Original Rootsweb Co. Tyrone Community Site
St. John's Church of Ireland, Fivemiletown Tombstone Photos
Click Here for St. John's Church of
Ireland Tombstone Transcriptions
Notes –
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photos are not fully alpha, please use Ctrl-F to search for names of
Please check photo
for your own interpretation. Many are very hard to read and some of the
transcripts are “best guess”.
We welcome input and
shared information to improve the quality of this information.
This is not a
complete survey of the Graveyard. It is primarily of the areas closest
to the Church and the oldest stones.

St. John's Church of Ireland, Fifemiletown

St. John's Church of Ireland, Fifemiletown

St. John's Church of Ireland, Fifemiletown

St. John's Church of Ireland, Fifemiletown

Anderson, Catherine & Robert Samuel

Armstrong, Henry Tottenham, Elizabeth, Mildred Elizabeth, Myrtle Annabella Jane, John Andrew

Armstrong, Henry Tottenham, Elizabeth Caldwell

Armstrong, Sarah Jane & Arthur Birney; Noble, Catherine Emeline

Armstrong, Thomas & ??

Beacom, Const. William John Andrew

Beattie, Joseph & Margaret

Betty, Mrs. Mary; Carrothers, Charles & Matthew

Betty Family

Betty Family Closeup #1 - Edward

Betty Family Closeup #2 - Margaret, Anne, Martin

Betty Family Closeup #3 - Margaret & Edward

Betty Family Closeup #4 - Anne, Martin, Margaret, Edward & Richard

Betty, James

Betty, Martin

Betty, Martin - 2nd view

Bloomfield - Hugh Gordon

Bloomfield - Joseph, Sarah, 2 children, John James, Mary Elizabeth, Maureen Elizabeth

- May, Emma

Bloomfield - Emily & James Edmund

Brittin - James, __bara, 5 children

Brown, Thomas Richardson

Buchanan, Thomas

Burney - Arthur, Mary

Burnside - James, Frances, Anne, Martha, Lucy; Fiddes, Eliza

Burnside - Elizabeth, Abraham, James, Ellen; Reid, Anne

Burnside, Anne (nee Henderson)

Burnside, Rev. Wm. Smyth

Burnside, Matthew James & Annamaria (nee Smyth)

Burnside, Thomas Carson & Frances Henrietta Jane Stuart

Burnside, W.A.H.B.

Burnside, Wilhelmena & James

Burnside, Rev. William Smyth

Burnside, William Snow

Caldwel, Margret; Tomson, Robert & Margret


Coulter - John, Sarah, James, Margeret

Cunnigam [Cunningham?], Alexander; Johnstone, Mary Jane

Dixon - Henry Rowland, Vivienne

English, Agnes

Ferris - James, Thomas

Goode, John

Gordon - Alexander (Annett), Deirdre Elizabeth

Gracey, Canon R.

Hall, Alfred

Hall, Jane

Hall - Thomas, Sarah

Hall, Anne

Hamilton - Henry, John, Eliza, Annie Letitia

Hanna - John, James (closeup)

Hanna - John, James, Elizabeth, Charlis

Hyde - John, Robert, 3rd son?

Johnston - John, William Brown, Mary

Johnston, John

Kelso - John, Eliza, William James, Joseph, Rebecca (closeup)

Kelso - John, Eliza, William James, Joseph, Rebecca; McDonald - Sarah, Thomas; Small, William

Kenwell, Robert

Kenwell, Thomas

Kenwell, Jack

Kenwell, Mary Jane


Knox, Mervyn W C N; Knox-Browne, May

Knox, Mervyn W C N; Knox-Browne, May (closeup)

Lee, Isobel

Lendrum - John, Mary Jane, James, Catherine

Linn - Thomas, Elisabeth

Linn, James?

Linn - William, Sarah, Hugh

Little - Martha Ann, Robert

Longfield, John Kennidy; Kennidy, Ann

Macormick, Joseph

Mitchell - William, Jane; Kennedy - Sarah, Robert J (Jeff)

Moffet - William, Mary

Montgomery - Hugh Maude de Fellenberg, Mary, Captain Peter Stephen

Montgomery, Constable Stephen

Montgomery - William James, Robert, Mary Jane, Elizabeth

Morrow, Sgt. Thomas Robert (Roy)

Morrow, Elizabeth

Murphy - Hugh, Ann, Mary

Nevin - Maggie (nee Martin); Morton - Francis John, Sara Rebecca

Priestly, Stephen B.

Rutledge, Mary

Somerville - John, Elizabeth

Spence - George, Eliza, Eliza Glenn, George G.

Taylor, Sammy

Thompson, James

Thompson, James

Thompson, James

Thompson, William

Thompson, William (closeup)

Weir, Edmund W. Burnside - plaque on Burnside stone

Weir, Edmund W. Burnside (closeup)

Wilson - Margaret, John, Ane

WWI Memorial - George Harpur, Thomas Irvine, William Hamilton, Ernest Clingling, James Howe, William Barrett, Thomas Irwin, Ralph Montgomery
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