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Householders Index - Artrea Parish

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Householders Index - Artrea Parish

Following information contributed by Linda Bailey

In the Surname Index - G is for the number of times a surname appears on the Griffith's Valuation in that parish and the T is if the surname is on the Tithe Applotment Book for the parish


Griffith's Valuation Year 1860 - Tithe Applotment Book Year 1833

(Remainder of Parish in Co. Londonderry). 


Anderson G4 T Hagan G2   Marshall G2 T
Arbuthnot G Hall T Mawhurter G
Art G T Hamilton G3 T Meahan T
Arthur T Hannan G Megaghy T
Atkinson T Harris G2 T Miller G T
Bailie G Hillas G T Milligan G
Barclay G T Hogg G4 T Moffett G2 T
Baxter G3 T Hood G Moorhead G T
Beatty G2 T Howard G Neill G
Bell G Hull T Nesbitt G T
Blair G Irwin G5 T O'Neile T
Boyd T Johnson T Patterson T
Boyle G Johnston G2 T Porter T
Burby T Jones G Purvis G5 T
Burns G T Kennedy G Rolline G T
Campbell G T Kidd G T Rolleston G
Cardell G Kingsbury G T Seton G2 T
Carson G Kirke G Simpson G T
Charleton G Lees G2 T Sloan G2 T
Clendinning G T Leonard G Sloane G T
Cooke G T Lindsay G T Smith G
Corran G Lynd T Snipe G2 T
Cosby T M'Bride T Spears G
Costello G M'Collum G Stewart G
Crawford G3 T M'Connell G2 Stuart G
Crooks G M'Cord G11 T Talbot G
Dallas G T M'Donagh G Thompson G
Devlin G4 T M'Donnell G3 Trimble G T
Donnelly G M'Gahy G3 Wade G
Doogan G M'Ganarty G2 Walker G2
Doyle G M'Kay G2 T Weir G T
Dunne G6 T M'Keown G Wiley T
Early G M'Masters T Wilson G3 T
Falls G M'Murty G Winning T
Ferguson G20 T M'Reynolds G4 T Wray G
Fields G M'Teague G Wright G2
Foster G M'Veagh G Young G
Gibson G T Mackrell G T    
Glasgow G Mackrill G T    
Graham G4 Magee G2    
Greer G2 T Major G    

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