Debtors of County Tyrone were often imprisoned in what was the ‘debtors side’ of Omagh Gaol. This page includes articles relating to the names of some of those debtors to 1850

Photograph courtesy Gordon Dunn
Some accounts of the Omagh Gaol-
Omagh Gaol – The 4 Dungeons for felons open into a passage, 6 ft wide, have all 2 doors, one iron-grated, These, with four rooms over them for debtors, were clean and white-washed, and not offensive. No court, no infirmary. The county intends to build a new gaol. Some of the gentlemen have fixed on the site of the ruinous county hospital for that purpose, but others, more judiciously prefer, a fine healthy spot near the river, where the old castle stood. Here is an attentive inspector and a good gaoler. Salary £20
13 Jul. 1787 – 16 debtors; 19 felons &c.; (from An account of the principal Lazarettos in Europe (pub. 1789)
1830 William M’KINNEY was governor of Omagh Gaol
20 Mar 1834 Omagh Gaol Important investigation (From the Strabane Morning Post)
A public investigation of a highly important nature, was held in Omagh, on Friday and Saturday last, into the conduct of certain officers connected with the gaol in this county, before the Right Hon. the Earl of Caledon, Lord Lieutenant and a number of the Depot Lieutenants, including Sir R. A. FERGUSON Bart. J. SINCLAIR Esq. A. W. C. HAMILTON Esq. J. C. MONTRAY Esq. W. CORRY Esq. C. C. BERESFORD Esq. and a number of the most respectable and influential gentlemen of this county. The investigation was to be held in consequence of a number of charges forwarded to Government by Mr. Isaac GRAHAM of this town, as to certain malpractices stated to exist there and were in substance as follows
Against the Governor
1st Charge That John M’KENNY, the keeper of Omagh gaol, has been, for a length of time, employed in extensive business as a farmer and as a road overseer, or jobber, contrary to the act of 7 Geo. 4, c. 74 which requires that he shall not be employed in any other business or calling whatsoever.
2nd That a great part of said farming operations were performed by the turnkeys of said gaol, by order of the Governor.
3rd – That said Governor is at the present time (18th Sept. 1833 when the charges were first forwarded to Government,) supplying the gaol with provisions contrary to the provisions of said act, and that the turnkeys were also supplying the gaol with provisions.
4th – For having employed prisoners outside the gaol, during the time of their confinement, at his (the Governor’s) work, and for his emolument.
5th – That a prisoner of the gaol so employed, got whiskey into the prison, by which he made himself and others drunk and broke the prison windows.
6th – For employing in his (the Governor’s work) since the period of first complaint (18th Sept.) persons paid by the county, in feeding his swine, in driving his jaunting-car, and other private business.
7th – For slaughtering and dressing swine within the walls of said prison; for keeping sporting dogs and supporting them within the hospital of said prison and keeping poultry occasionally within the walls said prison, contrary to good order and prison discipline.
8th – For that when a complaint was made to said Governor, in presence of the matron, that a man named MACKEY had attempted to ill use a woman named Catherine COLLINS, who had been sentenced to solitary confinement, and that SHARKEY had got into the cell by means of a key which he had carried with him; he, the said Governor only answered, that he did not believe it, although the woman offered to swear to the facts, and that the servants of the Governor had frequent access to the female department of the prison by means of the Governor’s master key.
9th – For that when the conduct of Ellen MOORE a female turnkey as a blackguard in her conversation, a liar, a drunkard, and a profane swearer, and against JOHNSTON, PERRY and MOORE, turnkeys, as great cursers and swearers, had been reported to the Governor, he continued them in their employment, without taking the proper steps to have them removed from their several situations.
10th – For harbouring and lodging a number of persons in Omagh Gaol, said persons having no employment there, contrary to prison regulations and for supplying some of said persons with prison rations, at the expense of the county.
11th – For suffering the escape one or more prisoners confined in his custody, through neglect and want of proper discipline and attention.
12th – That he, or some of his family, residing in the gaol, did at sundry times, take large quantities of soap and candles, turf, straw and ammunition, all of which said articles had been provided for the use of the prison, or for the use of the prisoners confined therein, at the expense of the county Tyrone and paid for by presentment in said county and for conniving at and suffering frauds to be committed in the measurement and supply of turf for the prison.
This concluded the charges against the Governor. The facts, as stated in the above charges, were supported by the testimony of William CRAWFORD, a turnkey in the gaol, Andrew CREIGHTON, Thomas CRAWFORD and James FITZSIMONS, formerly turnkeys, Joseph CRAWFORD, a former servant of the Governor, John BASHFORD, husband the gaol matron, Mrs. BASHFORD, the gaol matron and W. SPROUL, formerly confined for debt in Omagh gaol, who deposed to the facts and a underwent strict and able cross examination by Messrs. HOLMES and STACK, solicitors.
The witnesses adduced in defence, were Mr. NORRIS, a member of the board of Superintendence and Mr. George BUCHANAN, Providore of the gaol, as to the description of the roads made by Mr. M’KENNA, being of broken stones from the gaol, according to presentment and for which he received no fees; by Mr. Wm. BROWN gardener and Mr. Christopher BOLAND, as to the quantity of land held by the Governor; James WILSON Esq. clerk of the Crown and Mr. George SMITH, to the character of James FITZSIMONS.
Mr. WILSON would not advance anything against the man’s character, and thought him worthy of belief; but Mr SMITH did not. Evidence to his character was offered, but not persisted in. Mr. NORRIS was also examined, as to whether any permission was given for the turnkeys to work by the board. There was conversation at the board on the subject and they thought they might out occasionally for recreation. He was also examined as to the case of Andrew CREIGHTON’S dismissal from the office of turnkey, but gave him a good character.
It was stated in the 10th charge, that permission had been given to lodge John O’BRIEN, formerly a jailor in the prison, but the question of his receiving jail rations had not been mentioned. Mr. M’KENNY was to allow him £30 year. An excellent character was given of the Governor, by Messrs. M’CAUSLAND and NORRIS, members of the Board and by Major PALMER, who stated that such abuses as those stated might exist without his (the Major’s) knowledge; but he had always considered Mr. M’KENNY a zealous and effective officer.
Omagh jail was one of eight, which ranked foremost in Ireland.
Stephen NELIS, a turnkey, charged with being a great and notorious drunkard, on the evidence of Andrew CREIGHTON and William CRAWFORD. The Rev. Mr. CULBERTSON, Presbyterian Chaplain and the Rev. Mr. QUIN, Roman Catholic Chaplain, had frequent opportunities of seeing him, and did not consider him a drunkard.
Ellen O’NEILL for being a great and notorious blackguard in her conversation, a liar, a drunkard, and a blasphemer, on the evidence of the gaol matron. Mr. J. M’CAUSLAND and Mr. BUCHANAN had never seen her drunk, and considered her general conduct good.
Charges against the Rev. Mr. STACK – local Inspector
1st Charge – For general inattention and neglect of duty during a series of years, inasmuch as he did not visit twice week as chaplain, twice a week as local inspector, read prayers every Sunday, attend every third week to see the provisions distributed, as by the law and prison regulations he was bound to do and that he did not see the several rules and regulations carried into effect, as was his bounden duty to have done; but, on the contrary, did almost totally neglect said duty.
2nd – For suffering some of the persons employed about the prison to work for his gain and emolument, having straw kept there for litter for his horses and manure for his farm and also that he drew away, and converted to his own use a quantity of stone flagging which had been raised in the gaol, which stones had been replaced by wooden floors, contrary to the act.
3rd – For not attending to the charge of the matron, when complaining of County soap and candles taken away; but told her she must keep herself quiet, if she wished to be there; and took no further notice of the charge.
4th – For not removing Ellen O’NEIL and NELIS when reported to him.
5th – For being privy to the farming operations of the Governor. These charges were supported chiefly by the same evidence as the charges against the Governor and were closely connected with them. Mr. BUCHANAN, architect, and Mr. John CLARKE, stone-cutter, were examined for the purpose of establishing the fact, that the only stones taken were those of the old Crown Hall, which had been bought from the architect by Mr. STACK. A very considerable degree of anxiety was evinced on the subject; and we have certainly never seen an investigation conducted with more care and impartiality, than that evinced by lord Caledon, and the gentlemen joined with him in conducting the investigation. Mr. STACK’S conduct as local inspector was highly approved of by Major PALMER. We should mention, that another charge was offered to Lord Caledon against Mr. STACK, but which his Lordship did not then feel himself competent to enter upon; but stated to Mr. GRAHAM that he would lay it before Government, and inform him of the result.
2 Jan. 1847 Gaol at Omagh (inspection report)
I inspected this gaol on the 2nd Jan. 1847 and have much reason to be satisfied with what I saw in the male part of the prison. The corridors, cells, and day rooms, are kept extremely clean and I was forcibly struck with the excellent order and cleanliness, in which the utensils for meals are preserved. The bedding is of the best description, all supplied with sheets, which materially tend to cleanliness and are useful on the score of economy, saving the wear and tear of blankets by repeated washing. I feel myself particularly called upon to notice, in this place, the condition of the lunatic class, so strongly commented upon by my predecessor Doctor WHITE in his last report. I, this day, found 11 males and 2 females, the males occupying part of the old gaol, in charge of a turnkey, whose sole duty is to attend to them; they were most comfortably clad and treated with the greatest kindness. The two females were equally well circumstanced, having also an assistant exclusively to take care of them, and I have great pleasure in having it in my power to report that all I have witnessed during a long and searching inspection, are in themselves sufficient evidences of the untiring attention of the local inspector, to the serious responsibilities of his situation, that the Governor is a most zealous and efficient officer; the deputy Governor, an able and valuable assistant to the Governor; the sub-officers discharging their respective duties to the satisfaction of the local authorities; and lastly the hospital department, where the patients are supplied with a long warm coat, resembling a dressing gown and everything denotes that a master hand is over it. Convenient and well sheltered sheds have recently been erected for prisoners to work at stone and bone breaking.
The male prisoners are employed at stone breaking, bone pulverizing, and at times, at smith’s work, carpentering, sawing, tailoring, shoe and clog making, weaving, and winding and other trades as prisoners may be found to understand, but no general system of instruction followed up. The schools are not sufficiently attended to.The females are employed at the usual occupation of washing, spinning, sewing, knitting, prison duties, nursing &c., but no classification can be attended to, in consequence of the want of accommodation for females.
Dietary – Breakfast 8 oz. oatmeal stirabout, 1 pint of buttermilk. Dinner 1 lb bread, 1 pint of new milk. Supper 4 oz. oatmeal stirabout. Male prisoners take their meals in cells. Females in day room.
Officers in 1847
Rev. Samuel ROGERS local inspector and Protestant Chaplain
Rev. Josiah MITCHELL Presbyterian Chaplain
Rev. M. OLLANE Roman Catholic chaplain
H. THOMPSON Esq. M. D. Physician
James WHITE Esq. M D Apothecary
Mr Alex CAMPBELL Governor
John DONNELLY deputy Governor and clerk
James CLEMENTS 1st turnkey
William CRAWFORD 2nd do
Knox ASHFIELD 3rd do
Andrew HAMILTON 4th do
James TURNER 5th turnkey
Samuel MULLEN 6th do
Henry DENLAP 7th do
John BALLENTINE 8th do
A. JOHNSTON 9th do
John M’CLELLAND schoolmaster
Anne LYNCH matron
Margaret KIDNEY Hospital nurse
Margaret M’GREW Female turnkey
25 Mar. 1853 Omagh Gaol to Architects
The board of superintendents of Omagh are desirous of receiving plans and elevations for the erection of a new building, in the gaol of Omagh, for the accommodation of female prisoners, on the separate system, to forwarded, free of expense, before Wed. 6th April next, the local inspector who will in the meantime, furnish applicants with the necessary information respecting the proposed site, the nature and extent of the accommodation required and the probable sum intended to laid out. The author of the plan and elevation adopted, if not employed to superintend the work, will receive sum of 20 guineas for them and they shall, in either case become the absolute property of the County. No remuneration whatever will be given for any other plan and elevation than that which may be adopted; and all others will be returned to their respective owners. The selection will be made at the meeting the Board the 7 April next by order of the Board. Geo. A. ROGERS, local inspector (Tyrone Constitution)
25 Feb. 1882 Horrors of Omagh Gaol
The following letter has been addressed to Mr. W. E. FORSTER by the “suspects” in Omagh Gaol
To the right Hon. W. E. FORSTER Chief secretary for Ireland. Omagh Gaol Feb. 14,1882
Sir, We, the undersigned, beg to direct your immediate attention to the gravity of the situation in which we are placed and the terrible danger to which we are exposed by being confined as “suspects” in this prison of Omagh. The sanitary condition of the gaol is simply abominable. From the defective sewerage, the most noxious, poisonous, gases arise, permeating the atmosphere around us and filling our lungs with the seeds of disease. Several valuable lives, we believe, have already been sacrificed. Captain Lambert DISNEY, the late lamented governor, has been the latest victim. Scarcely had he taken his residence here than he was struck down with a most malignant attack of typhoid fever, and after a brief struggle succumbed to its terrible ravages. Many of us are, and have been unwell for some time past. Strong men who were never ill before, complain of the sickening effects produced by bad sanitation. And we may here remark, that any one of us who hints at being sick or in want of medical advice is regarded with suspicion and indifference by the medical doctor. We are, as you may be aware, kept locked in our cells for 18 hours out of the 24. The other six are supposed to be allowed for “exercise.” Four of these hours are spent in a yard about 40 feet square, surrounded by high buildings. It is dark and confined, and the air heavy and polluted, a ray of sunshine never appearing, even for a moment, to dispel the gloomy aspect of the place. The centre of this yard was once apparently a grass plot, ’tis now a mass of mud. Round this plot in circular form runs a paved footpath (the ordinary pebble paving) about two feet wide. This path is the only part of the yard where we can walk and it was purposely made to punish convicted criminals sentenced to hard labour. A rough timber shed stands in the middle of the yard. It is about 26 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 7 feet high, sheeted on the outside with very light boarding. On the inside the studding is uncovered and the roof uncoiled. This shed may answer tolerably well for housing cattle, but as a place of recreation for human beings it is an insult and a scandal. In this structure there are 3 windows, or what were intended for windows and for some inexplicable reason the architect had the sashes of the two of them glazed, with patent rolled plate glass, which admits scarcely any light and prevents one from seeing through. The floor is of mud, rugged and wet, the cold of which unendurable. A permanent seat occupies the centre of the floor, but as we cannot remain with our feet for any length of time upon the ground, we are obliged to sit on the back rail of the seat in an awkward and uncomfortable as well as an unsightly position. The shed is entirely too small; there is little light, and no ventilation and when 30 men are crowded into it, it is impossible to remain there with safety to our lives.
The authorities here state that they purpose spreading some sand or gravel over the floor and about the sloppy yard, but this is a totally inadequate and utterly absurd remedy for the existing evil.
The well from which are supplied with water lies within a few yards of the house, wherein the late governor perished from typhoid fever. An earth closet in bad condition is situated right over the cookhouse, and we believe that the foul gases escaping from the soil enter the building and poison our food.
Medical opinion has already pronounced the sanitation to be fatally defective. Believing that you had no intention of murdering us when you signed the warrants committing to this prison, we ask you to have us released at once from custody, or else removed without delay from a hot bed of fever to a more healthy and safer locality. Then signed by “suspects” (but the names are not published) (Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser)
16 Nov. 1883 from an article titled 100 Years Ago
From John Howard’s (1785-1843) account of “Prisons and Hospitals.
The distinguished humanitarian deals exhaustively with his subject and gives, with much freedom, the impressions formed in course of a series of personal visits to the prisons of Ireland. He begins with a decided lunge at the architects. “I could not,” he says, “but reflect with great concern that many of the prisons now building will be monuments of the unskillfulness of the architects.” This we take to have reference to convenience and the requirements of prison life. “The new gaols,” he adds, “having pompous fronts, appear like palaces to the lower class of the people of Ireland.” We have not infrequently heard the sneering observation in our own day that our best buildings are our gaols and poor-houses, sad triumphs of civilization in the midst of desolation and poverty. Mr. Howard gives details of the prison arrangements throughout the provinces as he found them. Of Omagh gaol he speaks with a feeling of toleration. It was not wholly bad. He mentions that the then magnates of the county had fixed for a new site, that “of the ruinous county hospital, but others, more judicious, prefer a fine healthy spot near the river,” probably the latter being the ground selected. “Some of the sheriffs, we read, are guilty of a great abuse in taking 20 and 30 guineas of the gaolers for their appointments.” The gaolers in turn recouped themselves by exactions on the prisoners.”Little attention to the separation of the sexes, or of debtors and felons.” (Derry Journal)
23 Nov. 1886 Omagh Gaol
In reply to Lord Ernest Hamilton, The Attorney General for Ireland said prisoners under the Debtors’ Act from County Tyrone are now sent, pursuant to an order of the Lord Lieutenant under statute, to Londonderry. It is legal for the sheriff, under such circumstances, to take prisoners into an adjoining county.
26 Nov 1920 A 95 year old Omagh Prison Diary
Many piquant sidelights on prison life of almost a century ago are contained in the 95 year-old journal of the old Omagh jail, which a relic-hunter has retained since the prison, capable of housing about 200 prisoners, was knocked down several years ago. Every little detail of the life of the jail, from the breaking of a window pane to the disappearance of a comb, is faithfully recorded, nothing being apparently too trivial for the prison Pepys. Each day the various turnkeys, as the now familiar warder was then known, entered in the journal, the conditions in which they found the cells and the behavior of the convicts after the rounds of inspection. To these the governor appends the punishments to be meted out to the prisoners guilty of breaches of the rules.
These “sentences of the sentenced” vary little and seem oddly confined to stopping their milk allowances. The daily offenses are infinite in their variety. From shirt-tearing, they go on to lending knives to lunatics, speaking in Irish through cell keyholes, feet-drying with the hand-towel, fighting, smoking, throwing hammers about, receiving bread from one’s wife writing in the absence of the schoolmaster, refusing to break stones, sleeping fully clothed in bed, and so on.
Alexander PARIS, in a passionate show of ill-temper at breakfast one morning, was guilty of disgraceful recklessness. After abusing one of his fellow prisoners, he actually threw an egg-shell at him. “PARIS to go milkless for 3 days”, the relentless Governor grimly ordered, as stern warning that people in jail houses shouldn’t throw egg-shells. Hugh GALLAGHER was a guest of an unusually musical frame of mind. He persisted in entertaining the occupants of the prison with sweet airs “before lock-out.”
An energetic turnkey reported 3 gentlemen, stating “All quiet during the night, except that in No.70 cell, the three men were speaking Irish at 3 o’clock in the morning.” The trio had their milk stopped for three days for their behavior.
Condy GILLESPIE appears with persistent regularity in the Journal. Among his many offenses was that he wore a shirt a day longer than the laws of cleanliness permitted; on another occasion he appeared at the morning inspection wearing his night-cap. It is probable, that GILLESPIE had to go without milk during practically his entire confinement in the jail. The day of his release at last dawned, however, but in his exuberance he was weak enough to sing in his cell at 5 a m.
Even the turnkeys themselves often come under the eagle eye of the governor. William COLHOUN was seen one day to be speaking to 2 of his charges, who still had their caps on. For his gross carelessness he was sternly reprimanded not to let his prisoners be so disrespectful in future.
That they were careless in other aspects is indicated by the following note of the governor -“As great inconvenience has frequently arisen from turnkeys going out for a walk or otherwise disposing of their time in the evenings, it is ordered that no turnkey will, in future, leave the prison upon any pretense whatsoever, unless it is going on some duty connected with the prison, without the permission of the inspector or governor.
The inspector is a Mr. E. M. CLARKE adds to the comment – I have much pleasure in signing the above order, at the same time expressing my determination in enforcing it in the strictest possible manner.
There was a complaint that Denis GALLAGHER was guilty of annoying the peaceful slumbers of his fellow prisoners during the night and also had a weakness for singing and whistling during the week. The Governor ordered that Denis should in future sleep in the old Crown Hall owing to the noise he makes at night
The prison also housed a number of debtors, who seemingly found imprisonment galling. Two of them had to go milkless for talking to pedestrians in the street.
On Christmas morning in 1831 the Yuletide spirit led Patrick M’ILHENNEY to put his cap in his coal box, contrary to the regulations. Patrick as a result had to go without milk for his Christmas dinner.
An entry which sounds a note of tragedy is that dated 7th Aug. 1831 “Patrick STEWART* executed this day.” It is to be regretted that the prison historian fails to mention the facts of Patrick’s offense and posterity is left in the dark as to the expedition or otherwise of the execution and the condemned man’s behaviour on the scaffold, details which are so eagerly read today. On 21 Feb 1832 it is recorded that Patrick BARRON, a debtor, died in the course of the night. The turnkey reported the death to the prison board, and an inquest was held. The strangely worded verdict recorded that the dead man met his end “By a visitation from God”.
*transcribers note – Patrick STEWART, James STEWART jr. , Alexander STEWART, (brothers) and James STEWART Sr. (father) were charged with the murder of Martha and John LYTLE at Cloghroe, near Donegal, on the 5th Sept. 1830 Alexander aged 22 and James Jr. aged 25, both married and were executed in front of Lifford Gaol on 2 Apr. 1831.
Insolvent Debtors
The following is transcribed from the ‘The Statutes at Large, Passed in the Parliaments Held in Ireland 1777-78’.
An act for the relief of insolvent debtors, whereas the several persons whose names are mentioned in the schedules hereunto annexed, have been, by misfortunes, rendered unable to satisfy the whole of their respective debts and it is reasonable to make provision for such of them, as shall do their utmost for the satisfaction of their creditors, therefore, be it enacted by the King’s most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent, of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, that it shall and may be lawful for all and every the persons whose names are mentioned in the said schedules, at any time before the 1st May 1780, to exhibit petitions to his Majesty’s court of king’s bench, or common pleas in Dublin, setting forth the several matters directed to be set forth in the petitions of the persons mentioned, in a schedule annexed to an act passed in the 1st year of his present Majesty entitled ‘An act for the relief of insolvent debtors’ and the said several persons shall, upon performing the several requisites, in the said act directed to be performed by the several persons mentioned in the schedules, thereunto annexed to be entitled to the like benefit and relief and subject to the like punishment, in cases of delivering a false and untrue account of their estate and effects, or concealing the same, as by the said act, is directed with respect to the several persons whose names are mentioned in the said schedule, annexed to the said act, and the respective estates and effects of the persons, whose names are mentioned in the schedules hereunto annexed shall be subject to all and singular, the terms and provisions mentioned in the said act, with respect to the estates and effects of the persons whose names are mentioned in the said schedules annexed to the said acts. For the full requirement of the Act see source document page 128
In prison 1777 /78 1st. Schedule 1st Part Prisoners against whom no petition has been preferred
Tyrone County Gaol – Omagh
William GRAHAM
William McKINSEY
Francis MONGAN
Bernard FITZ SUMMON otherwise BURNS
William WALKER
William CAREY
Patrick MURPHY
In prison 1777 /78 1st. Schedule 1st Part Prisoners against whom no petition has been preferred
Marshalsea of Strabane
James HOOD
Francis TATE
Patrick O’DONNEL
1st Schedule 2nd Part 1777-78 (pg 139) The 17th and 18th years of George III
County Tyrone
Thomas ANDERTON, Grange, dealer
Andrew BAILIE, Donaghenry, esquire
James CARROLL, Dion, publican
Bernard CARRON, late of Lungs
Charles CARRON, late of Lungs
Samuel CLARKE, Dungannon, linen weaver
John LITTLE, weaver
John MURRAY, Anagh, weaver
Daniel McANTAGGART, Tylebryan , butcher
Richard McCOMBE, Stewarts town, parish clerk
Henry NEALE, baker
James ROGERS, Dromerone, weaver
James THAKER, Stuarts town
2nd Schedule 1st Part Petitioners petitioned against
Tyrone Gaol;
Gaol of Omagh;
Gerard KYLE
Petitioners petitioned against
Robert RUTLEDGE of Lisdort co Tyrone publican
(transcriber’s note – there are many names in this resource with no location mentioned.)
To prevent Repetitiveness with the News Reports of Insolvent Debtors, I have not included the following, which is in each announcement. (the only variation would be “in the year of his present Majesty’s Reign” ie: 52nd, 53rd, 54th etc).
“I hereby give notice, that my petition hath been presented to, and my schedule and oath filed, in his Majesty’s Court of Common Pleas in Ireland, in order to being discharged out of custody and from the demands of my creditors, pursuant to an Act of Parliament, made in the 53rd year of his present Majesty’s reign, entitled ‘An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors in Ireland’ and also of an act of parliament made in the 54th year of his present Majesty’s Reign, entitled ‘An act to amend an act made in the last session of Parliament for the relief of Insolvent debtors in Ireland.” I will begin Notices with this announcement type, as “I, or, We, hereby Give Notice.”
The following notices are transcribed from the Belfast newsletter, Dublin Correspondent, the Dublin Mercantile Advertiser, Dublin Weekly Advertisers & Register, and Pue’s Occurrence (unless otherwise noted)
26 Dec. 1758 – to be sold
To be sold for satisfaction of debts pursuant to an act of parliament for confirming and carrying an agreement made between Abraham CREICHTON and William TODD Esq.’s County of Tyrone Barony of Dungannon The 4 townlands of Grange, Tullahoge, together with the Mountain Denominations, now under lease to Charles DOUGLAS Esq. For the residue of a term of 60 years commenced the 1st May 1700 at 36£ yearly chief rent.
17 Feb. 1816
I hereby give notice….further take notice, that the matter of my said petition will be taken into consideration before the next going Judge or judges of the assizes in and for the North West Circuit, in the court house at Omagh, Co. Tyrone, Friday, 22nd March next. dated this 16th Feb. 1816 Pat MOAN, in Omagh Gaol
Creditors of Pat. MOAN;
To Patrick CALLAGHAN, of Armagh, insolvent’s detaining creditor
John SAVAGE, of Newry
Samuel CRAIG, Wm. PARK and Co. Messrs. MOORE and SIMPSON, Samuel GRIER, Robert DICKEY, Messrs. HENDERSON and M’CLAY, all of Belfast, merchants
Francis TEAGUE, of Shantarney
John HARTFORD, of Tigheney
Laurence MARLAY, of Tulnafail
Patrick M’KENNA of Ballygawly
Patrick HANNAGHAN Clogher
John M’ELROY, of Ratorey
and Hugh M’CARRON, Fordross, all farmers or dealers, and all of the Co. Tyrone
20 Jul. 1816 I hereby give notice in order to my being discharged from my said imprisonment. Patrick DONNELLY Confined in Omagh Gaol.
Thomas BAIRD & Co. detaining creditors
Elizabeth WHITE and son, Charles (RISK?), (-?) WILD, Con. O’NEILL, James DAVOCK, all of Dublin
Terence M’ILGREW, Killevean
John KEARNY, Joseph BOYD, William COCHRANE Cochran, all of Newry
Alexander PRENTICE Armagh
Jackson and John HARRINGTON, Moy
Richard BALEE, Dungannon
William and George M’DOWELL, Ballygawley
Bernard DONNELLY residence not known
23 Jul. 1816 I hereby give notice in order to my being discharged from my said imprisonment. Audley JOHNSTON confined in Omagh Gaol.
Reverend Archibald HAMILTON of Mount Barnett, detaining creditor
Charles JOHNSTON and John ROBINSON both of Lure
James JOHNSTON of Currin
John KERR of Ganvaghan?
Hugh HAMILTON of Dru_neris?
James HEMPHILL of Castlesessagh
James M’CORMICK of Darten
Wm. JOHNSTON of Lure
James M’CORMICK of Darten
William CALDWELL of Ballybeggan
Heirs of Samuel BLAIR ? late of Strabane
Gilley McHUGH, Henry McHUGH and Mary M’HUGH all of Derg- Bridge
John JOHNSTON of Ardbarren
James DELIN Kilmatin
John and Robert ROBINSON of Lure
Robert ROLSTON of Neckigaren?
Joseph KERR of Munie
John KERR Ganvaghan
Joseph BAXTER of Lislaird
William LYNCH Moran bridge
Heirs of James JOHNSTON, late of Lure
Charles JOHNSTON and Robert JOHNSTON both of Ardbarren
Miles SWEENY of Legatellang_?
Samuel BRACKENRIDGE of Derg- Bridge
Aren DAVIES of Alt
John TWEEDY of Killeter
Jane HUGH and James HARPER of Ganvaghan
and all of the Counties Tyrone, Donegal and FermanaghJohn TEDLEY, Major Arthur JOHNSTON, and the heirs of
Henry EDWARDS, residence unknown.
1 Mar. 1817
I hereby Give Notice….And take notice the matter of my said petition will be taken into consideration by the next going judges of assize for the North West Circuit, assizes to be held in Omagh, in and for the County of Tyrone. on Sat. 22 March next, according the order of the court for that purpose. dated 28 Feb. 1817 John LETTS confined the gaol of Omagh
creditors of John LETTS;
Robert JACKSON of Armagh, insolvent’s detaining creditor
Messrs. MACAU and KEILY same place
Wm. THOMPSON, Irvinestown, Co. Fermanagh
George and Thomas SLOAN
Archibald JOHNSTON
Edward GREER
Alice HUNTER, all of Co. Tyrone
12 Jul. 1817 Insolvent Debtors
I hereby Give Notice…And take notice, that the matter of my petition is to be heard by the next going Judge of assizes for the North West Circuit, at an assize to be held at Omagh, dated 9 Jul. 1817. Alexander SCOTT confined in the gaol at Omagh
creditors of Alexander SCOTT;
John SCOTT of Irtnagole
Right Hon. the Earl of Blessington, Mountyjoy Park
Patrick M’GRATH Irtnagole
Wm. YOUNG Omagh
Andrew GRAHAM, Carrick
Henry SCOTT, Irtnagole
Catharine M’CRORY, of Omagh, all in the Co. of Tyrone
and James STEWART of Cummins Gate, Co. Donegal
20 Sept. 1817
The following are the creditors of John KNOX
William KING or his Endorsee, Fintona
Wm. HEUSTON or his Endorsee, Fintona
Wm. WATSON or his Endorsee, Dennony
Wm. PATRICK Cornkeny
James M’QUAIN, or his Endorsee, Alticlady
Nathan LYONS his Assignee, Tullywhisker
Gilly LOGAN, or his Endorsee, Tullywhisker
Robert KNOX, or his Assignee, Peacock Bank
John SAUNDERS or his Assignee, Strabane
John and Robt. SMITH, Strabane
James COOKE or his Endorsee, Strabane
Sam. MORTON late of Strabane
Gerard IRWINE, Strabane
James KNOX, Strabane
William FLEMING, Strabane
Hamilton FOSTER, Strabane
William HAMILTON jun. Strabane
William HAMILTON, sen. Strabane
Thos. HAMILTON, ditto
John STEWART, ditto
David GIBSON, ditto
John SCOTT, ditto
James ADAMS, ditto
Robert BROWNE, ditto
Jas. ADAMS, ditto
John LEIPER, ditto
John RUTHERFORD, ditto
Mr. STEWART, ditto
Aaron DAVIS, ditto
Mr. CONNOR, ditto
James CARR ditto
Nicholas SIMS, ditto
William M’ELHENNY ditto
Hugh STEWART, Liskey
John BALLANTINE, late of Drumahue
Thomas COOKE, Lisdivine
Robert GLINN, Tillycard
Thomas CHISM, Kildoragh
Robert M’CREA, Lack
James HAMILTON, or his Endorsee, Fort Stewart
Thomas MEEHAN, Donoghmore
Thos. MURPHY, Castlefin
Andrew ADAMS Newtown-Stewart
Christopher COWAN, Ballycoleman
John COOPER, Ault
Thomas KNOX, Ballyskey
James DUNLOP Ramelton
Andrew M’FARLAND Lisobel and Rev. James JONES Urney
2 Dec. 1817 Insolvent Debtors
We hereby give notice…in the said court on Tue. the 23rd December next, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon in order to our being discharged out of custody and from the demands of our Creditors. Dated this 1st of Dec. 1817
Robert SLOAN
Frederick KYLE
James PHELAN (his creditors are in Co. Kilkenny)
James BURY (his creditors are in Co. Wicklow)
the above are confined in the Four Courts Marshalsea
The following are the creditors of Robert SLOAN; (no locations mentioned except Newry Bank)
Thomas HARPUR, deceased
Richard BRYANS
Messrs. ORR and REID
Messrs. Samuel and James TOWNLEY
Representatives of the Newry Bank
Thomas Knox HANNYNGTON Esq.
Alexander MacKENZIE
Messrs. KIDD and M’KINSTRY
Sarah SHAW
LITTLE and Co.
FOX, KELLY and Co.
The following are the creditors of Frederick KYLE (all of county Tyrone)
James M’CLEAN and his endorsees
George BROWN
Rev. Charles Cob BERESFORD and his endorsees
William KYLE and his endorsees
The following are the creditors of Owen M’CRORY; (all in the county Tyrone)
Alexander HALL attorney
Richard ARMSTRONG and his assignees
Catherine M’CRORY alias CAVANAGH
Bernard M’ANULTY
Charles DEVINE
Thomas M’CRORY
Thomas M’GAUGHY deceased his representatives
Rev. James GRAHAM
Terence CONWAY
Patrick M’CAVILL
Arthur O’NEILL
and Thomas HARVEY of the town of Newry
21 Feb. 1818
We Hereby Give Notice… And take Notice, that pursuant to an order made in our said petitions, the matter of our said petitions, will be taken into consideration before the next going judges of the assizes for the North-west circuit at an assizes to be held in the town of Omagh, in and for the county of Tyrone, on 14th day March next, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, in order to our being discharged out of custody and from the demands of our creditors. dated 18 Feb. 1818. all confined in the gaol at Omagh
Robert STEEN
Wildridge M’DOWELL
creditors of Robert STEEN;
Thomas JOHNSTON, Temporey, Co. Tyrone
Joseph STEEN, Knooknakery, Co. Tyrone
George M’WILLIAMS Carnteel, Co. Tyrone
Jane STEEL or her endorsee, Longridge, Co. Tyrone
Joseph TREMBLE, Augher, Co. Tyrone
Arch. TREMBLE Clogher, Co. Tyrone
Margaret M’KNIGHT, ditto,ditto
Joseph BIRNEY ditto, ditto
Thomas STEEN Prolisk, Co. Tyrone
Robert STEEN, ditto, ditto
Charles WILSON Donaghmeen, Co. Tyrone
Mathew FLEMING, Mullans, Co. Tyrone
John CAROTHERS Mountsilver Co. Fermanagh
Arch. COROTHERS or his Endorsee, Rahekan, Co. Fermanagh
creditors of William PHILIPS;
Alex. MACKENZIE, Donaghmore, Co. Tyrone
Robert RUTHERFORD, Cookstown, Co. Tyrone
Daniel ALLEN, ditto, Co. Tyrone
Thomas KERRY Cobragh, Co. Tyrone
Messrs. PACK and LITTLE and Co.; Wine cellar entry Belfast
Samuel MAGOWAN town unknown, in the Co. Londonderry
Wm. PHILIPS, Cavameagh? Co. Londonderry
creditors of Wildridge M’DOWELL;
Robert ARMSTRONG, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone
Edward MOORE, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone
John BEATTY and Rowland BEATTY, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone
James M’GINN his heirs, executors, or Administrators, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone
Edward TOOLE, Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone
Richard FALLS Cavan, Co. Tyrone
Charles M’WILLIAMS Carnteel, Co. Tyrone
Margaret LIGGET, Ceady, Co. Tyrone
Charles QUIGLEY Ballagh, Co. Tyrone
Hon. and Rev. Charles KNOX Glack, Co. Tyrone
Robert NIELY Glenchull, County Tyrone
Susanna M’CANNA Mollyodin, Co. Monaghan
Patrick M’CANNA , ditto,
Uriel M’DOWELL Drumluddin, Co. Monaghan
Robert CLARKE, Glenacullin, Co. Monaghan
creditors of Robert SHEPHARD;
Samuel SMYTH
John SIMPSON, or his Endorsees, of America
Wm. HENRY, his Endorsees, or Assignees, Belfast
Messrs. PEBELS and KINLY, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone
Wm. SIMPSON, Clogher, Co. Tyrone
Dean BAGWELL, Clogher, Co. Tyrone
John DEVIN, Clogher, Co. Tyrone
James CURLESS of Clogher, Co. Tyrone
Owen M’ELROY or his endorsees, Mullins, Co. Tyrone
John CALDWELL, Augher Co. Tyrone
Wm. YOUNG, Omagh Co. Tyrone
John DONNELLY Ballivaddy, Co. Tyrone
John SHEPHARD, residence unknown
21 Feb. 1818 Insolvent debtors
Before the Judges of the assizes in the Town of Omagh on 14 March next at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. All Confined in the Gaol of Omagh.
Alexander LIGGET
Joseph LOGAN
Denis M’CAWELL and Charles, his son a minor
Creditors of Joseph WILSON;
Andrew WILSON Cavenderagh
Joseph WILSON, ditto
William PATRICK, Lesleferty
John M’CRERY, Islandmacue
James ADAMS, Derg-bridge
King BARTON, Newtown Stuart
Patrick FLEMING, Strabane
John SMITH, ditto;
Gilbert M’HUGH, Derg-bridge
John MACKAY, Maheracriggan
John M’GLIN, Crew
Robert HENDERSON, Golin
all above in County Tyrone
creditors of Thomas HUSTON;
David KELLY, Strahulter
James LAUGHLAN, Gorticastle
Archibald DUNCAN, Eden
William EAKIN, Leitrim
James HAY Letterbeat
William ADAMS, Eden
John HAY Drummasper
John HUNTER Droit
Hugh M’CULLAGH, Aughmama
Andrew BROWN, Drumnaboy
William HUSTON, ditto
Archy DUNCAN, Eden
William M’FARLAND of Sperin
Michael M’NAMEE, Eden
William M’GRAW, Newtown Stuart
all above in the Co. Tyrone
creditors of Alexander LIGGET;
Andrew NEILSON, Clonahill
Neil M’KINNY, Carrick
James DAVIES, Unshaney
John SCOTT, Dromore
Charles SPROULE, Grenan
Robert BRADLEY, Dernaseer
James M’CORMICK, Cooel
John ATCHESON, Lachagh
Wier ATCHESON, Callow
Anne M’CAMEY, Unshaney
Lyda JOHNSTON, Segulla
John GAY, Dromore
all in the Co. Tyrone
and Andrew WAUCHOP Caruadore, Co. Donegal
creditors of James BARKER, all in the Co. Tyrone;
Daniel KELLY, Strahulter
James LOUGHRAN Gortcastley
Archibald DUNCAN, Eden
Wm. EAKIN, Leitrim
Letitia HAMILTON, Beltrim
Patrick M’KELVEY, Ternamden
James HENERY, Eden
James M’BRINE, Omagh
David WHITE Esq. Omagh
James M’COWN, Omagh
Edw. MURPHY, Lisnacrieve
Wm. M’FARLAND, Larden
John BALLINTINE, Lettibratt
creditors of John BELL;
James M’CARDLE, Curlaught, Co. Tyrone
James BELL Jun. Tullybleety, Co. Tyrone
James BELL Sen. Tullybleety, Co. Tyrone
Charles WRIGHT, do
George BELL, do
James HAGAN, Glenkeen, Co. Tyrone
Thomas COOTE Corderry, Co. Tyrone
Chas. COOTE, do
James COOTE, do
Wm. M’CULLY Aughnacloy, Co. Tyrone
John BEGGS, do
James WILSON, do
David FINLAY, do
Joseph BELL, do
John WRIGHT, do
David COULTER, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone
Robert PET_GREW esq. Deceased, or his heirs, executors or administrators, late of Creely, Co. Tyrone
James CUMMIN, Bohard, Co. Tyrone
Robert MORRISON do
Robert COOTE, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone
Rev. Chas. KNOW rector of Aughaloo, Co. Tyrone
William JASSEY, Island, Co. Tyrone
Thomas BELL Glendaragh, Co. Tyrone
Robert HODGE Monaghan
Wm. IRVINE Armagh
Mathew CLARKE or his assignees Armagh
William HOWDEN, do
Joseph LEE, deceased or his heirs,executors or administrators, late of do, county Monaghan
Richard BRYAN, Liverpool or Newry does not know which
creditors of Joseph LOGAN;
Andrew ELLIOTT, Londonderry
Andrew ALLEN, Waterside Co. Londonderry
Adam PARK, Skinhue, Co. Tyrone
John LOGANT, Strabane, Co. Tyrone
Archibald BERLAND, do
James PHILIPS, Manganagh, Co. Tyrone
John AUSTIN Esq. Grange, Co. Tyrone
James SMITH, Drumgatty, Co. Tyrone
John RAMSEY, Gortivey, Co. Tyrone
Mary BOYLE, ditto
Robert ORR, ditto
Andrew M’ENTIRE, Bredy, Co. Tyrone
Morris TRIEL, Cloghogle, Co. Tyrone
Georhe M’CLINTOCH, deceased or his heirs, executors or administrators, late of Ballyheny, Co. Tyrone
Joseph GAMBLE, Eden, Co. Tyrone
Richard LOGAN, ditto
Jeremiah SMITH, ditto
Samuel WRAY, Javnavrine (?), Co. Tyrone
Anthony PATRICK, Canatone, Co. Tyrone
Robert WOODS, deceased or his heirs,executors or administrators, late of Ardeamie, Co. Tyrone
Martha M’CREA, Lullyard, Co. Tyrone
Rev. Andrew Thomas HAMILTON, Donagheady, Co. Tyrone
Owen DIVIN, Carrickahane, Co. Tyrone
Patrick DIVIN, Glengarrow, Co. Tyrone
creditors of Henry BRIEN;
John NORRIS, Donaghnie, Co. Tyrone
Miss Jane WILSON, Tattykeel, Co. Tyrone
George OSBURN, Esker, Co. Tyrone
Joseph EDEN, Springhill, Co. Tyrone
Michael WARNOCK, Raveny, Co. Tyrone
John BEATTY or heirs, late of Laten, Co. Fermanagh
Fitzwilliam CORRY, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh
creditors of Denis M’CAWELL and Charles, his son a minor
George BUCHANNON, Tattykeel, Co. Tyrone
Mathew GUY, Aughadulla, Co. Tyrone
May M’KANNA, Tatisallagh, Co. Tyrone
James EAGER, Aughadulla, Co. Tyrone
Michael M’BRINE, Tatisallagh, Co. Tyrone
James GREER, Sedannan, Co. Tyrone
Arthur GALBRAITH, Lisnilly, Co. Tyrone
Rev. Thomas STACK Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Thomas DUNCAN School-master residence unknown
creditors of John MOFFIT; all in the Co. Tyrone;
Robert DEAN, Meachey
James DEAN, ditto
Samuel MERCHALL Newtownstuart
John NORRIS unknown
Thomas LINDSAY Kilsbroh
Daniel O’DOGHERTY Dressig
John JOHNSON Killin
Edward M’CARRON Kilstrole
Robert WOODS Boytown
Jacob ALEXANDER Kilstrue
Moses BAIRD, Killen
Charles M’CORMICK, Strabane
Leslie GAULT, do
Isaac GRAHAM, do
Samuel MARSHALL, Newtownstuart
Andrew COOK, do
John JACK, Meachey
William PATRICK, Shankenny
Thomas MARTIN, Shinstroll
Charles DOGHERTY, unknown
Patrick CUNNINGHAM Omagh
William KING, Killstroll
Thomas GALBRAITH, Whitehouse
James M’MACKIN, Newtownstuart
John GRAHAM, Liscoble
Thomas WRAY, Karncenny
Samuel ATKINSON, Strabane
Philip LUGAN, Litsbunt
creditors of Edward GALLAGHER;
James GALBRAITH Esq. Gortirore, Co. Tyrone
Hon. and Rev. Chas. KNOX, Gleck
John GUIAN Milltown Ardsha, Co. Tyrone
Thomas PATTON Seeing, Co. Tyrone
John SMITH Strabane, Co. Tyrone
Wm. WACHOP, ditto
Wm. SMITH, Dysart, Co. Tyrone
Rev. James JONES Urney, Co. Tyrone
Edward SPROULL, Spawmouth, Co. Tyrone
John MAISE, Strabane, Co. Tyrone
James M’HUGH, Corgarry, Co. Tyrone
David BONNER deceased or his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns late of Strabane, Co. Tyrone
Miss JONES Urney, Co. Tyrone
Samuel HAMILTON Clady, Co. Tyrone
John GUINN Urney, Co. Tyrone
Michael SHERRIN, ditto
James FARQUHAR, Strabane, Co. Tyrone
Joseph CLARKE Porthall,Co. Donegal
Mrs. STEPHENSON Lifford, Co. Donegal
Jas. M’CARRON, Castlefin, Co. Donegal
Rev. James JONES jun. Raphoe, Co. Donegal
James CHAMBERS Esq. Lifford, Co. Donegal
Robert BEATTY unknown Co. Fermanagh
Wm. GALLAGHER, New York America
creditors of John SHORTE;
Robert ARMSTRONG, Co Tyrone
Robert SHEPHARD, Co Tyrone
Samuel M’DOWELL, Thomas MARTIN both of Augher, Co Tyrone
Wm. RICHEY, Carnahenny, Co Tyrone
Rev. Richard BAGWELL, Clogher, Co Tyrone
James RAFFERTY, Randeragee, Co Tyrone
Wm. O’FARRELL, Blackwatertown Co. Armagh
Messrs. MACKENZIE and HATCHELL, town of Monaghan
Rev. John IRWIN Bara, Co. Fermanagh
creditors of James CAMACK;
James ARMSTRONG, Co Tyrone
Charles M’WILLIAMS or his endorsees of Carnteel, Co Tyrone
James IRWIN Glassedrimin, Co Tyrone
Thomas STERLING Fanagh, Co Tyrone
James BROWN, Bell STINLON, both of Bohard, Co Tyrone
Joseph MARSHALL or his endorsees of Crieves, Co Tyrone
Adam CROZIER, Caledon, Co Tyrone
John BEAN Glasstown, o. Donegal
Geo. SCOTT Gardrum, Co. Donegal
Francis WALKER Mullins, Co. Donegal
John REED or his endorsees, Co. Donegal
Andrew HAMIN Co. Donegal

Photograph by Gordon Dunn
17 March 1818
I hereby give Notice… And take notice that the matter of our said petitions will be taken into consideration in the said court (His Majesty’s Court of Common Pleas) on Tuesday 7th April next, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, in order to our being discharged out of custody and from the demands of our Creditors. dated this 16 Mar. 1818. John FORBES confined in Sheriff’s Prison
creditors of John FORBES;
Jones CRAWFORD Esq. of Newtown-Stewart, Co. Tyrone or his endorsees
Laurence MATHEWSON of ditto, grocer or his endorsees
Thomas CORNE Esq. of ditto, or his endorsees
James QUIN of Douglass, Co. Tyrone merchant or his endorsees
George SMYTH, merchant, of Omagh, Co. Tyrone
Jas. MAYNES Ballinamullen, Co. Tyrone merchant or his endorsees
and Michael BROWNE of County Donegal, merchant, or his endorsees
23 Feb. 1819 Insolvent Debtors
We Hereby Give Notice… And take Notice, that pursuant to an order made in our said petitions, the matter of our said petitions, will be taken into consideration before the next going judges of the assizes for the North-west circuit at an assizes to be held in the town of Omagh, in and for the county of Tyrone, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, in order to our being discharged out of custody and from the demands of our creditors. dated 22 Feb. 1819
William SEMPLE – schedule and oath filed in the court of common pleas
John HACKETT – schedule and oath filed in the court of common pleas
both confined in the Omagh gaol.
creditors of William SEMPLE; all in the County of Tyrone except last two;
Catherine and Jane SEMPLE, and their assigns
Alexander FALLS and his Assigns
Guy M’DOWALL and his Assigns
James M’DOWALL and his endorsees
Samuel FINTON deceased and his administrators and assigns
Samuel ORR and his endorsees
Daniel YOUNG and his endorsees
Arthur DUNLAP and his endorsees
Mary SMYTH and her endorsees
Francis FULLERTON deceased and his administrators and assigns
John, Robert, and Samuel SCOTT
John KELLY and his Endorsees
James GREER jun. and his Endorsees
Philip M’GRUE
William and Foster GRAHAM
Thos. GREER and his Endorsees
Robert MOORE
John PERRY and all others concerned
Francis M’MAGH
William SCOTT
John SEMPLE and Wm. SCOTT both in America
creditors of John HACKETT;
Margaret WATTS and her endorsees, detaining creditor of said insolvent
Thomas KINSLEY and his endorsees
Mat. CAMPBELL and his endorsees all of the City of Dublin
Messrs. NORRIS and COLEMAN and their Assigns of Ardee Co. Louth
Robert ARMSTRONG and his Endorsees of Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh
Wm. M’CORKILL of Londonderry, in the City and County Londonderry
Alexander MACKENZIEof Donoughmore, of Co. Tyrone
James GREER sen. and his endorsees, of Co. Tyrone
Pat. CUNNINGHAM and his endorsees, of Co. Tyrone
John ELLESON, of Co. Tyrone
John BARNHILL, of Co. Tyrone
James JOHNSTON, of Co. Tyrone
22 Jun. 1819 I Hereby Give Notice…And I further give Notice and declare, that I am ready and willing to be fully examined touching the justice of my conduct towards each and every of my creditors, in order to my being discharged out of custody, and from the demands of my creditors. And take Notice, that the matter of my said petition will be taken into consideration at the said Court of Quarter sessions at the sessions of the Peace to be held at Dungannon on Monday, the 12th July next, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon. dated 21 June 1819. Arthur KYLE, confined in the gaol of Omagh
creditors of Arthur KYLE;
David WHITE of Omagh, detaining creditor
Prudence EDWARDS Woodbrook, another detaining creditor
Isaac GRAHAM Strabane, another detaining creditor
Jane COOPER, Aghnahoe
Samuel KYLE, residence unknown
Sam. CALDWELL of Killiter
Ralph CAMPBELL of Mahunaguagh
James FARQUHAR Strabane
Jas. M’SORLY Goink
Denis M’SORLY and Michael M’GARRITY of Aughnabull
Roger M’SORLY Kilstrol
Charles M’SORLY of Me-chy (Meachy?)
Roland BELL, Castlyon
Robert NELSON, Carnkenny
Henry M’HUGH, Dergbridge
John ELLIOTT, Aghnahoo
George RUTLEDGE Garvetagh
Robert (MORTLAND or MORELAND) of Coolna(our?)maght
Charles JOHNSTON, Cuduff
H–iet (? Haziet?) and Charles COOPER, Aughnahoo
Hugh HAMILTON (residence unreadable)
James CARSWELL residence unknown
John KIDD, Dungiven
George GIVIN Drumgiven
19 Feb. 1820 I hereby give notice…. at an assizes to be held in Omagh, on Thursday, the 16 March next, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, in order to my being discharged out of custody, and from the demands of my creditors. dated 19th Feb. 1820. James M’CANN – Schedule and Oath filed in the court of Common Pleas.
John WILSON jun. of Dernagola Co. Monaghan
Joseph TREMBLE, of Co. Tyrone
Hugh M’CANN, of Co. Tyrone
Joseph LIGGETT, of Co. Tyrone
James MORRISON, of Co. Tyrone
H. MORRISON, of Co. Tyrone
Thomas CURRANS, of Co. Tyrone
Thos. M’CARRON, of Co. Tyrone
F. M’KENNA, of Co. Tyrone
Irwin HOLMES, of Co. Tyrone
Hans MORRISON sen., of Co. Tyrone
Francis M’CARROLL, of Co. Tyrone
Michael SHERRY, of Co. Tyrone
Molly M’KENNA and Roger M’GRANAHAN of America
22 Feb. 1820 I hereby give notice…. And I further give notice and declare, that I am ready and willing to be fully examined, touching the justice of my conduct to each and every of creditors. And take Notice, that pursuant to an order made in my said petitions, the matter of my said Petitions will be taken into coosideration by the next going Judges of Assizes for the North-West Circuit, court to be held Omagh on Thursday, the 16th March next. In order to my being discharged out custody and from the demands of creditors, Dated 22 Feb. 1820. John TWIGG, confined in the Gaol of Omagh
creditors of John TWIGG;
Samuel REA
John MARTIN the elder and John MARTIN the younger, and William and James MARTIN , Church lane Belfast, Co. Antrim, detaining creditors
James EKENHEAD Anne street, of ditto
Messrs. BERWICK and ASH, street not known, of Belfast
Thomas SKILLINGTON, Portadown, Co. Armagh
James STEPHEN, Armagh Town, ditto
the Heirs, Executors, &c. of D. CAULFIELD, late of Newry, Co. Down
Miss Leagh SHAW Den, Co. Tyrone
Charles HARDY Cole Island, Co. Tyrone
George and Thomas SLOAN, ditto, Co. Tyrone
James JONES Tullybog, Co. Tyrone
John LITTLE, Legacurry, Co. Tyrone
23 Nov. 1820
I Hereby Give Notice….in His Majesty’s Court of Kings Bench in Ireland on Wednesday 13th Dec. 1820 at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, in order to my being discharged out of custody, and from the demands of my creditors. dated 23 Nov. 1820 Robert DEAN confined in the Four Courts Marshalsea.
Creditors of Robert DEAN;
Edward M’CARRON, Killstrall, Co. Tyrone
Samuel ALEXANDER, Crew, Co. Tyrone
James DEAN, Meahy, Co. Tyrone
the executors of Mathew WALCHOP, late of Kinkit, Co. Tyrone
John JOHNSTON, Killin, Co. Tyrone
Daniel DOUGHERTY, Dresog, Co. Tyrone
William LOVE, Crew, Co. Tyrone
Samuel MARSHALL, Newtownsteart, Co. Tyrone
the executors of Robert WOODS, late of Boyturn, Co. Tyrone
Samuel James STRONG Fairview Co. Armagh and their respective endorsees and assignees
24 Nov.1821 Bankrupts
Petitions to be heard at Lifford Co. Donegal 3 Dec. 1821
James M’GINTY late of Tullycorker, co. Tyrone
Ann BLAIR late of Strabane, co. Tyrone, widow.
Petitions to be heard at Omagh 5th Dec. 1821
Geroge KERR late of Co Tyrone
Anne GLASSE late of Co Tyrone
Charles MORRIS late of Licknabrad
Arthur CARLTON, late of Kilnahushagh
Bartley MALLON, late of Cango
Henry DONNELLY late of Carraneany
James CULBERSON, late of Reveagh
William STEEL late of Kilstrol
David WALKER late of Slawan
Michael M’Kee, late of Dummenagh
Owen MORRIS, late of Galbally
Francis NUGENT late of Aughingawly
Duncan M’ELMERRY, late of Ramackan
Patrick CORRICAN late of Meaghy
David PHILLIPS late Mullaghban
James DONALDSON and Sarah DONALDSON late Kilnagine
Neal M’CULLAGH, late of Lenagh
Nathaniel BIGGER late of Brookend
Henry CUNNINGHAM late of Carnony
John M‘CAMEY late of Bovean
Charles DOOGIN late of Beagh
Elizabeth GREGSTON, late of Moy
1 Dec. 1821 – Insolvent Debtors Court Office 43 Abbey Street Dublin
Petitions to be heard at the Court Appeals, at the Four Courts, Dublin, on Monday, the 10 Dec. at 11 o’clock in the forenoon. Hugh FOX of Dungannon Linen dealer
16 Mar. 1822 Debtors Court
Petitions to be heard at the Court house, Exchange court, Dublin, on Saturday 23 March 1822, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon.
James M’FARLAND late of Glencosyragagh, co. Tyrone
John MAYNE late Aughendergh, co. Tyrone
27 Apr. 1822 Insolvent debtors. To be heard at Omagh Wednesday 8th May next at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
William ASHENHURST, Ballykeel
John ARMAR, Lignabrade
James M’KENNA, Derrymean, in said county
Charles KIRK, Barnes, in said county
Edward SLEAVIN, Maghagart, in said county
John MONTEITH, Dreeman, in said county
Andrew MOORE, Crawfordstown, in said county
James MOORE, Crawfordstown, in said county
Arthur M’GOUGH, Carycastle, in said county
William DAVISON, Cranfield, in said county
James WHITESIDE, Drumflugh, in said county
John HEBURN, Derrymean, in said county
Causlin BOOTH, Derrymanagh, in said county
Francis CORR, Keeltagh, in said county
Mary WILSON, Strabane,, in said county
Andrew ADAMS, Newtownstuart, in said county
William CAR, Mavey, in said county
Anne LOUGHRAINE, Killymoyle, in said county
James MAGEE, Edendock, in said county
James M’SOARLY, Beragh, in said county
Santy M’CARROLL, Tanaghban, in said county
Samuel M’CANKEY, Omagh, in said county
Patrick KELLY, Ballynamail, in said county
James KERLY, Kellybliss, in said county
William PORTER, Kellyure, in said county
William WILDMAN, Daraghadoon, in said county
Andrew MILLER, late Calchi, in said county
Hugh M‘CAFFERY Letfearan, in said county
James BLAIR, Loy, in said county
Michael O’BRIEN, Aughnagar, in said county
Patrick KEENAN, Tatinwear, in said county
Charles CALDWELL, Killen, in said county
Michael CORR, Drumderg, in said county
4 May 1822 Insolvent Debtors Petitions to be heard at Omagh Wed. 8th May
Catherine JOHNSTON Omagh
Thomas M’CULKIN Strabane
7 Sept. 1822 Insolvent Debtors petitions to be heard at Omagh 14 Sept.
Wm. RUTHERFORD, Strabane
Patrick M’CULLOW
Daniel O’KANE
Charles M’KENNY
John – – ESPIE
Aaron M’lNTIRE, Ballylenon
John HADDIN, Ballygalley
James M’INANEY, Finley
Patrick GORMLEY, Mullaghmore
John CRAWFORD, Doneymanagh
John HILL, Killen
Arthur MEGARITY, Augharoanin
Philip HAGAN, Mo – edredoe (?)
all of the county of Tyrone
19 May 1823 Insolvent Debtors Petitions to be heard at Omagh Friday 30 May next; all of the county Tyrone
Thomas MAYNE Legmurrin, farmer
John MAYNE Kilmurphy, do
Jane PATTON, of Ballyfacton, widow
Arthur M‘GUIGAN, Gortavea, farmer
John ARBUCKLE, of Ruskey, labourer
Bernard M’KENNA, Aughnaclay, wheel-wright
John DUNNE, Newtownstuart, publican
Andrew WALKER of Dungannon, carpenter
Daniel CRORY of Lackagh, weaver
William ROBB, Gortsegran, farmer
Samuel HOOD, Newtownstuart, baker
James CHAMBERS, Ferray, farmer
Cornelius MOORE Killineal, do
Thomas ANDERSON, of Mallaghban do
Owen GLACKEN, Aughemnellan, do
Edward WHITE, of Ballymagawn, pensioner
William FOSTER Dungiven, farmer
Patrick SLEAVIN of Streanish, do
Patrick CURRIN Laragh, do
William MOORE, Cullaghay, pensioner
Laurence SLEAVEN Realtons, farmer
James OLIVER, Killinaul, do
Peter M’COURT, Dungannon, publican
24 Nov. 1823 Petitions to be heard at Omagh
Hugh O’NEILL, Corbally, farmer
Francis M’GURK, Drumshank, labourer
James M’QUEADE, Drumcomer, farmer
Hugh M’KENNA, of Cohenbone(?), pensioner
Charles M’CAFFERY Letform, Farmer
Catherine WALLACE, of Tullanadertin, widow
Thomas IRWIN, Letheg, Clonman
Mich. CONWAY, Drumnakelly, farmer
James WALLACE, Talnadontons, do
James M’KNIGHT, Tintown, publican
William LIGHTEN, Dunamand, gent.
Claude KYLE, Benchram, farmer
Samuel TURNER, Lagully, do
Wm. JOHNSTON, Knocknacloy, do
10 Nov. 1824 To be heard this week at the court of Omagh in and for the Co. Tyrone Monday 15 Nov. Instant all of the county Tyrone;
James GIRVIN Calidon, formerly of Tanaghblane, farmer
Edward HUGHES Dungannon, innkeeper and leather cutter
Francis M’MERLON of Tartlaghan, farmer
Michael RAFFERTY of Lyloran, weaver
Henry ROLLESTON of Mullintur, labourer
William KYLE of Brackey pensioner and farmer
Alexander HADDEN of Ballygawley, innkeeper
John ECCLES of Clintyferagh, otherwise Clare, farmer
James M’CARTER Tamlaghmore, formerly of Kilsally, pensioner and farmer
James M’GLINN of Strabane, farmer
Archibald HAMILTON of Kingarrow farmer
Daniel O’CARLIN of Carnaghter, farmer
17th April 1828
Insolvent debtors Petitions to be heard at Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 21st May 1828 – M’KENNA Edward Omagh Tyrone, shopkeeper and pedlar.
5th June 1828
Meetings Under bankruptcies- certificates to be allowed – M’MAHON Hugh, town of Aughnacloy, Tyrone, shopkeeper
19th June 1828 – Debtors to be heard at Omagh County of Tyrone, 21st June 1828
BUCHANAN William Gortnacrea, farmer
BUCHANAN Charles Gortnacrea, farmer
BRYCE John Lislimingham farmer
BURNSIDE William gent. Newtownstewart
CURLIS William Clogher stone-mason
COCHRAN James Coolahullan labourer
DONAGHY Edward Gortalowry brogue-maker
DUNSAITH Robert Carnan farmer
DUNN Edward Coalisland, carman
HUGHES James Omagh butcher
HAMILTON John Boragh, farmer
MOORE John Lislimnaghan, farmer
KEARNEY Charles Wood End of Strabane, pensioner
KILPATRICK John Fintona, innkeeper
MONISON Patt. Drumcooe, butcher
M’AVOY Teague Tartlaghan, farmer
M’CLERNON (blank) Ardvernish, farmer
MORRISON Ferdinand Dungannon, butcher
M’COOK John Clogan, carpenter
M’CRISTAL Felix Reilagh pensioner
M’KENLEY Joseph Cator, farmer
M’SHANE Patrick Crievelough, farmer
M’SHANE Terence Crievelough, farmer
M’CARROLL James Lamaglar, farmer
OWENS James Mullenboy labourer
SMYTH Hugh Ballibay, shoe-maker
14th August 1828 Insolvent debtor’s petitions to be heard 28th Aug. at Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin
NELSON James Fivemiletown grocer, baker &c.
At Omagh, County of Tyrone 2nd October 1828 at nine.
BOYLAN John, Aughnacloy, pensioner
DEVLIN Patrick, Derrychrun, pensioner
HAGAN Patrick Knocknatoy, pensioner
KELLY John Dunmoyle, farmer
LAMNISE Edward Edendark, labourer
REED John Derryveen, pensioner
ROGERS John Annahavele, labourer
TURNER James Drumguin, publican
16th Oct. 1828 partnerships dissolved
MACKENZIE Alexander & Co. Donaghmore & Dungannon Tyrone brewers, maltsters and spirit merchants 1st Sept.
11th December 1828 – Petitions to heard at Lower Quay, Dublin, 20th December
CLARKE Edward Mountfield Tyrone Publican
28th Feb 1829 At Omagh County of Tyrone 5th March 1829
ANDERSON Joseph Dungannon, innkeeper
BROWN James Tallysallagh, tailor
CAUSE Thomas Moyne pensioner
CORR Edward Drumany farmer
DOUGLAS James Tolvan farmer
ELDOWNEY John Lislemnahan farmer
FERGASON James Advarnish farmer
GALLAGHER Owen Cornamuck farmer
GLASS John Gillygooly pensioner
OVERLAND John Ardagh county of Down weaver
HAGAN Patrick Colrevagh farmer
HENEY James Dumimaless farmer
HUGHES James Aughnacloy dealer
HUGHES Joseph Drumbelyhan pensioner
JOHNSTON James Omagh innkeeper
LOUGE Patrick Drummin farmer
M’CREA Joseph Cavanakark farmer
MAGULRO Patrick Killeans farmer
WHITE Arthur Newtownlemarlin shoe-maker
WIKLINAN William Castle Canfield pensioner
21st Nov. 1829 – Meetings under Irish Insolvents Estates
BAIRD Samuel, late of Strabane, Tyrone and Donegal, soap and candle manufacturer 18 Dec. office of Mr. MITCHELL Lower Ormond quay, Dublin, proof debts and dividend.
16th Jan. 1830 – Meetings under Irish bankrupts Estates
HANNINGTON T. K. of Dungannon, Tyrone, banker, meet 25th Jan. at three Royal Exchange, Dublin, for proof of debts.
28th May 1831 – Bankrupt in Ireland Gazette
May 17th 1831. GALLON Patrick, of Dungannon in the county of Tyrone, linen merchant, sur. June 2nd & 3rd and July 2nd at three each day, Royal Exchange, Dublin
21 Jun 1830 A list of Insolvents to be heard at Omagh Court on Tuesday 29th June 1830.
John O’BRINE of Tullymuck, co. Tyrone farmer
Wm. MILLER of Derrygortrevy, said co. farmer
Peter DONNELLY of Ballybay, said co. pensioner
Michael STAFFORD of Dungannon shoemaker
John GRAHAM of Drummadaragh, said co. farmer
Wm. BARBER of Newtownstewart, farmer
Henry HETHERINGTON of Caledon, baker
David TYNER of Derrygortrevy, innkeeper
Robert BROWN of Deraghadone co. pensioner
James MATHEWSON of Aughadulla said co. farmer
Edward M’ANELLY of Derry, said co. farmer and pensioner
John HEATLEY of Ballygawley said co. carpenter
Francis M’MAGH of Newtownsavle, said co. farmer
Bernard LOVE of Strabane, merchant
Thos. CAR of Knockakerney, said co. farmer
John CORR of Ballygettle, said co. farmer
John HANNA of Aughengawley, said co. farmer
Stephen KEENAN of Dungannon, carpenter
Catherine M’CANN of Dernagh, said co.
Hugh HOUSTOUN of Cooley, said co. tailor
James DOAK of Newtownstewart, pensioner
Pat. KERRIGAN of Cookstown, merchant
Jas. PHILIPS of Donemana, said co. shoemaker
Pat. QUIN of Glenbig, said co. farmer or pensioner
Patrick M’KENNA of Bolus, said co. farmer
Robert GOURLAY of Anghenlark, said co. farmer
John M‘KITTRICK of Gortnagrass, said co. farmer
John DONAGHEY of Dungannon, butcher
Samuel CAMPBELL of Rahaha? said co. farmer
John DAVIDSON of Edentallone, said co. pensioner
Moses KING of Lower town, said co. pensioner
Daniel M’CONE of Aughnasallagh, said co, farmer
James WHITELY of Knocknakerry, said co. farmer
Sally TEAGUE of Derrylatenee, said co. spinster
John SHAW late of Knockenraw, said co. farmer
Chas. M’CONENRY of Magheracolton, said co. weaver
James COULTER of Fivemiletown, merchant
Patrick DUFFIN of Ardatrive, co. Londonderry, farmer
James GOURLAY of Aughinlark, co. Tyrone farmer
Catherine M’ALEER of Keldross, said co. spinster
28th Jan. 1832 – Dissolution of Irish Partnerships
BARCROFT and Co. of Stangmon, near Dungannon,
GIBSON Joseph of Coagh Tyrone and John Duff GIBSON of Ballywaiter, Down, woollen drapers, 9 June last
7th July 1832 at Lancaster Court House 17th July
Insolvents applying to be Discharged
M’MAHON of Aughnacloy iron-monger late of Peach Liverpool, out of business
27th June 1835 – Notices under Irish Bankrupts. Gazette, 6th June 1835
HANCOCK Thomas Knox, of Dungannon Tyrone and Dublin, banker, 1st July Royal Exchange, Dublin, fin. Div.
27th June 1835 – Notices under Irish Bankrupts. Gazette, 6th June 1835
HANCOCK Thomas Knox, of Dungannon Tyrone and Dublin, banker, 1st July Royal Exchange, Dublin, fin. div.
30th Jan 1836 Irish Partnerships Dissolved.
DAVIS William, James GRAY and John HUGHES manufacturers of fire bricks, &c.Derry, co. Tyrone, 8th Jan. Debts by HUGHES and GREY
21st May 1836 -Insolvents in Ireland 2nd Circuit for the Northern District
O’BRIEN John of Clogher, harness maker
22nd October 1836 Insolvents in Ireland. Dublin, 3rd Nov.
CARUTH James Tracy of Coal Island, Tyrone, grocer
18th March 1837 Bankrupts
GLENN William of Clogher, co. Tyrone, shopkeeper; surren. 11th Feb, 14th March at one, Ct. Bkptcy. Dublin – Agent, Thomas Smith, Old Dominick st
GRAHAM Benjamin Newtown Stewart, Tyrone, farmer and yarn buyer Dublin 8th March at ten
Omagh, 2nd March 1837 at nine
ANTHONY William Dromore, farmer
BLAIR Samuel Strabane, shoemaker
CAMPBELL Charles Curnavara, carpenter
CASSIDY James Brookend, farmer
CHARLTON Robert Rekeiagh, farmer
COYLE John Adumcrue, weaver
CRAWFORD Andy Rathelly, farmer
CUNNINGHAM Thomas Dergmoney, innkeeper
DONNELLY George Aughtminacroey, farmer
DONNELLY James Aughtminacroey, farmer
FIELDING Charles Mullaghatague, farmer
FORSYTH Robert Brackaville. coach painter
GAFNEY Patrick Freighmore, pensioner
GORDON David Whitehouse, farmer
GWYNN John Urney, butter merchant
HUSTON Oliver Ballymulherty, weaver
JOHNSTON William Omagh, publican
KANE David Dungarvin, labourer
KELLY Peter Botera, butcher
LAGAN Joseph Killucken. farmer
LOVE Maxwell Aghafad, farmer
M’CAUSLAND Alexander plasterer
M’CAVILL James Lisbuoy, shoemaker
M’CONNELL Anne Corick, spinster
M’CONNELL Elizabeth Corick, spinster
M’CONNELL James Dergmoney, weaver
M’CONNELL George Corick, farmer
M’GARTLAND Charles Ratoran, pensioner
M’KERNAN John Drumconley, publican
M’KERNAN Robert jun. Glenroan, farmer
MULHOLLAND John Carnan,publican
NUGENT Francis Omagh, publican
RICHARDSON Robert Mullaghmore, gent.
ROLESTON William Shaneragh, farmer
SMYTH Robert Newtonstewart, labourer
SPROULL William Curraghamulkin, farmer
STEWART Thomas Derrymaine, linen manufacturer
WOODS John Augher, wheelwright
15th July 1837 Insolvents
FLEMING Boyd Stewartstown, co. Tyrone, merchant; surren. 11th July, 8th Aug. Royal Exchange, Dublin- Agent, Armstrong, Summer-hill
29th July 1837
Declarations of Insolvency in Ireland. Gazette July 18th 1837
M’CLELLAND Alexander (filed July 15) Strabane, Tyrone woollen draper
25th May 1839
COWAN Thomas, Fintona, co. Tyrone, shopkeeper, dlr. and ch. surren. 1st June, 2nd July, at two, Court Bkptcy. Dublin – Agent- Crawford, Wellington-quay
25 Feb 1848 Insolvent debtors to be heard at Omagh 28th Feb.
Cormick EARLY Seagully, farmer
Francis EARLY, Seagully, do
Joseph LAGAN Killuckan, do
Andrew SMYTH, Drumarine, do
Charles M’GHEE, Lislimnahan, labourer
James BROWN, Mullaghmoyle farmer
James WHITE Killymurphy, do
Thomas SEDDICK. Aughamullin, do
Patrick M‘DONNELL, Dungannon, plasterer
Francis MULDOON, Reaskmore farmer
James HENDERSON, Cloughogue
William NIXON, Gortanigan, farmer
John NETHERCOT, Mullaghmoyle, do
Thomas WRIGHT Castlecaulfield, do
Henry O’NEIL, Lisnatrain, do
Charles CULL, Athenis, (no occupation listed)
Richard GRAHAM Glengeen, farmer
James KEILTY Killeenan, do
Hugh CASEY, Stewarstown, dealer
William NICKLE, farmer
Bernard FOX, Glennock, pensioner
Wm. M’GHEE Glengine, farmer and weaver
James M’HUGH, Lackagh, farmer
John LITTLE, Dunmanay, yeoman
Michael M’CULLON. Lisnacraig, farmer
James LESLIE Omagh, do
William KING, Augharonan, do
Mary M’GURK, Tebane, widow
Arthur LITTLE, Clare, farmer
Robert JOHNSON Newtownstewart, pensioner
William ADAMS, Castry, blacksmith
John ARMSTRONG, Trillick, yeomen
Francis O’KANE, Dunleague, farmer
James LILBURN Drumgormal, do
James HURST, Aughnacloy, spirit dealer
Samuel M’CADAM, Belfast, dealer
Matthew KYLE, Fereagh, shoemaker
Joseph WRIGHT, Mullaghmore, pensioner
John KEARNEY, Kilrail, farmer
Catherine NELSON, Breen, widow
Samuel STERLING Boland, farmer
Thomas ROGERS Drumhorick, do
Patrick CAMPBELL, Gortgonis. do
John BLEVINS, Dungannon, publican
Thomas COOKSON, Lammy, farmer
Thomas M’QUADE, Donamoney, do
James M’KENZIE, Lowcross, do
Robert KENNEDY Kilconey, do
John M’GUIRE, Lislimnagan, blacksmith and farmer
Robert M’CANN, Jr. Dungannon, cooper
Patrick HOGAN Carricklee, carman and farmer
Boyd FLEMING, Stewartstown, corn merchant
Hugh M’GRADE Glassmullagh, farmer
John ANNESLEY Tartlaghan, farmer and dealer
John HAMILTON, Willmount, farmer
Daniel KELLY Aldrummond, farmer and carpenter
James CARSON, Shanky. farmer
Terence LARKIN Letterclarry, do
Williaim TURNER, Tamnalennon, farmer
John CORRORAN, Coalisland, stone cutter
James JOHNSTON, Lisganey, farmer
Patrick LAFFERTY Drumahaw, dealer
John CORR, Gargadis, farmer
James M’CRUDDEN Seskinore, pensioner
Denis SHEERAN Urblereagh, farmer
Peter DEVLIN, Mountfield, dealer
Janes M’GHEE, Altaglushin, farmer
Peter LOUGHRAN, Fastglusha, farmer
Patrick M’LAUGHLIN, Billary, labourer
John CUMBERLAND Dungannon, farmer
James CAMPBELL, Crevagh farmer
Thomas CAMPBELL, Crevagh, farmer and potter
Henry PURVIS, Mullnahoe, farmer
John LILBURN Dungormal, labourer
James FITZSIMMONS Newtownstewart, cart driver
Henry MOAN Crosowen, cart driver
Lanty O’NEILL Lackagh farmer
William ELLIOTT, Lisnaclare farmer
John WHAN Tullycall, farmer
Hugh NEILL, Derrytresk, farmer
Charles M’NULTY, Curaghamulkin, farmer
Henry M’GALE Kellyimanen, farmer
John JOHNSTON Omagh, pensioner
Michael MULGREW Killion, farmer
John MORRISON, Dungannon, pensioner
Miles MARLOW, Beragh, pensioner
John M’QUADE, Savanaghan, farmer
George M’CORMICK, Ballygittle farmer
Neale MULGREW Killen, farmer
John WILSON, Crevenagh, do
George BOAK, Killynaught do
Charles M’CULLAGH, Mullaghmore, labourer
Lewis DONLEVY, Ardvaree, farmer

Photograph & comments courtesy Kenneth Allen
Looking north-west; some of the buildings here are in bad condition which is a pity because of their historic associations