From my proper clime and subjects,
In my hot and swarthy East,
North and Westward I am coming,
For a conquest and a feast –
And I come not until challenged,
Through your chilly lands to roam! –
As a bride ye march’d to woo me,
And in triumph led me home!
‘The chaunt of the Cholera … Songs for Ireland’ by John Banim, Michael Banim (J. Cochrane, 1831)

Source credit- Coloured etching by R.I. Cruikshank, [1832?].. Credit: Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
The following News articles are extracted and transcribed by Teena from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Belfast Newsletter, Dublin Morning Register, and the Londonderry Sentinel, unless otherwise noted.
The Spread of Cholera to Ireland
24 May 1831 Cholera Morbus
Many persons might have remained ignorant of the character of the cholera morbus, so long as it was confined to India and Persia, but its approach towards the centre of modern civilization renders it a subject of mingled curiosity and apprehension. For the information of those who are not aware of the magnitude of this evil, we shall first offer a description of the character of this disease derived from the account of the epidemic in India in 1817. This epidermic arose at Jessore, 100 miles from Calcutta and continued for many months, spreading its ravages, till it reached in one direction to Bombay, and in the other extended along the whole coast of Coromodel; reached Ceylon and stretched across the straits of Sunda to China; it was also subsequently carried to the Mauritius. The cholera will sometimes travel against the wind and the monsoon itself, and is not arrested by coldness of temperature. The proportion of persons it attacked in the epidemic just mentioned, in Bombay for instance, was 15,954, out of a population of 200,000 or 220,000 inhabitants, and it is asserted, that all the persons who did not receive advice, 1294, in number, perished, Independently of those who died in spite of medical attendance. This disease produces in many cases immediate death, all sensorian power being extinguished in an instant, “just as the electricity from a Leyden jar is discharged, on the contact with the brass rod.” Where the disease is mortal, but dissolution does not take place so rapidly, the symptoms are ” violent vomiting with painful cramps, damp clammy sweats, cold and bloodless extremities, burning heat at the stomach, a sudden death-like countenance.” The skin under the nails becomes incurvated, the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet become shriveled and at last all pulsation ceases, In many of these cases, the patients are in dreadful agony and require sometimes six people to hold them in their beds. From India the cholera has extended to Persia and is now no longer an Asiatic disease, having, after entering Russia, made an alarming progress towards us: it is now in Gallicia. Regarding it as a contagious disorder, the British Government has prudently adopted measures to prevent its importation.
3 Sept. 1831
That dreaded scourge of the world, the cholera, appears to be extending itself almost in every direction on the Continent, it is making its way to Vienna and Berlin, and is said to be raging with increased violence at St. Petersbourgh. This frightful disease appears also to have broken out in America. Lieut. DAVIS, R.N, late commander of his Majesty’s steam vessel ‘Alban’ at Woolwich, was seized with a violent attack of cholera Thursday, whilst on duty at the dockyard. He was the same day removed to the Marine Hospital, where he expired on Saturday evening, every advantage that admirable establishment affords having proved unavailing. We regret to state that he has left a widow to deplore his untimely loss.
19 Sept. 1831
The cholera is found to be fatal in Berlin, and Belgium will be evacuated by all the French troops almost immediately.
2 Nov. 1831
We have a report in the city of an alarming nature, it relates to the cholera morbus being at Margate, but we hope it is not true. The cholera is also stated to be in Rotterdam
25 June 1831
The lords of the Privy Council have transmitted to the Royal College of Physicians a mass of statistical returns furnished to the Government by the British authorities resident abroad, relative to the progress and present state of the Russian cholera, together with instructions that a Committee of the members of the College do take the same into consideration and report thereon as well as on the question of quarantine. This committee, which includes in its members the most eminent physicians in the metropolis, sits from day to day and their report is expected to be made in a few days, and will be forwarded to the Government, so that his Majesty’s ministers may be ready to lay it before parliament as soon as public business shall have commenced. It may be here stated with perfect truth, that the present application of his Majesty’s Government to the college of physicians does not warrant an apprehension of the dreadful scourge of cholera appearing in this country. The Government uniformly refer to that learned body all questions relative to disease; the last application of a character similar to the present, was in 1824, when the disease called Indian cholera was devastating the whole east of Europe, in 1817 it first assumed a pestilential character, and in the space of 2 or 3 weeks travelled 100 miles, and exhibited itself in Calcutta, even amongst the European population; in 2 months of the following year, at Benares, 15,000 persons perished, and on both banks of the Ganges a mortality equally great prevailed, in the Bengal army it appeared in the same year, and in a fortnight 9,000 soldiers fell victims, and soon afterwards it spread among all classes. The disease travelled with a rapidity equal to 20 miles day and in 1 year traversed the whole of the Indian peninsula. Finally, it spread to Ceylon, the Mauritius, the Isle Bourbon, Java, Cochin China, and Arabia, where 60,000 persons died. In the city of Sheraz 16,000 died. It then travelled along the Mediterranean, and ultimately found its way to Astrachan in Russia. In 1826 it reached the frontiers of Siberia, showing that cold could not arrest its progress. Since then it has raged with more or less violence in different places, until last year, when it broke out with increased violence in many places in Russia and the disorder still rages in portions of the emperor’s dominions. The report of the committee of the College of Physicians upon the subject is expected to contain highly important information.
A special committee of the Royal College of Physicians met yesterday to report on the documents submitted to them by the Government relative to the cholera morbus and on the means of preventing its introduction into this country. After long discussion, the committee came unanimously to the resolution of stating the following opinion “That the cholera morbus may be communicated by infected persons to those in health; but that no information which has reached the committee justifies the supposition that it is communicable by merchandise. As a measure of safety, however, the committee approve of the establishment of quarantine.”
We regret to hear that by the last accounts received, more than 40 vessels had passed the Sound with the green flag, which means an unsound bill of health. (Londonderry Sentinel)
14 Jan 1832 Cholera Morbus Egypt
A letter from M. Jumard, dated Alexandria, Nov. 18, has been communicated to the Paris Academy of Medicine, which gives some interesting particulars relative to the cholera morbus in Egypt. M. Fomard states, that the cholera morbus manifested itself at Mecca, in the course the month of May, upon which every necessary precaution was ordered to be taken, by order of the Viceroy. Unfortunately, however, in consequence of the idea which the Turks entertain respecting predestination, these precautions were almost useless. A number of travellers coming from Mecca, had entered Cairo. The dangerous disorder had broken out at Suez. The population of this village is composed of four hundred inhabitants. In 3 days, the 30th and 31st of July, and the 1st of August, 125 had perished, including the governor and some travellers from Mecca. Some judicious mensures were taken by Ibrahim Pacha, to prevent the introduction of this horrible disorder, but it was propagated at Cairo by the pilgrims from Mecca, although they stayed but a very short time in the former city. Several deaths took place in the harem and three in the Frank quarter. A general terror was spread through Cairo, and whole families fled, giving themselves up for lost. The Nile was covered with boats filled with fugitives. Business was suspended and the diplomatic offices closed. At the suggestion of the viceroy, a committee was then appointed to adopt such measures as might be deemed expedient to avert the malady. The committee was composed of the Councils General of France, Sweden, England, Tuscany and the Russian Agent and was declared permanent.
On the 21st alarm reports were spread as to the existence of contagion and on the 22nd we knew that a dozen persons had died on the preceding night with symptoms of cholera. Among the victims of this scourge were 5 Europeans. The sanitory cordon became useless and no further attention was paid to points of communication. The commanders of several French vessels followed the advice ol M. Minant and sailed for some part of Syria. A great part of the squadron of the Pacha was at that time infected. From this period at Cairo, as well as Alexandria, the scourge made rapid progress. Mourning and despair went together and the belief in predestination, so dear to the Mussulmans alone, inspired the victims with confidence. Often, in the short space of an hour or two, a man full of vigour suddenly fell down, affected with dreadful cramps and violent pains in the stomach and expired with horrible sickness. The dead bodies in Cairo were abandoned in the houses and in the streets and it is impossible to give an idea of the spectacle which the city presented for several days. In spite of measures adopted by Ibrahim Pacha, who surrounded his palace with a triple cordon, the cholera had manifested itself in the harem, where about 40 persons were attacked by it. The Prince embarked in a boat, only accompanied by his physician, with the intention of going to Upper Egypt. We had then, continues M. Jomard, to deplore the loss of several Europeans of distinction at Cairo. The ravages of the disorder continued, particularly in Alexandria, in the quarter inhabited by the sailors and on board the vessels. Out of 500 men on board of one of the Pacha’s frigates, more than 350 died in the space of 24 hours. Three Europeans who were on board, were saved, as it were by miracle. Several of the French physicians gave striking proofs of eminent skill and laborious attention. The cholera according to custom, followed beaten tracks and the courses of canals and rivers.
It manifested itself with violence at Fouah, at the entrance of the canal Mahmondieh, where there were a great many pilgrims and fugitives and at Rosetta and Damietta. Towards the commencement of September, however, the disorder was less alarming, and presented symptoms of abatement. The number of deaths sensibly diminished. The same things occurred at Cairo. According to the bulletin sent by the government, the number of deaths in that capital were very incorrect, and, either by negligence or inattention, the number of deaths was stated to be much less than it was in reality. The day on which there was the greatest number of deaths at Cairo, the 29th of Aug. in the bulletin it is stated at 696; we have ascertained with certainty that there were more than 1,400. The largest number of deaths in one day at Alexandria, is stated in the bulletin to be 136, but we are assured that there were more than 400.
The disorder was not confined to Cairo and Alexandria, but extended to Upper Egypt, as far as Ossonan. As it proceeded up the Nile it increased in intensity. The villages of the Delta suffered considerably. At Rosetta the Arabs and Turks who were attacked did not escape. Towards the latter end of September, here, as well as at Cairo, the disorder had so much abated, that it may be said to have ceased in Lower Egypt. In Upper Egypt it continued to exist up to the 13th October. The total number of those who fell victims to the cholera in Alexandria, was 3,908. This does not include the Jews, Cophts, &c. and if these are reckoned, the number of deaths may stated at 4,000. At the village of Ahore Zabel, out of 2,000 inhabitants 1,000 died. Rosetta lost more than 1,800, Damietta 3,224. The total loss in Egypt is estimated at 150,000 persons.
A letter from Luxor states, that the cholera nearly decimated the population of the villages scattered over the ruins of Thebes, which is to be the more regretted, as it attacked the crew of a vessel which was destined to convey to France two obelisks, intended presents to the Government by the Viceroy Mehemet Ali. Ten men of the crew had been attacked, but their lives were not despaired of.
27 Jan. 1832
This malady seems to be at a stand, if not on the decline, in England. The following is the general summary.Grand total of cases, 2,240; deaths, 763 ; remaining on Friday in all, 146. (Ballyshannon Herald)
24th Apr. 1832 The cholera in Paris
A Paris letter dated the 15th, gives a horrifying picture of the ravages of the cholera in that city. It states, that up to the 6th inst., the deaths amounted to 11,300; that they have since doubled that number and that there exists a probability that, at least, 30,000 persons will have died of cholera before the disease quits Paris. The number of deaths in the hospitals on Sunday were 214, on Monday 211. On Tuesday there were 332 new cases, and 183 deaths.
transcriber’s note – regarding the spread of the Asiatic cholera, by 26 Oct. 1831 an English report declared that 306 cases and 94 deaths had already occurred in Sunderland and the first case of cholera in London occurred in a man from Sunderland. From London, it was carried to Dover and over to Calais, and Paris France. By February 1832, from England, it was carried to Edinburgh, Scotland, and then to Ireland. The disease was particularly virlulent in the year 1832 in Ireland, and from here, shipping and emigrant vessels conveyed the disease over the Atlantic, to Quebec, Detroit & New York. (as may be seen from the next report.)
Early in the spring of 1832, the following infected vessels arrived at Quebec, Canada. The ship ‘Robert’ sailed from Cork, on May 14th and had 10 deaths from cholera; the ‘Constantia’ April 28th from Limerick, with 21 deaths; the ‘Elizabeth’ May 28th from Dublin, with 17 deaths; the ‘Carrick’ from Dublin, June 3d with 42 deaths; ship ‘Brubus’ May 18th from Liverpool, with 81 deaths. All these ships and their passengers were quarantined at Grosse Isle, a few miles below Quebec. On June 7th the St Lawrence steamer ‘Voyageur’ conveyed a load of these emigrants and their baggage, some to Quebec, and the majority to Montreal, on the 10th. (Source Conveyance of cholera from Ireland to Canada and the United States By John Charles Peter)

The first cases of cholera in America occurred in emigrant boarding houses in Quebec on the 8th, and the same pest steamboat the ‘Voyageur’ landed persons, dead and dying of cholera, at Montreal, a distance of 200 miles, in less than 30 hours and over this long distance thickly inhabited on both shores of the St Lawrence, cholera made a single leap without infecting a single village, or a single house between the two cities with the following exceptions; A man picked up a mattress thrown from the ‘Voyageur’, and he and his wife died of cholera; another man fishing on the St Lawrence was requested to bury a dead man from the ‘Voyageur’, and he, his wife, and nephew died. The captain of a passing boat requested an Indian to bury a man from on board this, and five other Indians were attacked and died. The town of Three Rivers, half way between Quebec and Montreal forbid steamers to land and escaped for a long time. From Montreal the great influx of emigrants was forwarded away by the Emigrant Society, as fast as they arrived, and by them, the pestilence was sown at each stopping place. Kingston, Toronto, and Niagara, soon became affected. In the end, over 4000 persons died of cholera in Montreal, and more than an equal number in Quebec. The epidemic quickly reached Detroit in the same way.
Cholera arrives in Ireland
3 Sept. 1831 The following letter was received at Lloyd’s on Saturday.
His Sicilian Majesty has found out that the cholera is in the Island Achill, off the coast of Mayo and has prohibited Irish vessels from entering Sicilian ports. Dysentery not unfrequently follows famine in the distressed districts and, perhaps a few cases of this disease may have occurred in Achill and have no doubt given rise to the hyper-prudent resolution of the cautious Sicilian.
Sir l have this day received a despatch from my government, requiring me to make known for the information of all merchants trading with his Sicilian Majesty’s dominions, that a communication arrived from the board of Health in Triste on the 21st July last, stating that the cholera morbus had made its appearance in the Island Achiil, in Ireland. His Sicilian Majesty, in consequence, with the unanimous opinion of the Board of Health, has resolved as follows;
1st. That all vessels arriving from the island of Achill or fiom any ports of Ireland, shall not be admitted.
8 Dec. 1831 “Cholera in Ireland” proclamation of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and the Council of Ireland, Dublin Castle 27th Oct. 1831
In addition to the facts promulgated by the English Medical Board, on the subject of spasmodic cholera, published by authority in a late ‘Gazette’, his excellency the Lord Lieutenant has decided that the report recently made to him by the General Board of Health in Dublin, shall be communicated to the country at large, as it contains useful information as to the preventive measures which ought to be adopted, should the above disease be imported into Ireland from the North of Europe.
As the preventive measures suggested in the above report are founded on an extensive experience in the treatment of several contagious fevers, with which this Country has been visited more than once within the last 20 years, his excellency is warranted to entertain favourable opinion of their efficacy and adoption by the population generally, but more especially applicable to the inhabitants of the principal towns in Ireland.
It is quite evident, that should the disease appear in this country, great and active exertions must be immediately made by every respectable member of the community, to meet such a crisis with firmness and judgment, by carrying into full effects the measures so judiciously pointed out by the Boards of Health Great Britain and Ireland and a prominent feature of these measures is to form local boards of health, (wherever required) and to call for the aid of the constituted authorities, of medical men and benevolent individuals of every rank and station, his excellency embraces this opportunity of announcing that he will most willingly and zealously co-operate with all persons who shall come forward on so trying an occasion, to take an active part in the discharge of a public duty, the importance of which to the health and safety of a numerous population is too obvious to call for any comment. (Mayo Constitution)
3 Feb. 1832 Belfast Board of Health
The Board of Health have published a circular, which contains a number of directions which may be useful to the community in the event of our being visited by the cholera, an event of which there is, unhappily, too great a probability.
Although the Board have not of late attracted much public notice by their proceedings, yet they have been actively employed in providing against the threatened visitation. We make the following selections from the circular referred to.
To facilitate the operations of the Board in the care of the public health, the town of Belfast has been divided into 6 districts, and each district has been committed to the superintendence of 2 members of the Board, who are to be aided by Visitors in specified divisions of their district. The following is an outline of the duties to which the board beg to direct the attention of the Visitors, fully relying upon their humane and zealous co-operation in the public service;
1. Examine all streets, lanes, entries, courts, yards, &c. in their division and report to one of the superintendents of the district, all such places as require to be cleansed, paved, grated or ventilated and particularly observe whether the sewers be sufficient.
2. Visit the houses of the poor in their division and observe and report on the following queries;
– Is the floor damp or dry?
– Does the house need whitewashing or ventilation?
– Do the windows lift or open?
– Are there bedsteads?
– Is there good straw in the beds? (Wherever fresh straw shall have been furnished, the Visitors are requested to take care that the old straw be burned.)
– Are the inmates of the house clean?
– Are any sick? (In cases of contagious disease the Visitor is not expected to enter the houses.)
– Is there any yard, or use of a yard in common with other houses? Is the yard on a higher level than the floor of the house?
3. Where they find the houses of the poor in a condition that they deem injurious to health, the Visitors will endeavour to ascertain the names and residences of the landlords, and will in the most earnest manner, impress upon them the humanity and justice of putting the tenements in to a state of comfortable repair. Something has already been effected in this way and the Board confidently anticipate much more. Where the Visitors do not think it advisable to make such application personally, they will please report the case to one of the superintendents of the district.
4. In visiting the houses of the poor the Visitors will, in the most conciliatory manner, explain the objects of the board and the importance of every exertion to guard against the introduction of contagious diseases. They will impress upon them the importance of keeping their floors dry and clean, of having their windows frequently and freely open, of clearing away all accumulations of rubbish from beneath their beds, &c. and especially direct their attention to personal cleanliness. As far as possible, they will induce the poor to effect these objects by their own exertions. Where absolutely necessary, they will report the cases to one of the superintendents, that they may be recommended to one of those public charities, in whose kind and zealous co-operation, to the utmost limits of their means, the board have the fullest confidence. The board will take measures for providing for any cases to which the public charities cannot extend.
5. The Visitors will take every reasonable opportunity, where they deem it necessary, to show how much, under providence, the preservation of health depends upon temperance and regular habits of life and to warn the poor against drunkenness, either habitual or occasional, as the most certain inlet to all contagious diseases and more especially Spasmodic cholera, has been fatally exemplified at Sunderland, Newcastle and other places in England.
6. The Visitors will have the goodness to renew the examination of their divisions, as often as circumstances may render necessary and report to one of the superintendents of their district, so that they may be enabled to report weekly, or oftener, all matters that they may deem it necessary to recommend to the consideration of the Board.
At a meeting of the board on Monday last, it was resolved that the superintendents of the districts, into which the town has been divided, do forthwith take the necessary measures for cleansing and ventilating all the houses occupied by the poor within their respective districts and for supplying, where necessary, the inhabitants of them with clean straw for bedding.
24 Mar.1832
We regret to state that the cholera has at length reached Ireland. Letters received from Belfast mention that on Thursday sen’night a man named M’KEOWN, employed about that port, was seized with cholera. He lingered in great agony until Sunday and died. His wife and son were seized with the disease the same morning; the son died in few hours afterwards; the woman, it is hoped, will recover. A brother of M’KEOWN’s has also been attacked, and is now in the cholera hospital. A report from the board of health has been made to the Lord Lieutenant. Their last official report mentions four cases, three deaths and no recoveries.(Staffordshire Advertiser)
17 Apr. 1832
Cholera in Ireland April 12 & 13th –
Dublin – New Cases 8; died 1; remaining 11
Warrenpoint – New Cases 3; died 2; remaining 1
Cholera in England – total cases since commencement 2,382 died 1,261
Cholera in Scotand – total cases since commencement 773; deaths 390; recoveries 228
24 Apr. 1832
Banbridge – Apr. 18th – new cases 2; deaths 2;
Dunfanaghy – Apr. 18th – new cases 7; deaths 5;
Ramelton – Apr. 18th – new cases 2; deaths 2;
A man of the name of MURPHY, husband to one of the two women who died in this town (Belfast) of cholera, in the beginning of last week, died on Sunday afternoon in the hospital. His case had all the appearanee of Indian Cholera. His brother-in-law (whose wife died of the same disease, last week,) has also exhibited some of the premonitory symptoms. Captain POTTS, of the ship ‘Transit’, whose case we mentioned in our last, died on Wednesday. His body was committed to the deep, off Carrickfergus. Another passenger died the same day. The vessel has sailed for the quarantine station at Milford, under the command of the first mate and in charge of Surgeon BARNETT.
27 April 1832 Belfast
Our readers will perceive that the cholera has again appeared in this town. Six cases have occurred within the last ten days, 4 of which have been fatal, viz – KIRKPATRICK, who brought the disease from Greenock, at whose house occurred the disgraceful conduct of the mob towards some of the medical gentlemen. The others are Mrs. MURPHY and Mrs. HEANEY, who died in the same house in Orr’s entry, off High street. The family, consisting of the husbands of Mrs. MURPHY and Mrs. HEANEY, together with the 3 sons and daughter of the latter, were removed to the Lazaretto in Lancaster street, where MURPHY took the disease on Saturday morning last, was removed to the hospital and, notwithstanding every care, died on Sunday evening. HEANEY and his daughter had premonitory symptoms, but, fortunately by care and attention, their lives have been preserved. On Saturday morning, a woman named DUNCAN, residing in Coar’s lane, who had dressed the corpse of KIRKPATRICK, took ill of the disease and, notwithstanding every exertion of the medical gentlemen and some members of the Board of health, refused to go to the hospital. Fortunately, her case turned out a mild one, and she has recovered. But, mark the consequence; her husband, John DUNCAN, was seized with the disease on Wednesday morning, after having had premonitory symptoms the day before. The case was concealed as long as possible by the family; as soon as the medical inspector discovered it, in conjunction with a member of the Board of health, he endeavoured to obtain his removal to the hospital, but without effect, although the inhabitants of the neighbourhood were most anxious for it and he died yesterday morning at half past 7 o’clock. His family has since been removed to the Lazaretto. We are sorry that the disgraceful conduct to which we have alluded, still continues.
Crowds have been collected by relations of persons in the Lazaretto, who have made use of the most disgraceful imprecations against the medical gentlemen and the Board of health. We intreat, nay conjure all persons of every grade of society, to exert themselves to put down such disgraceful conduct. It will aggravate the dreadful malady with which we are afflicted and bring evils on society which is fearful to contemplate.
3 May 1832
The Dublin papers are filled with details of the ravages of Cholera – Leinster, Ulster, and Munster have been visited by this scourge and to the present hour Connaught has escaped the infliction. In Dublin 72 persons died on Sunday last and 38 on Monday, making a total from the commencement of 360 deaths. Upwards of 200 individuals have died in Cork and the disease has also appeared in Cove, Arklow, Ringsend. Naas. Newcastle, Tralee, Downpatrick, &c. The people of Dublin are in state of the greatest consternation and the students of Maynooth have obtained leave of absence for some months and returned home. It may be consolatory to those of regular and temperate habits to observe that in 9 cases out of 10 the predisposing cause of Cholera appears to be a debilitated state of body, arising from habitual intemperance, or want of proper nourishment.
County of Donegal – This dreadful scourge has visited this county. In the parish of Doe, there have been 65 cases from the commencement of the disease on the 12th inst. out of which 35 have died. In Dunfunaghy been 10 deaths out of 18 cases, and in Ramelton, 4 deaths out of 8 cases.
4 May 1832 cholera Report
Dublin total cases 982; deaths 360;
Downpatrick – first case 1; died 1;
We regret to state, that a case of cholera occurred yesterday in George’s street barracks. The soldier, (one of the 60th, we understand), was removed in the evening to the cholera hospital under an escort of the 10th Hussars. (Evening Freeman)
28 May 1832
Cholera in Newry – total cases 78; deaths 41; recovered 21;
died on Thursday, in Peter street, of cholera,.. Mrs. DELAHOYDE, wife of Mr. G. DELAHOYDE.
Same day, in Peter street, of cholera, Miss BYRNE.
Same day in West street, of cholera, Mrs. SMITH, teacher of dancing.
Friday in Laurence street, of cholera, Mrs. COLLINS, widow of the late Mr. Thos. COLLINS.
On Saturday of cholera, at the house of Mrs. Babington, Miss Emma Morris JONES, aged 84, sister to the late Thos. Morris JONES Esq. Moneyglass, Co. Antrim.
Same day in West street, of cholera, Mrs. ATKINSON.
On the 20th inst. of decline in the 40th year of her age, Mrs. MAGRATH of Westreet
In West street on the 24th, inst, Mrs. Robert DALY
1 Jun 1832
Newry – total cases 94; deaths 46; recovered 28;
5 Jun. 1832
died – On Wednesday, in Tralee, of cholera, Lieutenant-Colonel JONES of the 26th Regiment of Foot.
Cholera in Newry – total cases 113; deaths 58; recovered 39;
15 Jun. 1832 Cholera Flies
A letter in the Drogheda Journal, dated Morning on June 11, says that on the 3rd of May, the day preceding that on which the cholera first broke out with violence in Drogheda, strange flies came off the sea in vast swarms and alighted on the sand-banks as if fatigued by the voyage, where they perished in myriads from the in-blowing sand. The warrener of Coneyhall says they flew in balls and struck his face so forcibly that he became frightened and ran into the house. On the same day a Memel vessel arrived off the bar, the Captain of which stated that his vessel met the flies at sea, when they covered his sails and rigging; on seeing them, he exclaimed the cholera had either got to Drogheda or would soon be there, for the same description of flies had been seen in Memel and other parts of the continent, as a presage or companion of the cholera. The flies are represented as being of the size of a wasp, with a large head and pointed beak – the body long, thin and of a bluish colour.
26 Jun 1832 Cholera in another Emigrant Ship
The ‘Lord Wellington’ Capt. CULLETON, dropped down from New Ross to the passage of Waterford on Friday morning, bound for Quebec, with a great number of passengers and shortly afterwards reports were in circulation that the cholera was on board. In the evening those reports were strengthened by the landing of several of the passengers, stating the death of two men and abandoning all idea of returning to the vessel. Four or five other deaths subsequently took place and new cases were daily occurring. The vessel sailed on Sunday for the quarantine station at Milford (Co. Donegal).
died –
On the 20th inst. of cholera, Ross, wife of Mr. John M’ANULTY of Newry.
At Clare Castle, of cholera, on 10th inst. James READ Esq. First Surgeon of the 68th Light Infantry and eldest son of the late Mr. Robert READ of Enniskillen.
3 Jul 1832 Cholera –
Belfast – total cases 423; deaths 101; recoveries 230
Ballymacarrett – total cases 49; deaths 11; recoveries 25;
Newry – total cases 271; deaths 129;
17 July 1832
Belfast – total cases 970; deaths 176; recoveries 639;
Holywood – total cases 7; deaths 2;
Cure for Cholera –
A writer in the last number of the ‘Asiatic Journal’ recommends in cases of dissentery or cholera, a pill composed of two grains of opium, two of assafoetida, and two of black pepper, to be well chewed before swallowing. In some cases a second pill may be necessary. This remedy, he adds, has been recommended by the Indian Government and has scarcely been known to fail.
In various newspapers we see it strongly urged that every exertion should be made to supply the poor with nourishing food, as the best means of preventing cholera. The working and labouring classes in and about this town have long been suffering severe privations – great numbers of brick-layers, carpenters, coopers, and day labourers, have been without employment for fully 12 months past; they and their families have, in consequence, experienced great want. Some means should be immediately devised to supply them with food. Oatmeal could now be purchased for them at a very moderate price, and a better article could not be given to them.
13 Aug. 1832
Doctor PAUL from Dublin has been sent down to Ballyshannon, in consequence of the application of the Board of Health here to the Central Board, to send down an experienced physician in the treatment of cholera. He arrived here this day at 2 o’clock and l have not had any opportunity of since conversing with him as to his plan of treatment in cholera.
I had never seen a case of epidemic Asiatic cholera before the disease broke out at Bundoran, although I have seen numberless cases of cholera in the course of my experience, as well in this country as in France, Italy, and Germany, most of the hospitals of which I have seen. But the present epidemic disease is different from any that I have overseen and here when I came to practice I had only to rely on what I had read in the different works published respecting it, and to attempt the cure, by applying to each individual case my judgment, of what the constitution, or idiosyncracy of the patient (a medical term,) would authorise.
On the morning of the 7th, when I arrived in Bundoran, I found that three persons had died and three more were in the very worst species of the disease; with the exception of Mrs. SHARPE, not one of the persons who died on that day could possibly benefit by any medical aid, as they had lost the power of swallowing, and were, I may say, in the agonies of death. Mrs. SHARPE was in the care of Mr. BABINGTON and he consulted with me on the case, she died about 4 o’clock in the evening. I had to send the 6 corpses to Finner Churchyard that day, and I believe but for my exertions, and those of Priest CONNELLY, the interment would not have been consented to.
The brother of NUGENT, who died on the 7th, was far advanced in cholera on the morning of my arrival, the spasms were excruciating in his case; the vomiting and diarrhea had set in, and the blue stage of the disease, if I may so express it, was on him. I gave him medicines instantly and he is now, thank God, living and well. He was for 3 days in a state that I could not reckon on his ultimate recovery, for the consecutive fever in his case was a period presenting constant new symptoms that demanded my incessant attention. His old mother, aged 70, was taken ill the same day, his sister, a girl of 20, was also seized on that day with the disease and on the night of the 7th, I had in that cabin four persons of the NUGENT family prostrate and writhing in the agonies of cholera. To describe the scene in that cabin, when the body of the eldest son was taken out to be placed on the car, on which I had 3 other dead bodies in coffins, is beyond the power of my pen. The shrieks and groans of the old father and mother and the misery of the scene can only leave my memory when I am cold myself forever.
Lieutenant M’INTYRE that indefatigable officer of health, sent me out medicines from Ballyshannon and during the night of the 7th I was walking from cabin to cabin on the hill of Bundoran, carrying bottles, and giving medicines to the NUGENT’S, and Peter DALY’s wife, without any one coming to help me except the old father. About 12 o’clock that night Surgeon O’DONNELL arrived, being sent to me by the Board of Health. He witnessed my exertions and saw the cases and before he set out that night for Ballyshannon, he convinced himself of the formidable symptoms that were present in the cases. In that house, in which under divine providence, my practice was successful. Other cases occurred under my care in Bundoran, but none of them were so desperate as the NUGENT’S.
I have not conversed with Dr. PAUL, but I may tell the public my own line of practice. I am averse to blood-letting in the commencement, although I should not say against it in the fever stage of the disease in particular constitution; in the beginning I trust to calomel and laudanum in large doses, say ten grains of calomel and forty drops of laudanum and although the first or second dose be rejected persevere in administering it. I gave in the case of Ellen NUGENT, who is now living and well, 120 grains of calomel, in divided 10 grain doses, in 48 hours – wherever I succeed in affecting the constitution, or rendering the mouth sore by calomel, I find recovery certain. In addition to this, in the collapse stage of the disease, I have most faith in camphor; in the Mixtura Camphora, as it is directed in the Edinburgh and London, or Dublin Pharmacopae, l give it in doses of an oz. of the mixture every quarter of an hour, and also ammonia or aether, and some tinctura opi, according to the constitution I have to deal with. In addition to this, the application of heat and of the hot bath is essentially needful, but I could get no baths in Bundoran; frictions of spirits of turpentine to the limbs, and enemas of turpentine I have used with decided benefit. mustard poultices to the stomach and blisters to the sternum, were applied by me in every case.
Brandy mixed with water, is the drink I gave to the Bundoran patients in the second stage of the cholera, but when the pulse begins to return, and the consecutive fever sets in, all stimulants must be cautiously used, or the result may be fatal. There is no stage of the complaint requires more medical tact than the fever stage of the disease. It is in that stage of the disease, when the knowledge of his profession and of anatomy; physiology and pathology gives the well educated physician an advantage over the emperic, who administers medicines at random, without being able to explain, even to his own shallow understanding, its mode of operating on the constitution. I do not know of any specific remedy for this disease. Having read that Croton oil is a specific, I gave it a trial in the case of CUNNINGHAM in this town on Sunday last, in the earliest stages of the spasms, but it did not seem to have any good effect. I beg pardon, fear having trespassed at such length on your columns; I have only to add, that I have had two attacks or symptoms of the complaint on my own person since I began to attend at Bundoran, and that I am satisfied it is a most contagious disease, and one of an entirely different description from any that has ever appeared before in Ireland.
I am, Sir, Your obliged servant
(Ballyshannon Herald)
17 Aug. 1832
On Friday last, after the publication of our paper, a man named James JOHNSTON, belonging to the Donegal Staff, took ill. Medical aid was immediately procured and every exertion made to save the poor man’s life, but all proved fruitless; he expired at about 4 o’clock on Saturday morning. It appears the unfortunate man had been unwell for 2 days before he applied for medical aid and that the disease had advanced to that state in which medicine is of little use. We are happy to state that this case did not originate in Ballyshannon; the deceased resided in Bundoran with his family, but on his perceiving the cholera making such ravages there, he became alarmed and removed with his family to this town, carrying the disease with him.
On Saturday, a poor woman named MAGUIRE, who resides in the house where JOHNSTON died, took ill and presented all the appearance of cholera, but on the necessary medicines being administered in time, she was soon restored to health.
Report of the Cholera in Bundoran since the commencement of the disease, furnished by Sr. SHELLY and Mr. BABINGTON on 14th Aug.
31 July – REILLY, a boy aged 10, died; attended by Dr.’s FINLAY and BABINGTON
1 Aug. Peter DALY, aged 60, died; attended Dr. SHIEL
7 Aug. Peter DALY’s wife, aged 60; recovered attended by Dr. SHIEL
7 Au. Mat. MINNER aged 72, died; too late for medical aid
8 Aug. Pat. FEELY aged 50, died; too late for medical aid
8 Aug. Pat. NUGENT aged 26, died; too late for medical aid
8 Aug. GILVARRY, aged 50 died; too late for medical aid.
8 Aug. wife of Hugh LYNCH, aged 50, died; too late for aid.
8 Aug. 8, Mary NUGENT ; died 11th August; attended by Dr. SHIEL
8 Aug. P. NUGENT aged 25, recovered; ditto
8 Aug. Ellen NUGENT aged 38, ditto
8 Aug. Mary NUGENT aged 50; recovered; ditto
8 Aug. Wm. DUNDAS, aged 40, died; too late for medical aid.
8 Aug. Mrs. SHARPE aged 40?; died; attended by Dr’s. SHIEL and BABINGTON
8 Aug. Mary M’LAUGHLIN aged 18; recovered; attended by Dr. BABINGTON
8 Aug. CASSIDY’s child; aged 10, died; too late for aid.
8 Aug. Hugh LYNCH, aged 50; died; attended by Dr SHIEL
9 Aug. no new cases
10 Aug. Mary M’GLOIN, recovered; attended by Dr. SHIEL
11 Aug. MULLEN, convalescent; attended by Dr. SHIEL
11 Aug. MULLEN’s daughter, convalescent; attended by Dr.SHIEL
signed by J. B. SHIEL and Wm. BABINGTON M.D’s, Strabane Board of Health
It appearing that cholera had broken out at Bundoran and Ballyshannon, a distance from Strabane of about 32 miles and at Monaghan, a distance of 40 miles, and from the frequent intercourse with those places, it is apprehended it may break out at Strabane. It was agreed that an application be made to Government for a grant of £200, to be lodged at the branch of the Bank of Ireland in Londonderry for the purpose of cleansing the houses, removing nuisances, preventing travelling beggars, providing fuel, straw, and nourishment for the poor of the district, and for the purchase of blankets and bedding for the fever hospital. The town of Strabane containing nearly 5000 inhabitants and the district, extending to a distance of about 5 miles in each direction, thickly inhabited, and containing 3 considerable villages.
Ordered – That the town be divided into districts.
Ordered -That the board shall meet each Monday at 11 o’clock and that each member who shall absent himself without sufficient cause shall be fined 5s.
Ordered – That Dr. STEART, Mr. STEVENSON, Mr. MORTON, Mr. SMYTH and Mr. GRAHAM, do prepare an address to the inhabitants, and have same published immediately.
A kind of epidemic mania appears to attend the course of the cholera from Russia to Ireland. Madmen in general, manifest their hatred against their dearest friends, as has been evinced here lately. Colonel CONOLLY, the kindest and most humane landlord, subscribed largely and came instantly to Ballyshannon in order to have every precaution taken, to establish an hospital, &c. for the reception and comfort of the afflicted. His object was frustrated; he was abused and threatened by a furious and ignorant mob. Dr. CRAWFORD’S life was in danger, he who had been the kind friend and physician of the poor and a person heretofore whom they had both loved and valued, for having decided that Peter DALY, on the hill of Bundoran, died of malignant cholera; and had not the infatuated public been awfully convinced by the number of deaths occurring in a few days after, it is hard to say where this violence would stop, as an action against him was in contemplation. Doctor FINLEY of Belturbet had to make his escape, otherwise his life could have fallen a sacrifice to his veracity. Under divine Providence, Doctor’s CRAWFORD and FINLEY saved the lives of thousands by their warning voice – causing them to disperse before the disease spread amongst them, and consequently extends its ravages to such a number of people from all counties. (Ballyshannon Herald)
21 Aug. 1832 – died
– At Wick in Scotland, of cholera on the 15th inst. Mr. William LOGAN, aged 34, formerly of Carrickfergus and late of Belfast, merchant. He has left a wife and a numerous family to lament his loss.
– On the 29th ult. in the cholera hospital, Grange Gorman lane, Dublin, whence he had been removed from the Four Courts Marshalsea, Mr. James SERVICE, late of Dunamoy, Co. Antrim. His remains were decently interred in the burying place attached to the hospital.
– Of cholera, Mr. James MITCHELL of Monaghan proctor in the Prerogative Court.
– Of cholera, on Wed. last, in the 26th year of his age, Mr. John Brown KIRKER, merchant of this town, (Belfast) and second son of Mr. G. KIRKER of Kilcross.
25 Aug. 1832
Cholera has visited Coleraine
Up to Tuesday evening there were seven cases and six deaths – viz. Mr. GIBSON, grocer, of Bridge street; 2 of Mr. Geo. DOHERTY’s carmen; a smith, named M‘ATEAR; a hatter, named CARSON, a woman, (all of the parish of Killowen, except Mr. GIBSON) and Miss COBIE, who is recovering. There were no new cases on Wednesday, but four were taken ill of the disease on Thursday.
Strabane – Cholera has also broken out in this town – up to 12 o’clock yesterday, there were four cases, and one death.
28 Aug. 1832
Belfast – total cases 2,296; died 333; recoveries 1,866;
Ballymacarrett – total cases 294; died 32; recoveries 254;
Cholera in Co. Antrim gaol – Two more cases have occurred; and a woman reports she had been in the Belfast cholera hospital.
Coleraine – cholera has visited Coleraine. Up to Tuesday evening there were seven cases and six deaths. There were no new cases on Wednesday, but four were taken ill on Thursday. Strabane – cholera has also broken out in this town. Up to 12 o’clock on Friday there were four cases and one death.
Bundoran – We have the satisfaction of stating that cholera has completely disappeared from this place and the vicinity of Ballyshannon.
Downpatrick – new cases 15; died 5; recovered 4; Lugan – new cases 5; died 2;
7 Sept. 1832 – died
On Tuesday, the 4th inst. of cholera, aged 70, the Rev. George CRANE, Clerk of the parish of Ardglass, of which he has been minister for 21 years. He was of genuine value to the whole neighbourhood in which he lived, by administering relief to the poor, comfort to the sick, and peace to the distressed. As a Magistrate, he was pure in the administration of justice and a terror to the aggressor; and his loss will be severely felt. He caught the contagion by his exertions in administering relief to the patients, being an active member of the Board of Health.
8 Sept. 1832
Recent Cases of cholera in Derry- new Hosptial
It may be deemed strange that, in the Sentinel of last Saturday, we passed unnoticed the row, approaching to a riot, which occurred on the Friday before, arising from a cholera patient being sent to the hospital. The story is easily told and our reasons for not noticing it at the same time.
According the report of the Board of Health, three persons have died in this city of cholera. Each of these cases was imported – the individuals coming from infected places. The latter case was that of woman from Coleraine, who took ill in Bishop street. The medical men not being certain whether it was cholera or not, but lest it should prove so, wished to prevent its spread and hence ordered her to the hospital on Friday morning. A mob of some hundreds assembled to prevent the entrance. The individuals who carried the cot, in which the female was, accompanied by the police, were driven from William street round to the bridge. Some of the mob wanted to throw the woman into the water and drown her. She remained on the bridge for nearly an hour, until the Mayor was sent for. On his arrival the military were called out and the patient, under their escort, was conveyed back to the hospital, in which she died during the night. The Mayor acted with great steadiness and perseverance – the mob were intimidated and no further resistance of any note was offered. This is the sum and substance of the whole affair. The chief thing which seemed to enrage the people was, that the hospital being surrounded by a variety of houses, the disease would spread and destroy them all. Their spleen was principally vented against the Doctors, whom they abused, in no measured terms.
We did not conceive it judicious to notice the matter at all, because the case at that time was only suspicious and if a real one the most effectual method was taken to prevent any evil results. To have reported it in the last Sentinel would have left an unnecessary gloom the public mind; it would have been sending it forth into the world that the disease had broken out in the City and thus have injured both the markets and the trade. In reality, it would have been giving surmises for fact, which the result would have contradicted. Thank God, we can now state that the city is perfectly free from anything of the kind and we may say always has been free. Those who died brought the disease from other quarters and the thing spread no farther and we can confidently state, that at no former period, was the city and suburbs in a more healthy state, than at present.
The alarm excited on Friday week gave an additional impulse to the Board of Health and on last Saturday morning, a new hospital was commenced which is now finished, or nearly so. It is erected on the ground of the Rev. Mr. HAY and completely separated from the town, without being inconvenient in the distance. It is 122 feet by 18 in the clear, and capable of holding 38 patients. It is divided into male and female departments, with central ones for the first medical doctor and the nurse tenders. In the rere is a commodious kitchen. There are 18 windows on each side, opening directly opposite to each other to give proper ventilation. The roof is thatched to make it the warmer and in case it be used, it will be easily burned down to prevent contagion. The weather being fine, the walls, which are of brick, are astonishingly dry already. Thus a proper provision is made, should the Almighty be pleased to visit us. Nothing now is left undone that is necessary. The people have only to keep in mind two things, to silence all their objections both to the medical men and the hospitals. The one is, that in Sligo and all other places where the people, in the first instance, refused to go to hospital, the disease spread and carried off hundreds; and the other is, that in Sligo alone not less than 10 or 11 medical men have fallen victims to the disease. Surely these did not impose upon the ignorant, nor kill themselves for sake of justifying their proceedings.
Coleraine – Total cases from commencement of the disease on the 13th Aug., 216; total deaths, 67.
Strabane Sept. 3 – Total cases, 18; 9 recovered, died, 6; remaining, 3. One of the deaths occurred on Monday, at 2 o’clock p. m. It was that of a young man named Philip M’SORLEY, who took ill on Sunday evening and did not call for medical aid, till his case was hopeless. There have been no new cases since.
14 Sept. 1832 Ballyshannon
On Sunday last, a woman named M’GARRAGLE, residing in the Back street, was attacked with cholera, she immediately sent for Doctor KELLY, who has been unremitting in his attendance on her since and she is now in a fair way of recovery.There were two or three other suspicious cases during the day, but they are all recovered. On Monday morning a poor woman named MAGRATH, living in the Cloghan, at the upper end of the town took ill, she could not be prevailed upon to go to the hospital and even refused to take the necessary medicines; consequently she died in the course of the evening. On Wednesday her infant child also fell a victim to the disease. Same day (Monday,) Grace GALLAGHER, about 70 years of age, living in the same neighbourhood took ill and on making her cause known she was taken to hospital; she lingered till Tuesday when she expired. On Tuesday, a man named DALY took ill, he was immediately taken to hospital where he died on Wednesday evening. Same day, a man named EDWARDS living in the Abbey, took ill, the Board of Health hearing of it sent the sick car to convey him to hospital, but he could not be prevailed on to consent until the disease had arrived at the last stage, on the way to the hospital he was followed by his mother, who swore “she would not let him take any medicines until she tasted them, as she knew the doctors wanted to poison her son.” She abused the nurses in the hospital and beat one of them; the unfortunate man taking the advice of his mother, declined attending to the directions of the Doctors, in consequence of which he died in great agony on Wednesday; he & DALY were taken to the grave together on the same cart. On Tuesday, William ELLIS Esq. of the Main street took ill, he was attended by several doctors, all of whom were unremitting in their attention, but we regret to state that the virulence of the disease was such, that medical aid was unavailing; Mr. ELLIS departed this life at 9 o’clock on Tuesday night. On Wednesday night, Mr. Arthur O’NEILL, shop-keeper of the Main street, took ill; medical aid was immediately procured, but he expired at 1 o’clock yesterday. He was an industrious, inoffensive man and is much regretted.
We have just learnt that a servant maid of Mr. CARSONS, of this town, named Biddy M’MANUS, who took ill yesterday evening and taken to the hospital, died this morning. A poor industrious man named WARD (commonly called “Micky Motthu”) took ill this morning and is now in hospital. These are the only cases that we have heard of up to the hour of our going to press.
It is much to be regretted that the patients are not sooner removed to the hospital, as, without exception, in every instance, death has been the consequence of the delay. Such was the case with MARTIN and his wife; EDWARDS and DALY; whereas the recoveries of M’NULTY and O’HARA, are, we have little doubt, chiefly owing to early and active treatment.
21 Sept. 1832
It is with deep regret we have to announce the death of Mr. Wm. MARTIN jr., who has fallen a victim to his exertions in the discharge of his duty as apothecary to the cholera hospital.
Dr. JACOB and four of his apprentices have been ill in consequence of fatigue; one of them had an attack of cholera which was fortunately cut short. they are all now quite recovered with the exception of Mr. J. DUNNE, whose life was in considerable danger from severe fever. He is now slowly recovering.
On Friday a man named EDWARDS, father to the person of that name whose death we mentioned in our last, residing in the Abbey, took ill, he immediately requested to be taken to the hospital; the sick cart was sent for, but before it arrived the man expired. Mick WARD, who we mentioned last week as labouring under cholera, died on Saturday morning. On Friday, Segt.-major SMITH of the Donegal Militia, took ill, he was immediately attended by Surgeon CRAWFORD and has since recovered. Sergeant M’ELWEE of the Donegal regt. was also attacked on the same day; he was attended by surgeon CRAWFORD and has since recovered. On Saturday morning, one of Mr. CARSON’s servant maids becoming alarmed at hearing of the death of her fellow servant in the hospital on the preceding day, determined on going home, in the course of the day she become so ill her friends sent for the cart and she was taken to hospital, where she has recovered. On Saturday, a child belonging to the woman MAGRATH, who died last week, took ill, she was taken to the hospital, where she died in the course of the night. Same day, a child belonging to a man named SERGANT, took ill, the cart was sent for, but the parents of the child declined for some time to let it be brought to hospital,it died on Wednesday. Same day, an old woman named HIGHLAND, took ill in the Purt, she would not go to hospital and died on Sunday. On Sunday morning, an industrious inoffensive man, named HUME, who worked as a journeyman with Mr. WILSON, cabinet-maker, in this town, took ill. He was out walking in the early part of the morning in apparent good health, and came to breakfast at Mr. WILSON’s about 10 o’clock, Mr. WILSON was from home. While the girl was preparing breakfast he found himself getting sick, he desired the girl to eat her breakfast, that he had to go out on business the poor fellow then went to the house where he lodged, in the Purt, paid his landlady for three weeks lodging he owed and settled with his washer-woman; he then came back to Mr. WILSON’s, shook hands with the girl, and walked down to the hospital, where he got into bed and died in the course of the night. Same day, a boy named BOYLE, living at Ballinamodu, near this town, was brought to the hospital by his friends, but refused to go in and returned home; he, however, became so ill in the course of the evening he consented to go to hospital, where he has recovered. On Monday morning a man named MEEHAN, who had fled from the Cloghan when the disease first broke out there, became affected in the Purt; he did not let his case be known till he was in the last stage. Dr. SHEIL attended him and used every means in his power to undermine the disease, but in vain; he died in the course of the evening. Same day, a woman named M’SHEE, residing in the Purt, took ill, she was visited by Surgeon CRAWFORD, who advised her to go to hospital, where she has recovered. Same day, a butcher, named M’CRANN, took ill, but refused to go to hospital until evening, when he went and died in about 20 minutes afterwards. Tuesday there were many private cases, but having been taken in time they all recovered. Wednesday, a young man named Dennis HEALY, employed to drive the Enniskillen Mail Car, became seriously ill, he was complaining for some days previously but thought it would not signify; he was visited by Doctor KELLY, who ordered him to be removed to the hospital, where he still remains under treatment. On the same day we learn that the woman MAGRATH, O’DONNELL and SERGANT, who were ill from the preceding day, died. Thursday morning at 3 o’clock, the wife of Daniel FLAHERTY, a pilot, residing in the Purt, took ill and in the short space of 7 hours, to all appearance, expired. Her husband went to the hospital for a coffin; the dead cart was sent to carry her to the grave; but on the men reaching her house the woman had recovered, & the cart returned empty; she lingered till 11 o’clock last night. The Back street and the Purt are nearly deserted, most of the shops remain open, but very little business doing. (Ballyshannon Herald)
29 Sept. 1832
We regret that this disease still progresses in this City, (Londonderry), but not with that degree of fatality, which the number of cases might lead us to expect.
Total cases from commencement of the disease on the 21st Aug. 259 deaths, 58.
We are requested to mention that the Rev. Mr. BOYD, Rev. Mr. M’CLURE, and the Rev. Mr. O’KANE, will give tickets for soup to any poor families who may apply to them.
Strabane – We are sorry to say that cholera has broke out with additional virulence in this town, in the course of the week. Total 91; deaths 23.
Coleraine- total cases 253, deaths, 83.
died – In Antrim, of cholera, on the 13th inst. Campbell MILLAR Esq. Barrister at law, aged 33 years. He was a man of genuine piety and great literary attainments. He died universally esteemed and regretted.
Died – Of cholera on Saturday last, (at the residence of Robert THOMPSON Esq. of Annagassan,) Quinton THOMPSON Esq. at the early age of 24 years.
12 Oct. 1832 (From our correspondent) Strabane, Monday, 8th Oct., 4 o’clock p.m.
I regret to say, that one of those reported dead this morning, is Mrs. Mary WILSON wife of Mr. John WILSON, a respectable grocer and baker, living near to the market house, who died about 7 o’clock this morning. She had been complaining on Friday and Saturday last, but was considered quite recovered on Saturday evening. She relapsed during that night or Sunday morning, and continued to get worse gradually, notwithstanding the most unremitting attention on the part of the doctor who attended her. This is the only death in Strabane out of the lower classes, with the exception of Mr James SCULLY a carpenter, who died on Saturday evening last, about 6 o’clock, and his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth SCULLY, who died about twelve hours previous to the death of her son. None of those three cases was in hospital and Mr. SCULLY concealed his illness from the medical men who attended his mother, although in the same house, until Saturday morning, or late on Friday night.
I am sorry to say that my anticipations of a favourable report (when I wrote this day se’nnight) for next morning, were not realized. Very few cases had during the day, (Monday 1st) and in the evening, several of the inhabitants (having read in the newspapers of tar barrels being burnt in the streets of some village in England, with a favorable effect in banishing the pestilence) proceeded to kindle a number of tar barrels in the several streets of the town. The cases next morning were more numerous than they had been on any previous day.
On Monday last, a case which terminated in cholera occurred in the suburbs of this town with a man named James HARRISON, a butcher. The great error of the family in refusing to allow the man to be removed to the hospital, and their unwillingness to yield to the opinion that it was cholera with which he was affected, proved fatal in this instance, for the poor man expired in the evening. A coffin was immediately provided by the Board of health and he was interred without loss of time. The family removed from the house and the necessary means of fumigating the premises and cleansing the bed and other articles of furniture were adopted. This man was father of the first person affected with symptoms of cholera here, but whose recovery, from timely application, led to the supposition that his disease was not of that nature. We are happy to state that there has been no other case here lately.
16 Oct. 1832
Belfast – total cases 2,753; deaths 397; recoveries 2,339;
Londonderry – New Cases 12; deaths 0; recoveries 19;
Strabane – New Cases 6; deaths 2; recoveries 10;
Cholera broke out in Portaferry on the 6th. At 9 o’clock on Saturday last there had been 78 cases, 30 deaths and 20 remaining. A hospital had been previously established and a number of medical gentlemen are using their best exertions to suppress the epidemic. The shops of Portaferry are almost entirely closed up and many of the respectable inhabitants have left the town. The disease is confined chiefly to the fishermen. The R. Catholic clergyman of Saul parish died on Saturday of cholera. Oct. 14th new cases 9, died 6, recovered 2. Two of the medical attendants were seized with cholera, but they are expected to recover; the majority of the nurses were also attacked. Medical assistance has been sent from Belfast to Portaferry.
Cholera made its appearance there on Friday, the 5th inst. and since that time, up to Wednesday last, there have been 25 cases, of which 22 have terminated fatally and of the 3 remaining there are 2 with scarcely any hope of recovery. The persons attacked generally died in 3 or 4 hours after being seized with the disease and we believe that in only 2 instances did the individuals survive more than twelve hours.
At Colerain, on the 13th inst. of Cholera, at the advanced age of 96, Mr. James BLACK, merchant. The various transactions in the commercial pursuits of this old gentleman, through a singularly lengthened life, were always marked with honour and integrity, which afford a solace to his friends under the present affliction.
On the 2nd inst. of cholera, Mr. Malcolm SCOTT, in the 56th year of his age.
Of cholera, at Glasgow, on the 30th ult. aged 48, Mr. Robert M’CAMMON for several years manager of Messrs. John Bell, &Co’s. cotton works, Belfast.
On Friday of cholera, Mr. John M’GILWAY, aged 56 years, book-keeper in the office of the Bank of Ireland, Derry.
25 Oct. 1832 Daily Cholera report
Belfast, total cases from commencement 2,795; deaths 407;
Portaferry, new case 3; deaths 3;
Ballymena total cases 20; deaths 9;
Ballycastle total cases 80; deaths 60;
London for the single day of 22nd Oct. total new cases 401; deaths 199; recovered 345;
Glasgow total cases 6,110; deaths 2,947; recoveries 3,107;
Paisley total cases 746; deaths 437;
(Northern Whig)
29 Oct. 1832
Belfast – total cases 2,803; deaths 409; recoveries 2,386;
Ballymena – total cases 39; deaths 17; recoveries 12;
Derry – total cases 713; deaths 142;
Dublin – total cases 12,170; deaths 3,591;
died of cholera at Ballygawley, on the 15th inst. Mr. Richard CUTTLER, aged 57 years.
2 Nov. 1832
Strabane total cases of cholera since the commencement of the disease on the 13th August – 451; deaths 97;
15 Nov. 1832 died
On the 6th instant, of cholera, Sergeant William M’CULLOUGH of the staff of the Londonderry Militia, in which he had served 33 years.
A poor man named KAVANAGH, who had a son in the 4th Dragoon Guards, stationed in Ballyshannon, and had come from Templemore to see him, was seized with cholera on his return, near Churchhill, on Saturday last. Although attended s promptly as circumstances would admit, by surgeon WILKIN, of the Churchhill dispensary, he died on Sunday morning.
The parish of Kilbarron and lower division of Innismacsaint, forming one district – total cases 228; total deaths 99;
Londonderry total cases 795; deaths 167;
Strabane total cases 459; deaths 99;
Total cases in the Ballyshannon district 273; deaths 111; recoveries 153;
We are sorry to observe the disease has broken out in Dungannon.
(Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet)
29 Nov. 1832 – died
– In Ballyshannon, of cholera, after a few hours illness, Mrs. BIRD wife of Mr. Richard BIRD.
– In the same town, of cholera Mr. Alexander CRAIG, tide-waiter (Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet)
5 Dec. 1832
The cholera has returned to Ballygawley and Aughnacloy, where many have fallen victims to it during this and the past week; three or four of the detachment of the 30th regiment, presently stationed at the former town, have died of it, in consequence of which the assistant surgeon, who was in Omagh with the detachment there, has proceeded to Ballygawley.
Cholera has also broke out in Omagh and Stranorlar. It made its appearance in Omagh Sunday last; a child was taken ill and died, the family very foolishly waked it, according the usual custom and 2 or 3 of them were seized next day. The disease then spread. (Limerick Chronicle)
10 Dec. 1832
Daily report of cholera in Derry, from Dec. 1 – 7th.
New cases 12; died 1; recovered 13; remaining 12.
Total cases from commencement 879; deaths 188;
Ballygawley – total cases 104; deaths 40.
The cholera has again disappeared in Aughnacloy and Ballygawley; in Stranorlar and Omagh there have been no new cases for the last week. In Ballyshannon there have been 18 cases and 4 deaths. In Strabane, three or four cases, and no deaths. It has returned to Enniskillen there have been 3 cases during the last week.
13 Dec. 1832 died
On Thursday last of cholera, in Ballyshannon, very deservedly regretted by all who knew her. Miss Mary BRITTON, daughter of Captain BRITTON, of White Hill (Enniskillen Chronicle and Erne Packet)
15 Dec. 1832
Derry – This frightful disease is now very rapidly on the decline. It is a circumstance not a little remarkable, that since the appearance of Cholera in Derry, not a single case has occurred in the Waterside and also, that notwithstanding the time that it has lingered in Strabane, its malignant influence has not yet been experienced in Lifford.
Dungannon – We are distressed to say, that the following extract of a letter, from a gentleman in Dungannon and the report annexed, cholera is committing fearful ravages in that town.
“7th Dec. We have a great number of cases this morning; Dr. HAWTHORN has shown great cleverness; the disease is getting among the better sort of people, during the last two days. Total deaths, 43.”
A few cases of cholera, we learn, have appeared in Monaghan, and other places which the disease had before visited; but they do not excite the great apprehension formerly manifested.
The accounts of cholera from Cavan are truly alarming; it rages in the villages Ballinagh and in Kilmore. Cavan can hardly escape. This calamity accompanying a contested election, is truly frightful; it is thought fifty thousand persons will assemble in Cavan on Monday next. (Dublin Observer)
1 Jan.1833 died
Dec. 26th of cholera, at his house in Charlemont, Mr. John MALLIN, Primitive Wesleyan Methodist Preacher. He intended to preach on Christmas evening, in Charlemont, at 7 o’clock, came home before that hour, took ill and at 4 o’clock the following morning was called to his reward by his Lord and master.
12 Feb. 1833
At Larne, on Friday night, there had been 19 cases and 10 deaths from cholera. Portaferry is at present, free of the disease.
30 March 1833
Following is the weekly statement of cholera in Ireland, for the week ending Tuesday – new cases 758; deaths 401; recoveries 188;
Essex Standard
10 May 1833 cholera Assessment
The Foreman of the City Term grand jury, on handing in to the court the usual presentments to be fiated, observed that a claim of 33,000£ had been laid before them at the instance of the Government, being the sum advanced by them to the City board of health during the prevalence of the contagion, but that the Jury found themselves unable to present the same, from the circumstance that more than 150£ part of the sum so advanced, was lying in the Bank and that for 8,000£ stated to have been the expenditure Townsend street Hospital, no voucher had been produced, and that out of the 12,000£ expended in Grange Gorman Hospital, a considerable part should be levied on the county, from the numerous patients admitted from various parts of it.
Judge Jebb, on this representation from the jury, acceded to their request to present, on account for the presentment, the sum of 3,000£ in two equal payments, until the account can be fully investigated. It is understood that Government have consented to give 8 years for the liquidation of the entire debt. (Newry Telegraph)
16 May 1833 Central Board of Health for Ireland
Council Office Dublin Castle 10 May 1833
Notice is hereby given that in consequence of the decline, or cessation, of Cholera throughout Ireland, the Central Board of Health for Ireland will be dissolved from Friday next, the 17th instant.
It is therefore expected that all expenditure on account of local boards of health shall be discontinued, as no advance of money to those boards for expenses incurred after that date on account of cholera will be issued.
It is further expected that any provision requisite for the few cases that may occasionally occur, shall be made by the local Parish officers of health, under the provisions of the Acts 59th Geo. 111. chap. 41, and the 2nd William IV. chap. 9.
The accounts of local boards and of officers of health will be received by the General Board of Health for Ireland.
Francis BARKER M.D., Secretary. (Cork Constitution)
26 Nov.1833
Monaghan total cases 106; deaths 58; recoveries 48;