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  • 24 Oct. 1890 News of the Day

24 Oct. 1890 News of the Day

Transcribed by Teena from the Tyrone Constitution, Friday 24 Oct. 1890

Fintona Petty Sessions

Michael M’CANNY jun., was charged by the Queen at the prosecution of Sergeant P. WHITE for assaulting him with a pair of tongs in his father’s house at Fintona on 10th Oct. Defendant was sentenced to two months  imprisonment with hard labour in Derry gaol.

Same defendant was also charged with assaulting constable CADEN by kicking him in the jaw and breaking a tooth. He was sentenced to two months, being four months in all.

Thomas LINDSAY, a corner boy, was charged by Sergeant WHITE with being drunk and disorderly, assaulting constables LYNCH and VAUGHAN and was sentenced to one month in each case, or three months in all.

John LINDSAY, drunk, fourth offence, fined thirty shillings, or one month.

Margaret KEENAN hailing from Brunswick Row and who is in the habit of edifying the people of the street with some very choice language, for being drunk and disorderly at the suit of constable LIPSEY, was ordered to pay ten shillings and costs for the offense.

Besides the above, the following were fined the sums opposite their names;

Samuel BROWN, 2s fit and costs
Michael MEENNAGH, 2s 6d. and costs
Wm. KENNEDY, 2nd offence, no appearance, 8s. and costs
Henry MONAGHAN, 2s. 6d. and costs
Michl. DONAGHY, 2s 6d. and costs
Sarah CARLIN, 2s 6d. and costs

Fintona Great October Fair

The great October fair of this district was held on Wednesday last and was well supplied with various descriptions of stock. There was present a large attendance of buyers, both local and foreign, and good business was gone through during the day, at much the usual prices. There was a brisk demand for both, springing cattle and milch cows. Weanling calves which were plentiful and in good demand, sold from £2 10s. to £3 10s. and up to £4 each. Springer were scarce and sold from £9 to £16. Beef cattle brought from 49s. to 69s. per cwt. Three-year old heifers in calf,sold from £11 to  £15 10s. each. Two-and-a-half-year-olds, £8 10s. to £12 10s. each. In the sheep department the turnout was pretty good and demand brisk and good prices were obtained. Those of the Leicestershire and Shropshire breeds sold from £2 to £2 15s each; lambs sold from £1 5s. to £1 10s each; mountain sheep from £1 to £1 10s. each; in the pig market the supply was small. Brood sows sold from £2 5s. to £3; slips £1 to £1 10s. each; suckers, from to £1 5s. to £1 15s. per pair.

Shocking Death of a Woman Near Maghera

An old woman named Nancy FARRELL, aged about sixty-five years, housekeeper in the employment of Mr. John ADAMS, Tirhugh, died yesterday evening at the residence of her master from injuries received by her, under the following distressing circumstances. It appears the poor woman had gone out to milk her master’s cows on Friday evening, as was customary. On reaching the byre in which her master’s two cows were kept, she went between them for the purpose of milking them. Just as she had seated herself and was about to milk the one tied on the left-hand side, the animal gave her a severe kick. Before the unfortunate old creature had recovered the effects of the first kick, she was knocked down under the cattles feet with a second kick. Both animals then became furious, and kicked and trampled upon the helpless woman until she became insensible. ADAMS found her in this condition shortly afterwards, and had her removed into the house. Dr. M’GOWAN, Maghera, was punctual in attendance and on examination found her suffering from a comminuted fracture of both arms, two severe wounds on the head, and numerous other external injuries, of a more or less serious nature and she appeared to be internally injured also, to which, as already stated, she succumbed yesterday evening. The coroner for the district has been communicated with and an inquest will be held.

Dungannon – Funeral of Mr. Patrick SHIELDS, Altmore House

The remains of this deceased gentleman were removed from his late residence, Altmore House, on Saturday last, when a large concourse of people assembled to pay their last respects to one who had the respect of the country at large. The coffin, in which the remains were enclosed, was of highly polished oak with massive brass mountings, upon the lid of which, a brass plate bore the engraving – Patrick Shields, Died October 16th, 1890.

A most beautiful floral crucifix also bore a conspicuous place on the coffin, sent by a sorrowing friend. Shortly after the hour fixed for the solemn procession to take its course the remains were borne to the family burying ground at Altmore Chapel, which, together with the sacred building now occupying that site, was the gift of the deceased and which comprises about two acres in the whole. The mournful cortege extended close on a mile long. Immediately behind the hearse followed the chief mourners who comprise;

Michl. SHIELDS J.P., Altmore House
James SHIELDS, Dungannon
Patrick SHIELDS, Altmore Lodge
Francis SHIELDS, solicitor, Omagh and the Rev. Joseph SHIELDS, the Church of the Immaculate Conception, St. Louis, U.S.A., the latter having but lately arrived just in time to be present at his father’s decease (sons of the deceased)

Dr. T. J. M’GRATH, coroner for the middle barony of Dungannon (son-in-law)
Peter SHIELDS J.P. (nephew)
Joseph MURPHY J P., Lurgan
Dr. M’STAY, surgeon dentist, Belfast
Francis M’ELHONE, Dungannon
Mr. ROUNTREE, inspector of national schools, Sligo

The following clergy were also present;

The Very Rev. Dean BYRNE P.P., V.G., Dungannon
Rev. Canon COYNE, P.P., Moy
Rev. B. MURPHY, P.P., Carrickmore
Rev. J J. M’CARTAN, P.P., Donaghmore
Rev. P. M’NAMEE, P.P., Kildress
Rev. John QUINN, P.P., Beragh
Rev. T. O’BRIEN, P.P., Loughgall
Rev. Peter FOX P.P., Tullyallen
Rev. P. SLAVIN, P.P., Pomeroy
Rev. P. M’CRORY, Eglish
Rev. Hugh M’COOEY, P.P., Ballinderry
Rev. Daniel GORMAN, C.C.
Rev. P. FOX, C.C.
Rev. J. W. MacSHANE, O.S.F. Dungannon
Rev. Thomas M‘WILLIAMS, C.C.
Rev. J. KEENAN, C.C.
Rev. P. M’SHANE, C.C.
Rev. H. M’BRIDE, C.C.

Amongst the general public the following were observed;

James CROSSLE, clerk of the crown
James RIORDAN, crown solicitor for Tyrone and Fermanagh
Henry Russell KELLY, solicitor, Dungannon
William J. REYNOLDS M.P., Dungannon
John A. QUINN, solicitor, Dungannon
M. J. C. MARMION M.D., Dungannon
Robert HENRY M.D., Pomeroy
Joseph FALLS J.P.
James BROWN J.P,
William MOFFATT, Dungannon house
T. W. REYNOLDS, Dungannon
P. WARD, Armagh
Constantine WARD
John O’NEILL, Donaghmore
Dominick LOY
Edward LOY
Francis M’GURK
John Michael M’GUONE
Francis BOYLE
Samuel JONES
James KELLY, Dungannon
Terence CULLEN
Patrick HURSON
Charles HURSON

After the remains were borne into the sacred building, mass was celebrated by Rev. P. SLEVIN P.P., Pomeroy, who officiated throughout the mournful ceremony and in the course his address on the merits of the deceased, referred to the great benefits received from him in his lifetime by the church, whose deep interest he had at heart. The remains were afterwards removed to their last resting place where, surrounded by a sorrowing family, friends and the public generally, they were shortly hid from earthly gaze. The funeral arrangements were, I may add, carried out by Mr. Richard LOVE, Dungannon.

Committal of a Lunatic
(from our correspondent)

On Tuesday the 22nd instant, a man named Jas. MURPHY, swore an information before Robert W. LOWRY Esq, that his son, Francis MURPHY, would not stay at home with him and was in the habit of  lying out in the fields at night for four and five nights at time and he feared something might happen him as he was only 15 years of age. The boy was afterwards taken before R. W. LOWRY Esq., and having been examined by Dr. BELL was pronounced unfit to be at large. The usual order was made out and on Wednesday morning, Constables DAILY and BROGAN conveyed him to Omagh Lunatic Asylum.

Clever Arrest of a Lunatic

Intelligence just to hand of the arrest of Hugh ABERNETHY, native of Lisnaclare, near Stewartstown, who was committed to Omagh Lunatic Asylum on 13th inst. and who made his escape from the latter place on the 17th inst. The asylum authorities notified his escape to the surrounding stations, giving his description and necessary particulars. The Pomeroy police made inquiry relative to his whereabouts and on last Sunday traced him to an adjoining townland, where he stopped for almost two hours and exchanged the asylum clothes for a suit of civilian clothing. Before he left he stated that he intended to go to a sister’s house, who resided at Eglish, near Benburb. Constables M’FADDEN and BROGAN having traced him through the country for a whole day and not finding him; on their return to barracks Constable M’FADDEN sent an accurate description of the above-named to the Benburb police, who turned out and captured the demented individual in a field after an exciting chase. ABERNETHY was conveyed on last Wednesday evening to the asylum.

Trillick Petty Sessions

Before Geo. C. LENDRUM Esq. (in the chair), subsequently taken by T. W. FRENCH Esq. R.M.

Important Burial Case

Samuel Yates JOHNSTON Esq. Q.C., Snowhlll, Co. Fermanagh, charged Francis M’GURREN, Cavanamara, John CUNNINGHAM, Skeogue and Thomas M’SORLEY, Moneygar, on summonses, that each of them, on the 7th September last, did unlawfully and knowingly act and assist in the burial of a certain corpse, to-wit, the corpse of one Owen M’CANN, in the burial place of, and used by the family of, Samuel Yates JOHNSTON, aforesaid, situate in the cemetery or graveyard of Kilskeery, in the Parish Kiiskeery and Co. Tyrone, without having obtained the consent in writing of the said Samuel Yates JOHNSTON, or of the immediate relatives of the last member of his said family interred therein. The case having been called, one of the defendants asked for an adjournment on the account of witnesses being absent at the quarter sessions. Mr. JOHNSTON objected. The bench decided to go on with the cases. Wm. BROWN, sexton, Kilskeery Church, having been examined,

Thomas M’SORLEY, one the defendants, contended that the body was interred in his own burying ground and where the deceased directed before his death that he should be laid.
The bench, after a patient hearing of the case decided to fine each of the defendants 21s, so as to give them an opportunity to appeal to the quarter sessions, To do this some of the defendants did not feel inclined

Subsequently the court made an order (the defendants undertaking) to have the body exhumed and paying costs of witnesses, etc. The case was adjourned for a month on this understanding.

Land Speculators – Coming Home

A large number of Canadians who settled in Dakota and other parts of the United States are daily returning to Canada convinced that they can do better at home than abroad.

From bleak Dakota’s blizzards,
From Kansas arid plain;
From retrogade New England,
They’re coming home again.
Home to that fair Dominion
Where plenty smiles on toil,
Where to labour’s honest effort
Responds the fertile soil;
Where nature’s gracious bounty
Extends o’er land and main –

To their own fair country, Canada,
They’re coming home again.

Misled by false pretences
They strayed away from home,
Imbued with futile fancies,
In foreign lands to roam;
Fair fortune seemed to call them
To some more favor’d shore,
And they left their own Dominion
To return to it no more.
In fancy’s dream they pictured
A country rich with grain,

But the picture proved illusive
And they’re coming home again.

Far sadder, wiser, poorer.
By experience dearly taught;
Their fancy’s visions faded,
And their day dreams come to naught;
They turn their backs on labour
Which would not repay their pain,
And with hope once more re-kindled
They’re coming home again.

To the land of their affection,
From it no more to roam,
To their own fair country, Canada,
Once more they’re coming home.
O. Magh.

Canadian News

(From our Montreal correspondent.)

Omagh Visitor’s in Montreal

The Rev. J. J. M:GLADE, the Omagh apostle of temperance, is in the city and will be entertained to a banquet and presented with an address and a solid gold mounted walking cane by the Omagh residents, on Wednesday evening, the 8th inst., in the temperance resort, the Athletic Club House, Cote des Neighes.

Mr. S. ALCORN, the son of your esteemed fellow townsman, Mr. James ALCORN, arrived here by the Vancouver. Spent a day seeing the city. He has gone west, but on his return, he will be taken in hands and shown the sights of beautiful Montreal, which is at present clothed in its magnificent autumn tints.