Original Rootsweb Co. Tyrone Community Site
Householders Index - Donaghedy Parish
Following information contributed by Doreen Edgar
In the Surname Index - G is for the number of times a surname appears on the Griffith's Valuation in that parish and the T is if the surname is on the Tithe Applotment Book for the parish
Donaghedy Parish - Part 1 (Aiken - Highland)
Donaghedy Parish - Part 2 (Hill - O'Neill)
NAME GV TA NAME GV TA NAME GV TA Hill G McArthur G McKenna G3 Holland G McAteer G McKenny G Holmes G2 McAward G McKinley G Hone G3 McBeth G McKinney G Hopkins G McBride G6 McLane G Huey G2 McCafferty G2 McLea G2 Hughey G9 McCaffrey G2 McLemon G Hunter G4 McCarberry G McLenaghan G Huston G McCarrity G McLenahan G Hutchinson G2 McCawley G3 McLoughlin G21 Hyndman G McCleery G McMaster G Irwin G McClintock G2 McMennamin G11 Jack G5 McCloskey G McNibil G4 Jameson G McClure G2 McMorris G11 Jeffrey G McCluskey G McMullen G Jervis G McClusky G McNally G2 Johnston G3 McColgan G3 McNeill G4 Jones G McCombe G McNeilly G2 Kane G2 McConamy G3 McNulty G2 Kays G4 McConnell G5 McRoden G Keady G McCool G McRory G3 Keane G3 McCormack G4 McShane G7 Kearney G3 McCormick G MacKey G3 Kearns G McCourt G4 Magee G3 Kee G8 McCoy G Mahaffy G2 Keenan G2 McCrea G16 Maghery G Kelly G8 McCrossan G4 Magill G Kennedy G4 McCullagh G10 Maguire G2 Kerlin G McCully G Mahaffy G2 Kerrigan G10 McDaid G2 Mallins G Keys G2 McDermott G Manklam G Kidd G McDonnell G5 Martin G3 Kildea G McDowell G Mathers G6 Kilgore G6 McElroy G Maxwell G3 Killin G McEvor G Merritt G Kincaid G3 McFarlan G Milchan G King G5 McFarland G8 Millagh G Kirk G McFarlane G Millar G Lafferty G2 McGaghy G Miller G3 Lamrack G2 McGahey G3 Millogh G Lata G McGahy G2 Mitchell G2 Leech G3 McGee G3 Molloy G Lemon G McGettigan G5 Monteith G4 Lenahan G McGill G3 Moody G Levingston G McGillen G2 Moore G Lewis G2 McGillion G Moorhead G5 Lindsay G6 McGinley G Morrison G2 Little G McGinly G3 Morrow G Logan G3 McGlinchey G2 Mowbray G Logue G12 McGlinshy G2 Mulcahy G Long G2 McGonigle G5 Muldoon G4 Loughlin G3 McGovern G4 Mullan G3 Loughrey G McGowan G2 Mullane G Loughry G3 McGuinness G3 Mullen G11 Love G12 McIldowny G3 Murphy G3 Lowry G4 McIlrea G2 Neill G Lynch G11 McIntire G2 Neilly G Lyon G McIntosh G2 Nelson G4 Lyons G McIntyre G10 Nixon G11 McAleer G3 McKane G Nutt G McAlla G McKay G4 O'Brien G McAnneny G McKean G3 Ogilby G2 McAnurlin G2 McKeever G5 O'Neill G18 Donaghedy Parish - Part 1 (Aiken - Highland)
Donaghedy Parish - Part 2 (Hill - O'Neill)