Photograph by Colin BOYLE
The Church of Ireland Incumbents in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe
Incumbents listed for the Parishes of Donagheady, Leckpatrick, Camus Juxta Mourne, Clonleigh, Donaghmore, Urney, Ardstraw, Langfield, Langfield Upper, Langfield Lower, Termonamongan, Drumragh, Cappagh, Badoney, Badoney Upper, Badoney Lower.
Donaghkiddy (Donagheady)
The Church of Donaghkiddy hath sufficient walles, but is uncovered. The Incumbent is Robert SEMPILL, Mr. of Arts, an honest man and a preacher. The valuation in the King’s Books is xxli, which is the third of the cleare value. There are three townlands of glebe, upon one whereof there is a stone house or Castle, formerly built. The Incumbent is resident, and dischargeth the Cure in his owne person. from ” The Ulster Visitation Book, 1622″
1622, Robert SEMPILL M.A.
1635, 1 Septr. Edward STANHOP He was presented to the Archdeaconry of Derry 10 January 1613 and died from a fever brought on by distress (arising from the Irish Rebellion) in 1642
1661, 6 April, William CROFTS, LL.D. Cantab. Inducted same day. He was also R. of Donaghmore and Vicar-General. He died in 1667
1667, 30 July, James HAMILTON He was also Archdeacon of Raphoe and R. of Taghboyne (Raphoe)
1689, 26 Novr. Andrew HAMILTON (son of his predecessor). Also Archdeacon of Raphoe and Rector of Taghboyne faculty 4 September, 1690. His Petition for this faculty is as follows. Fac: Book, No. 148. Andrew HAMILTON
” yt, ye. ptr. hath in title and possn the Archdeaconry of Rafoe, whereof the Rectory of Taghboyne is the Corps (in the Diocese of Raphoe) and the Rv of Donoughedy in ye Dio. of Derry, that yr Petr being Chaplaine to ye pr’st Lord Bp. of Raphoe and personally Resident on the parish of Taghboine, humbly prayes yr Grace’s favour in granting him a dispensation to hold them both together, and to succeede his father therein, who was the last inct. and dyed in the beginning of the pr’sent warr, and rather for that both parishes, formerly of considerable value, are not now, by reason of the calamities of the present warr, of more than a competent support for the discharge of both the said cures.”
Fiat 4 Sept 1690. Tax 17”- Referred to the LA Bpp of Raphoe [who thus stated in his reply] ” yt his [Petrs.] father ye late incumbent, dying in the beginning of the p’sent troubles left a large numerous family wch in greate measure depends upon ye Petr. for their supporte and maintenance, whom I believe to be a person of good learning and piety, and humbly consider him very cipable of y grace’s favour” Jo: Raphoe.
Archdeacon Andrew HAMILTON matriculated at Trinity College, Dublin as a Pensioner, 17 June, 1682. Aged 13. Son of James H, of Co. Donegal. Educated by Mr. Sympson. His College Tutor was Samuel Foley (afterwards Bishop of Down and Connor). He graduated B.A. Vern. 1686 and B. and D.D. Vernis 1704. He was perhaps a Scholar. Dr. HAMILTON was Vicar-General of the diocese, and, dying 22 September 1753 in his 84th year was buried at St. Ann’s, Dublin. Dr. Lindsay, Archbp. of Armagh, on 5 Jany. 1714, wrote thus to Dean Swift “There is a gentleman, whom I believe you must have heard of, Dr. Andrew HAMILTON Archdeacon of Raphoe, a man of good learning and abilities and one of great interest in that country; whom I could wish you would move for (since the Bp. of Killaloe refuses) to succeed me in Raphoe as one that is most likely to do good in that part of the country of any one man I know.” Swift’s Works, II. p. 500.
1753, Hon’ble George HAMILTON M.A. Merlon Col. Oxford. He resigned in the same year having made an exchange of benefice with his successor for the Rectory of Taplow, Bucks. He was afterwards Canon of Windsor and died 26 Novr. 1787.
1753, 18 Dec. George BRACEGIRDLE B.A. Merton Col. Oxford Rector of Taplow Bucks presented to that parish in 1743 (Gents Mag. xiii. 52) Presented 1 Dec. Instituted 13 Dec. Inducted 29 Dec. [Parish Register.] He died in 1768.
1758, Presented 21 July Instituted 6 Augt. James HAMILTON.
1781, Presented 15 Sept. Instd. 15 Septr. Andrew Thomas HAMILTON He died aged 68 26 May 1825 and was buried in the family Vault at Leck Patrick.
1825, 9 Novr. Hon’ble Charles DOUGLAS next brother of Geo. Sholto 17th Earl of Morton. He died, aged 64 28, Jan’y. 1857.
1857, 20 April, Hon’ble Douglas Hamilton GORDON 3rd son of George, 4th Earl of Aberdeen K.G. He resigned 26 March, 1860
1860, 30 May, George John THOMAS son or nephew of Dr. THOMAS homas. Bp. of Rochester and Dean of Westminster and of the Bath. Exchanged with his predecessor. He died at Earlsgift aged 77 22 March. 1871
1871, Frederick James CLARKE B.D. and Canon of Derry the present Incumbent.
Leakepatrick (Leckpatrick)
In 1622 Henry Noble, M.A.
1625, 5 Decr. Alexander SPICER M.A. Oxon Chaplain to Lord Chichester,Dean of Killaloe 1628-37
1635, 22 April, William KINGSMILL He also held Camus juxta Mourne
1638, 6 March, Richard WAKEFIELD The benefice was vacant on 19 Augt. 1651 [Vis. Book]
1661, John WHITWORTH B.D. (Dub.) 1654. He also held Camus juxta Mourne 1665 26 Feb. Preb. Aghadoey
1662, 23 Feb. James HARWOOD D.D. also Archdeacon of Glendalough.
1665, 19 Feb. John SINCLAIR M. A. died aged 59 13 March 1702. His monument is in the present church.
1703, 6 April, James GOODLATT died aged 60 10 June 1727 and was buried in the old Church. His Tablet remains in the present church.
1727, 18 July, Robert JENKINS 1718 Sch.T.C.D., M.A. 1723. Appointed by the Primate during his Triennial Visitation. He was probably instd. on 6 Septr.
1730, 1 June, Philip DOWNES M.A. (Dub.) Est.1729. He resigned in the same year for Fahan.
1730, 25 January, Paul READ M.A. (Dub) 1732 He died 21 Feb. 1742 and was buried at Strabane a Tombstone still remains over his grave.
1742, James CLELOW M.A. (Dub.) 1710
1751, 16 June, James INGRAM M.A. (Dub.) 1730 Sch. 1726. He was promoted to Tamlaght O’Crilly in 1765.
1765, Richard LESLIE B.A. (Dub.) 1729. formerly R. Errigal.
1788, 16 April, Jocelyn INGRAM died suddenly 2 Septr. 1793 and was buried in Strabane. He built the Glebe House.
1793, 13 Septr. Alexander Clotworthy DOWNING, Sch.T.C.D. 1756 M.A. 1761. Died to April 1812 and was buried at Bellaghy Co. Derry.
1812, 6 June, Francis BROWNLOW B.A. Magdalen Col: Oxon. In 1830 he resigned for Comber Preb
1830, 23 Decr. Samuel Law MONTGOMERY LL.B. (Dub.) 1801. He had been R. of Lower Moville and was Vicar-General of the Diocese. He died 19 May 1832. His monument is in Moville Church.
1832, 28 May, Robert HUME M.A. Dub. 1832 In 1835 he became Rector of Urney.
1835, 2 May, George SMITHWICK B.A (Dub.) 1816 Previously Rector of Badoney {Upper) and of Camus juxta Mourne. He died on Easter Monday 30 March 1853 and was buried in Leck Patrick Churchyard.
1853, 30 April, Charleton MAXWELL B.A. Cantab R. of Lower Comber. He resigned 6 Novr. 1872.
1872, 19 Decr. William Macklin EDWARDS M.A. (Dub.) 1847. He had previously held Langfield (Lower) and Clonleigh. He died 10 May 1883 aged 63 and was buried in the Churchyard of the Cathedral Derry 16 May in the Vault of Bishop Higgin.
1883, 16 Novr. Alexander George STUART B.A. Dub. Vera. 1857 Prebendary of Clondehorka (Raphoe). He resigned 1886.
1886, 17 Feby. Robert BURROUGHS B.D. formerly Incumbent of Carrick-on-Roe.
Camus Juxta Mourne [now Strabane]
1620, 14 May, Alexander SPICER
In 1622, Henry NOBLE M.A.
1636, 24 April, William Kingsmill
1638, 30 July, Leonard KEMPE He vacated in 1639 for R. Ballinescreen
1639, 9 Novr. Robert SEMPLE Perhaps previously R. Donagheady
1661, John WHITWORTH B. D. Dublin /Est. 1664
1662, 12 Feb. Philip JOHNSON Resigned for Drumachose 1663
1663, 26 Feb. James HARWOOD (with Leck Patrick). His Will proved in Derry 1668
1668, 19 Feb. John SINCLAIR M.A. with Leck Patrick
1703, 21 April, David JENKINS J.U.D. Vicar-General also R. Urney. Died 19 Dec 1729
1729, 19 Dec. Robert DOWNES Resigned 8 May 1734 for Comber Preb.
1734, 8 May, William HAMILTON Also R. Termonamongan (Faculty 6 May 1684) He died 25 May 1765
1765, George M’GHEE B.A. Dub. V. 1729 M.A. Est. 1739. He died cir. 1 July 1769
1769, 28 July, Adam HARVEY Formerly R. Termonamongan. He died on 30 Octr. 1793
1793, 25 Novr. Robert GRAHAM Formerly R. Tamlaghtard and of Kilrea. He died 26 March 1800.
1800, 24 April, Theophilus BROCAS B.A., Wadham College, Oxford. He died aged 38 11 July 1804 and was buried at Strabane
1804, 13 August, Stewart HAMILTON B.A. (Dub.) Est. 1790 He died 16 Decr. 1832 aged 62 and was buried at Strabane. His monument was in the old parish church.
1833, 6 February, George SMITHWICK B.A. (Dub.) Formerly R. Badoney (Upper) In 1835 he resigned for Leck Patrick R.
1835, 2 May, James SMITH B A. (Dub.) 1825 M. A. Nov. 1832 He resigned in 1863 for Comber Prebend.
1850, 30 May, William ALEXANDER M.A. and S.C.L. (Oxon) formerly R. Termonamongan and of Fahan Upper. He was appointed to the Deanry of Emly by the Crown on 24 Augt. 1864, and in 1867, was consecrated to the See of Derry.
1867, 30 Dec. Mervyn WILSON B A. (Dub.) Vern. 1830 Rector of Comber Lower. Appointed by the Crown. He died in London in his 86th year, 7 June, 1891.
Clonley (Now Clonleigh)
In 1622, Thomas TURPIN M.A. also R. of Donaghmore and Prebendary of Aghadoey.
1625, 2 November, Richard WALKER B.A. (Dub.) Est. 1617 M.A. Est 1620. Formerly R. Drumragh. He was also Prebendary of Killymard (Raphoe). He died at Lifford during the Rebellion of 1641. He may have been for a very short time Archdeacon of Derry.
1644, 2 April, Hugo BARKLEY S.T.B. Inducted 2 April (Armagh Reg.) In 1661 he was appointed R. Ramochy (Raphoe) and in 1667 R. Donaghmore He perhaps held other preferments and probably died cir. 1678.
1679, 4 June, Richard INETT. He died or vacated the parish before 1690.
1690, 26 March, Isaac COLLYER Sch. T.C.D. 1672 B.A. Vernis 1671 M.A. Est. 1675. He had been Master of Armagh School 1674-84 and in this last mentd. year had been appointed R. of Urney and Castle Terra (Kilmore). In 1701 he resigned for the R. of Donaghmore.
1701, 12 Dec. Nathaniel COOPER [or Cowper} B.A. (Dub.) 1683 Sch. 1682 Prebendary of Inver (Raphoe). He died in the spring of 1723.
1723, 10 May, Richard DONGWORTH S.T.D. formerly Vicar of Long Owersby, Dio. Lincoln. He vacated in 1738
1738, Joseph BIRCHENSHAW M.A. Fellow of Exeter College Oxford ordained Priest in Ch. Ch., Oxford 19 Septr 1725 by John (Potter) Bishop of Oxford. He probably died at Exeter England in May 1761.
1761, 3 June, Edward GOLDING M.A. Jesus College Oxford ordained Deacon in Grosvenor Chappell London 6 March, 1736 a Priest in same Church 8 May 1738, by Dr. Benjamin Hoadley, Bp of Winchester. He was R. of Killaghtee (Raphoe) and in 1747 R. Aghanloo (Derry), and subsequently Archdeacon of Derry and R. Dunboe.He resigned in 1781 for llmington R. Warwickshire, and died there 6 June 1783.
1781, 22 August, George KNOX Sch.T.C.D. 1748 B.A. Vern. 1750 M.A. Vern. 1763 B. and D.D. 1785. Formerly R. Ballyscullen (Derry) and of Killybegs (Raphoe). He died at Down Place Berkshire on Xmas Day 1795 in his 65th year and was interred at Bray.
1795, 9 January, Averell DANIELL Formerly R. Languid. He had been in his youth in the Army. He died 5 August 1821 and was buried in Lifford Churchyard.
1821, 15 August, William KNOX 2nd son of Bp. Wm. KNOX previously R. of Badoney (Upper) and of Fahan Lower and of Tamlaghtard. On 16 Oct. 1822, he became Rector of Ballinascreen and held this last benefice with Clonleigh by faculty dated 3 Octr. 1822 in 1843 he resigned the former benefice. He died 26 Feb.1860 and was buried in a Vault under the Vestry Room of Lifford Church.
1860, 2 April, William Macklin EDWARDS B.A. (Dub.) Vernis 1843 M.A. Vern. 1847 son-in-law of Bp. HIGGIN formerly Rector of Lower Langfield. He resigned in 1872, for R. of Leck Patrick.
1872, John Samuel M’CLINTOCK B.A. (Dub.) 1853 M.A. 1863. Appointed Canon of Derry 1890.
In 1622, Thomas TURPIN M.A. (with Clonleigh)
1626, 23 April, William WARREN Died 1658
1661, 23 April, William CROFTS LL.D. Cantab (with Donagheady) and Vic. Gen. He died 1666-67
1666, 12 Feb. Hugh BARKLEY B.D. (with Clonleigh)
1673, 12 Dec. James BARCLAY (with Badoney)
1701, 21 Augt. Isaac COLLYER M.A Dub. R. Clonleigh.
1720, 5 May, John NICHOLSON M.A. son of Bp. NICHOLSON presented by Archbishop King. Died 13 Octr. 1729 aged 34. His monument is in the parish church.
1729, 13 Feb. Peter WARD B A. Dub. V. 1700 M.A. /-Est. 1703 B. and D.D. /Est. 1716 preb. Moville 1721-30.
1730, 23 Feb. Robert SPENCE B.A. Dub. 1727 M.A. 1730. Died 3 Dec 1764.
1765, 6 May, Nicholas SPENCE B.A. Dub. Vern. 1762. Died 26 March 1814.
1814, 18 April, Robert BALL resd. 27 May 1816.
1816, 22 June, Sir John LIGHTON Bart. Died 5 April 1827.
1827 27 June, John SWINBURN M.A. Dublin Vernis. 1827 resigned 1 Oct. 1828.
1828, 10 Oct. Charles IRVING M.A. Dublin 1831. Died 13 May 1861 buried in Donaghmore Churchyard.
1861, 18 Septr. John IRVINE M.A. of Worcester Coll Oxon. Died 5 Octr. 1870.
1870, 22 Dec. Edward Macfarlane GIBSON resigned.
1617, 12 Novr. Isaac WOOD M.A.
1637, 31 Jan. William KINGSMILL
1661, 10 Jany. Thomas BUTTOLPH D.D. also R. Ardstraw and Dean of Raphoe.
1671, 11 Jany. John LESLIE D.D. Died 24 Feb. 1700.
1700, 6 March, David JENKINS LL.D. Vicar-General (with Camus juxta Mourne). He died 19 Dec 1728.
1729, 19 Dec. Robert DOWNES B.A. Dub. Vern. 1728 D.D. Est. 1760 (with Camus juxta Mourne 172-34 and with Preb. Comber 1734-40 Dean of Derry 1740.
1740?, August, William HENRY M.A. Dub. Vein. 1748 B. and D.D. Vern. 1750. Dean of Killaloe. Died Feb. 1768.
1768, 8 March, Hon,,le William BERESFORD B.A. Dub. Vern. 1763 D.D. /Est. 1780. Bishop of Dromore 1780 subsequently Baron Decies and Abp. of Tuam
1780, 28 July, William FORSTER M.A. Bp. of Cork 1789.
1789, 19 July, Hon’ble John POMEROY B.A. Dub. Est. 1778 M.A. Vern. 1783. He was afterwards V. S. Ann’s, Dublin, and 4th Viscount Harberton. He died 4 July 1833 aged 74.
1794, 7 June, Robert FOWLER M.A. of Ch. Ch. Oxford Archdeacon of Dublin Bishop of Ossory 1813.
1813, 6 August, Honble Charles KNOX M.A. Archdeacon of Armagh 1814. He died 30 Jany. 1825.
1814, 21 June, James JONES M.A. Dub. Est. 1808. Died 17 March 1835.
1835, 4 April Robert HUME M.A. Dub. Novr. 1832. Died 27 Aug. 1849.
1849, 22 Sept. Benjamin Bloomfield GOUGH M.A. CCC. Cambridge. He held the Archdeaconry 1846-9. R. Maghera 1862.
1862, 15 August, Charles SEYMOUR B.D., R. Lower Moville. In 1872 he was elected R. Templemore and appointed Dean of Derry.
1872, xi Decr. Thomas OLPHERT B.A. Dub. Vern. 1840, M.A. Vern. 1868. Previously Rector of Lower Moville and of Kilrea Canon of Derry.
Ardstragh (Ardstraw)
1617, 11 Novr. John RICHARDSON 1593 F.T.C.D. 1610 V. Granard (Ardagh) 1615 Preb. St. Audoen’s, Dub. 1622 Archdeacon of Derry 1633 Bishop of Ardagh 1639 Archdeacon of Down 1639 Archdeacon of Connor Died aged 74 11 Aug. 1654.
1639, 11 Feb. Richard WINTER Died at Coleraine in Oct. or Nov. 1641.
1660, 15 Feb. Caesar WILLIAMSON F.T.C.D. 1654 D.D. Jany. 1661 Dean of Cashel 1671-6. Died May 1676.
1661, 10 Jany. Thos. BUTTOLPH D.D. He also held Urney and was Dean of Raphoe 1671-6. He died in August 1676 and a tablet to his memory remains in S. Patrick’s Cathd. Dublin.
1676, 4 August, James RYAN F.T.C.D. 1669 (?) Presented by the Primate excused at the Visitation of 1679 He probably died about that time.
1683, 19 August, Adam USSHER MA. Dub.Est. 1672 He also held Lissan (Armagh) and Clontarf (Dublin) He died in May 1713.
1713, 4 Septr. John HALL Sch.T.C D. 16S0 Fellow 1685. He also held Raymochy (Raphoe). He died, aged 77, 13 April 1735.
1735, 11 July, Claud GILBERT F.T.C D. 1693, LI.D. B. and D.D. Vern. 1706. Died, aged 74, 15 Septr. 17.32.
1743, 13 Feb. Robert SHAW SchT.C.D. 1717 Fellow 1722. Died 21 Septr. 1753
1753, 16 March, John PELISSIER Sch.T.C.D. 1721 Fellow 1727 D.D. .Est. 1738. He died 6 January 1781.
1781, 24 May, Thomas LELAND Sch.T.C.D. 1741 Fellow 1746 D.D. Vern. 1757. He also held St. Ann’s V. (Dublin) by faculty 8 May 1781. He died in Aug. 1785, aged 63.
1786, 28 Jany. Thomas WILSON Sch.T.C.D. 1746 Fellow 1753, D.D. Vern. 1764. He died aged 72, 22 Septr. 1799.
1800, 27 Feb. George HALL Sch.T.C.D. 1773 Fellow 1777 Provost 1806-11 D.D. Est. 1790 consecrated Bishop of Dromore 17 Novr. 1811 died six days subsequently 23 Novr. 1811 aged 58.
1806, 27 Aug. Gerald FITZGERALD Sch.T.C.D. 1761 Fellow 1765 D.D. /Est. 1778. Died aged 79, 10 March 1819.
1819, 14 Aug. Richard Herbert NASH Sch.T.C.D. 1789 Fellow 1796 D.D. Est. 1806. He died, aged 78, 19 Jany., 1847
1847, 19 May, James MacIVOR Sch.T.C.D. 1839 Fellow 1844 D.D. Est. 1857. Died aged 69, 17 July 1886.
Lamfyll [now Langfield]
1618, 8 April, James BAXTER M.A. with Termonamongan.
1661, 24 April, John Tilladam, M. A. (? Oxon) ; ord. Deacon 14 March 1660 Priest, 23 April, 1661. MA. Dub. 26 Jany. 1661.
1667, 20 April, Philip BUCKHURST
1672, 22 May, John MELLHUISH
1679, 19 Decr. William SEMPLE
1686, 29 July Roger FORD D.D. Dublin 1699. He was also Archdeacon faculty dated 9 July 1686. Died 19th Decr., 1719.
1719, 1 Feby. William LIGHTBURNE Sch.T.C.D. 1710 B.A. Vern. 171 1. Died July 1748.
1748, 24 Septr. Arthur BENSON Sch. T.C.D. 1735 M.A. Est. 1739 B.D. Vern. 1755 Collated by the Primate in course of his Triennial Visitation. He resigned in 1768 for Rackwallis als Monaghan (Clogher). He died in 1771.
1768, 6 Feby. John Stanley MONCK Sch.T.C.D. 1744 M.A. Est. 1748 LL.B. and D. Vern. 1768. He had held Drumachose and in 1775 was made Archdeacon of Derry.
1775, 4 March, Philip [SMYTHE] 4TH Viscount Strangford. In June of the same year he became Dean of Derry.
1775, 6 June, Averill DANIELL In January 1796, he was promoted to R. Clonleigh. The parish was then divided into the two Rectories of Upper and Lower Langfield the Parish Church of the former being at Drumquin while Lower Langfield retained the former Parish Church.
Langfield Upper
1796, 21 January, Francis GOULDSBURY Jr. B.A. Dub. Vern. 1786 M.A. Vern. 1815. He resigned for Moville Preb.
1798, 10 February, Francis GOULDSBURY Sr. Sch.T.C.D. 1735 B.A. Vern. 1735. He had been Preb. Moville. Died 29 June 1803.
1803, 23 July, Richard BABINGTON M.A. (Dub.) Est 1807 He also held Templecam {Clogher) by faculty dated 15 April 1808. In 1812 he became R. of Termonamongan.
1811, 11 Octr. Matthew GALBRAITH In 1813 he was appointed to Termonamongan.
1813, 11 January, Thomas ELLISON He vacated in the following year.
1814, 6 August, Joseph PILKINGTON B.A. Dub. Vern. 1808. He died in 1845.
1845, 6 April, Moses LEATHAM B.A. In 1860 he became R. of Lower Badoney.
1860, 17 October, Henry L. KENNEDY B.A. Dub. Est. 1853. Still in possession.
Langfield Lower
1796, 30 January, John Beresford HILL B.A. Dub. Vern. 1787 M.A. Vern. 1801. He was appointed in 1806 Preb. Moville. He was also from 1801-3 Prebendary of Clonmethan (Dublin).
1806, 7 March, Oliver M’CAUSLAND M.A. Dub. Vern. 1815. He became R. Desertoghill on 9 May following.
1806, 30 May, Hon’ble Edmund KNOX He resigned in 1811 for the Prebend of Rathmichael (Dublin) he was subsequently Dean of Down (1817) and Bishop of Killaloe (1831) and of Limerick (1834)
1811, 14 Novr. Gilbert KING B.A. Dub. Est. 1805. He died aged 72 21 Novr. 1856 and was buried in the old churchyard of the Parish.
1857, 1 January, William Macklin EDWARDS M.A. In 1860 he was promoted to Clonleigh.
1860, 2 April, Thomas Lindsay STACK M.A. Dub. Vern. 1846,afterwards B. and D.D. He resigned this benefice in 1876.
1618, 8 April, James BAXTER M.A. with Langfield.
1661, 24 April John TILLADAM with Langfield.
1667, 1 Octr. Philip BUCKHURST with Langfield.
1672, 22 May, John MELHUISH with Langfield.
1702, 14 April, William READ In 1716 he was promoted to Fahan.
1716, 8 Augt. William HAMILTON M.A. He also held Camus juxta Mourne by faculty dated 6 May 1734. He died 26 May 1765.
1765, Adam HARVEY In 1769 he was appointed to Camus juxta Mourne.
1771, 18 Decr. Matthew GALBRAITH M.A. He was R. Upper Langfield.
1812, 13 Feb. Richard BABINGTON M.A. He held Upper Langfield.
1813, 11 Jany. Richard HAWKSHAW M.A. Dub. Est. 1783. Died 18 Feb. 1825.
1825, 17 March, John COLTHURST B.A. Dub. Est. 1812. In 1834 he resigned for Bovevagh.
1834, 16 Decr. George Nesbit KNOX B.A. Dub. .Est. 1819. He resigned for Balteagh.
1850, 3 April, William ALEXANDER S.CL. Oxon. He resigned for Fahan Upper.
1855, 2 May, Maiben Cunningham MOTHERWELL B.A. Dub. 1824. He died aged 66 19 March 1867.
1867, 13 April, Knox HOMAN B.A. Dub. V. 1841. He resigned for Balteagh.
1868, 27 Feby. Arthur Power WARING B.A. Dub. Est. 1842.
Drumrah [now Drumragh or Omagh]
1619, 14 May, Richard WALKER M.A.
1626, 31 Octr. Thomas CROMPTON M.A.
1661, 16 Augt. John BRERTON B A. Dub. 1655. ord. Priest 11 Dec, 1660.
166-, David DRAMMAND [DRUMMOND] appeared at Vist. 1664.
1667, 15 Novr. Robert ECHLIN M.A. Dublin 1666. He was also Prebendary of Moville and Dean of Tuam. He was murdered at Tuam by his own servants on Good Friday 18 April, 1712 aged 73. [Tablet Tuam Cath’]
1712, 22 May, Thomas SQUIRE Sch.T.C.D. 1695, Fellow 1701, D.D. Vern. 1713. He was also Rector of Coleraine [Connor] by fac. dated 8 June 1717. He died 14 April 1739.
1739, 12 Octr. Edward HUDSON Sch.T.C.D. 1724 Fellow 1728 B.D. Est. 1736. He died 20 Nov. 1758.
1758, 18 April, James KNIGHT Fellow T.C.D. 1738. He died in March 1767.
1767, 2 June, Henry MERCIER Sch.T.C.D. 1735 Fellow 1740 B.D. 1747, LL.D. 1750 D.D 175, R- Tullyaghnish [Raphoe] 1767. He died in 1769.
1767, 29 Augt. John FOSTER Sch.T.C.D. 1727 Fellow 1734 LL.D. 1740 D.D. 1745. He died 29 September 1788 aged 84. He was also R. Rathmullen (Down) 1769-83 and 1783-9 of Killyleagh (id.).
1789, 11 March, William DAY Sch.T.C.D. 1768 Fellow 1774 D.D. Vern. 1758. He was also R. Killyleagh [Down] by faculty. He died April 1791 aged 42.
1791, 19 Sept. Richard STACK Sch.T.C.D. 1769 Fellow 1779 D.D. Vern. 1786. In 1807 he became R. Cappagh. He also held R. Killyleagh [Down] by faculty.
1807, 16 July, Robert BURROWES D.D. Est. 1792 Sch.T.C.D. 1775 Fellow 1782. He also held the Deanry of Cork from 1819 and was Master of Enniskillen Royal School. He died aged 82 13 Sept. 1841.
1842, 8 Feb. John BLAIR Chapman Sch.T.C.D. 1813 Fellow 1822 M.A. Vern 1824. He had held R. Ramochy (Raphoe) from 1835. He died, aged 73 17 Novr. 1866.
1867, 20 April, George Sidney SMITH Sch.T.C.D. 1823, Fellow 1831 B. and D.D. Vern. 1840 Canon of Derry. 1838 R. Aghalurcher [Clogher]. He died aged 70 years and 9 mths. 14 Aug. 1874.
Cappy [now Cappagh]
In 1622 Gervase WALKER M.A. He was also R. of Badoney.
1636, 26 Septr. George WALKER B.A. Dub. Est. 1621 M.A. 1624 D.D. 1663. He also held Badoney R. In 1663 he became Chancellor of Armagh. Died 15 Sept. 1677.
1663, 23 June Elias de Valle de REYNAC M.A.
1671, 27 Novr. Patrick GRATTAY F.T.C.D. 1661 B.D. Vern. 1669 D.D. Vern. 1674. He died in 1703. He was also Prebendary of Howth [Dublin].
1703, 18 Novr. William GRATTAN Sch.T.C.D. 1692 Fellow 1697 M.A. Est. 1696 B.D. Vern. 1706. He died in 1719.
1719, 22 June, Edward SYNGE Fellow T.C. D. 1710 M.A. Est. 1712 D.D. 1728. He was consecrated Bishop of Clonfert in 1730.
1719, 16 July, William FINGLASS M.A. Dub. /Est. 1707. Appointed by the Crown. He died in 1750.
1750, 10 July, Wood GIBSON Sch.T.C.D. 1727 Fellow 1732 M.A. Est. 1732, D.D. Est. 1744. He died, aged 84, 18 Septr. 1795.
1796, 27 Feby. Robert BURROWES Sch.T.C.D. 1775 Fellow 1782 M.A. Vern. 1783 D.D. Est. 1792. In 1819 he was appointed Dean of Cork. He resigned this parish for Drumragh in 1807 having made an exchange with his successor.
1807, 12 July, Richard STACK Sch.T.C.D. 1769 Fellow 1779. He was previously R. ot Drumragh (Derry) and of Killyleagh (Down). He died aged 62, 25 April 1812.
1812, 18 July, William MAGEE Sch.T.C.D. 1784 Fellow 1788 appd. Dean of Cork 1813 Bishop of Raphoe 1819 Archbishop of Dublin 1822.
1819, 17 Novr. James Wilmot ORMSBY Sch.T.C.D. 1787. Presented by the Crown. Died 1831.
1831, 25 May, Henry Hickman HART Sch.T.C.D. 1809 Fellow 1819 M.A. Est. 1823. He died on Sunday 15 April 1849, aged 58.
1849, 8 Octr. James BYRNE Sch.T.C.D. 1837 Fellow 1848 M.A. Vern. 1852. R. of Ramochy, Raphoe, 1848. 1866 Dean of Clonfert.
Bodony [now Badoney]
In 1622 Gervase WALKER M.A. with Cappagh.
1636, 13 Janry. George WALKER M.A. with Cappagh.
1663, 12 May, Charles VAUGHAN M.A. and D.D. He also held the Preb. of Comber the Rectory of Banagher and V. Dungiven. He died in 1668.
1671, 20 Septr. James BARCLAY. He also held Donaghmore from 1673 until his death in 1701.
1701, 2 Octr. James GRAFFEN Sch.T.C.D. 1686, M.A. Vern. 1691. R. of Tamlaghtard 1692-1703 In 1708 he was promoted to Maghera.
1708, 3 Septr. Edward CHEEVERS B.A. Died in 1716.
1716, 20 Janry. Thomas BREVITER Sch.T.C.D. 1709 M.A. Est. 1714. He died probably in 1746.
1746, 26 May, John TORRENS M.A. Dublin Est. 1739, D.D. Est. 1763. In the next year he became Prebendary of Moville.
1747, 22 May, Michael SAMPSON M.A. Dublin Vern. 1726. He was R. of Kilrea 1731-47. He died in 1755 (?)
1755 (?), John LECKY He had been R. of Killowen 1748-55. He died in 1773.
1773, 20 May, Robert TORRENS Sch.T.C.D. 1741 M.A. Est. 1746. He became Rector of Tamlaght O’Crilly in 1774.
The Parish divided, by order of Privy Council 11 May, 1774.
Badoney Upper
1774, 27 Decr. Ralph MANSFIELD B.A. (Dub.) 1749. In 1777 he was appointed to Ballyscullen and Termoneeny.
1775, 5 June, Henry HARRISON. Died in 1777.
1777, 1 Septr. Grove GIFFORD B.A. Dub. Vern. 1749.
1784, 25 Feb. Ezekiel BROWN. Died 1787.
1787, 15 May, Nevvburgh BURROUGHS. He resigned for R. of Ballyscullen in 1787.
1788, 31 January, John LAWLESS B.A. Dub.Est. 1761. Preb. Cloyne. He had a faculty to hold Kilmahon (Cork) with this parish 25 Jany. 1788. He died in 1796.
1796, 12 April, William M’Ghee. Died 4 June, 1814.
1814, 20 June, William KNOX M.A. Dub. Est. 1814. In 1817 he resigned for Tamlaghtard.
1817, 25 June, Thomas STACK B.A. Dub. V. 1800 M.A. V. 1812. In 1827 he became R. Lower Badoney.
1827, 31 Augt. John Hayden B.A. (Dub.) V. 1814, M.A. Est. 1840. He resigned in 1831 for Lower Comber.
1831, 18 Feby., Edmond Hesketh KNOX B.A. Dub. Est. 1823 R. Killowen 1830-1. In 1832 he became Archdeacon of Killaloe.
1832, 31 March, George SMITHWICK B.A. Dub. 1816. He became R. of Camus juxta Mourne in 1833.
1833, 13 Feby. John CONAN B.A. (Dub.) Est. 1814. Died in 1847.
1847, 19 May, Geokge William STUART M.A. (Dub.) Novr. 1832. He resigned in June 1847 for Lower Badoney.
1847, 2 June, Thomas Lindsay STACK M.A. (Dub.) Vern. 1846. In 1860 he resigned for Langfield (Lower).
1860, 2 April, Edward Marmaduke CLARKE Sch.T.C.D. 1810 M.A. Novr. 1832. Died aged 74 27 Octr. 1867
1867, 26 Novr. Thomas REDDY ex-Sch.T.C.D. Resd. 1875 for Termoneeny.
Badoney Lower
1774, 27 Decr. James TAYLOR He died 27 Septr. 1793 and was buried at Cappagh.
1793, 30 Decr. Nicholas STEWART Sch.T.C.D. 1765 B.A Vern. 1767. Died 31 August 1806.
1806, 21 Novr. John TORRENS
1813, 25 Septr. Henry STEWART B.A. Dub. Est. 1794
1819, 22 Janry. Edward Sterling ROBERTS Died 23 May 1827.
1827, 26 July, Thomas STACK
1847, 2 June, George William STUART M.A. R. Upper Badoney. In 1851 he became R. Drumachose.
1851, 17 June, Charlton MAXWELL B.A., Cantab. He resd. in 1852 for Lower Comber.
1852, 7 Decr. Charles GALWAY B.A., R. of Lower Moville. In 1860 he was promoted to the Archdeaconry.
1860, 17 Octr. Moses LEATHEM B.A. Dub. Vern. 1830. R. of Upper Langfield. He died 9 Octr. 1866.
1866, 9 Novr. William Montgomery BERESFORD B.A. Dub. Vern. 1840, M.A. Vern. 1859. Died 2 April 1868.
1868, 1 May, Edward George DOUGHERTY B.A. Dub. Vern. 1849, M.A. Vern. 1852. He resigned in 1873 for Fahan (Lower)
The Diocese of Derry and Raphoe, The Diocesan Office,
24 London Street, Londonderry,
County Londonderry, U.K.
BT48 6RQ
Transcribed & compiled by Teena from The Journal of Ulster Archaeology