Aghintain, (Achadh-an-tsiadhain), is a townland, two miles west of Clogher and also a district, in the Civil Parish of Clogher. From the ‘Origin and History of Irish Names of Places’ published in 1871, Aghintain means “the field of the fairy mount”. In parliamentary papers it is referred to as an Electoral Division. Other spellings I have found are Aghentain, Aghentean, Aughentaine, Aughinthin, and Aughintine.
The Aghintain District comprises these townlands;
Beigh Glebe
Mount Stewart
Tullyquin Glebe

Looking SSW from Bolies Road in the direction of Holy Well Glen
The Poor Law Commissioners reported the district comprised 4,622 acres, and it had a population of 1,641 in the 1831 census. This dropped to 1,365, in 1851. In Parliamentary papers Aghintain is referred as an Electoral Division of Clogher.
Within this district can be found the Holy Family R.C. Church, Aughentaine National School, the ruins of the plantation era, Aughintain Castle (1619) , and Aughentaine Presbyterian Church & Graveyard.
Many parts of the Manor of Aughentaine and also about Ballygawley, both in the barony of Clogher, are very rich in limestone. The low lands of the estates of Newtown stewart and Aughentaine, the property of Lord Mountjoy, are in general well divided, and in many parts, well planted with thorn quicks, and timber trees.
Farms vary in size from 5 to 50 acres and they are much greater in the mountainous parts. In those estates for many years back, leases of no more than 21 years could be given by the two last proprietors, yet notwithstanding, the tenants went on with spirit and industry in the improvement of their farms; this they did from a confidence they had in a good old modus, namely, that their land would never be given away to another tenant, so long a they were able and willing to pay a reasonable raised rent; this consideration also had a good effect with respect to dividing the town lands into subdivisions, so as that each individual knew his own part to a certainty. It is now in contemplation, to give leases of lives and 31 years, which, no doubt, will be found a more powerful inducement for the tenants to improve their farms, than the present system of 21 years.

Photograph courtesy of Bradley Davis
The following articles are transcribed from the Armagh Guardian, Belfast Newsletter, Newry Telegraph, and the Tyrone Constitution (unless otherwise noted)
14 Oct. 1843
On the Presentment Sessions of Clogher and one of the highest cess payers in the barony of Clogher
Mr. Thomas WILSON Aughentain
8 Sept. 1845 Ulster Society for promoting the Education of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind
66th Meeting at Fivemiletown on Friday Aug. 29th at 12 o’clock. Wm. PATTERSON Esq. J.P. in the chair. Those present;
Wm. SWIFT Esq.
Henry Moutray, Esq.
Rev. W. S. BURNSIDE (Curate of Aghalurcher)
Rev. J. MALCOMSON (Aughentain)
Rev. Mr. MALCOLMSON ( Independent Minister)
Lieut HYDE
There were also present 2 blind children (brothers), one of whom is a candidate for admission into the Society’s Institution as a free boarder, and for whom this auxiliary is much interested. Collection, 3£ 2s.
28 Feb. 1846 – Ploughing Match
On Thursday the 17th inst. the 3rd annual ploughing match on the Aughentaine estate, the property of John H. BROWNE Esq., of Comber House, Londonderry was held on the farm of Mr. John WOODS of Donaghmoyne. At 12 o’clock, 13 well appointed iron ploughs started by signal. The day was uncommonly fine and made the scene quite a treat to those interested in the improvement of the country.
The judges, Messrs. John BRYAN steward to the Lord Bishop of Clogher, John SMART steward to Thomas R. BROWNE Esq., Aughentaine and James SCOTT steward to Andrew MILLER Esq., of Daisy hill, awarded the prizes as follow;
1st Mr James Smith. Cavanakile
2nd James RAMSAY Donaghmoyne
4th Allan ORR son of Mr. Allan ORR Prolisk
As the ploughs, horses, and harness must belong to the competitors and it having appeared that Mr. James SMITH had that day tried a plough, not his own on a new principle, the prizes were consequently given as under;
1st George STEWART £1 10s.
2nd Jamas RAMSAY £1 3d.
3rd Allan ORR 10s.
The judges strongly recommended the ploughing of Patrick M’DERMOTT, son of Mr. Thomas M’DERMOTT of Shantona, stating that had there been a fourth prize, he should have been entitled to it.
Mr. BRYAN also slated, that he had been a judge at the first ploughing match, 3 years ago and he had not the most distant idea that such an improvement could have taken place in so short a time. The ploughmen and judges dined at the cottage of Thomas R. BROWNE Esq.; the agent of the estate in the chair. The party spent a most agreeable evening, enlivened by agricultural conversation, music and singing, and the happy party broke up about eleven o’clock. (Londonderry Sentinel)

Looking SSE from Aghintain Road – he lived from 1794 to 1869
9 Mar. 1849 Ploughin Match at Aughentain
A ploughing match took place Tuesday last, the 6th instant, on the property of Thomas R. BROWN Esq., of Aughentain, in a field belonging to Mr. BAXTER At 12 o’clock, eighteen well-appointed ploughs started and the several lots were executed in capital style within the appointed time. There was a large attendance on the ground and considerable interest manifested in the proceedings. The following the award of the judges;
Mr. G. STEWART 1st prize
Mr. Wm. SMITH 2nd prize
Mr Wm. BARR 3rd prize
Mr. WOODS 4th prize
The judges were, Mr. BRYAN, Clogher; Mr. Wm. BARNETT, Ballaugh and Mr. REID Aughentuin. The judges and tenantry of the estate were entertained in the evening at dinner in Aughentain house, at the directions of Mr. BROWNE, who is at present from home. Mr. M’LANNAHAN, the agent of the property, occupied the chair. A number toasts were drank and responded to and the evening passed off pleasantly.
23 Nov. 1849
On the Presentment Sessions of Clogher and one of the highest cess payers in the barony of Clogher
James RAMSAY Aughentain
15 Nov. 1851 Mark of Esteem
The inhabitants of Clogher and its vicinity, entertained Mr George NEELY (late Master of the Diocesan Model School, Clogher) at dinner, on the evening of the 4th instant, as a means of evincing their high esteem for him and their regret at his loss, qualified though it be with pleasure in his welfare and advancement. Mr. NEELY has been lately appointed to a more lucrative situation, which we feel assured he will fill in the same able and praise worthy manner which marked his career hitherto. About 35 persons sat down to dinner. Mr. NEELY proposed a toast to the health of his successor, Mr. J. ROLSTON, late of Aghintain School, for which he eloquently returned thanks. (Northern Standard)
12 Feb. 1855 Distressing and Fatal Accident
On the 1st inst., as a large party of men were at duty work in a gravel-pit at Aughentain, Clogher, the overhanging portion of the bank suddenly and unexpectedly gave way, burying in its depths several of the unfortunate men. After considerable delay in removing the many tons of gravel and clay from the wretched sufferers, two, named PATTERSON and MOSSEN were found to be quite dead and shockingly mutilated and two others were found to have had their legs, thighs and arms dangerously broken and otherwise severely wounded. The sufferers and dead were immediately removed to their respective habitations. PATTERSON has left a wife and a large, helpless, and distressed family and MOSSEN was the stay and support of an aged and sickly mother and others of her family. (Belfast Mercury)
16 Feb. 1855 died
Feb. 7, at Aughentaine, near Clogher, in the 55th year of her age, Letitia, the beloved wife of Mr. William PALMER of Aughentaine Mills. In her was combined the devoted wife, the tender mother, the sincere affectionate friend and kind sympathising neighbour. Her sickness was of brief continuance and her death unexpected. However, her end was peace and though her husband, children and numerous friends are naturally plunged into the deepest grief and sorrow and feel a desolate void, which time itself is not sufficient to fill; yet they do not mourn as those without hope, for she knew on whom she had believed.
18 Jan. 1856 Married Jan. 2nd at Omagh, Mr. James PALMER of Aughentain Mills, to Miss E. DEVLIN
14 Mar. 1856 Aughentain ploughing match
The 12th annual Aughentain estate ploughing match was held on Thursday last, the 28th ult. in a large field in the demesne of Thomas R. BROWNE Esq. Forty three well-appointed iron ploughs appeared for competition on the field. The day proved remarkably fin, and each plough-man completed his task of one Irish rood within the limited time of 5 hours. The judges, Messrs. James SCOTT Waringbank, Thomas REID, Killyfaddy, and Peter COWAN, Brookboro, made, after great difficulty, the following awards;
1st prize, William BARR Prolisk
2nd Henry M‘GINN Mollybeney
3rd James RAMSAY, Donaghbuoyne
4th Thomas M‘DERMOTT, Shantona
5th James BLEAKLY, Prolisk
6th James TRIMBLE Screeby
7th John BRYAN, Lungs
8th Thomas FOSTER, Murley
The judges and plough-men were afterwards treated to a substantial luncheon. It is worthy of remark, that the first ploughing match held on this estate, twelve years ago, could only turn out nine ploughs and some of them wooden. There are now 76 iron ploughs on the property, which gratifying circumstance may be principally attributed to the introduction of ploughing matches.
29 Jul. 1856 Rare Occurrence
Some weeks since a turkey hen of Mr. W. PALMER’S, Aughentaine, batched a brood of young turkeys, which, when a few days old, she took the whim to discard, and commenced to lay eggs and hatch another brood. The deserted flock, thus left helpless, were, after a day or two’s consideration, humanely taken charge of by the male bird and it is really laughable to see him uncouthly acting a mother’s duty; stalking about with his new charge, of which he appears remarkably careful; attentively catering for them, and protecting them under his large wings from rain or other inclemencies of the weather, and gathering them under him at night with the adroitness of an experienced nurse – from a Clogher Correspondent
13 Mar. 1857 Murder
At the assizes for the county of Tyrone, held at Omagh, on Friday, before Mr. Justice JACKSON, John MONTGOMERY and William MONTGOMERY were indicted for having, at Kilterman, near Fivemiletown, on the 3rd Sept. last, murdered Jane M’NEILL The circumstances of the case, as detailed in evidence, were of a very extraordinary nature.
Jane M’MENAMY examined- is daughter of the deceased. Is mother of a child which is dumb and unable to walk. Lived at Kilterman on 3rd of September last. Was at home on that day. The dumb child went to sleep with its mother that night, and witness, occupied a bed in another room. Awoke during the night, and found the roof of the house on fire. Heard a noise at her bedroom window after she rose. The window was soon after smashed, and when witness looked out saw Samuel and John MONTGOMERY, sons of Widow MONTGOMERY, the owner of the house. Samuel MONTGOMERY was standing in the street, and John had broken the window. This occurred in the front of the house, ant the fire was in the back. Witness immediately called her mother, who rose. Went with her mother into the kitchen, and attempted to pass out of the house. John MONTGOMERY struck witness on the brow with a stick and would not allow her to go out. Saw William MONTGOMERY then he had nothing in his hand. Her mother then brought the dumb boy to the kitchen her back, and asked for God’s sake to be allowed to go out. After this her mother did get out of the house. When she went outside the door, she was struck on the abdomen with a stone, by William MONTGOMERY. Heard her mother cry out that she was murdered. Her mother had at this time the dumb boy on her back. The deceased, after being struck with the stone, received a blow of a stick from John MONTGOMERY, which knocked her down. Was quite sure the prisoners were the persons who struck her mother the two blows. The roof of the house was at this time burning brightly. The prisoners left after her mother was knocked down. Went for assistance to two persons, neither of whom would render any. This was about 12 or 1 o’clock at night. When witness returned, brought a bed out of the house, and placed her mother on it, a short distance from the burning. The deceased lay on this bed all night, without it being under a roof. In the morning, got Dr. M’NEICE to visit her mother. The deceased was not removed to a house until 4 o’clock in the morning after the burning, when she was removed to Clogher workhouse. On the following Friday she died. Her informations were taken before she was removed to the workhouse. Witness had been noticed by Mrs. MONTGOMERY to quit the house at November. Neither of the prisoners had any communication with witness with reference to giving up the house.
Cross-examined – Lived in the town of Augher. Did not know she had a bad character there. Was not an improper woman. Was married in Castlecaulfield. Lived in Dungannon before she lived in Augher. Did not keep a disreputable house in Dungannnon. Was never in custody of the police but once. Was never charged, while in Dungannon, with stealing £17 from a commercial traveller. A girl named Charlotte FEE who stopped with witness, was charged with stealing the money. Did not get into any trouble in consequence. Removed shortly after to Augher. Charlotte FEE followed her there, and stopped some weeks. Afterwards removed to Fivemiletown, and took a house from Mrs. MONTGOMERY.
Mrs. MONTGOMERY told witness, when she noticed her to leave, that the people said she kept a disreputable house. Was convicted for receiving stolen potatoes while she lived at Kilterman, and imprisoned two months. Was two months in Omagh gaol, when a child, for stealing a turkey. Did not steal the turkey, but it followed her on the road. This occurred twenty years ago. Is now about 30 years of age. Lives at present on the Aughentain estate, near Clogher, in the house of a Mr STUART, who is a married man. Did not wish to remain in Mrs. MONTGOMERY’s house. Only refused to give up possession because she was advised she’d get £5 for doing so.When she came out of gaol, last July heard the MONTGOMERY’s had treated her mother badly. Was filled with virtuous indignation in consequence, Charged the prisoners with an attempt to burn her house in August. Swore informations, in consequence, before Mr. PATTERSON; but he told her he would not believe her. Never swore she was in a state of nudity when she went to call assistance, on the 3rd Sept. Did not then say the MONTGOMERY’S were murdering her mother. Knows a man named Terence M’CARRON. Did not see Terence from the 10th of May up to the time of the inquest on her mother. Terence was examined at the inquest. Did not hear him swear he was in her house on the night of the burning. Never had a cut on her ear. Never said to Mary M’CONAGHEY that the deceased had cut her on the ear with the tongs because witness had thrown a pot at her. Never threw a pot at her mother. Witness threw 6 or 8 cans of water on the fire. Saved nearly all her furniture.
The notice to quit was served in the month of August, by Mrs. MONTGOMERY
Never told a Mrs. TRIMBLE that Terence M’CARRON was in the house with witness on the day of the burning
William PATTERSON Esq. J.P examined – took the depositions of the deceased. The prisoners were present when the depositions were read to deceased. They then declared their innocence of the crime charged to them.
cross-examined – The informations were taken at the time deceased was lying in the lane. Thinks the prisoners could have heard the answers of deceased to the questions which were asked. The prisoners were standing near at the time, in the custody of the police. Is positive the deceased was sworn as to the truth of her depositions. Knows the last witness, and would be reluctant to credit her oath, unless corroborated by other evidence. Knew the character of the deceased. Does not think she was worthy of credit on her oath.
The jury under, his lordship’s direction, at once returned a verdict of not guilty.
(We understand the evidence for the defence would have proved that it was M’MENAMY who herself set fire to the house and that the old woman died from the effects of her daughter’s cruelty and exposure) (Liverpool Mercury
25 Jul. 1859 Singular Death of Robber
An inquest was held on Friday last 12th inst., at Aughentain flax mill (Mr. M’CLEAN’S mill), on the body of James M’KENNA, a man 33 years of age, son of Hughdy M’KENNA and belonging to the neighbourhood at Listrin, who was well known as an idle, loose character. The following are the particulars elicited at the inquest, which was held before James BUCHANAN Esq., coroner.
On the day before the inquest the miller took two women to let them see the works of the mill. He let on some water that they might see the action of the wheel, but it did not move and he let on more, but still finding it did not turn, looked for the cause, and found the dead body of a man lying under the wheel. The body was at once identified. It was the general opinion that the deceased had entered the mill during the previous night, with the object of carrying away flax; that he had entered by the axle-hole over the wheel and that while going out in the same way, his weight had given motion to the wheel, which had revolved, carrying him down and crushing him to death and that the letting on of the water had reversed the wheel and brought up the body to the view of the miller. A quantity of the scutched flax was found near the body. The verdict was accordance with the facts we have related. (Belfast Mercury)
27 Jan. 1860 Married
Jan. 24, in the Presbyterian Church, Carntell, Clogher, Mr. Stewart MURLY, Aughentaine, to the eldest daughter of Mr. Thos. M‘DOWELL, Kilrudden House, Clogher
12 Oct. 1860 New Works
A mansion has just been commenced at Aughentaine, Fivemiletown, co. Tyrone, for Mr. Thomas R. BROWNE. Style, Italian, with campanile at south end, 65 feet in height; 5 reception rooms; 8 bed and dressing rooms. Cost about £6,000. The offices form a separate wing building. Messrs. Farrell, architects.
25 Mar. 1862 Forthcoming Rejoicing from a Correspondent
As Harvey BROWNE Esq., of the 12th Lancers, son and heir of Thos. Richardson BROWNE Esq. Clogher, county Tyrone, will soon arrive at his majority, the tenantry lately held a meeting to consider how they should mark that event. The presentation of an address and testimonial was agreed upon and in a few days several hundred pounds were subscribed, none but tenants of the Aughentaine estate being allowed to contribute, though several others wished to so. On the estate, agricultural improvement, superior husbandry and signs of substantial wealth are everywhere visible. Mr. SMITH, the agent, by his practical example and judicious advice, has proved himself the farmer’s friend in every sense of the word. Those who wish to see a mansion house built of Irish materials (found on the estate, some of the stones 11 feet long) should see that of Aughentaine, and then judge how comparatively little is yet known of Irish resources.
24 Feb. 1863 Aughentaine Estate and Presentation
On Tuesday, the 10th instant, a meeting of the tenantry of the estate and manor of Aughentaine and Mountstewart, the property of Thomas R BROWNE Esq. D.L., J.P., took place in the Castle (Anghentaine) which is in course of it’s erection. The object of the meeting was to present J. Hervey BROWNE Esq. H. M. 12th Royal Lancers, eldest son and heir of T. R. BROWNE Esq , on his attaining his majority, with a gold vase, accompanied by an addresses to Mr. BROWNE and his son. The tenantry from all parts of this extensive estate were in attendance and among the guests and others present were;
Thomas R. BROWNE Esq., Mrs. BROWNE, J. Hervey BROWNE Esq. and Misses BROWNE, George F. BROOKE Esq. J.P. D.L. of Colebrooke, Co. Fermanagh, Rev. William BURNSIDE, Corcreery House, Rector of Magheracross, Mrs. BURNSIDE and the Misses BURNSIDE, Rev. Aiken IRVINE Incumbent Fivemiletown and John SMITH Esq., Cavanakirk.
The presentation consisted of a magnificent gold vase, which, for intrinsic value and beauty of design and as a specimen of a work of art, was well worthy of the occasion which called it forth, on the part of the tenantry, in testimony of their appreciation of their landlord and his family. The front of the vase represented farming, the source whence it emanated viz.; reapers in the act of cutting down a field of corn; on the back part of it was a representation of the field sport, hunting, and on the top one of the 12th Royal Lancers, in which regiment Mr. BROWNE holds a commission. It also bore several other ornamentations and the following inscription.
“Presented to J. Hervey BROWNE Esq. H.M. Royal Lancers, eldest son an heir to T. R. BROWNE Esq., D.L, by the tenantry of the estate and Manor of Aughentaine and Mountstewart, on his coming of age, as an evidence of their deep attachment to his father, as a kind, indulgent, and improving landlord, as a mark of affection and respect to the other members of the family long resident among them and as a proof of their sincere good wishes towards himself on the occasion which calls forth this evidence of their feeling. 24th March, 1862”
We may here remark that the building, which will be known as Aughentaine Castle (walls of a very ancient castle of that name remain still in the neighbourhood), is being erected in a style of princely magnificence. The taste displayed in the arrangements and workmanship is such as to reflect much credit to the proprietor, as well as on the architect and artisans engaged at the edifice. It is also worthy of note that the stone of the building, which is splendid material, has all been procured in a quarry on Mr. BROWNE’S own estate.
At 12 o’clock the proceedings of the day commenced, on the appearance of Henry BROWNE Esq., at the castle, where the tenantry and workmen, with a large number of friends were waiting to receive him. From an early hour a flag floated gracefully from the top of one of the towers and from which, on the young officer’s appearance, 3 rounds of musketry were discharged as a salute, amidst three cheers and waving of hats by the large assembly. The vase was placed table in the centre of the castle hall (which is 30 feet 21 feet) for the inspection of all.
This inspection over, the tenantry formed into 3 sides of a square, the workmen forming the fourth. In the centre of the square, from a large temporary mound, an address was read by one the tenantry, Mr. John BRYAN to Thomas R. BROWNE Esq., the worthy landlord, and also an address Henry BROWNE Esq.
The tenants &c., next proceeded to the large rooms, but not too large for the occasion, where dinner was laid out of roast beef, mutton, and a super abundance of plum pudding (thanks to the ladies for this). To the latter was added whiskey sauce, which, when served as it was, enveloped in flame, created no small astonishment to many. It need scarcely be said, that after ample justice had been done to such fare, all was well washed down with a plentiful supply of mountain dew, wine, &c.
The room was tastefully decorated. Among the motto’s were “Live and Let Live.” This was placed over the platform erected at the head the tables.
To the workmen employed at the castle, Mr. BROWNE had given a holiday, and to so large a number this was no small pecuniary matter. An ode composed for the occasion was read by old inhabitant of Aughentaine, in which ode, were brought out many of the legends of olden time and noted incidents of the locality.
George F. BROOKE Esq., said that an attachment to an individual, after an acquaintance of 25 years, was very pleasing. During that period he could testify to Mr. BROWNE’S anxiety for the improvement of the property and the welfare of the tenants. They all knew something of the feelings of a father on the birth of a son and heir, but how gratifying must it be when that son arrives at manhood! On that estate farming had been very successful since Mr. BROWNE became the proprietor. He had known his heir for many years and he had no doubt he would follow in the footsteps of his worthy parent, and receive from the tenants the same honour and esteem which had been evinced towards his father.
Mr. BROWNE returned thanks, saying that he felt proud to meet his tenantry on that occasion. He hoped it would be long before any of their familiar faces would be removed. Time had endeared them all to him, and he trusted they would follow up drainage and early cultivation, which enabled them to overcome the unfavourable seasons, with which they had latterly been visited. They had been greatly benefited in this respect by the example of individual tenants. But should such seasons unfortunately continue any longer, he, for one, would meet them with such reductions in the rents as individual cases called for. (Loud cheers.) He was reminded that many years had passed since he first came among them and that great improvement had taken place. These have been years of contentment and satisfaction, such as she now saw depicted on every countenance. (Cheers) He could not attribute that happiness and contentment to the present festive occasion, for they were uniformly as contented and happy as any men of their lot. As each of them was but a member of a family, he would not detain them longer than they would have light to go home. At another season of the year he might have wished them to remain longer, but trusted they would convey the pleasure and happiness of the day to their wives and families and that it would not be the last opportunity they would have of doing similarly.
Mr. SMITH, in responding, said he regretted that so worthy a subject had not someone abler than he was to do justice it. He felt himself better calculated to sell or buy a fat bullock, than to make a speech. Agriculture was one of the oldest and most honourable pursuits a man was ever engaged in. Agricultural improvement has since been steadily on the march. Ireland’s only duke and Scotland’s Breadalbane are pre-eminent as patrons of the farming class. In this district, the wooden plough has gives way to the iron one and here he related one of Carleton’s anecdotes
On Sabbath morning, Paddy-go-easy went out to survey his farm and beheld an iron plough (the first he ever had seen) lying the other side of the mearing. He dropped down on his knees and prayed that none of the bad luck would come over the hedge. This anecdote is founded on fact, the occurrence having taken place in this district not 30 years since. The old spoke-car, too, has been superseded by the cart with the sweet toned axle. From being a beast of burden the bullock is now transferred to the stall for the butcher. The rush collars and wooden straddles have made way for substantial and ornamented leather ones. The breeding of cattle has fully kept pace with all other improvements. The reaping hook has also given way to the sickle, the sickle to the scythe, and the scythe is fast falling before the reaping-machine. The sound of the flail is no more heard, the thrashing-machine having thrashed it out. It was his firm belief that farming improvement was yet only in its infancy.
Mr. Hervey BROWNE Esq- Having already returned thanks for the handsome gift, presented to him with so flattering an address, he felt it unnecessary to occupy their time any further than by saying that he hoped the opportunities would be very frequent in which he would have the pleasure of being amongst them.
Mr. SLOAN, one of the tenants, proposed to the health of Mrs. BROWNE and the family.
Rev. W. BURNSIDE stated that it was 40 years since he became acquainted with that place, having been for a considerable time a minister of the parish, and in his official position could testify to Mrs. BROWNE’S acts of charity, and the assistance he received in his efforts for the moral and religious progress of the parish. He expressed hope that the young ladies would follow the example of their mother and father, and concluded an eloquent address amid loud cheers.
Mr. Hugh LYNCH remarked that they all had heard, or rather read, of the Castle of Aughentaine; yet none of them had ever, till that day, seen it. The romance had grown into reality; they had now there before them a real castle and a live poet. (Referring to Mr. O’BRIENE the writer of the ode.)
He begged to state that as highly as the Aughentaine tenants prized and honoured their landlord, the worthy chairman, and his amiable lady, yet he was greatly mistaken if they did not equally, or perhaps more highly, prize others then absent; he meant the tenants wives. Should the wives find, on the return home of their husbands, that they had been forgotten (and certainly they would make inquiry) some, at least, of the husbands might wish themselves absent.
Mr SMITH (agent for the estate) believed that in the North of Ireland there was not another tenantry had made such rapid advances in good farming and high cultivation as the Anghentaine and Mountstewart farms had. To the poor of the estate Mrs. BROWNE and the young ladies have ever evinced a generous sympathy, visiting them regularly, aiding and cheering them with substantial comfort.
Mr. BROWNE then proposed to “The Health of Mr. LILBURN the architect,” who returned thanks, stating he had simply endeavoured to do his duty, and that much of the success and good effect that had resulted from his carrying out to completion so extensive and ornamental a building was one to Mr. BROWNE himself, more than to any other. He only hoped that when finished, the building would, in every way, be found worthy of such a property and such a landlord.
In the evening tar-barrels were burned and rockets sent up from the surrounding hills. The rockets, from their number and variety, astonished the dwellers for many miles around. All passed off with the utmost harmony. A resident landlord such as Mr. BROWNE, is a blessing, not alone to his own tenantry, but to the community at large.
4 Sept. 1867 National Education
The commissioners of education on the recommendation of J. MORELL Esq., District Inspector, Dungannon, awarded a premium of £1 10s to Mr. James WHAN, teacher of the Aughentain National School, for the order, neatness, and efficiency of the school for the past year.

The site is surrounded on three sides by the townland of Knocknacarney and Aghintain is on the opposite side of the road

The original walls were stone work but the front has a rendered finish. Photographs and comments Courtesy of Kenneth Allen
17 Jan. 1868 Fintona Petty Sessions
John ORR of Fintona, charged Edward ANDERSON, of Aughentain, with wilfully interrupting the free passage of a horse and cart on the night of tho 20th December 1867, drawing his cart across the road and upsetting complainant’s horse and car. Mr DICKIE appeared for the defendant. After a number of witnesses being examined the case was dismissed, as the complainant’s witnesses were unable to identify the defendant the night being dark and other carts being on the road at same time and place.
20 Jan. 1870 Wanted
A male Teacher wanted for Murley National School. Must be a Protestant. Apply to Thos. R. BROWN, Esq., Aughentain, Fivemiletown, Co. Tyrone; or, to Mr. Geo. M’ALPINE, Loscett, near Fivemiletown
14 Mar. 1871 Name Change
Raymond Saville BROWNE Esq. of Aughentain in the County of Tyrone, has obtained her Majesty’s licence to use the surname LECKY after that of BROWNE and assume the arms of Lecky, in compliance with the will of his granduncle, Conally M’Causland-LECKY Esq., Londonderry
24 Apr. 1871 Marriage
April at Clogher Presbyterian Church by the Rev. James G. Robb, Joseph CUTHBERTSON Aughentain, to Alicia, eldest daughter of the late John RICHEY Carnahiney, Clogher, Co. Tyrone
12 Oct. 1878 Death of Rev. P. CONNOLLY P.P
On Saturday last the funeral obsequies of the late Rev. P. CONNOLLY P.P., Clogher, were performed in the Chapel of St. Macarten, in that town. The funeral cortege was the largest, perhaps, ever seen in Clogher and deep and general regret was expressed by all hands at the loss of a priest who was beloved for his many virtues, and for the modest and unassuming demeanour that covered his deep and varied learning. The members of Saint Macarten’s Young Men’s Society, to the number of over a hundred, under the direction of the Rev. Father BOYLAN, C.C., followed the hearse. Fully a thousand persons took part in the funeral procession, and a long line of carriages and other vehicles testified to the high esteem entertained for Father CONNOLLY by the respectable people of all denominations in and around Clogher.
The Church of St. Macarten was draped in deep mourning for the occasion, and in its gloomy aspect, there was a fitting parity with the deep feeling of sorrow that filled the hearts of those who shared in the funeral ceremonies.
Solemn Office commenced at half past eleven o’clock, the Rev. J. MEEGAN, C.C., Enniskillen, and Rev. Father HOGAN, Maguires bridge, being the chanters, assisted by a large number of priests, and presided over by the Very Rev. Canon SMOLLEN, P.P. Requiem mass followed, the Very Rev. Canon SMOLLEN being the celebrant, the Rev. T. HACKETT, C.C., Enniskillen, deacon, and the Rev. CURTEN C.C., Aughentain, sub-deacon. The Rev. Canon M’KENNA P.P., Dromore.
At the conclusion of the requiem mass the Very R. Canon SMOLLEN preached a touching sermon, in which he dwelt with fervid eloquence upon the qualities that endeared the Rev. Father CONNOLLY to all who came within the influence of the deceased priests noble and generous character. The sermon was in every respect a worthy tribute to the memory of Father CONNOLLY and it impressed very deeply all who heard it. (People’s Advocate)
7 Dec. 1878 Death of Mr. M. M’CAFFREY Sen. Fivemiletown
Mr. Hugh M’CAFFREY sen., Fivemiletowns died at his residence on the 25th ult., at the patriarchial age of 82 years. The funeral procession was the largest that has been seen at the ancient burying-ground of Tulnageerin within living memory, and was a splendid testimony to the universal respect and esteem in which Mr. M’CAFFREY was held throughout his long and useful life. Gifted with a fine intelligence, and retaining his intellectual faculties to the last, he was most interesting in conversation, and could recall recollections of a very entertaining character. When a boy Mr. M’CAFFREY often attended mass in an open field, to be present at which he had to traverse a distance of four miles and his delight was intense when a bohag, or shed, was erected to shelter the priest during the offering of the Holy Sacrifice. The gradual relaxation of the laws against the Catholic religion enabled Mr. M’CAFFREY to assist at the opening of a commodious chapel at Aughentain in the year 1816 and it was his good fortune in latter years to have a hand in the erection of a magnifioant church, raised by the seal of priest and people to the honour of God and of religion in his native town. A true Catholic, and a warmhearted patriot, an upright citizen and a charitable and generous friend to the poor. Mr. M’CAFFREY terminated his long career surrounded by friends and strengthened by the sacraments which throughout his life he never failed to frequent with true and edifying devotion. (People’s Advocate)
7 Apr. 1887 Ordination at Aughentaine.
Clogher Presbtery having reported the death of Mr MALCOLMSON, the Presbytery of Clogher met on Tuesday, in the Aughentain Presbyterian Church, for the purpose ordaining the Rev. Joseph FULTON of Castledawson to the pastorate of the above congregation. There was very large attendance, accommodation having been provided in the aisles. The Rev. Ewing GILFILLAN, Maguiresbridge, conducted the devotional exercises, and preached an impressive sermon. (Northern Whig)
22 Aug. 1888 Death
Aug. 20th at the residence of his son John, aged 66? years, Henry BARR late of Aughentains, county Tyrone, Ireland, Will be interred at Anfield Cemetery, tomorrow (Thursday) morning, at ten o’clock. Friends will accept this intimation.
12 Jun. 1891 Attended meeting of Clogher Union Association
Patrick SANDS, Aughentain
National Teacher, and Irish Educational Journal (Dublin, Ireland)
6 Nov. 1891 Clogher Presbytery
The ordinary meeting of this Presbytery was held in the Protestant Hall, Clogher, on Tuesday the Moderator (Rev. W. H. BAILEY M.A.) presiding. The others in attendance were;
Rev. D. G. SMYTH M.A.
Rev. R. G. MILLER M.A.
Rev. J. D. BOYLE
Messrs. J. STEWART, J. Barnett, R. J. JAMISON and G. M‘ALPIN were also present, as well as representative elders from Augentain congregation. Rev. J. FULTON, who had decided to go to New South Wales, gave a statement as to the reasons which influenced him in making his decision. He is being sent by Mr. MORTON, of London, agent of the Presbyterian Church Extension Committee of New South Wales, his passage being paid. Mr. FULTON tendered his resignation of the congregation of Aughentain, and asked for his credentials from the Presbytery. (Northern Whig)
22 Apr. 1892 Presentment sessions Clogher
one of the highest cess payers in the barony (the cess was a tax)
Mr. David BARBER Aughentaine
3 Nov. 1893 The Mill of Aughentain
There resided then (1640) in Aughentain Castle a wealthy old man, a Royalist, named GRAHAM or GRIMES, who had a beautiful and prepossessing daughter whose health was drunk, as the toast of Ireland, by the Lord Lieutenant, in the Castle of Dublin, under the appellation of the –
Rose of Aughentain
Her offspring was a spend-thrift and he went through the entire estate and had to dispose of the castle and it’s him the proverb alludes which mentions “ould John GRAME that swallied the Castle of Aughentain.” One of Cromwell’s officers made ” up his mind to sack the castle, carry off GRAME’S daughter and marry her, through a wish to bring her into a state of grace by a union with a God-fearin’ man, whose walk was zion-ward.’ Accordingly John GRAHAM was requested to deliver up the Castle. He was commonly called “Gunpowder Jack” in consequence of his being in a club, every member of which “fought three duels and killed at least one man.”
GRAHAM ordered the rascals to begone, and they took their departure for the time being. The Cromwellian squadron was not numerous, they had no artillery and were surrounded by enemies, consequently the taking of the castle was all the more difficult. There was a good store of “vittles” inside which certainly hastened them attempting to take it by storm. Poor GRAHAM was shot through the head while standing near “windy” and the cannonaders went begging very politely to have a friendly explanation with Squire GRAHAM, intimating that they had harsh orders, but that if the castle was peacefully delivered up to them for the sake of the young lady no injury would be offered to her or her father.
The blood of the GRAHAM ‘S flowed through the young lady’s veins and she defied the villains, who became irritated and planted a strong guard around the place. News now came from Dungannon that O’NEILL had disappeared and Cromwell’s “sogers” were getting possession of the two castles of Augher and Aughentaine kept O’NEILL in check, in that part of the country. The real siege now set in and in the course of ten or twelve days not a soul was in occupation of Aughentain save Miss GRAHAM, who however, was in great distress for the want of a little water. Here then was the poor young lady placed at the mercy of her father’s murderers. At length matters became so serious that Miss GRAHAM was at the last gasp for something to drink: she had ferreted out moisture here and there in the damp corners of the castle, but all that was gone now. “Endure, relief is near you” were the words scribbled on a piece of brown paper which had been attached to a stone and flung up to her by a good samaritan. While in the act of sucumbing from extreme thirst, she heard the shrill voice of a young kid in the castle yard, and remembered it was a brown goat which her lover, a gentleman named SIMPSON, had presented to her when a kid. She made her way downstairs, got a bowl and having milked the goat, she took a little of the milk, which relieved her. This recovery made her resolve to keep tbe Cromwellians out until God or man might lend a helping hand. Suil Gair MAGUIRE, or sharp-eyed MAGUIRE, was sweetheart of the miller’s daughter, and this same Suil Gair was servant and foster-brother to SIMPSON, who was the intended of Miss GRAHAM.
At match of finger-stone, with one of the red coats Suil Gair managed to throw the brown paper containing the relief message into one of the port-holes of the castle. Ultimately, matters were growing hot and officers and men assembled in the mill for the purpose of expounding a few verses of Solomon, and in the course of this religious devotion, one of them said it was often judgment for the wicked man to die in his sins, when, lo and behold, a loud rumbling noise was heard; the mill had been set in motion and a ” soger” was a-grinding into dust. SIMPSON came to the relief of his intended wife with a party of Royalists, assisted by the MAGUIRE’S of Fermanagh and in a short time Cromwell’s followers were surprised, cut to pieces, and finally routed from Aughentain, where the face of a “soger” was never seen afterwards with one exception, vis.;
You know the mill is heard going night when nobody sets her a-going and torture screams are distinctly heard coming from the hopper. Anyone who has the courage to look in, is sure to see a “soger” with a white mealy face, in the act of having his legs ground off him. Many a guess was made about who the spirit could be, but all to no purpose. The spirit that shrieks in the hopper is Cromwell’s “soger” and he’s to be ground that way to the day of judgment!
On or about 1619 Fivemiletown was occupied by British tenants and a charter was obtained for markets and fairs, which were held every month. Fairs were then held on the third Monday of each month. A great improvement has taken place in the town, which continues to flourish and the pork market established recently is the finest in the county. A neat chapel-of-ease, with a spire, was built in 1750 by Mr. ARMOR, who bore the whole expense. Colonel MONTGOMERY supports a public and two other schools. Blessingboume, the seat of Colonel MONTGOMERY, is near town, in a beautiful demesne.
Sir Phelim O’NEILL destroyed Aughentain Castle in 1641.
27 Apr. 1894 Aughentaine Band of Hope
The usual monthly meeting of this society was held in the Lecture Hall, Aughnacloy, on Thursday evening 19th inst. On the motion of Mr KNOX, the chair was taken Mr. J. J. M’CREA who briefly introduced the programme, which consisted of a duet by Miss Jane SLOAN and Miss Maggie SLOAN, a duet by Miss Jane JAMIESON and Miss Margery SLOAN; reading and song by Mr. W. KNOX; two solos Mr. A. LITTLE; recitation by Master Tommy STEWART; two readings by Mr. M’CREA and anthem &c. by the choir, under the very efficient leadership of Mr. W. KNOX. Every item of the programme was rendered in a faultless manner and thoroughly appreciated.
30 Oct. 1896 Soiree at Aughentaine
The annual soiree in connection with Aughentaine No. 2 National School was held on Wednesday evening, 21st inst. There was a large attendance, the commodious schoolroom being packed to overflowing. Shortly after 7 o’clock a splendid tea was served up under the superintendence of Mr J STEWART, Sciencien?, whose catering gave general satisfaction. Satisfactory justice having been rendered to the items of this part of the entertainment, the chair was taken by the Rev John SIMPSON, B.A.
The chairman, in a brief speech, introduced the programme, which consisted of recitations by Mr John BRYARS, of Dungannon, and it is needless to say this gentleman executed the several pieces in such an inimitable style that they were received with loud applause. Mr John BENSON, Murley gave a very entertaining reading which merited a good reception. The rendering of a song by Mr M’KENNA received a hearty encore. A number of drill and action songs were given at intervals during the evening by the following school children;
Etta and Ethel M’CREA
Rebecca and Maggie STEWART
Alfred and John M’CREA
Irwin ORR
John and Robert HOLMES
The manner in which these juniors acquitted themselves proved very interesting and certainly reflected much credit on their teacher,Mr T.J.F. STEWART who has been only in charge of the school since the first of present month. And the parents who have children attending the school must feel deeply grateful to Mr M’CREA, the manager, for his having secured the services of so efficient and promising a teacher. The children were assisted in the opening and closing musical selections by Miss Minnie NEVIN, Losseit; Miss JAMIESON, Shantona, and Miss TRIMBLE, Bigh. At the close of the programme, hearty votes of thanks to the performers and chairman brought the proceedings to a close.
21 Aug. 1896 Aughentaine Temperance Society
A meeting in connection with the above society was held in the Lecture Hall, Aughentaine, on Wednesday evening. The chair was occupied by J. J. M’CREA who, in a few well-chosen words, introduced the programme, which consisted of an address by Mr. Edward TRIMBLE, a former member of the congregation, who has been in America for some years, and is now on a visit to the ole country. He was very warmly received and heartily applauded at the close. Rev. Mr. M’DOWELL gave a very interesting and entertaining discourse, in which he ably sustained the splendid reputation he has earned for himself during the 2 months he has been ministering Aughentaine. Solos and recitations were given by Mrs M’ALPINE, Miss NEVIN, Miss Maggie SLOAN and Mr. M’MULLAN. At the close of the programme the following office bearers were elected;
President, John J. M’CREA
vice-presidents, George M’ALPINE, John M. STEWART and Mr James CUTHBERTSON
secretary Mr S. M’MULLAN
assistant secretary, Miss M. J. NEVIN
treasurers, Mr. R. TRIMBLE and Miss JAMIESON
committee, Mrs M’ALPINE, Miss Maggie SLOAN, Miss Maggie NEVIN, Miss TRIMBLE, Mr Anthony NEVIN, and Mr. B. BOLAND.
The meeting was closed by Mr M‘DOWELL in engaging devotional exercises.
4 Dec. 1896 Aughentaine Presbyterian Church
The Clogher Presbytery met Tuesday for a special visitation of the above congregation. There were present;
Rev. S. C. MITCHEL, Enniskillen, clerk
Also present the Revs.
Wm. M’ELWAINE Aughnacloy
R. WARNOCK Glenboy
R.J MILLAR Cavanaleck
D. J. BOYLE Lisbellaw
J. BOYLE Maguiresbridge
and the Messrs. FOSTER, M’KAY and Wm COOTE, elders.
The court having been constituted, the usual questions were proceeded with. The session was represented by Mr. John M. STEWART and the congregation by Messrs. John J. M’CREA and George M’ALPIN. The Rev. John SIMPSON having signified his intention of resigning the charge of the congregation, the Presbytery appointed a commission consisting of Revs. W. H. BAILEY, R. J. MILLAR, R. WARNOCK, S.C.MITCHEL and Mr. Wm. COOTE. elders, to receive SIMPSON’S resignation and take charge of the congregation.

It is located at Shantonagh
11 Dec. 1902 Ordination at Aughentaine
Yesterday Clogher Presbytery met at Aughentaine Lecture Hall, Fivemiletown, for the purpose of ordaining Mr. John M’DOWELL, to the pastorate rendered vacant by the departure of Rev. C. HUNTER from Aughentaine to South Africa.
20 Feb. 1904 Accident near Fivemiletown
An accident of a somewhat serious nature occurred on Friday night to a farmer named M’LEAN and his wife, who were proceeding to their home in Aughentaine in a farm cart. During the thunderstorm the horse took fright at a blinding flesh of lightning, and before the occupant of the vehicle could avert the danger, the animal plunged over the unprotected side of the road into the bog, some 8 or 10 feet below. Mr. M’LEAN escaped injury, but his wife received a severe spinal hurt, and her condition is precarious.
(Fermanagh Herald)
31 May 1904 died
May 30th at Bessvale House, Killaloo, Rebecca Irwin, beloved wife of William SLOAN. Funeral will leave Bessvale House tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, 1st prox., at 9 o’clock, for Great Northern Railway. Interment in Aughentaine Burying-ground. Friends will please accept this the only intimation. (Londonderry Sentinel)
19 May 1905 Aughentaine Church
On Tuesday, 9th May, an entertainment possessing the charm of real freshness and many features of attractiveness, was held in Aughentaine National School No. 2 in presence of a large and appreciative assemblage. The clever organiser, Mrs. M’DOWAL who is congratulated on the success of the entertainment, was ably assisted by a band of willing and energetic helpers.
On the motion Rev. John MDOWAL seconded Mr. Andrew RICHARDSON, Mr. J. J. M’CREA was called to preside. Mr. M’CREA, on taking the chair, thanked the audience for the honour. As the proceeds of this entertainment were to be devoted to the repairs of their church, he was proud to see such a large and representative gathering.
The programme opened with a selection on the gramophone, kindly lent and manipulated by Mr. James MAYNE, which was much enjoyed. Next came a song by Miss ARMSTRONG, for which she was warmly applauded. Miss Cissy BOLAND, a youthful performer, delighted the audience in the clever way in which she gave a recitation entitled “Papa’s letter.’’ Mr. John STEWART, who is well known in Aughentaine, sustained his reputation as a singer by his song “True, true till death,” for which he was imperatively encored. The washing competition for gentlemen only, which called forth much merriment, was the next item, the entries being so numerous that the competition had to run in two heats.
Mrs. BRYAN and Miss SHAW, who kindly acted as judges, declared the winners to be;
1st. Mr. David ELLISON
2nd Mr. John BRYAN
Afterwards Mr. M’GUCKIN an old favourite with Aughentaine people, amused all present by his comic song, “Mr. Dooley.” Following this Miss ARMSTRONG sang very sweetly “Aileen Alannah,” for which she was loudly encored. Birds wedding competition was the next item on the programme and was enthusiastically entered into by a good number of competitors. This competition was a written one, questions being asked, the key to each question being the name of bird. Miss NEVIN and Miss WRIGHT who judged the papers, declared the winners to be;
1st Mr. SANDS
2nd Mr. J. BRYAN
An interval was allowed so that refreshments might taken at the tea tent, which was erected outside the school and presided over by the Sabbath School teachers of Aughentaine Presbyterian Church, the tea and sugar being the generous gift of Mr. J. SHAW, auctioneer, Fivemiletown. The second part of the programme opened with an action song entitled “Snow Flakes”, which was much admired, being rendered by two little girls, the Misses WALLACE. Mr. John SHAW held the attention of all present when reciting “The women Mumble’s Head.” Competition No. 3 was entitled “Musical Consequences.” This competition was heartily entered into by both ladies and gentlemen the key to each question being the name of a piece music. Great earnestness was displayed in the writing of these answers and after 20 minutes had elapsed, the winners were;
2nd Miss WALLACE
Mr. Andrew RICHARDSON and Mr. M’MULLEN acted as judges in this competition. The “Swanee River” which was sung Miss Ida STEWART, another youthful performer, seemed to catch on with the the audience. Competition No. 4, “Hat Trimming” for gentlemen only, was the most amusing item on the programme as amidst roars of laughter, each competitor took up a hat and began operations. The fun increased to the end, each piece of decoration calling forth renewed mirth. The gentlemen who were requested to wear the hats when (trimmed?) looked ridicuously funny. Mr. SANDS, whose bonnett displayed much artistic taste, was worthy of first prize. Mr. M’GUCKIN, who was awarded second, trimmed a hat which could be worn by one of the most fastidious the fair sex. Mrs. MORRISON and Miss CUTHBERTSON were the judges.
The next item was a song Miss ARMSTRONG, which was sweetly sung and well received. Mrs. M’DOWAL and Mr. M’GUCKIN sang a comic duet, which was greatly enjoyed. Miss WALLACE again favoured the audience with a song, but the late hour the evening would not permit of the encore which she was called on to give. A stop watch competition was then announced, and books of tickets distributed, Mr. BOLAND and Mr. TRIMBLE taking charge. This concluded the programme, when Rev. John M’DOWAL proposed a vote thanks to all who had contributed to the evening’s enjoyment.
Mrs. M’DOWAL then presented the prizes, which were as follows;
Washing competition
1st. box of soap, presented by Messrs. Lever Bros.
Birds wedding competition
1st, lamp presented by Mr. George YOUNG
travelling bag. presented by Mrs. MORRISON
Hat trimming competition
1st Silver-mounted walking stick, presented Mr. David YOUNG, Omagh
2nd driving whip, presented Mrs. M’DOWAL.
Musical consequences
1st alarm clock, by Mr. J. J. M’CREA
2nd, lady’s umbrella, by Mr. G. F. WILSON, Omagh
Stop watch competition
Watch, presented Mr. James PORTER

Pictured at Syunshin. The church is closed, but the graveyard is still used. courtesy of Kenneth Allen
27 Jan. 1906 Death and Funeral of Mrs. Mary McELROY, Ballyvadden, Fivemiletown
The death of Mrs. Mary McELROY took place at Ballyvadden, Fivemiletown, on Sunday, 14th inst., at the age of 65 years. The deceased enjoyed the esteem and respect of all her night painful illness, was a shock and wholly unexpected. On Tuesday the funeral took place to Aughentaine Roman Catholic burying ground, and the Rev. P. M’ELMEEL P.P officiated at the grave side.
The chief mourners were;
Matthew McELROY (husband)
Michael McELROY (son)
P. MOANE, Fivemiletown
Edward MOANE, Clogher
and John MOANE, Timpany (brothers)
Patrick MOANE, Fivemiletown (nephew)
James McLAUGHLIN, Aughacramphfield
Arthur BRANNIGAN, Thomas BRANNIGAN, Glenoo
James M’CAUGHEY Findermere
Amongst the general public were;
Thomas GUNN
John Dresden
William M’MAHON
Frederick SMALL
(Fermanagh Herald)
8 Oct. 1909
A pleasant social organised by Mr. John M’GEARY, Mr. Wm. DENNIS and a number of friends, for the purpose of giving a farewell send-off to Mr. BRADLEY, Principal Murley N. S., and Mr. Samuel BAXTER, of Aughentaine, on the occasion of their departure from the district to take up positions of more importance, the former as teacher in Wesley College, Belfast, and the latter as land-steward at Crom Castle, the residence the Earl Erne K.P., was held in the National School building at Murley, near Fivemiletown on Wednesday night 29th September. A happy night was spent, a good programme having been provided by those in charge of the arrangements.
Clogher Cathedral Graveyard inscription; (provided by Jo Mulligan)
In Loving Memory of Samuel BAXTER, Aughentaine who d. 17th July 1916 aged 68 years. also his wife Mary, who d. 4th Feb 1905 aged 47 years.
John BAXTER, late of Fivemiletown, who departed this life 10th May 1874 aged 70 years.

Built in 1886. It is across the road from Holy Family RC Church.
Page transcribed & compiled by Teena
‘Statistical survey of the county of Tyrone’, published 1802 by John M’Evoy.