Aughnacloy- Description, Poem & News

Aughnacloy a market and post-town, in the parish of Carrenteel, (Carnteel) barony of Dungannon, county of Tyrone and province of Ulster, 16 miles (S. E.) from Omagh and 75½ (N. N. W.) from Dublin; containing 1742 inhabitants. This place, which is on the confines of the county of Monaghan, is situated on the river Blackwater and on the mail coach road from Dublin to Londonderry. The town was built by Acheson MOORE Esq., who also erected the parish church and it is now the property of R. Montgomery MOORE Esq., his descendant: it consists of one principal street of considerable length, from which three smaller streets branch off and contains 365 houses, of which the greater number are thatched buildings, although there are several good houses of brick, roofed with slate and in the immediate neighbourhood are several Gentlemen’s seats.
The market is on Wednesday and is very well attended and fairs for live-stock are held on the first Wednesday in every month. There is a convenient market-house. A constabulary police station has been established here and petty sessions are held every alternate Monday.
The church, a spacious and handsome edifice, was erected in 1736. There are a R. C. chapel, and places of worship for Presbyterians in connection with the Synod of Ulster, and for Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists. The parochial school is supported by the archdeacon and there are three other schools. At Garvey, one mile distant, is a very valuable mineral spring, which has been found efficacious in dyspeptic and cutaneous diseases; it is enclosed within a large building, and near it is a house affording excellent accommodation to those who frequent it for the benefit of their health. Dr. Thomas CAMPBELL, author of Strictures on the History of Ireland, was a native of this place.
transcribed from the Topographical Dictionary of Ireland by Samuel Lewis 1849

photograph courtesy of MartinMcAlinden
Although the mailing address of St. Mary’s RC Church is 19 Caledon Rd, Aughnacloy BT69 6HX U.K. The church is located on Moore Street.

It is located at the south end of the town
179 Moore Street, Aughnacloy,
Co. Tyrone, BT69 6AR
Some of the Methodist Ministers who Preached or were on Trial at Aughnacloy-
ABRAHAM Thomas 1890 & 1893
BARNES George 1877
EDWARDS James 1877
FRASER (FRAZER) James 1879
GEALE Robert 1868
GILBERT John 1862
HICKEY Thomas 1838
HUGHES James 1848
JOHNSTON John 1896
LUDLOW William 1882
MEYER Robert J. 1844 & again in 1855
ORR James 1893
RUTLEDGE Andrw. M. 1874
STOREY Wilson J. 1875
VANCE George 1847
WAUGH J. C. 1879

Photograph and comments courtesy of Kenneth Allen
It has a very wide street for an Ulster town – Cookstown is another town with a wide street. Acheson Moore was said to have laid out the town much as it is today. Although he was a landlord he was also a secret Jacobite and designed some of his fields and hedges to the west of the town in the shape of a huge thistle. This was not discovered until the advent of aerial photography…….The circular part of the thistle was always referred to locally as the Racecourse as that is what it was shaped like. Unable to rename it “Mooretown”, he had to settle for naming the main street “Moore Street”, and the side streets Sydney, Lettice and Henritta (now Ravella Rd), after his three wives.
Sweet town among the meadows green,
I sing this lay for thee.
Thy beauty and thy kindliness,
Would more demand from me;
Had I the pen of Homer great,
Who sang of famous Troy,
My efforts best should be expressed
For thee, sweet Aughnacloy.
As when I roamed thy verdant plains
My heart still clings to thee,
On mem’ry fond each trace remains
Of what you were to me,
Thy men and boys are manly still.
Thy daughters chaste and coy,
The cream of Erin’s womanhood
Are thine, sweet Aughnacloy.
And many in a foreign land,
Both think and dream the same;
It broke their heart, from thee to part,
Dark sorrow on them came.
For safe return they fondly yearn,
It did their lives destroy,
to leave their homes and friends so dear,
In beauteous Aughnacloy.
’Tis not a silly childish love
The love I bear for thee,
I knew you in my early life
And still you’re dear to me,
No other place on earth’s broad face
Brings such delight and joy;
How sweet the mem’ry of the days
I spent in Augbnacloy!
Nor is it that by splendid streets
Built up of mansions grand.
It opens there a vista rare
To ornament the land,
For houses bold, of stone are cold
Where hearts beat not with joy
No house is cold, ’tis palace old
In kindly Aughnacloy.
There every face a smile doth grace
All give a welcome bland.
Sincere the friendship of this town
For heart doth follow hand
And friendship elsewhere all the world
Is gold with much alloy
When likened to the sterling worth,
Of friends in Aughnacloy.
The still Blackwater’s noiseless wave
Sweeps through thy meadows fair
The odour sweet of scented flowers
Perfumes the summer air;
Not half so fresh the spicy breeze
Of East; it would annoy
Compared in freshness to the winds
That fan sweet Aughnacloy.
The greenwoods that beyond it stand
Of old historic fame.
Still add their grace to this fair place
And lustre to the same.
While fertile fields with fruitful yields
Bring peace, content and joy to all
the hearths and homes, so dear,
In cheerful Aughnacloy.
Let other towns in Ireland
Grow great in wealth and name,
Content and peace are ill allied
To lucre, pelf and fame;
Enslaved by gain they wear a chain,
Their friendship would annoy,
But ’tis not so with those who dwell
In friendly Aughnacloy.
May sweet content and happiness
Be with you night and day,
May love and friendship in thee dwell
And from thee never stray,
May virtues rare bless homesteads there.
For virtue bringeth joy,
May God still bless with happiness,
The homes of Aughnacloy.
When grass shall cease on meads to grow
And waters upwards run.
When dull, cold earth in summer time,
No more shall feel the sun.
When this fond heart within my breast
Shall know nor grief, nor joy,
Then I’ll no more remember you,
My long loved Aughnacloy.
Dromantee September 1903;
Poem transcribed from the Derry Journal Fri. 2 Oct. 1903

Photograph Courtesy of Colin Boyle
The following are transcribed by Teena from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Belfast Morning News, Derry Journal, Dublin Evening Post, Dublin Weekly Register, Londonderry Sentinel, Newry Telegraph, Saunders Newsletter & the Tyrone Constitution. (unless otherwise noted)
Tue. 6 July 1784 -Theft and Reward Offered
Whereas on the night of the 14th inst. June, a Horse, the property of John LAIRD of Aughnacloy, near Brookborough, in the county of Fermanagh, was feloniously stole from said lands of Aughnacloy, by Geo. ORR of Lisolven near Brookborough, aforesaid and whereas the said George ORR sold said horse in Strabane and was arrested by the Provost of said town, on suspicion of his having stolen him and committed him to the custody of the Constable of said town, from whom said ORR made his escape. Now the undernamed persons being desirous to bring the said ORR, who has been a notorious thief for some years past, to condign punishment, do promise the sums annexed to our several names respectfully, any person or persons who shall within 6 calendar months from the date hereof, apprehend the said ORR, and lodge him in any of his Majesty’s gaols in this kingdom, so as he may be prosecuted to conviction. Said ORR is about 22 years of age, 5 ft, 5 or 6 in. high, with fair hair and fair complexion, sloop shouldered: has an impediment in his speech and is a well looking young man; is left handed: when he made his escape he wore a drab coloured coat, round hat and purple worsted stockings; is by trades, glazier, painter, and shoemaker. Given under our hands, this 30th day of June, 1784
(the following contributed towards the reward)
Marton DIXON

Located in Barrack Yard, off Moore Street.

23 June 1785 – Lands to be Sold to the Highest Bidder
Drumconner and Lisnagleer co. Tyrone, containing upwards of 200 English acres of choice grounds, exclusive of a very large turbary. Said lands will be out of lease at Nov. next; are immediately under the See of Armagh. They are situate within 4 miles of Dungannon, 4 of Stewartstown and 8 of Aughnacloy. all remarkable good market towns, also a Chiefry of 8£. yearly for ever, issuing out of the lands of Leck, near Glasslough, in the co. Monaghan; the tenant bound to pay said chiefry has 100£ out of said lands of Leck of profit rent. Also the lands of Little Forrest in the Co. Dublin and within 6 miles of the City, held by lease of lives renewable for ever, upon payment of a fine at the fall of a life, of 11 guineas, set at present of a yearly profit rent of 32£ profit rent and at Nov. next out of lease. For particulars concerning said lands of Forrest, application to be made Mr. Rich. ECHLIN N. P. Bride street. For information concerning the title to any of said lands, apply to Mr. Samuel MITCHEL att. Abbey St. or Mr. Dan. Moor ECHLIN Att. No. 22 Pilllane Dublin
Proposals will be received by Col. Alex. MONTGOMERY of Rosefield, near Monaghan (?) Mr Ja. NEVIN Tullyglush near Tynan. The purchaser or purchasers to be declared 1st of July next, ¼ part of the purchase money to be deposited at the time of the sale and the remainder at the execution of the deeds.April 14th 1785
N.B The several persons indebted to the late Ar. ECHLIN of Feltourm, Esq. or his widow, Mrs. Anna Marie ECHLIN of the city of Dublin, dec. are hereby desired immediately to pay in to said Col. MONTGOMERY or Mr. NEVIN the several debts due by them. Otherwise the most expeditious method will taken to call in the same.
Thur. 4 Oct. 1787 – Ready Money Auction
to be sold at Roscavey the entire Household, Furniture Stock and Farming utensils the property of late James GALBRAITH Esq. dec. The sale to commence on Monday the 8th Oct. next, and continue till all are sold. Approved bills on Dublin, at 31 days sight, will taken as cash for any sum exceeding 10£. The Mansion house and Demesne, containing above 60 a. of arable land, with sufficient turbary, will be let for 7 years, from the 1st Nov. next. It is situated within 6 miles of Omagh, 5 of Fintona and 9 of Clogher. Application to be made to the Rev. Rev. George GALBRAITH Aughnacloy; Samuel GALBRAITH Esq; Omagh; William NOBLE Esq. near Clones, or to John GALBRAITH at Roscavey, Any person taking the House and Demesne, may be accommodated with hay, corn and turf, at a valuation. September 15, 1787.
Thur. 29 July 1790 – A Partnership Dissolved
The Partnership formerly carried on by James IRWIN and James FALLS in the Hardware business, under the firm of IRWIN and FALLS, is now dissolved. All accounts respecting the House will be settled by James IRWIN. Aughnacloy.
2 Mar. 1793 General Post Office Dublin, 28th Feb.1793
Whereas the Post boy conveying his Majesty’s mail of letters from Ardee to Collon, was stopped about 9 o’clock last night, by 2 armed men, within 2 miles of Collon, who robbed him of said mail, containing the following post bags for Dublin, viz. Aughnacloy, Carrickmacross, Omagh, Ballybay, Strabane, Coot-hill, Derry and Monaghan.
Notice is hereby given that whoever shall apprehend or cause to be apprehended, both or either the persons who committed the said robbery, shall be entitled, upon conviction, to a reward of 100£ for each; or if either person, whether an accomplice in said robbery or knowing thereof, shall make discovery whereby the said robbers, or any of them, shall be apprehended and convicted, such person so discovering, shall be entitled to said reward of 100£, for each. By command of the Postmasters General, John LEE, Sec.
Tues. 14 June 1796
Tuesday last, Mr. Thomas CALDWELL of Aughnacloy, a surgeon in His Majesty’s Navy, was after the usual examinations, admitted a licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons.
27 Dec. 1797 – A Partnership Dissolved
The partnership formerly carried on between William IRWIN and Robert STEWART of Aughnacloy, under the firm of Stewart and Irwin, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by said partnership will be paid by Wm. IRWIN and all debts due to said partnership, to be received by said Wm. IRWIN Aughnacloy 15th Dec. 1797
11 Dec. 1798 died -At Aughnacloy, County of Tyrone, on his way to Dublin, the Hon. John EARL of Portarlington, Col. of the Royal Reg. of Queen’s County Militia. His Lordship was raised to this title from that of Viscount Carlow in the year 1785. (Oxford Journal)
29 Mar. 1803 died – In Aughnacloy, William ATKINSON, surveyor of excise.
5 October 1805 married At Aughnaclo,y Wiliam MAZIER Esq. to Miss CURRY
28 Dec 1805 – Notice
Creditors of Thomas FINDELETER, late of Aughnacloy, county Tyrone, brewer, dealer and chapman, bankrupt, are desired to take notice, that the Commissioners named and authorized in and by the Commission awarded and issued against said bankrupt, have appointed the 22nd day of January next, for a final dividend of said bankrupt’s estate and effects, on which day all persons having claims on said bankrupts estate are desired to come in and prove the same, otherwise they will lose the benefit said commission.
7 June 1806 – To be sold or let
The Interest in a House Offices garden and Farm containing 12 acres of excellent land, whereon upwards of 2000 forest trees were planted and registered 5 years ago. Twenty-four years of the lease is yet unexpired. The situation would be most eligible for a linen draper, being on the great Mail Coach road from Dungannon to Armagh, one and a half miles from the former and 8 from the latter, 6 from Stewartstown, 10 from Cookstown, 9 from Aughnacloy, 16 from Monaghan, 16 from Lurgan, and 12 from Glasslough; all good Market Towns. Possession may be had the 1st of November next. For further Information application to be made to Robert TENNANT on the Premises. N. B. The Purchaser may accommodated with 6 -8 acres more land, if required.
12 Jul. 1806 Married- On Monday, the 7th inst. Mr. George BLACK, Colerain, merchant, to Miss MOORE of Drummont? near Aughnacloy.
1 Sept. 1806 – Bankrupt’s Sale
In the Matter of Thomas FINDELATER, a bankrupt. To be sold by Auction in the town of Aughnacloy in the County of Tyrone, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday the 10th day of October next, the following leasehold interest part of the Bankrupt’s property.
A lease from the Right Hon. Somerset Earl of Belmore of the lands Ahenis, near Caledon, County Tyrone containing 239 a. 2 r. 3p. Irish Plantation Measure, at the yearly rent of £479, 3s. 3d. from 1st Nov. 1802, for 3 lives, two of them in being; in which lease is contained a covenant of re-assumption on the part of the lesser, at the end of 21 years.About 71 acres of those lands are set during the continuance of the Commissary Department, the remainder to several Tenants during the original lease and produce profit rent of £105, 17s. 3d. exclusive of Houses to Commissary General, £250. The Purchaser of this concern will be entitled, on Government giving it up, to the beds, bedsteads, pots, tables, Forms, racks, mangers, &c. then on the Premises, A lease from Thomas FORSYTHE Esq. renewable for ever, the Town of Aughnacloy the yearly rent of £20 10s. per anum consisting of the following denominations:
3 small houses on the Main Street, Set for ever £20 10s
one House Set to Barrack Board £20
Malt House and Stores to Commissary General, £100
One plot of bog to William HADDEN £2 5s 6d
Bankrupt’s dwelling house and Offices.
The Purchaser to deposit one-fifth the purchase money at time of Sale, and the remainder in approved bills, payable in Dublin at 91 days; the Assignments to be executed when the Bills are paid. For further particulars, inquire of Francis MACARTNEY No. 4 North Cope street Dublin, Agent to said Commission; John WHITTLE, merchant, Belfast; or James FALLS, of Aughnacloy, the Assignees; in whose hands may be seen the rent-rolls and title-deeds. N. B. The Commissioners named in said Commission, have appointed the 11th November next for receiving further proof of debts and ordering a Dividend of said bankrupt’s estate and effects.
24 Sept. 1806 Persons who have taken out Certificates for Killing Game
11 Apr. William CURRY, Aughnacloy
17 Aug. Edward MOORE Aughnacloy
10 Sept. 1807 died At Aughnacloy, Mrs. NICHOLSON, wife of Lieutenant NICHOLSON, Dublin Militia.
5 Jan. 1808
Letters from Ireland mention that Government is making preparations for giving due reception to the French, should they attempt an invasion. Four camps are to be immediately formed in various parts of Ireland, vis. Athlone, Aughnacloy, Bandon and Strabane, each of which is to consist of 15,000 men besides yeomanry. (Kentish Gazette)
3 Mar. 1808
A few days since, Capt. F. SMITH, of the Royal City of Dublin Militia, quartered at Aughnacloy, put a period to his existenee, by shooting himself through the head with a pistol. By his demise, his brother-in-law, Lieutenant-Colonel SANKEY, has got an an accession to his property of 1,500£ per annum. (The Sun)
23 Sept. 1809 died
At Ahenis, near Aughnacloy, aged 27 years, Mr. Wm. O-d (?) HUGHES, second son of John HUGHES, late of this city, (Belfast) merchant, deceased.
16 May 1810
On Wednesday night last, as James WILSON and John HOUSTON were returning from the market of Aughnacloy, in crossing the Black Water, at a place called the Newforde, near Caledon, they had missed the shallow part and were unfortunately drowned – both have left families to deplore their loss.
2 Jan 1811 – Stolen
Stolen Saturday night, the 29th Dec. inst.out of the stable of David MITCHELL of the townland of Mullan-Grieve-Lough near Carnteel Parish of Aughalue Tyrone. A Roan Mare weighty with Foal; black Mane and Tail; bay head and black Legs; about thirteen hands high and five years old: value for 14 Guineas. Whoever returns said Mare to the owner, as above, or gives information where she may found, to Mr John BEGGS Aughnacloy, shall receive one guinea reward, or for Mare and Thief, prosecuting to conviction, ten pounds Sterling.
2 Nov. 1813 married – Wednesday sen’night at Aughnacloy, in the county of Armagh, Edmund FREEMAN Esq. Captain in the West Suffolk Militia, to Miss Margaret HUGHES, the youngest of William HUGHES Esq. of Co. Wexford
23 Aug. 1813 Omagh Assizes
Patrick CONLAN, Charles CONLAN and -(left blank) CONLAN, (three brothers, all very young men) were indicted for burglariously entering the house of Wm. ROSS, near Aughnacloy, with intent to rob him. The Prosecution was supported chiefly by the evidence of two elderly women, the sisters of Wm. ROSS.
One of them swore that prisoner’s together, with a fourth person, came into the house when part of the family had gone to bed; but she was in the kitchen with a maid servant; she told them she knew them and bid them begone; they had no disguise; Patrick CONLAN then demanded her money, and fired a pistol at her and the maid; and then a scuffle ensued in which the old lady, with no other weapon than a three legged stool, maintained a stout combat with Patrick; the others having prudently retreated; in the meantime, Wm. ROSS, (an old infirm man) and his other sister, being roused from bed came to the assistance of the first; and Patrick was soon beaten out.
The first witness clearly identified all the prisoners; the others only identified Patrick CONLAN; they lived within a short distance of ROSS, who was known to be wealthy, and had at that time a large sum money in the house, which the robbers missed.
On the part of the prisoner’s, an alibi was set up by the evidence of the father, their two sisters and a maid servant, the three last of whom slept in a bed in the same room with that where the three prisoners slept, and swore they did not go out the night of the robbery nor could have done so without their knowledge. The jury however, found them guilty and Judge FLETCHER after a suitable address, immediately pronounced sentence of death.
2 Sept. 1814
The public are indebted for a valuable discovery Mr. Thomas FALLS of Aughnacloy, and Mr. BROUGH (an English Gentleman of the first abilities, as a Mineralist and Engineer), who have, for a considerable time past, under the most discouraging circumstances, but most flattering prospects, persevered with unremitting assiduity, until at length they discovered what they so long sought for and which have outstripped their most sanguine expectations.
Mr. FALLS , at times, claims the highest admiration for his enterprising spirit, but more especially on the present occasion, by his unexampled perseverance in search of a mineral of the greatest importance to this country.
A pair of horns of the palmated deer, was last week found nine feet under the surface of a peat moss, on the estate of John MOORE Esq. of Drumbanagher.They were enclosed in a deep stratum of mud, together with a considerable number of the bones of the animal’s skeleton, which are in good preservation. The segment of the horns by the sweep, measures from one tip to the other, eleven feet, ten inches. The arcline from tip to tip, measures nine feet, four inches. The head and horns are at Drumbanagher house and the bones are in the possession of Mr. BELL, landscape painter. Among these are several of the ribs, the lumbar and cervical vertebrae, the two ossa ilii?, with part of the pubes and ischii adhering to them. One of the vertebrae weighs about 20 ounces. The teeth, on all of which the enamel is perfectly sound, are small.
Another pair of horns of the above description, but of a smaller size, was a considerable time since, found in the same moss. These will be taken from their place in the hall at Drumbanagher, to make room for those of a larger size. The celebrated Molyneauz, collateral ancestor of Sir Capel Molyneuz, of Castledillon, conjectures in some part of his writings that herds of those gregarious creatures were frequently seized with some epidemic disease and perished together in considerable numbers. The circumstance of quantities of the horns and other exuvix of those animals having been found nearly contiguous to one another, at sundry times and places, seems strongly to corroborate this opinion.
13 Feb. 1815 married
At Errigle, Ireland, Wm. WALKER Esq. Aughnacloy, Tyrone, to Mary, third daughter of Wm.. ANKETELL Esq. of Drumgillick, Monaghan
17 Nov. 1818 Dreadful Affray In Ireland
We have received by this day’s post received letters from Aughnacloy, a country town in Tyrone, divided by the Black Water from the county of Monaghan. We have read these letters with great pain. It appears that a dreadful scene has been acted between the Orangemen of Aughnacloy and the Catholics of the neighbouring county. Two persons were killed, one a woman, the mother of 7 children and 7 were wounded. The Orangemen suffered no loss, as they were armed and well provided with powder and ball. We may venture to pledge ourselves to the truth of this statement. We suspend a report of the particulars, which we have received from various quarters, but which all agree in the main points, the matter is to be investigated by the Magistrates, and it is probable that we shall give a report of the proceedings in the course of the current week.
Sat. 10 April 1819 – Traverser’s Case
R. ANKETELL jun. Esq. remembers the day the Aughnacloy races; was steward of the course; from report witness was obliged take steps to preserve the peace; the race was to begin 1 o’clock; requested Mr. MOORE lend some yeomen to preserve the peace; the crowd had staves; one man had half a dozen not dressed; crowd left the course about 4 o’clock; saw them running towards the County of Monaghan; saw a man cut in the head in town; cannot tell his name: went to Moy-hill; did not observe any disturbance then: but an immense crowd was gathered on the hill; stones were thrown down the hill and some thrown up the hill; advised a few the Treugh people to go home before the stones began; one man said he would die first; he was coming on the road; it was his way home up the hill with others; was prevented going up the hill by stones, his uncle and Mr. LITTLE, high constable, endeavoured to go up the hill; can’t tell what was said; when his uncle came down from the hill, both parties threw stones; after his uncle came down the hill, shouts were heard; witness went to the bridge and remained there; people on the hill did not move much. Tyrone party retreated several times. Some of the Treugh party came on the road; after the first shots were fired there was shouting on the hill; in a few minutes he heard other shots; was on the course all day; saw Mr. MOORE’S party.
Cross examined – The race course is about a quarter of a mile from the town; the crowd was not unusual; it is usual to carry staves; Treugh party were running county Monaghan way; Moy-hill is about a mile distant, not the way for the Tyrone people to go home; stones were thrown from both side; is sure the Treugh people were not fighting among themselves; was about 5 minutes at the bridge before the crowd came; there was firing from the Tyrone party; no arms among the people on the hill; can’t say whether ammunition was given or not to the yeomen.
Edward MOORE is a Magistrate of the County and Captain of the Aughnacloy yeomen; ordered Sergeant M’GEE and constable G. MILLS to go and preserve peace: never saw as many strange men with their shirt necks open, assembled since the rebellion of 1798; Treugh is distant about half a mile in a direct line; is long a resident of Aughnacloy; would know a great many of the Treugh people; witness desired the loyal men to preserve the town and gave them about 10 rounds, it was then almost dark; witness mounted a guard that night and for several nights after.
G. MILLS a constable of the County Tyrone remembers the races; Captain MOORE rode down to the course and desired not to be put out of the way, but take every person who gave offense and put them in the black hole of Aughnacloy and that the yeomen would assist him; witness desired the yeomen to go to the town; could not keep up with them on account of a bad leg
Robert COOPER – the Friday of the races, left the course before KEENAN’S comrade boys were with him; lives at the Dyan 5 miles from Aughnacloy; shouted out, if any one was for the Dyan let him turn out; a man came up and struck witness behind the back and said was for the Dyan. Fardy HUGHES was the person who struck witness; none of the witness’s party struck; saw a party come up Mill street, put their hands to their hats, saying, now is the time boys ; witness ran after HUGHES and struck him going into KEENAN’S; went near the little bridge; saw 100 men with sticks massacre the Protestants; witness was knocked down by the Treugh men and got several blows; several others were beating IRWIN and BRISTOL; IRWIN was cruelly beat, could not see him for the blood; saw a gentleman on a grey horse riding up, saw Mr. ANKETELL return down the hill, and stones thrown after him. Mr. ANKETELL came into the Protest party; the Tyrone party went to go away, from Mr. ANKETELL said to them; the Treugh party down the road, crying cowards, Treugh for ever, throwing showers of stones; witness was knocked down with stones. Cross examined – witness returned to town with the Tyrone boys; crowd ran down when witness was struck; saw the Treugh party on the hill; both parties retreated times.
Milliam <sic> (William?) MAXWELL – A man came up and struck COOPER; COOPER struck him going into KEENAN’S; witness went down to the hollow of the street; witness got stroke on the knee with a stone.
Margaret FOLLS – lived in Aughnacloy in October last, at the Mill street, saw an unusual number of people with clubs in their hands, passing the day of the race from the course; there were better than 200 of them, in droves and in a great hurry. They gathered in line like soldiers, separated into knots of 5 each, whispering, saw a party coming running down Mill street; one called out ‘fall in’, they fell on 3 men; Witness believes she knows one of them, IRWIN: these 3 were beaten unmercifully with sticks; did not see the 3 men do anything before they were struck: they laid on them till they were sadly cut; one of the party winded stick and said ‘they were the Ballyskerry boys.” Saw numbers without handkerchiefs
Cross-examined; witness was not struck or her place injured: a part of them did not strike or do anything
John SMITH saw clubs and knots of people the day of the race, near the Black water; saw the party on the bridge whispering; saw a man with a stick running, crying ‘halt’, and then went in amongst them; saw a great parcel of them beat a man with sticks: heard hist name was IRWIN. Saw three parties going towards the county Monaghan and women gathering stones; saw a large party concealed in the ditches; party pursued witness; could not go home for the party; the party swore that they would revenge themselves.
Cross examined – Lives in the county Monaghan, within a mile of the new bridge; was chased away before the shots were fired; heard none.
James MONTGOMERY- lives in Aughnacloy saw a crowd on the course; left the race before it was over; saw a scuffle at Patt. KEENAN’S; saw a confusion in Mill-street; when witness came there, he saw a number of men, 5 or 6, lying apparently dead, covered with blood and dirt; saw a crowd over the little bridge, more than 100 altogether; observed one more particularly than the rest, witness ran to him to take him into custody; the crowd said ‘down, down with witness’; witness was struck and much hurt; party of protestants came up; both parties retreated till they came to the bridge, saw prisoner, DUNLAP, about half way between the bridges; DUNLAP had a gun, witness took it from him and gave it to another man, At this time a very hard attack was made them; witness’s reason for taking DUNLAP’S gun, was his being a lame man; witness put some the Treugh party to the ford; others to their own homes; witness went a considerable way with the Tyrone men, showers of stones were thrown, none struck witness; disarmed DUNLAP before any firing.
Cross examined – 1st Lieutenant in the Aughnacloy yeomen.
William WILLIAMS saw a number people on coming down the centre the town, the crowd intercepted witness and others with him; saw a man whistle, brandish his cudgel and say “come boys, come now is the rime.” the whole party ran to Mill-street, witness followed; saw them beating people in different places one cried out, “that’s BRISTOE, d–m him, kill him”; one of them knocked him down and beat him; saw women, one particularly, with a sling or handkerchief with a stone in it, beating the people when down.
John GRAHAM was at Anghnacloy the 2nd day of the races; saw Mr. James MONTGOMERY conveying 2 prisoners across the bridge, of the Protestant party; saw Mr. ANKETLL protecting a house from being broken; saw the Treugh men on a hill; saw Mr. ANKETLL go up the hill, the first time; a number of them gathered in the gap, who struck his horse and prevented him, saying, “they never would leave the ground till the Tyrone men would go home.” Mr. ANKETLL turned his horse after that, the Trough men shouted ‘you cowardly rascals if you can’t find feet into town we will make you find them;” saw stones thrown both before and after Mr. ANKETLL attempted going up the hill; no firing at this time. Mr. LITTLE attempted to go up the hill but could not for the stones.
Nathaniel MAYNE- left the races about 4 o’clock; after the firing ceased he went up the hill; saw the dead man; witness raised his head.
Cross examined – there was no woman near the dead man.
John FALLS was at Mulanahone bridge that evening; was not prevented to go up the Moy-hill; was struck with a stone by the county of Monaghan party, either from the hill or the road.
R. ANKETLL Esq. – was at the race course that day; went to the Moy Hill and found a great number of the Treugh party; witness persuaded them to go home; the party knew witness was a magistrate; stopped them at last from throwing stones; witness wanted those he knew to go home; some said they would die first; “but if witness would get the Tyrone men to go home that they would; witness left them with that impression; there were stones thrown as soon as witness got out their reach; the stones were flying in great numbers from both sides; witness wanted the Tyrone party to go home; with some difficulty he got them to do so; Tyrone party turned homewards; Treugh party then shouted; can’t say what the shouts were; no shots were fired at that time; in 8 or 10 minutes after, shots were fired; before the shots were fired the huzzaing continued; can’t say how many shots were.
Cross examined – is sure that stones were thrown by the Tyrone party and shots also fired by them; no shots by the Treugh party; the Trough party were still on the same ground, when the Tyrone party fired: the Treugh party ran off when the man was killed; there was a woman killed: Treugh party were about 120 yards from the other party at the time of the firing.
Hugh BELL remained till the last race was over for the saddle, knows Charles FINLAYTER; saw him on the course when the witness left it: saw him pass at the head of Mill street, towards the Monaghan side; saw him after witness heard that people were hurt; saw some of the dead people; met a man with a woman on his back; heard the man was Dr. HARDY; met him about 100 yards from the bridge
Cross examined – FINLAYTER had on a red coat that day; saw some of the yeomen cross the near way to the bridge.
Samuel MARTIN – remembers the 2nd day the races; met C. FINLAYTER at the head of Mill street; had a firelock in his hand; heard shots fired at this time; FINLAYTER and witness met a crowd.
Thomas BELL knows FINLAYTER saw him at KEENAN’S door; the candles were lighting and some lit; they then went towards the bridge.
James ROGERS knows James STEENE; remembers the evening the races; was with him all the evening; saw a number of Tyrone men at the bridge; man the name M’CAULAND was with them.
Cross examined – about a quarter of an hour before 5 o’clock the firing began; STEENE is a yeoman; had a firelock; went towards the riot; can’t say who was with him.
James M’CAUSLAND – saw James STEENE the evening of that day; went with him to the bridge; the firing was then over. Cross examined – STEENE had no one with him that witness knew; Tyrone party on the bridge: no person was then firing
Alexander GIBBON was at the race course when firing took place; knows the prisoner William POTTER left him in charge of his brother; came to town and returned to the course again; saw POTTER there again.
John M’CAN saw POTTER on the day of the race; was employed about the tolls; saw POTTER at the tents the time of the firing; together from 10 o’clock to the next morning; witness is Catholic, as is the last witness.
James M’CORMICK is a gun-smith; James LEE’S lock and barrel of his gun was in witness’s house on the day of the race; does not recollect when it was taken away.
James MONTGOMERY knows all the prisoners except TURKINGTON, since their infancy; their general character is unexceptionable.
The Rev. James ANDERSON Clergyman of the Presbyterian religion; knows all the prisoners except TURKINGTON; are all good characters.
The Rev. Mr. WOLSELY Protestant Clergyman, knows James STEENE and Charles FINLAYTOR; never anything against their characters.
The Judge’s speech went to shew what he conceived to be the inconsistency of the witnesses for the prosecution and the respectability of the witnesses for the defense. The Jury retired for a short time and brought a verdict of Not Guilty.
3 Oct. 1821 Married
On the 27th ultimo by the Rev. John Devlin, Mr. Laurence M’KENNA, merchant Aughnacloy, third son of Mr. Tole M’KENNA of Alterdowern Co.Monaghan to Miss Sarah CASSIDY second daughter of Mr. Phillip CASSIDY, of Aughnacloy
10 Oct. 1821
With deep sorrow we relate, that, on the sth instant, at a cup race, in the neighbourhood of Aughnacloy, Thomas MOORE Esq., Bawn, a most worthy add respectable character, was killed in the following lamentable manner After the first race was over, a gentleman, galloping over a field, ran his horse to a ditch; the animal being unmanageable, took a contrary direction to that which the rider intended and having made his way over, came in contact with the horse on which Mr. MOORE sat; both horses with their riders fell; when, awful to relate, the gentleman’s horse trampled on Mr. MOORE’S head, and in a moment the vital spark was extinct.
10 Oct. 1821 One Hundred Pounds Reward Dublin Castle
The Lord Lieutenant for the better discovering and bringing to justice the personss concerned in the murder Daniel FARRELL, near Aughnacloy, on the 16th August last, is pleased hereby to offfer a reward of ‘one hundred pounds’ for the discovery and conviction of the persons who committed said murder and also promise his Majesty’s Pardon to any of the persons concerned therein, (excepting the person, or persons, who actually committed the same), in addition to the reward of one hundred pounds above-mentioned, who shall, within 6 months from this date, discover their accomplices, so as that they, or any of them, be convicted of the said murder. By his Excellency’s Command W. GREGORY
Tue. 19 Aug.1828 Married On 31st. July by the Rev. Mr. Bridge, Mr. THOMSON, Monaghan, to Miss Rachel DUNLOP, Grange Aughnacloy.
5 Jan 1830 Married In Armagh on the 24th ult., by the Rev. P. S. Henry, Mr. John ANDERSON of Aughnacloy, to Miss Mary M’CONNELL of said place
28 Oct. 1828 Aughnacloy Brunswick Club
On Saturday the 25th instant, a numerous and highly respectable meeting was held in the town Aughnacloy , for the purpose forming a Brunswick Constitutional Club, which was attended by the greater part of the wealth and respectability of the town and neighbourhood. It was originally intended to have held the meeting in a house, but, in consequence of the numbers that attended (notwithstanding the wetness of the day) it was found necessary to erect a platform at the Church door.
J. MOUTRAY Esq. Favour Royal, J. P. having been unanimously called to the chair, the meeting was addressed the Rev. Dr. STOPFORD, Archdeacon of Armagh, who in a very impressive manner explained the object of the meeting, pointed out the necessity of, and the advantages that arise from the formation of such clubs. The Rev. Gentleman concluded a very eloquent appeal, amidst the cheering of the assembled multitude.
C. MOORE Esq., of Aughnacloy J. P., next presented himself, was received with enthusiastic cheering. He, in a short and comprehensive speech, removed the impressions which had been industriously circulated, that Brunswick clubs were inimical to Orange institutions and perfectly convinced his hearers that Brunswick clubs, far from being opposed to Orange societies, were, in principle, the same and had the same objects in view, namely the support of our glorious constitution and the internal peace of the country.
The Rev. John Stethen WILSON, Methodist Minister, followed and from the many subjects embraced by this eloquent and truly pious gentleman, it is utterly impossible to give any outline of his address, which has made an impression on the minds of all who heard him, (and we are happy to say many Roman Catholics attended) that will not easily be removed. It was fraught with piety, good-will, and true loyalty. This gentleman seemed particularly happy in the constrast he drew between the state of society in the southern parts of Ireland, which he had just left, and what he had observed in the North, where he had just arrived. The comparative peace and security enjoyed by the inhabitants of the latter drew from him an impressive exhortationto maintain those habits, which had produced such tranquillity and to support that manly determination which would not fail to insure a continuance of their prosperity.
The Rev. James BRIDGE, Seceding Minister, next addressed the meeting and at length impressed on them the necessity and pointed out the utility of such clubs and enforced on the minds of all who heard him the many advantages that must arise from them. The Rev. gentleman concluded his address with many suitable observations that did equal credit to his head and heart.
Henry CROSSLE Esq., Aughoe House, Esq., J. P., Edward MOORE Esq. of Bawn J. P., Dr. SPEER of Aughnacloy, and James STOPFORD Esq., eldest son of the Rev. Archdeacon, severally addressed the meeting.
J. C. MOUTRAY, Esq., having been moved from the chair and the Rev. Archdeacon STOPFORD called thereto, the thanks of the meeting were unanimously voted to the chairman for his very proper conduct. Many hundred names were enrolled on the spot and considerable subscription entered in to. In the evening, 28 gentlemen sat down to an excellent dinner, at M’KEENAN’S hotel. Henry CROSSLE Esq. presided and Rowland BETTY Esq. acted as croupier.
Co. Monaghan Assizes 22 Mar. 1831 – Horse Stealing
John MURPHY alias GORMLEY, was indicted for stealing a horse the property of Michael COYLE on the 7th Jan. last, and also for selling said horse to Thomas TEGGART of Aughnacloy. The prosecutor stated that his stable, which was locked, had been broken into either on the night of the 6th or the morning of 7th Jan., and his horse taken away, on the 10th of the same month he got the horse from Thomas TEGGART of Aughnacloy; the prisoner, when before the Magistrate, and in prosecutor’s presence, said he had taken the horse to sell him, that he might enabled to pay a decree which was out against him, and would afterwards pay the prosecutor. The prosecutor and prisoner lived convenient to each other. The prosecutor, on being asked, gave the prisoner a good character. Thomas TEGGART was here called upon several times to prosecute, but not appearing, his recognizences were ordered by the Court to be escheated. The prisoner, who had no defense was found guilty. His Lordship remarked that he thought the prisoner’s case (as it did not appear he had been guilty of anything of the kind before) was one which he would, if the Jury acquiesced, recommended to the merciful consideration of Government. To this the Jury readily consented, adding that they had intended to recommend him (the prisoner) to his Lordship’s mercy. Sentence not passed.
12 Apr 1831 Tyrone Assizes
Daniel CUSH, Henry HAMILL, James NEALICE, Bernard COULTER, for having on the night of 3rd Dec. last, at Knocknaroy near Aughnacloy, assembled with a large body of riotous men, armed with guns and bayonets, bayonets poles, pitchforks &c. and then attacking and wounding Sam. and Wm. DAVIDSON and George PATTON. It appeared that the prosecutors were at a wake on the night in question, with several others, when a party of about 40 men came to the house and dragged out the prosecutors, whom they beat in a dreadful manner and stabbed in various places. CUSH was found guilty; the other 3 were acquitted. CUSH received a sentence of death and the Judge bid him to entertain no hopes of mercy. The execution was fixed for the 10th of April.
19 Jul. 1831
On Saturday the 9th inst., in the town of Aughnacloy the Rev. John GROVES Curate of the parish of Aughaloo, a man universally beloved by every sect and denomination, so much so that there is at present, a subscription getting up, numerously attended to, to erect a monument to his memory.
31 Dec. 1831 Death
From paralytic on Christmas day Mr. John BEGGS of Aughnacloy merchant, a gentleman deplored by his family and most deservedly regretted by all who were his acquaintance.
28 May 1832 Death
On the 20th inst. at his residence near Aughnacloy, Mr. Francis COUSINS, at an advanced age and upwards of 30 years a highly respectable elder in the Presbyterian congregation of Clennanees.
Sat 30 June 1838 Caledon Arms Hotel
James KEENAN begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from Aughnacloy to the above Inn, lately occupied by Mrs. TAILOR, under the patronage the Earl of Caledon. The concern is capacious and has accommodations of a superior kind and as James KEENAN is most anxious to support the character he has hitherto maintained with the Public, he pledges himself that every possible attention will paid to travellers, as well as the strictest punctuality in the Posting department The road from Ballygawley to Castleblaney, is now in fine condition, through Caledon and free from tolls. Caledon 11th June 1838.
10 August 1839 Perry’s Bankrupt Gazette Insolvent Debtor
MALLEN Edward of Aughnacloy pensioner
17 Aug 1839 Marriage
On the 12th instant by the Rev. Thomas Hickey, Wesleyan Minister, Aughnacloy, Mr Stewart SIMPSON, merchant, Ballygawley, to Eliza GOODFELLOW relict of the late Mr. Moore GOODFELLOW and 4th daughter of the late Mr. BEGGS merchant, Aughnacloy.
29 Jul 1842 Co. Tyrone Assizes
James CAMPBELL for conspiring with Joseph CAMPBELL at Lime-park, on the 28th Oct. to defraud Messrs. FIDDIS & Co., of Aughnacloy, by appropriating to their use a bale of woollen cloth, their property, the same having been previously obtained from James QUINN. Acquitted
2 Mar. 1847
Last week, in the townland of Cavankilkeeran, County Tyrone, a man named WOODS died of starvation. He was found dead in his house, on Wednesday, stretched on a little straw, a horrifying spectacle, surrounded by four miserable children, and was allowed to remain in
that state until Saturday, when the inhabitants of Aughnacloy subscribed the price of a coffin, and buried him the day after. We are informed that previous to his death, the landlord, (a middleman) subjected him to very rigorous extremes, in order to dispossess him. (Armagh Guardian)
17 Aug 1839 Marriage
On the 12th instant by the Rev. Thomas Hickey, Wesleyan Minister, Aughnacloy, Mr Stewart SIMPSON, merchant, Ballygawley, to Eliza GOODFELLOW relict of the late Mr. Moore GOODFELLOW and 4th daughter of the late Mr. BEGGS merchant, Aughnacloy.
29 Jul 1842 Co. Tyrone Assizes
James CAMPBELL for conspiring with Joseph CAMPBELL at Lime-park, on the 28th Oct. to defraud Messrs. FIDDIS & Co., of Aughnacloy, by appropriating to their use a bale of woollen cloth, their property, the same having been previously obtained from James QUINN. Acquitted
2 Mar. 1847
Last week, in the townland of Cavankilkeeran, County Tyrone, a man named WOODS died of starvation. He was found dead in his house, on Wednesday, stretched on a little straw, a horrifying spectacle, surrounded by four miserable children, and was allowed to remain in that state until Saturday, when the inhabitants of Aughnacloy subscribed the price of a coffin, and buried him the day after. We are informed that previous to his death, the landlord, (a middleman) subjected him to very rigorous extremes, in order to dispossess him. (Armagh Guardian)
25 May 1847 Death by Whiskey
On Wednesday, the 19th inst. an inquest was held at Aughnacloy, before Edward MOORE Esq. J.P., on the body of William ARMSTRONG, an itinerant hat-dresser, who had been journeying through town. On a post mortem examination on the body by Dr. SCOTT, it was discovered that there was no food in the stomach and that death was caused by taking some strong drink, while the body was in a weak state, brought about the exertion of traveling and want of sufficient food for some time previous. In accordance with these facts, the jury returned a verdict of “Death by taking spirituous liquour while weak from want of food.” (Armagh Guardian)
21 Mar. 1849 Omagh Crown Court
James M’CRORY indicted for having on the 19th Feb. last at Aughnacloy assaulted Patrick MURRAY – Guilty To be fined 6d. and bound to keep the peace to MURRAY and his family for 7 years; himself in £50 and 2 sureties in £25 each
14 Jul. 1849 What’s To A Name
Subjoined is the copy of an address on a letter lately received in Aughnacloy Post-office;
“Mr. Hugh Shane Owen Eman Van Brine Leer M’KENNA, Drumbusten, near Aughnacloy, county Tyrone, Ireland.” (Southern Reporter)
5 June 1852 Incumbered Estates Court
in the matter of the estate of Joseph MARSHALL owner; and exparte Courtney NEWTON petitioner
The Lands of Glenkeen, otherwise Clankeen, situate in the Barony of Dungannon county Tyrone the lands 467a 3r 34p or therabouts statute measure; held under lease for lives renewable forever; yearly rent 43£ 14s 4d (18s 5d in lieu of duties) and 13£ 6s 11d as a renewal fine on the fall of every two lives. Produces annual profit rent of 367£ 8s 10d
The lands are situate within 9 miles of the town of Dungannon and about a like distance to Armagh and 3 of Caledon and Aughnacloy and on the leading road between these towns. (Armagh Guardian)
16 Jan. 1857 Birth
Jan. 9th at Springmount, Aughnacloy, the wife of Capt. G. OLPHERTS, late of the 86th Regiment, of a son.
13 Aug. 1860 Married
August 9th in Down Church by the Rev. Dr. Drew, Rector of Loughinisland assisted by the Rev. Joseph Seymour Eagar, Hunt Walsh CHAMBRE Esq., Riversdale, Aughnacloy, third son of the late Hunt Walsh CHAMBRE Esq., J.P., Hawthorn Hill, Co. Armagh, to Mary Ann Brunette, eldest surviving daughter of the late John Brett JOHNSTON Esq. Ballykilbeg House, Co. Down
2 Feb. 1861 Died
Jan. 25th at Aughnacloy Margaret Jane, wife Mr. Patrick MURRAY woollen-draper aged 55 years (Ballymena Observer)
Saturday 18 Oct. 1862 Agrarian Crime Ireland
An extraordinary case of alleged conspiracy to murder is reported at Aughnacloy, in the county of Tyrone, which hitherto has been free from the taint of agrarian crime. It is stated that Mr JOHNSTONE, of Ivy-hill, county Monaghan, a magistrate and extensive landholder, having property in Tyrone, incurred the hostility of some tenants in consequence of legal proceedings which he was obliged to take, and that to be revenged, three men named M’KENNA, together with William CORBETT, a publican, hired a man named KELLY to assassinate him. The price to be paid for murder was £1 in hand and £20 as soon as the work was completed. Arrangements were to be made to secure the escape of the assassin from the hands of justice. KELLY, however, divulged the plot, or pretended plot, for some doubt is thrown on his own story, and all the persons whom he seeks to implicate have been arrested. (Chester Chronicle)

Located along Dungannon Road
Aughnacloy is united with Ballymagrane Presbyterian Church mailing address c/o 52 Caledon RoadAughnacloy, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
BT69 6HX U.K.
Records PRONI Ref: MIC.1P/38 Aughnacloy Baptisms 1812-1977 Indexed to 1842; Marriages 1812-1824; 1830-1841; 1845-191;1 Indexed to 1841
Aughnacloy History