Original Rootsweb Co. Tyrone Community Site
Householders Index - Bodoney Lower Parish
Following information contributed by James Huey
In the Surname Index - G is for the number of times a surname appears on the Griffith's Valuation in that parish and the T is if the surname is on the Tithe Applotment Book for the parishBodoney Lower - Part 1 (Actor - M'Guiggan)
Bodoney Lower - Part 2 (M'Gurk -York )
GORTIN UNION COUNTY TYRONE Griffith's Valuation Year 1859 - Tithe Applotment Book Year 1830NAME GV TA NAME GV TA NAME GV TA M'Gurk G3 T M'Williams G2 T Quin G T M'Gurke G7 T Maconan ? T Quinn G2 T M'Gwiggan G2 Magooga G Reilly T M'Hagan G Maguines T Rippy G M'Hugh G T Mahon G3 Robinson G2 T M'Ildoon T Malara G Roe T M'Ilwain G Martin G T Rogers G2 M'Kane G2 T Mathewson G9 Rork T M'Kay G Meenan G8 T Rutledge T M'Kee G Minion G2 Scott G4 T M'Keever G Mitchell G4 T Sharkey G2 M'Kelvey G4 T Moffitt G4 T Sheerin G2 T M'Kenna G16 T Monteith G4 T Simpson T M'Kenpa G Montgomery G Sinclair G M'Keon G3 T Moone G Slaine G M'Kernan G Moorhead G T Smith G2 T M'Kimmin G3 T Morris G62 T Somerville G T M'Kinny G Mossey G19 T Spear G2 T M'Knight G Mossy G T Steed G M'Kyhan T Muldoon G T Steele G2 T M'Loughlin G7 T Mulholland G Stronge T M'Mahony T Mullen G Stuart G M'Menamin G Murphy G T Taggart G T M'Michael G2 Murray G T Teague G8 T M'Mullin G T Neally G T Thompson G3 T M'Mullins G T Neville G2 T Tracy G9 T M'Nally G4 Nicholl G T Turner G8 T M'Nalty G Nugent G4 T Walker G M'Namee G26 T O'Brien G2 T Walsh G4 T M'Nickle G6 T O'Hara G Warnock G3 T M'Nicholl G10 T O'Kane G T Watson G4 M'Nulty G3 T O'Neill G10 T Whelan G3 M'Philimy G4 T Orr G T Wilkinson G M'Rory G59 T Parke G3 Wilson G M'Sorley G7 Parks G Woodward G M'Swiggan G7 T Patterson G Worson G M'Taggart G Quigly T York G3 T Bodoney Lower - Part 1 (Actor - M'Guiggan)
Bodoney Lower - Part 2 (M'Gurk -York )