Original Rootsweb Co. Tyrone Community Site
Patrick Harrigan/Hargan
I am researching
Patrick Harrigan/Hargan, who was born in
Ardstraw Parish 18 December 1918.
In 1942 when Patrick Harrigan from Stranletterdallan joined the Pioneer corps. In January
1943, he changed his name to Hargan?
He must have had to give a good reason to his superior officers. Initially I
thought that he just chopped a couple of letters out of the middle of his
name, but then I started to look at the 1911 census for Stranletterdallan
and there living at number 30 was the Harrigan Family and living at number 31
was the Hargan family. Could it be just a co-incidence?
If I could get at more recent censuses I might find his
birth as a child of William Harrigan who is on the 1911 version.
Even if Patrick Harrigan / Hargan is not the one I am looking for, it
would be interesting to know why he changed his name.
So there are two stories here, the Patrick I am seeking and the Patrick that
changed his name to Hargan.

The man in this photo was last was last seen working on a construction site in East Yorkshire, in late
1948 (i.e. the Scarborough / Filey area) but the original photo is stamped 1947.
So considering he was probably moving from job to job, the photo could have been taken anywhere.
(Please click on photos for larger version)

The second photo doesn't give much away; however, it looks as though he is working on the construction of a road or railway line.
Perhaps someone might recognize his workmates?
I am hoping by publicizing these photos someone will recognize them and be
able to assist me in my quest.
Geoff Jackson
Telephone: 0151 645 7773 Birkenhead
Email: wendyprods[at]phonecoop.coop