Original Rootsweb Co. Tyrone Community Site
Householders Index - Ardstraw Parish (Part 1)
Following information contributed by Paula Krueger
Ardstraw Parish - Part 1 (Abercorn - Duncar)
Ardstraw Parish - Part 2 (Dundas - M' Breen)
Ardstraw Parish - Part 3 (M' Brian - Moorhead)
Ardstraw Parish - Part 4 (Morris - Young)
In the Surname Index - G is for the number of times a surname appears on the Griffith's Valuation in that parish and the T is if the surname is on the Tithe Applotment Book for the parish
STRABANE & CASTLEDERG UNIONS. COUNTY TYRONE Griffith's Valuation Year 1860 - Tithe Applotment Book Year 1833(Remainder of Parish in Omagh West Barony).
NAME GV TA NAME GV TA NAME GV TA Abercorn G Bregham T Cooke G3 Acheson G5 T Brennan G Corn G Adams G6 T Breslin G Corran G Aiken G3 T Brien G T Corrin G Alexander G10 T Brogan G14 T Covey G Alison G T Brookes G Cowan T Allen G16 T Brown G3 T Coyle G6 Anderson G7 Browne G10 T Craig G4 T Andrigan G2 Bruce G Crawford G20 T Arbuckle G7 T Buchanan G T Creighton G2 Armour T Bunsan T Croven T Armstrong G3 Burke G3 Crowe G3 Arthur G8 T Burns G3 Crumpton G Ashinhurst G2 Burnside T Cullagh G Atkinson G6 Byrne G2 Cummins G2 T Auchinleck G2 T Caldwell G17 T Cunningham G10 T Austin T Callaghan G5 Curran G2 Baird G10 T Calwell T Curry G4 T Ballantine G5 T Cameron T Daly G Barber G11 T Campbell G12 Darragh G Barnes G Canders G2 Davis G11 T Barnhill G3 Carlan G Dawson G Barnwell T Carland G3 T Dean G2 T Barron G Carlon G Denny G Bartley G T Carmichael G Devany G2 Barton G5 T Carolan G13 T Devin G Baskin G5 T Carr G4 Devine G6 T Bates G3 T Carrigan G Devlin G10 T Baxter G Carron T Devanny G Beatty G3 T Carson G8 T Devany G2 Beytagh G3 Cassan G Dick G6 T Bippey T Cassidy G T Dickey G Black G5 Cauders T Divine T Blackburn G Chisholm G2 T Doake G2 T Blair T Clarke G8 T Dogherty G9 T Boggs G T Clements G Dogue G4 Bogle G Clyde G3 Doherty G2 T Bogue G Cochran G3 Dolan G11 T Bolton G2 T Colhoun G6 T Donaldson G Boothe G Coll G2 Donaghy G8 T Boreland T Collins G2 Donnell G11 T Bowen G Commins G2 Donnelly G6 T Boyce T Commons G Doran G Boyd G5 T Conders T Doughy G Boyle G3 T Conly G Douglas G Brady G Connolly G2 Downey G Bradley G15 T Connor G5 T Dudgeon T Bradly G2 T Conolly G Duffy G3 Branagan G Conway G6 T Dunbar G Bredin G6 T Coohill G Duncan G5 T Breen T Coohy G T Duncar G4 ![]()
Ardstraw Parish - Part 1 (Abercorn - Duncar)
Ardstraw Parish - Part 2 (Dundas - M' Breen)
Ardstraw Parish - Part 3 (M' Brian - Moorhead)
Ardstraw Parish - Part 4 (Morris - Young)