Leckpatrick Presbyterian Church Marriages 1845-1930

Notices regarding Rev. Moses CHAMBERS 1st Minister of Leckpatrick Presbyterian Church, Co. Tyrone & some of his family notices.
“A Roll of the graduates of the University of Glasgow from 31st December 1727 to 31st December 1897 with short biographical notes”
CHAMBERS, Moses M.A. 1834
On Monday the 12th March 1838 the Presbytery of Glendermot ordained the Rev. Mr CHAMBERS to the pastoral charge of the congregation of Leckpatrick. The services of the day were conducted by the Rev. Mr MONTEITH, Dunemana, Rev. Marshall MOORE and Rev. Mr CARSON. The Number of Families belonging to Leckpatrick Presbyterian Church at the time of his ordination was 124 and the stipend paid was 37£ 13s.
4 Aug. 1840
The Leckpatrick examination of the sabath school connected with the Presbyterian congregation of Leckpatrick took place on Monday the 27th of July. Upwards of 200 scholars and teachers were present, besides parents, and many of the respectable inhabitants of the neighbourhood who attended also to witness the interesting scene. The Rev, Moses CHAMBERS commenced by singing the 122nd psalm and prayer. He then proceeded to examine the children on the 4th chapter of the Acts, all of whom answered most satisfactorily, while many evinced such a knowledge of the scriptures in general as to astonish all who heard them. After the examination, the children and those present partook of a large supply of cakes provided by the teachers, which added not a little the interest already felt on the occasion. (Derry Journal)
19 April 1843 – marriage
On the 17th inst. by the Rev. Moses Chambers, of Leckpatrick Wm. M’CREA, South Grange, Esq. to Sarah Jane, daughter of Robert M’CREA Esq. Farmhill. (Londonderry Standard)
26 Nov. 1844 – marriage
On the 18th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Porter A.M. Presbyterian Minister of Donagheady, the Rev. Moses CHAMBERS, Presbyterian Minister of Leckpatrick, to Catharine, daughter of Robert M’CREA Esq., Farmhill. (Newry Telegraph)
16 Nov. 1849 – The Marquis of Abercorn’s Tenantry
Pursuant to a requisition, a great number of the tenantry met at Artigarvin on Saturday last, for the purpose of considering the propriety of petitioning the Marquis of Abercorn for a reduction of rents. Shortly before the hour for holding the meeting, and while the farmers were gathering, Major HUMPHREYS, the agent, was observed riding up to the place. Whether his coming was accidental or otherwise, we have not heard, but on his arrival, the Rev. Moses CHAMBERS, Presbyterian Minister, went forward and saluted him and explained the object of the meeting, requesting him at the same time to dismount and he would have the Meeting-house doors opened, where he might speak with the tenantry of the parish.
The Major dismounted, but declined going in. The tenants then all gathered round him and he produced a paper out of his pocket and read from it the names of the requisitionists and named the rents at which they held their farms and the amount of arrears due by some of them. He then asked in great warmth what was the object of the meeting. Was it not to excite agitation on the Marquis’s property, and to have him represented, through the press, as a bad landlord? Could any of them, he inquired, say this of him? Was it not a fact that his land in that parish was set from 10 to 12% cheaper than that of any other landowner? Had he ever dealt harshly with them or refused to hear their complaints? And why did they treat Lord Abercorn, or him disrespectfully by holding the meeting?
The Rev. Moses CHAMBERS said “Major Humphreys, you are labouring under a mistake. No one here has any intention of offering the slightest disrespect to the Marquis or to you; we hold Lord Abercorn in the highest esteem. He is, in fact, almost idolized by his tenantry. We know that he is a good landlord, and, as such, his tenantry in the parish were about to approach him and to place before him, in a respectful and humble manner, the state of affairs.”
Major HUMPHREYS replied “You are not a tenant of Lord Abercorn. What right have you to interfere with his tenantry? You and the Catholic priest are the getters up of this. The tenantry would never have thought of it had it not been put into their heads.”
Rev. Moses CHAMBERS “l distinctly deny that I am the getter up of the meeting; neither is the priest. The tenantry are now before you; it is their own act; let them speak for themselves. I am their minister; I live by them and by you, and now in the 4th year of unparalleled distress, when they are selling their crops at less than 2⁄3 of former prices, when they have increased taxation to contend with and gloomier prospects before them, am I to refuse counsel to them when l am asked? Some of them are in arrears, you say. That is the reason why they solicit a reduction in the rents, which, when the times were good, they paid cheerfully.”
Major HUMPHREYS (to the tenants) “I have never refused to hear any person’s complaint and any of you that have cause of complaint, come to the office and I will hear you individually, but not in a body. If you come in body, I will not hear you at all.”
Rev. Mr. CHAMBERS “Be good enough to come in, Major, and we can consult better.”
Major HUMPHREYS (addressing the people) “l will not go there (pointing to the meeting- house.) I object to this meeting, as it is got up for a bad purpose. I advise you all not to attend it. Come to me individually and I will hear you, but not in a body.”
Several voices – “The bad times, sir” – “the low prices.” One of the tenants – “There tenants of Lord Abercorn; how will you hear us all?” The greater part of the people had, by this time, gone into the Meeting-house and the Major mounted and rode off, seemingly in better temper than at his coming. Before going, he accused Mr. SIGERSON with being one of the requisitionists and told him he only paid 28£ per year for his holding under the marquis and that the marquis did not want him for a tenant and that he was not a long resident. Mr. SIGERSON said he had bought the old tenant’s residence for a good sum, and had paid all the overdue rent that the old tenant was not able to pay, and would now give it back to him, provided he would give him what it cost and what he had expended on improvements. Mr. SIGERSON was unanimously called to the chair, he said they were all acquainted with the object of the meeting, which was to solicit a reduction of rents. It was for them to say whether they agreed with the subject of the requisition or not.
The tenants – “We do.”
Rev. Moses CHAMBERS “You will bear with me while I address you, more especially under the circumstances in which I am placed, being a requisitionist, but not one of Lord Abercorn’s tenantry. I say this in order to exculpate myself from any blame that might be attached to me, from you or from any other quarter. I admit that I am not tenant, but I will not admit that I had not a right to take the step I did. I cannot, for the life of me, see why I, or any other man, should not go along with you under your present altered circumstances; for surely there is an imperative necessity on us all, to do something for the amelioration of your condition. I consider myself further justified from the admitted fact, that unless the tenants obtained an abatement or reduction of rent, they must soon be to the wall.” They were then receiving less than 2⁄3 of former prices for their agricultural produce and if, when the times were good, and prices were remunerative, they were scarcely able to meet all their just demands, how were they now, when they had less means and increased taxation, to meet all and pay arrears of rent, which had accumulated on some, even in the best of times. “Now, you are met together for the requisition and permit me to suggest to you one of the 2 things to do. The reverend speaker then said that the best course would be to include in their memorial all his lordship’s tenantry in Tyrone. With their present capacity, being only a parish meeting, they could not do that and his impression was that they should have an adjourned meeting and a committee should be formed to correspond with the parishes of Camus and Urney, in order that they might all join in a respectful petition to the Marquis and also to Major HUMPHREYS, calling upon him to second their views.
“Then”, (continued Mr CHAMBERS), “if Major HUMPHREYS ha taken time and come in and joined with us in giving advice and counsel, he would have found that, instead of intending anything disrespectful to him or his lordship, they were doing everything respectful to him, his lordship, and themselves. They had no underhand work; everything was open and straightforward and was this the reason why his lordship or Major HUMPHREYS should be dissatisfied? They believed their cause to be a just and righteous one and therefore they met to address his lordship. The speaker then read a series of resolutions to the meeting for adoption.”
On reading the 1st, he said, is there anything disrespectful in that to Major HUMPHREYS or his lordship? I think not.
On reading the 2nd, he asked, is there anything disrespectful in that, or anything to call forth the reprobation of yourselves or your humble priest, who is absent, I understand, from illness, or your still humbler Presbyterian minister the parish? When he read over the resolutions, these, continued he, are the resolutions, and as I have been put forward by the Major as the most active individual, I wish he were here, that he might see to present them to you, not press them on you, but to leave them with you for your consideration, amendment, or adoption. Mr. John PORTER moved their adoption. Mr. SIGERSON “Before they are put, allow me to say that I consider it would be better to confine yourselves to your own parish. I don’t like interfering with the other parishes; let them attend to their own business. It might perhaps be using an undue influence to correspond with them.
Mr. CHAMBERS “Union is strength and the cause is a just and a righteous one, and one that the almighty sanctions and no matter what threats are made or visitations proposed, stand by it and you will succeed. I thought that if they went by themselves, it might be used as a reason why they would not get their claims considered at all.”
The resolutions were then carried and Friday named for holding an adjourned meeting. A committee was also appointed to correspond with the other parishes and a deputation appointed to wait on the Major in the meantime. The meeting then separated (Derry Journal.)
21 Oct. 1850 – Threatening Notices
The following notice was posted on Saturday night last, on the gate of Leckpatrick Meeting-house and it has been stated, that similar notices were posted on the Presbyterian House of Worship in the parish of Donagheady;
“Notice to this respectable congregation, that we allow every farmer to do his best this season to pay half a year’s rent; that is as much as we are fit to do in general; any more will leave us in starvation: therefore, let no one that is able offer to go beyond it. If they do, we pledge ourselves to give them an untimely death, until Lord Abercorn and other landed proprietors will relieve their distressed tenants; either agents or bailiffs that look after more will be punished with death.”
It seems that the above document has completely taken that quiet, good-natured minister of peace the Rev. Moses CHAMBERS, by surprise and, as the able and talented champion of tenant-right in the locality where this notice was posted, he announces that the Strabane Defence Association are to meet to express their disapprobation of such conduct, and to take such steps as may bring the guilty parties to punishment. Would it not have been a more prudent course for this reverend gentleman, and his brother ministers, to have restrained the rabid effusions of the tenant-right orators, which might have prevented the promulgating of such notices? When the people are told from the platform ” that they are slaves of rack-renting, consolidating landlords,contemptible creatures of Satan’s minister, the monstrous blasphemer Malthus, he who said that God’s table was full, that the children of the poor were as the weeds of the field to be garnered for destruction,” and that they should “swear to shatter this oppression,” the only wonder is, that life and property is so secure in the North. Yet Mr. CHAMBERS listened to such language as this in Strabane and much worse, but not one word in condemnation of the speaker escaped his lips. No, he laughed and shouted with joy at the wild ravings of the orator, who told his audience “to curse with bitter souls the past and sigh for a brighter future.” The people are now only following the injunctions of their lay and spiritual leaders and sighing for a brighter future. (Derry Standard)
30 April 1851 died – On the 18th inst., William son of the Rev. M. CHAMBERS, Leckpatrick, aged 18 months (Derry Journal)
11 May 1854 Address and presentation to the Rev. Moses CHAMBERS
At a meeting of the Presbyterian Congregation of Leckpatrick, held in their Church on Wednesday evening, the 10th inst., the following address was presented to the above Rev. Gentleman.
Rev. and Sir
It gives us great pleasure to have this opportunity of handing to you the accompanying small token of respect from your Congregation and some other friends who stand well affected to you as a Minister in the Parish where you have been called to labour. It is but a small acknowledgment of our friendship; yet we are sure, knowing, as you do, the good feeling in which it originated, you will accept of it with pleasure. You were called to labour amongst us, some 16 years ago and we should now know something of you.
Time has only created a deeper respect for you amongst your people. We are not to use flattery one to another, but speak the truth in soberness. When you came amongst us, we were in a very unsettled state. Since that time, your labours have not been in vain. The Sabbath school finds you there. The cause of Missions has been advocated very forcibly by you and we are delighted to know that by your joint operation with your session, a still greater interest will taken in our prayer-meetings without a Missionary spirit, Sabbath-schools, and prayer meetings, a church cannot be in a prosperous state.
We have an evidence of your unwearied exertion in the comfortable Church in which we now sit with you. In all the improvements that have been made, you took an active part and we hope you were not disappointed in your people’s co-operation with you. Some the members and office-bearers, who called you as the Minister of their choice, are now inheriting the promises – some are here still, who have known you since your entrance and we all hope you will be long spared amongst us for good. May you glory in nothing save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, your purpose being to know nothing amongst save Jesus and him crucified; and may all your elders and people try, with all their might, to hold up your hands to fight the battles of the Lord, that, in the morning of the resurrection, minister, elders, and people may meet in glory, and hear the joyful sentence, Come ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
We now request your acceptance of this gold watch and chain, as a token of our deepest respect and the unfeigned love we have for you. Signed, by order;
Leckpatrick, 10th May, 1854
(Londonderry Standard)
Tue. 15 Oct. 1861
October 9th in Ballindrate Presbyterian Church by the Rev. William M’Crea, assisted by the Rev. M. CHAMBERS, uncle of the bride, Mr. Alex. ADAMS of Milltown, Castlederg to Mary, second daughter of Mr. John M’BETH, Monsen. (Belfast Morning News)
Rev. CHAMBERS was vice-president of the Irish Temperance League and attended the meeting in Belfast at the Music Hall on 6th Apr. 1863.
19 Nov. 1862 College Honors
Mr. Robert M’C. CHAMBERS, son of the Rev. Moses CHAMBERS, Leckpatrick, a youth of only sixteen years of age, has taken second scholarship in Arts in the late examinations in Queen’s College, Belfast. (Derry Journal)
30 Dec 1863 died
On 24th December at M’Crackens, parish of Leckpatrick, aged 53, Rev. Moses CHAMBERS for 27 years minister of the Presbyterian Church at Leckpatrick. (Londonderry Sentinel)
Rev. Moses CHAMBERS died 24th Dec. 1863 Aged 53 Years and his wife Catherine McCREA died 24th Jan. 1901 aged 89 yrs.
2 Jul. 1864 Installation at Leckpatrick
Thursday, the 23rd ultimo, the Presbytery of Glendermott met and installed the Rev. Joseph LEITCH formerly of Clontibret, as minister of Leckpatrick, Strabane, in room of the late Rev. M. CHAMBERS. The services of the day were conducted by the Rev. Messrs. PORTER, CORKEY, ALLISON and MONTEITH. (Belfast Weekly News)
8 Nov. 1865 Queen’s College (Belfast) Examinations.
At the late Scholarship Examinations in Queen’s College, Belfast, Mr. Robert M’Crea CHAMBERS, son of the late Rev. Moses CHAMBERS of Leckpatrick, obtained a 40£ exhibition. Mr. CHAMBERS was educated at the Strabane Academy, under the care of the Rev. J. PATTERSON. (Derry Journal)
4 Mar. 1878 – marriage
28th February at 7 Comely Bank, Perth, by the Rev. James Gibson, Free West Church. Alexander MILLER, Millbrook to Minnie, elder daughter of the late Rev. M. CHAMBERS, Leckpatrick, Strabane.
19 Oct. 1878 – marriage
October 17th in Leckpatrick Presbyterian Church by the Rev. James P. Dickson, John CROCKETT, Corrigans to Margaret Anna, youngest daughter of the late Rev. M. CHAMBERS, Leckpatrick, Strabane. (Londonderry Sentinel)
20 Mar. 1879 died
CHAMBERS March 18th, at Millbank, Leckpatrick, Samuel, second son of the late Rev. M. CHAMBERS. (Belfast Newsletter)
29 Jul. 1879 For Sale
Valuable farm of land and mills to be sold by private proposals; that farm of land with the mills, dwelling house, and office houses, thereon, known as M’Cracken’s, or Spring Vale, in the Parish of Leckpatrick, Barony of Strabane and County of Tyrone, at present in the occupation of Mrs. CHAMBERS
The farm contains 38a. 2r. 9p., statute measure and is held under his Grace the Duke of Abercorn, one of the best landlords in Ireland, by lease dated the 30th March1847, for a term of years and the 3 lives therein mentioned (two of the lives viz; the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh, are still in existence), the yearly rent of £34 19s.
The farm is the best of land, in prime condition, with good roads in all directions and is situate about 3 miles from Strabane on the road leading to Derry. There is a comfortable dwelling-house, with good office-houses and 5 cottier houses, on the lands. The mills, which have been let to a good tenant for the past 15 years, at a yearly rent of £32 10s, comprise an oatmeal mill, with kiln, Indian corn mill, and threshing mill, driven by 2 wheels, with a good supply of water. The buildings, wheels, and machinery, are all in good working order. There is a small dwelling-house and offices attached to the mills.
Possession of the farm can be given in November, and of the mills as soon thereafter as can be arranged. A Deposit of £300 must be paid at time of sale and the consent of the Duke of Abercorn’s agent to receive the purchaser as tenant obtained. Proposals will received up to the 12th August by Wm. M’CREA Esq., Leckpatrick, Strabane, who has kindly consented to show the farm to intending purchasers; or by Wm. WILSON, solicitor, Strabane (Londonderry Sentinel)