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The Armagh Guardian News - Aug to Dec 1845

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The Armagh Guardian News
The Armagh Guardian News - Aug to Dec 1845

Transcribed & Submitted by
Alison Causton
The following articles were transcribed from:
The Armagh Guardian News
Aug to Dec 1845
by permission of The British Library. This reprint is intended *SOLELY* for the non-commercial use of family historians, with the sincere hope that someone may find the content useful.

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5 August 1845
In Clennanese Presbyterian Church, county Tyrone, Hamilton Boyd, Esq., of Lynchburgh, Virginia, North America, to Margaret, eldest daughter of the Rev. James Kinnear, of Lower Clennanese, near Dungannon.

5 August 1845
(1) MOY.
On Thursday last the commissioners of this town met in the Court-house, to elect a chairman for the ensuing year. On the motion of DAVID BARRY, Esq., seconded by the Rev. JOHN LEECH, GALBRAITH JOHNSTON, Esq., was re-elected chairman, after which JAMES SLOAN, Esq., moved, and the Rev. SAMUEL SHAW, seconded that the thanks of the commissioners be given Mr. JOHNSTON for his highly praiseworthy conduct during the past year. The motion passed unanimously and...

(2) ROBBERY. Dooris, of Augnacloy, arrested a woman in Fintona, who had, on the 20th November last, in company with a man, stolen from Eleanor Hadden, of Aughnacloy, a quantity of wearing apparel. The woman had been lodging in the house during the night, and absconded with the articles. The sub-constable, from the description which had then been given of her, arrested her on suspicion, and brought her before Hugh Moore, Esq., at Aughnacloy, when she was identified by Hadden, and committed for trial to our gaol on the same day.

(3) CONSTABULARY, TYRONE. Inspector of Constabulary, Strabane, has been appointed acting County Inspector of Tyrone, in the absence of Captain Wade, on leave. A more efficient officer could not have been selected for this important situation.

19 August 1845
On Tuesday the 12th inst , Thomas Kennedy, of Brackagh, county Tyrone, Esq., aged 43 years. For his steadiness, benevolence, and urbanity of manner, he is most deservedly lamented by a numerous circle of friends, whose only consolation is, that he sleeps with the Lord Jesus, on whom he placed his hope.

26 August 1845
On the 20th inst., at Clogher [Co Tyrone], Mr. James M¹Quade, Innkeeper.

9 September 1845
For Sale, By Private Contract,
A MOST desirable and handsome RESIDENCE, situate in the Town of MOY, on the leading Road from ARMAGH to DUNGANNON, with suitable Office Houses, Garden, and Farm attached thereto, containing 10A. 3R. 31P., English measure, or thereabouts Renewable for Ever, at the small Yearly Rent of £3 sterling ; 5A. 3R. 31P. for One Young Life, or 21 Years, at the Yearly Rent of £10, 10s. 3d. The remaining 4 Acres are at Will. These Premises are held under the Earl of CHARLEMONT --one of the best and most encouraging Landlords well adapted for the reception of a respectable Family. For further particulars, apply to C. C. DAVIDSON, Solicitor ; or to JOHN WILFORD, MOY, either of whom will treat with a Purchaser Moy, Sept. 3, 1845.

9 September 1845
On the 2d inst., in the Cathedral of Clogher, by the Rev. Wm. B. Ash, Mr. James Stinson, of Altnaveagh [Co Tyrone], to Miss Elizabeth M¹Clelland, Fimore.

At Seskinore [Co Tyrone], on the 3d inst., Mr. Mathew Brown, aged 87 years, for many years permanent Sergeant of Seskinore yeomanry. His remains were followed by the following Orange Lodges, with their colour,s [sic] and music playing the dead march, viz. :--Seskinore, Gortaclare, Tullyarm, and Beragh. The coffin was decorated with an orange sash, and the members wore white scarfs.

30 September 1845
-September 25, at his residence, Summer-hill-parade, Dublin, aged 65 years, Marmaduke J. Richardson, Esq., formerly a Lieutenant in her Majesty's Rothsay and Caithness Regiment, and youngest son of John Richardson, of Furlough House, county Tyrone, Esq., deceased, sometime High Sheriff of that county, and Captain of the Dungannon Volunteers.
-In Dublin, Robert Haig, Esq., of Dodderbank.
-At his residence, in Omagh, after a protracted illness, Mr. C. W. Klophel, aged 65, Professor of Music, and formerly Master of the band in H. M. 50th Regiment of Foot.

30 September 1845
(1) DISEASE AMONGST CATTLE.--We regret to hear that a disease, epidemic in its nature, and fatal in its results, has broken out amongst cattle in the vicinity of Charlemont and Moy. In flammation is its principal characteristic, and its progress is so rapid as in most cases to render impotent the skill of the veterinary.

(2) The large house at Dungannon, called the Monte Piete, facing the Omagh road, has been taken for a detachment of military, who are to be stationed there, in consequence of the strong party feeling existing in that locality.--Tyrone Constitution.

(3) A splendid organ has been presented to the church of Pomeroy, by Robert W. Lowry, Esq., of Pomeroyhouse.-- Ibid.

(4) RAPE.--A farmer, named John Lell, of Gortmerron, in the neighbourhood of Caledon, was full [sic] committed for trial, at the next assizes, on the 19th instant, by H. L. Prentice, Esq., for a rape on the Widow M'Sorley of same place.--Ibid.

(5) SUDDEN DEATH. Neilson, formerly of Nn.-Stewart, was walking into Strabane market, (having left the coach a few minutes before, from feeling faint,) he took suddenly ill, near Beechmount, and immediately after getting into a house on the road side, expired.--Ibid.

7 October 1845
On the 1st inst., in Carntall Meeting-house, by the Rev. James Phillips, Mr. George Spence, of Fivemiletown [Co Tyrone], merchant, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late William Glenn, Esq., of said town.

14 October 1845
On the 20th ult., at Lydia Villa, Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Dudgeon, Postmaster of Stewartstown [Co Tyrone], and grand-daughter of the late Anthony McReynolds, Esq., Solicitor, Stewartstown.

14 October 1845
(1) OMAGH FAIR.--This fair, on Tuesday last, was not as numerously attended as hitherto. Owing to the fineness of the day the farmers very prudently preferred attending to their harvest business. Black cattle were very high--sheep in good demand, and pigs brought enormous prices. The show of horses was very limited--nothing good to be seen.--Tyrone Constitution.

(2) THE POTATO CROP.--CLOGHER.-In this neighbourhood a great quantity of the potatoes are diseased. We have known them to be sound enough in the evening, and to be rotten the next morning. There is scarcely a field in this part of the county in which some of them are not damaged.--Communicated.

21 October 1845

A MARKET for the Sale of PORK will be held in FIVEMILETOWN, on SATURDAY, the 18th OCTOBER, instant, and continue to be held on every SATURDAY during the Season, at which the following rates of Premiums will be given :--
To the Seller of the largest quantity of Pork each Market-day, ... ... ... ... 10s. 0d.
To the Seller of the next largest do., ... ... 7 6
To the Seller of the weightiest Pig, of his own feeding, ... ... ... ... ... 5 0
The above Premiums will be paid to the persons entitled thereto, on application at the Town-hall, on the evening of each Market-day, where the Committee will be in attendance for such purpose.Fivemiletown, Oct. 3, 1845.

21 October 1845
(1) HARVEST HOME AT ASHFIELD, CLOGHER. Tuesday evening last an entertainment was given by George C. , Esq., Ashfield House, near Clogher, to his numerous labourers and their families, after having performed the various harvest operations. They were all well supplied with tea and other refreshments Dancing took place in a large house neatly fitted up for the occasion. There were two hundred persons present, a great many of whom were in the employment of Mr. Trimble, and the remainder were chiefly his tenants. Their cheerful looking aspect bespoke a degree of comfort and happiness rare to be met with ; and their conduct during the proceedings was creditable to them all. Several Ladies and Gentlemen were also present.

(2) ENORMOUS CARROT. possession of the Lord Bishop of CLOGHER¹S gardener which measures three feet and a half in length, and eighteen inches in circumference round the centre. It weighs fourteen pounds. There are also in his Lordship¹s garden many more nearly as large.

(3) (From our Correspondents.) MOY. has materially affected the potato crop in the extensive district around this town.

(4) (From our Correspondents.) BENBURB [Co Tyrone]. the potatoes is very considerable. I think about one-half the crop is damaged. affected to Mr. JOHNSON¹s starch mill at Middleton, where every facility is offered.

21 October 1845
These Sessions were opened by Richard Nun, Esq., Q.C., the Assistant Barrister, on Thursday, the 9th instant, at 12 o¹clock. There were only 605 civil bills, scarcely one half the usual number.
The civil business terminated at three o¹clock on Tuesday.

OCT. 15. Worship entered the court, and very briefly addressed the jury, deploring the heavy state of the calendar. He said that, although meeting once in the three months, there were 62 cases for trial, 14 of which were custody cases ; he requested them to use dispatch with the bills, and that he would have petty juries empannelled to try the cases.

ROBBERY. money and wearing apparel from Thomas Holly, of Drumgirl, on the 2d December last.

PICKING POCKETS. picking the pocket of Henry O'Neill, at the fair of Ballygawley, on 12th September, of £1 7s. 5d.
Patrick Hillock, robbery. Robert Connelly, stealing a bridle, submitted. Robert Maulever, having a stolen pig in his possession. guilty. Jane Wilson, pawning sundry articles of wearing apparel. Guilty Joseph Devlin, violent assault for twelve months give security to keep the peace.

PARTY ASSAULT. Michael and Mary Jane Mulligan, and Sally Hagan, (Roman Catholics,) for riot and assault at Orator fair, and in Cookstown, in July last. This case occupied the court from an early hour in the morning, and did not terminate until half- past eleven o¹clock at night, when the jury found Thomas Mathews and Michael Mulligan guilty of riot and assault, and James and Mary Jane Mulligan, and Sally Hagan, guilty of common assault.
There was a cross case, in which Wm. Crawford and John Weir (Protestants,) were indicted for assaulting James Mulligan. Crawford guilty of an aggravated assault common assault. The Solicitors for the Protestant party were Hugh Simpson, Courtenay Newton, and John Collins, (of Belfast Esqrs. For the Roman Catholic party, John Little, Robert Falls, and A. J. Newton, Esqrs. These were the only cases of importance.

28 October 1845
-On Thursday 23d inst., in Ballymena [Co Antrim] Church, by the Rev. William Reeves, John Kerr, Esq., Parkmount, Dungannon, to Eliza, daughter of Mr. Brangan, Ballymena.
-On Tuesday morning last, in Omagh Church, by the Rev. T. L. Stack, Mr. John Robinson, master-tailor, to Charlotte, daughter of Mr. John McFarland, both of Omagh.

4 November 1845
October 26, at Dungannon, the lady of William Dawson, Esq., of a daughter, her fourteenth child.

October 27, in the parish church of Augnacloy, by the Rev. A. M. Pollock, Manly Power Dudden, Esq., of Lara Vale, youngest son of the late Jacob Dudden, Esq., 32d regiment of foot, to Susan, ninth daughter of the late Mr. John Beggs, Merchant, Aughnacloy.

11 November 1845
On the 3d inst., by the Rev. John M'Kenna, Catholic Curate of Clonfeacle, Mr. Francis Donaghy, of Eglish Mills, county Tyrone, to Eliza, daughter of the late Mr. James Malone, of Clonfeacle.

On the 22d of August last, at Etobicoke, near Toronto, Upper Canada, Phoebe, wife of Dr. Thistle, formerly of Benburb, county Tyrone, aged 49 years.

18 November 1845
On the 15th inst., at the house of the lady's father, by the Rev. Michael O'Brian, C.C., John M'Avoy, Esq., Bealmount, Dungannon, to Jane, third daughter of Wm. Carpenter, Esq., Armagh.

- At his residence, near Omagh, on the 11th inst., very suddenly, of disease of the heart, George Dick, Esq., aged 66 years, most deservedly regretted.
- At Ballygawley [Co Tyrone], on the 11th inst., Mrs. Mortimer, aged 80 years.

18 November 1845
(1) (From our Correspondents.)
CLOGHER.--The potatoes in this neighbourhood are greatly injured. Cups are infected as well as all other kinds. Potatoes which appeared perfectly sound when pitted, have been found to be greatly damaged.
AUGHER.--All are more or less damaged. I am sorry to say that all kinds are infected, and that no cure can be found.
FIVEMILETOWN.--On inquiry which I have made in this place, I find that the potatoes are not so much damaged as in other parts of Tyrone; very few of the cups are injured.
BROOKEBOROUGH.--I am sorry to have to say, that the potatoes in this neighbourhood, (especially the cups,) are greatly injured. I am informed by a very respectable farmer, that on an average one -third at least are affected.
MAGUIRESBRIDGE.--The potatoes in this locality are greatly injured.
LISNASKEA.--On inquiry I find that the potatoes are injured to a very great extent here. No remedy can be found to preserve them or keep them safe. All sorts are alike injured.--A priest has given a charm of some mixture of holy water, &c., to cure them, but it has proved ineffectual.
NEWTOWNBUTLER.--The potatoes in this neighbourhood are sadly damaged. No cure or remedy can be found to save them. I am informed that at least one-fourt are destroyed by the disease.
CLONES.--Here the potatoes are greatly injured. Every kind is damaged alike. SESKINORE.--Not many of the potatoes here appear to be infected. There are but few people who say they have them injured.
CROWHILL.--I regret to state that the potato crop in this neighbourhood has suffered severely from the disease. I am of opinion that fully one-third of the entire crop is injured.
ENNISKILLEN.--The potato crop is far from having suffered as much in this county as in some of the neighbouring ones. I have been conversing with several persons whose crops comparatively speaking have no appearance of the disease, especially where they are grown on lea, or new ground. Our markets, too, are moderate--3 lb. 6 oz. of good bread for 6d.

(2) The Rev. J. G. PORTER left Kilskeery [Co Tyrone] yesterday, for Longford.

(3) RIOT AT CLOGHER.--On Wednesday night last one of those party fights, which so seldom occur, took place in this peaceable village. A number of persons (Protestants, I understand) were returning from Augher fair, and on their way home had to pass through this place, when they were met and attacked by a party of Roman Catholics. A great many of the young men of the town, of both parties, ran to assist their friends who were a beating, till at least 800 persons were on the spot, all engaged in the affray ; the scene now was terrible. There were only two police constables in attendance, sub- constable WOODS and CULLIN, to whom the greatest praise is due for the courage and dexterity which they manifested on the occasion. The rest of the men were on duty at the fair, but they were sent for. On their arrival at Clogher the above- named sub-constables had succeeded in quelling the mob, and that very efficient officer, head-constable DUNCAN, kept up patrol during the remainder of the night, and prevented any further mischief.
--A Correspondent.

18 November 1845
OUTRAGE IN DUNGANNON.--In consequence of private information received by first head constable Graham, stationed at Dungannon, relative to the robbery of arms at Mullaghbawn, on the 28th October last , he, on the night of the 8th inst., proceeded with constable Corr, and a large force of the constabulary, to several townlands in the Benburb district, where he arrested ten persons on suspicion of having been concerned in that outrage, marched them into the Dungannon bridewell the following morning, and on Monday one of them, named David Strain, was identified and fully committed for trial at next assizes, for the offence, by R. D. Coulson and Thomas Eyre, Esqrs. We understand that this is the fourth discovery of the perpetrators of serious outrages by Mr. Graham, since he joined the Dungannon district in 1844. A second man, named Eakin, has been held to bail, for further examination--he volunteered to stand alongside his brother, who was one of those arrested, in order to puzzle the witnesses who were to identify, when he was picked out, in place of the latter, to whom he bears a strong resemblance.-- Tyrone Constitution.

About midnight, on Saturday, the 8th instant, a party of twenty men, attacked the house of a publican, named Terence Rocks, of Killyman, broke in his windows, and forced an entrance into the house which they searched, and assaulting himself, carried away a bayonet belonging to him.--Ibid.

SUNDAY-SCHOOL SOIREE.--On Monday evening the Rev. Wm. Quain, Rector, gave an evening party in the savings bank, to the children who attend the Dungannon Church Sunday-School. Several of his most respectable pa-rishioners were present on the occasion.--Ibid.

On Wednesday, the 5th inst., 25 cwt. of Flax grown by Mr. Neal Doherty, of Strabane, the produce of four barrels of Riga seed, was purchased by a Flax buyer from Armagh, at the extraordinary price of 6l. per cwt. Great credit must be given to the superior manner of cleaning done by Sir Robert Ferguson's mill lately erected near Castlefin. The Belfast Flax Society awarded the premium to James Herdman, Esq., last season, for Flax grown by the same person, and it is expected the purchaser this season will meet a similar reward. --Derry Sentinel.

25 November 1845
(1) DEATH BY A FALL OFF A SCAFFOLD.--A fine young man, a stone-mason, named BRADY, who lived in Dungannon, lost his life on Friday last, by the giving way of the scaffolding at the Roman Chapel, now being erected in the town of Donaghmore, two miles from Dungannon....--A Correspondent.

(2) PROTESTANT MEETING IN BENBURB. On Friday evening, the 21st inst., a meeting of the Protestants of this locality took place in Mr. Whittle's Inn. The chair was taken at six o'clock by Mr. Henry Marshall--above the chair a splendid Orange flag was suspended, and round the walls were the following mottos--" No Repeal," "Enniskillen, Derry, Aughrim, and the Boyne, "Queen and Constitution," " Protestant Ascendancy in Church and State," &c. Amongst those present we noticed Mr. Millar, District Master, Mr. H. Wilson, Mr. Whittle, Mr. J. Shillington, Mr. Wiley, &c.
The Chairman gave the following toasts :--
" The Queen."
" The Glorious and Immortal Memory."
" The health of Mr. Watson, and confusion to the Peel Cabinet."
" Our new installed Master."
" The Orangemen of Ireland--Roden and Verner."
" Earl of Enniskillen, and the Orangemen of Fermanagh."
" The ARMAGH GUARDIAN, and the Conservative Press of Ulster."
" Mr. John Whittle and the sons of Tyrone."
" Our County Master, Joseph Greer, Esq."
" Our Host and Hostess."
" Our next merry meeting."
Mr. John Whittle, Mr. Henry Marshall, Mr. Wiley, Mr. H. Wilson, Mr. Henry Brown, Mr. Whittle, and Mr. Millar severally responded to thetoasts.--Communicated.

2 December 1845
We confess our feelings were not a little shocked to read in the Evening Packet of Thursday last, two letters, one dated Castleblaney, 25th November, and the other Hollypark, same date, giving an account of a barbarous outrage alleged to have been committed in the neighbourhood of Carrickmacross, county Monaghan, on the above-named gentleman and two of his attendants, which terminated in the death of Mr. WILSON, leaving the other two in a dangerous state. Both the letters conveyed the same news, and were evidently the production of the same diabolical mind, written for what purpose we are not able positively to assert, although certain circumstances connected with the gentleman in question lead us to conjecture more than it would be prudent here to mention.
It affords us peculiar pleasure to be able to state that the whole is a perfect falsehood. Mr. WILSON in " proper person," called at our office on Friday last, which gives the lie direct to the inventor of the malicious communication published in the Evening Packet. He never was engaged on the survey of the line of railway at or near Castleblaney, which renders the falsehood more glaring, and the trick so much the more devilish and evil-minded.

To the Editor of the Armagh Guardian. Mail, Armagh, 29th Nov., 1845.
DEAR SIR,--On my return here to-day, I was both surprised and alarmed, when I read in the Newry Telegraph of this date a leading article, commenting on the " murder of a Mr. Wilson;" and, as that gentleman was employed in the capacity of an Assistant Engineer on "the Dublin and Armagh Inland Line," of which I am the Irish Solicitor, I lost no time in instituting inquiries on a subject, which the remarks of the Editor invested so much terror. The result of my inquiries proved that the whole story was a heartless and malicious fabrication, designed, at once, to outrage humanity; to libel a peaceful district of country; and to harrow up the most cherished feelings of domestic life. I do not at all wonder that the highly respectable Editor of the paper alluded to fell into the error of believing the concoction to be based on truth; for the statement was so artfully worded as to mislead any journalist. But I feel it due to the district so wantonly libelled, thus publicly to declare, that in all our preliminary proceedings in that quarter, we not only experienced no obstruction, but met with the kindest co-operation and the most hearty good will. After what I have written, it is needless to say, that the gentleman whose premature fate has been so solemnly recorded in the journals of the day, is in the enjoyment of perfect health, and is determined by every means in his power, to discover the author of this imaginary outrage; an object in which, for the sake of society, I shall feel it my duty to give him my cordial support. I have addressed a similar letter to the Editor of the Newry Telegraph.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,

9 December 1845
(1) ROYAL SCHOOL OF DUNGANNON.--This thriving establishment, under the superintendence of the Rev. J. DARLEY, A.M., continues to maintain its celebrity as a seat of learning, and the success of the pupils reflects great credit on the reverend principal. The following young gentlemen, educated there, have been appointed " Queen¹s Scholars," Trinity College, by the " Commissioners of Education of Ireland"--Richard Dowse, £30 a year for five years; Frederick Dobbin, £30 a year for five years ; Robert Heatley, £30 a year for five years; Hugh McSorley, promoted to £50 a year for two years.

(2) MOY FAIR.--Owing to the severe storm of Thursday evening and Friday morning, this fair, which was held on the 5th inst., was not so well attended with horses of a superior descriptio n, as usual. Middling and ordinary kinds a good supply ; but sales difficult to effect. Milch cows, and those engaged to calve early, remarkably dear ; other descriptions lower than at last fair. Pigs somewhat cheaper.

(3) CONVERSION OF DISEASED POTATOES INTO STARCH.--Mr. THOMAS ANDERSON, of the Canal Stores, Caledon, is purchasing the diseased potatoes in that district, and he informs us that on an average 20 tons per day are brought to him, for which he gives one penny per stone. They are forwarded thence by the Ulster Canal, to Messrs. DIXON, & Co., Belturbet [Co Cavan], to be converted into starch.

(4) MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.--A young man named Dougherty, from Deerpark, was killed on Tuesday last, coming into our fair--he was driving a cart in which were pigs ; the back board was forced off--he was thrown against the shaft, which struck him on the side, and he died in a few minutes after.--Tyrone Constitution.

9 December 1845
Nov. 24, at Fair View, Dungannon, the lady of the Rev. John Vigneles Brabazon, of a daughter.
Suddenly, at Charlemont, on the 3d instant, Mr. Joseph M'Mullan of that town, aged 62 years.

16 December 1845
On the 1st inst., in Aghadoey Meeting-house, by the Rev. Dr. Brown, Mr. James Duncan, eldest son of Mr. William Duncan, Head-Constable of Police, Clogher, county Tyrone, to Miss Ann M'Cloy, eldest daughter of Mr. William M'Cloy, farmer, county Derry.

On the 10th inst., Jane, the beloved wife of the Rev. Samuel Shaw, of Moy, deeply lamented by a large and affectionate circle of friends. Her remains were interred on the 13th in the burial ground of the parish Church of that town. The kindest spirit of sympathy was manifested, in the attendance of the Clergymen of the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Clergy, the Presbyterian, the Wesleyan and Congregational Ministers, with many of their respective flocks. The solemn ceremony of burial was performed by the Rev. J. D. Smyth, of Newry, who, also, on the following Sabbath, improved the event of this afflictive bereavement, to the sympathising congregation over which the sorrow ing Pastor presides.

23 December 1845 CAUTION AGAINST RECEIVING SOLDIERS' APPOINTMENTS.--A soldier named WM. WILKINS, belonging to the 46th foot, deserted from the barracks in this city on the 15th November, but as &q uot; absence makes the heart grow fonder," he returned to his early love, and on the 18th instant, surrendered himself to the military authorities here, thoroughly divested of all " the pomp and circumstances of war," arrayed in a much more pastoral costume than that of the gallant 46th. It appeared that in the interim he was secreted with a family of the name of WRAY, residing in Bugban, parish of Killyman, county of Tyrone, with whom, at his departure, he left his fatigue dress and military appointments. Unfortunately for the WRAYs, the gift became almost as fatal a legacy as the garment bequeathed by the Centaur Nessus to Hercules, " long, long ago;" for on the 19th inst., the father and son, JOHN and HAMILTON WRAY, were arrested by a party of Moy Constabularym and the clothes and equipments being found in their possession, they were brought before the Earl of CHARLEMONT, who fined them £10 each, and treble the value of the articles, and in default of payment, six months' imprisonment in Omagh gaol. Not being prepared to liquidate this unwelcome charge, they have been sent to prison.

BOY BURNED TO DEATH.--On Saturday, the 13th inst., an inquest was held at Broughadoey, near Moy, county Tyrone, before HENRY KING, Esq., Coroner, on the body of ROBERT SETON, a boy of about seven years of age. SETON, who was a friend of, and resided with Mr. T. MOSSMAN, had been out on Thursday herding cattle, and having, during the absence of the family returned to warm himself, incautiously approached too close to the fire, whereby his trousers were ignited, and in a few moments he was enveloped in flames. His violent screams attractedthe [sic] notice of the housekeeper, who immediately ran to his assistance; yet, such had been the rapid and fearful progress of the devouring element, that, notwithstanding every remedy was applied by Dr. CROTHERS of Moy, he expired in a few hours. One of the limbs, and part of the abdomen, were awfully burned. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the preceding facts.

23 December 1845
(1) DEATH OF FANNY McELHILL.--This woman, the wife of the woodranger at Corick, whom we stated in our last to have been fired at by some cowardly assassin, on the Tuesday night before, we regret to say has not survived the wounds she then received. She died on Tuesday night last. No clue to the discovery of the murderer has yet been obtained. An inquest was held on the body, before Joseph Orr, Esq., the coroner, yesterday, which was adjourned until today. Lord C. Hamilton, M.P., A. W. Cole Hamilton, Esq., H. L. Prentice, Esq., James M. Reed, Esq., R. D. Coulson, Esq., and John Rodgers, Esq., magistrates, assisted at the investigation, but nothing has transpired to attach guilt to any party. A man named Anderson is in custody on suspicion, arising from having several altercations with M¹Elhill, b ut there is not the slightest evidence to convict him with the awful murder of the poor defenceless woman.- Tyrone Constitution.

(2) THE POTATO CROP. We are enabled to state, on particular inquiry, that the potato disease in this county is at a stand ; the alarm has consequently ceased. In proof that the panic has subsided, our markets are well supplied, and prices are considerably lower than for a length of time back. On Tuesday last oats sold at 12-1/2d. per stone; the reduction in meal is still more visible, being now at 16s.
16d. per cwt., the highest figure.
We understand that Mr. THOMAS ARMSTRONG has ceased to purchase diseased potatoes at the Canal Stores, Caledon ; but will resume in a couple of weeks. On Monday last, the 15th instant, a meeting was held in Tartarraghan school-house, to receive the report of the persons appointed to inquire into the state of the potato crop in the Clonmacatt district. It appeared that the crop in that district was deficient about one-fourth, and nearly the one-half diseased. Mr. GEORGE MILLSOP, of Tartarraghan, informs us that he has 300 bushels of potatoes, not more than one-third of which is sound.

(3) SHUTTING OF THE GATES OF DERRY. Thursday, the 18th inst., being the anniversary of the shutting of the gates of Derry, three lodges--510, 1139, and 1560 --met at Mr. JOHN WHITTLE's Inn, Benburb, to commemorate that glorious event, and drink a bumper to the memory of the heroes who fell in defence of the " Maiden City." The festivities of the evening commenced by burning in effigy a well-got-up figure of the traitor LUNDY. Mr. JOHN WHITTLE had the honor of applying the match to the traitor, while " The Rogue's March" was played as his funeral hymn, amidst the most deafening cheers. After he had fallen, each man filled a bumper, and drank to the " Memory of the glorious Apprentice Boys of Derry, and that every traitor might meet with the same end as Lundy," the band playing " Croppies lie down," after which the Master of No. 1560 gave the following loyal toasts : " The Queen and the rest of the Royal family" (three times three) ; " The Glorious and Immortal Memory" (nine times nine, and Kentish fire) ; " The Memory of the late Lord Viscount Powerscourt" (drank in solemn silence) ; " The health of our long-tried friends, Roden, Verner, and Greer, whose exertions in the cause of Orangeism has greatly contributed to its success and continuance in this kingdom" (nine times nine, and Kentish fire.) The Chairman next gave " The health of our worthy agent, Walter Hore, Esq., whose uniform kindness and true Protestant principles has rendered him worthy of our warmest acknowledgements" (nine times nine, and one cheer more.)
Mr. TIMOTHY MARSHALL, of Guiness, asked permission to propose the next toast, which he well knew would be warmly received ; it was " The health of the Alexanders, the well-known friends of Protestantism, whose ancestors fought and bled within the walls of Derry, whilst the Hamiltons, under King James, in vain besiged [sic] the city." This toast was drunk with nine times nine, and deafening cheers. When silence was restored The Rev. MR. M'KENNA, of Mullintur, near Dyan, rose and spoke to the toast as follows--Gentlemen, you are aware that the most important services have been rendered to our country by these noblemen ; and not long since, when our religion and liberty were at stake in the British Parliament, a scion of the same noble family courageously battled against the enemies of our religion ; whilst Claude Hamilton and Northland gave their votes in favour of the measure for the propagation of Popery and idolatry in this kingdom. The very name of Northland or Hamilton we should spurn--whilst that of Alexander should be cherished in the bosom of every Protestant in Ireland. After having passed several other encomiums on his landlord, the Right Hon. the Earl of Caledon, and Wm. John Alexander, Esq., of Caledon, the Rev. Gentleman sat down amidst the most rapturous applause. After drinking a few more toasts, the party separated at an early hour.--(Communicated.)

23 December 1845
On the 9th instant, at Annesley Lodge, Coal Island, the lady of Robert Stewart Wilberforce King, Esq., of a daughter.
-On the 11th inst., in the Presbyterian Meeting-house, Cookstown, by the Rev. Thomas Miller, Mr. Robert Henry, of Stewartstown, merchant, to Marianne, fourth daughter of Mr. Joseph Dudgeon, Postmaster, Stewartstown.

-On the 11th instant, by the Rev. A. Symington, D. D., Paisley, the Rev. William S. Ferguson, of Grange, County Tyrone, to Sarah Jane, second daughter of Alexander Ferguson, Esq., of Ardtrea, near Cookstown.
At Dungannon, on the 19th inst., Mr. Thomas McAdam, Druggist and Apothecary, formerly of Loughgall. His remains were interred in St. Mark¹s Church-yard on yesterday.

23 December 1845
(1) LATE AFFRAY IN TYRONE.--CASTLEDERG, DEC.15.--The young man (Robert Verner) whom I stated in my letter of 9th Instant to have been stabbed by his father, is still lingering. There are some hopes entertained that he will yet recover.

(2) THE MAGISTRACY. Samuel McClintock, Esq., of Newtown House, county Louth, and Seskanore Lodge, county Tyrone, has been appointed to the commission of the peace forthe latter county. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has been pleased to approve of Matthew Forde, Esq., of Seaforde-house, and George Matthews, Esq., of Springvale, being appointed Deputy-Lieutenants for the County of Down ; and Thomas Verner, jun., Esq., of Belfast, for the County of Antrim.

(3) A SERIOUS EVIL.--On Monday last the Rev. Isaac Ashe, Incumbent of Coal Island, county of Tyrone, was assaulted by a boatman, quite unknown to him, in a state of intoxication, without any provocation whatever. He had pursued him along the quay, crying out, " Are you a clergyman ? What religion are you of?" He forcibly grabbed the walking staff which the rev. gentleman carried, and endeavored to wrest it from him. Several gentlemen and others assembled, and endeavored to force him into some place of confinement until the police could be sent from Stewartstown, a distance of three miles, but the fellow struggled so hard, and gave so much annoyance that he was suffered to get off. A short time ago a large stone was thrown into one of the sitting rooms of Mr. Robinson, Inspector of the Board of Works, residing in the village. The want of a police station is sadly felt in this place, where so many of the worst description of the lowest class are employed at the collieries, &c., and the peaceable inhabitants are continually subjected to annoyance. Several applications have been made to the authorities in Dublin to have a few policemen stationed in Coal Island, but all in vain. It is much to be deplored that the Government should refuse compliance with the reasonable demand for protection alluded to in the foregoing note. The magistrates of the neighbourhood of Dungannon and Coal Island should ask the Lord Lieutenant, by memorial, for the force required, and if he shall refuse to grant it, the conduct of his Excellency should be brought before the House of Parliament.--E. Packet.

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