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  • Co. Monaghan Voters List 1839

Co. Monaghan Voters List 1839

Transcribed by Carol Simmons



AN ALPHABETICAL LIST of Notices of Voters, delivered to the Clerk of the Peace, or his Deputy, for the Division of MONAGHAN, on or before the 13th December, 1839, pursuant to the 2d and 3d William IV., Cap. 88.

** transcribers note – transcribed as appeared in the article – sometimes a place was spelled differently in same line – made no corrections

No. Name, Description, and Residence of Occupant, Description of Property Townland, Parish, Barony, Right Claiming, Yearly Value- £

1 Armstrong, John, Lattycrussan, Farmer Lands and Premises Lattycrussan Currin Dartrey Freehold £10
2 Anderson, John, Knockacunny, do Houses and Land Knockaconny Monaghan Monaghan same 10
3 Armstrong, Chas., Drumacruttion, do Lands and Premises Drumacruttion, Cornacrieve & Tonescoffy alias Loughnalong same same same 20
4 Atkinson, Thomas, Dernamoyle, do same Dernamoyle (Drummintin Ematris Dartrey same 10
5 Atkinson, John, Annagheybane, do same Aghdrumkeen, Dernamoyle same same same 20
6 Atkinson, John, Annagheybane, do same same same same same 50
7 Abbott, John. Lisevena, do same Lisevenna same same same 10
8 Atkinson, Charles, Greenhall, esquire same Killalough, Clentycasty, Cooldavnet, Tunyclay Tydavnett Monaghan same 20
9 Atkinson, Rev. Hans, Bagnaldstown, clerk same same same same Leasehold 20
10 Abbott, Joseph, Drumliney, farmer, Houses and Land Drumliney Aughabog Dartrey Freehold 10
11 Brady, John, Foremas, yarn dealer, same Foremas Tydavnett Monaghan Leasehold 10
12 Brady, John, Clones, gentleman, same Drummullen and Tonary Aughabog Dartrey same 50
13 Bellew, Patrick, Latlurkin, Parish Priest, same Latlurkin Monaghan Monaghan Freehold 20
14 Brennan, Patrick, Sheetrim, farmer same Sheetrim same same same 10
15 Bellew, very Rev. Patrick, Latlurkin, Roman Catholic Dean of Clogher, same Latlurkin same same same 50
16 Brady, James, Cornacrieve, farmer, Lands and Premises Cornacrieve same same same 10
17 Brady, John, Cornacrieve, do same same same same same 10
18 Beattie, William, Crievemeig, do Houses and Land Crievemeig Killmore same same 10
19 Beattie, David, Crievemeig, do same same same same 10
20 Bradshaw, James, Bannaghroe, do same Bannaghroe same Monaghan same 10
21 Bridge, Rev. John, Cronskill, clerk, Lands and Premises Tullyselferty same same same 20
22 Bridge, Rev. James, Glendavagh, clerk same same same same same 10
23 Bradshaw, John, Totappa, farmer same Totappa same same same 10
24 Bradshaw, Hugh, Totappa, do same same same same same 10
25 Bethell, Robert, Rattrum, do same Rattrum, Toneyshelfety same same same 10
26 Bodily, William, Drumgole, do same Drumgole Ematris Dartrey same 10
27 Beatty, William, Cordressigagh, do same Cordressigagh same same same 10
28 Crawford, James, Drumbrain, do Lands, Premises and Houses Drumbrain, Aghnashew Aughabog same same 10
29 Crawford, John, Aghadrumkeen, do same Aughadrumkeen same same same 10
30 Cole, Hon. John Lowry, Florence Court Houses and Lands Corrovan, Aughareagh, Drummary, and Glen same same Rentcharge 20
31 Cole, Hon. William W., Florence Court Lands same same same same 20
32 Cooper, Robert, Genagh, farmer Houses and Lands Genagh, Effernagh & Killaneel Aghabog, Tyholland Monaghan Freehold 50
33 Corley, Patrick, Terramoan, do same Terramoan Donagh Trough same 10
34 Casey, Owen, Cornacrieve, do same Cornacreeve same same same 10
35 Corley, James, Knockafubble, do same Knockafubble same same same 10
36 Corley, James, Knockafubble, do same same same same same 10
37 Clearkin, John, Lisneshannagh, do Lands and Premises Lisneshannagh Killmore Monaghan same 10
38 Clearkin, Francis, Lisneshannagh, do same same same same same 10
39 Crowe, Abramam, Dunscrim, do same Dunscrim Currin Dartrey same 10
40 Clarke, James, Clones, merchant, Tenement Clones Clones same same 20
41 Caddan, Thomas, Drumguill, farmer Houses and Land Drumguill Drumsnatt Monaghan same 10
42 Connolly, Thomas, sen., Sheskin, do same Sheskin Tydavnett same same 10
43 Cummuskey, Stephen, Killygrallen, do same Killygrallen same same same 10
44 Cummuskey, William, Killygrallen, do same same same same same 10
45 Callaghan, Patrick, Tattendonagh, do same Tattendonagh same same same 10
46 Crossen, John, Fastrey, do Lands and Premises Fastry Ematris Dartrey same 10
47 Cusack, Pat., Clones, inn-keeper and farmer same Connalong Killeevan same same 10
48 Courtney, James, Corvally, farmer same Corvalley Tullycorbet Monaghan same 10
49 Dudgeon, Andrewy, Drumherk, do Houses, Lands and Premises Drumherk Aughabog Dartrey same 10
50 Donnelly, Owen, Dromore, do Houses and Land Dromore Clontibret Cremorne same 10
51 Dudgeon, Nathaniel, Lakeview, gentleman, same Killaleen Killmore Monaghan same 20
52 Douglas, Robert, Drumshanny, farmer, same Drumshanny Tydavnett same same 10
53 Dodson, William, Lisban, do same Boagh and Itereera same same same 20
54 Dudgeon, Richard, Killadonnelly, do same Killadonnelly same same same 10
55 Duffy, John, Corinshigo, do Lands and Premises Corinshigo Currin Dartrey same 10
56 Duffy, Patrick, Cornasoo, do same Loughill and Ratrim Monaghan, Killmore Monaghan same 10
57 Dawson, James, Kilnadrain, do same Killadrain Donagh Trough same 10
58 Eager, John, Drummons, do Houses and Land Drummons Clones Monaghan same 20
59 Fleming, Alexander, Galliua, gentleman, Houses, Lands and Premises Gillina Monaghan same same 50
60 Flack, Samuel, Drumhirk, farmer, same Drumhirk Aughabog Dartrey same 10
61 Flack, William, Drumhirk, do same same same same same 10
62 Finley, Arthur, Calliagh, do Houses and Land Calliagh same same same 10
63 Graham, Thomas, Smithborough, inn-keeper same Annaghmartin Drumsnatt Monaghan same 10
64 Goodwin, Patt, Annaveigh, do Lands and Premises Annaveigh Curren Dartrey same 10
65 Graham, Joseph, Tullaghan, do Houses and Lands Tullaghan Tydavnett Monaghan same 10
66 Graham, Joseph, Quiglough, do same same and Quiglough same same same 10
67 Greacen, James, Lisbaane, do same Lisbaane same same same 10
68 Graham, Edward, Annyerk, do same Annyerk same same same 10
69 Gillespie, David, Ballinagarry, do same Ballinagarry Killmore same same 20
70 Gavan, Patrick, Nart, same Nart same same same 10
71 Holland, William, Griggy, gentleman, Houses, Lands and Premises Drumherk Monaghan same same 50
72 Holland, John, Drumherk, do same same same same same 50
73 Henry, Thomas, Monaghan, saddler House and Premises Monaghan same same same 10
74 Hunter, Joseph, Tullinashane, farmer same same and Turkeenan same same same 20
75 Hughes, John, Loughill, do Lands and Premises Loughill same same same 10
76 Harris, Joseph, Aghnaclave, do Houses and Land Aughnaclave Tydavnett same 10
77 Humphries, Richard, Rockvale, gentleman same Corcrieca and Cornacrieve Killmore Monaghan same 50
78 Hartin, James, Effernagh, farmer same Effernagh Aughabog Dartrey same 10
79 Hodge, Robert, Drumlongfield, do Houses, Lands and Premises Drumlongfield Tullycorbet Monaghan same 10
80 Hughes, Patrick, Tamlat, do Lands and Premises Tamlat Tyholland same same 10
81 Hughes, John, Tamlat, do same sa same same same 10
82 Hamill, Henry, Annvalty, do Houses and Land Annyalty Tydavnett same same 10
83 Hanna, Robert, Mullahara, do same Mullshara same same same 10
84 Hanna, William, Killadonnelly, do Houses, Lands and Premises Killadonnelly same same same 20
85 Hamilton, Thomas, Kibberiddog, do same Drumcoo and Kibberidog same same same 20
86 Hughes, Cornelius, Mullaboy, do Houses and Land Mullaboy Donagh Trough same 10
87 Heaslett, John, Killagvna, do same Killygavna Tydavnett Monaghan Leasehold 10
88 Hughes, Henry, Killaboley, do same Killaboly Donagh Trough Freehold 10
89 Hughes, Cornelius, Mullaboy, do same Mullaboy same same same 10
90 Heaslet, James, Kilnadrain, do Lands and Premises Kiluadrain same same same 10
91 Holmes, David, Cornaglair, do same Cornaglair Currin Dartrey same 10
92 Heavy, James, Derrartrey, do Houses and Lands Derryartrey Clones Monaghan same 10
93 Holdcraft, Joseph, Derrylidigan, do same Derrylidigan same same same 10
94 Heatherington, John, Smithboro’, do same Mullabrack and Mulladuff same same same 20
95 Johnston, Isaac, Tullalush, do Houses and Premises Mullaghmonaghan Monaghan same Rentcharge 20
96 Johnston, Willian, Cormoy, do Houses and Land Cormoy Aughabog Dartrey Freehold 10
97 Johnston, John, Ballagh, do same Ballagh Drumsmatt Monaghan same 10
98 Johnston, Robert, Ballagh, Lands and Premises same same same same 10
99 Johnston, Isaac, Ballagh, do same same same same same 10
100 Johnston, James, Ballagh, do Houses and Lands same same same same 10
101 Johnston, John, Ballagh, do same same same same same 10
102 Johnston, Henry George, Coolkill, esquire Lands and Premises Tullycolloge Donagh Trough Rentcharge 20
103 Johnston, William, Drumaclan, farmer Houses and Premises Drumaclan Killmore Monaghan Freehold 10
104 Jameson, Samuel, Cornesoo, do Lands and Premises Cornesoo same same same 10
105 Keeley, James, Greagh, do same Greagh Drumsnatt same same 10
106 Keely, Thomas, Greagh, do Houses and Lands same same same same 10
107 Keenan, Peter, Killikeady, do same Killymurry and Killykeady Errigle Trough Trough same 10
108 Kelly, Michael, Killymurry, do same same same same same 10
109 Kelly, Edward, Aunaha, do same Annaha same same same 10
110 Kelly, Bernard, Killycooly, do same Killycooley Donagh same same 10
111 King, James, Tattengall, do same Tattengall Killeevan Dartrey same 10
112 Keenan, Michael, Crosses, do same Crosses Tydavnett Monaghan same 10
113 Kerr, George, Curdollagh, do Lands, Tenmts. & Prem. Curloolagh Tullycorbet same same 10
114 Kelly, James, Drumdeske, do Houses and Lands Drumdeske Tydavnett same same 10
115 Kelly, Felix, Canahatta, so same Canahatta same same same 10
116 Kelly, Peter, Cussie, do same Cussie same same same 10
117 Kelly, Hugh, Cussie, do same same same same same 10
118 Keating, James, Killyleg, do Lands and Premises Killyleg Aghabog Dartrey same 10
119 Lamb, Thomas, Drumdeske, do Houses and Lands Drumdeske Tydavenett Monaghan same 10
120 Lennon, William, Stramacelroy, do same Stramacelroy same same same 10
121 Logan, Matthew, Monaghan, innkeeper Tenement Rooskey, Monaghan Monaghan same same 10
122 Little, Robert, Monaghan, woollendraper Houses Prem. and Land Monaghan, Aghananimy, Latlurkin same same same 20
123 Lougheed, James, Dancinere, farmer Houses and Lands Dancinere, Sheetrim & Drumbear same same same 10
124 Ley, Matthew, Liscavena, do Lands and Premises Liscavana Ematris Dartrey same 10
125 Lockard, James, Dondrennan, do same Doudrennan same same same 10
126 Lyster, Joseph, Dondrennan, do same same same same same 10
127 Murray, William, Monaghan, M D. Tenement Mill-street, Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan same 10
128 McCarron, James, Monaghan, lodging-housekeeper House and Premises Meeting-house sq. Monaghan same same same 10
129 McCarron, Andrew, Monaghan, pawnbroker same Dublin-street, Monaghan same same same 10
130 Moan, Francis, Monaghan, lodging-house keeper same Mill-st. & Park-st., Monaghan same same same 20
131 McKnight, James, Monaghan, woollendraper same Diamond, Monaghan same same same 10
132 McKnight, James, Monaghan, woollendraper same same same same same 10
133 McCarron, William, Knockaturley, farmer Houses and Land Knockaturley same same same 10
134 Murphy, John, Lissern, do same Lissera and Beagh same same same 10
135 McPhillips, John, Corlat, carpenter House and Premises Meeting-house sq. Monaghan same same same 20
136 McKenna, Felix, Lissera, farmer House and Land Lissera and Beagh same same same 10
137 McQuaid, John, Mullenahinchiga, do House and Premises Canal-street, Monaghan same same same 20
138 McCagherey, James, Tullyard, do Houses and Land Tullyard same same same 10
139 McBirney, James, Leagh, do same Leagh same same same 10
140 McAree, Michael, Tanderageebawn, do same Tanderageebawn same same same 10
141 McKenna, Patrick, Cornacrieve, do Lands and Premises Cornacrieve same same same 10
142 McEnally, Patt, Loughill, do same Loughill same same same 10
143 McCooey, Bernard, Moyles, do same Moyles same same same 10
144 McEnally, Hugh, Loughill, do same Loughill same same same 10
145 McCabe, Isaiah, Toneyscoffy, do same Toneyscoffy same same same 10
146 Miller, James, Corbyfinn, M.D. House and Land Corbyfinn Dallybay same same 10
147 Miller, Samuel, Gorbyfinn, farmer same same same same same 10
148 McKenna, James, Derrylea, do same Derrylea Trought same 10
149 McKenna, Patrick, Doagheys, do same Doagheys Donagh same same 10
150 McKenna, James, Mullaboy, do same Mullaboy same same same 10
151 McCrudden, John. Legacurry, do same Legacurry same same same 10
152 McKenna, James, Mullaboy, do same Mullaboy same same same 10
153 McKenna, Patrick, Mallybrackscott, do same Mullybrackscott same same Leasehold 10
154 Meighan, Patrick, Pullis, do same Pullis same same Freehold 10
155 McCluskey, Patrick, Desart, do same Desart and Portenaghey same same same 10
156 Malone, Hugh, Cabra Lands and Premises Cabra Drumsnatt Monaghan same 10
157 Moorhead, Thomas, Killekeeragh, farmer Houses and Lands Raw same same same 20
158 McCarvill, James, Annaglough, do same Annaglough Killmore same same 10
159 McCabe, James, Nart, do same Nart same same same 10
160 McCabe, Alexander, nart, do same same same same same 10
161 McClave, Samuel, Ballinagarry, do same Ballinagarry same same same 20
162 McCabe, Michael, Sleaveroe, do same Sleaveroe same same same 10
163 McMurry, James, Drumgreeny, do same Drumgreeney same same same 10
164 McKenna, James, Shevlins, farmer Houses Lands and Prem. Shevlins Killmore Monaghan Freehold 10
165 McElmeel, Patrick, Killeanly, do Houses and Land Killeanly Errigle Trough Trough same 10
166 McKenna, Thomas, Drumfernesky, do same Drumferneskey same same same 10
167 McGeough, John, Annagh, do same Annaghmartin same same same 10
168 McKenna, Felix, Rallaghan, do same Rallaghan same same same 10
169 McKenna, Bernard, Corlatallon, do same Corlatallen same same same 10
170 McKenna, James, Cavanmontray, do same Dernaved and Tavanagh same same same 10
171 McKenna, James, Drumfernesky, do same Drumferneskey same same same 10
172 Murray, Bernard, Killeanly, do same Killeanly same same same 10
173 McKenna, Felix, Rallaghan, do Lands and Premises Ralaghan Errigle same same 10
174 McMahon, James, Derrylidigan, do Houses and Land Derrylidigan Clones Monaghan same 10
175 Martin, Rober, Maghery, do same Maghery same same same 10
176 Murray, William, Derrylidigan, do same Derrylidigan same same same 10
177 Madill, Thomas, Magheranure, do Lands and Premises Magheranure and Aghafin same Dartrey same 10
178 Madill, Alexander, Magheranure, do House and Land same same same same 20
179 Mayne, Wm. Freanemoutn, esq., barrister-at-law Lands and Premises Bromore and Dian alias Freamount Ematris same same 50
180 Macleery, James, Cordressiga, farmer same Cordressiga same same same 10
181 McClelland, William, Drumlinney, do Houses and Land Drumlinney Aughabog same same 10
182 McPhillips, Hugh, Tonagh, do same Tonagh and Corravilla same same same 10
183 Moore, George, Aghdromkeen, do Houses, Lands and Premises Aghdromkeen same same same 10
184 Moore, Richard, Drumhirk, do same Drumhirk same same same 10
185 McCracken, David, Killyleg, do Lands and Premises Killyleg same same same 10
186 Moore, Robert, Crosses, do Houses and Land Crosses Tydavnett Monaghan same 10
187 Mulling, Bernard, Sheskin, do same Sheskin same same same 10
188 McKenna, Peter, Sheskin, do same same same same same 10
189 McElgun, Cornelius, Sheskin, do same same same same same 10
190 Mooney, Owen, Sheskin, do same same same same same 10
191 Mullin, Hugh, Sheskin, do same same same same same 10
192 McPhillips, James, Sheskin, do same same same same same 10
193 Milligan, Owen, Killycarnon, do same Killycarnon same same same 10
194 Moynagh, Patrick, Knockacullen, do same Knockacullen & Knockatallen same same same 10
195 Myonagh, Hugh, Knockacullen, do same same same same same 10
196 McGinniss, Felix, Mullahmore, do same Mullahmore same same same 10
197 McCruddin, John, Derrycrussan, do same Derrycrussen same same same 10
198 McEntee, James, Killyharnan, do same Killyharnan same same same 10
199 McNicee, Richard, Mullahara, do same Mullahara same same same 10
200 Martin, John, Kilmore, do same Killmore same same same 10
201 McCarron, John, Tamlat, do Lands and Premises Tamlat Tyholland same same 10
202 McGinness, Frank, Dyan, do Houses and Land Dyan Killeevan Dartrey same 10
203 McCormick, Peter, Tattinagall, do same Tattenagall same same same 10
204 McMahon, John, Dyan, do same Dyan same same same 10
205 Moan, William, Cornanure, do Lands, Tenmts. & Prem. Cornanure Tullycorbet Monaghan same 10
206 McMahon, Constantine, Corfad, do Lands and Premises Corfad same same same 10
207 McMahon, Con., sen., Corfad, do same same same same same 10
208 Niblock, William, Corlongford, do same Corlongford same same same 10
209 Nesbitt, Samuel, Drumlongfield, do Houses Lands and Prem. Drumlongfield same same same 10
210 Nesbitt, James, Drumgarley, do Houses and Land Drumgarley Aughabog Dartrey same 10
211 Nesbitt, George, Loist, do same Loist Killmore Monaghan same 10
212 Nelson, Robert, Derraghland, do same Derraghland same same same 10
213 Nesbitt, James, Loist, do same Loist same same same 10
214 Phillips, Edward, Dernamoyle, do Lands and Premises Dernamoyle (Drummintin Ematris Dartrey same 10
215 Ross, John, Urcher, do Houses and Land Ureher Killmore Monaghan same 10
216 Reid, James, Sleiverow, do same Sleavcroe same same same 10
217 Riddle, jun., John, Annamacneal, do same Annamackneal same same same 20
218 Rogers, Joseph, Tattenagall, do same Tattenagall Killeevan Dartrey same 10
219 Richardson, Samuel, Monaghan, baker Houses and Premises Market-st. Monaghan Monagh Monaghan same 20
220 Rodgers, Samuel, Loughnalong, farmer Lands and Premises Loughnalong same same same 10
221 Rankin, Thomas, Annaraw, do same Annaraw same same same 10
222 Richey, James, Racreighan, do same Racreighan, Coruaglare Ematris and Curren Dartrey same 20
223 Richey, James, Racreighan, do same Racreighan, Coruaglare Ematris same same 10
224 Reid, James, Hillhall, do same Hillhall Donagh Trough same 10
225 Riddle, Joseph, Cavenagarvon, do same Cavenagarvon Killmore Monaghan same 10
226 Riddle, Archibald, Glenish, do same Glenish same same same 10
227 Riddle, George, Glenish, do same same same same same 10
228 Smith, Patrick, Liscumiskey, do Houses and Lands Liscumiskey Aughabog Dartrey same 10
229 Smith, Jeremiah, Killnaclay, do same Kilnaclay Drumsnatt Monaghan same 10
230 Stockdeal, John, Annahagh, do Houses and Land Annahagh Monaghan same same 10
231 Summerville, Joseph, Totappa, do same Totappa and Knockaturly Monaghan, Killmore same same 10
232 Stewart, Thomas, Drumbear, do same Drumbear Monaghan same same 10
233 Smith, James, Derrlidigan, do same Derrylidigan Clones same same 10
234 Sheill, Rev. James, Enniskillen, clerk House and Premises Crossmoyle, Clones same Dartrey same 20
235 Steenson, John, Stranoodin, farmer Houses and Land Stranoodin Killmore Monaghan same 10
236 Smith, Hugh, Nart, do same Nart same same same 10
237 Summerville, Wm., Bannaghbane, do same Bammaghbane same same same 10
238 Smith, John, Killnaclay, do Houses, Lands and Premises Killnaclay same same same 10
239 Smith, John, Killnaclay, alias Killief, M.D. same same alias Killief same same same 10
240 Smith, Jeremiah, Killnaclay, farmer same Killnaclay same same same 10
241 Simpson, Hugh, Aughnacloy, attorney Lands and Premises Tavenagh Errigle Trough same 20
242 Skelton, William, Mullenarocken, farmer same Mullenarocken Tydavnett Monaghan same 10
243 Sloey, Denis, Ellygesh, do Houses and Land Ellygesh same same same 10
244 Smith, John, Cloghnart, do Lands and Premises Cloghnart Donagh Trough same 10
245 Treanor, Patrick, Monaghan, yarn dealer Houses and Premises Dublin-street, Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan same 10
246 Taylor, Robert, Bannaghbawn, farmer Houses and Land Baannaghbawn Killmore same same 10
247 Traynor, James, Cornanure, do Lands Tenmnt. & Prem Cornecure Tullycorbett same same 10
248 Traynor, James, Tonneyclave, do Houses and Land Drumbriston Errigle Trough Trough same 10
249 Traynor, Phillip, Rallaghan, do same Rallaghan same same same 10
250 Treanor, Phillip, Rallaghan, do Lands and Premises same Errigle same same 10
251 Wright, John, Drumloo, do Houses and Land Drumloo Tydavnett Monaghan same 20
252 Wiley, James, Cohen, do Lands and Premises Cohen Killmore same same 10
253 Wiley, John, Cohen, do same same same same same 10
254 Wiley, Hugh, Cohen, do same same same same same 10
255 Williamson, William, Corablanog, do Houses and Land Corablanog Tydavnett same same 10
256 Willson, William, Killyleg, do Lands and Premises Killyleg Aughabog Dartrey same 10
257 Wallace, John, Annaveagh, do same Annaveagh Curren same same 10
258 Wilson, Samuel, Monaghan, yeoman House and Premises Dublin-st, Monaghan Monaghan Monaghan same 10
259 Wright, Thomas, Monaghan, gentleman same same same same same 20
260 Wright, Thomas, Monaghan, esquire same sa same same same 20
261 Wilson, Robert, Corness, farmer Houses and Land Corness same same same 10
262 Welsh, Rev. Charles, Clones, clerk same Scotshouse, Killyfargy Currin Dartrey Rentcharge 20
263 Whitelaw, Wm. Willmount otherwise Kilcorran, esq same Willmount otherwise Kilcoran Clones Monaghan Freehold 10
264 Wiley, Robert, Derrylidigan, farmer same Derrylidigan same same same 10

16th December 1839 ROBERT SMITH, Clerk of the Peace