Transcriber note – in this article all name spellings with a ‘Y’, will be spelt with terminal letters ‘ij’. Example – PERRY = PERRIJ
This is a return of all the hearth, fireplaces, and stones within the County of Tiron, as the same was returned and taken att a private sessions held att Newstewarton 28th March in the eighteenth year of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the Seacond by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, defend, of the faith &c., and befor Gerard JEVINE esq., Dr. Thomas BUTTOLPH and Bernard BUTERFIELD esq., his maties, Justices of the Peace in the county aforesaid, for one year commencing at Michaelmas, 1665 and dertermining at Michms, 1666.

by Ulster Architectural Heritage Society
This Hearth Money Law (14th and 15th Chas. 11, c.17, 1662) imposed a tax of 2s. (two shillings) each on every “hearth and other place used for firing and stoves within every (dwelling and other house and edifice that are or hereafter shall be erected within this kingdom of Ireland than such as are in this Act hereafter excepted)” sec. 1, persons living alms exempted by section 13 and all houses certified by two justices to be of not greater value than 8s. upon the full improved rent and that the persons occupying the same do not have, use, or occupy any lands or tenements of the value of 8s. per acre, or have any lands, tenements, goods or chattels of the value £4 in their own possession, or held in trust for them sec. 14 (resteicted to widows by 17 and 18 Chas. 11, c.18, sec. 11, 1665.) By the 14th section of the latter enactment houses having no fixed hearth with chimneys chargeable with two hearths.
Subjoined is a list ot townlands of Termonmagurk with the names of those who paid the hearth money in 1666. It appears that Donaghanie, Aldrummond, and Aughiogan and Glenure and Redergan, which now form one townland with the latter name, had four hearths each.
The following names are rather outlandish and are not known here unless they have been so anglacised and modernised that I can’t recognise them.
o Cugan (perhaps M’Kiggan the modern equivalent,)
o Mullerive
o Cunagh
and M’Ceemon
I should state that the parish of Termonmagurk was divided by an Act of the Privy Council (dated 13th May 1732) into Termonmagurk and Clogherney, divisions which are still followed by the civil authorities.
Denominacons of lands – Men’s names
Cloghfine – Brian M’Mah, Phelemij o Donnellij
Coragh (now Sixmilecross) – John Anderson, William Anderson
Ballihallaghan – Donald M’Kesne
Ballkill and Aughnagarrij – Donold o Laphij, Shan o Sheel, Phelemij o Mulmoniij
Killcame (now Kilcam) – Neill M’Kennij, John Anderson
Ossnagh – Donakhij M’Girr
Glenur – Cormick o Sheell, Patrick o Teige
Radergan – Brian M’Keanij, Enid M’Martin
Claghernisclew (now Clogherney Upper) – Forlogh o Cugan, Mahon Macroddan
Roscavij – Phelemij Momnagh, Ouen M’Elgirr
Carbellitackin (now Curr) – Hugh M’Rorij, Conor o Gorman
Lagacorrij – Shan o Donnellij, John o Donnellij
Killadroy – Teege o Donnallij, Brian M’lllbreed
Laghfearne (now Letfem) – Shan o Neill
Seskanor – Mamy o Horisk, Hugh o Horisk, Neill M’Martin
Mullaghmor – Hugh Warnoke, Alexander Scott, Donald Moinagh
Ranallij – James Perrij
Tulliross – Alexander Smith, Jas. Anderson
Tullihirme – Thomas Peerij, John Creige
Mullagh – James Dunlappe
Lissara (now Raw) – Laughlin o Ravertij, William Watson
Dirivercroy – Shan o Mullerive, Patrick Donallij
Donaghenee – Forlogh o Sheele, Laughlin o Donallij, Murtagh Maquort, Teege o Sheell
Tatticoron (Tattykeeran) – Wm, M’Gorman, Donaghij M’Elirr
Eskermor and Cloghernij – Andrew Woods, Brian o Ferrinan
Laragh-linsij (now Laragh) – Artt M’Girr, Shan o Selovin
Baragh (Beragh) – Phelemij o Donallij, Hugh M’Gurgan
Coullij (Cooley) – Edward Homes, Phelemy M’Girr
Aldrummond – Neel M’Ceemon, Edmond o Tanij, Call M’Kernan, John M’Kernan
Bracagh (now Brackey) – Neill o Donaghij, Shan o Donallij
Drumduff – Phelemy Donallij, Neill M’Quork
Ramacken – Dermond o Hoyne, Edmond o Donallij, Artt M’Keagnij
Ballitren – Edmond o Donallij, Teege o Dallij
Drumlester – Torlogh o Teeg, Murtagh o Donallij, Edmond o Donallij
Cavanreagh – Patrick o Donallij, Murtagh o Ravertij
Aghigogan – Shan Magork, Torlogh o Kennedij, Shan M’Gork, Patrick M’Gork
Agharkee and Tirwnij (Tirooney) – John Magunshanan, Neel M’Gork, Patrick M’Cromresk
Camsan – David Atcheson
Crevnagh and Galbally – Artt o Managhan, Wm. Grhame
Tetikeel – Teeg M’Gurigan
Racassan and Liscoppan – Edmond M’Gurigan
Ramacan and Corr – Rorij oge Macolgan
Edenderrij – Brian o Neill
Lisslea – Neill Magunshanan
Aughiogallan – Owen M’Conway
Logh M’Rorij – Phelemy M’Canna
Stlugan and Aghinanarigh – Brian oge Moynagh, Henrij M’Rorij, Edwd M’Canna
Dunmisk and Enistive – Neil o Cunagh, Patk o Donaghij
Balleklll, Gortfin, add Tonregee (Tandragee) – James o Donallij, William M’Rorij, Torlagh M’Keg_ij (?) Brian o Ravertij, Cormack o Ravertij, Teegeo Ravertij, Patk. M’Keagnij
Sultin – Torlogh M’Goirke, Patrick Quort
Mullin, Lagnasamer, Carrickmore, and Killen – Artt M’Goirk, Neille M’Goirk, James M’Rorij, Teoge M’Gilduffe, Edmond M’Closkey, Cullow M’Crener
Aghinagrogan – Neill Magunshanan, Forish o Tannij
Cregan – Artt M’Conwaij
Millaghstlinney (now Mullaghslin) – Henrij o Lughran, Owen Magunshanan
Banerar, Diroran, and Colisker – Brian M’Edgir, Artt M’Canna, James M’Cana, Wm. M’Cramlin, James M’Manas
(121 Hearths)
The terminal letters ij are now replaced by the letter y.
Donnellij is now the modern DONNELLY and M’Rorij is now M’RORY.
The population was not quite so sparse as the above list would indicate, because parts of the country were in an unreclaimed state and, therefore, the houses thereon were mere hovels (being then exempt) such as we would expect to see occupied by the “meer Irish”, who were gradually stealing back to the homes of their ancestors and who were not certain when these little “shelters” might be forfeited.
It is very likely that there was many a ‘cute one’, who tried to evade the tax by having primitive interiors, but subsequent legislation made provision for such a contingency by charging double for any who had not fixed hearth and chimney in his home. At the present time I know a farmhouse in Tyrone that has no regularly built up chimney and the smoke from the turf fire finds its way along the upper regions, and escapes through a hole in the roof, not directly above the fire.
It is strange to contemplate that in the middle of the 17th century, that there was not a second hearth in any house in this vast district! How little our progenitors of that date bothered themselves about parlour fires, marble mantle-pieces, over-mantles, and fancy tiles!
The following is a copy of a Hearth Tax Receipt; it is probable that there is not another receipt for the same in Tyrone. It was printed like a receipt form of the present day, only that it had no perforation and was merely torn from the block.
The words in (itallics) were written with a pen.
County of
Barony of (Strabane)
Parish of (Ardstraw)
Town of (Newtown)
Received from (Char. CRAWFORD Esq.), of the (town) aforesaid the sum of (10 shiles) due to His Majesty for (five) Hearths, payable the Tenth Day of January, One Thousand Seven Hundred and 36.
I say Received this Day (19) of Aprle, 1737
By me, Tris. SEVENHAM
Entered Ledger Page
H. K. M’ALEER, Sixmilecross
transcribed by Teena from the Tyrone Courier 31st Aug. 1900
Hearth Tax Ireland