Ballymagorry (Ballymagory, Ballemagorie) is a small village and a townland, in the Civil Parish of Leckpatrick, Co. Tyrone.

Photograph by Gordon Dunn
Ballad- Song of the Little Villages
The pleasant little villages that grace the Irish glynns
Down among the wheat-fields, – up amid the whins,
The little white walled villages crowding close together,
Clinging to the Old Sod in spite of wind and weather
Ballytarsney, Ballymore, Ballyboden, Boyle,
Ballingarry, Ballymagorry by the Banks of Foyle,
Ballylaneen, Ballyporeen, Bansha, Ballysadare,
Ballybrack, Ballinalack, Barna, Ballyclare.
The cosy little villages that shelter from the mist,
Where the great West Walls by ocean-spray are kissed;
The happy little villages that cuddle in the sun
When blackberries ripen and the harvest work is done.
Corrymeela, Croaghnakeela, Clogher, Cahirciveen,
Cappaharoe, Carrigaloe, Cashel and Coosheen,
Castlefinn and Carrigtohill, Crumlin, Clara, Clane,
Carrigaholt, Carrigaline, Cloghjordan and Coolrain.
The dreamy little villages, where by the fire at night,
Old Shanachies with ghostly tale the boldest hearts affright;
The crooning of the wind-blast is the wailing Banshee’s cry.
And when the silver hazels stir they say the fairies sigh.
Kilfenora, Kilfinnane, Kinnity, Killylea,
Kilmoganny, Kiltamagh, Kilronan and Kilrea,
Kiilashandra, Kilmacow, Killiney, Killashee,
Killenaule, Killmyshall, Killorglin and Killeagh.
Leave the little villages, o’er the black seas go.
Learn the stranger’s welcome, learn the exile’s woe,
Leave the little villages, but think not to forget
Afar they’ll rise before your eyes to rack your bosoms yet.
Moneymore, Moneygall, Monivea and Moyne,
Mullinahone, Mullinavatt, Mullagh and Mooncoin,
Shanagolden, Shanballymore, Stranorlar and Slane,
Toberaheena, Toomyvara, Tempo and Stabane.
On the Southern Llanos,—north where strange light gleams,
Many a yearning exile sees them in his dreams
Dying voices murmur (passed all pain and care)
“Lo! the little villages, God has heard our prayer.”
Lisdoonvarna, Lissadil, Lisdargan, Lisnaskea,
Portglenone, Portarlington, Portumna, Portmagee,
Clonegam and Clonegowan, Oloondara and Clonae,
God bless the little villages and guard them night and day!
Irish mist & sunshine: a book of ballads by James Bernard Dollard 1901
With our Thanks to the PRONI (Public Records Office Northern Ireland) for the following data found at
25 Sept. 1744
the late flood carryed quite a way that part of Ballymagorry mill dam which lay on leck (?) side which is church lands and they refuse to suffer us to repair or intermedle on their lands and without which it cannot be repaired.
1 Dec. 1758
Ballymagorry tennants are mostly very poor; Mr. NESBITT advised to give them only artikles for 7 years, and am not willing to give them out, till further orders.
No. 1 William HUNTER’S tenniment No. 1 James PATTERSON’S
measures 90 foot in front. tenniment in front is
No. 2 James McBETH’S now liveing 126 foot.
on 122 feet. No. 2 James McBETH’S 065 feet.
No. 3 James McBETH’S again 082 No. 3 John McBETH’S 024 feet.
No. 4 Hugh DIVEN’S 033 feet.
No. 4 John HUNTER’S 069 feet. No. 5 Dorathy BAXTER’S 021
No. 5 John McBeths 027 feet. feet.
No. 6 James HUNTER 039 feet. No. 6 William YOUNG’S;
No. 7 James BLEWART 055 feet. now lives at the glen;
No. 8 John SCOTT 130 feet. should I not now sett
No. 9. Richard SAGGERTSON 033 his house in feet. Ballymagorry 033 feet.
No. 10 Charles ROBINSON 076 No. 7 James SMITH’S 031 feet.
feet. No. 8 James HUNTER 047 feet.
No. 11 Charles Robinson again No. 9 John Hastey 046 feet.
070 feet. No. 10 Widow McKINLAY 091 feet.
No. 11 John POLLOCK 049 feet.
No. 12 John LEECH 028 feet.
The above tenniments are on the the left hand from Woodend right hand from Woodend to to the bridge.
11 Jun. 1773 – He and his brother have been trying to find out the truth of the bargain between widow McKINLAY and John HASTY of Ballymagory that his Lordship ordered to be enquired into ‘the neighbours declare that they never till lately heared that he was to have more than 16 years of the land which time expired last November …. no doubt they were not able to hold the farm when HASTY got it, and he has managed it very well.
24 Jul. 1774 – One ROBISON of Ballymagory owes John POLLOCK of Listimore £20 by bond; he had still till of late promised to pay him; he now says he has no land, that he’s only a servant to his mother and defies him; POLLOCK is likely to be cheated by ROBISON, who he always considdered as haveing the land since his fathers death.
26 Dec. 1777
Samuel SMITH of Ballymagorry wants to sell 12 acres of his farm, with which he is to give half of his housing to one John KERR who I am told is a well behaved man and would be a good tenant; I am told he is to get £60 for it; SMITH’S wife is dead and he has no child.
Robert DREW of Ballymagorry can not be persuaded that your Lordship ordered him to quit his farm; he said when he saw your Lordship some days before your left the country, that your Lordship bid him go home and mind his work; and that he was not warned out as the other tenants were; I showed him Mr. JORDAN’S name in the rent roll in his place, but that would not do; he said your Lordship never told him that he was to go out.
24 Dec 1779
I have been endeavouring to sell several farms, particularly John DOUGAN’S in Liskey, Joseph BARNHILL’S in Cavanalee, Samuel WALLACE and Joseph FOSTER’S in Tavnakeerey and Samuel SMYTH’S of Ballymagorry; no person offered for either of the two first; they have had housing on them, and they don’t seem to be good farms; the present occupiers are very poor, and I fear there will be a loss on them, as neither of the present tenants have any appearance of getting forward should they even be suffered to continue; the rest I am sure will sell, and I am sure would have been sold before now, if the tenants were earnest in having them so; Samuel SMYTH could readily sell the half of his, because he desires to do so; WALLACE had sold the half of his to John CUNINGHAM of Maghereagh’s son at £41; the farm pays £16 5s., CUNINGHAM’S farm £4 10s.; I wanted them to exchange, and might have prevailed on CUNINGHAM but that WALLACE said if he removed from where he lives, that his wife who is insane, must be kept continually tied, else he is sure, that she would be endeavouring to ramble back, and might be lost; I know your Lordship’s just objection to splitting farms yet if the bargain had been made with CUNINGHAM, it is probable he would have divided with his son; I go on receiving the arrears due at November ’77; Mr FAIRLY paid all he owed, as have some of the freeholds in this town; I have driven a good many in the country, but was prevented from going on by the very bad weather; the snow at present is more than six inches deep in the streets and very much deeper in the country.
18 Feb. 1781
I have been forced to eject Claud ROBISON of Ballymagorry, which will be a great expense, yet I believe his land will sell for the arrears and a great part of the cost; if I could have prevailed on him to sell two years ago, I am sure it would have cleared his land and tenement both; his tenement owed last November £13. 10.; if he does not sell it, I fear he must also be ejected out of it and the cost will not be much less than the debt.
1 Apr. 1781
I lately dispossessed Claud ROBISON of Ballymagorry of some land he had there; he had ploughed it and I have sown it; he had paid very little, yet I can sell his land I believe to a very good tenant for all it owes and the cost he has brought on it by his obstinacy; he has a tenement beside in which he lives but has no distress, but an old horse not worth forty shillings; he is an unmarried man and has kept house by himself for a good many years since his mother’s death and though I am told he is a sober man, his affair’s have grown worse, as he had no thrift going on and things probably mismanaged otherwise.
There was a prodigious flood the 3d; the chief damage done hereabouts was by Glanmornan brooks and Ballymagorry and Burndenet rivers; Ballymagorry Burndenet and Malison bridges are very much damaged and a bridge at Artgarvan that was lately built is carried quite away; many mill dams were broken down; some of Glanmornan, BRIGS of Ballymagorry and others wanted me to go and see the damage done them; BRIGS lost above 3 score “stucks” of oats and about a rood of potatoes near the pidgeon house was swept away and left a bare strand; I saw that as if by accident, for I did not care to profess my going to see them, as it would set all a complaining; the WIERS of Greenlaw lost, I am told 300 “stucks” of oats, and the crop on Claud ROBISON of Ballymagorry’s land was almost all lost. I ploughed and sowed that land as he had been ejected out of it; I sold the crops of it, but the people who bought had not removed them; I hear that the flood of the 3d did vast damage in the county of Donegal, that it has carried away many of the bridges in Inishowen
12 June 1784
I saw the road he mentioned to Ballymagorry mill; it is for Woodend who go at present across William DONNEL’S, and the widow SMYTH of Ballymagorry’s farms, and cuts off an inconsiderable part of their farms scarce worth enclosing; McCrREA was going on farther on the road to Ballymagorry, and then branching if off through DONAL’S and SMYTH’S, but to go a shorter way, than at present it does through them which would be a little saving and a better road but we found how that might be saved, for that would cross their land awkwardly and the road be a considerable expense; at present there is a turf road, that goes up to a part of the mill road and is also a mill road for Ballymagorry, which must be kept open. I would think Woodend people should go that way to the mill; the difference would not be great to them and by helping the present turf road they would have by much a better road then they have at present; the turf road wants some help and would be better if some change was made in it.
3 May 1778
James NEWCOMEN of Artagarvan is dead; he left no family but his widow who is with child; he ordered her to have the farm so long as she remained unmaried; when she married the farm to be divided the half sold which with the half of the stock she was to get, the rest for the child; in case of it’s death made some other disposition that I do not remember; his neighbour George HEASTEY and he were to pay £28; the widow is daughter to John SCOTT of Ballymagorry, who wishes that the farm may be kept, and promises to have every proper care taken of it; your Lordship has ordered in some such cases, that there might be no lease, which certainly is the best security for the performance of such wills.
1 Nov 1778
John KERR son-in-law to James WEIR of Greenlaw has bought from William BAIRD a tenement in Ballymagorry that was formerly SAGERSON’S; KERR purposes to live on it.
29 Dec 1778
Samuel SMYTH of Ballymagorry who your Lordship refused before is very importunate about it and was wanting to sell to Joseph SMYTH of Woodend; Samuel is in a large arrear; his rent is £28; Joseph is a very good tenant, I think, pays £7 10s.; perhaps your Lordship would allow them to exchange; I do think such bargains would be for the good of the estates.
29 Jan. 1779
Samuel SMYTH of Ballymagorry who owes a large arrear, and who wanted to sell a part, I advised to exchange with Joseph SMYTH of Woodend his neighbour, who I understand would be able in a little time to pay the difference; Samuel pays £28 and Joseph but £7 10s.
3 May 1811
We have had a severe rain as I ever collect accompanied with thunder. It has done a good deal of mischief to some of the farms in Woodend, Ballymagory and Desart.
24 Feb. 1814
The death of William CONINGHAM who was life in the half of the Donegal leases, and of John McCREA of Ballymagorry who was life in the leases of the manor of Donelong have destroyed their votes. Would your Lordship wish other lives inserted and a registry to be had? Either William HAMILTON of this town or Willliam PATTON or James HUNTER of Sion might answer very well if your Lordship likes. There are several tenements in this town, Patrick Street, Drumnahoe and Ballymagorry which expired at November last. I suppose your Lordship would wish them valued and leases prepared for them for the term of years and the life which are in the leases of their separate manors.
30 May 1814
Robert ALCORN who petitioned your Lordship holds a tenement in Ballymagorry and wishes to give a mortgage on it if your Lordship will permit him, in order to get a sum of money left to his daughter which she would lend him to relieve (?) him out of some difficulties he is in.
21 Aug. 1814
John McCREA’S farm of Ballymagorry sold for £620 to James PORTER of Ballee, a most respectable industrious young man.

Photograph by Gary McMurray
The following articles are transcribed from the Armagh Guardian, Belfast Morning News, Derry Journal, Dublin Evening Packet, Londonderry Standard, Newry Telegraph, and Strabane Chronicle. (unless otherwise noted)
21 Jul. 1827 – died
On Saturday the 7th inst. of a pleuratic fever, Mr Jas. PORTER of Ballymagorry, aged 57 years. The deceased was a man of sterling honesty and unaffected piety, who had greatly endeared himself to a numerous circle of friends by his truly amiable dispositions. A respectable member of the linen trade, he enjoyed the confidence of the most respectable in that branch.
13 Mar. 1838 – Strabane Agricultural Society
On Monday week, the annual ploughing match of this branch took place in a field belonging to Thomas BROWNE Esq., Milltown, Ballymagorry. Twenty well-appointed ploughs started for the premiums, and, from the close competition, it was with difficulty that the judges could decide. In the evening about seventy gentlemen and farmers sat down to an excellent dinner at Sim’s Hotel, served up in his usual good style, the wines excellent. John HUMPHREY’S Esq. provost, presided.
22 Feb. 1840 – Ploughing Match
On Thursday sen., the annual ploughing match of the Strabane Agricultural Society took place, in a field belonging Mr. Thomas BROWN of Ballymagory. Twenty ploughs started, and the work was done in such a very superior manner, that the Judges had great difficulty in deciding upon the merits of the respective competitors. The Marquis of Abercorn, Hon. and Rev. Charles DOUGLAS, Major HUMPHREYS, Captain SINCLAIRE, Captain AUCHINLECK, and a number of gentlemen of the district, were on the ground, and seemed much pleased. The appointments of the ploughs, horses, and the anxiety of the members, shewed the great usefulness of the Society. Mr. BROWN had a splendid lunch laid out for the gentlemen. In the evening, the members of the Society and a number of gentlemen, amounting to nearly 60, sat down to an excellent dinner, at Sims Hotel, served up in the best style,John HUMPHREYS Esq., Provost, in the Chair. The successful candidates were follow:
1. Thomas LOWTHER, Drumaboy
2. Thomas BLAIR
3. William LAUGHLIN
4. William HAMILTON
5. J. KEYS
6. Brian FURRELL
7. Henry S. HAMILTON
8. Wm. M’CREA
20 Apr. 1841 – Married
On Thursday the 7th instant, at Londonderry Cathedral by the Rev. A. Boyd, Mr. William DONNELL, to Elizabeth youngest daughter of Mr. William ADAMS, both of Ballymagorry.
15 Jul. 1845 Destructive Floods in the North of Ireland
Heavy rains continued to fall on Tuesday morning (1st instant) and on Thursday, from noon till near midnight, the clouds poured forth in torrents. The immediate effects of these heavy rains upon the earth, already sufficiently saturated, were the sudden swelling of our tributary rivers to a height far above their ordinary levels, the giving way of their embankments before the impetuous volume of waters, the deluging all the low lying lands and houses, and spreading desolation over a portion of the face of the country. No less than 12 bridges, situated in the parishes of Donagheady and Leckpatrick, have been destroyed and Doherty’s bridge in the parish of Camus has been rendered impassable for carts. Some parts of our leading road to Dublin, between Burndennet and Strabane, were on Thursday night, for some time, quite impassable and the coaches next day had the greatest difficulty in making their way over parts covered with water, upwards of 3 feet in depth. The Urney parks and some fields at the back of Strabane have suffered much by the bursting of the embankment on the Finn. The tallest wheat was completely overflowed and many of the crops lie at present half buried under sand and gravel swept in upon them by the flood and altogether beyond recovery. The potatoes, which suffered submersion, look very badly since the subsiding of the water, and it is a question whether they will turn out a crop. Other fields of potatoes and turnips, which have a sloping direction, have sustained very great injury by the washing away of the most soluble part of the soil. The same remarks apply to the general appearance of those fields along the banks of the Foyle from Lifford to the mouth of Burndennet, which have been overflowed. Several of the streets of Strabane were so flooded as to be impassable by persons on foot and many of the houses inundated. Very serious damage has been sustained at Ballymagory. Mr. Hugh KELLY, a very respectable innkeeper and farmer, at the lower end of the bridge, barely escaped with life. Having reason to fear the rising of the water might do injury to the cattle in his yard, he untied his cows and, immediately after his doing so, the water rolled into his house and yard most furiously and prevented his return into the house for a considerable time. Some idea may be entertained of the alarming state of the flood at Ballymagory, when we state, that we saw the mark which the water, at its highest, left upon the wall of Mr KELLY’S house, and that mark is only about two feet from the eaves. In the recollection of the very oldest inhabitant in Ballydonaghy and thereabout, the floods never before reached such a height by some feet. (Kentish Gazette)
17 Jan. 1846 – Good Neighbourhood
On Friday last a number of the friends and neighbors of Mr. John PATTERSON of Ballymagorry Mills, assembled to give him a day’s ploughing, his having taken the farm of Milltown. Twenty well appointed ploughs met at an early hour and made an excellent day’s work.
17 Jul. 1846 – State of the Potato Crop
We have heard reports of several instances of disease in the new crop having been discovered and 2 such instances in this neighbourhood have come under our own notice, the appearances being such as are not to be mistaken. They occurred in fields of dry and gravel soil, the crops being unusually early ones and the seed having, we believe, been carefully selected. The part attacked exhibits a wart or scab, beneath which there is the mahogany coloured spot of last year. At yet, however, both the leaves and the haulms have the appearance of being perfectly sound. Another perfectly well authenticated case of rot has occurred in a field about a mile from this city at and another Ballymagory, where the whole of Mr. PATTERSON’S garden potatoes present the measled appearance of the diseased ones last year, and are unfit to be given even to pigs.
3 Nov. 1847 – died
On Monday the 18th inst. at Milton, Ballymagorry, near Strabane, Mr. Benjamin BOYD aged 51, after a few day illness. Mr. BOYD is sincerely regretted by a numerous circle of relations and friends.
13 Jun. 1849 – died
At his residence, on Sunday, the 3rd instant, after a protracted and painful illness, which he bore with pious resignation to the Divine will, John PATTERSON Esq., proprietor of Ballymagorry Mills, aged 34 years. His premature demise is not only deplored by his bereaved family, but by all classes of the community in and around the neighbourhood of Strabane, his integrity and upright conduct, in his dealings with his fellow men, having gained for him the respect, esteem, of a very extensive circle of acquaintances.
21 Jul. 1849 – Tyrone Assizes
James BURNS, for having on the 28th of June last at Ballymagorry, stolen a hat, the property Joseph ROBB. The prisoner submitted and pleaded poverty in extenuation of the offense. To be imprisoned 4 months, with hard labour.
10 Aug. 1854 – Octogenarian Bridegroom
On Thursday, the 3rd inst., Mr. John LOGAN of Ballymagorry, Strabane, led to the Hymeneal altar, Margaret, relict of the late Mr. James GAMBLE, of Desart. The bridegroom has completed his 84th year and has now perpetrated matrimony for the 4th time. The bride is about 60, so that their united ages amount to 144 years!
16 Feb. 1855 – married
February 2, in Leckpatrick Church by the Rev. Samuel M’Pherson, Mr. Thomas MOORHEAD, Sla_vally? (Slanvally) to Martha, only daughter of Mr. William BRIGGS, Ballymagorry.
Married 8 Jan. 1855 – William CURTIS age 22, Bachelor, shoemaker Ballymagorry, father George CURTIS, shoemaker, to Mary ROBINSON age 18 Spinster, Ballymagorry, father Joseph ROBINSON, mason
witnesses – George McALAY (?) John ADAMS
26 Oct. 1855 – An Old Nut
We have in our office at present a hazle nut, which was found in a bog belonging to Thomas WHITE, of Ballymagorry, near Strabane, fully 25 feet below the original surface of the bog. This nut is in a state of excellent preservation, the shell being quite hard and close. In a cut-out part of the same bog, many years ago, Mr. WHITE states that on the sides of drain, which had been made for the purpose of carrying off the surface water, shoots of black sally spontaneously grew up in the spring season, and attain to a large size, proving that the roots, though embedded in the bog probably since the flood of Noah, had continued sound during all the intervening time
17 Jul. 1856 – died
In the month of March, at sea on his return from Australia to Ireland. Mr. John PORTER, formerly of Ballymagorry, Strabane, aged 35 years – much and deservedly regretted.
22 Jul. 1856 – Omagh Assizes 19 Jul.
Patrick M’CAUGHEY pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Francis HACKETT on the 16th of February last, at Ballymagorry, near Strabane. It appeared that the deceased and the prisoner had been good friends up to the the of his death, which had taken place during some drinking affray. To be imprisoned for 1 calendar month.
19 Feb. 1857 – Mark of Respect
Mr. Ezekiel DONNELL of New York, while lately on a visit to his relatives in Bailee, having purchased the tenant-right of the large farm of Milltown, Ballymagorry, which he left in the hands of his father. His neighbours met on the 11th instant and with 25 well-appointed ploughs, ploughed nearly all the ground intended for cropping this year. The ploughmen having been abundantly regaled, the owners of the several ploughs partook of the excellent repast provided by Mr. DONNELL.
4 Mar. 1859 – died
February 21, Mr. Wm. BRIGGS of Ballymagorry near Strabane, aged 69 years
20 Jun. 1863 Notice to the Public
In the matter of the estate of the late Hugh KELLY of Ballymagory, deceased, it is requested that all those having claims against the above estate shall furnish their accounts, his affairs are about being wound up, also that those indebted to the said Hugh KELLY, deceased, shall forthwith pay up their accounts. Sarah KELLY Administratrix, or law proceedings will be instituted against them.
3 Oct. 1863 – died
September 28th at Ballymagorry, Mr. William M’GOWAN, aged 75 years.
22 Nov. 1864 – Wanted Immediately
At Ballymagorry Mills, Strabane, Two good ‘Scutchers’ to whom steady employment and liberal wages will be given. None, but first-rate hands need apply. Address Mr. John LYNCH, Woodend, Strabane
6 Jan. 1866 – Melancholy Accident
On Saturday, the 16th ult. a very melancholy occurrence took place near Strabane. Two children, of a man named James HOWARD, residing in a place called Ballymagorry, availing themselves of their parents absence at divine service, entered their father’s flax mill, it is supposed to amuse themselves, but in some manner unexplained (it is presumed lucifer matches) set fire to the mill, and were themselves burned to death before the fire was discovered. One of the little creatures was a boy of six, and the other, a girl of three and a half years.
10 May 1866 – died
At Springfield Cottage, Uddingston, on the 9th inst, Jane Creech, relict of John PATERSON Esq. of Ballymagory, Ireland (Glasgow Herald)
14 Dec. 1867 – Strabane Petty Sessions – Assault
Constable DRURY summoned James KIRK, Ballymagory, Patrick M’MULLIN, Artigarvan and Thomas DOHERTY, Artigarvan, for having assaulted and beaten each other on the 25th ult. in Charles GORMLEY’S public house. GORMLEY was examined in support of the charge and proved that M’MULLIN and DOHERTY were fighting inside the room and that KIRK was keeping the room door closed, so as to prevent any person getting in. The fighters were well beaten. The walls were bespattered with blood. They were each fined £1 and costs.
Refusing to Leave a Public House
Constable DRURY summoned James KIRK, Ballymagory, Michael M’CRORY, and Patrick MULLEN, Artigarvan, for being disorderly and refusing to leave Charles GORMLEY’S licensed public-house when requested to do so by GORMLEY. The former and the latter are the same persons who were found guilty of the assault in the same house and were each further fined in the penalty of £1 and costs.
30 May 1868 – Inquest
Yesterday, at 12 o’clock, an inquest was held before Minchin LLOYD Esq. and a respectable jury, on the body of John JEFFREY, who died suddenly on Thursday morning, in the lodging house of Mr. Hugh MARTIN, Bridge-street. The following facts were testified to at the inquiry-
Alexander JEFFREY (brother to the deceased) examined, deposed – l live in Donagheady. My brother (the deceased) has not been living in the house with me for several years. He was unmarried and lived at a place called Ballymagorry. He was about 55 years of age. The last time I saw him alone was on Saturday week last. He appeared to be in good health at that time. He has been addicted to drink for several years past. To Dr. BABINGTON – l have seen the body. It is the body of my brother. I believe he left home on Wednesday morning at an early hour. He had 2 farms of land, which he sold, and I believe he has expended the money.
Mansfield WHITE (Ballymagorry) examined, deposed – The deceased lived in my house as a boarder for several years, during which time he was very much addicted to drink. He has been frequently away from home for several days at a time, and at last I got so much accustomed with this practice that I did not feel at all uneasy because of his absence.Deceased left my house at 3 o’clock on the morning of Saturday week last, for the purpose, as he said, of meeting some person who, the deceased alleged, owed him some money. I was very much surprised when I heard of his death. To Dr. BABINGTON – Deceased was always a very healthy man.
To a Juror – He was never a quarrelsome man.
Benjamin CUNNINGHAM, examined, deposed – I found the deceased lying on the grass at the edge of the New-road, between Bishop street and Sinclair’s factory He was intoxicated at the time. When I observed him his face was bleeding. I don’t know whether he could walk himself at this time. He asked to be taken to a lodging house and another young man named HASLETT and I brought him to Bridge street. This was about 9 o’clock at night. To a Juror – Deceased said the marks which his face presented were the result of a fall.
Hugh MARTIN, Bridge street, examined, stated – l never knew the deceased before he was brought to the house on Wednesday evening, this young man (CUNNINGHAM) and another boy named HASLETT, brought him into my house and set him down on a form. I said I had no place for him and requested the young men to keep him in charge. I went out afterwards to look for a policeman, in order that he might take care of JEFFREY, but he asked me “for God’s sake not to give him in charge to a policeman” as, if I would, he would be dead before the morning. I then turned round and asked the deceased whether he had any money. He replied, I ought to have some. I then said if you give me a shilling, I will keep you to the morning. Deceased then put his hand into his pocket and pulled out 4d. I asked him if this was all the money he had. Afterwards, I discovered that he had a 1s and some coppers in one of his pockets. I then assisted him up stairs, took off his clothes and put him to bed. I visited him afterwards and found that he was sleeping very well. About 8 o’clock yesterday morning he called for, I believe, “John and Margaret to come and give him a drink.” I got up and brought him a little water. He applied for more and I brought a jug full. He took a good hearty drink and then asked, “Can you get me glass of whiskey.” I asked have you any money and deceased replied “I have none but what you have got.” He then asked ‘for God’s sake’, to get him a glass of whiskey, adding “it will get me on my feet.” I then went down and got him a glass of whiskey. He leaned over in the bed afterwards and I was obliged to leave him, being summoned to attend the Petty Sessions. When I came back from the Petty Sessions, Mrs. MARTIN told me that he was very poorly. I went into the room and found him unable to speak. I hastened then to Dr. BROWNE’S, but the doctor was not at home. The girl told me that I would see the doctor about 5 o’clock in the evening. I left the number of my door, and told the girl if the doctor should come in the meantime to say that I had called and perhaps he would come down. When I returned home again JEFFREY was dying. He expired a short time afterwards.
Dr. BABINGTON examined, deposed – l have examined the body of the deceased and found no marks which would be likely to cause death. I cannot say what was the cause of death. I believe the deceased did not die a violent death, at all events. I believe he died by the visitation of God. The jury returned their verdict accordingly.
25 Nov. 1868 – died
Nov. 22, at Milltown, Ballymagorry, aged 80 years, Ann DONNELL, relict of the late William DONNELL Esq.
12 Dec. 1868 – Notice
All persons indebted to the late John JEFFREY, formerly a resident at Mr. WHITE’S, Ballymagorry, will please settle their accounts with his Brother, Alex. JEFFREY, Maghereagh, Bready. Should Payment not be made on or before the 1st of February next, legal proceedings will be instituted.
6 Apr. 1870 – Elected
William M’CREA was elected as one of the Guardians of Strabane Union for the ensuing year.
9 Apr. 1870 – birth
April 3rd at Milltown, Ballymagory, the wife of Mr. James BRALEY, of a son
20 May 1870 – died
May 11th at his brother’s residence, in Milltown, Ballymagorry, Mr. John GOURLEY aged 59 years.
21 Jun. 1870 – married
June 16th at Second Donagheady Presbyterian Church by the Rev. F. T. Porter, Mr. William WHITE, Milltown, Ballymagorry, to Miss Susan RANKIN of Craighcor.
22 Apr. 1871 – married
April 16th at the Cloughcor Roman Catholic Chapel by the Rev. Bernard M’Carron P. P., Mr. John M’DIVETT of Ballymagory to Miss Nancy LYNCH of Stumpys Brea, Donegal.
6 Dec. 1872 – Matter of the Estate
Pursuant to Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in the Matter of the Estate of Hugh KELLY, late of Ballymagorry, County of Tyrone, Farmer, deceased. Between Hugh KELLY, Bernard KELLY, John CHRISTIE, Bernard M’SHANE, and Elizabeth NEENAN, Plaintiffs; Sarah KELLY, administratrix of Hugh KELLY, deceased, defendant. The Creditors of the said Hugh KELLY, late of Ballymagorry, in the County of Tyrone, farmer and publican, who died in or about the month of January, 1863, are, on or before the 19th day of December, 1872, to send post, prepaid, to John COLQUHOUN, of 12 Hardwicke Street, in the City of Dublin, the Solicitor of the defendant, Sarah Kelly, the Administratrix of the deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, and in the case of firms, the names of the partners, and style, or title of the firm, the full particulars of their claim ,a statement of their accounts, the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; Or, in default, thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Every Creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice Chambers Four Courts Dublin, the 16th day of January, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudicating the claims. Dated this 10th of Nov 1872. A. T. CHATTERTON, Chief Clerk. John MATURIN, Solicitor for the plaintiffs Bowling Green and Newtown House Strabane
25 Mar. 1873 – Destructive Fire at Ballymagorry
On Thursday night last, the extensive flax-mills of Mr. Roderick GORMLY at Ballymagorry, near Strabane, were burnt to the ground. Mr.GORMLY’S caretaker, KELLY, who lives in a house adjoining the mill, when about to retire at 8 o’clock on Thursday evening, was alarmed by an unusual glare in front of the mill. On examination, he found that the upper story’s of the mill, which was 3 storey’s high, were enveloped in flames. KELLY at once entered a portion of the mill in which 9 head of cattle were housed to release them, and had a very narrow escape for his life, as the cattle got so unsettled and frightened by the roaring of the flames and the dense smoke that they crashed against and closed the door which he entered. Had it not been for the prompt arrival of people from Ballymagorry, who lost no time bursting in the door, loss of life would have been the result. By the prompt exertion on the part of KELLY all the cattle were rescued. The scutchers succeeded in saving about 5 tons of cleaned flax and a quantity of long tow, which was stored in the basement of the mill, but a large quantity of flax in the straw, as also about 2 tons of hay and 3 tons oat straw, fell a prey to the flames. Fortunately, by the very prompt exertions of the good people of Ballymagorry, the fire was prevented from extending to the contiguous farm buildings, the loss, severe as it is, would have been much greater. The fire is considered have been the work of incendiary, as no light was used about the mill, which was driven by water-power and at 6 o’clock, when the scutchers quitted their work for the day, all the axles and gearing of the mill were examined and found to be perfectly cool. KELLY, the caretaker on the farm, foddered the cattle at half-past 6 o’clock, using no light of any kind, and left everything perfectly safe. The loss will amount to fully £900 as, in addition to the flax gearing, the mill was also fitted with 3 pair of stones and all the necessary machinery of a corn mill. The premises were not insured.

by Gareth Wray
Please see
18 Apr. 1874 – died
April 12 the wife of Mr. Thomas DOUGLAS, Ballymagorry, aged 48 years
6 Jan. 1875 – died
January 5th at Ballymagorry, Stephen KIRKPATRICK, aged 3 years and 6 months.
8 Mar. 1876 – elected
Hugh AUCHINLECK of Ballymagorry was elected one of the Guardians of Strabane Union for the ensuing year.
25 Oct. 1876 – married
October 19 at Leckpatrick Church, by the Rev. William Edwards, rector of the parish, Mr. Robert M’CLINTOCK, Creatland, to Matilda, second daughter of the late Mr. Robert M‘CAY, Ballymagorry.
19 Nov. 1878 – died
November 15, at Ballymagorry. Eliza Catherine DOUGLAS, the beloved daughter of Thomas DOUGLAS , aged 10 years and some months.
11 Aug. 1879 – died
August 7th, at Ballymagorry, Strabane, Martha M’GOWAN widow of Mr. William M’GOWAN aged 81 years.
23 Jun. 1880 – Strabane Petty Sessions – Assault in Ballymagorry
J. E. C. LAWLOR S I., was the complainant in a case of a violent assault, in which John DOHERTY and Thos. M’GAHEY were the defendants. They were charged with committing a grievous assault on one James PORTERFIELD at the village oi Ballymagorry, on the 12th May last, the fair day in Strabane. Mr. GALLAGHER, solicitor, appeared for defendants.
James PORTERFIELD, the principal witness in the case for the Crown, deposed that he lives in Leckpatrick and was in Strabane fair the 12th May. He left the town to go home about 4 or 5 o’clock in the evening, but was not sure as to the exact hour. He knew he got into the town of Ballymagorry but “being the worse of liquor” was not sure of much else, except that he was there beaten by Thomas M’GAHEY and John DOHERTY. As he understood it, the row began this way. He (witness) caught hold of a horse, and stuck by it, claiming it as his own. Thomas M’NEILL came forward and disputed the ownership, and he had some words with him, when the two men first named came forward and decided the dispute by cutting him on the head, breaking one of his teeth and otherwise maltreating him, in consequence which he was confined bed for 3 or 4 days. In cross-examination by Mr. GALLAGHER witness admitted he was drunk on the occasion and as there was blood on his face when he came into the town of Ballymagorry, he might have scratched his head in the town before leaving.” (Laughter.)
David ANDERSON, public-house keeper in the town of Ballymagorry, stated that he, M’GAHEY, DOHERTY and M’NEILL drove to his house on a car on the evening of the 12th May last. This man PORTERFIELD came and claimed the horse as his own and caught hold of it. M‘NEILL, who was in like condition to that of PORTERFIELD, came up to dispute PORTERFIELD’S right, got a shove from the latter, fell, and lay there until the combat was over. M’GAHEY and DOHERTY then came out. The former caught PORTERFIELD by the throat and struck him, then DOHERTY came forward and struck him also. PORTERFIELD fell and was kicked by DOHERTY, if not by others, when he was down.
Other evidence having been given, His Worship fined both of the the defendants 40s. and costs, or 2 calendar months in gaol. Mr. GLASSE, who had been retained for PORTERFIELD, asked if his Worship would allocate one-third of the fines to the man who had given the principal evidence. Mr. GALLAGHER contended that as PORTERFIELD was neither the prosecutor or the informer, he had not right to any part of the fines. No rule was heard on this.
31 Mar. 1880 Strabane Petty Sessions
David ANDERSON, Ballymagorry, charged James M’CLINTOCK with trespassing on his lands and injuring his fences, on the 29th ult. The defendant did not appear and a fine of 5s and costs was recorded against him.
31 Dec. 1880
Mansfield WHITE of Ballymagorry, Strabane in the county of Tyrone, farmer, was on the 7th December, 1880, adjudged bankrupt.
7 Jan. 1881 – died
January 5th at Three Trees, Annie PORTER only daughter of the late John PORTER of Ballymagorry aged 26 years,
13 Sept 1882 – died
September 10th at Listanna, Jane GOURLEY formerly of Ballymagorry.
28 Sept.1883 – Publican’s Notice
Notice of Application to Quarter Sessions for certificate for Publican’s License
Take Notice that it is my intention to apply at the next annual licensing Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be held at Strabane, in and for the Division of Strabane and County of Tyrone, on the 18th October 1883, for a certificate to entitle me to receive confirmation of a licence to sell Beer, Cider and Spirits by retail, at my house, situated at Ballymagorry and being in the Townland of Ballymagorry, Parish of Leckpatrick and Barony of Lower Strabane in said County. Dated this 13th Sept. 1883.
James M’IVOR, Applicant.
William J. GLASSE, Solicitor for Applicant.
23 Mar. 1883 – Strabane Crown Court -Appeal
The Hibernian Joint Stock Company’s Bank, appellants.
The Duke of Abercorn, respondent.
The action in the County court was an ejectment for non-payment of rent to recover possession of mill premises at Ballymagorry, against the Hibernian Bank of Strabane, brought by the Duke of Abercorn, as landlord. The County court Judge granted a decree for 3 years rent due, amounting with costs to £160, against which the appeal was brought. The premises had been leased in 1837 to a man named Thomas BROWN, for lives, some of which were still existing, or 31 years. The lease contained a peculiar non-alienation clause, binding the lessee that no assignment should take place unless to a solvent and respectable tenant and with the consent of the lessor. In the process of time the premises came into possession of a man named LYNCH, who acquired BROWN’S interest and held the place, paying the rent, but getting into difficulties, he made an assignment to the Hibernian Bank in Strabane. Mr. Thomas LYLE, the then manager of the bank, came to the agent, Mr. M’FARLANE, said he had mortgage on the premises and got the bank accepted as tenants and paid the rent; one year being paid by Mr. LYLE and another by Mr. PALMER, a sub-manager of the bank. The company tried to sell the premises and did convey them to a man named DOHERTY, who, not being a good mark for rent and not having paid the purchase money, was not accepted by the Duke’s agents, who proceeded against the bank for 3 years rent and, as above stated, got a decree of ejectment.
For the defense it was contended that the Banking company were mortgagees and not assignees and that the action must meet the same fate as a similar action brought on appeal before Lord Justice FITZGIBBON, the only difference in the cases being that the defendants were now sued as tenants from year to year and in the former case they went under lease. They were not assignees. LYNCH was a bankrupt and there could be no surrender without giving up the possession and without operation of law. Mr. LYLE had no power to bind a joint stock company, which if he had, should be under their seal. They were only mortgagees by demise and paid rent as mortgagees. His Lordship said that practically this was an attempt to reverse Lord Justice FITZGIBBON’S decision.
Mr. McLAUGHLIN – Not at all, my lord.
His Lordship -There is no surrender by operation of law.
Mr. COLQUHOUN Q.C. – We don’t keep them out of the premises.
Mr. McLAUGHLIN – That is a cool proposition to get rid of £160.
His Lordship – Reverse the decree.
Mr. McLAUGHLIN Q.C. – A dismiss without prejudice ?
His Lordship – Certainly.
Counsel for appellants – Mr. COLQUHOUN Q.C., instructed by Mr. P. GALLAGHER Strabane.
Counsel for respondent Mr. McLAUGHLIN Q.C. instructed by Mr. W. WILSON, Strabane.
6 Apr. 1883 – Case of infanticide at Ballymagory
An apparently very cruel case of infanticide has just come to light having happened in the village of Ballymagorry, near Strabane. From the facts which are up to the present in the possession of the authorities, it would appear that a girl named HAMILTON, in the service of a man named DONNELL, living on the outskirts of the village, was some time ago delivered of a child, which was shortly after buried in a hole excavated out of the earthen floor, under a bed. After having been there for some time, it was exhumed and carried off to the wood belonging to Mr. SINCLAIR and buried again in a hole or rabbit burrow. It was found there by the police, Head Constable HARBINSON and Constable STEVENSON, and brought to the police station in Strabane. The body is in semi-decomposed state, there is a fracture on the skull with other marks of violence. The police are still investigating the affair for the purpose of an inquest, which will be held shortly and the police are in search of the mother.
10 Aug. 1883 – Hugh MAGUIRE’S Sales
Monday Aug. 13th Valuable leasehold farm 21 Acres, Rent £23; Oats and Potatoes, for Representatives of Mr. Stephen KILPATRICK, Ballymagorry, 11o’clock a.m.
19 Sept. 1883 – Scutchers Wanted
wanted immediately, a few good scutchers 4s. per cwt. for well cleaned flax. Apply to John BROLLY Ballymagorry Mills, Strabane.
13 Mar. 1885 – died
March 10th at her residence, Ballymagorry, Sarah, wife of James ANDREWS aged 58 years.
5 May 1885 – died
April 22, at Ballymagorry, Thomas PATTERSON aged 52 years
4 Jun. 1885 – died
May at her residence, Ballymagorry. Maria the beloved wife of John BRIGGS aged 73 years
10 Apr. 1885 – Leckpatrick Church wardens Elected
At a meeting of the general vestry of this parish held on Easter Monday, the Rev. A. G. STUART, Rector, in the chair; the following church officers were appointed;
Mr. William M’MICHAEL of Killynaught
Mr. Thomas PATTERSON of Ballymagorry
Select Vestry
William H. M’CREA
William BRIGGS
William M’KAY
James P. WHITE
Parochial Nominators
Mr. Wm. H. M’CREA
Mr. Wm M’KAY
12 Jul. 1886 – law Reports High Court of Chancery division
Today the case of Moore v. KILPATRICKcame or for the purpose of having a construction put upon the words the will of one Stephen KILPATRICK, a fanner who resided at Ballymagorry, County Tyrone, who died the 5th July 1883, leaving a considerable amount of property. By his will he bequeathed to his daughter, Mary Jane KILPATRICK, £130; his daughter, Margaret KILPATRICK, £130; and to daughter, Rebecca KILPATRICK, £130; these sums to be paid one year after his death by his wife, Margaret, to whom he left the residue of the estate, but who, in the event of her marrying again, was to leave the place and to receive one shilling. A difficulty arose on the construction of the will whether the sums should be out of the real or personal estate of the deceased, it being contended on behalf of the widow that the moneys were not intended to paid out of the real estate and she accordingly prayed that the real estate might sold. The case having been fully argued, The Master of the Roll delivered judgment and said he had no doubt that the words of the will were intended to apply both to the real and personal estate and that the testator’s intention was that of the entire real and personal estate. He would accordingly grant a decree for sale.
Mr. HARTE (instructed by Mr. DICKIE) appeared for the plaintiff.
Mr. BELL (instructed Mr. Alexander BELL) for John KILPATRICK, heir at law.
Mr. MANDERS (instructed by Mr. WILSON) appeared for the defendant, Margaret KILPATRICK.
19 May 1891
In the Goods John M’GOWAN, late of Ballymagorry Strabane in the County Tyrone. Farmer. Desceased. Pursuant to the Act 22d and 23d Victoria cap. X 35, Notice is hereby given that all creditors and persons having any claims or demands against the estate of the said John M’GOWAN, who died on the 10th Apr. 1891, at Ballymagorry aforesaid, are hereby required, on or before the 1st day of July next, to send in the particulars of their claims and demands in writing to the undersigned. Solicitor for Mrs. Agnes M’GOWAN of Ballymagorry aforesaid, the lawful widow of deceased and one of the executors named in his will, who duly proved same and obtained probate thereof 14th May 1891, forth of the Londonderry District Registry of the probate and matrimonial division of the High Court of Jutice in Ireland. And notice is hereby also given that after the said day the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard the claims which she shall then have notice above required. Dated this 18 May 1891 Robert Henderson TODD, Waterloo place Londonderry
15 Mar. 1893 – Strabane & Lifford petty sessions
Joseph WHITE, a respectable-looking young men, was charged at the instance of the Inland Revenue authorities with carrying a gun at Ballymagorry on the 2nd February. Mr. W. O. WILLS, supervisor, Londonderry, prosecuted. The defendant pleaded guilty. Mr. WILLS said he understood defendant had only purchased the gun recently and was practising at target. Defendant said he was on ground which was in his own possession. He had taken out a licence since. The magistrates imposed the mitigated penalty of £2 10s, with a recommendation that the penalty be further reduced to 10s.
11 Oct 1893 – marriage
Oct. 5th at Leckpatrick Church by the Rev. Robert Burroughs, B.D., rector of the parish, William BRIGGS, Ballymagorry, to Jane, youngest daughter of the late Robert M’CAY, Ballymagorry, Strabane.
6 Jul. 1894
Eugene DOHERTY was an assistant in the public-house of Arthur M’COLGAN at Ballymagorry.
19 Jun. 1895 Strabane & Lifford Petty Sessions
District – Inspector DUNLOP charged Mrs. M. M’GHEE, publican, Ballymagorry, with having her licensed premises open for the sale of liquor on Sunday, 2nd inst. Three men were charged with being on the premises. After evidence, Mr. P. GALLAGHER, who appeared for the defence, said the public house had been open to supply bonafide travellers and when Mrs. M’GHEE was in the bar, the 3 men walked in behind her back to the kitchen. The chairman said the majority of the Bench considered there was not sufficient evidence to convict the defendant, and the cose was dismissed.
28 Dec.1894 Strabane The Wind
The wind blew with hurricane force from the south-west on Friday night. Nothing like it has been seen here for twenty-seven years. When day dawned on Saturday morning the town presented a miserable appearance, every street being strewed with debris, everywhere being covered with slates, lime, bricks, and broken glass. Several plate-glass windows in large business concerns were smashed to pieces with the wind, which was accompanied by a heavy downpour of rain. The magnificent new cover of the grain market was blown off its supports and broken. Mr. M’ILWAINE, Commercial Hotel, had the end blown off one of his stores in Railway road. Several private houses lost their roofs. At the Great Northern railway station the passenger bridge, which spans the line, lost it’s covering, the zinc sheeting having been blown sixty or seventy yards down the line, while the engine-house is one mass of ruins. The 6:45 train from Londonderry did not arrive here till about 10:45 – three hours and twenty-eight minutes late – as the line was blocked with trees which were thrown across the rails here and there. At the Donegal Railway terminus the new zinc sheds were torn to pieces, while in another part, the engine was completely buried beneath its shed and could not be got out, so that another had to be sent for to Stranorlar to take out the first train. Another serious drawback was the telegraph wires, which were all down, so that communication had to be effected by messengers on post-cars. There was also a great deal of damage done in the country. Farmers had their oats, hay, and flax scattered over the country, besides the roofs were clean off their outhouses, and their cattle left standing in the walls. Ballymagorry Mills suffered greatly, as the greater portion of the roof was carried away. The splendid new recreation hall, built by Messrs. HERDMAN & Co., of Sion Mills, for their employees was entirely divested of its roof, the mill itself did not escape either, considerable damage being done to the roofing. A report has reached here from Douglasbridge, a village about three miles distant, that a serious accident took place there during the storm. It was reported that a tree was blown down and fell on a house, crushing it and killing two of the inmates.
22 Apr. 1896 – married
April 19, at Magheracolton, Eliza, relict of the late Thomas DONNELL, Ballymagorry, aged 87 years.
13 Nov. 1896
Nov. 10th at Milltown, Ballymagorry, John MOORE, aged 85 years, formerly of Massachussets, U.S.A. His remains will be conveyed from his late residence to Leckpatrick graveyard this Friday morning, 13th inst., at 10 o’clock. Friends will please accept this the only intimation. The Brethren of the Masonic Order are earnestly requested to attend the funeral of their late departed brother.
8 Oct 1898 – died
October 3 at Ballymagorry, Mrs. Margaret M’LAUGHLIN
2 Nov. 1898 Strabane Board of Guardians
Dr. TRIMBLE reported on a case of typhoid fever in Ballymagorry and one of typhus in Strabane.
15 Feb 1899 – died
February 12, at Ballymagorry, Strabane, Samuel YOUNG aged 60 years.
19 Aug. 1899 – married
August 13 at St. Columb’s Roman Catholic Church. Waterside, Londonderry, by Rev. Joseph M’Keefry C.C., Mr. Edvard DEVLIN, Ballymagorry, to Matilda, daughter of Mr. James M’CLOSKER, Newbuildings
21 Oct. 1899 Alexander WEIR Auctioneers, Valuer, Cattle Salesman
– Thursday 2nd November lettings at 10 o’clock at Ballymagorry, and 11 o’clock at Ballydonaghey for the executors of Mr Daniel M’SHANE, deceased.
24 Mar. 1900 – died
March 22nd at Ballymagorry, Mrs. ANDERSON aged 48 years.
5 Apr. 1900 – married
March 1st at Cartsdyke Episcopal Mission hall, Greenock, by Rev. A. Fielden, Alexander GIVEN to Rebecca, second daughter of Mr. James WILLIAMSON, Ballymagorry, Strabane.
1 May 1900 – petty sessions
District Inspector DUNLOP charged John M’LAUGHLIN of Ballymagorry, for unlawfully selling intoxicating liquor and keeping open his premises for the sale of same on Good Friday during prohibited hours. Mr. GALLAGHER, who appeared for the defendant, objected to having half a dozen charges on one summons. He wished to know which of the charges the police elected to go upon. District Inspector DUNLOP said they declined to go upon any one charge. The police were open to make these charges and then after the hearing of the cases the magistrates could decide upon what charge they would convict.
Sergeant LEYDEN deposed that on Good Friday he was at Ballymagorry about 8 o’clock in the evening. When he got as far as John M’LAUGHLIN’S public-house he stopped there a few seconds before the backdoor. Mr. M’LAUGHLIN came to the door and when he saw witness he tried to shut the door, but witness put his hand to the door and walked inside, where he found Patrick ROGAN of Milltown, who told witness he had come for a bolt for a wheel-barrow. There was light in the shop. Witness asked ROGAN if he had got any whiskey and he told witness to search him. On witness examining ROGAN’S pockets he found a tumbler with about a quarter of a glass of whiskey in it. M’LAUGHLIN asked witness, as this was Good Friday, to say nothing about the matter. Witness went into the shop, where he found a tumbler containing porter and a glass of cider. Inside the counter there was a porter bottle. The house should be shut at 7 o’clock p. m.,on Good Friday and this was about eight. M’LAUGHLIN appeared to have drink taken.
The defendant deposed that he gave ROGAN a treat, but that there was no money taken for it. He gave it to him at his own expense. ROGAN , who is a miller, stated that he was making a barrow for M’LAUGHLIN and on his way home from his work that evening he called at M’LAUGHLIN’S house for some bolts for the barrow. M’LAUGHLIN treated him while he was there, and had lit the lamp in the shop to get it when the sergeant came in. Witness put the tumbler in his pocket, as he was afraid of the sergeant. Mr. GALLAGHER said what M’LAUGHLIN did was within the law; he treated a private friend at his own expense. There was no sale, nor any money taken. The magistrates dismissed the case.
6 Jul. 1900 – law Reports Before the Master of the Rolls.
In the Matter of the Estate of Bernard M’SHANE, deceased.
William WARD plaintiff
Daniel M’SHANE, John PHILLIPS and Rev. Samuel CONNOLLY, executors of the will of Daniel M’SHANE, jun., deceased, defendants.
This was a suit by Wm. WARD, nephew of Bernard M’SHANE, deceased, to administer the estate of his uncle, the said Bernard M’SHANE, deceased, who died on the 16th July 1892. The plaintiff’s contention was that the deceased, who succeeded his father, Daniel M’SHANE sen., who died about the year 1865, held in common with his brother, Daniel M’SHANE jun., of whose estate the defendants are executors, a farm in Ballydonaghey and out of the profits thereof bought two other farms, one in Ballydonaghey and the other in Ballymagorry and that Bernard M’SHANE having died intestate the plaintiff, as his nephew, was entitled to a share of the three farms.
Mr. ROSENTHAL B.L. opposed the motion and relied on an affidavit made by two of the defendants, Messrs. John Phillips and Daniel M’SHANE, which denied that the farm in Ballymagorry and another farm in Ballydonaghey were purchased out of the profits of the original farm in Ballydonaghey. The affidavit set forth that the Ballymagorry farm was purchased by Daniel M’SHANE jun., on the 6th January 1873, from Bernard KELLY of Ballymagorry, with monies of his own and that he also acquired the second farm at Ballydonaghey independent of his brother Bernard and that the original farm was freehold and passed to Daniel M’SHANE jun., as heir-at-law. The defendants alleged that Bernard M’SHANE never made any claim to either of these farms and in support of this they referred to the rent receipts.
The Master of the rolls, after hearing the case at considerable length, refused the motion and referred the matter to the County court judge to take an account of any chattels which Bernard M’SHANE deceased, might have been entitled to at the time his death. Mr. M’LOONE B.L. for the plaintiff.
15 Jan. 1901 died
January 13th at the Manse, Ballymagorry, Rev. Robert MITCHELL, aged 70 years. His remains will be removed for interment in the graveyard of Ballylennon, on tomorrow, (Wednesday) 16th inst., at 11 o’clock a.m. Friends will please accept this the only intimation.
15 Nov. 1902 The Late Mr. Thomas CHRISTY, Ballymagorry
The death of Mr Thomas CHRISTY, Ballymagorry, took place at his residence on Sunday evening November 2nd, after a brief illness. During the coarse of what proved his last illness Mr CHRISTY was attended by Dr BOYD, Lifford. who spared no effort on his part to save his life, but despite all that medical skill and science could suggest, the patient passed peacefully away, fortified by the rights of the Catholic Church. Father CONNOLLY, the esteemed pastor of the parish, was unremitting in his ministrations, having visited him frequently during his illness. Deceased belonged to a very old and highly respectable stock of people – the CHRISTY of Glenmornan. His brother, John CHRISTY is and was for almost half a century a leading spirit in every Catholic and patriotic movement. Deaceasd married into a respectable family some years ago and leaves a wife and family of small children to mourn his lose. The very large and respectable funeral, which took place on Wedleaday, 5th inst., evidenced in a marked degree the sorrow, sympathy and respect for the deceased and his family. Requiem Mass celebrated by Father CONNOLLY, and after the offertory, which was very large, had been taken up, the rev. celebrant made a few appropriate references to the virtuois life and holy death of their departed friend. One would have thought but a short time ago that deceased had before him a long and useful life. But God, in his wisdom, decreed otherwise, and as his family and friends mourn the loss today of one who was an exemplary father and husband. He had made friends with everyone with whom he was in contact, by his honest straightforward and kind-hearted disposition. Though an exemplary Catholic and ardent Nationaliat he was tolerant with others who differed from him. The numbers of all creeds and class a who followed his mortal remains to the family burying-ground, Glenmornan, bore unmistakeable evidence that the death of Mr CHRISTY was keenly felt and the apathy with his relations genuine. Fathers CONNOLLY and KERLIN officiated at the grave.
Some of those who attended;
Daniel M’ANAW
Bernard HONE
Thomas QUIGLEY Sr. Thomas QUIGLEY jr.
Patrick O’BRIEN
Robert MOORE
Thomas LOGUE
Edward KIRK
Thomas DEVINE, James DEVINE, Patrick DEVINE, Mrs DEVINE, Woodend
James LOUGHRY, Strabane, William BRIGGS
Francis DEVINE
James ROWE
Michael GRAHAM
Francis LARKIN
Thomas KELLY
Patrick BEGLEY
Daniel M’NAMEE
Edward LOGUE
Philip CONNOR jr.
James KIRK, Patrick KIRK
Daniel M’SHANE
William DECRY
Patrick MAGEE
Bernard KELLY
James M’HALE, John M’HALE
Philip LOGUE, William LOGUE
Patrick DEVINE, Michael DEVINE
Bernard DEVINE
16 Mar. 1903 – died
March 11th at Farmhhill, Ballymagorry, Sarah, the dearly-beloved Thomas BROWN, deeply regretted.
28 May 1904 – died
May 25th at his father-in-law’s residence, Farmhill, Ballymagorry, John Patrick CREIGHTON, late colour-sergeant 5th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Old Donegals).
17 Sept. 1907 Tyrone votes
The Unionists claimed for James Thomas PYFFE, Ballymagory, who was objected to on the ground that he was an alien. Claimant stated that he had been in America for a number of years, but never took out any papers in the United States. He was born in Ireland.
To Mr. GALLAGHER – His father was a naturalised American citizen and witness had a right to vote on his papers when he became of age. He had voted in America.
The revising Barrister – By virtne of your father being a citizen did you become a citizen? I would be when I became of age. Mr. SIMMS – did you swear allegiance to the United States? No, I did not. The claimant said he had voted twice in Ireland. The case was held over. (Northern Whig)

Photograph by by G. McMurray