daughter of the late Mr. John LITTLE of Sandholes County Tyrone
17 Sept. 1866
September 13th at the Roman Catholic Chapel Cookstown by the Rev. Peter J. Byrne C.C. assisted by the Rev. Thomas Keelan C.C., Mr. Joseph FALLS of Drumballyhugh to Susanna eldest daughter of Mr. E. QUINN of Galcussa, Rock, Dungannon
4 Sept. 1868
September 1st at the Parish Church Warrenpoint by the Rev. J. Ffolliott, Joseph only son of the late Thomas AGNEW of Dungannon to Lizzie only daughter of James SLOANE Esq. Donaghrisk County Tyrone.
26 Jun. 1871
June 22nd in the Sandholes Meeting-house by the Rev. Mr. Eakin, Mr. Robert HUNTER R.I.C., Rock to Isabella third daughter of Mr. William CARSON Rockview Cottage, Dungannon Co. Tyrone.
11 Nov. 1828
Suddenly, in Charlemont street on Saturday, the 8th instant Miss SPEER late of Desertcreat County Tyrone.
29 Oct. 1831
Suddenly, of apoplexy, supposed to be caused by depression of spirits, at Liverpool, Mr. Thomas BOYD formerly of Drumballyhue parish of Desertcreate and co. Tyrone, aged 33 years, much and deservedly regretted.
9 Dec. 1834
In Desertcreight on the 6th inst. Miss Margaret KENNY in her 26th year. Her last end was peace.
3 Aug. 1837
On the 24th July at Donaghrisk, Mr. James EDMONDS father to the Rev. John EDMONDS Minister of Sandholes in his 93rd year.
29 Sept. 1838
On Tuesday, 11th instant, at Killyclogher, Sandholes, Co. Tyrone, after a severe and painful illness Mr. John LITTLE aged 68 years.
22 May 1839
On the 10th inst. at Desertcrete, Rachel, wife of Rev. John EDMONDS of Sandholes near Dungannon.
21 Feb. 1848
On the 7th inst. at Tullyhogue, Co. Tyrone, Samuel Brown, third son of Lieut. A. CROZIER of the Royal North Down Militia.
1 Dec. 1848
On the 20th ult., at Tullyhogue, County Tyrone, of consumption Mary Isabella, eldest daughter of Alex. CROZIER, Lieut. of the Royal North Down Regt. Militia.
11 Aug. 1858 Death of the REV. MR. M’CONVILLE P. P.
The death of the Rev. William M’CONVILLE P. P., Cookstown, took place on Monday, the 2nd inst. at the hour of half-past 11o’clock a.m. Up to the previous Thursday he seemed to be in the enjoyment his usual health and on that day attended the funeral of one of his parishioners. On the following Friday he was somewhat indisposed but no serious apprehensions were entertained by any of his friends till Sunday, when his medical attendant discovered that acute bronchitis had set in and that he was sinking rapidly and hopelessly. He was educated at Maynooth, where he highly distinguished himself in all his classes; he was placed on the Dunboyne establishment in September 1828, but the requirements of the diocese necessitated his ordination and, on Patrick’s day, 1829, he received holy orders from the hands of the Most Dr. KELLY and at once entered upon the active duties of the mission, in the parish of Armagh, as curate to Dr. BYRNE P. P. and V.G. of the diocese. During his mission in Armagh, in 1834, the city was afflicted with the dread visitation of cholera and, though his parish priest and fellow curate fell victims to the scourge, he fearlessly maintained his position. For the past 20 years he presided over the united parishes of Derryloran and Desertcreat, to which he had been appointed by the Most Rev. Dr. CROLLY.
12 Jul. 1861
- June 29 at Donaghrisk co. Tyrone, Edward M’CREA Esq. aged 73 years.
- June 18th Mr. John WHITE, of Lime Park, Tullyhogue, late Sub-Sheriff for Co. Tyrone, and land agent to Frederick Lindesay, of Loughry, in said county, Esq., D.L.
3 Dec. 1864
Nov. 29th at Donaghuish, Tullyhogue, Mr. Archibald PARK, aged 72 years.
19 Dec. 1868
December 9th, at The Glen, Tullyhogue, Dungannon, Samuel SHEPHERD, nephew the late Venerable Rev. Adam Averell, President the Primitive Methodist Society Ireland, aged 101 years.
9 Sept. 1872
At the Hill Head Anahavil, Mary, relict of the late John ECCLES aged 95 years. Her remains will be removed for interment to the family burying ground Donaghrisk, thismorning, (Monday) at 11 o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation.
19 Feb .1879
February 17th at Ballymully Glebe, Tullyhogue, County Tyrone, the Rev. Thomas H. PORTER D.D rector of Desertcreat, in his 79th year. Funeral at 12 o’clock tomorrow (Thursday).
20 Feb. 1879
February 17th at 38 Devonshire Street, Belfast, Thomas eldest son of Mr. James VERNER late of Sandholes, County Tyrone, aged 19 years.
8 Mar. 1879
March 4th at her residence Donaghrisk, Tullyhogue, Sarah relict the late James SLOAN aged 76 years
24 Oct. 1885 Death of the Rev. I. N. HARKNESS
Rev. I. N .HARKNESS is dead. The melancholy event took place yesterday at the Manse, Cookstown, County Tyrone and the intimation will be received with feelings of the deepest regret by all who knew him. The deceased gentleman had been laid aside for a considerable period owing to the return of an old malady, from which he first suffered in 1859. At that time he went to Delgany Hydropathic Establishment, where, under skillful and judicious treatment, he was restored to his usual state of health. Since his last attack of illness he has borne sufferings with the most Christian patience and fortitude, sustained by the consolations of the Gospel, till he peacefully breathed his last in the presence of devoted friends and sorrowing relatives, Mr. HARKNESS was born at Sandholes, County Tyrone, in 1826, where his father had been minister for several years. He received his early education in Belfast and studied afterwards in Edinburgh under Chalmers, Cunningham, and Buchanan. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Tyrone on the 8 October 1818 and was ordained on the 31st July 1819, as assistant and successor to the Rev. Robert ALLEN, on his appointment as superintendent of the Connaught Schools, in 1st Cookstown, his first and only charge. Through his instrumentality the present church was built, and opened in 1852. During the war with Russia he was offered by the Government a chaplaincy in the army then going to the Crimea, but refused the honour, preferring the more congenial work of the ministry in his congregation. He edited the Monthly Magazine after the death of the Rev. Thomas MILLER, of Lurgan, from 1867 till 1883. As secretary of the Temperance Association he edited a series of tracks on temperance, being ably assisted in the work by contributions from the Revs. Dr. MORGAN, Dr. KIRKPATRICK, John HALL, Lowrey E. BERKLEY and others. On the death of the Rev. J. L. RENTOUL, in 1889, he was appointed convener of the General Assembly’s temperance committee, which office he held till (1881 or 1884?). He wrote an able reply to Dean Woodward on the temperance question and also a life of the Rev. John M. BLECKLY, minister of Wicklow. He was Moderator of the Synod of Ballymena and Coleraine in 1878, and at the request of the Synod published the sermon preached by him on leaving the Moderator’s chair. He was much interested in the education of the young and succeeded in establishing 4 flourishing schools under the National Board in connection with 1st Stewartstown congregation. In 1882 the disease from which he had formerly suffered in 1859 and to which he has at last succumbed, returned in a more intensified form and he was thereby laid aside for a long time from active duty, the members of the Presbytery of Tyrone, with maternal regard, meanwhile supplying his pulpit. In 1881 he applied for and obtained leave from the Assembly to have an assistant and successor; but did not finally resign the pastoral oversight of the congregation till May last. On the 20th August the Rev. J. A. CAMPBELL was ordained as his assistant and successor. Mr. HARKNESS was an active worker in every good cause; visited his congregation and schools with the utmost regularity and as a preacher was earnest, practical, and thoroughly evangelical. He was free from bigotry or narrow-mindedness and was kind and courteous to all denominations. For several winter seasons he assisted in conducting united evangelistic services in conjunction with the Rev. H. W. YOUNG, incumbent of the parish, the Wesleyan minister of the town and ministers of neighbouring Presbyterian churches. He laboured zealously for the promotion of Temperance throughout the bounds of the Presbyterian Church. He was most enthusiastic in his work, and spared neither time nor toil in furthering the good cause. He had the thorough sympathy of the Assembly and was always heard by the Court, when speaking on his favourite theme, with respectful attention, kindness and consideration. He was, it may be mentioned, a very warm and much appreciated friend of the late Jas. Alex. HENDERSON Esq., J.P. and also of the Rev. W. HENDERSON of Lisburn and the Rev. Henry HENDERSON of Holywood. In Mr. HARKNESS the Presbyterian Church has lost a true and devoted son, a worthy and efficient minister. He has entered into his rest, and his works will follow him.
4 Oct. 1890
At Main street Portrush on the 26th ult., Katherine Cecelia the beloved wife of W. G. M’CREA of 19 Agincourt Avenue Belfast, formerly of Donaghrisk, County Tyrone.
7 Nov. 1891
November 6th at her husband’s residence Drum Road, Cookstown, Mary wife of John HANNA T.C., aged 44 years. Her remains will be interred in the family burying ground, Donaghrisk, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends will please accept this intimation.
28 Mar. 1908 Death of Miss Anna B POTTER Skenarget Sandholes
We regret to announce the death of Miss A. POTTER which took place at her father’s residence Skenarget Sandholes on Wednesday evening 18th inst. Her remains were removed for interment in the family burying-ground New Church. Crosdernott on Friday 20th. A service was conducted in the home of the deceased by the Rev. J. W. AIKEN of Sandholes, and also in the church and at the graveside by Rev. Wm. GLENN of Pomeroy. The funeral was largely attended, thereby showing the respect and esteem with which she was held. The chief mourners were;
Samuel POTTER (father), R.H. POTTER, J. POTTER and W. J. POTTER (brothers), Thomas CROSS, W. BLACK sen., R. CARDWELL, Wm. BLACK (uncles) S. WATT, J. WATT, J. CARDWELL, L. CARDWELL, H. BLACK (cousins).
Amongst those present were; Rev. J. W. AIKEN
Thomas IRWIN
The complete funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. Robt. STEENSON undertaker, Cookstown.
13 Mar. 1848
Rachel M’lLDOO for stealing various articles of goods from Frederick LINDSAY, Desertcreat, on 21st January last, submitted and was sentenced to 7years transportation
25 July 1849 Tyrone Assizes
Margaret DOHERTY for stealing on the 15th June at Gortagowan, a gown, the property of Catherine ADAIR – Guilty – 3 months imprisonment and hard labour.
12 Mar. 1858 Illegal Procession
Robert JOHNSTON and Samuel YOUNG were charged with assembling illegally, on the 13th July last, at Tullyhogue, near Dungannon. His Lordship said he had read the informations, which fully convicted the prisoners of the offence, but as they fortunately did not come into contact with other parties and as no evil consequences resulted, he would only order them to be bound over to receive sentence at any time, should they be guilty of a like offence again.
4 Jan. 1862 Bankrupts
Robert WATSON, of Desertcreight, Tullyhogue, near Dungannon, County Tyrone, mill owner, to surrender on Tuesday, the 11th January, and on Friday the 31st January.
5 Mar. 1864 Distressing Accident
On Thursday the 18th inst., a very distressing occurrence took place at Tullyhogue, near Cooksfown. The particulars as far as I have been able to glean them, are follows; It seems that a man named John CROSSAN, of Allen, had been doing some carpenter work at the house of a friend near Tullyhogue. A travelling tinsmith entered and having also finished some work, was shown a pistol which had not been used for thirteen years. Having cleaned it and obtained some powder, snapped it – the pistol being a flint – and a ball, concealed there for thirteen years, sped on its errand and struck the unfortunate victim CROSSAN, who instantly expired. The tinsmith gave himself to the police at Stewartstown, but I believe, was acquitted at the coroner’s inquest.
12 Oct. 1865 Court of Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Robert WATSON of Desertcreight, Tullyhogue, in the County of Tyrone, miller, mill owner and farmer, a bankrupt, to surrender on Friday the 20th of Oct. and on Tuesday the 7th of Nov.
2 Jul. 1864
On Monday the 27th ult. at Tullyhogue, near Dungannon, aged 58 years, the Rev. Dr. WHITESIDE, vicar of Scarbro’. (he was the guest of the Rev. T. H. PORTER D.D.)
29 Jun. 1885
A new school-house is now in course of erection at Tullyreavy, Pomeroy. The corner stone was laid this week by Lady Muriel Albany STUART.