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Leckpatrick National School School Registers (Glebe School) 1874 – 1950

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Leckpatrick National School School Registers
(Glebe School)
1874 – 1950
From the original registers borrowed from the Artigarvan Primary School

Transcribed, Compiled & Submitted by Rene Donaghy

The SECOND REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, IRELAND presented to Parliament in 1835, listed nine day schools operating in Leckpatrick Parish as a whole. The complete report can be viewed at  Enhanced British Parliamentary Papers on Ireland [Go to page 356 for schools in Leckpatrick]

Formal education in the Artigarvan area began in 1814 in the Church of Ireland at Leckpatrick with forty pupils and in 1825 there was a Presbyterian Cabin School set up at Ballylaw. Leckpatrick National School, commonly known as the Glebe School, existed on its original site until December 1971 and then the new Artigarvan Primary School was opened in 1972.

Note: Spelling of names is as recorded in the books.

Religion Abbreviations: C of I = Church of Ireland; Pres = Presbyterian; RC = Roman Catholic; EC = Episcopal Church; IC = Irish Church; PB = Plymouth Brethren; Meth = Methodist; D & D Pres = Dissenter & Dissenting Presbyterian



N.B. - these records are not fully chronological!


Entrance Date First Name Surname Age or Birthday Religion Residence Parents Occupation Additional Information
01/06/1874 John Donnell 6 E C Woodend farmer
01/06/1874 Hugh Kirk 6 R C Artigarvan tailor
01/06/1874 James Andrews 6 Pres Ballymagorry farmer
22/06/1874 James Miller 5 Pres Ballylaw farmer
01/06/1874 John Carnwath 6 Pres Stoneypath farmer
01/06/1874 Robert Morrison 6 Pres Artigarvan labourer
01/06/1874 James Carnwath 6 Pres Stoneypath farmer
01/06/1874 James Hunter 6 E C Glebe labourer
01/06/1874 John Lowry 4 Pres Glebe grocer
01/06/1874 Wm. James Dunn 5 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
01/06/1874 William Young 4 E C Ballymagorry labourer
01/06/1874 Robert Gourley 6 Pres Kennaghan farmer

03/06/1874 Joseph Mc Neill 6 Pres Killynaught labourer
07/06/1874 James Mitchell 6 E C Leck labourer
10/08/1874 Patrick McDonnell 5 R C Glebe labourer
17/10/1874 John Adams 5 E C Ballymagorry smith
24/08/1874 Charles Martin 4 Pres Ballee labourer
01/10/1874 William Donnell 5 E C Woodend farmer
05/10/1874 Michael O’Neill 5 R C Cullermoney labourer
?/05/1875 Hugh McMullin 5 Pres Glebe labourer
17/05/1875 James Graham 6 E C Liscurry labourer
24/05/1875 Oliver White 6 E C Ballmagorry farmer
05/07/1875 George Knox 4 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
06/09/1875 Patrick Kirk 4 R C Artigarvan tailor

06/09/1875 Alexander J McCleery 3 E C Artigarvan teacher
13/09/1875 David Mitchell 5 E C Leck labourer
12/10/1875 Andrew Graham 3 E C Liscurry labourer
25/10/1875 William Curtis 6 E C Ballymagorry shoemaker
22/11/1875 William Donnell 6 E C Ballee farmer
13/12/1875 Andrew Woods 5 Pres Cullermoney farmer
26/01/1876 Joseph Gourley 6 Pres Kennaghan farmer
31/01/1876 Joseph Carnwath 5 Pres Stoneypath farmer
22/05/1876 Thomas Campbell 5 E C Leck shoemaker
07/06/1876 Robert White 4 E C Ballymagorry farmer
19/06/1876 William Kilpatrick 5 Pres Ballymagorry farmer
26/06/1876 George Martin 5 Pres Ballee labourer

20/04/1877 William Pollock 5 Pres Ballymagorry grocer
14/05/1877 Robert Woods 4 Pres Cullermoney farmer
?/07/1877 Robert Campbell 4 E C Ballymagorry labourer
30/07/1877 Joseph McFarland 5 E C Glebe labourer
17/09/1877 James Johnston McCleery 3 E C Artigarvan teacher
17/09/1877 Robert Young 3 E C Ballymagorry labourer
22/10/1877 Patrick O’Neill 6 R C Liscurry labourer
14/01/1878 Robert McMullin 3 Pres Glebe labourer
29/04/1878 Robert Murdock 6 E C Ballymagorry labourer
13/05/1878 William Mitchell 5 Pres Leck labourer
13/05/1878 George Andrews 5 E C Ballymagorry labourer
08/07/1878 William Lindsay 5 Pres Leck labourer

22/07/1878 Joseph Curtis 5 E C Ballymagorry labourer
30/09/1878 George Campbell 6 E C Glebe labourer
29/04/1879 James Adams 4 E C Glebe smith
07/07/1879 Robert Neily 5 Pres Ballymagorry labourer
14/07/1879 Samuel Knox 4 Pres Liscurry farmer
29/07/1879 Robt. Alexander Miller 4 Pres Woodend labourer
04/08/1879 Charles Carnwath 5 Pres Artigarvan labourer
11/08/1879 William Murdock 6 E C Milltown laourer
02/09/1879 Thomas Edward Morton 3 E C Glebe G F A ?
04/09/1879 Robert Brown 3 E C Leck labourer
18/11/1879 William Jordan 6 Pres Holyhill gardener
18/11/1879 Thomas Pollock 4 Pres Ballymagorry grocer

03/02/1880 George A Forbes 4 E C Leck sexton
08/03/1880 Patrick McCay 6 R C Ballylaw labourer
17/05/1880 Robert Carnwath 4 Pres Stoneypath farmer
17/06/1880 William Campbell 4 E C Ballymagorry labourer
02/11/1880 John Brown 3 E C Ballymagorry labourer
04/01/1881 John R Kirkwood 4 E C Ballymagorry labourer
23/05/1881 Wm. John Galbraith 5 E C Cullermoney farmer
30/05/1881 John Huston 6 R C Artigarvan carpenter
06/06/1881 William Anderson 3 E C Ballymagorry Grocer?
14/06/1881 Bernard O’Neill 5 R C Liscurry labourer
18/07/1881 John Mitchell 6 Pres Leck labourer
10/10/1881 James Stevenson 6 D Ballylaw farmer

08/11/1881 Patrick McDonnell 4 R C Holyhill spademaker
05/12/1881 Hugh Donnell 6 R C Artigarvan labourer
23/01/1882 John Roulston 4 Pres Cloughcor farmer
08/05/1882 Thomas Brown 4 E C Leck labourer
29/05/1882 John Chrampshy (Crampsie) 6 R C Dysert boatman
30/06/1882 John Gallagher 5 R C Artigarvan Cattle dealer
06/07/1882 Joseph Mitchell 4 E C Stoneypath labourer
24/07/1882 Thomas Kilpatrick 4 Pres Ballymagorry farmer
20/11/1882 John McCay 4 R C Liscurry labourer
15/01/1883 Robert Miller 5 Pres Ballylaw farmer
23/04/1883 James McDonnell 4 R C Holyhill spademaker
22/05/1883 George Dougan 3 R C Artigarvan labourer

04/06/1883 James McCool 4 R C Liscurry labourer
04/06/1883 James Brown 4 E C Ballymagorry labourer
02/07/1883 Samuel Devenney 6 Pres Millbrook miller
06/08/1883 Archibald Anderson 3 E C Ballymagorry publican
15/10/1883 Stephen Stevenson 5 D Pres Ballylaw farmer
13/11/1883 Alexander S Jacob 5 E C Glebe stewart
?/04/1884 Samuel McCleery 3 E C Glebe teacher died
29/04/1884 Samuel McNeill 4 E C Glebe labourer died
26/05/1884 Henry Hall Barr 6 Pres Cullermoney farmer
26/05/1884 Francis McGettigan 4 R C Glebe labourer
09/06/1884 Joseph Miller 4 Pres Ballylaw farmer
08/07/1884 William White 6 E C Ballymagorry farmer

21/10/1884 Andrew Austin 4 E C Ballymagorry labourer
12/01/1885 William Oliver 5 E C Glebe coachman
13/05/1885 Bob (Robert jun) Brown 5 E C Leck labourer
18/05/1885 William Thompson 5 Pres Holyhill labourer
18/05/1885 Joseph Galbraith 5 E C Cullermoney farmer
28/05/1885 Thomas Knox 6 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
18/08/1885 John Stevenson 6 E C Leck labourer
?/03/1886 William Roulston 5 Pres Pollockstown farmer
?/03/1886 James Roulston 5 Pres Pollockstown farmer
12/04/1886 Samuel Stevenson 5 E C Glebe coachman
03/05/1886 Isaac Barr 5 Pres Cullermoney farmer
21/06/1886 Samuel Donnell 6 E C Woodend farmer

10/08/1886 John? McNeill 4 E C Glebe labourer
02/07/1886 William McCleery 3 E C Glebe teacher
20/08/1886 Frances McDonnell 5 R C Holyhill spademaker
22/11/1886 James Galbraith 5 E C Cullermoney farmer
04/04/1887 Francis McCay 5 R C Liscurry labourer
31/05/1887 Robert J Dorough 4 Pres Cullermoney labourer
18/07/1887 Gordon Barr 6 Pres Ballee farmer
19/09/1887 Thomas Roulston 5 Pres Pollockstown farmer
10/10/1887 William Kelly 6 E C Leck labourer
20/12/1887 Francis O’Neill 5 R C Liscurry labourer
20/03/1888 John Joe McNeill 5 Pres Milltown labourer
14/05/1888 Samuel Young 5 E C Ballymagorry labourer

09/07/1888 John McCool 6 R C Liscurry labourer
15/07/1888 Rob Cunningham 4 E C Leck labourer
21/07/1888 Robt. Dunlop 5 Pres Holyhill Labourer
05/11/1888 George Murdock 6 E C Milltown labourer
08/04/1889 Joseph Dorough 5 E C Leck labourer
20/05/1889 Alexander Barr 6 Pres Cullermoney farmer
27/05/1889 Robt. John Hay 6 Pres Holyhill labourer
24/06/1889 William White 6 E C Dysart farmer
24/06/1889 James White 3 E C Dysart farmer
01/07/1889 John Briggs 4 E C Ballymagorry farmer
15/07/1889 Samuel Galbraith 4 E C Cullermoney farmer
22/07/1889 John McGonagle 5 R C Artigarvan labourer

23/09/1889 John Adams 5 E C Glebe blacksmith
21/10/1889 Thomas McNeill 4 Pres Leck Flax scutcher
28/04/1890 James O’Neill 4 R C Liscurry labourer
13/05/1890 Thomas Brown 5 E C Farmhill labourer
13/05/1890 Norman E Mehaffey 3 E C Gorticross farmer
19/05/1890 Wm. James Galbraith 4 E C Cullermoney farmer
19/05/1890 Joseph Forbes 5 E C Leck labourer
26/05/1890 John Shields 6 E C Woodend labourer
26/05/1890 Alexander Shields 6 E C Woodend labourer
27/05/1890 David Knox 7 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
02/06/1890 Charles Quin 8 Pres Pollockstown labourer
02/06/1890 John Weir 9 Pres Ballymagorry labourer

04/06/1890 Robert Murdock 5 E C Millbank labourer
16/06/1890 David Crawford 6 Pres Ballee farmer
30/09/1890 Joseph Young 4 E C Ballymagorry labourer
23/02/1891 William Colhoun 6 Pres Holyhill labourer
23/02/1891 William J Thompson 6 Pres Holyhill farmer
10/03/1891 Thomas Graham 5 E C Stoneypath labourer
10/03/1891 Robert Graham 5 E C Stoneypath labourer
06/04/1891 Robert J Colhoun 4 Pres Holyhill labourer
21/04/1891 John Pollock 4 Pres Ballymagorry grocer
27/04/1891 Samuel White 3 E C Dysert farmer
25/05/1891 David Kennedy 7 E C Glebe labourer
03/08/1891 John Dorough 5 E C Leck labourer

13/07/1891 John Austin 4 E C Glebe labourer
28/09/1891 Samuel Kirkwood 7 E C Leck labourer
21/10/1891 Samuel Kennedy 5 E C Glebe labourer
03/11/1891 Thomas Huston 7 Pres Woodend labourer
07/11/1891 John jnr McGonagle 4 R C Glebe miller
09/02/1892 James Kelly 5 E C Milltown labourer
29/02/1892 Daniel O’Neill 4 R C Milltown labourer
14/03/1892 William Mehaffey 4 E C Gorticross farmer
29/03/1892 James Thompson 4 Pres Kennaghan farmer
11/04/1892 James W Weir 5 Pres Greenlaw farmer
23/05/1892 Albert McNeill 4 Pres Millbank labourer
23/05/1892 Thomas Dorough 4 Pres Cullermoney labourer

31/05/1892 John Dorough 4 E C Leck labourer
25/07/1892 William H Galbraith 5 E C Cullermoney farmer
17/10/1892 Armour J Knox 7 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
10/04/1893 William Cunningham 4 E C Leck labourer
17/04/1893 John Martin 6 E C Balymagorry labourer
05/06/1893 James McCarter 5 Pres Milltown miller
05/06/1893 Samuel Colhoun 5 Pres Holyhill farmer
03/07/1893 Samuel R McCleery 4 E C Glebe teacher
10/07/1893 Robert Little 5 E C Leck labourer
11/09/1893 Samuel Kee 4 E C Glebe labourer
14/09/1893 William J Briggs 4 E C Ballymagorry farmer
14/09/1893 Patrick Logue 6 R C Dysert labourer

09/07/1894 Thomas Shields 6 E C Woodend labourer
09/07/1894 John Fulton 5 Pres Ballymagorry Labourer
23/07/1894 Robert Mehaffey 4 E C Gorticross farmer
23/07/1894 Samuel Thompson 4 Pres Kennaghan farmer
30/07/1894 Thomas Glackin 5 R C Artigarvan carpenter
22/10/1894 Neil Giblin 5 R C Ballee labourer
10/04/1895 Robert Dorough 5 E C Leck labourer
20/05/1895 Joseph A Galbraith 4 E C Cullermoney farmer
20/05/1895 George Kelly 4 E C Milltown Farmer
27/05/1895 William Kee 6 Pres Holyhill farmer
27/05/1895 Hamilton Kee 4 Pres Holyhill farmer
29/07/1895 Joseph Farrell 4 R C Kennaghan farmer

29/07/1895 Daniel Little 3 E C Leck labourer
16/09/1895 Samuel Shields 5 E C Woodend labourer
04/05/1896 William Goulden 5 R C Leck labourer
11/05/1896 John Colhoun 5 Pres Holyhill labourer
25/05/1896 James Shields 4 E C Woodend labourer
25/05/1896 Patrick McCay 5 R C Liscurry labourer
01/06/1896 Thomas Kerr 5 R C Ballymagorry labourer
22/06/1896 William John Briggs 6 E C Ballee farmer
06/07/1896 Robert J Fulton 5 Pres Ballymagorry labourer
12/08/1896 John Mehaffey 4 E C Gorticross farmer
12/08/1896 William O’Neill 4 R C Liscurry labourer
15/09/1896 William McCarter 6 Pres Milltown Mill owner

16/09/1896 James Brown 5 E C Leck labourer
29/09/1896 George Dorough 5 E C Leck labourer
24/11/1896 David Barr 6 Pres Cullermoney farmer
23/02/1897 Edward Farrell 5 R C Kennaghan farmer
28/06/1897 John J Kee 4 Pres Holyhill farmer
28/06/1897 Edward Kee 5 Pres Holyhill farmer
13/07/1897 Joseph Colhoun 4 Pres Holyhill labourer
19/07/1897 Robert E Thompson 5 Pres Kennaghan farmer
20/07/1897 Alexander Maten(Maton) 5 E C Ballymagorry carpenter
20/09/1897 George Brown 4 E C Artigarvan labourer
20/06/1898 Alexander Mahaffey 4 E C Gorticross farmer
21/06/1898 James McCay 4 R C Liscurry labourer

25/07/1898 Robert Armstrong 5 E C Holyhill labourer
10/10/1898 Robert James Briggs 6 E C Ballee farmer
10/04/1899 Robert Carson 6 E C Leck orphan
08/05/1899 William McCombe 4 Pres Milltown farmer
29/05/1899 Robert Gibson 6 Pres Artigarvan farmer
29/05/1899 Leslie Miller 4 Pres Artigarvan farmer
13/07/1899 John Colhoun 6 Pres Holyhill labourer
18/09/1899 Samuel G White 3 E C Glebe labourer
20/09/1899 Hugh Farrell 5 R C Kennaghan farmer
02/11/1899 Robert Dunleavy 4 E C Glebe carpenter
21/11/1899 Robert Kirkwood 3 ? 4 E C Milltown labourer
4/19/1900 Robert C Briggs 5 E C Ballymagorry farmer
7/16/1900 Andrew Briggs 4 E C Ballymagorry farmer
7/30/1900 William Donnell 5 E C Woodend farmer
7/31/1900 Andrew McCorkell 5 Pres Artigarvan clerk
9/17/1900 Thomas Brown 4 E C Artigarvan labourer
9/17/1900 James Wallace 3 Pres Artigarvan carpenter
5/6/1901 Robert Pollock 5 Pres Artigarvan grocer
5/15/1901 William White 3 I C Milltown Railway porter
5/15/1901 Alexander McCleery 3 I C Artigarvan Factory manager
6/25/1901 Robert Kee 5 Pres Ballee farmer
8/13/1901 Joseph McNeill 3 E C ? Artigarvan labourer
9/17/1901 George Wells 6 E C Leck soldier
9/17/1901 Frederick Patterson 5 E C Hollyhill tradesman
4/21/1902 James Farrell 5 R C Kennaghan farmer
5/14/1902 David Kee 5 Pres Ballee farmer
7/11/1902 Arthur McCarter 5 Pres Milltown farmer
7/28/1902 John Donnell 4 I C Woodend farmer
10/6/1902 Samuel Gourlay 5 I C Milltown widow
1/26/1903 Arthur Goulding 7 R C Leck scutcher
1/26/1903 Joseph Goulding 7 R C Leck scutcher
6/15/1903 James Murdock 6 I C Ballymagorry scutcher
4/11/1904 Thomas Baird Kee 5 Pres Holyhill farmer
4/11/1904 James Johnston McCleery 4 I C Artigarvan farmer
4/20/1904 James McMongle 6 I C Milltown labourer
5/25/1904 William Pollock 4 Pres Artigarvan grocer
6/20/1904 Joseph A White 4 I C Milltown R Official died
6/21/1904 John Cratghan? 7 I C Farmhill orphan
6/21/1904 Thomas Cratghan? 6 I C Farmhill orphan
9/27/1904 Leslie McCorkell 4 Pres Artigarvan clerk
12/13/1904 Andrew Thompson 6 Pres Kennaghan farmer
3/28/1905 James Donnell 4 I C Woodend farmer
5/30/1905 Joseph McCarter 5 Pres Milltown farmer
9/19/1905 Robert Gourlay 6 Pres Ballymagorry orphan
5/3/1906 Stephen McElhinney 5 R C Cullermoney miller
7/10/1906 Thomas A Morrison 5 Pres Holyhill gardener
11/19/1906 Joseph Nickle 4 Pres Woodend labourer
5/22/1907 Samuel Kee 4 Pres Holyhill farmer
6/14/1907 William J McCombe 4? 5 Pres Milltown farmer
6/3/1907 John James Given 5 I C Leck labourer Struck off
7/15/1907 Albert Hall 7 Pres Artigarvan clerk
9/25/1907 Frances Irwin? 5 R C Slate row? labourer
10/24/1907 Samuel Goulden 4 R C Slate row? labourer
1/13/1908 John Pollock 6 Pres Artigarvan labourer Later listed as merchant
3/17/1908 Robert Hunter 4 Pres Cullermoney labourer
3/24/1908 Robert Carnwath 4 Pres Cullermoney farmer
5/13/1908 John James Pollock 6 Pres Leck clerk
5/23/1908 Samuel Pollock 4 Pres Artigarvan grocer
6/29/1908 George Brown 4 I C Artigarvan labourer
7/1/1908 Fred Gourlay 6 Pres Ballymagorry labourer
7/27/1908 Samuel D Kerr 7 Pres Ballee labourer
6/7/1909 William White 7 I C Dysert farmer
6/22/1909 Alfred Boyd 5 I C Leck orphan
6/28/1909 Donnell Forbes 5 I C Artigarvan labourer
4/5/1910 Willie Donnell 5 I C Ballee farmer
4/6/1910 Willie Boyd 6 I C Dysert farmer
4/11/1910 John Austin 4 I C Artigarvan labourer
5/2/1910 John McGranahan 5 R C Ballymagorry labourer
6/8/1910 Thos W Donnell 5 I C Woodend farmer
7/13/1910 Fred Kee 5 Pres Holyhill farmer
10/31/1910 John J McLoughlin 5 R C Artigarvan Labourer
1/3/1911 Robert Nicholl 7 Pres Ballymagorry labourer
2/20/1911 Alfred Channing 7 I C Milltown orphan
3/8/1911 Edward Moore 6 I C Dysart farmer
5/1/1911 John Wighton 5 I C Artigarvan carpenter
5/29/1911 Samuel Nickle 5 Pres Ballymagorry labourer
7/26/1911 James Guthrie 5 I C Artigarvan Comm.. trav
4/19/1912 John Dunn n a Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
5/14/1912 James Alexander 6 Pres Leckpatrick shopkeeper
7/4/1912 Andrew J Donnell 4 I C Ballee farmer
7/15/1912 Andrew Brown 4 I C Artigarvan labourer
7/23/1912 Robert Nickle 5 Pres Leckpatrick labourer
1/14/1913 William A McCarter 5 Pres Ballymagorry widow
2/17/1913 James Parker 5 R C Ballymagorry labourer
5/15/1913 Andrew Pollock 5 Pres Artigarvan grocer
7/1/1913 Thomas Kerr 5 I C Ballymagorry orphan
7/29/1913 Robert Craig 4 Pres Glenmornan farmer
2/3/1914 Samuel Donaghy 6 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
6/15/1914 John Hunter 6 Pres Liscurry labourer
8/12/1914 Thomas McCay 6 R C Artigarvan labourer
8/12/1914 Edward McCay 7 R C Artigarvan labourer
1/4/1915 James Brown 5 I C Artigarvan labourer
1/8/1915 Michael Devlin 7 R C Artigarvan labourer
4/19/1915 Richard Hall 8 Pres Woodend soldier
4/19/1915 James Hall 7 Pres Woodend soldier
4/19/1915 John Forbes 4 Pres Liscurry laourer
4/20/1915 William Shields 7 I C Woodend labourer
4/27/1915 Bertie Cunningham 6 I C Ballymagorry stationmaster
4/27/1915 Cecil Cunningham 5 I C Ballymagorry stationmaster
5/24/1915 John McNeill 4 I C Artigarvan orphan
6/14/1915 Frederick Donnell 4 I C Ballee farmer
6/15/1915 William Hunter 4 Pres Liscurry labourer
8/3/1915 Robert J Crawford 6 Pres Artigarvan labourer
1/17/1916 Edward McLaughlin 8 R C Liscurry labourer
2/21/1916 Philip McLaughlin 6 R C Liscurry labourer
2/14/1916 Jim Gormley 4 R C Bogside labourer
4/3/1916 John McMichael 4 I C Leckpatrick labourer
5/15/1916 Tom McNeill 4 Pres Artigarvan farmer
6/13/1916 Hugh Devine 5 R C Milltown labourer
6/30/1916 George Buchanan 5 I C Ballee farmer
7/1/1916 Joe Doherty 14 R C Leckpatrick labourer
5/3/1917 Ezekiel Donnell 4 I C Ballee farmer
5/15/1917 George Darragh 6 I C Leckpatrick carpenter
5/23/1917 Arthur Nicholl 6 I C Milltown labourer
6/6/1917 James Nicholl 5 I C Milltown labourer
4/9/1918 William Gormley 5 R C Artigarvan labourer
4/15/1918 William Roulston 8 Pres Ballymagorry farmer
5/9/1918 Wm. Albert O’Neill 5 R C Artigarvan labourer
5/14/1918 John Browne 5 I C Artigarvan labourer
5/20/1918 Robert McNeill 5 I C Artigarvan orphan
6/11/1918 David McElhinney 7 R C Holyhill labourer
1/6/1919 James Casey 6 R C Ballyskeagh labourer
4/8/1919 John Ellis 6 I C Woodend labourer
5/1/1919 William McMichael 5 I C Leck labourer
5/1/1919 William Patterson 4 I C Leck Labourer
08/06/1874 William McMichael 8 E C Ballyskeagh labourer
01/06/1874 John Jas White 10 E C Ballymagorry farmer
01/06/1874 David Crockett 9 Pres Leck labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
01/06/1874 David Young 7 E C Ballymagorry labourer
20/06/1874 James Briggs 12 E C Ballee farmer
01/06/1874 Andrew Knox 6 Pres Liscurry farmer
01/06/1874 Andrew Dunn 6 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
01/06/1874 David R Knox 8 Pres Liscurry farmer
01/06/1874 Robt. John Dunn 8 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
01/06/1874 Robert McMonagle 7 E C Leck labourer
01/06/1874 Thomas Adams 9 E C Ballymagorry smith
01/06/1874 Samuel Lynch 10 E C Artigarvan shoemaker
01/06/1874 Andrew Austin 10 E C Milltown labourer
01/06/1874 Robinson Crockett 9 Pres Leck labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
01/06/1874 James Austin 8 E C Milltown labourer
02/06/1874 John Campbell 10 E C Holyhill labourer
04/06/1874 John Jas Young 9 E C Ballymagorry labourer
02/06/1874 John Woods 7 Pres Cullermoney farmer
22/06/1874 Robert Boak 8 Pres Ballylaw labourer
01/06/1874 William White 14 E C Ballymagorry Farmer
01/06/1874 William Adams 12 E C Ballymagorry smith
01/06/1874 David Wright 12 Pres Killynaught farmer
02/06/1874 William Scott 12 Pres Woodend grocer
02/06/1874 John Scott 10 Pres Woodend grocer
09/06/1874 James Woods 13 Pres Cullermoney farmer
09/06/1874 John R Dunn 14 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
15/06/1874 John Forbes 10 E C Leck labourer
29/06/1874 William Kilgore 13 Pres Farmhill labourer
01/06/1874 Thomas Donnell 12 E C Woodend farmer
28/07/1874 John Martin 9 Pres Ballee labourer
01/06/1874 Arthur O’Neill 9 R C Cullermoney labourer
03/08/1874 Wm. Jas McMichael 14 E C Killynaught farmer
03/08/1874 Samuel McMichael 12 E C Killynaught farmer
06/09/1874 George Curtis 7 E C Ballymagorry shoemaker
06/09/1874 James Curtis 10 E C Ballymagorry shoemaker
06/09/1874 James McClintock 8 E C Ballymagorry widow
05/10/1874 John McKane 6 Pres Artigarvan labourer
09/11/1874 Thomas McMichael 9 E C Killynaught farmer
16/11/1874 John Jas. Gourlay 12 Pres Kennaghan farmer
23/11/1874 Thomas Knox 14 Pres Liscurry farmer
23/11/1874 George Knox 12 Pres Liscurry farmer
23/11/1874 John Jas. McClelland 11 E C Holyhill labourer
23/11/1874 Thomas McClelland 7 E C Holyhill labourer
30/11/1874 James McMichael 11 E C Killynaught farmer
30/11/1874 Samuel McMichael 7 E C Killynaught farmer
28/12/1874 Samuel Young 13 E C Ballymagorry labourer
12/01/1875 John Gallagher 12 R C Ballee labourer
18/01/1875 Jas.(sen) McMichael 13 E C Killynaught farmer
18/03/1875 Wm. John Wilson 7 E C Milltown tailor
22/03/1875 Thomas Donnell 10 E C Ballymagorry farmer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
18/05/1875 William Graham 9 E C Liscurry farmer
24/05/1875 William Hunter 13 E C Glebe farmer
07/06/1875 William H Hall 14 E C Artigarvan farmer
30/07/1875 William McClelland 8 E C Holyhill labourer
23/05/1876 Robert Mitchell 12 E C Ballymagorry labourer Ex Scotland
19/06/1876 John Kilpatrick 8 Pres Ballymagorry farmer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
20/06/1876 Joseph McKane 9 E C Glebe labourer
06/11/1876 William Young 7 E C Ballymagorry labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
30/11/1876 James McGonagle 8 R C Liscurry miller Glenmornan Tyrone
01/12/1876 John McGonagle 9 R C Liscurry miller Glenmornan Tyrone
21/12/1876 Thomas McGonagle 13 R C Liscurry miller Glenmornan Tyrone
15/01/1877 Joseph Nixon 9 E C Blackpark farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
23/01/1877 Andrew Hay 8 Pres Holyhill farmer Ligfordrum Tyrone
29/05/1877 James Bink 7 E C Cloughcor labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
30/07/1877 James McFarland 7 E C Glebe labourer Ex Grange Tyrone
13/08/1877 Archibald Faulkner 6 E C Tullyard farmer
22/10/1877 William O’Neill 7 R C Liscurry labourer Glenmornan Tyrone
29/10/1877 William Andrews 8 E C Ballymagorry labourer
05/11/1877 Robert Moore 13 E C Dysart farmer Ex Strabane Tyrone
05/11/1877 Thomas O’Neill 9 R C Liscurry labourer Glenmornan Tyrone
07/05/1878 James McBeth 8 E C Woodend shoemaker
03/06/1878 Charles Williamson 10 Pres Milltown tailor Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
05/05/1879 James Miller 6 Pres Woodend labourer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
19/05/1879 Robert Dorough 7 E C Leck Labourer
18/11/1879 James Jordan 8 Pres Holyhill gardener Drumahoe? Derry
08/03/1880 Hugh McCay 13 R C Ballylaw labourer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
08/03/1880 William McCay 10 R C Ballylaw labourer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
03/05/1880 David Kirkwood 9 E C Ballyskeagh labourer
30/11/1880 James Flood 8 R C Ballymagorry labourer
30/05/1881 Joseph McNeill 11 Pres Springvale labourer Ex Sandville Tyrone
06/06/1881 John Jas. Anderson 9 E C Ballymagorry Grocer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
06/06/1881 David Anderson 8 E C Ballymagorry Grocer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
06/06/1881 Alexander Given 8 E C Milltown labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
20/06/1881 Joseph O’Neill 7 R C Liscurry labourer Glenmornan Tyrone
18/07/1881 William Mitchell 9 Pres Leck labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
27/07/1881 David Devenny 9 Pres Millbank miller Ex Douglas Tyrone
27/07/1881 James Devenny 7 Pres Millbank miller
10/10/1881 Robert Stevenson 9 Pres (D) Ballylaw farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
14/11/1881 John A Fulton 10 Pres Ballylaw farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
05/12/1881 James Walker 8 E C Dysart labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
12/12/1881 Daniel Curtis 10 E C Pollockstown shoemaker E x Cloughcor Tyrone
01/01/1882 James Stevenson 7 R Pres Ballylaw farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
22/05/1882 Patrick Kirk 11 R C Ballymagorry taylor Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
22/05/1882 Patrick Gallagher 10 R C Artigarvan Cattle dealer Ex Gerragle Tyrone ?
22/05/1882 Joseph Gallagher 8 R C Artigarvan Cattle dealer Ex Gerragle Tyrone ?
29/05/1882 William Brannon 11 R C Dysart labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
29/05/1882 Hugh Brannon 10 R C Dysart labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
29/05/1882 John Kirk 8 R C Ballymagorry tailor Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
25/09/1882 Robert Gordon 7 E C Mill Bank scutcher Donemanagh Tyrone
19/10/1882 Andrew Graham 10 E C Stoneypath labourer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
19/10/1882 John R Kirkwood 8 E C Ballymagorry labourer
08/01/1883 John Austin 12 E C Cloughcor shoemaker Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
14/01/1883 Moses Miller 10 Pres Ballylaw farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
14/01/1883 Thomas J Miller 7 Pres Ballylaw farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
05/03/1883 Bernard Gallagher 11 R C Artigarvan labourer Ex Killeny Tyrone
04/06/1883 Robert Brown 6 or 7? E C Ballymagorry labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
23/07/1883 James Barr 9 Pres Ballee bricklayer E x Belfast Antrim
10/12/1883 William James King 12 Pres Ballyskeagh labourer Glenmornan Tyrone
10/12/1883 Samuel King 10 Pres Ballyskeagh labourer Glenmornan Tyrone
11/02/1884 Ezekiel Donnell 10 E C Ballee farmer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
28/07/1884 Thomas White 13 E C Killynaught farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
23/03/1885 William Dorough 7 Pres Cloughcor labourer
03/11/1885 Robert Crawford 8 Pres Ballee farmer Ex Ardagh Donegal
22/02/1886 Robert Roulston 7 Pres Pollockstown farmer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
08/03/1886 Robert Malone 14 E C Artigarvan orphan Ex Strabane Tyrone
28/03/1887 William Kelly 11 RC Holyhill labourer Glenmornan Tyrone
13/09/1887 Edward Logue 10 R C Milltown labourer
13/09/1887 James Logue 7 R C Milltown labourer
26/09/1887 Thomas Quin 8 Pres Glebe labourer
21/11/1887 William Shiels 10 E C Woodend labourer
21/11/1887 David Shiels 8 E C Woodend Labourer
19/11/1888 Arch .G Anderson 7 E C Ballymagorry grocer
31/12/1888 James Kilgore 10 Pres Ballylaw labourer Ex Burt Donegal
04/11/1889 Robert Wilson 9 E C Holyhill labourer Ballindrait Donegal
31/03/1890 Joseph Kilgore 9 Pres Ballylaw labourer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
29/04/1890 Wm. James Moore 9 Pres Ballymagorry labourer Ex Drumquin Tyrone
06/10/1890 Robt. James Ritchie 10 Pres Artigarvan farmer
19/05/1891 William Kerr 9 Pres Ballee farmer
02/11/1891 Joseph Huston 10 Pres Woodend widow
17/11/1891 David Fulton 12 Pres Ballylaw farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
17/10/1892 Armour J Knox 7 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer
17/04/1893 William Martin 7 E C Ballymagorry labourer Ex Bready Tyrone
08/05/1893 Samuel Kennedy 9 Pres Gorticross labourer
15/05/1893 Thomas Lowry 14 Pres Glebe farmer Ex Strabane Tyrone
04/12/1893 John McMichael 10 E C Glebe labourer
17/01/1894 John Black 10 E C Ballee farmer
29/01/1894 David Miller 11 E C Millbank farmer
21/02/1894 Philip Shiels 14 R C Artigarvan miller Ex Strabane Tyrone
07/05/1894 Wm. James Galbraith 10 E C Dysart ex Cullermoney farmer Blackrock Donegal
27/09/1894 William Daily 8 Pres Woodend labourer Ex Strabane Tyrone
22/10/1894 John James Giblin 11 R C Ballee labourer Glenmornan Tyrone
25/03/1895 John Campbell 10 Pres Holyhill labourer Ex Ballykelly Derry
21/07/1896 Thomas Campbell 7 Pres Holyhill labourer
23/11/1896 Thomas McKeague 7? E C Stoneypath labourer
23/11/1896 William Barr 11 Pres Cullermoney farmer Rosnagaliagh Derry
06/12/1897 John Book ( Boak) 13 Pres Ballylaw labourer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
25/01/1898 Robert Spence 12 E C Artigarvan labourer
17/10/1898 George Radnor (Radmore) 12 E C Leck labourer Ex Wales
17/10/1898 John Radnor (Radmore) 7 E C Leck labourer Ex Wales
16/01/1899 George Kerr 14 R C Ballymagorry labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
17/01/1899 David Gallagher 9 R C Leck labourer
4/24/1900 Samuel Diver 13 R C Woodend labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
4/24/1900 Hugh Diver 11 R C Woodend labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
4/30/1900 Robert Daily n a Pres Woodend labourer
5/14/1900 Hazelett Porter 8 Pres Artigarvan manufacturer Ex Derry Derry
1/1/1901 Andrew J Bustard 12 I C Leck labourer Ex Sion Mills Tyrone
1/14/1901 William Bustard 10 I C Leck labourer Ex Sion Mills Tyrone
5/27/1901 Jack Giffin 8 I C Leck labourer
9/16/1901 Joseph Mallagh 12 I C Leck orphan Ex New Mills Tyrone
4/16/1902 John Charles Finlay 12 I C Farmhill orphan Newtownstewart Tyrone
4/16/1902 Andrew Finlay 7 I C Farmhill orphan Newtownstewart Tyrone
6/1/1903 John Hyndman 9 I C Leck orphan Newtownstewart Tyrone
6/1/1903 Joseph Hyndman 7 I C Leck orphan Newtownstewart Tyrone

11/15/1904 Wm. James McCutcheon 9 I C Leck farmer Ex Sion Mills Tyrone
12/13/1904 David George Thompson 9 Pres Kennaghan farmer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
12/19/1904 Leonard Hill 12 I C Farmhill orphan Ex New Mills Tyrone
3/13/1905 Robert A Fullerton 14 Pres Cullermoney Clerk? Ex Glasgow
4/10/1905 Wm. J Kennedy 8 I C Leck tailor Ex Derry
6/5/1905 Basil Hazlett 8 I C Holyhill orphan Ex Fethard Tipperary
9/18/1905 Robert Hill 10 I C Farmhill orphan Ex New Mills Tyrone
11/6/1905 Thomas Jas. McElhinney 9 R C Cullermoney miller Ex Eglinton Derry
3/5/1906 Wm. G Thompson 11 Pres Holyhill labourer Ex Scotland
3/5/1906 Charles Thompson 9 Pres Holyhill labourer Ex Scotland
10/1/1906 Arthur Lodge 12 I C Holyhill gardener Ex Carlow
11/19/1906 Alexander Nickle 8 Pres Woodend labourer Ex Sandville Tyrone
1/4/1909 John Devine 7 R C Ballymagorry labourer Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
2/1/1909 Horace Wighton 12 I C Holyhill carpenter Ex Scotland
2/1/1909 William Wighton 9 I C Holyhill carpenter Ex Scotland
2/1/1909 Alex Wighton 6 I C Holyhill carpenter Ex Scotland
3/29/1909 Cecil Scott 13 I C Holyhill labourer Ex Scotland
3/29/1909 Arthur Scott 11 I C Holyhill labourer Ex Scotland
4/2/1909 Robert Whiteside 13 Pres Cullermoney labourer Ex Ballylaw Tyrone
5/17/1909 Daniel Benson 11 I C Dysart labourer Tullywhisker Tyrone
5/17/1909 David J Benson 9 I C Dysart labourer Tullywhisker Tyrone
9/29/1909 George A Cook 11 I C Pollockstown widow Abercorn sch. Strabane
11/8/1909 Robert Gibson 10 Pres Artigarvan labourer Ex Glenmornan Tyrone
12/6/1909 Thomas Boyd 10 I C Dysart farmer Abercorn sch. Strabane
12/6/1909 John J Boyd 11 I C Dysart farmer Abercorn sch. Strabane
12/6/1909 Richard Boyd 10 I C Dysart Farmer Abercorn sch Strabane
11/28/1910 John Hawthorn 13 Pres Greenlaw farmer Ex Academy Strabane
3/6/1911 James Channing 9 I C Milltown orphan Ex Sion Mills Tyrone
8/8/1911 George Morris 11 I C Ballylaw orphan Castlerea Roscommon
6/3/1912 Sam. Edgar Craig 9 Pres Ballyskeagh farmer Glenmornan Tyrone
9/23/1912 John Clifford 9 R C Artigarvan scutcher Ex Cloughcor Tyrone
1/14/1913 John McCarter 12 Pres Ballymagorry widow