Ballykelly is a village and townland, in the Manor of Walworth, County of Londonderry; it is 3 miles west of Limavady and 15 miles east of Derry City. Ballykelly was originally laid out as a Plantation settlement by the London Livery Company called the ‘Worshipful Company of Fishmongers’. The Company was granted lands at Ballykelly and Banagher (including Ballyhanedin), Co. Londonderry by the Crown. It remained a major landowner there until the 20th century.

a village in the parish of Tamlaght Finlagan, barony of Kenaught, county of Londonderry and province of Ulster; 3 miles W. by S. from Newtownlimavady containing 290 inhabitants. This place, with the lands around it, was granted by Jas. I, on the plantation of Ulster, to the Fishmongers Company of London, who in 1619, erected a large and handsome castle, the custody of which, was entrusted to James HIGGINS Esq., who had a garrison of 40 able men, with arms for its defence. The estate was held under lease from the company, by the HAMILTONS and BERESFORDS from the year 1628, till the death of Geo III, (1820), when it reverted to the company, who immediately commenced improvements on an extensive scale.
The village is situated on the road from Londonderry to Coleraine and contains 67 houses, of which the greater number are handsomely built. The proprietors have built in it several very neat cottages, a large and handsome meeting-house, in the Grecian style of architecture for Presbyterians in connection with the Synod of Ulster, an excellent dispensary, with a very good house for a resident surgeon, and large and substantial school rooms, with residences for the master and mistress, and various other improvements are in progress in, and around the village. Nearly adjoining are several large and handsome houses, the principal of which, are Walworth, the residence of the Rev. G.V. SAMPSON; Walworth Cottage, of Major STIRLING; Drummond, of A. SAMPSON Esq; and Finlagan, of the Rev. O. McCAUSLAND. Walworth was built by the BERESFORDS in 1705, and occupied by that family till the death of Geo. III; the woods around it contain some of the finest timber in the county and are among the most extensive in the north of Ireland. Corn stores have been built; and a market for grain is occasionally held. A penny post from Londonderry, to this place, has been established. Close to the village, is the parish church of Tamlaght Finlagan, a small but handsome edifice with a large square tower, surmounted by a lofty octagonal spire; and here is a Presbyterian meeting-house, a spacious and handsome edifice of the first class. Near the church are the ruins of Walworth castle, erected by the company in 1619; and adjoining are the ruins of a church, built by the HAMILTON family in 1629. (A topographical dictionary of Ireland: comprising the several counties …By Samuel Lewis 1840)

This photograph is in my possession. My ancestor, Andrew DUNN (b. Ballyskeagh Co. Tyrone) inherited Foyleview Farm, Ballykelly, from his Aunt Margaret ROBINSON (nee DUNN)
The following are transcribed & compiled by Teena from the Belfast Newsletter, Coleraine Chronicle, Derry Journal, Londonderry Sentinel, & Saunders Newsletter (unless otherwise noted)
28 Jan. 1778 2nd Desertion
From his Majesty’s 3rd Regiment of Horse (or Carbineer’s)
David SHEARER, about 29 Years of Age 5 feet 11 inches high, without Shoes, by trade a ship carpenter, born in the village of Ballykelly, in the County of Derry; his wife and family are now hiding at Drumraighlin, within a mile of Ballykelly he had on when he deserted, a plain red frock, with white cloth coller, white cloth Waistcoat and white shagg breeches, the number of the regiment on the buttons and his regimental silver laced hat. Whoever secures said deserter in any his Majesty’s jails or guard houses shall receive five Guineas reward by applying to Sir William MONTGOMERY in Dublin, to the commanding officer at Kilkenny, or to Cornet MORRIS of said Regiment, now at Derry.
5 Jan. 1830
On Saturday last, a man at Ballykelly on going out to fowl was requested by his brother to wait to assist him in killing a pig, and in order to comply with the request, he laid down his gun, which one of his nephews took up, and, presenting it at his sister, somehow touched the trigger, when, melancholy to relate, the piece went off and shot the head completely off the child!
22 May 1830 In the matter of John MONTGOMERY, an insolvent
The several creditors of said insolvent are required to meet at the house of Samuel LIMROCK, at Ballykelly, in the County of Londonderry, publican, on Monday, the 7th Jun. next, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, in order that they, or the major part in value of them, may consent to, or dissent from, the commencement and prosecuting of proceedings at Law, for the recovery of any debt, or debts due, to the estate of said insolvent. Dated this 19th May, 1830. Samuel CLARKE, assignee of said insolvent
13 Aug.1830 Londonderry assizes
James HAMILTON, John DELAP and John MOORE were charged with stealing sheep, the property of Mr. D. CATHERS near Nt. Limavady; not guilty – The same three were charged with stealing a winnowing cloth and sacks, the property of George LIMERICK, of Ballykelly, on Jth July; DELAP guilty, the others not guilty.
9 Aug. 1831 – married
At Ballykelly Church, on Thursday last, by the Rev. R. McCausland, Rev. William DYSART, eldest son of John DYSART Esq. of Londonderry, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Thomas LECKEY Esq. of same city.
25 Oct. 1832 Melancholy Accident by Drowning
On Wednesday, the 10th instant, two brothers, John and Brice GILMOUR, of Ballyspallen, in the parish of Tamlaght- Finlagan, had laden their boat with shells on the Isle, a little above the canal of Ballykelly, in Lough Foyle, and were both found drowned next morning, a short distance from each other. It is not known how this took place, but it is conjectured some one of them had fallen out, and that on the other attempting to save him, both went to the bottom. (Northern Whig)
6 Apr. 1833 Baptist Schools
The Rev. James ALLEN, of Sligo, one of the agents for the Baptist School Society for Ireland, will preach on Sunday, the 14th, at twelve o’clock, in the Rev. Mr. DILL’S Meeting-house, Ballykelly. A collection will be made in aid of the Baptist schools after the sermon. Londonderry Sentinel
28 Oct. 1833 married
On the 15th inst. by the Rev. Richard Dill, Mr. James COCHRANE of Ballykelly to Esther, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert M’FARLAND of Ballyspallan, Co.Londonderry.
15 Apr. 1834 – married
On the 7th inst. by the Rev. Richard Dill, Mr. Jas. KERNS of Londonderry, cooper, to Miss Sarah M’CLARNON, (or M’CLAMON ?) of Ballykelly.
12 May 1835 – married
On Thursday, the 7th instant, by the Rev. Richard Dill of Ballykelly, Samuel PEERY Esq., to Mary Anne, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Oliver MARTIN, Culmore.
15 Aug. 1835 Wanted for the Walworth Flour Mills
A steady man to act in the capacity of clerk and book-keeper. None need apply who cannot produce the most satisfactory testimonials as to character and competency. For further information apply at the Mills, or if by letter (post paid) addressed to Mr. Jacob LIVINGSTON, Ballykelly, Walworth,
23 Dec 1837
On the night of Friday, the 8th instant, some young men assembled at the house of John MARTIN in the neighbourhood of Ballykelly, where they were amusing themselves with a dance, there having been a quilting there during the day, which, as is customary, ended with a dance. Nothing whatever savouring of party occurred on the occasion; the fidler was a Roman Catholic, and several of that persuasion mingled indiscriminately with the Protestants (who, by-the-bye, were only ten in number) and seemed equally to participate in, and enjoy the amusement. Between 10 and 11 o’clock, however, the Ribbonmen, at a given signal, left the house, but returned in about half an hour, with a strong band of their accomplices to wreak their vengeance on the unsuspecting Protestants who remained behind. They amounted to upwards of 80 and were armed with pistols, swords, and various kinds of bludgeons. Some of the party entered the house, and 3 individuals whose names we are acquainted with, but which for obvious reasons we shall not mention at present, who appeared to act as ringleaders, without the slightest provocation, cursed the Protestants, and ordered them to retire from the house. Before this imperious mandate could be complied with, they were set upon and beaten and they had no sooner gained the outside than they were knocked down with sticks, and otherwise maltreated by the ruffians stationed at the door for the purpose. MARTIN himself, and other members of the family, were beaten, and even some of the females were knocked down and brutally kicked and abused by those sanguinary miscreants. Some of the Protestants were seriously injured.
25 Dec. 1838 – died
On the 4th inst. at his residence in Drumaconny, near Ballykelly, Mr Daniel M’FARLAND, in his 77th year.
29 Jan. 1839 – died
On the 17th inst. having completed his 21st year, Mr- Robert Gordon DILL, second son of the Rev. Richard DILL, of Ballykelly. The deceased was distinguished for his high intellectual endowments, and endeared to all by his amiable qualities and engaging manners. He had just finished the preparatory course of his legal profession and was about to undertake its arduous and responsible labours, having resolved to regulate every movement of his life and to conduct every cause upon the unerring basis of the law of God, when summoned to the court above.
29 Feb. 1840 – married
On the 18th inst. by the Rev. Mr. Dill, Ballykelly, Thomas HENDERSON Esq. Ballylagan, to Matilda, second daughter of Wm. M’CLOY Esq., Nead
21 Mar. 1840 – died
On the 9th inst. at Lisnakelly, in her 45th year, universally esteemed and regretted, Jane, the beloved wife of the Rev. Ricbaid DILL, Presbyterian Minister of Ballykelly.
25 Mar. 1840 To be Let or the Interest of the Lease disposed of.
That house in Main Street formerly occupied by the late Robert GIBSON in perfect repair and fit for immediate occupation of a tenant and decidedly the best situation for business in Newtown. The shop fixtures may be had at an evaluation. Apply Mr. LANE’S office or P. H. HARTE executor, Ballykelly.
6 Jul. 1841 – married
On the 1st inst. by the Rev. Richard Dill, Mr. John SMITH, wollendraper, Newtownlimavady, to Catherine, youngest daughter of the late Robert DUNN Esq. Ballykelly.
23 Nov. 1841 – married
On the 11th instant, by Rev. Richard Dill, of Ballykelly, Elizabeth Jane second daughter of Mr. Oliver HUME, Corndale, Myroe, to Mr. Jas. SHERRARD, near Dungiven.
12 Mar. 1842 (this following letter was presented during a Parliament by the Presbyterian Church on the subject of Mixed Marriages- Presbyterian Ministers not allowed to marry a Presbyterian & a Church of Ireland) (The letter is dated-) 7 Jan. 1828
Rev. and Dear Sir. George MILLIS of Ballykelly wishes to be married by you, to Esther GRAHAM, of your congregation, and you will much oblige me if you will gratify their mutual desire, whenever most convenient to you.Francis BURROWS
19 Jul. 1842 – married
On Thursday, the 14th instant by the Rev. Richard Dill, of Ballykelly, Mr. William PATCHELL of Walworth, to Miss Isabella, daughter of the late Mr. D. M’FARLAND, of Drumacony
13 July 1843 – married
On the 4th instant, in Tamlaghtfinlagan church, Henry WIGGINS Esq. of Muff, Co. Donegal, to Elizabeth,only daughter of Marcus Dill Esq M.D. of Ballykelly.
10 Nov. 1843 – married
November 7th in Ballykelly Church, by the Rev. John Olpherts, John L. ROBINSON Esq., Diamond. Monaghan, to Hannah, eldest daughter of the late Patrick LITTLE Esq. of Dungiven
15 Mar. 1845 – married
at Ballykelly Church on the 6th inst. by the Rev. Redmond M’Causland, Michael HUNTER Esq. M.D. M.R.C.S.E. Newtownlimavady to Adele eldest daughter of Monsieur David Frederick Petit PIERRE, Neuchatel Switzerland
29 Mar. 1845 – married
On the 20th inst., the Rev. A. Buchanan, Mr. Ross SELFRIDGE, Ballykelly, to Miss Rebecca TENNENT, of Coolkeeragh.
5 Apr. 1845 – died
On the 30th ult., at Walworth, Ballykelly, aged 77, Mrs. SAMPSON, relict of the late Rev. G. V. SAMPSON, Rector of Aghanloo.
3 May 1845 – married
On the the 29th ult., in Ballykelly Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Richard Dill, Mr. Benjamin IRWIN, Moneygranald, to Miss Elizabeth M’CULLEY, Ballyspallen
31 May 1845 Arrest of an Old Offender
On Tues. the 20th inst. Constable Noble HILLIARD, of the (Muff Co. Derry) police, succeeded in arresting, at Port Glasgow, John DOHERTY, a notorious character, who infested this neighbourhood, and committed several robberies. DOHERTY was imprisoned in our county jail, some time since, for robbing a man in Newtown Limavady of £16 and after this offence, he robbed a person in this city £3 7s. 6d.; since which time, all trace of him was lost, although a vigilant search was instituted by the police. It appears, however, that, on the 23rd March, he put up in a lodging-house in Ballykelly, under a feigned name and during the night, eloped, carrying with him a great quantity of wearing apparel. Information of the robbery being conveyed to the Muff police and suspicion alighting on DOHERTY, a warrant was immediately granted Major YOUNG and Constable HILLIARD and sub-Constable CLIFFORD succeeded in arresting him, as stated above, and he is at present confined our county jail, for trial at the ensuing assizes.
22 Nov. 1849 – married
November 13, at Ballykelly, the Rev. Robert GAULT Minister of the Second Presbyterian church, Killyleagh, Co. Down to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late John COLHOUN Esq. of Leck in Co. Derry
27 Dec. 1854 – died
At Ballykelly on the 18th inst. the Rev. Richard DILL. (Dumfries and Galloway Standard)
12 Apr. 1858 – died
March 29, at Ballykelly, Tom CASEY and Tom CONNOR, each aged 86, born in the same week, and died on the same day, and within the same hour. The former was a pensioner of the line, and the latter an old “man-of-war’s-man”.
28 Oct. 1858 – married at Glendermott Parish Church of Ireland
Andrew DUNN, single, farmer of Ballykelly, father John Dunn, farmer (of Ballyskeagh Co. Tyrone) to Margaret ADAMS, single, of Primity, Glendermott, father David ADAMS. Witnesses William ADAMS, James DUNN
27 Jan. 1859 – died
– January 22, at Drummond, Ballykelly, of acute congestive bronchitis, Arthur SAMPSON Esq., J.P., agent for the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, London, aged 64 years.
-January 16, at Carnamuff, Ballykelly, Jane, relict of the late Wm. MORRISON, at the advanced age of 102 years.
21 Apr. 1876 – married
April 18, at Tamlaghtfinlagan Church, by the Rev. George Smyth, rector of the parish, Henry HAIRE Esq., Northern Bank, Limavady, to Elizabeth Alexander, daughter of James CHURCH Esq. barrister-at-law, Oatlands, Limavady
1 Jun. 1878 – married
May 30, at Tamlaghtfinlagan Church, the Rev. George Smith, incumbent, James COOKE, Limavady, to Rebecca Maria, daughter of E. WATSON, Rose Cottage, Limavady
9 Nov. 1886 – married
Nov. 4th at Tamlaghtfinlagan Church, Ballykelly, Co. Londonderry, Major Arthur S. H. GEM, Royal Sussex Regiment, Frances G. A., daughter of the late Mr John LAWRENCE of Magherafelt. (St James’s Gazette)
9 Mar. 1901 – died
March 4th at his residence Foyle View, Ballykelly Andrew DUNN, aged 70 years.

15 Mar. 1901 – Death of Mr. Andrew DUNN, Ballykelly
Mr. Andrew DUNN of Foyle-view, Ballykelly, surrounded by members of his family, died at his residence recently, at the age of 72 years. Deceased, early in life, settled in Ballykelly and followed farming pursuits, being very successful in all his business transactions. He owned a large tract of land, which, from year to year, he cultivated in a thorough up-to-date manner. The late Mr. DUNN belonged to the Methodist body and was an office bearer and class leader, in the local Methodist Church . He was frequently elected by the Derry district as representative to the Irish Methodist Conference, being previously nominated by the quarterly meeting of the Limavady district. He was one of the few, still remaining, who worshiped in the old Methodist Church near the railway station, which still stands as a memorial of early Methodism in Limavady. He leaves a family of sons and daughters. One of the former one belongs to the medical profession, and has a wide and growing practice in England. The second son manages the large and extensive farm, and is possessed of all his father’s good qualifications. One of his daughters is at present in South Africa, and was, with her husband, closed up in Kimberley during the siege. Some months ago, during the progress of a fierce gale, deceased went out to close some office doors and from a stairway, he either slipped, or was blown off, and sustained several injuries from which he never recovered, being confined to his bed from the night of the accident, until his death. The affection in which he was held consequent upon his kind, generous, and feeling character, was amply demonstrated on Thursday at noon, at his funeral, by the presence of almost all the inhabitants of Ballykelly and district for many miles around, including a number of friends from Limavady, without distinction of creed or class. A few minutes after the advertised hour the coffin was borne from the house to the hearse, and the mournful procession slowly moved towards the place of interment, Ballykelly New Church Burying ground.
Here the grave was beautifully laid out, being bedded with moss, &c. The chief mourners were; Dr. DUNN (Sowery Bridge), and David DUNN (sons), John DUNN, Strabane (uncle), J. LOVE and W. COLHOUN (sons-in-law), R. J. DUNN, John DUNN, A. SMITH, Rev. Wm. SMITH (Belfast), and A. DUNN. The general public was largely represented. Rev. Martin HYNES, Limavady, and the Rev. Mr. M’GAHEY, Strabane, conducted an impressive burial service.
Wreaths were sent by the following; His children, Mrs. FERGUSON, Mr. and Mrs. PHILLIPS and family, Miss Bella LINDSAY and the pupils of Miss BRACKEN’s school. The coffin was of oak, richly polished, with a chaste design of brass furnishing, supplied Mr. Robert ROGERS undertaker, Limavady, and the hearse was supplied Mr. W. WILSON.
14 Jun. 1902
On Friday morning Mr. PURSER, chief inspector of the National Board, opened an inquiry in the Female National School, Ballykelly, into the matter of placing the new school, which has been held in the lecture hall of the Ballykelly Presbyterian Church, under the National Board and the circumstances relating to the dismissal of the teacher (Mrs. Wm. FORGRAVE) were investigated, but the proceedings were conducted in private, neither press, nor public, being admitted. The enquiry, which has created great interest in the locality, was continued on Saturday, when further evidence was taken and statistics of attendance gone in to. Mr. William HORNER (solicitor), a trustee, appeared to support the proposal. Rev. Canon FORDE, manager of the old school, was to have been represented by Mr. LEECH (Coleraine), who, however, was not permitted to take any part in the enquiry.
28 Feb. 1903 – married
February 20, at Tamlaghtfinlagan Church, Limavady, by the Rev. Canon Forde LL.D., assisted by the Rev. T. W. Benson, B.A., William, eldest son of Adam HOUSTON, Coleraine, to Mary, second daughter of Robert MacDONALD, Heagles, Ballymoney.
3 Aug. 1905
Mr. Aston ROBINSON, son of the late Rev. W. C. ROBINSON, M.A., Ballykelly was received by the Presbytery as a student for the ministry.
14 Sept. 1905 – married
September 12, at Tamlaghtfinlagan Church, by the Archdeacon of Derry, assisted by Rev. F. Nelson, Rector of Tempo and Rev. E. Nelson, Rector of Grange, brothers of the bridegroom, Howard Arthur NELSON, barrister-at-law, to Frances Dorothy, daughter of the Rev. Canon FORDE LL.D.
8 Jun. 1907 – Echoes from Ballykelly
Margaret BRYSON, an old and respected resident, crossed the bourne at a ripe old age this week. Her remains on Tuesday morning were interred in the Roman Catholic burying ground, Ballykelly. A respectable representation of friends attended the funeral. Deceased was well known to the older generation and loved to recall the happy and flourishing days in and around Ballykelly before the Fishmongers Company sold out their estate.
13 Jul. 1916 Soldiers wounded
Private RODDEN Ballykelly, Inniskillings, wounded
Private NICHOLL, Ballykelly, Inniskillings, wounded.
15 Jul. 1916 Rank & File
Private Robert WHYTE Ballykelly, Royal Irish Fusiliers, wounded and missing.
Private R. M’FALL, Ballykelly, Royal Irish Fusiliers, wounded.
Private Joseph WARKE, Ballykelly, Royal Irish Fusiliers, wounded.
(Northern Whig)
1 Aug. 1916 Death of Mr. John W. DRENNAN
Many of our readers in the North-West district will learn with sincere regret of the death of Mr. John W. DRENNAN, of Carse Hall, Limavady. Deceased, who was one of the most prominent and progressive agriculturists in Ulster, had been in failing health for about 6 months, and the news of his death caused a widespread feeling of regret. A native of Ayr, Mr. DRENNAN came from Scotland over 50 years ago, and devoted himself to the drainage and development of a large tract of slob land, which had been reclaimed from Lough Foyle. In this he succeeded admirably, as is now evidenced by the splendid crops which his farm produces. He was an excellent judge of farm stock and took a deep interest in the affairs of the North-West Agricultural society, being the vice-chairman the Executive Committee. As member of session and committee of Second Limavady Presbyterian Church, he took a keen interest in its affairs. He was a member of the Limavady technical instruction committee and of the North Derry Unionist association. With the widow, a daughter of the late Mr. James CHERRY, Thornhill, Ballykelly, and her 4 sons and 4 daughters, there will be the deepest sympathy in their great bereavement. One of the sons is Lieutenant DRENNAN, at present serving in France with the 10th Battalion (Derry U.V.F.) Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. The funeral takes place today to the Ballykelly church burying ground at noon.
19 Sept. 1916 -died
At the residence of her son-in-law, Henry IRWIN, Limavady, Matilda Miller, widow of Robert BOYD, Waterside, Londonderry. Her remains will be removed to Ballykelly church burying ground tomorrow (Wednesday), 20th inst, at twelve o’clock. Funeral private, by request.
27 Feb. 1917 Soldier Jumps from Train
Private John M’GLADE, of the Royal Irish Fusiliers, who was a passenger on Friday evening on the train leaving Belfast at 3.30 for Londonderry, jumped out of the compartment between and Carrichue, while the train was rapid motion. A search was made and a couple of hours later he was found in Ballykelly village apparently none the worse for his adventure. M’GLADE, who was returning to Clonmany, was placed under arrest.
31 May 1927 – died
May 30 1927, at her residence, Ballyspallen, Ballykelly, Co. Londonderry, Catherine Dunn only surviving daughter of the late James Dunn. Funeral to Ballykelly Parish Church tomorrow (Wednesday) 1st June, at 11 o’clock. no flowers (by request).
Births Registered in Ballykelly
LDS film #101125 pg. 987, Births registered in Ballykelly Union of Newtown Limavaday.
#358 – 1 April 1866 – James, son of Joseph McLAUGHLIN (labourer) and Mary MULLIN of Tartnakelly,Tamlaght Finlagan. signed by father’s mark.
#359 – 18 April 1866 – Sarah Ann dau. of James KANE (carpenter) and Sarah Ann BEATTIE of Glack, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by Mary BEATTIE
#360 – 5 April 1866 – David son of Andrew DUNN (farmer) and Margaret ADAMS of Ballykelly Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father.
#361 – 10 April 1866 – Robert son of Thomas Adam (farmer) and Margaret NEELEY of Largy, Carrick, signed by father’s mark.
#362 – 30 April 1866 – Robert son of Daniel TIGERT? (labourer) and Sarah
MULLIN of Killibleught, Beneon, signed by father’s mark.
#363 -1 May 1866 – Samuel son of Alexander WILSON (labourer) and Mary DEVLIN of Templemoyle, Beneon, signed by father’s mark.
#364 – 2 May 1866 – James son of William BEOLLY? (farmer) and ? McKINLEY of Glebe, Faughanvale
#365 – 19 April 1866 – Ellen dau. of James CONNOR (public house keeper) and Sarah McKINNEY of Faughanvale, signed by father.
#366 – 26 April 1866 – William son of Phillip (?) (labourer) and Hannah McLAUGHLIN of Drumnacarney, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father’s mark.
#367 – 10 May 1866 – Sarah Jane dau. of George THOMPSON (farmer) and Ann RITCHEY of Moyer, Ritchey signed by father.
LDS Film #101175 Births Registered in the District of Ballykelly Union of Newtown Limavady.
#244 – 1 Nov. 1868 – David son of John (?) (shoemaker) and Eliza IRWIN of Drumraighland Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by the mark of Catherine (?)
#245 – 26 Oct. 1868 – William, son of William James O’HARA (labourer) and Catherine McCARTNEY of Bolie, Faughanvale signed by father.
#246 – 13 Nov. 1868 – William son of Samuel HUMES? (labourer) and Martha NICHOL of Dromore, Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father.
#247 – 16 Nov 1868 – James son of David MULLIN (labourer) and Margaret LOUG of Ballyderg, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father’s mark.
#248 – 17 Nov. 1868 – Margaret Jane dau. of James ? (first sentcher) and Margaret IRONS of Bovevagh, Bovevagh. signed by father.
#249 – 25 Nov. 1868 – Samuel son of Andrew MOOR (carpenter) and Mary Ann ALLISON of Killylane, Faughanvale.
#250 – 29 Nov. 1868 – James son of James MOORHEAD (first sentcher) and Peggy Jane DALE of Terry?, Tamlaght Finlagan
#251 – 26 Nov. 1868 – Nancy dau. of James MULLAN (carpenter) and Mary Ann HOLMES of Ballymaring? (Ballymacran?), Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father.
#252 – 10 Nov. 1868 – Grace dau. of William DOGHERTY (labourer) and Susan McLINCHEY? of Tullyveny, Faughanvale signed by mark of Martha KAVENAGH.
#253 – 8 Dec. 1868- Ellen dau. of Robert SMITH (shopkeeper) and Charlotte McCRAKEN of Templemoyle, Bovevagh signed by mark of Eliza HAMILTON.
LDS film #101190 page 909, 1869 BIRTHS- registered in the District of Ballykelly, Union Newtown Limavady.
#356 – 15 July 1869- Anne Mary, dau. of Andrew DUNN (farmer) and Margaret ADAMS, of Ballykelly, Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father,
#357 – 24 July 1869 – Robert son of David Mc? (farmer) and Matty OGILBY of Minegallagher, Faughanvale, signed by father.
#358 – 21 July 1869 – Samuel son of William NICHOL (dealer in fowl) and Nancy SMITH of Carlaragh, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father.
#359 – 24 July 1869 – Elizabeth dau. of Robert BURNS (labourer) and Elizabeth CURRY of Greysteel, Faughanvale signed by mark of Jane BURNS of Killylane
#360 – 12 Aug. 1869 – Mary Moor dau. of George GALLAWAY (labourer) and Isabella MOOR of Dromore, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by mark of Jane STEWART of Claggan
#361 – 8 Aug. 1869 – John son of Sarah BIGGER (no father listed) of Ballyderg,
Tamlaght Finlagan signed by mother’s mark.
#362 – 5 Aug. 1869 – Mathew son of John MILLER ( farmer) and Elizabeth MILLER of Drumraighland, Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father.
#363 – 15 Aug 1869 – William son of John MULLAN (farmer) and Elizabeth BREESON? of Carrick, Bovevagh signed by father.
#364 – 12 Aug. 1869 – Maria dau. of John DOUGLAS (farmer) and Jane DUNN of Mulkeeragh, Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father.
#365 – 8 Aug. 1869 – Andy son of Andy HARPER (servant) of Templemoyle and Nancy DIVINE of Tullyveny (not married), signed by mother’s mark.
LDS film #101200 page 997- 1870 Births – District of Ballykelly, Union of Newtown Limavady.
#431 – 24 Jan 1870 – John son of John CONNOR (labourer) and Mary DOGHERTY of Loughermore, Faughanvale signed by father’s mark.
#432 – 16 Jan 1870 – Sally Jane dau. of James KING (farmer) and Mary HOOD of Dunlade, Faughanvale signed by mother’s mark.
#433 – 1 Feb 1870 – Bridget dau. of George DIVEN? (farmer) and Mary Ann CURRAN of Bolie, Faughanvale signed by father.
#434 – 25 Jan 1870 – Sarah Jane dau. of Edward Hampson? (farmer) and Ellen MURRAY of Bolie,Faughanvale signed by mother’s mark.
#435 – 9 Feb 1870 – Martha dau. of John RITCHIE (labourer) and Sarah McFALL of Culmore, Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father.
#436 – 15 Feb 1870 – Matilda dau. of John DUDDY? ( labourer) and Mary Ann CAMPBELL of Ballykelly, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by mark of Margaret CAMPBELL of Coolagh.
#437 – 6 Feb.1870 – Martha dau. of David REA (farmer) and Nancy STEWART of Glenconway, Bovevagh signed by William RAY- occupier- Glenconway.
#438 – 9 Feb 1870 – William son of William THOMPSON (station master) and Mary Ann HOPKINS of Carrickhugh, Faughanvale signed by father.
#439 – 7 Feb 1870 – Joseph son of Thomas ADAMS (farmer) and Margaret NEALY of Largy, Tamlaght Finlagan,signed by father’s mark.
#440 – 6 Feb 1870 – Mathew son of James MILLER (carpenter) and Mary MILLER of Drumraighland, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father.
LDS film #255818 pg. 1003 – 1871 BIRTHS- District of Ballykelly- Union of Newtown Limavady
#143 – 28 Apr. 1871 – Mary dau. of John LORING? (farmer) and Martha CONNOR of Straw, Bovevagh.
#144 – 16 Apr. 1871 – Sarah Moorhead dau. of Andrew DUNN (farmer and Margaret ADAMS of Ballykelly, Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father.
#145- 14 Apr. 1871 – Susanna dau. of James McDADE (first sentcher) and Susanna MURRAY of Glebe, Faughanvale, signed by father’s mark.
#146- 2 May 1871 – un-named female- dau. of Paul SHERRARD? (farmer) and Rebecca FERGUSON of Drumraighland, Tamlaght Finlagan signed by father.
#147 – 13 Apr 1871- Eliza dau. of William PATCHELL (farmer) and Rebecca PATCHELL of Ballyspallin Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father.
#148- 24 Feb. 1871- Thomas son of Thomas HARA (labourer) and Nancy DUDDY of Killywool, Faughanvale, signed by father.
#149 – 26 Feb. 1871- Edward son of William MULLAN (farmer) and Mary Ann DUFFY of Magheramore, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by mother’s mark.
#150 – 6 May 1871- John son of Joseph LOUGHLIN (farmer) and Essy HYNDMAN? Of Ardinarive, Bovevagh, signed by mark of Eliza Janet LOUGHLIN.
#151 – 4 Apr. 1871- Margaret dau. of William James PATCHELL (farmer) and Mary Jane PATCHELL (formerly?) of Carnamuff, Faughanvale, signed by father.
#152 – 8 May 1871- John son of William THOMPSON (balcksmith) and Martha McLAUGHLIN of Dromore, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father’s mark.
LDS film # 255893 page 882- Births 1873 1874, District of Ballykelly, Union of Newtown Limavady.
#89 – 25 Dec. 1873 – Mary Jane dau. of Hugh GORAMLEY? (farmer) and Matilda McGUIRE of Coolagh, Faughanvale, signed by mark of Mary HARKIN.
#90 – 25 Dec. 1873 – Tiloa? Jane, dau. of James GUY (labourer) and Nancy GLEN? of Ardinarive, Bovevagh, signed by father’s mark.
#91 – 1 Jan. 1874 – Isabella Jane dau. of Andrew DUNN (farmer) and Margaret ADAMS of Ballykelly, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father.
#92 – 13 Feb. 1874 – un-named male, son of James Alexander GEORGE (farmer) and Rebecca Jane GRAHAM of Carnamuff, Faughanvale, signed by father.
#93 – 21 Jan. 1874 – James son of John SMYTH (coachman) and Elizabeth WISKE?, of Ballykelly, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father.
#94 – 21 Jan. 1874 – Rebecca dau. of James MORRISON (labourer) and Eliza CLARKE of Ballykelly, tamlaght Finlagan signed by maggy MORRISON.
#95 – 2 Feb. 1874 – James son of James MILLER (farmer) and Mary ATKINSON of Sistrakeel, Tamlaght Finlagan.
#96 – 29 Jan. 1874 – Sarah dau. of John CONNOR (farmer) and Rebecca McCLELLAND of Bovevagh, Bovevagh signed by father.
#97 – 2 Feb. 1874 – James son of John WALKER (shoemaker) and Mary Jane WALKER of Milkeeragh, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father.
#98 – 14 Feb. 1874 – Mary Jane dau. of Robert SIMPSON (labourer) and Anne Jane HUTCHESON of ballykelly, Tamlaght Finlagan, signed by father.

Turning towards the landward side – some reclaimed land protected by the flood defense wall. Binevenagh is in the distance. Photograph by John Purvis