Crimes, The Gaol, Insolvent Debtors and a List of the High Sheriffs in County Cavan

Collection: Mason Photographic Collection
NLI Ref: M26/16
High Sheriffs of County Cavan 1660- 1850
1660 PERROTT, Humphry
1661 Same
1662 WHITE, Thomas
1663 BLAYNEY, Richard
1664 TOWNLEY, Samuel
1665 COOCH, Thomas
1666 PHILPOTT, Edward
1667 SANDERSON, Robert
1668 BEADLE, Ambrose
1669 GWILLIAM, Capt. Thos.
1670 CULME, Hugh
1671 CLEMENTS, Abraham
1672 LEWIS, Richard
1673 HEMPSTON, Nicholas
1674 CLEMENTS, Daniel
1675 MAXWELL, John
1676 NEWBERRY (? NEWBURGH), Thomas
1677 TRENCH, Matthew
1678 COYNE, John
1679 SAUNDERSON, James
1680 PALMER, Henry
1681 PERROTT, Humphry
1682 LOWTHER, William
1683 FARRELL, Fergus
1684 CASIE, Robert
1685 COOCH, Thomas
1686 TOWNLEY, Samuel
1687 REILLY, Lucas
1688 REILLY, Edmund
1689 REILLY, Luke
1690 FRENCH, Daniel
1691 WHYTE, Francis, 10 Dec.
1692 Same
1693 COSBY, Arnold
1694 CLEMENTS, Robert
1695 COOTE, Thomas
1696 KENNEDY, James
1697 TOWNLEY, Thomas
1698 HAMPSON, Charles
1699 BLACFORT, William
1700 KEMPSTON, John
1701 COSBY, Edward
1702 PRATT, Joseph
1703 BUTLER, Brinsley
1704 FLEMING, Thomas, Jr.
1705 NEWBURGH, Broghill
1706 FITZ-HERBERT, William
1707 TOWNLEY, Charles
1708 MORTIMER, Charles
1709 NESBITT, William
1710 Grattan, Henry
1711 COSBY, Edward
1712 WHITE, Thomas
1713 FITZ-HERBERT, William
1714 SAUNDERSON, Alexander
1715 HAMPSON, Charles
1716 MADDEN, Samuel
1717 MOORE, James
1718 COSBY, Arnold and NEWBURGH, Henry, 31st Jany. 17 m.
1719 COOTE, Charles
1720 NISBETT, Thomas
1721 BETTY, Charles
1722 PRATT, Mervyn
1723 GALBRAITH, Arthur
1724 BERRY, William
1725 COOOTE, Charles
1726 CLEMENTS, Theophilus
1727 BUTLER Theophilus
1728 BURROUGHS, Thomas
1729 STEPHENS, John
1730 JONES, John, Jr.
1731 CLEMENTS, Nathaniel
1732 SAUNDERSON, James
1733 DAVENPORT, Thomas and PERROTT, Brockhill
1734 STANFORD, John
1735 CRAMER, Balthasar
1736 COPELAND, Benjamin
1737 HOLMES, Galbraith
1738 ENERY, John
1739 MAXWELL, John
1740 SAUNDERSON, Francis
1741 WHITE, Francis
1742 NEWBURGH, Thomas
1743 BURROWES, Thomas
1744 MOORE, Samuel
1745 DAVENPORT, Simon
1746 WATCH, Josiah
1747 ELLIS, Arthur
1748 NEWBURGH, William
1749 STEWART, William
1750 ARMSTRONG, Martin
1751 TUITE, Joseph
1752 LESLIE, George
1753 COYNE, Nicholas
1754 MOORE, James
1755 BUTLER, Hon. Brinsley
1756 CRAMER, John
1757 MAXWELL, Robert
1758 SAUNDERSON, Alexander
1759 ENERY, John
1760 COOTE, Charles
1761 ACHESON, Sir Archibald
1762 NUGENT, Robert
1763 JONES, David
1764 NESBITT. Cosby
1765 COSBY, Thomas
1766 CLEMENTS, Theophilus
1767 YOUNG, James
1768 STANFORD, Bedell
1769 NESBITT, Thomas
1770 FLEMING, James
1771 FLEMING, Thomas
1772 ELLIS, Gore
1773 BURROWES, Robert
1774 CLEMENTS, Theophilus Henry
1775 SANDERSON, Alexander
1776 BAKER, John
1777 NIXON, Humphry
1778 HASSARD, John
1779 NEWBURGH, William Perrott
1780 MOORE, William
1781 SAUNDERSON, Francis
1782 PRATT, James
1783 ADAMS, Richard
1784 WHYTE, Francis
1785 JONES, John Moutray
1786 SAUNDERSON, Robert
1787 O’REILLY, Anthony
1788 NUGENT, Oliver
1789 STANFORD, John
1790 ADAMS, Stewart
1791 HODSON, Sir Robert (Bart.)
1792 NEWBURGH, Broghill
1793 STEPHENS, William
1794 FLEMING, Thomas
1795 SNEYD, Nathaniel
1796 ENERY, John, Jr.
1797 BREDIN, Christopher
1798 NESBITT, Cosby
1799 PRATT, Joseph
1800 SANDERSON, James
1801 KELLETT, Robert
1802 BAKER, John
1803 BURROWES, Thomas
1804 O’REILLY, James
1805 MOORE, Samuel
1806 BELL, Andrew
1807 COOTE, Charles
1808 SAUNDERSON Robert
1809 MAGRATH, Luke
1810 ADAMS James
1811 ADAMS, John
1812 THORNTON, Perrott
1813 SANKEY, Henry Gore
1814 CLEMENTS, Henry John
1815 BRADY, Richard
1816 YOUNG, Cosby
1817 SOUTHWELL, Robert Henry
1818 SAUNDERSON, Alexander
1819 SANKEY, Sneyd
1820 YOUNG, William
1821 NUGENT, Christopher Edmund
1822 HUMPHREYS, William
1823 STORY, William Hamilton
1824 HASSARD, John
1825 STANFORD, Bedell
1826 CLARKE, Ralph Bell
1827 BOYLE, Maxwell James
1828 BELL, Andrew
1829 CLEMENTS, Theophilus Lucas
1830 MORTON, Charles Car
1831 KNIPE, George Marshall
1832 HUMPHREYS, William, Jr.
1833 ADAMS, Charles James
1834 RATHBONE, William
1835 FINLAY, John
1836 FINLAY, Sir Thomas, Kt.
1837 DEASE, Gerald
1838 BURROWES, Robert
1839 HODSON, Sir George Frederick John (Bart.)
1840 NESBITT, John
1841 PRATT, Mervyn
1842 SAUNDERSON, Robert
1843 ENERY, William H.
1844 MAXWELL, Hon. Somerset Richard
1845 O’REILLY, Anthony
1846 BECTIVE, Earl of
1847 HAMILTON, James
1848 FOX, Richard
1849 CLEMENTS, Henry Theophilus
1850 BUTLER, Hon. Henry Cavendish
Insolvent debtors
1782 – The Statutes at Large, Passed in the Parliaments Held in Ireland “An act for the relief of insolvent debtors”
An act for the relief of insolvent debtors, whereas the several persons whose names are mentioned in the schedules hereunto annexed, have been, by misfortunes, rendered unable to satisfy the whole of their respective debts and it is reasonable to make provision for such of them, as shall do their utmost for the satisfaction of their creditors, therefore, be it enacted by the King’s most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent, of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that it shall and may be lawful for all and every the persons whose names are mentioned in the said schedules, at any time before the 1st May 1780, to exhibit petitions to his Majesty’s court of king’s bench, or common pleas in Dublin, setting forth the several matters directed to be set forth in the petitions of the persons mentioned, in a schedule annexed to an act passed in the 1st year of his present Majesty entitled ‘An act for the relief of insolvent debtors’ and the said several persons shall, upon performing the several requisites, in the said act directed to be performed by the several persons mentioned in the schedules, thereunto annexed to be entitled to the like benefit and relief and subject to the like punishment, in cases of delivering a false and untrue account of their estate and effects, or concealing the same, as by the said act, is directed with respect to the several persons whose names are mentioned in the said schedule, annexed to the said act, and the respective estates and effects of the persons, whose names are mentioned in the schedules hereunto annexed shall be subject to all and singular, the terms and provisions mentioned in the said act, with respect to the estates and effects of the persons whose names are mentioned in the said schedules annexed to the said acts.
(Transcriber’s note for the full requirement of the Act see page 128 source document )
In prison 1777 /78 – Prisoners against whom no petition has been preferred;
Cavan County Gaol
Timothy KELLY
Terence DOLAN
Joseph BRADY
Michael GLANCY
Alexander DAWLEY
1st Schedule 2nd Part 1777-78 (pg 139) 17th and 18th years of George III;
Thomas BOLE, late of Machin, yarn merchant
Thomas BRADY, late of Stradane, dealer and chapman
Patrick BROGAN, of the town of Cavan, dealer
Patrick CARROL of the town of Cavan butcher
Owen FOX of Lattiloo in the county of Cavan carman
Thomas IRELAND, late of the Town of Cavan and now of the city of London, pewterer
Redmond McMANUS of Swadling bar in the county of Cavan merchant
Philip REILLY late of Knockbridge in the county of Cavan dealer in cattle
Edward REILLY of Kappy in the county of Cavan labourer
Petitioners from the Four Courts Marshalsea; (Dublin)
Bryan REILY formerly of Finea in the county of Cavan dealer and chapman
19th and 20th year of George III; – Schedule of persons in actual custody for debt, on or before the 1sr January 1780, against whom no petitions were preferred (pg. 678)
Cavan County gaol;
Patrick DUNGAN
Archibald NOBLE
Source – The Statutes at Large, Passed in the Parliaments Held in Ireland 1782
1808 State of the Gaol of the Co. Cavan
Rev. Mr DRUITT, Local Inspector (Joseph DRUITT)
W. STEWART, Gaoler (Robt. Wm. STEWART)
When last I inspected this gaol, I found it in a worse state, as may be supposed, from its progressive decay than at any of my former visits. I was happy to learn that the honourable Baron GEORGE had remonstrated with the Grand jury so earnestly, as to have prevailed on them to present a thousand pounds towards building a new prison. I examined several sites for the intended building; a very good one appears to me to be a field in the rear of the present gaol; it is on an inclined plane and water very convenient, but as the Earl of Fernham intends to new model this Town, and to erect a Court house also, it would be prudent not to decide peremptorily on any situation, until the alteration is made. Complaints are incessantly made of the gaoler, who seems callous to remonstrances from repetition, and the Grand juries appear to be quite indifferent as to his conduct; the local Inspector obliges this inhuman fellow to allow the prisoners to air themselves two hours each day, a duty he never performs, but by compulsion and when that gentleman is present. 36 Prisoners were tried at both assizes, 6 of whom were convicted ,4 of them capitally who were executed, 8 Crown prisoners, and 7 debtors were in custody here January 1st 1808. Four Courts Marshalsea, Dublin. Issac DEJONCOUR Esq., Local Inspector; Henry ORMSBY Esq., Marshal
This prison is in a ruinous state, it is too small, is always dirty and the perpetual squabbles between the prisoners and Marshal on this subject are unavailing. Debtors are the most refractory order of prisoners, their rooms, staircases and lobbies are generally very filthy, doubtless some are cleaner than others, but each prisoner observes just as much cleanliness as he pleases and the exceptions to general dirtiness are very few. One would imagine that debtors presumed on not being criminals, I cannot otherwise account for their general noncompliance with regulations that are, for the most part, intended for their comfort and convenience. The continual operation of the Maintenance Act passed in 1797 by the Irish Parliament prevents this gaol from being, as much crowded as was common before that salutary law had been enacted, the number of prisoners is generally from 120 to 200. The sale of liquors is not allowed by law in this prison, notwithstanding, large quantities of spirituous liquors are smuggled into it by the prisoners friends, a cause of riots and other gross irregularities. The prison being so inadequate to the numbers confined, does not afford an apartment for the restraint of refractory prisoners. A maniac who died lately here and whose distemper was aggravated by the scoffs and jests of some prisoners, caused much disorder and complaint, he, being under execution, could not be removed to a receptacle for lunatics and his friends, though opulent, would not pay his debt. A new prison on a large scale in some part of the City, convenient to the law courts, is greatly wanted. Number of Debtors in confinement here were 164 on January 1st 1808.

Thomas Ashe memorial – a leading republican who died in 1917 after being forced fed at Mountjy Prison. He was a relative of Catherine Ashe, the paternal grandmother of the actor Gregory Peck.
Photograph by Eric Jones
The following articles transcribed by Teena from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Belfast Newsletter, Dublin Evening Post, Saunders Newsletter, unless otherwise noted.
7 Sept. 1750
It is very remarkable, that at the assizes at Cavan not one person was found guilty and the goal doors were left open for all debtors to go in and out, so that there is not one person now, is confined in that prison for debt, felony, or any misdemeanour, whatever. (Derby Mercury)
5 Mar. 1781
The 22nd ult. Mr.Thomas HINDS &c. at the head of the Rodney huffars, apprehended Patrick HAGAN, a most notorious rioter, and lodged him in Cavan jail.
1 Jun. 1793 Dublin, May 18
The situation of the unfortunate Mr. COWAN, in the gaol Cavan, is truly lamentable. The horrid acts he has been capable of were chiefly owing to intoxication and should be a timely warning to men of warm tempers, or irritable dispositions, to avoid controversy in company, or such bickerings as may overstep moderation in the circulating pleasures of the table. Liquor having a maddening effect upon this unfortunate gentleman, he had refrained from the use of any for a long space of time, till the fatal day of the catastrophe, when he entertained a party at his house, among whom were the persons he killed, one that fell by his hand was his brother, the other a Clergyman, the only son of his benefactor.
The dispute arose from conversation at table and just as the company were going away, he went to some part of his house, and got a dagger, and pursued the person with whom he differed. When Mr. COWAN came to the hall door to go into the street, his brother struggled to prevent him, but he plunged the dagger in his heart, and likewise killed the other, who strove to keep him from the person with whom he had the words and pursued, but who was fortunate enough by activity, though wounded, to escape with his life.
Mr. COWAN was much intoxicated, that next day he was so insensible of what he had done, till he was convinced. He is now involved in all the anguishing horrors of remorse, but resigned to any fate that may await him. He has settled all his affairs, and has large family of children, whose names, he requests may be changed, and not bear that of their wretched unfortunate father. (Norfolk Chronicle)
8 Jun. 1797
T. BRADY from Cavan is still in custody.
20 Mar. 1806 – Assizes
The King vs. MEENAGH
Peter MEENAGH was indicted for administering drugs and herbs to one Elizabeth MARKEY, for the purpose of causing an abortion but was acquitted in consequence of the prosecutrix swearing on the trial directly to the contrary to what she had deposed on oath to the magistrate
A case marked by peculiar circumstances of depravity and guilt, occupied the attention of the court and Jury on the trial of Elizabeth MARKEY who was indicted for committing wilful and corrupt perjury, at Cavan, by swearing on the 20th instance that she had not been with child for the last 3 years and that Peter MEENAGH had never caused her to take any drugs or herbs for the purpose of causing abortion. The first witness produced on the part the Crown was James GALBRAITH Esq. C. S. who swore that he had taken notes of the depositions of the prisoner the 20th inst. which deposition was the same that had been laid in the indictment.
Andrew NIXON Esq. one of the Justices of the Peace for the Counties of Meath and Cavan, was next examined, who proved that the examination of Elizabeth MARKEY had been duly read by him, and that she had sworn the truth of its contents.
The clerk the Crown then read the examination, which stated, that in the month Aug, 1804, the prisoner had conceived with child, at the house Peter MEENAGH of Fartagh, in the county Cavan, and that he was the father of the child; that in consequence to the entreaties of the said MEENAGH he had been induced take and a large quantity of an herb called rue, boiled in water, in order make her miscarry, which she did in consequence of said drugs and herbs, in about 4 months after she had conceived: that in the month of May last she was again pregnant; and she had a 2nd time, by his entreaties been induced take the drugs and rue, frequently administered by him in order cause abortion, which was again effected the month August last, at which time she lodged the examination. That she had then miscarried of twins, one of which came into the world a day before the other, which twins she buried, with the knowledge and consent, and by the desire of the said MEENAGH in dung-heap adjoining his house.”
The case was here closed, no defense being made on the part of the prisoner. The Jury immediately returned a verdict of guilty, and sentence of transportation for 7 years was upon the prisoner.
2 Apr. 1806 Stolen
Out of the stable of Charles FITZPATRICK, of Gortakurk, near Ballynagh, Co. Cavan, on the night of Friday the 11th inst. a black mare, 14 hands high, aged about 9 years, stripped in the back and breast, and a little over the right eye, weighty in the head and limbs, but active and fleet of foot, (?) made, light in the body, with a lump her left shoulder, flat in her forepart. Any person giving information of said mare, and prosecuting the thief to conviction, shall receive 10 guineas reward, or 1 guinea reward to any person whose information may lead to a recovery of the mare.
Apply Arthur FLEMING Esq. of said county
Rich. BELL the same
Mr. Pat. M’ANTIER Cavan town
4 Apr 1807 – Assizes
Patrick DOYLE otherwise DOW otherwise and Michael MAGLIN were convicted of the murder James TAYLOR, on the 31st July last. This barbarous act appeared have been committed in the mountainous district near Swadlinbar. The deceased had been together with the prisoners, who were his tenants, at the house of their head landlord, where some disputes arose respecting rent due the prisoners to the deceased, for which he threatened to distrain. Their shortest way homewards lay across unfrequented mountain; the prisoners set out first and were seen passing through the mountain. The deceased was advised not to pursue the same tract, but take a more circuitous route, for the purpose of avoiding the prisoners, whose wicked designs were suspected, but neglecting this hint, followed them. The prisoners arrived at their own houses, but the deceased was not heard from for 3 days; when his friends proposed to search for him on the mountain and the prisoners, among others, were called upon to assist. – they attended, and endeavoured to draw away the party from the place where the murder had been perpetrated but in this they failed; the body was in mangled state; and the mouth and throat full of moss and clay- a chain of minute but concurring circumstances brought the crime home to the prisoners; and if any doubt of their guilt remained, it was removed their full confession. Mr. Justice MAINE, with much feeling, and becoming solemnity passed the dreadful sentence of the law and they were ordered for execution the 23rd ult.
19 Aug.1807 At the assizes at Cavan in Ireland
Four soldiers of the Clare Militia, named Patrick MAHON, Patrick CULLEN, Joseph HAIRE and Patrick FLANIGAN, were tried for a rape on the body of W. GAFFNEY, a young girl not 16 years of age, on Saturday the 4th of July last. This young girl, on her way from her father’s house, in Drummoson, to visit her sister, living at Wattle-bridge, in the county of Cavan, on passing through the town of Belturbet, was followed by the prisoners, who overtook her in a field about a quarter of a mile from the tow; on coming up to her, MAHON knocked her down, and perpetrated the crime said in the indictment, as did CULLEN and HAIRE immediately afterwards. The girl identified the prisoners, and gave her testimony in such a feeling and artless manner, as greatly to interest the Court, and a very numerous auditory, in her narration of the barbarous treatment she had received. Her father, as far as could be within his knowledge, corroborated her evidence; and a man of the name of FITZPATRICK, who, at the hazard of his life, came to her assistance; and who was probably the means of saving her life, (as the wretches perhaps would have added murder to the other crime, to prevent detection) confirmed her testimony on the most material facts.
Judge OSBORNE who presided, summed up the evidence for the Jury, to whom he delivered a conscientious and able Charge. After retiring for some time, they brought in MAHON, CULLEN, and HAIRE, guilty, and acquitted FLANIGAN; at the same time they recommended HAIRE as an object of mercy. The Judge wished to know on what principle they recommended HAIRE, and wished them to reconsider their verdict; after retiring for about 20 minutes, they acquitted HAIRE. The Learned Judge then, in a most impressive and pathetic manner, exhorted the prisoners to repentance and pronounced the sentence of the law on the 2 unhappy men, ordering them to be executed on the 4th. (Bury and Norwich Post )
25 Aug. 1810 – The Assizes in Cavan
Before the Hon. the Solicitor-General the Crown court and the Hon. Justice FLETCHER
The following are the only convictions which took place;
Rose LEE for stealing goods from Patrick SHERIDAN to be burned in the hand and imprisoned for one month and to give security to of the peace or 7 years.
Terence FITZPATRICK for cow-stealing to burned in the hand and imprisoned 3 months.
Patrick CLARKE for rescuing a still from officers of Excise to be imprisoned a week and give security to be of the peace for 7 years.
10 Aug. 1812
At the Cavan Assizes there were 2 orangemen, Robert and Edward BENNETT, found guilty of manslaughter, being prosecuted for the murder of Michael REILLY, at Clonkeen, on the 20th of January last year. The murder was committed by yeomanry weapons, which a witness stated, the prisoners had concealed under their coats, but it having occurred in a riot, the Jury did not think themselves warranted in returning any verdict but that of guilty of manslaughter.
3 Sept. 1814
On Sunday evening last, about 8 o’clock, a most horrid assassination was perpetrated about a quarter of a mile from this town, near Springfield. As Bryan O’REILLY Esq. of Ryefield, county Cavan, was riding into town for the purpose of receiving rents (as agent to Mrs. TALBOT) on the following day at the fair, he was barbarously murdered by discharge from a pistol, the ball from which went completely through his body. It appeared on the inquest, which was immediately held on the body by Mr. SHEA, Coroner for this County, that the assassin was observed a short time previous to the perpetration of the foul deed; leading a horse immediately after the deceased, which he mounted on committing the horrid act, and galloped in towards town, announcing to several people whom met on the way, that “There was a man murdered on the road”
On reaching the Canal bridge, he pursued his retreat along the bank of the Canal, and thereby effected his escape for the present. Mr O’REILLY was a gentleman of most excellent character, beloved and esteemed by all who knew him, and in his necessary intercourse with landholders and peasantry, had always proved himself an indulgent friend. Indeed, the general and just indignation excited by this murderous transaction, in this town and neighbourhood in which Mr. O’REILLY was well known ,is not to be surpassed, and we confidently anticipate the speedy visitation offended justice on the head of the inhuman monger. The fatal instrument (which appeared to be a dragoon pistol) was found in a gripe a few yards from the body. A most respectable Jury were sworn on the inquest to whom it clearly appeared, that Mr. O’REILLY came his death by a pistol shot wound, fired by some person unknown and the verdict was accordingly.
28 Nov. 1815
We hereby give Notice, that our Petitions hath been presented to, and our schedules and oaths filed in his Majesty’s court of Common Pleas in Ireland, in order to our being discharged out of custody, and from the demands of our creditors, pursuant to an Act of Parliament. And take notice, that the matter of our said petitions will be taken into consideration in the said court, on the 18th Dec. 1815.
Four Courts Marshalsea
The following are the creditors of John GUNNE;
Edward TRACY
Phillip M’MANUS
_ (?) LYNCH
all above of Belturbet Co. Cavan
Thos. BRADY near Ballyconnell Co. Cavan
Pat DENEGAN (?) F. GROGAN, both near Belturbet, Co. Cavan
Michael REILLY Belturbet, Co. Cavan
17 Feb. 1816 Insolvent debtors
We hereby give Notice, that our Petitions hath been presented to, and our Schedules and Oaths filed in his Majesty’s Court of King’s Bench in Ireland, in order to our being discharged out of custody and from the demands our Creditors pursuant to an Act of Parliament, made in the year of his present Majesty’s Reign, entitled An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in Ireland and also of an Act Parliament made in the 54th year of his present Majesty’s Reign, entitled An Act to amend an Act made in the last session of Parliament for the relief of Insolvent Debtors in Ireland. And we also give Notice that pursuant to an order of said Court, our Petitions will be heard, Saturday, the 9th day March next, at the hour 11 o’clock in the forenoon. Dated this 15 day of February 1816
Patrick DUFFY
Thomas ENTEE
in Four Courts Marshalsea
in Kilmainham Prison
The following are the Creditors Patrick DUFFY
(all of Co. Cavan)
Owen CUSACK detaining creditor
John REILLY Kingscourt
Benjamin BELL Bollaghan
Simon HICKS Bollaghan
James BELL Kilamue
John BRADY Cootehill
Patrick TRAYNOR Clusdaw
Rev. Patrick CARROLL Drumgoene
James COATS Stonewall
Thomas DUFFY Oldcastle
Michael FARRELLY Mullagh
Margaret REILLY Lisdoagh
Thomas REILLY Lisdoagh
John SMITH Mullagh
Creditors of Thomas NEWMAN all of Co. Meath
Creditors of Thomas McENTEE
Walter HARDGROVE or his assignees
Wm. FRANCIS or his endorsees
Pat. M’KEON or his endorsees
Peter M’MAHON or his endorsees
Peter MARRON or his endorsees
Mary GILLAN or her endorsees
Archibald M’MAHON
Cormack M’ENTEE
Michael M’ENTEE
(all above of county Cavan)
and Pat. M’ENTEE of Co. Monaghan
12 Aug.1816 Assizes
Peter and Laurence BRENNAN were tried for being ribbon-men and appearing in arms at night. Not Guilty
James FLOOD and Michael REILLY convicted of the murder Pat. SMYTH at Kilcogy, by the thrust bayonet given him by said FLOOD on the 4 January, of which he died on the 4th February, the said REILLY being present, were both sentenced to death, and executed Monday last.
Joseph REILLY, Patrick SMYTH, John CUSAC(K?) and Own LAMB for breaking into the house of one Thomas SMYTH and administering to him an unlawful oath.- Not Guilty.
Philip SMYTH, John HUGH and Owen O’REILLY for breaking into the house of Bernard REILLY, at Drummock and administering to him an unlawful oath, to the following purport: “ That he would attend at every meeting when required them, or any other person in their way to assist them in recovering all rights and privileges by them lost since the revolution or reformation; that he should neither buy from, nor sell to, any Orangeman, nor any person who was not of his own persuasion, or keep company with any Freemason or Orangeman to his knowledge and also that he should not execute the warrants against them for illicit distillation and that he should keep secret all he had sworn. – Guilty transported for 14 years.
1 Aug.1817
The Assizes are going on here – there is a greater number of prisoners for trial than at any former period- near two hundred.
Grand Jury;
Colonel Thomas NESBITT Foreman
Colonel PRATT
Francis WHYTE
William YOUNG
William WEBB
14 Mar. 1819
A man of the name of __ FURRALLY was indicted for a Burglary and Robbery in the house of the Reverend Mr. SERGEANT, in this case the Indictment was fully sustained by the evidence given of the Prosecution. The Prisoner’s defence consisted in an alibi. – The Jury found the Prisoner Guilty – Since his conviction he has offered much important information on the terms being pardoned.
15 Mar. 1819 Mr. Justice MOORE was taken suddenly ill on this morning and the business in the Crown court was adjourned.
25 Mar. 1819 – assizes
Daniel FARRELL, Terence CONWAY, and Thomas SMITH, were convicted and sentenced to be hanged and dissected for the murder of Mr. MATHEWS, revenue officer, on the 25th February, 1815.
Laurence GEOGHEGAN was also sentenced to be hanged for the robbery of the Rev. Robt. SARGENT two others were also capitally convicted.
27 Mar. 1819
Barny More O’NEIL, a noted linen cloth thief, who for 25 years past, has reigned permanent bleach-green robber in this neighbourhood was convicted at Cavan Assizes for pig stealing and is to be transported. He was tried at different assizes 34 times, is very conversant in law affairs, and probably will yet arrive at the summit of his profession. (Newry Telegraph)
1 Aug. 1820 – Assizes
William WILSON a pensioner from the 8th foot, and Lucy GARDNER stood indicted for conspiring, with Francis CUNNINGHAM , a pensioner from the 101st foot, to charge, and capitally convict several persons with forming a conspiracy to murder the Rev. George SPAIGHT and by such conviction to obtain a reward. The Jury returned a verdict against both the prisoners of Guilty.
Judge JEBB immediately proceeded to pass the sentence of the law addressing himself to the prisoners in the most feeling manner, he remarked the horrid depravity of the minds which could form and mature so base and horrid a conspiracy; their crime, he said, was far more flagitious than that of two unfortunate men whose lives were to be sacrificed to a violation of the laws for the crime of burglary and robbery; they had stolen the property of their prosecutors; but the prisoners sought to deprive 3 innocent individuals, with whom they were even unacquainted of their lives, for the hope of a trifling reward: they sought by their death not only to plunge their families in poverty, but also to attach to them the ignominious stain which would result from such a death; he would be happy that the laws would enable him to exchange their sentences, and gladly would he do so and pass on to those unfortunate men to whom he could not afford the slightest shadow of hope, that more mitigated punishment which he was obliged to pass on them, while he would assign to the prisoners that punishment which was even too lenient for their abominable depravity; as the laws would not allow him to punish them in such a manner, he would however take care to punish them in the most exemplary manner the laws would permit; the sentence of the law therefore was, that they should be each imprisoned for 3 years and William WILSON be 3 times publicly whipped through the streets of Cavan, on 3 market days, in the next 3 months.
The trial of Henry ARGUE, gauger, Richard TRYER, James MAGRATH for the murder of __? McGOVERN and James DOYLE last Christmas day at Glan came on the jury after a short consultation returned a verdict of not guilty. The prisoner’s were immediately discharged
24 Jul. 1828 – Assizes
Judges – VANDELEUR and TORRENS High Sheriff – Andrew BELL Esq.
Grand jury;
Thomas BURROWES Foreman
William ENERY
Samuel MOORE
George M. KNIPE
Maxwell James BOYLE
Christopher E. J. NUGENT
Francis Melville WHITE
Richard YOUNG
Ralph Bell CLARKE
Richard SCOTT
Charles James ADAMS
Theophilus L. CLEMENTS
Sir Robert Adair HUDSON
Andrew BOOTH
Andrew BELL, High Sheriff.
Edward M’CORMICK for stealing a pig – to be transported for 7 years.
Michael LYNCH for a similar offense – like sentence.
Luke and Pat M’CABE for a highway robbery – sentence of death recorded.
William MAHON for stealing a quilt – to be transported for 7 years.
Sarah TREEROUGH for stealing callico – to be imprisoned 6 months from the date of her committal and kept to hard labour.
Catherine REILLY for stealing wearing apparel – to be transported for 7 years.
Alice GARGAN for stealing two handkerchiefs and two shawls – to be imprisoned 3 months and kept to hard labour.
James WRIGHT for stealing two ducks – to pay a fine of 6d. and be discharged.
Edward REEL for stealing timber – to be imprisoned 6 months and kept to hard labour.
Mary M’MAHON and Sarah M’AREENEY for stealing a silver watch – to be transported for 7 years.
Thomas M’GLONE for stealing two bank notes, the value of 1£ 5s. each – to be transported for 7 years.
Michael CURRAN for cow stealing – sentence of death recorded.
Owen FANNON for waylaying and assaulting Edward SINCLAIR, near Belturbet, for putting him in dread of his life and taking from his person a pistol, value 10 shillings – sentence of death recorded, but in consequence of his previous good character, sentence commuted to transportation for life.
Peter GALLIGAN, Bryan GALLIGAN and Patrick TURNER – for arson – death.
Margaret BROOME for stealing linen – to be imprisoned 3 months and kept to hard labour.
James M’QUIRK for stealing a bank note, value 10£ and a promissory note, value 15£ – to be transported for 7 years.
Philip KENNEDY for obtaining money under false pretences – to be imprisoned for 6 months.
Civil Court;
The King against the Rev. Thomas BRADY and others, for a riot and assault upon James REILLY, which was moved ‘certiorari’ from the Quarter sessions into the King’s Bench and sent down from thence as an information. The trial commenced at 10 o’clock on Monday and lasted till 5 o’clock, when the Jury retired. At 6 o’clock, the jury, not having agreed, Judge VANDELEUR adjourned the Court for 2 hours and at 8 o’clock resumed his seat on the Bench, unrobed, when the Jury having stated that they had agreed, the Register announced the verdict, acquitting the Priest, but finding all the other parties guilty.
There was also another case against the Rev. Hugh REILLY and the Rev. Mr. FINNEGAN for riot and assault, which was to to be on Tuesday, but in consequence of the appeals having occupied the Court from 9 -6 o’clock, it was agreed that the case should stand over till next Assizes (Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet)
19 Mar. 1829 Cavan Assizes
Grand Jury;
Charles COOTE, Foreman
Andrew BELL
Richard YOUNG
Richard SCOTT
Richard FOX
T. L. CLEMENTS, High Sheriff
Barney M’GAURAN assault, guilty – to be imprisoned 2 years and kept to hard labour and give security for good behaviour
Phillip WINTERS – Assault, guilty – to be imprisoned 2 years and kept to hard labour and give security for good behaviour
Sandy HICKS – Assault, guilty – to be imprisoned 2 years and kept to hard labour and give security for good behaviour
Matthew WAINWRIGHT and George DAMERUM – Fraud, not guilty – discharged.
James WALLACE – Fraud, not guilty – discharged.
Philip SMITH – Conspiracy to defraud, not guilty – discharged
Hugh CORKIN and James HANIGAN – Assault in a dwelling-house, not guilty – discharged.
Pat M’CABE – Highway Robbery, not guilty – discharged
Bridget CLARKE – Felony, guilty – to be transported for 7 years
Catherine M’ENANEY alias M’DONALD – larceny from person, not guilty – discharged.
Mary GAFNEY – larceny from person – not guilty – discharged
Catherine GILLESPIE – larceny – guilty – to be imprisoned 6 months and kept to hard labour
Andrew CASSIDY – larceny, guilty – to be transported 7 years
Mary FLAHERTY – larceny, guilty – to be transported 7 years
Michael CAVANAGH – horse stealing – guilty judgment of death recorded – execution 11th May next
Anne BOYLE – larceny, guilty – to be transported 7 years
Catherine CONNOLLY – larceny, guilty – to be imprisoned 1 year and kept to hard labour
Elizabeth M’CLUSKEY and Bridget KIERNAN – larceny, – the former to be imprisoned 1 year and kept to hard labour and the latter to be transported 7 years
Edward MULIVEY and John REILLY – stealing pigs – the former to be transported 7 years and the latter not guilty – discharged
Robert WISLON – assault, guilty – to be imprisoned 1 year and kept to hard labour
James HARPUR – assault, guilty – to be imprisoned 1 year and kept to hard labour
Joseph PARR and Thomas NOBLE – riot – not guilty
Michael CASSIDY – cutting timber – guilty – to be transported 7 years
John M’CAUL – cutting timber – not guilty
Daniel REILLY – Murder – guilty of manslaughter – to be transported for life
Patrick REILLY – manslaughter – not guilty discharged
Philip M’KENNA and James BUCHANAN – Highway Robbery, not guilty – discharged
Ellen BLAKE – larceny, guilty – to be imprisoned 6 months and kept to hard labour
Mary DONNELLY – larceny, not guilty
Catherine DRUM – larceny, not guilty
Daniel WOODS – larceny, guilty – to be imprisoned 6 months and kept to hard labour
David MOORE – larceny, guilty – to be transported 7 years
Anne KEEGAN – arson – not guilty
James WREN and Dennis M’ANIFF – shooting – guilty – judgement of death recorded
James LITTLE, Oliver ELLIOTT, Robert ELLIOTT, Alexander CONNOR and Edward LITTLE – for assaulting a revenue officer; 1st and 2nd not guilty; 3rd and 4th guilty -to be imprisoned 4 months and pay a fine of £10 each; 5th not guilty
Matthew CLARKE, Laurence CLARKE, John REILLY and Andrew CLARKE – larceny, not guilty – discharged
William NESBITT – assault – not guilty
John REILLY- for illicit distillation guilty – to be imprisoned 3 months
Paul M’DERMOTT – for illicit distillation – estreated
Michael DRUM, Patrick DRUM, and James M’MAHON – for illicit distillation – guilty to pay a fine of £2 each or be imprisoned 1 month
Hugh and Thady M’NAMEE for illicit distillation – the 1st guilty to pay a fine of £2 or be imprisoned 1 month; the 2nd not guilty discharged (Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet)
7 Jan. 1830
On Friday last a private soldier of the 8th regiment of foot, named Henry PEMBERTON and drummer of the same corps, named Darby KELLY, went into a public house adjoining the Tower, accompanied by a young woman, who calls herself Eliza BROWNE and had some drink. After remaining a short time in the house the landlady overheard some loud words, which attracted her attention and listening more closely, PEMBERTON heard ask KELLY “Will thou have this woman to be thy wedded wife?” He replied in the affirmative and then the interrogatory was put to Eliza, ‘Will thou have this man as thy wedded husband?” The young maiden simpered out Yes.” The landlady opened the door, there she saw PEMBERTON standing up with a prayer book in his hand and the happy couple, whom he was joining together in the bonds of wedlock opposite him, paying all marked attention to what he was reading. She did not consider that all was right, or that her house was to be transmogrified into a temple of Hyman and accordingly dispatched a messenger for the police, who soon arrived and took the parties into custody. It appeared that PEMBERTON borrowed the costume in which he was arrayed for the occasion – a clerical cut frock coat, with Oxford grey trousers and hat. The young woman had followed up the drummer from the county Cavan and PEMBERTON at once volunteered to act the parson and tie them both together as man and wife. The drummer was very willing to marry the girl, in order to get out of the scrape and gave his reason for availing himself of this plan, that he could not get married without the commanding officer’s leave; besides that, he had not the fees to pay for the proper performance of the ceremony. It also came out that PEMBERTON was convicted in Scotland some years ago, for having represented himself as a member of the church militant and not a military man and married a couple; for this offence he received 300 lashes. The magistrates handed him to the military powers, to deal as they might deem advisable with him. (The Cheltenham Chronicle)
8 Feb. 1830 – Declaration of Insolvency
John SHERIDON of Shircock Co. Cavan, shoemaker
19 Mar. 1830 – Assizes
Grand Jury;
Henry MAXWELL M. P. Foreman
Nathaniel SNEYD
Sir R. Adair HODSON
Samuel MOORE
Richard BELL
Richard SCOTT
Richard FOX
Trial of a Yeoman for Murder
John GIBSON a bugle-man in the Ballyjamesduff Yeomanry Corps, was indicted for the murder of Hugh BRADY on 7th May last. Deceased was returning from the fair of Ballyjamesduff when he lost his life. EWARD a police-man, and BARRY, a yeoman, had been tried for the offence at last assizes and were acquitted, after which the prisoner, who was one of the party surrendered himself.
Thomas DONOGHOE – knew Hugh BRADY; recollects the fair on 7th May; witness was going home from the fair, when he saw 3 men coming down the road towards him, in dark clothes; identifies the prisoner, GIBSON, as one of the 3 men, prisoner had a pistol; the 2nd man had a bayonet, the other a staff; there were 2 men coming down the road after them when the 3 men came down to witness, he heard one of the 3 men say to one of the 2 men that were coming after them, “I’ll shoot you”; he repeated the words 3 times; the pistol was discharged and he saw a man fall; to the best of his belief it was GIBSON that fired the pistol; after the man fell, witness stopped on the road until the 3 men came up, when he leaped over the ditch into the field; another shot was fired by EWARD, one of the 3 men at witness; he was in the field, about 4 or 5 perches from EWARD; witness ran off; he received no injury. Cross-examined – He was examined at last assizes; he prosecuted EDWARD and BARRY; they were acquitted.
Owen M’MAHON – Hugh BRADY and 2 daughters accompanied him home from the fair; when they got about 2 miles from Ballyjamesduff, 3 men passed them, one had a pistol, the other a bayonet, the third a staff; GIBSON, the prisoner, carried a pistol – the men walked on; witness and his party came up to them; not a word passed; he heard BARRY say, “‘John fire” upon which GIBSON discharged a pistol shot at BRADY, who instantly fell and died about 10 minutes after; BARRY stabbed witness under the right breast with a bayonet; witness is a prisoner in the gaol; the reason was, he identified BARRY, who afterwards swore an assault against witness, for which he was convicted, and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment; witness did strike BARRY with a staff, after he stabbed him with the bayonet; it was for that he was convicted.
John SHERIDAN – was on the road when he met 3 men coming from Ballyjamesduff; the prisoner was one of them; when witness was coming towards them, one of the 3 desired witness to wheel to one side of the road and said, “do you see that my boy” -at the same time shewing a pistol; he presented it at witness; this was at about 100 perches from the spot where BRADY fell.
Dr. WYLEY, examined the body of Hugh BRADY; he received a ball over his left collar bone which caused his death; he also examined a wound on Owen M’MAHON; he received a stab under the arm with a sharp instrument; it was not dangerous Cross examined- he dressed several persons after the fair, amongst others BARRY, his nose was fractured, his right eye closed and his left very much injured. Re-examined- BARRY informed him that he received the wounds on the road leaving the fair. This closed the case for the Crown.
For The Defence H. J. S. NIXON a Magistrate, was in the fair, about 5 or 6 in the evening; it was in a riotous state; witness sent for 2 or 3 of the police and desired them to prime and load; witness sent to Virginia for a reinforcement of police; he desired R. MORROW, a permanent serjeant of the yeomanry corps, to arm 10 or a 12 steady yeomanry that he could depend upon to assist witness and the 3 policemen, and that he would take the ringleaders and quell the riot; MORROW told witness the treatment the yeomanry and their friends received. Witness went on to say, that in consequence of what MORROW said, he desired him to get a man to carry a note to the Chief Constable stationed in Virginia, to get all his disposable force. MORROW was unable to procure a man and horse, and asked witness to send one of the police with the note; witness wrote a note to the Chief Constable at Virginia, which he gave to MORROW to send by a policeman – on the specific terms that the policeman should be protected by the yeomanry the entire way; about this time, the fighting had subsided; about 8 or 10 of the police came from Virginia; Ballyjamesduff lies about 4 miles and a half from Virginia; witness knows BARRY and EWARD, that we’re tried at last assizes; he saw BARRY after the return of the party; there were marks of violence on his face and head.
Robert MORROW – sergeant of the Ballyduff yeomanry, saw last witness at the hair, from whom he received a note; he dispatched EWARD, one of the police and 2 yeomen, BARRY and prisoner, with the note. Cross-examined – The riot was over about half past 5; at that time they were started; prisoner had a staff when he started; the policeman had his fusee (?) and BARRY a short gun; BARRY, on his way to Virginia, got a bayonet.
William EWARD – one of the parties who had been tried and acquitted, was next examined He stated that he carried the note from Mr. NIXON to Virginia; when they went half way, he saw people on the road following them; he and the yeomen were going at a quick pace; 4 of those that were behind overtook them, and came in front; Wm. BARRY was behind witness; one of the 4 said to his companions, here is one of them; that man struck BARRY across the nose with a large bludgeon; he and his 2 comrades conceived their lives were in danger; the prisoner did not fire a shot; there were 2 shots fired. Cross-examined – Witness had not his fire-arms, but he had a pistol; he was desired to go in coloured clothes; that was the reason he took the pistol; the people behind him on the road were running; the 4 men that came up when BARRY was struck had sticks; the people behind were distant from the first about 5 perches; these 4 appeared to have come from the rest; BRADY was killed.
The Counsel asked who shot the man? The witness paused, when Judge VANDELEUR intimated to the Counsel not to press the question; the consequence arising from it were easily anticipated.
William BARRY, the second of the party who had been tried for this transaction, was examined as to the facts sworn to by the last witness. Judge VANDELEUR summed up the evidence. His Lordship was of opinion that the capital charge could not be sustained and it was for the Jury to consider whether it was a case of manslaughter or justifiable homicide. The Jury returned a verdict of acquittal.
20 Mar. 1830 – Insolvent Debtor
In the Matter of Patrick M’ENTEE an Insolvent. In the Court for Insolvent Debtors in Ireland.
In the Court for the Relief of Insolvent debtor’s the Schedule Creditors of the Insolvent in this matter are hereby required meet the Assignees at the house of Mr. Andrew M’KIBBON (one of the Assignees.) in the Town of Ballyhaise, in the County Cavan, on Saturday, the 3rd day of April next, the hour 1 o’clock in the afternoon of same day, to approve of the Assignees setting up and Selling, by public Auction, the property returned by the Insolvent in his Schedule, and fix a time and place for such Sale. Dated this 16th day of March, 1830. John MacNALLY Attorney for Hugh DALZILL and Andrew M’KIBBONS, Insolvent’s Assignee, 36 Upper Dominick street. (Dublin Evening Packet)
17 May 1830 – Insolvent debtors
The following Insolvent debtors are to be heard this week at the Court Lower Ormond Quay (Dublin)
20 May Robert WHITE of Virginia brewer
22 May Robert ROBINSON of Granard Co. Longford formerly of Fortland Co. Cavan gent.
5 June Henry PLUNKETT late of Belville Co Cavan farmer (Dublin Morning Register)
10 Jun. 1830 Insolvent debtors
Anthony TATLOW late of Drumharriff, county Cavan, farmer. (Dublin Morning Register)
30 Jul. 1830 Grand Jury sworn
Alexander SAUNDERSON Esq., Foreman
Henry MAXWELL Esq.
Sir William YOUNG, Bart.
William HUMPHREYS jr.
Theophilns E. Lucas CLEMENTS
Harvey PRATT
Charles James ADAMS
Richard BELL
John Charles TATLOW
Richard YOUNG
Andrew BELL
H. B. Wilson SLATOR
Andrew Bell BOOTHE
There were about fifty persons for trial; but there was not any very serious case, with the exception Mr. GOODFELLOW’S, the Postmaster of Killeshandra, for taking money out of letters in his office. (Newry Telegraph)
29 Jul. 1830 assizes
On Monday last, Mr. Verdun MOORE was tried for shooting at man, named Terence DUFFY on the 25th of February last.
Terence DUFFY examined. He was employed as a teacher by the Irish Society and the day in question he and 3 other teachers, named BEATTY, CAFFRAY and CARROLL, were returning from Kingscourt, when they were met on the high road by 7 men, who commenced shouting at them and crying out “mad dog.” This witness and his party thought to go back to the town, but were prevented; they then crossed the field and went to the house of Mr MOORE, the traverser; when this man saw them approaching, he asked them why they were attacked? one of them replied because they were lrish teachers on which MOORE said that he detested them, and wished they were all killed and all sent to h—ll; it being what they all deserved; one of the party (BEATTY) said he was a farmer and had been selling oats at the market, and that another of them (CARROLL) was his servant; MOORE, on hearing this, desired them to begone and then went into his house; they were going away, but having turned round they saw CARROLL beckoning them to return; they did so and when they came near the hall-door, they saw Mr. MOORE coming out of his parlour with a gun in his hand.He asked them why they did not leave his premises, saying he would make them go quicker; when they got about 40 or 50 yards from the house, he fired and wounded the witness on the hip. (The coat was here produced, which bore the marks of the shot where it had penetrated.)
Cross-examined. – The coat was 5 years old; went through Mr. MOORE’S hedge, but not until witness was wounded; Mr. MOORE might have fired at a short distance if he wished to do more injury; CARROLL, who beckoned on him to come back, was his brother-in law; he married his sister after he had been charged with on offence against her. The evidence of the other 3 witnesses corroborated DUFFY’s testimony.
For the Defence. Patrick WADE examined – was in Mr. MOORE’S gate house the day in question and saw 2 men in demesne; one of them said ‘damn him, why should we afraid of him?”, heard they were preachers or teachers; came from Kingscourt and saw no row. Another witness corroborated this testimony. The case here closed.
Judge VANDELEUR charged the Jury, who, after retiring about ten minutes, brought in a verdict of guilty of a common assault. The court inflicted the punishment of 6 months imprisonment on Mr. Vernon MOORE. (Dublin Evening Packet)
21 Aug.1830 Homicides in Co. Cavan.
A Coroner’s Inquest was held on the body of Owen FITZSIMMONS, at Muff, on the 16th inst. instant. The Jury, after hearing the evidence, found a person of the name of George WELSH, an Orangeman, guilty of wilful murder and two others namely, Henry GLASSFORD and Thomas GLASSFORD as being present aiding & assisting in said murder.
24 Aug. 1830 Assizes Caution to Sportsmen
Christopher HARMAN Gent., v. Henry BLANKHORN Esq.
This was action brought by the plaintiff, the eldest son and principal support of a large and highly respectable family, residing near Ballyhaise, in the County of Cavan, for compensation for the loss of the sight of both his eyes, occasioned by the plaintiff having negligently and without having observed due caution, discharged at a snipe his fowling-piece, the contents of which lodged in plaintiff’s eyes. The defence relied upon the defendant’s Counsel was, that the action could not be maintained in point of law, and supposing the Court to be of a contrary opinion, that the defendant (who had already contributed to defray part of the plaintiff’s expenses for medical advice) was, from his circumstances, unable to pay excessive damages. Baron Pennefather, having been of opinion that due caution had not been observed, charged the Jury, who found a verdict for the plaintiff Damages 200£ and 6d. Costs. (Newry Telegraph)
3 Aug. 1830 Assizes
Grand Jury;
Alexander SAUNDERSON Esq. Foreman
Henry Maxwell
Sir W. Young, Bart.
William HUMPHREYS jr.
Theophilus E. Lucas CLEMENTS
Harvey PRATT
Charles J. ADAMS
Richard BELL
Richard YOUNG
Andrew BELL
H. B. Wilson SLATOR?
Andrew Bell BOOTHE
There were about 50 persons for trial but there was not any very serious case with the exception of Mr. GOODFELLOW’S, the Postmaster of Killisandra, for taking money out of the letters in his office.
24 Nov. 1830 Declarations of Insolvency for Bankruptcies
– Bernard BRADY of Ballyconnell, gent. and formerly a revenue officer
– Patrick CARROLL of Shircock, dealer
– Peter CASSIDY of Creenagh, farmer
– Thomas CLARKE late of Monaghan, co. Cavan farmer and broguemaker.
– Jas. CUSSACK of Basin street and formerly of Scariff, Co. Cavan, grocer and spirit dealer.
– Philip M’GAURAN of Gault, co. Cavan, labourer.
– Wm. KENNY formerly of Carnofane and late of Goulratton farmer. (discharged)
– Michael KETTLE of Drumgoan farmer and dealer in cattle.
– Joseph MITTON, late of Cootehill, linen weaver.
– Bernard M’CORMICK one of the late firm of M’PARTLAN and Co., builders and late Kenny POTTLE, farmer.
– John MULLIGAN of Kingscourt, farmer
– Patrick SMITH of Ballyjamesduff, baker.
– Richard VEITCH late of Legalana, half pay officer.
Thomas BERRY of Bellgreen, bleacher and miller. (to be discharged)
– Bernard COYNE of Cavan, co. Cavan, medical doctor
– William Frederick EBHART formerly of Cootehill, co. Cavan then of Newry and late of Ballinahinch, both in the co. of Down, chief constable of police.
– Henry HANTLEY of Drumleavy, farmer.
– John MAGAURAN , formerly of Gortheturk, co. Fermanagh and late of Ballyconnell, co. Cavan, labourer.
– John WARREN formerly of co. Meath, farmer and late of Kingscourt, co. Cavan, general shopkeeper.
(Dublin Mercantile Advertiser)
19 Mar. 1831 Assizes
Peter FINEGAN an old man, was indicted for taking up arms at King’s Court, on the 14th of August last. The prisoner was found guilty, but recommended to mercy. No sentence was passed.
John BYRNE was indicted for a violent assault on a female named Cherry ANDERSON at Muff, on the 12th of August. Guilty.
Walter PLUNKET a man of respectable appearance and brother the Parish Priest, was indicted for setting fire to the house of Henry GLASFORD, a Protestant, at Muff, on the 12th August. The defence was an alibi and the jury acquitted the prisoner.
Hugh WARD, Edward DUFFY, Michael FARRELLY and Peter BOYLE were indicted for that they on the 14th of August, at Kingscourt, then and there unlawfully assembled, did by means of threats and violence seize 12 muskets, 10 blunderbusses, 10 pistols and other weapons, the property of James O’BRIEN. BOYLE was acquitted, but the other 3 were found guilty, with a recommendation to mercy. Sentence of death was immediately passed on them, but no day fixed for their execution.
Patrick MURRAY was found guilty of a dreadful assault on the person of an old woman named OLIVER, at Muff, on the 12th of August, contiguous to the house of H. GLASSFORD and while it was in flames. He was ordered for execution, but no day fixed.
Convictions for Murder
At the Cavan Assizes on Friday, Laurence FINNEGAN, James M’CORMICK, Felix and John MURRAY and Patrick M’GRADEN, were sentenced to be hanged on Monday for the murder of Jane DEANE aged 16 at Skeane, near Kingscourt, on the 15th of November. The father of the young girl became tenant to the lands a short time before and the object of the prisoners was to murder him but on arriving at the house the daughter was inside and they fired at her; 9 slugs lodged in various parts of her body; she lived for 2 days after. The prisoners were young and unmarried, except FINNEGAN, who fired the shot.
23 Jul. 1833 Assizes
Patrick DONOHOE was convicted for having on 24th Sept. 1832, forced away Jane SHERIDAN otherwise STRONG, with intent to marry her against her will.
Illegal Assembly
Owen BANNON, John M’CORMICK, H. DONOHOE , Mark TIERNEY, Luke TIERNEY, J. REILLY,. F. SMITH, John BRADY and John Caugldy, were indicted for an illegal assembly on 21st of July, 1832, at Lavay and Cavan, accompanied with green and white flags, sashes, ribbons, &c. arms and music.
W. HUMPHREYS Esq. deposed that he was High sheriff of the county Cavan last year; that on the 21st July, he was in Stradone, about 5 miles from Cavan; that a number of people collected there in military array, with banners and music and some of them armed. They amounted to 7 or 8,000. They marched very quietly to the music; having observed one man with a gun, witness told him that his having it rendered the meeting illegal and attempted to seize it, which was, however, rescued from him; he then read the riot act; the assemblage did not disperse and he, therefore, called out the military and police.
George FITZMAURICE C. C. (examined) – Accompanied the High- sheriff to Stradone and saw a vast number of persons, with banners and music; observed only one sword; they proceeded towards Lavay and afterwards passed Stradone gate, towards Cavan, about 6 deep; their bodies and hats were decorated with green and white ribbons; witness went on to Cavan for the military and police, who were afterwards drawn up at the entrance into the town; the procession passed them; witness identified Mark TIERNEY and Owen BANNON, as two of the party; TIERNEY was on horseback; BANNON, from whom witness took a pistol, was on foot; the pistol was in his bosom, and not charged; he took a blunderbuss from another man, it was loaded; a pistol or two more were taken from others.
Thos. BURROWES Esq. Deputy-Lieutenant, co. Cavan- had summoned several magistrates to meet him at Lavay, to preserve the peace; when the procession began its march, Mr. SOUTHWELL and witness remonstrated with them on the imprudence and impropriety of their conduct; they continued their march, but promised not to enter Cavan; they did, however, enter the town; the police and military were in attendance; the procession marched through the streets and then retired; considered so large an assemblage and so equipped, calculated to excite great alarm.
Cross-examined – Said he was told by some of the party that they were only acting in imitation of the Orange walk on the preceding 12th and reported so to Government, saying that there would be no peace in the county until such processions of all parties were completely put down; there was no violence to person or property done; the streets were quite cleared about 5 o’clock.
His Lordship charged the Jury, who brought in their verdict of Guilty of an illegal assembly.
7 Mar. 1840 Cavan Assizes
The following gentlemen were sworn on the grand jury of Cavan, at 1 o’clock on Wed. before John NESBIT Esq. High Sheriff and immediately afterwards proceeded with the fiscal affairs of the county.
Grand Jury;
Henry John CLEMENTS foreman
Robert Henry SOUTHWELL
George Marshall KNIPE
Gerard MOORE
Charles James ADAMS
Richard BELL
Henry Theophilus KILBEE
John Augustus KNIPE
Richard YOUNG
John Charles TATLOW
Abraham BUSH
Geo. T. B. BOOTH
all Esqrs.
Thomas MALONE, Francis WELDON, Thomas DRUM and Mary Ann M’CORMICK were indicted for unlawfully with many others, at Ballyneagh, on the 5th May, and making great riot; also for assaulting William GIBSON – Guilty of the assault; sentence not passed.
Timothy M’DERMOTT for unlawfully assembling with a number of others on the 13 July 1838 at Killeshandra, and for assaulting William CROSS and Thomas BREADEN. – Guilty of the riot and assault upon CROSS, but not guilty of the assault upon BREADEN
Thomas COONEY was indicted for rape on the person of Bridget MASTERSON on the 24th June, at Ballynaskeigh in this county. – Guilty accompanied by recommendation to mercy on account of the good character the prisoner had formerly borne. His lordship said he would attend to the recommendation but he must pass a severe sentence. The prisoner’s life, however, would be spared. He was then removed.
James HOPKINS and Betty BROGAN for the murder of Patrick CARROLL at Cornasheskin, on the 6th of Mar., by giving him several severe wounds with a stick and stones on the head, of which he lingered till the 1st of April following, and then died. – The jury returned a verdict finding HOPKINS guilty of manslaughter, and acquitted the female. Sentence not passed.
Thomas WILSON for stealing a cow at Largey the property of Robert NIXON on the 22d of Oct.- Not guilty.
Patrick GAYLAND was arraigned for the murder of John MATTHEWS at Arlow, on the 25th Feb. in the year 1815, a person of the name of Roger SMITH having given him a mortal wound in the belly with a bayonet, of which he immediately died – the said Patrick GAYLAND, with others, being aiding and assisting; also, for having inflicted various wounds on the head, body, and sides of the said John MATTHEWS with stick and stones of which he instantly died, the said other persons being aiding and assisting. – The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
Bernard M’DANIEL for unlawfully and feloniously breaking into the dwelling-house of Jane PATTERSON on the 21st of June, at Moneycass and for administering an unlawful oath in the said Jane PATTERSON at same time and place. The prisoner did not call any witnesses with the exception of one to character. – Guilty – to be transported for life.
George LEE for assaulting George PORTER on the 27 October at Armagh with intent to maim him.- Not guilty.
Charles GOLDING for stealing a bullock and a heifer on the 17th Dec., near Castlepollard in the county Westmeath, the property of James ROBINSON – Guilty. The prisoner was then given in charge for stealing a horse, but there was no evidence offered and he was acquitted. – Sentence not passed.
Ally FREEMAN for stealing a linen shirt at Kingscourt. The prisoner said she had taken the shirt at the instance of a person named JOHNSTON to whom she gave it; it was then sold for whiskey.
Margaret JOHNSTON for receiving the shirt, knowing it to have been stolen. She pleaded guilty.
David MORTON and James MORTON were indicted for burning a house belonging to a person of the name of GREG on the 31st Jan. last. – Not guilty.
The judge then ordered the witness (FITZPATRICK) to be called, who, on his appearance was by order of the court taken into custody, and the crown council directed to have him prosecuted for perjury.
John DELAP, a boy of about 17 years of age was indicted for confederating and conspiring with Edward KELLY and ___(?) GALLAGHER to injure Andrew CARROLL and John SMITH by accusing them of having in their possession a quantity base coin and also moulds for coining. – The prisoner was found guilty.
Record Court – FINLAY v. WILLIAMS
Mr. BOYD opened the pleadings, and Mr. BROOKE Q. C. stated the case. It was an action on the case The declaration contained 6 counts which set forth the libel part of which was oral and part written. The defendant pleaded the general issue and a justification to some of the special counts. The damages were laid at £2,000. This was an action for slander, in which the plaintiff charged the defendant with having accused him of prescribing a poisonous medicine, when it was alleged by plaintiff that defendant had himself prescribed it. The court was occupied in the hearing of the case during almost the entire of Monday and Tuesday. After Baron PENNEFATHER had summed up the evidence the jury retired, and in about an hour returned with a verdict for the plaintiff, £7 damages, and 6d. costs.
10 Mar. 1840
Patrick SWEENY for maiming and injuring an ass at Mullanhone on the 18th Dec the property of Thomas M’GARRETT – Not guilty.
William LANG jun., William LANG sen., George LANG, William CAMPBELL, and Francis COOKE, for assemblying riotously together and making great noise on 1st May at Arvagh. – Not guilty.
Murder – Patrick WALSH was indicted for the murder of Hugh GALLAGHER on the 11th Dec. at Seraby by inflicting a wound on the side of his head with a stick of which he died. – Guilty of manslaughter with a recommendation to mercy. His Lordship said he would attend to the recommendation.
David MORTON and James MORTON for unlawfully and feloniously setting fire to the house of William GREGG on the 31st Jan. – Not guilty. One the the witnesses in this case was ordered to be indicted for perjury by the Judge and was taken into custody.
Hugh CONNOLLY for stealing 2 gelding, 2 saddle and 2 bridles at Bailieborough on the 2nd August the property of Captain MAGUIRE – Guilty sentence not passed.
Thomas OWENS, Patrick MALLON and George SMITH indicted for the murder of __ REXTER on the 25th Feb. 1815 the said Thomas OWENS having fired a gun loaded with powder and ball, which wounded the said REXTER in the left breast, of which wound he immediately died. – the said Pat. MALLON and SMITH being aiding and assisting. – Not guilty. This was the last of the crown cases.
13 Mar. 1840 Sentences at Spring Assizes Co. Cavan
Riot and assaulting Police Constable – Thomas MALONE and Fras. WELDON
2 months and hard labour
Thomas DRUM and Mary Anne M’CORMICK, 4 months and hard labour.
Manslaughter – Jas. HOPKINS 4 months and hard labour.
Administering unlawful oath – B. M’DANIEL transported for life
Riot and assault – T. M’DERMOT 12 months and hard labour
Rape Thos. COONEY death recorded.
Cattle stealing Charles GOLDING 10 years transportation
Manslaughter Pat WALSH 4 months and hard labour.
Larceny of shirt Alley FREEMAN 6 months, and hard labour.
Receiving same -Margaret JOHNSON 6 months and hard labour.
Larceny of turf – Joseph KIERNAN and John TULLY 1 month and hard labour
Ellen CONNOR, Catherine CONNOR, Jane TULLY, Bridget COLRICK, Mary
COLRICK – 1 day; Mary COLRICK, sen. 3 months, and hard labour.
Conspiracy to charge Andrew CARROLL and John SMITH with having
counterfeit coin.
John DELAP 12 months – Stealing 2 horses, 2saddles, and 2 bridles –
Hugh CONNOLLY – 10 years transportation <no crime here recorded>
orange procession – Henry STAFFORD, Wm. BYERS, Thos. LITTLE, Thos.
WILSON, Thos. NEWELL, John CURRAN, James RYANS 1 month imprisonment or 40s. fine.
High sheriff’s list transcribed from the Ulster Journal of Archaeology Apr. 1896