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Dromore Parish Located in the Southwest of Tyrone County, Ulster

Co. Tyrone Headstone Project
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Dromore Parish Located in the Southwest of Tyrone County, Ulster

All 15 Pages
Transcribed by Sandy


Cornamucklagh Phelemy m’Kevir, Torlogh o’Mughan

Tattycor Edmund o’Gorman, Daniel o’Dolan

Cranny & Kieldrum Edmund m’Ardell, Cormick m’Sorley

Tummery Edmund o’Kelly, Patrick m’Kilreavy, Connor m’Canny

Dergany Art o’Dally, Brian o’Cassedy, Terlagh m’Gilterny

Drumskinny James Stewart



Magheragart James Stewart, Andrew Steel, Mathew Fleming

Aghlisk & Drumconnis Quen Magrah, Patrick Magrah

Gardrum Shan m’Guigan, Donachy m’Caverra

Mullanboy Phelemy o’Neill, William Woods

Oughterard James m’Quead, Neal m’Glaghlin

Aghadarra Art o’Conally, Phelemy m’Glaghlin

Drumderg & Coyagh Rory o’Dorygan, William o’Dorygan, Quen o’Soraghan

Shaneragh Fereagh Macosker, Neill o’Mulavell, Cormick o’Connellan

Aghadulla Conn o’Neill

Mullaghban & Goland Adam m’Quad, Torlogh m’Quad

Drumlish Patrick Clarke, Henry m’Quade, Brian o’Barron

Grennan & Dressogue John Anthony, Shan O’Neill, Hugh m’Kilmay

Dullaghan & Letteree Rory o’Neill, Torlogh O’Donally

Corbally Phelemy o’Quine, Morish m’Canny

Lettergesh Robert Woods, Francis Clarke

Corladergan Edwards Woods, Hugh o’Boylan

Apart from the alleged burning of the old parish church on Dromore Brae (then used for Protestant worship by the colonists) and the alleged killing of some English here by the natives, there is no evidence of any action here during the war of 1641, when most of the old Irish of Tyrone followed the flag of Owen-Roe O’Neill.97 The native Irish were defeated and suffered under Cromwell in the 1650s. Many Irish landowning gentry lost their lands then, some fleeing abroad, others taking to the hills to join the bands of outlaws who continued to raid the homes of the Planters.98 This Irish outlaw was known as a tory

(a hunted person) or a rapparee (a robber). After Cromwell came the restoration of King Charles II in 1660. During his reign tories were a real threat, especially here in Tyrone, where at the “Assizes in Dungannon, at one time no fewer than a hundred of these outlaws were placed in the dock”.99 Monsignor Tomas O Fiaich tells us that they were mostly members of the old Irish landed families, evicted from their homes and, in the 1660s,

they were strong enough to carry on a guerilla war over a large part of Ulster and

Connacht. Some of them, like the redoubtable Redmond O’Hanlon and Patrick

Fleming, succeeded in maintaining a code of honour and a patriotic purpose amid

their violent activities, but others degenerated into common highwaymen and


97 S. Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (London 1837), I, 508. Not the most reliable of works, it is followed in this reference by W. C. Trimble, The History of Enniskillen (Enniskillen 1919), I, 116.

98 T. O’Hanlon, The Highwayman in Irish History (Dublin 1932), 3.

99 Ibid., 27

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